Lines Matching +refs:rmarkdown +refs:pandoc +refs:from

1 rmarkdown 2.11
6 - It is possible to specify the version of jQuery via a global option now, e.g., `options(rmarkdown
15 rmarkdown 2.10
18 - `md_document()` will now handle correctly `preserve_yaml` value for all variants and all pandoc v…
19 …* with `preserve_yaml = TRUE`, markdown output will keep the YAML metadata block from the Rmd file.
31 rmarkdown 2.9
36 …ponent but not `file` component in their `src` attribute. Previously, **rmarkdown** would throw th…
50 - `rmarkdown::site_generator()` can hang session waiting for input when the `site` field is not fou…
53 rmarkdown 2.8
62 - A new internal option `rmarkdown.knit.ext` has been added to control the extension of the interme…
64 …ary file anymore. This was a leftover from previous versions of **rmarkdown**. Since **knitr** 1.2…
72 …late should make this change to provide support for this runtime. See **rmarkdown** default templa…
78 - Added a new global option `rmarkdown.render.message`. When set `FALSE`, `render()` will not outpu…
86 - The default value of the `fig_crop` option of PDF output formats has been changed from `TRUE` to …
88rmarkdown::tufte_handout` has been deprecated and will be removed in the future from this package.…
91 rmarkdown 2.7
94 …ily create custom themes. For examples, see <>, and …
119 rmarkdown 2.6
126 …eleted if `keep_tex = FALSE` when the R Markdown document is not rendered from the working directo…
138 - `pandoc-citeproc` is now activated if a `bibliography` field is defined in another YAML block ins…
140 - Specify that `htmltools::htmlPreserve()` should use the pandoc raw attribute
141 rather than preservation tokens when pandoc >= v2.0. Note that this option will
144 … with a default to `TRUE`, but it is reverted now after hearing feedbacks from the community (than…
154 …See [Pandoc's manual]( for the meaning of…
159 rmarkdown 2.5
162 - Tables without header rows (wich can be possible in Pandoc's [simple table](…
164 …the addres bar of your web browser, or right-click on it and copy the URL from the context menu. T…
168 - Provide `files_dir` and `intermediates_dir` as attributes on return from `render()` when `run_pan…
170pandoc-citeproc` external filter. `pandoc_convert()` and `pandoc_citeproc_convert()` will now use …
181 rmarkdown 2.4
186 … for a custom format using the `pandoc` argument of `output_format()` and to get filters from a fo…
187 …ed to deal with it in a custom format (i.e., modify the elements in `fmt$pandoc$lua_filters`, such…
188 …stem path of a Lua filter included in a package source within the `inst/rmarkdown/lua` folder (tha…
192rmarkdown** 1.16, Pandoc's fenced `Div`'s are converted to LaTeX environments when the output form…
194 - The two Lua fitlers `pagebreak.lua` and `latex-div.lua` (introduced in **rmarkdown** 1.16) are al…
196 …it`, `opts_hooks`, and `knit_hooks` can now refer to `rmarkdown::metadata`. Previously, `rmarkdown
198 - `rmarkdown::find_external_resources()` now discovers external template files. This in turn fixes …
200 …s Pandoc > 2.0. It will silently have no effect has before with previous pandoc version (thanks @a…
208 …nderlines, small caps, and multi-column layouts) from the latest Pandoc's HTML template into **rma…
211 rmarkdown 2.3
216 …ate numeric footnote identifiers (e.g. across bookdown chapters) via the pandoc `--file-scope` opt…
229 rmarkdown 2.2
246 …= 'default'` should be used instead if citations are to be processed by `pandoc-citeproc` (thanks,…
248 - `output_format()` can now inherit `keep_md` and `clean_supporting` from `base_format` when `NULL`…
258 - `render(run_pandoc = FALSE)` no longer cleans up the Markdown file (typically knitted from Rmd) (…
261 rmarkdown 2.1
264 - Added the returned output from `shiny::runApp()` within `rmarkdown::run()` (thanks, @schloerke, #…
278 … one to (i.e., hard-code `\linethickness` to `0.5pt`) wa…
281 rmarkdown 2.0
284 …s the old (smaller) spacing, please download…
286 …ld in the YAML frontmatter stopped working in the previous version of **rmarkdown**. The code shou…
288 …n only accept arguments `input_file` and `intermediates_dir` now (see `?rmarkdown::output_format`)…
290 … is no longer passed to the `render` element of the site generator (see `?rmarkdown::render_site`).
292from many of the internal functions in the **rmarkdown** package. Now all input files are assumed …
309 rmarkdown 1.18
312 …ilt-in LaTeX template to include the document subtitle (unnecessary with pandoc 2.6 onwards) and r…
318 - `rmarkdown::run(file = NULL, dir = "foo/")` failed to run Rmd files under the `foo/` directory (t…
327 rmarkdown 1.17
332 …ring vignettes with external resources in pkgdown (regression introduced in rmarkdown 1.16, #1668).
341 rmarkdown 1.16
344 - The `pandoc-citeproc` binary can now be found correctly on Windows. This fixes an issue with `pan…
348 …ua filter]( See `vignette("lua-filter…
359 rmarkdown 1.15
362 - Exclude `README.R?md` from files processed by `render_site()`,
369 rmarkdown 1.14
374 - Fixed the bug #1577 introduced in **rmarkdown** v1.12: tabsets, floating TOC, and code folding in…
378rmarkdown:::.shell_chars_regex`), the file will be temporarily renamed with the special characters…
380 - Added a **pkgdown** site for the **rmarkdown** package: (than…
385 rmarkdown 1.13
390 …r_site()`) has been changed from `getOption("encoding")` to `UTF-8`. We have been hoping to suppor…
394 …', output_file = 'bar')` will generate `bar.html`); see the help page `?rmarkdown::render` for det…
405 rmarkdown 1.12
412 … be represented in the system native encoding (especially on Windows), `rmarkdown::render()` may f…
420 * The `<em>` tags in the subtitle, date, and author are removed from the default HTML template (tha…
423 rmarkdown 1.11
428 * Provided `rmarkdown.pandoc.args` as a **knitr** package option in `knitr::opts_knit` (#1468, @noa…
430 * Added the exported function `pandoc_exec()`, which returns the path of the pandoc binary used by …
452 …` to the internal function `rmarkdown:::find_pandoc()`, so that users can invalidate the cached pa…
454 …te for simple R Markdown websites, so that users can create such websites from RStudio: `New Proje…
465 rmarkdown 1.10
493 rmarkdown 1.9
502 …ut is built through `tinytex::latexmk()`, otherwise it is generated by `rmarkdown:::latexmk()`, wh…
512 * Suppress confusing error messages from `knitr::purl()` during `rmarkdown::find_external_resources…
517 rmarkdown 1.8
531 rmarkdown 1.7
550 …md document cannot be rendered if another Rmd document is rendered via `rmarkdown::render()` in th…
564 * rmarkdown is compatible with Pandoc 2.0 now (#1120).
576 * Upgraded highlight.js from v1.1 to v9.12.0 (#988, #907).
578 * The argument `keep_md = TRUE` actually preserves the Markdown output file from `knitr::knit()` no…
583 rmarkdown 1.6
590 * Provide rmarkdown.pandoc.id_prefix as Knit option
601 rmarkdown 1.5
611 rmarkdown 1.4
632 * Remove data-context="(data|server|server-start)" chunks from HTML served to client in shiny_prere…
635 rmarkdown 1.3
644 * Add `citeproc` argument to YAML header; controls whether pandoc-citeproc is used (#831)
647 rmarkdown 1.2
662 * Add rmarkdown.onKnit/onKnitCompleted package hooks
683 rmarkdown 1.1
688 …te did not provide vertical padding between paragraphs with certain versions of pandoc (<= 1.17.2).
716 * Exclude `output_dir` from site files (#803)
721 rmarkdown 1.0
726 …ror` to `pandoc_available()` to signal an error when (if `error = TRUE`) pandoc with the required …
738 …ct" rather than "markdown" for `pandoc_self_contained_html` when pandoc >= 1.17 (pandoc hanging bu…
751 rmarkdown 0.9.6
770 * Ensure pandoc binary exists before binding to pandoc directory (#632)
774 * Eliminate duplicate viewport meta tag from html_document
790 * Fix for rendering non-HTML formats from .md files (resolve runtime before knit)
794 * Use pandoc compatible LaTeX template when pandoc >=
800 * Removed the extra tag `<p></p>` around HTML output (typically generated by htmltools) from code c…
803 rmarkdown 0.9.5
816 * Specify --filter pandoc-citeproc after custom pandoc args
824 * Use pandoc 1.15.2 compatible LaTeX template when pandoc >= 1.15.2
826 * Fix issue with Beamer template and pandoc 1.15.2
848 * Tweak pandoc conversion used in `pandoc_self_contained_html` to prevent hanging with large script…
855 rmarkdown 0.9.2
861 rmarkdown 0.9.1
869 rmarkdown 0.9
872 * Fix for JS exception in slidy_presentation when served from the filesystem (don't call pushState …
878 * For PDF/LaTeX output, citations are processed via natbib or biblatex instead of pandoc-citeproc. …
882 …"cannot change value of locked binding for 'metadata'" when one call of rmarkdown::render() is nes…
891 rmarkdown 0.8.1
894 * Support for table of contents in word_document (requires pandoc >= 1.14)
900 * Fix for slide numbers not showing up in ioslides when served from the filesystem (don't call push…
902 * Remove inlining of bootstrap CSS (was workaround for bug now fixed in pandoc)
907 rmarkdown 0.8
912 …ase pandoc stack size to 512M (often required for base64 encoding e.g. larger embedded leaflet map…
918 * Add tightlist macro for compatibility with pandoc >= 1.14
925 rmarkdown 0.7
930 * Ensure that when LANG=en_US pandoc receives en_US.UTF-8 (prevent hang)
934 * Use pandoc built-in template for Beamer
936 * Use pandoc 1.14 compatible LaTeX template when pandoc >= 1.14
938 * Inline bootstrap.min.css to workaround pandoc 1.14 base64 encoding issue
942 * Fix several issues causing pandoc errors when an intermediates directory is used, including durin…
945 rmarkdown 0.6
960 … the UTF-8 encoding when they are read into R, so character strings in `rmarkdown::metadata` may b…
965 rmarkdown 0.5.1
975 rmarkdown 0.4.2
978 * Sync to the latest LaTeX and Beamer templates from pandoc-templates
980 * Switched from the Bootstrap 2 web framework to Bootstrap 3. This is designed to work with Shiny >…
982 * Add CSS to restore responsive image behavior from Bootstrap 2
990 * Serve index.html as fallback default file for rmarkdown::run
993 rmarkdown 0.3.11