Lines Matching +refs:is +refs:regular +refs:ts

9 The regular expression parser for ECMAScript.
21 ```ts
35 Parse a given regular expression literal then make AST object.
37 This is equivalent to `new RegExpParser(options).parseLiteral(source)`.
43 - The AST of the regular expression.
47 Validate a given regular expression literal.
49 This is equivalent to `new RegExpValidator(options).validateLiteral(source)`.
59 This is equivalent to `new RegExpVisitor(handlers).visit(ast)`.
74 Parse a regular expression literal.
78 - `start?` (`number`) The start index in the source code. Default is `0`.
79 - `end?` (`number`) The end index in the source code. Default is `source.length`.
81 - The AST of the regular expression.
85 Parse a regular expression pattern.
89 - `start?` (`number`) The start index in the source code. Default is `0`.
90 - `end?` (`number`) The end index in the source code. Default is `source.length`.
93 - The AST of the regular expression pattern.
97 Parse a regular expression flags.
101 - `start?` (`number`) The start index in the source code. Default is `0`.
102 - `end?` (`number`) The end index in the source code. Default is `source.length`.
104 - The AST of the regular expression flags.
115 Validate a regular expression literal.
119 - `start?` (`number`) The start index in the source code. Default is `0`.
120 - `end?` (`number`) The end index in the source code. Default is `source.length`.
124 Validate a regular expression pattern.
128 - `start?` (`number`) The start index in the source code. Default is `0`.
129 - `end?` (`number`) The end index in the source code. Default is `source.length`.
134 Validate a regular expression flags.
138 - `start?` (`number`) The start index in the source code. Default is `0`.
139 - `end?` (`number`) The end index in the source code. Default is `source.length`.
150 Validate a regular expression literal.
168 - `npm run build` compiles TypeScript source code to `index.js`, ``, and `index.d.ts`.
172 - `npm run update:ids` updates `src/unicode/ids.ts`.
175 [`AST.Node`]: src/ast.ts#L4
176 [`RegExpParser.Options`]: src/parser.ts#L539
177 [`RegExpValidator.Options`]: src/validator.ts#L127
178 [`RegExpVisitor.Handlers`]: src/visitor.ts#L204