Lines Matching refs:string

25 $string['abouttobeinstalled'] = 'about to be installed';
26 $string['accept'] = 'Accept';
27 $string['action'] = 'Action';
28 $string['actionchoice'] = 'What do you want to do with the file \'{$a}\'?';
29 $string['actions'] = 'Actions';
30 $string['actionsmenu'] = 'Actions menu';
31 $string['active'] = 'Active';
32 $string['activeusers'] = 'Active users';
33 $string['activities'] = 'Activities';
34 $string['activities_help'] = 'Activities, such as forums, quizzes and wikis, enable interactive con…
35 $string['activity'] = 'Activity';
36 $string['activityclipboard'] = 'Moving this activity: {$a}';
37 $string['activityiscurrentlyhidden'] = 'Sorry, this activity is currently hidden';
38 $string['activitymodule'] = 'Activity module';
39 $string['activitymodules'] = 'Activity modules';
40 $string['activityreport'] = 'Activity report';
41 $string['activityreports'] = 'Activity reports';
42 $string['activityselect'] = 'Select this activity to be moved elsewhere';
43 $string['activitysince'] = 'Activity since {$a}';
44 $string['activitytypetitle'] = '{$a->activity} - {$a->type}';
45 $string['activityweighted'] = 'Activity per user';
46 $string['actionsfor'] = 'Actions for {$a}';
47 $string['add'] = 'Add';
48 $string['addactivity'] = 'Add an activity...';
49 $string['addactivitytosection'] = 'Add an activity to section \'{$a}\'';
50 $string['addadmin'] = 'Add admin';
51 $string['addblock'] = 'Add a block';
52 $string['addcomment'] = 'Add a comment...';
53 $string['addcountertousername'] = 'Create user by adding number to username';
54 $string['addcreator'] = 'Add course creator';
55 $string['adddots'] = 'Add...';
56 $string['added'] = 'Added {$a}';
57 $string['addedtogroup'] = 'Added to group "{$a}"';
58 $string['addedtogroupnot'] = 'Not added to group "{$a}"';
59 $string['addedtogroupnotenrolled'] = 'Not added to group "{$a}", because not enrolled in course';
60 $string['addfilehere'] = 'Add file(s) here';
61 $string['addinganew'] = 'Adding a new {$a}';
62 $string['addnew'] = 'Add a new {$a}';
63 $string['addinganewto'] = 'Adding a new {$a->what} to {$a->to}';
64 $string['addingdatatoexisting'] = 'Adding data to existing';
65 $string['additionalnames'] = 'Additional names';
66 $string['addlinkhere'] = 'Add link here';
67 $string['addnewcategory'] = 'Add new category';
68 $string['addnewcourse'] = 'Add a new course';
69 $string['addnewuser'] = 'Add a new user';
70 $string['addnousersrecip'] = 'Add users who haven\'t accessed this {$a} to recipient list';
71 $string['addpagehere'] = 'Add text here';
72 $string['addresource'] = 'Add a resource...';
73 $string['addresourceoractivity'] = 'Add an activity or resource';
74 $string['addresourcetosection'] = 'Add a resource to section \'{$a}\'';
75 $string['address'] = 'Address';
76 $string['addsections'] = 'Add sections';
77 $string['addstudent'] = 'Add student';
78 $string['addsubcategory'] = 'Add a subcategory';
79 $string['addteacher'] = 'Add teacher';
80 $string['admin'] = 'Admin';
81 $string['adminhelpaddnewuser'] = 'To manually create a new user account';
82 $string['adminhelpassignadmins'] = 'Admins can do anything and go anywhere in the site';
83 $string['adminhelpassigncreators'] = 'Course creators can create new courses';
84 $string['adminhelpassignsiteroles'] = 'Apply defined site roles to specific users';
85 $string['adminhelpassignstudents'] = 'Go into a course and add students from the admin menu';
86 $string['adminhelpauthentication'] = 'You can use internal user accounts or external databases';
87 $string['adminhelpbackup'] = 'Configure automated backups and their schedule';
88 $string['adminhelpconfiguration'] = 'Configure how the site looks and works';
89 $string['adminhelpconfigvariables'] = 'Configure variables that affect general operation of the sit…
90 $string['adminhelpcourses'] = 'Define courses and categories and assign people to them, edit pendin…
91 $string['adminhelpeditorsettings'] = 'Define basic settings for HTML editor';
92 $string['adminhelpedituser'] = 'Browse the list of user accounts and edit any of them';
93 $string['adminhelpenvironment'] = 'Check how your server suits current and future installation requ…
94 $string['adminhelpfailurelogs'] = 'Browse logs of failed logins';
95 $string['adminhelplanguage'] = 'For checking and editing the current language pack';
96 $string['adminhelplogs'] = 'Browse logs of all activity on this site';
97 $string['adminhelpmanageblocks'] = 'Manage installed blocks and their settings';
98 $string['adminhelpmanagedatabase'] = 'Access the database directly (be careful!)';
99 $string['adminhelpmanagefilters'] = 'Choose text filters and related settings';
100 $string['adminhelpmanagemodules'] = 'Manage installed modules and their settings';
101 $string['adminhelpmanageroles'] = 'Create and define roles that may be applied to users';
102 $string['adminhelpmymoodle'] = 'Configure the My Moodle blocks for users';
103 $string['adminhelpreports'] = 'Site level reports';
104 $string['adminhelpsitefiles'] = 'For publishing general files or uploading external backups';
105 $string['adminhelpsitesettings'] = 'Define how the front page of the site looks';
106 $string['adminhelpstickyblocks'] = 'Configure Moodle-wide sticky blocks';
107 $string['adminhelpthemes'] = 'Choose how the site looks (colours, fonts etc)';
108 $string['adminhelpuploadusers'] = 'Import new user accounts from a text file';
109 $string['adminhelpusers'] = 'Define your users and set up authentication';
110 $string['adminhelpxmldbeditor'] = 'Interface to edit the XMLDB files. Only for developers.';
111 $string['administration'] = 'Administration';
112 $string['administrationsite'] = 'Site administration';
113 $string['administrator'] = 'Administrator';
114 $string['administratordescription'] = 'Administrators can usually do anything on the site, in all c…
115 $string['administrators'] = 'Administrators';
116 $string['administratorsall'] = 'All administrators';
117 $string['administratorsandteachers'] = 'Administrators and teachers';
118 $string['advanced'] = 'Advanced';
119 $string['advancedfilter'] = 'Advanced search';
120 $string['advancedsettings'] = 'Advanced settings';
121 $string['afterresource'] = 'After resource "{$a}"';
122 $string['aftersection'] = 'After section "{$a}"';
123 $string['again'] = 'again';
124 $string['agelocationverification'] = 'Age and location verification';
125 $string['aimid'] = 'AIM ID';
126 $string['ajaxuse'] = 'AJAX and Javascript';
127 $string['all'] = 'All';
128 $string['allactions'] = 'All actions';
129 $string['allactivities'] = 'All activities';
130 $string['allcategories'] = 'All categories';
131 $string['alldays'] = 'All days';
132 $string['allfiles'] = 'All files';
133 $string['allgroups'] = 'All groups';
134 $string['allchanges'] = 'All changes';
135 $string['alllogs'] = 'All logs';
136 $string['allmods'] = 'All {$a}';
137 $string['allow'] = 'Allow';
138 $string['allowinternal'] = 'Allow internal methods as well';
139 $string['allowstealthmodules'] = 'Allow stealth activities';
140 $string['allowstealthmodules_help'] = 'If enabled, activities can be made available but not shown i…
141 $string['allownone'] = 'Allow none';
142 $string['allownot'] = 'Do not allow';
143 $string['allparticipants'] = 'All participants';
144 $string['allteachers'] = 'All teachers';
145 $string['alphanumerical'] = 'Can only contain alphanumeric characters, hyphen (-) or period (.)';
146 $string['alreadyconfirmed'] = 'Registration has already been confirmed';
147 $string['alternatename'] = 'Alternate name';
148 $string['always'] = 'Always';
149 $string['and'] = '{$a->one} and {$a->two}';
150 $string['answer'] = 'Answer';
151 $string['any'] = 'Any';
152 $string['approve'] = 'Approve';
153 $string['appearance'] = 'Appearance';
154 $string['areyousure'] = 'Are you sure?';
155 $string['areyousuretorestorethis'] = 'Do you want to continue?';
156 $string['areyousuretorestorethisinfo'] = 'Later in this process you will have a choice of adding th…
157 $string['asc'] = 'Ascending';
158 $string['assessment'] = 'Assessment';
159 $string['assignadmins'] = 'Assign admins';
160 $string['assigncreators'] = 'Assign creators';
161 $string['assignedrolecount'] = '{$a->role}: {$a->count}';
162 $string['assignsiteroles'] = 'Assign site-wide roles';
163 $string['authenticateduser'] = 'Authenticated user';
164 $string['authenticateduserdescription'] = 'All logged in users.';
165 $string['authentication'] = 'Authentication';
166 $string['authenticationplugins'] = 'Authentication plugins';
167 $string['autosubscribe'] = 'Forum auto-subscribe';
168 $string['autosubscribeno'] = 'No: don\'t automatically subscribe me to forum discussions';
169 $string['autosubscribeyes'] = 'Yes: when I post, subscribe me to that forum discussion';
170 $string['availability'] = 'Availability';
171 $string['availablecourses'] = 'Available courses';
172 $string['back'] = 'Back';
173 $string['backto'] = 'Back to {$a}';
174 $string['backtocourselisting'] = 'Back to course listing';
175 $string['backtohome'] = 'Back to the site home';
176 $string['backtopageyouwereon'] = 'Back to the page you were on';
177 $string['backup'] = 'Backup';
178 $string['backupactivehelp'] = 'Choose whether or not to do automated backups.';
179 $string['backupadhocpending'] = 'Course backup ad hoc task pending';
180 $string['backupcancelled'] = 'Backup cancelled';
181 $string['backupcoursefileshelp'] = 'If enabled then course files will be included in automated back…
182 $string['backupdate'] = 'Backup date';
183 $string['backupdatenew'] = '  {$a->TAG} is now {$a->weekday}, {$a->mday} {$a->month} {$a->year…
184 $string['backupdateold'] = '{$a->TAG} was {$a->weekday}, {$a->mday} {$a->month} {$a->year}';
185 $string['backupdaterecordtype'] = '<br />{$a->recordtype} - {$a->recordname}<br />';
186 $string['backupdetails'] = 'Backup details';
187 $string['backuperrorinvaliddestination'] = 'The backup destination folder does not exist or is not …
188 $string['backupexecuteathelp'] = 'Choose what time automated backups should run at.';
189 $string['backupfailed'] = 'Some of your courses weren\'t saved!!';
190 $string['backupfilename'] = 'backup';
191 $string['backupfinished'] = 'Backup completed successfully';
192 $string['backupfromthissite'] = 'Backup was made on this site?';
193 $string['backupgradebookhistoryhelp'] = 'If enabled then gradebook history will be included in auto…
194 $string['backupincludemoduleshelp'] = 'Choose whether you want to include course modules, with or w…
195 $string['backupincludemoduleuserdatahelp'] = 'Choose whether you want to include module user data i…
196 $string['backuplogdetailed'] = 'Detailed execution log';
197 $string['backuploglaststatus'] = 'Last execution log';
198 $string['backupmissinguserinfoperms'] = 'Note: This backup contains no user data. Exercise and Work…
199 $string['backupnext'] = 'Next backup';
200 $string['backupnonisowarning'] = 'Warning: this backup is from a non-Unicode version of Moodle (pre…
201 $string['backupnotyetrun'] = 'Automated backup pending';
202 $string['backuporiginalname'] = 'Backup name';
203 $string['backuproleassignments'] = 'Backup role assignments for these roles';
204 $string['backupsavetohelp'] = 'Full path to the directory where you want to save the backup files';
205 $string['backupsitefileshelp'] = 'If enabled then site files used in courses will be included in au…
206 $string['backuptakealook'] = 'Please take a look at your backup logs in:
208 $string['backupuserfileshelp'] = 'Choose whether user files (eg profile images) should be included …
209 $string['backupversion'] = 'Backup version';
210 $string['badges'] = 'Badges';
211 $string['block'] = 'Block';
212 $string['blockconfiga'] = 'Configuring a {$a} block';
213 $string['blockconfigbad'] = 'This block has not been implemented correctly and thus cannot provide …
214 $string['blocks'] = 'Blocks';
215 $string['blocksaddedit'] = 'Add/Edit blocks';
216 $string['blockseditoff'] = 'Blocks editing off';
217 $string['blocksediton'] = 'Blocks editing on';
218 $string['blocksetup'] = 'Setting up block tables';
219 $string['blocksuccess'] = '{$a} tables have been set up correctly';
220 $string['brief'] = 'Brief';
221 $string['bulkactions'] = 'Bulk actions';
222 $string['bulkactionselect'] = '{$a} bulk action selection';
223 $string['bulkmovecoursessuccess'] = 'Successfully moved {$a->courses} courses into {$a->category}';
224 $string['bycourseorder'] = 'By course order';
225 $string['byname'] = 'by {$a}';
226 $string['bypassed'] = 'Bypassed';
227 $string['cachecontrols'] = 'Cache controls';
228 $string['calltofeedback'] = 'The creators of this software would like your feedback.';
229 $string['calltofeedback_give'] = 'Give feedback about this software';
230 $string['calltofeedback_remind'] = 'Remind me later';
231 $string['cancel'] = 'Cancel';
232 $string['cancelled'] = 'Cancelled';
233 $string['categories'] = 'Course categories';
234 $string['categoriesandcourses'] = 'Course categories and courses';
235 $string['category'] = 'Category';
236 $string['categoryadded'] = 'The category \'{$a}\' was added';
237 $string['categorybulkaction'] = 'Bulk actions for selected categories';
238 $string['categorycontents'] = 'Subcategories and courses';
239 $string['categorycurrentcontents'] = 'Contents of {$a}';
240 $string['categorydeleted'] = 'The category \'{$a}\' was deleted';
241 $string['categoryduplicate'] = 'A category named \'{$a}\' already exists!';
242 $string['categoryhidden'] = '(hidden)';
243 $string['categorymodifiedcancel'] = 'Category was modified! Please cancel and try again.';
244 $string['categoryname'] = 'Category name';
245 $string['categorysubcategoryof'] = '{$a->category} - subcategory of {$a->parentcategory}';
246 $string['idnumbercoursecategory'] = 'Category ID number';
247 $string['idnumbercoursecategory_help'] = 'The ID number of a course category is only used when mat…
248 $string['categoryupdated'] = 'The category \'{$a}\' was updated';
249 $string['changesmadereallygoaway'] = 'You have made changes. Are you sure you want to navigate away…
250 $string['city'] = 'City/town';
251 $string['cleaningtempdata'] = 'Cleaning temp data';
252 $string['clear'] = 'Clear';
253 $string['clearsearch'] = 'Clear search input';
254 $string['clickhelpiconformoreinfo'] = '... continues ... Click on the help icon to read the full ar…
255 $string['clickhere'] = 'Click here ...';
256 $string['clicktohideshow'] = 'Click to expand or collapse';
257 $string['clicktochangeinbrackets'] = '{$a} (Click to change)';
258 $string['closewindow'] = 'Close this window';
259 $string['closebuttontitle'] = 'Close';
260 $string['collapse'] = 'Collapse';
261 $string['collapseall'] = 'Collapse all';
262 $string['collapsecategory'] = 'Collapse {$a}';
263 $string['commentincontext'] = 'Find this comment in context';
264 $string['comments'] = 'Comments';
265 $string['commentscount'] = 'Comments ({$a})';
266 $string['commentsnotenabled'] = 'Comments feature is not enabled';
267 $string['commentsrequirelogin'] = 'You need to log in to view the comments.';
268 $string['comparelanguage'] = 'Compare and edit current language';
269 $string['complete'] = 'Complete';
270 $string['completereport'] = 'Complete report';
271 $string['configuration'] = 'Configuration';
272 $string['confirm'] = 'Confirm';
273 $string['confirmdeletesection'] = 'Are you absolutely sure you want to completely delete "{$a}" and…
274 $string['confirmed'] = 'Your registration has been confirmed';
275 $string['confirmednot'] = 'Your registration has not yet been confirmed. Please check your mailbox …
276 $string['confirmcheckfull'] = 'Are you absolutely sure you want to confirm {$a} ?';
277 $string['confirmcoursemove'] = 'Are you sure you want to move this course ({$a->course}) into this …
278 $string['considereddigitalminor'] = 'You are too young to create an account on this site.';
279 $string['content'] = 'Content';
280 $string['contentexport_aboutthiscourse'] = 'Course summary';
281 $string['contentexport_coursesummary'] = 'This file is part of the content downloaded from <a href=…
282 $string['contentexport_footersummary'] = 'This file is part of the content downloaded from <a href=…
283 $string['contentexport_modulesummary'] = 'This page is part of the content downloaded from <a href=…
284 $string['contentexport_viewfilename'] = 'View the file {$a}';
285 $string['contentbank'] = 'Content bank';
286 $string['continue'] = 'Continue';
287 $string['continuetocourse'] = 'Click here to enter your course';
288 $string['convertingwikitomarkdown'] = 'Converting wiki to Markdown';
289 $string['cookiesenabled'] = 'Cookies must be enabled in your browser';
290 $string['cookiesenabled_help'] = 'Two cookies are used on this site:
295 $string['cookiesenabledonlysession'] = 'Cookies must be enabled in your browser';
296 $string['cookiesenabledonlysession_help'] = 'This site uses one session cookie, usually called Mood…
297 $string['cookiesnotenabled'] = 'Unfortunately, cookies are currently not enabled in your browser';
298 $string['copy'] = 'copy';
299 $string['copyasnoun'] = 'copy';
300 $string['copycourse'] = 'Copy course';
301 $string['copyingcoursefiles'] = 'Copying course files';
302 $string['copyingsitefiles'] = 'Copying site files used in course';
303 $string['copyinguserfiles'] = 'Copying user files';
304 $string['copyingzipfile'] = 'Copying zip file';
305 $string['copyrightnotice'] = 'Copyright notice';
306 $string['coresystem'] = 'System';
307 $string['cost'] = 'Cost';
308 $string['costdefault'] = 'Default cost';
309 $string['counteditems'] = '{$a->count} {$a->items}';
310 $string['country'] = 'Country';
311 $string['course'] = 'Course';
312 $string['courseadministration'] = 'Course administration';
313 $string['courseapprovedemail'] = 'Your requested course, {$a->name}, has been approved and you have…
314 $string['courseapprovedemail2'] = 'Your requested course, {$a->name}, has been approved. To access…
315 $string['courseapprovedfailed'] = 'Failed to save the course as approved!';
316 $string['courseapprovedsubject'] = 'Your course has been approved!';
317 $string['courseavailable'] = 'This course is available to students';
318 $string['courseavailablenot'] = 'This course is not available to students';
319 $string['coursebackup'] = 'Course backup';
320 $string['coursebulkaction'] = 'Bulk actions for selected courses';
321 $string['coursecategories'] = 'Course categories';
322 $string['coursecategory'] = 'Course category';
323 $string['coursecategory_help'] = 'This setting determines the category in which the course will app…
324 $string['coursecategorydeleted'] = 'Deleted course category {$a}';
325 $string['coursecatmanagement'] = 'Course and category management';
326 $string['coursecompletion'] = 'Course completion';
327 $string['coursecompletions'] = 'Course completions';
328 $string['coursecreators'] = 'Course creator';
329 $string['coursecreatorsdescription'] = 'Course creators can create new courses.';
330 $string['coursedetails'] = 'Course details';
331 $string['coursedisplay'] = 'Course layout';
332 $string['coursedisplay_help'] = 'This setting determines whether the whole course is displayed on o…
333 $string['coursedisplay_single'] = 'Show all sections on one page';
334 $string['coursedisplay_multi'] = 'Show one section per page';
335 $string['coursedeleted'] = 'Deleted course {$a}';
336 $string['courseextendednamedisplay'] = '{$a->shortname} {$a->fullname}';
337 $string['coursefiles'] = 'Legacy course files';
338 $string['coursefilesedit'] = 'Edit legacy course files';
339 $string['coursefileswarning'] = 'Course files are deprecated';
340 $string['coursefileswarning_help'] = 'Course files are deprecated since Moodle 2.0, please use exte…
341 $string['courseformatdata'] = 'Course format data';
342 $string['courseformats'] = 'Course formats';
343 $string['courseformatoptions'] = 'Formatting options for {$a}';
344 $string['courseformatudpate'] = 'Update format';
345 $string['courseprofiles'] = 'Course profiles';
346 $string['coursepreferences'] = 'Course preferences';
347 $string['coursegrades'] = 'Course grades';
348 $string['coursehelpcategory'] = 'Position the course on the course listing and may make it easier f…
349 $string['coursehelpforce'] = 'Force the course group mode to every activity in the course.';
350 $string['coursehelpformat'] = 'The course main page will be displayed in this format.';
351 $string['coursehelphiddensections'] = 'How the hidden sections in the course are displayed to stude…
352 $string['coursehelpmaximumupload'] = 'Define the largest size of file that can be uploaded in this …
353 $string['coursehelpnewsitemsnumber'] = 'Number of recent announcements appearing in the latest anno…
354 $string['coursehelpnumberweeks'] = 'Number of sections in the course (applies to certain course for…
355 $string['coursehelpshowgrades'] = 'Enable the display of the gradebook. It does not prevent grades …
356 $string['coursehidden'] = 'This course is currently unavailable to students';
357 $string['courseoverviewfiles'] = 'Course image';
358 $string['courseoverviewfilesext'] = 'Course image file extensions';
359 $string['courseoverviewfileslimit'] = 'Course image files limit';
360 $string['courseoverviewfiles_help'] = 'The course image is displayed in the course overview on the …
361 $string['courseinfo'] = 'Course info';
362 $string['coursenotaccessible'] = 'This course does not allow public access';
363 $string['courselegacyfiles'] = 'Legacy course files';
364 $string['courselegacyfiles_help'] = 'The course files area provides some backward compatibility wit…
367 $string['courselegacyfiles_link'] = 'coursefiles2';
368 $string['courselegacyfilesofcourse'] = 'Legacy course files: {$a}';
369 $string['courseoverview'] = 'Course overview';
370 $string['courseoverviewgraph'] = 'Course overview graph';
371 $string['coursereasonforrejecting'] = 'Your reasons for rejecting this request';
372 $string['coursereasonforrejectingemail'] = 'This will be emailed to the requester';
373 $string['coursereject'] = 'Reject a course request';
374 $string['courserejected'] = 'Course has been rejected and the requester has been notified.';
375 $string['courserejectemail'] = 'Sorry, but the course you requested has been rejected. Here is the …
378 $string['courserejectreason'] = 'Outline your reasons for rejecting this course<br />(this will be …
379 $string['courserejectsubject'] = 'Your course has been rejected';
380 $string['coursereport'] = 'Course report';
381 $string['coursereports'] = 'Course reports';
382 $string['courserequest'] = 'Course request';
383 $string['courserequestdetails'] = 'Details of the course you are requesting';
384 $string['courserequestfailed'] = 'For some reason, your course request could not be saved';
385 $string['courserequestintro'] = 'Use this form to request a course to be created for you.<br />Try …
386 $string['courserequestreason'] = 'Reasons for wanting this course';
387 $string['courserequestsuccess'] = 'Your course request has been saved successfully. You will be sen…
388 $string['courserequestsupport'] = 'Supporting information to help the administrator evaluate this r…
389 $string['courserequestwarning'] = 'The user requesting this course will be automatically enrolled a…
390 $string['courserestore'] = 'Course restore';
391 $string['courses'] = 'Courses';
392 $string['coursesectionsummaries'] = 'Course section summaries';
393 $string['coursesectiontitle'] = 'Course: {$a->course}, {$a->sectionname}: {$a->sectiontitle}';
394 $string['coursesettings'] = 'Course default settings';
395 $string['coursesmovedout'] = 'Courses moved out from {$a}';
396 $string['coursespending'] = 'Courses pending approval';
397 $string['coursesearch'] = 'Search courses';
398 $string['coursesearch_help'] = 'You can search for multiple words at once and can refine your searc…
403 $string['coursestart'] = 'Course start';
404 $string['coursesummary'] = 'Course summary';
405 $string['coursesummary_help'] = 'The course summary is displayed in the list of courses. A course s…
406 $string['coursetitle'] = 'Course: {$a->course}';
407 $string['courseupdates'] = 'Course updates';
408 $string['coursevisibility'] = 'Course visibility';
409 $string['coursevisibility_help'] = 'This setting determines whether the course appears in the list …
410 $string['create'] = 'Create';
411 $string['createaccount'] = 'Create my new account';
412 $string['createcategory'] = 'Create category';
413 $string['createfolder'] = 'Create a folder in {$a}';
414 $string['createnew'] = 'Create new';
415 $string['createnewcategory'] = 'Create new category';
416 $string['createnewcourse'] = 'Create new course';
417 $string['createnewsubcategory'] = 'Create new subcategory';
418 $string['createsubcategoryof'] = 'Create subcategory of {$a}';
419 $string['createuserandpass'] = 'Choose your username and password';
420 $string['createuser'] = 'Create user';
421 $string['createziparchive'] = 'Create zip archive';
422 $string['creatingblocks'] = 'Creating blocks';
423 $string['creatingblocksroles'] = 'Creating block level role assignments and overrides';
424 $string['creatingblogsinfo'] = 'Creating blogs info';
425 $string['creatingcategoriesandquestions'] = 'Creating categories and questions';
426 $string['creatingcoursemodules'] = 'Creating course modules';
427 $string['creatingcourseroles'] = 'Creating course level role assignments and overrides';
428 $string['creatingevents'] = 'Creating events';
429 $string['creatinggradebook'] = 'Creating gradebook';
430 $string['creatinggroupings'] = 'Creating groupings';
431 $string['creatinggroupingsgroups'] = 'Adding groups into groupings';
432 $string['creatinggroups'] = 'Creating groups';
433 $string['creatinglogentries'] = 'Creating log entries';
434 $string['creatingmessagesinfo'] = 'Creating messages info';
435 $string['creatingmodroles'] = 'Creating module level role assignments and overrides';
436 $string['creatingnewcourse'] = 'Creating new course';
437 $string['creatingrolesdefinitions'] = 'Creating roles definitions';
438 $string['creatingscales'] = 'Creating scales';
439 $string['creatingsections'] = 'Creating sections';
440 $string['creatingtemporarystructures'] = 'Creating temporary structures';
441 $string['creatinguserroles'] = 'Creating user level role assignments and overrides';
442 $string['creatingusers'] = 'Creating users';
443 $string['creatingxmlfile'] = 'Creating XML file';
444 $string['currency'] = 'Currency';
445 $string['currentcourse'] = 'Current course';
446 $string['currentcourseadding'] = 'Current course, adding data to it';
447 $string['currentcoursedeleting'] = 'Current course, deleting it first';
448 $string['currentlanguage'] = 'Current language';
449 $string['currentlocaltime'] = 'your current local time';
450 $string['currentpicture'] = 'Current picture';
451 $string['currentrelease'] = 'Current release information';
452 $string['currentversion'] = 'Current version';
453 $string['databasechecking'] = 'Upgrading Moodle database from version {$a->oldversion} to {$a->newv…
454 $string['databaseperformance'] = 'Database performance';
455 $string['databasesetup'] = 'Setting up database';
456 $string['databasesuccess'] = 'Database was successfully upgraded';
457 $string['databaseupgradebackups'] = 'Backup version is now {$a}';
458 $string['databaseupgradeblocks'] = 'Blocks version is now {$a}';
459 $string['databaseupgradegroups'] = 'Groups version is now {$a}';
460 $string['databaseupgradelocal'] = 'Local database customisations version is now {$a}';
461 $string['databaseupgrades'] = 'Upgrading database';
462 $string['dataformats'] = 'Data formats';
463 $string['date'] = 'Date';
464 $string['datechanged'] = 'Date changed';
465 $string['datemostrecentfirst'] = 'Date - most recent first';
466 $string['datemostrecentlast'] = 'Date - most recent last';
467 $string['day'] = 'day';
468 $string['days'] = 'days';
469 $string['decodinginternallinks'] = 'Decoding internal links';
470 $string['default'] = 'Default';
471 $string['defaulteditor'] = 'Default editor';
472 $string['defaultcompetencescale'] = 'Default competence scale';
473 $string['defaultcompetencescaledesc'] = 'A binary rating scale that provides no further information…
474 $string['defaultcompetencescalenotproficient'] = 'Not yet competent';
475 $string['defaultcompetencescaleproficient'] = 'Competent';
476 $string['defaultcoursestudent'] = 'Student';
477 $string['defaultcoursestudentdescription'] = 'Students generally have fewer privileges within a cou…
478 $string['defaultcoursestudents'] = 'Students';
479 $string['defaultcoursesummary'] = 'Write a concise and interesting paragraph here that explains wha…
480 $string['defaultcourseteacher'] = 'Teacher';
481 $string['defaultcourseteacherdescription'] = 'Teachers can do anything within a course, including c…
482 $string['defaultcourseteachers'] = 'Teachers';
483 $string['defaulthomepageuser'] = 'Home page';
484 $string['defaulthomepageuser_help'] = 'Your home page is the first link in the navigation.';
485 $string['delete'] = 'Delete';
486 $string['deleteablock'] = 'Delete a block';
487 $string['deleteall'] = 'Delete all';
488 $string['deleteallcannotundo'] = 'Delete all - cannot be undone';
489 $string['deleteallcomments'] = 'Delete all comments';
490 $string['deleteallratings'] = 'Delete all ratings';
491 $string['deletecategory'] = 'Delete category: {$a}';
492 $string['deletecategoryempty'] = 'This category is empty.';
493 $string['deletecategorycheck'] = 'Are you absolutely sure you want to completely delete this catego…
494 $string['deletecategorycheck2'] = 'If you delete this category, you need to choose what to do with …
495 $string['deletecommentbyon'] = 'Delete comment posted by {$a->user} on {$a->time}';
496 $string['deletecompletely'] = 'Delete completely';
497 $string['deletecourse'] = 'Delete a course';
498 $string['deletecoursecheck'] = 'Are you absolutely sure you want to completely delete this course a…
499 $string['deleted'] = 'Deleted';
500 $string['deletedactivity'] = 'Deleted {$a}';
501 $string['deletedcourse'] = '{$a} has been completely deleted';
502 $string['deletednot'] = 'Could not delete {$a} !';
503 $string['deletecheck'] = 'Delete {$a} ?';
504 $string['deletechecktype'] = 'Are you sure that you want to delete this {$a->type}?';
505 $string['deletechecktypename'] = 'Are you sure that you want to delete the {$a->type} "{$a->name}"?…
506 $string['deletecheckfiles'] = 'Are you absolutely sure you want to delete these files?';
507 $string['deletecheckfull'] = 'Are you absolutely sure you want to completely delete the user {$a}, …
508 $string['deletecheckwarning'] = 'You are about to delete these files';
509 $string['deletepicture'] = 'Delete picture';
510 $string['deletesection'] = 'Delete section';
511 $string['deleteselected'] = 'Delete selected';
512 $string['deleteselectedkey'] = 'Delete selected key';
513 $string['deletingcourse'] = 'Deleting {$a}';
514 $string['deletingexistingcoursedata'] = 'Deleting existing course data';
515 $string['deletingolddata'] = 'Deleting old data';
516 $string['department'] = 'Department';
517 $string['desc'] = 'Descending';
518 $string['description'] = 'Description';
519 $string['descriptiona'] = 'Description: {$a}';
520 $string['deselectall'] = 'Deselect all';
521 $string['deselectnos'] = 'Deselect all \'No\'';
522 $string['details'] = 'Details';
523 $string['detailedless'] = 'Less detailed';
524 $string['detailedmore'] = 'More detailed';
525 $string['digitalminor'] = 'Digital minor';
526 $string['digitalminor_desc'] = 'Please ask your parent/guardian to contact:';
527 $string['directory'] = 'Directory';
528 $string['disable'] = 'Disable';
529 $string['disabledcomments'] = 'Comments are disabled';
530 $string['dismissnotification'] = 'Dismiss this notification';
531 $string['displayingfirst'] = 'Only the first {$a->count} {$a->things} are displayed';
532 $string['displayingrecords'] = 'Displaying {$a} records';
533 $string['displayingusers'] = 'Displaying users {$a->start} to {$a->end}';
534 $string['displayonpage'] = 'Display on page';
535 $string['dndcourse'] = 'You can drag and drop this course to alter its sorting or to move it to ano…
536 $string['dndenabled_inbox'] = 'You can drag and drop files here to add them.';
537 $string['dndnotsupported'] = 'Drag and drop upload not supported';
538 $string['dndnotsupported_help'] = 'Your browser does not support drag and drop upload. This feature…
539 $string['dndnotsupported_insentence'] = 'drag and drop not supported';
540 $string['dnduploadwithoutcontent'] = 'This upload does not have any content';
541 $string['dndworkingfiletextlink'] = 'Drag and drop files, text or links onto course sections to upl…
542 $string['dndworkingfilelink'] = 'Drag and drop files or links onto course sections to upload them';
543 $string['dndworkingfiletext'] = 'Drag and drop files or text onto course sections to upload them';
544 $string['dndworkingfile'] = 'Drag and drop files onto course sections to upload them';
545 $string['dndworkingtextlink'] = 'Drag and drop text or links onto course sections to upload them';
546 $string['dndworkingtext'] = 'Drag and drop text onto course sections to upload it';
547 $string['dndworkinglink'] = 'Drag and drop links onto course sections to upload them';
548 $string['documentation'] = 'Moodle documentation';
549 $string['dontsortcategories'] = 'Don\'t sort categories';
550 $string['dontsortcourses'] = 'Don\'t sort courses';
551 $string['down'] = 'Down';
552 $string['download'] = 'Download';
553 $string['downloadall'] = 'Download all';
554 $string['downloadexcel'] = 'Download in Excel format';
555 $string['downloadfile'] = 'Download file';
556 $string['downloadods'] = 'Download in ODS format';
557 $string['downloadtext'] = 'Download in text format';
558 $string['doyouagree'] = 'Have you read these conditions and understood them?';
559 $string['droptoupload'] = 'Drop files here to upload';
560 $string['duplicate'] = 'Duplicate';
561 $string['duplicatedmodule'] = '{$a} (copy)';
562 $string['edhelpaspellpath'] = 'To use spell-checking within the editor, you MUST have <strong>aspel…
563 $string['edhelpbgcolor'] = 'Define the edit area\'s background color.<br />Valid values are, for ex…
564 $string['edhelpcleanword'] = 'This setting enables or disables Word-specific format filtering.';
565 $string['edhelpenablespelling'] = 'Enable or disable spell-checking. When enabled, <strong>aspell</…
566 $string['edhelpfontfamily'] = 'The font-family property is a list of font family names and/or gener…
567 $string['edhelpfontlist'] = 'Define the fonts used on editors dropdown menu.';
568 $string['edhelpfontsize'] = 'The default font-size sets the size of a font. <br />Valid values are …
569 $string['edit'] = 'Edit';
570 $string['edita'] = 'Edit {$a}';
571 $string['editcategorysettings'] = 'Edit category settings';
572 $string['editcategorythis'] = 'Edit this category';
573 $string['editcoursesettings'] = 'Edit course settings';
574 $string['editsettings'] = 'Edit settings';
575 $string['editfiles'] = 'Edit files';
576 $string['editgroupprofile'] = 'Edit group profile';
577 $string['editinga'] = 'Editing {$a}';
578 $string['editingteachershort'] = 'Editor';
579 $string['editlock'] = 'This value cannot be edited!';
580 $string['editmyprofile'] = 'Edit profile';
581 $string['editorbgcolor'] = 'Background-color';
582 $string['editorcleanonpaste'] = 'Clean Word HTML on paste';
583 $string['editorcommonsettings'] = 'Common settings';
584 $string['editordefaultfont'] = 'Default font';
585 $string['editorenablespelling'] = 'Enable spellchecking';
586 $string['editorfontlist'] = 'Fontlist';
587 $string['editorfontsize'] = 'Default font-size';
588 $string['editorpreferences'] = 'Editor preferences';
589 $string['editorresettodefaults'] = 'Reset to default values';
590 $string['editorsettings'] = 'Editor settings';
591 $string['editorshortcutkeys'] = 'Editor shortcut keys';
592 $string['editsection'] = 'Edit section';
593 $string['editsectionname'] = 'Edit section name';
594 $string['editsummary'] = 'Edit summary';
595 $string['edittitle'] = 'Edit title';
596 $string['edittitleinstructions'] = 'Escape to cancel, Enter when finished';
597 $string['editthisactivity'] = 'Edit this activity';
598 $string['editthiscategory'] = 'Edit this category';
599 $string['edituser'] = 'Edit user accounts';
600 $string['edulevelother'] = 'Other';
601 $string['edulevelteacher'] = 'Teaching';
602 $string['edulevelparticipating'] = 'Participating';
603 $string['edulevel'] = 'All events';
604 $string['edulevel_help'] = '* Teaching - actions performed by a teacher, e.g. updating a resource
607 $string['email'] = 'Email address';
608 $string['emailalreadysent'] = 'A password reset email has already been sent. Please check your emai…
609 $string['emailactive'] = 'Email activated';
610 $string['emailagain'] = 'Email (again)';
611 $string['emailconfirm'] = 'Confirm your account';
612 $string['emailconfirmation'] = 'Hi,
628 $string['emailconfirmationresend'] = 'Resend confirmation email';
629 $string['emailconfirmationsubject'] = '{$a}: account confirmation';
630 $string['emailconfirmsent'] = '<p>An email should have been sent to your address at <b>{$a}</b></p>
633 $string['emailconfirmsentfailure'] = 'Confirmation email failed to send';
634 $string['emailconfirmsentsuccess'] = 'Confirmation email sent successfully';
635 $string['emaildigest'] = 'Email digest type';
636 $string['emaildigest_help'] = 'This is the daily digest setting that forums will use by default.
643 $string['emaildigestcomplete'] = 'Complete (daily email with full posts)';
644 $string['emaildigestoff'] = 'No digest (single email per forum post)';
645 $string['emaildigestsubjects'] = 'Subjects (daily email with subjects only)';
646 $string['emaildisable'] = 'This email address is disabled';
647 $string['emaildisableclick'] = 'Click here to disable all email from being sent to this address';
648 $string['emaildisplay'] = 'Email display';
649 $string['emaildisplay_help'] = 'Privileged users (such as teachers and managers) will always be abl…
650 $string['emaildisplaycourse'] = 'Allow only other course participants to see my email address';
651 $string['emaildisplayno'] = 'Hide my email address from non-privileged users';
652 $string['emaildisplayyes'] = 'Allow everyone to see my email address';
653 $string['emailenable'] = 'This email address is enabled';
654 $string['emailenableclick'] = 'Click here to re-enable all email being sent to this address';
655 $string['emailexists'] = 'This email address is already registered.';
656 $string['emailexistssignuphint'] = 'Perhaps you created an account in the past? {$a}';
657 $string['emailexistshintlink'] = 'Recover forgotten username or password';
658 $string['emailformat'] = 'Email format';
659 $string['emailcharset'] = 'Email charset';
660 $string['emailmustbereal'] = 'Note: your email address must be a real one';
661 $string['emailnotallowed'] = 'Email addresses in these domains are not allowed ({$a})';
662 $string['emailnotfound'] = 'The email address was not found in the database';
663 $string['emailonlyallowed'] = 'This email is not one of those that are allowed ({$a})';
664 $string['emailpasswordconfirmation'] = 'Hi {$a->firstname},
681 $string['emailpasswordconfirmationsubject'] = '{$a}: Change password confirmation';
682 $string['emailpasswordconfirmmaybesent'] = '<p>If you supplied a correct username or unique email a…
685 $string['emailpasswordconfirmnoemail'] = '<p>The user account you specified does not have a recorde…
687 $string['emailpasswordconfirmnotsent'] = '<p>The user detail you supplied does not identify an exis…
690 $string['emailpasswordconfirmsent'] = 'An email should have been sent to your address at <b>{$a}</b…
693 $string['emailpasswordchangeinfo'] = 'Hi {$a->firstname},
709 $string['emailpasswordchangeinfodisabled'] = 'Hi {$a->firstname},
714 $string['emailpasswordchangeinfofail'] = 'Hi {$a->firstname},
719 $string['emailpasswordchangeinfosubject'] = '{$a}: Change password information';
720 $string['emailpasswordsent'] = 'Thank you for confirming the change of password.
724 $string['emailresetconfirmation'] = 'Hi {$a->firstname},
738 $string['emailresetconfirmationsubject'] = '{$a}: Password reset request';
739 $string['emailresetconfirmsent'] = 'An email has been sent to your address at <b>{$a}</b>.
742 $string['emailstop'] = 'Disable notifications';
743 $string['emailtoprivatefiles'] = 'You can also e-mail files as attachments straight to your private…
744 $string['emailtoprivatefilesdenied'] = 'Your administrator has disabled the option to upload your o…
745 $string['emailvia'] = '{$a->name} (via {$a->siteshortname})';
746 $string['emojicategoryactivities'] = 'Activities';
747 $string['emojicategoryanimalsnature'] = 'Animals & nature';
748 $string['emojicategoryflags'] = 'Flags';
749 $string['emojicategoryfooddrink'] = 'Food & drink';
750 $string['emojicategoryobjects'] = 'Objects';
751 $string['emojicategoryrecent'] = 'Recent';
752 $string['emojicategorysmileyspeople'] = 'Smileys & people';
753 $string['emojicategorysymbols'] = 'Symbols';
754 $string['emojicategorytravelplaces'] = 'Travel & places';
755 $string['emptydragdropregion'] = 'empty region';
756 $string['enable'] = 'Enable';
757 $string['encryptedcode'] = 'Encrypted code';
758 $string['enddate'] = 'Course end date';
759 $string['enddate_help'] = 'The course end date is used for determining whether a course should be i…
760 $string['english'] = 'English';
761 $string['enrolmentmethods'] = 'Enrolment methods';
762 $string['entercourse'] = 'Click to enter this course';
763 $string['enteremail'] = 'Enter your email address';
764 $string['enteremailaddress'] = 'Enter in your email address to reset your
766 $string['enterusername'] = 'Enter your username';
767 $string['entries'] = 'Entries';
768 $string['error'] = 'Error';
769 $string['errorcreatingactivity'] = 'Unable to create an instance of activity \'{$a}\'';
770 $string['errorfiletoobig'] = 'The file was bigger than the limit of {$a} bytes';
771 $string['errornouploadrepo'] = 'There is no upload repository enabled for this site';
772 $string['errorwhenconfirming'] = 'You are not confirmed yet because an error occurred. If you clic…
773 $string['eventcommentcreated'] = 'Comment created';
774 $string['eventcommentdeleted'] = 'Comment deleted';
775 $string['eventcommentsviewed'] = 'Comments viewed';
776 $string['eventconfiglogcreated'] = 'Config log created';
777 $string['eventcoursebackupcreated'] = 'Course backup created';
778 $string['eventcoursecategorycreated'] = 'Category created';
779 $string['eventcoursecategorydeleted'] = 'Category deleted';
780 $string['eventcoursecategoryupdated'] = 'Category updated';
781 $string['eventcoursecategoryviewed'] = 'Category viewed';
782 $string['eventcoursecontentdeleted'] = 'Course content deleted';
783 $string['eventcoursecreated'] = 'Course created';
784 $string['eventcoursedeleted'] = 'Course deleted';
785 $string['eventcourseinformationviewed'] = 'Course summary viewed';
786 $string['eventcoursemodulecreated'] = 'Course module created';
787 $string['eventcoursemoduledeleted'] = 'Course module deleted';
788 $string['eventcoursemoduleupdated'] = 'Course module updated';
789 $string['eventcoursemoduleviewed'] = 'Course module viewed';
790 $string['eventcoursessearched'] = 'Courses searched';
791 $string['eventcourseresetended'] = 'Course reset ended';
792 $string['eventcourseresetstarted'] = 'Course reset started';
793 $string['eventcourserestored'] = 'Course restored';
794 $string['eventcourseupdated'] = 'Course updated';
795 $string['eventcoursesectioncreated'] = 'Course section created';
796 $string['eventcoursesectiondeleted'] = 'Course section deleted';
797 $string['eventcoursesectionupdated'] = 'Course section updated';
798 $string['eventcoursemoduleinstancelistviewed'] = 'Course module instance list viewed';
799 $string['eventcourseuserreportviewed'] = 'Course user report viewed';
800 $string['eventcourseviewed'] = 'Course viewed';
801 $string['eventdashboardreset'] = 'Dashboard reset';
802 $string['eventdashboardsreset'] = 'Dashboards reset';
803 $string['eventdashboardviewed'] = 'Dashboard viewed';
804 $string['eventdatabasetextfieldcontentreplaced'] = 'Database global search and replace';
805 $string['eventemailfailed'] = 'Email failed to send';
806 $string['eventname'] = 'Event name';
807 $string['eventrecentactivityviewed'] = 'Recent activity viewed';
808 $string['eventsearchindexed'] = 'Search data indexed';
809 $string['eventsearchresultsviewed'] = 'Search results viewed';
810 $string['eventunknownlogged'] = 'Unknown event';
811 $string['eventusercreated'] = 'User created';
812 $string['eventuserdeleted'] = 'User deleted';
813 $string['eventuserfeedbackgiven'] = 'Feedback link clicked';
814 $string['eventuserfeedbackremind'] = 'Remind me later feedback link clicked';
815 $string['eventuserlistviewed'] = 'User list viewed';
816 $string['eventuserloggedout'] = 'User logged out';
817 $string['eventuserpasswordpolicyfailed'] = 'User password failed password policy';
818 $string['eventuserpasswordupdated'] = 'User password updated';
819 $string['eventuserprofileviewed'] = 'User profile viewed';
820 $string['eventuserupdated'] = 'User updated';
821 $string['eventuserinfofieldcreated'] = 'User profile field created';
822 $string['eventuserinfofieldupdated'] = 'User profile field updated';
823 $string['eventuserinfofielddeleted'] = 'User profile field deleted';
824 $string['eventuserinfocategorycreated'] = 'User profile field category created';
825 $string['eventuserinfocategoryupdated'] = 'User profile field category updated';
826 $string['eventuserinfocategorydeleted'] = 'User profile field category deleted';
827 $string['everybody'] = 'Everybody';
828 $string['executeat'] = 'Execute at';
829 $string['existing'] = 'Existing';
830 $string['existingadmins'] = 'Existing admins';
831 $string['existingcourse'] = 'Existing course';
832 $string['existingcourseadding'] = 'Existing course, adding data to it';
833 $string['existingcoursedeleting'] = 'Existing course, deleting it first';
834 $string['existingcreators'] = 'Existing course creators';
835 $string['existingstudents'] = 'Enrolled students';
836 $string['existingteachers'] = 'Existing teachers';
837 $string['extendsession'] = 'Extend session';
838 $string['expand'] = 'Expand';
839 $string['expandall'] = 'Expand all';
840 $string['expandcategory'] = 'Expand {$a}';
841 $string['explanation'] = 'Explanation';
842 $string['explanationdigitalminor'] = 'This information is required to determine if your age is over…
843 $string['extendperiod'] = 'Extended period';
844 $string['favourites'] = 'Starred';
845 $string['failedloginattempts'] = '{$a->attempts} failed logins since your last login';
846 $string['feedback'] = 'Feedback';
847 $string['file'] = 'File';
848 $string['fileexists'] = 'There is already a file called {$a}';
849 $string['filemissing'] = '{$a} is missing';
850 $string['filereaderror'] = 'Unable to read the file \'{$a}\'. Please check that it really is a file…
851 $string['files'] = 'Files';
852 $string['filesanduploads'] = 'Files and uploads';
853 $string['filesfolders'] = 'Files/folders';
854 $string['fileuploadwithcontent'] = 'File uploads should not include the content parameter';
855 $string['filloutallfields'] = 'Please fill out all fields in this form';
856 $string['filter'] = 'Filter';
857 $string['findmorecourses'] = 'Find more courses...';
858 $string['first'] = 'First';
859 $string['firstaccess'] = 'First access';
860 $string['firstname'] = 'First name';
861 $string['firstnamephonetic'] = 'First name - phonetic';
862 $string['firstpage'] = 'First page';
863 $string['firstsiteaccess'] = 'First access to site';
864 $string['firsttime'] = 'Is this your first time here?';
865 $string['folder'] = 'Folder';
866 $string['folderclosed'] = 'Closed folder';
867 $string['folderopened'] = 'Opened folder';
868 $string['followingoptional'] = 'The following items are optional';
869 $string['followingrequired'] = 'The following items are required';
870 $string['for'] = 'For';
871 $string['force'] = 'Force';
872 $string['forcelanguage'] = 'Force language';
873 $string['forceno'] = 'Do not force';
874 $string['forcepasswordchange'] = 'Force password change';
875 $string['forcepasswordchange_help'] = 'If this checkbox is ticked, the user will be prompted to cha…
876 $string['forcepasswordchangecheckfull'] = 'Are you absolutely sure you want to force a password cha…
877 $string['forcepasswordchangenot'] = 'Could not force a password change to {$a}';
878 $string['forcepasswordchangenotice'] = 'You must change your password to proceed.';
879 $string['forcepasswordresetfailurenotice'] = 'Your current password no longer passes the set passwo…
881 $string['forcepasswordresetnotice'] = 'Your current password no longer passes the set password poli…
883 $string['forcetheme'] = 'Force theme';
884 $string['forgotaccount'] = 'Lost password?';
885 $string['forgotten'] = 'Forgotten your username or password?';
886 $string['forgottenduplicate'] = 'The email address is shared by several accounts, please enter user…
887 $string['forgotteninvalidurl'] = 'Invalid password reset URL';
888 $string['format'] = 'Format';
889 $string['format_help'] = 'The course format determines the layout of the course page.
895 $string['formathtml'] = 'HTML format';
896 $string['formatmarkdown'] = 'Markdown format';
897 $string['formatplain'] = 'Plain text format';
898 $string['formattext'] = 'Moodle auto-format';
899 $string['forumpreferences'] = 'Forum preferences';
900 $string['framesetinfo'] = 'This frameset document contains:';
901 $string['from'] = 'From';
902 $string['frontpagecategorycombo'] = 'Combo list';
903 $string['frontpagecategorynames'] = 'List of categories';
904 $string['frontpagecourselist'] = 'List of courses';
905 $string['frontpagecoursesearch'] = 'Course search box';
906 $string['frontpageenrolledcourselist'] = 'Enrolled courses';
907 $string['frontpagedescription'] = 'Front page summary';
908 $string['frontpagedescriptionhelp'] = 'This summary can be displayed on the front page using the co…
909 $string['frontpageformat'] = 'Front page format';
910 $string['frontpageformatloggedin'] = 'Front page format when logged in';
911 $string['frontpagenews'] = 'Announcements';
912 $string['frontpagesettings'] = 'Front page settings';
913 $string['fulllistofcourses'] = 'All courses';
914 $string['fullname'] = 'Full name'; /* @deprecated - Use fullnamecourse or fullnameuser or some own …
915 $string['fullnamecourse'] = 'Course full name';
916 $string['fullnamecourse_help'] = 'The full name of the course is displayed at the top of each page …
917 $string['fullnamedisplay'] = '{$a->firstname} {$a->lastname}';
918 $string['fullnameuser'] = 'User full name';
919 $string['fullprofile'] = 'Full profile';
920 $string['fullsitename'] = 'Full site name';
921 $string['functiondisabled'] = 'That functionality is currently disabled';
922 $string['general'] = 'General';
923 $string['geolocation'] = 'latitude - longitude';
924 $string['gettheselogs'] = 'Get these logs';
925 $string['go'] = 'Go';
926 $string['gpl'] = 'Copyright (C) 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas (
941 $string['grade'] = 'Grade';
942 $string['grades'] = 'Grades';
943 $string['gravatarenabled'] = '<a href="">Gravatar</a> has been enabled for…
944 $string['group'] = 'Group';
945 $string['groupadd'] = 'Add new group';
946 $string['groupaddusers'] = 'Add selected to group';
947 $string['groupfor'] = 'for group';
948 $string['groupinfo'] = 'Info about selected group';
949 $string['groupinfoedit'] = 'Edit group settings';
950 $string['groupinfomembers'] = 'Info about selected members';
951 $string['groupinfopeople'] = 'Info about selected people';
952 $string['groupmembers'] = 'Group members';
953 $string['groupmemberssee'] = 'See group members';
954 $string['groupmembersselected'] = 'Members of selected group';
955 $string['groupmode'] = 'Group mode';
956 $string['groupmodeforce'] = 'Force group mode';
957 $string['groupmy'] = 'My group';
958 $string['groupnonmembers'] = 'People not in a group';
959 $string['groupnotamember'] = 'Sorry, you are not a member of that group';
960 $string['grouprandomassign'] = 'Randomly assign all to groups';
961 $string['groupremove'] = 'Remove selected group';
962 $string['groupremovemembers'] = 'Remove selected members';
963 $string['groups'] = 'Groups';
964 $string['groupsnone'] = 'No groups';
965 $string['groupsseparate'] = 'Separate groups';
966 $string['groupsvisible'] = 'Visible groups';
967 $string['guest'] = 'Guest';
968 $string['guestdescription'] = 'Guests have minimal privileges and usually can not enter text anywhe…
969 $string['guestskey'] = 'Allow guests who have the key';
970 $string['guestsno'] = 'Do not allow guests in';
971 $string['guestsnotallowed'] = 'Sorry, \'{$a}\' does not allow guests to enter.';
972 $string['guestsyes'] = 'Allow guests without the key';
973 $string['guestuser'] = 'Guest user';
974 $string['guestuserinfo'] = 'This user is a special user that allows read-only access to some course…
975 $string['help'] = 'Help';
976 $string['helpprefix2'] = 'Help with {$a}';
977 $string['helpwiththis'] = 'Help with this';
978 $string['hiddenassign'] = 'Hidden assignment';
979 $string['hiddenfromstudents'] = 'Hidden from students';
980 $string['hiddenoncoursepage'] = 'Available but not shown on course page';
981 $string['hiddensections'] = 'Hidden sections';
982 $string['hiddensections_help'] = 'This setting determines whether hidden sections are displayed to …
983 $string['hiddensectionscollapsed'] = 'Hidden sections are shown in collapsed form';
984 $string['hiddensectionsinvisible'] = 'Hidden sections are completely invisible';
985 $string['hiddenwithbrackets'] = '(hidden)';
986 $string['hide'] = 'Hide';
987 $string['hideadvancedsettings'] = 'Hide advanced settings';
988 $string['hidechartdata'] = 'Hide chart data';
989 $string['hidefromstudents'] = 'Hide from students';
990 $string['hideoncoursepage'] = 'Make available but not shown on course page';
991 $string['hidepicture'] = 'Hide picture';
992 $string['hidesection'] = 'Hide section {$a}';
993 $string['hidesettings'] = 'Hide settings';
994 $string['hideshowblocks'] = 'Hide or show blocks';
995 $string['hidepopoverwindow'] = 'Hide popover window';
996 $string['highlight'] = 'Highlight';
997 $string['highlightoff'] = 'Remove highlight';
998 $string['hits'] = 'Hits';
999 $string['hitsoncourse'] = 'Hits on {$a->coursename} by {$a->username}';
1000 $string['hitsoncoursetoday'] = 'Today\'s hits on {$a->coursename} by {$a->username}';
1001 $string['home'] = 'Home';
1002 $string['hour'] = 'hour';
1003 $string['hours'] = 'hours';
1004 $string['howtomakethemes'] = 'How to make new themes';
1005 $string['htmleditor'] = 'Use HTML editor';
1006 $string['htmleditoravailable'] = 'The HTML editor is available';
1007 $string['htmleditordisabled'] = 'You have disabled the HTML editor in your user profile';
1008 $string['htmleditordisabledadmin'] = 'The administrator has disabled the HTML editor on this site';
1009 $string['htmleditordisabledbrowser'] = 'The HTML editor is unavailable because your web browser is …
1010 $string['htmlfilesonly'] = 'HTML files only';
1011 $string['htmlformat'] = 'Pretty HTML format';
1012 $string['changedpassword'] = 'Changed password';
1013 $string['changepassword'] = 'Change password';
1014 $string['changessaved'] = 'Changes saved';
1015 $string['check'] = 'Check';
1016 $string['checks'] = 'Checks';
1017 $string['checksok'] = 'All \'{$a}\' checks OK';
1018 $string['checkall'] = 'Check all';
1019 $string['checkingbackup'] = 'Checking backup';
1020 $string['checkingcourse'] = 'Checking course';
1021 $string['checkingforbbexport'] = 'Checking for BlackBoard export';
1022 $string['checkinginstances'] = 'Checking instances';
1023 $string['checkingsections'] = 'Checking sections';
1024 $string['checklanguage'] = 'Check language';
1025 $string['checknone'] = 'Check none';
1026 $string['childcoursenotfound'] = 'Child course not found!';
1027 $string['childcourses'] = 'Child courses';
1028 $string['choose'] = 'Choose';
1029 $string['choosecourse'] = 'Choose a course';
1030 $string['choosedots'] = 'Choose...';
1031 $string['chooselivelogs'] = 'Or watch current activity';
1032 $string['chooselogs'] = 'Choose which logs you want to see';
1033 $string['choosereportfilter'] = 'Choose a filter for the report';
1034 $string['choosetheme'] = 'Choose theme';
1035 $string['chooseuser'] = 'Choose a user';
1036 $string['courseduration'] = 'Course duration';
1037 $string['courseduration_desc'] = 'The course duration is used to calculate the default course end d…
1038 $string['courseenddateenabled'] = 'Course end date enabled by default';
1039 $string['courseenddateenabled_desc'] = 'This setting determines if the course end date will be enab…
1040 $string['eventcontentviewed'] = 'Content viewed';
1041 $string['filter'] = 'Filter';
1042 $string['filteroption'] = '{$a->criteria}: {$a->value}';
1043 $string['filters'] = 'Filters';
1044 $string['icqnumber'] = 'ICQ number';
1045 $string['icon'] = 'Icon';
1046 $string['idnumber'] = 'ID number';
1047 $string['idnumbercourse'] = 'Course ID number';
1048 $string['idnumbercourse_help'] = 'The ID number of a course is only used when matching the course a…
1049 $string['idnumbergroup'] = 'Group ID number';
1050 $string['idnumbergroup_help'] = 'The ID number of a group is only used when matching the group agai…
1051 $string['idnumbergrouping'] = 'Grouping ID number';
1052 $string['idnumbergrouping_help'] = 'The ID number of a grouping is only used when matching the grou…
1053 $string['idnumbermod'] = 'ID number';
1054 $string['idnumbermod_help'] = 'Setting an ID number provides a way of identifying the activity or r…
1057 $string['idnumbertaken'] = 'This ID number is already taken';
1058 $string['imagealt'] = 'Picture description';
1059 $string['import'] = 'Import';
1060 $string['importdata'] = 'Import course data';
1061 $string['importdataexported'] = 'Exported data from \'from\' course successfully.<br /> Continue to…
1062 $string['importdatafinished'] = 'Import complete! Continue to your course';
1063 $string['importdatafrom'] = 'Find a course to import data from:';
1064 $string['inactive'] = 'Inactive';
1065 $string['include'] = 'Include';
1066 $string['includeallusers'] = 'Include all users';
1067 $string['includecoursefiles'] = 'Include course files';
1068 $string['includecourseusers'] = 'Include course users';
1069 $string['included'] = 'Included';
1070 $string['includelogentries'] = 'Include log entries';
1071 $string['includemodules'] = 'Include modules';
1072 $string['includemoduleuserdata'] = 'Include module user data';
1073 $string['includeneededusers'] = 'Include needed users';
1074 $string['includenoneusers'] = 'Include no users';
1075 $string['includeroleassignments'] = 'Include role assignments';
1076 $string['includesitefiles'] = 'Include site files used in this course';
1077 $string['includeuserfiles'] = 'Include user files';
1078 $string['increasesections'] = 'Increase the number of sections';
1079 $string['indicator:accessesafterend'] = 'Course accessed after end date';
1080 $string['indicator:accessesafterend_help'] = 'This indicator reflects if the student accessed the c…
1081 $string['indicator:accessesbeforestart'] = 'Course accessed before start date';
1082 $string['indicator:accessesbeforestart_help'] = 'This indicator reflects if the student accessed th…
1083 $string['indicator:activitiesdue'] = 'Activities due';
1084 $string['indicator:activitiesdue_help'] = 'The user has activities due.';
1085 $string['indicator:anycourseaccess'] = 'Any course access';
1086 $string['indicator:anycourseaccess_help'] = 'This indicator reflects access to any course that the …
1087 $string['indicator:anywrite'] = 'Any write action';
1088 $string['indicator:anywrite_help'] = 'This indicator represents any write (submit) action taken by …
1089 $string['indicator:anywriteincourse'] = 'Any write action in the course';
1090 $string['indicator:anywriteincourse_help'] = 'This indicator represents any write (submit) action t…
1091 $string['indicator:completeduserprofile'] = 'User profile is completed';
1092 $string['indicator:completeduserprofile_help'] = 'This indicator represents that the student has co…
1093 $string['indicator:completeduserprofiledef'] = 'User profile is completed';
1094 $string['indicator:completeduserprofiledef_help'] = 'The site policies have been agreed to and the …
1095 $string['indicator:completionenabled'] = 'Completion tracking enabled';
1096 $string['indicator:completionenabled_help'] = 'This indicator represents that completion tracking h…
1097 $string['indicator:nostudent'] = 'Student enrolments';
1098 $string['indicator:nostudent_help'] = 'This indicator reflects the availability of students in the …
1099 $string['indicator:noteacher'] = 'Teacher availability';
1100 $string['indicator:noteacher_help'] = 'This indicator reflects the availability of teachers in the …
1101 $string['indicator:potentialcognitive'] = 'Course potential cognitive depth';
1102 $string['indicator:potentialcognitive_help'] = 'This indicator is based on the potential cognitive …
1103 $string['indicator:potentialcognitivedef'] = 'Course potential cognitive depth';
1104 $string['indicator:potentialcognitivedef_help'] = 'The degree to which the course offers "deep" cog…
1105 $string['indicator:potentialcognitivedef_link'] = 'Learning_analytics_indicators#Cognitive_depth';
1106 $string['indicator:potentialsocial'] = 'Course potential social breadth';
1107 $string['indicator:potentialsocial_help'] = 'This indicator is based on the potential social breadt…
1108 $string['indicator:potentialsocialdef'] = 'Course potential social breadth';
1109 $string['indicator:potentialsocialdef_help'] = 'The degree to which the course offers "broad" socia…
1110 $string['indicator:potentialsocialdef_link'] = 'Learning_analytics_indicators#Social_breadth';
1111 $string['indicator:readactions'] = 'Read actions amount';
1112 $string['indicator:readactions_help'] = 'This indicator represents the number of read (view) action…
1113 $string['indicator:userforumstracking'] = 'User is tracking forums';
1114 $string['indicator:userforumstracking_help'] = 'This indicator represents whether or not the studen…
1115 $string['info'] = 'Information';
1116 $string['institution'] = 'Institution';
1117 $string['instudentview'] = 'in student view';
1118 $string['interests'] = 'Interests';
1119 $string['interestslist'] = 'List of interests';
1120 $string['interestslist_help'] = 'Enter your interests, one by one, which will then be displayed on …
1121 $string['invalidemail'] = 'Invalid email address';
1122 $string['invalidlogin'] = 'Invalid login, please try again';
1123 $string['invalidusername'] = 'The username can only contain alphanumeric lowercase characters (lett…
1124 $string['invalidusernameupload'] = 'Invalid username';
1125 $string['ip_address'] = 'IP address';
1126 $string['jump'] = 'Jump';
1127 $string['jumpto'] = 'Jump to...';
1128 $string['keep'] = 'Keep';
1129 $string['labelvalue'] = '{$a->label}: {$a->value}';
1130 $string['langltr'] = 'Language direction left-to-right';
1131 $string['langrtl'] = 'Language direction right-to-left';
1132 $string['language'] = 'Language';
1133 $string['languagegood'] = 'This language pack is up-to-date! :-)';
1134 $string['last'] = 'Last';
1135 $string['lastaccess'] = 'Last access';
1136 $string['lastcourseaccess'] = 'Last access to course';
1137 $string['lastedited'] = 'Last edited';
1138 $string['lastip'] = 'Last IP address';
1139 $string['lastlogin'] = 'Last login';
1140 $string['lastmodified'] = 'Last modified';
1141 $string['lastname'] = 'Surname';
1142 $string['lastnamephonetic'] = 'Surname - phonetic';
1143 $string['lastpage'] = 'Last page';
1144 $string['lastsiteaccess'] = 'Last access to site';
1145 $string['lastyear'] = 'Last year';
1146 $string['latestlanguagepack'] = 'Check for latest language pack on';
1147 $string['layouttable'] = 'Layout table';
1148 $string['leavetokeep'] = 'Leave blank to keep current password';
1149 $string['legacylogginginuse'] = 'This site currently has writing to the legacy log store enabled. W…
1150 $string['legacythemeinuse'] = 'This site is being displayed to you in compatibility mode because yo…
1151 $string['license'] = 'Licence';
1152 $string['licenses'] = 'Licences';
1153 $string['liketologin'] = 'Would you like to log in now with a full user account?';
1154 $string['list'] = 'List';
1155 $string['listfiles'] = 'List of files in {$a}';
1156 $string['listofallpeople'] = 'List of all people';
1157 $string['listofcourses'] = 'List of courses';
1158 $string['loading'] = 'Loading';
1159 $string['loadinghelp'] = 'Loading...';
1160 $string['local'] = 'Local';
1161 $string['localplugins'] = 'Local plugins';
1162 $string['localpluginsmanage'] = 'Manage local plugins';
1163 $string['location'] = 'Location';
1164 $string['locktimeout'] = 'The operation timed out while waiting for a lock.';
1165 $string['log_excel_date_format'] = 'yyyy mmmm d h:mm';
1166 $string['loggedinas'] = 'You are logged in as {$a}';
1167 $string['loggedinasguest'] = 'You are currently using guest access';
1168 $string['loggedinnot'] = 'You are not logged in.';
1169 $string['login'] = 'Log in';
1170 $string['loginactivity'] = 'Login activity';
1171 $string['loginalready'] = 'You are already logged in';
1172 $string['loginas'] = 'Log in as';
1173 $string['loginaspasswordexplain'] = '<p>You must enter the special "loginas password" to use this f…
1174 $string['login_failure_logs'] = 'Login failure logs';
1175 $string['loginguest'] = 'Log in as a guest';
1176 $string['loginsite'] = 'Log in to the site';
1177 $string['loginsteps'] = 'For full access to this site, you first need to create an account.';
1178 $string['loginstepsnone'] = '<p>Hi!</p>
1182 $string['loginto'] = 'Log in to {$a}';
1183 $string['logoof'] = 'Logo of {$a}';
1184 $string['logout'] = 'Log out';
1185 $string['logoutconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to log out?';
1186 $string['logs'] = 'Logs';
1187 $string['logtoomanycourses'] = '[ <a href="{$a->url}">more</a> ]';
1188 $string['logtoomanyusers'] = '[ <a href="{$a->url}">more</a> ]';
1189 $string['lookback'] = 'Look back';
1190 $string['mailadmins'] = 'Inform admins';
1191 $string['mailstudents'] = 'Inform students';
1192 $string['mailteachers'] = 'Inform teachers';
1193 $string['maincoursepage'] = 'Main course page';
1194 $string['makeafolder'] = 'Create folder';
1195 $string['makeavailable'] = 'Make available';
1196 $string['makeeditable'] = 'If you make \'{$a}\' editable by the web server process (eg apache) then…
1197 $string['makethismyhome'] = 'Make this my home page';
1198 $string['makeunavailable'] = 'Make unavailable';
1199 $string['manageblocks'] = 'Blocks';
1200 $string['managecategorythis'] = 'Manage this category';
1201 $string['managecontentbanktypes'] = 'Manage content types';
1202 $string['managecourses'] = 'Manage courses';
1203 $string['managedataformats'] = 'Manage data formats';
1204 $string['managedatabase'] = 'Database';
1205 $string['manageeditorfiles'] = 'Manage files used by editor';
1206 $string['managefilters'] = 'Filters';
1207 $string['managemodules'] = 'Modules';
1208 $string['manageroles'] = 'Roles and permissions';
1209 $string['markallread'] = 'Mark all as read';
1210 $string['markedthistopic'] = 'This topic is highlighted as the current topic';
1211 $string['markthistopic'] = 'Highlight this topic as the current topic';
1212 $string['matchingsearchandrole'] = 'Matching \'{$a->search}\' and {$a->role}';
1213 $string['maxareabytesreached'] = 'The file (or the total size of several files) is larger than the …
1214 $string['maxsectionslimit'] = 'Cannot create new section as it would exceed the maximum number of s…
1215 $string['maxfilesize'] = 'Maximum size for new files: {$a}';
1216 $string['maxfilesreached'] = 'You are allowed to attach a maximum of {$a} file(s) to this item';
1217 $string['maximumchars'] = 'Maximum of {$a} characters';
1218 $string['maximumgrade'] = 'Maximum grade';
1219 $string['maximumgradex'] = 'Maximum grade: {$a}';
1220 $string['maximumshort'] = 'Max';
1221 $string['maximumupload'] = 'Maximum upload size';
1222 $string['maximumupload_help'] = 'This setting determines the largest size of file that can be uploa…
1223 $string['maxnumberweeks'] = 'Maximum number of sections';
1224 $string['maxnumberweeks_desc'] = 'The maximum value in the number of sections drop-down menu (appli…
1225 $string['maxnumcoursesincombo'] = 'Browse <a href="{$a->link}">{$a->numberofcourses} courses</a>.';
1226 $string['maxsize'] = 'Max size: {$a}';
1227 $string['maxsizeandareasize'] = 'Maximum size for new files: {$a->size}, overall limit: {$a->areasi…
1228 $string['maxsizeandattachments'] = 'Maximum file size: {$a->size}, maximum number of files: {$a->at…
1229 $string['maxsizeandattachmentsandareasize'] = 'Maximum file size: {$a->size}, maximum number of fil…
1230 $string['memberincourse'] = 'People in the course';
1231 $string['messagebody'] = 'Message body';
1232 $string['messagedselectedusers'] = 'Selected users have been messaged and the recipient list has be…
1233 $string['messagedselectedusersfailed'] = 'Something went wrong while messaging selected users. Som…
1234 $string['messageprovider:asyncbackupnotification'] = 'Asynchronous backup/restore notifications';
1235 $string['messageprovider:availableupdate'] = 'Available update notifications';
1236 $string['messageprovider:backup'] = 'Backup notifications';
1237 $string['messageprovider:badgecreatornotice'] = 'Badge creator notifications';
1238 $string['messageprovider:badgerecipientnotice'] = 'Badge recipient notifications';
1239 $string['messageprovider:competencyplancomment'] = 'Comment posted on a learning plan';
1240 $string['messageprovider:competencyusercompcomment'] = 'Comment posted on a competency';
1241 $string['messageprovider:coursecompleted'] = 'Course completed';
1242 $string['messageprovider:courserequestapproved'] = 'Course creation request approval notification';
1243 $string['messageprovider:courserequested'] = 'Course creation request notification';
1244 $string['messageprovider:courserequestrejected'] = 'Course creation request rejection notification';
1245 $string['messageprovider:errors'] = 'Important errors with the site';
1246 $string['messageprovider:errors_help'] = 'These are important errors that an administrator should k…
1247 $string['messageprovider:gradenotifications'] = 'Grade notifications';
1248 $string['messageprovider:messagecontactrequests'] = 'Message contact requests notification';
1249 $string['messageprovider:notices'] = 'Notices about minor problems';
1250 $string['messageprovider:notices_help'] = 'These are notices that an administrator might be interes…
1251 $string['messageprovider:infected'] = 'Antivirus failure notifications.';
1252 $string['messageprovider:insights'] = 'Insights generated by prediction models';
1253 $string['messageprovider:instantmessage'] = 'Personal messages between users';
1254 $string['messageprovider:instantmessage_help'] = 'This section configures what happens to messages …
1255 $string['messageselect'] = 'Select this user as a message recipient';
1256 $string['messageselectadd'] = 'Send a message';
1257 $string['middlename'] = 'Middle name';
1258 $string['migratinggrades'] = 'Migrating grades';
1259 $string['min'] = 'min';
1260 $string['mins'] = 'mins';
1261 $string['minute'] = 'minute';
1262 $string['minutes'] = 'minutes';
1263 $string['miscellaneous'] = 'Miscellaneous';
1264 $string['missingcategory'] = 'You need to choose a category';
1265 $string['missingdescription'] = 'Missing description';
1266 $string['missingemail'] = 'Missing email address';
1267 $string['missingfirstname'] = 'Missing given name';
1268 $string['missingfromdisk'] = 'Missing from disk';
1269 $string['missingfullname'] = 'Missing full name';
1270 $string['missinglastname'] = 'Missing surname';
1271 $string['missingname'] = 'Missing name';
1272 $string['missingnewpassword'] = 'Missing new password';
1273 $string['missingpassword'] = 'Missing password';
1274 $string['missingrecaptchachallengefield'] = 'Failed reCAPTCHA challenge, try again.';
1275 $string['missingreqreason'] = 'Missing reason';
1276 $string['missingshortname'] = 'Missing short name';
1277 $string['missingshortsitename'] = 'Missing short site name';
1278 $string['missingsitedescription'] = 'Missing site description';
1279 $string['missingsitename'] = 'Missing site name';
1280 $string['missingstrings'] = 'Check for untranslated words or phrases';
1281 $string['missingstudent'] = 'Must choose something';
1282 $string['missingsummary'] = 'Missing summary';
1283 $string['missingteacher'] = 'Must choose something';
1284 $string['missingurl'] = 'Missing URL';
1285 $string['missingusername'] = 'Missing username';
1286 $string['moddoesnotsupporttype'] = 'Module {$a->modname} does not support uploads of type {$a->type…
1287 $string['modhide'] = 'Hide';
1288 $string['modshow'] = 'Show';
1289 $string['modvisible'] = 'Availability';
1290 $string['modvisible_help'] = 'If the availability is set to \'Show on course page\', the activity o…
1293 $string['modvisiblewithstealth'] = 'Availability';
1294 $string['modvisiblewithstealth_help'] = 'If the availability is set to \'Show on course page\', the…
1299 $string['modvisiblehiddensection'] = 'Availability';
1300 $string['modvisiblehiddensection_help'] = 'If the availability is set to \'Hide from students\', th…
1303 $string['moodlelogo'] = 'Moodle logo';
1304 $string['month'] = 'Month';
1305 $string['months'] = 'Months';
1306 $string['modified'] = 'Modified';
1307 $string['moduleintro'] = 'Description';
1308 $string['modulesetup'] = 'Setting up module tables';
1309 $string['modulesuccess'] = '{$a} tables have been set up correctly';
1310 $string['modulesused'] = 'Modules used';
1311 $string['moodledocs'] = 'Moodle Docs';
1312 $string['moodledocslink'] = 'Help and documentation';
1313 $string['moodleversion'] = 'Moodle version';
1314 $string['moodlerelease'] = 'Moodle release';
1315 $string['more'] = 'more';
1316 $string['morehelp'] = 'More help';
1317 $string['morehelpaboutmodule'] = 'More help about the {$a} activity';
1318 $string['moreinfo'] = 'More info';
1319 $string['moreinformation'] = 'More information about this error';
1320 $string['moreprofileinfoneeded'] = 'Please tell us more about yourself';
1321 $string['morenavigationlinks'] = 'More...';
1322 $string['mostrecently'] = 'most recently';
1323 $string['move'] = 'Move';
1324 $string['movecoursemodule'] = 'Move resource';
1325 $string['movecoursesection'] = 'Move section';
1326 $string['movecontent'] = 'Move {$a}';
1327 $string['movecontentafter'] = 'After "{$a}"';
1328 $string['movecontenttothetop'] = 'To the top of the list';
1329 $string['movecategorycontentto'] = 'Move into';
1330 $string['movecategorysuccess'] = 'Successfully moved category \'{$a->moved}\' into category \'{$a->…
1331 $string['movecategoriessuccess'] = 'Successfully moved {$a->count} categories into category \'{$a->…
1332 $string['movecategorytotopsuccess'] = 'Successfully moved category \'{$a->moved}\' to top level';
1333 $string['movecategoriestotopsuccess'] = 'Successfully moved {$a->count} categories to top level';
1334 $string['movecategoryto'] = 'Move category to:';
1335 $string['movecontentstoanothercategory'] = 'Move contents to another category';
1336 $string['movecourseto'] = 'Move course to:';
1337 $string['movedown'] = 'Move down';
1338 $string['movefilestohere'] = 'Move files to here';
1339 $string['movefull'] = 'Move {$a} to this location';
1340 $string['movehere'] = 'Move to here';
1341 $string['moveleft'] = 'Move left';
1342 $string['moveright'] = 'Move right';
1343 $string['movesection'] = 'Move section {$a}';
1344 $string['moveselectedcategoriesto'] = 'Move selected categories to';
1345 $string['moveselectedcoursesto'] = 'Move selected courses to...';
1346 $string['movetoanotherfolder'] = 'Move to another folder';
1347 $string['moveup'] = 'Move up';
1348 $string['msnid'] = 'MSN ID';
1349 $string['mustconfirm'] = 'You need to confirm your account';
1350 $string['mustchangepassword'] = 'The new password must be different than the current one';
1351 $string['mycourses'] = 'My courses';
1352 $string['myfiles'] = 'My private files';
1353 $string['myfilesmanage'] = 'Manage my private files';
1354 $string['myhome'] = 'Dashboard';
1355 $string['mymoodledashboard'] = 'My Moodle dashboard';
1356 $string['myprofile'] = 'My profile';
1357 $string['name'] = 'Name';
1358 $string['namedfiletoolarge'] = 'The file \'{$a->filename}\' is too large and cannot be uploaded';
1359 $string['nameforlink'] = 'What do you want to call this link?';
1360 $string['nameforpage'] = 'Name';
1361 $string['navigation'] = 'Navigation';
1362 $string['needed'] = 'Needed';
1363 $string['networkdropped'] = 'We have detected that your Internet connection is unreliable or has be…
1365 $string['never'] = 'Never';
1366 $string['neverdeletelogs'] = 'Never delete logs';
1367 $string['new'] = 'New';
1368 $string['newaccount'] = 'New account';
1369 $string['newactivityname'] = 'New name for activity {$a}';
1370 $string['newcourse'] = 'New course';
1371 $string['newpassword'] = 'New password';
1372 $string['newpassword_help'] = 'Enter a new password or leave blank to keep current password.';
1373 $string['newpasswordfromlost'] = '<strong>NOTICE:</strong> Your <strong>Current password</strong> w…
1374 $string['newpasswordtext'] = 'Hi {$a->firstname},
1393 $string['newpicture'] = 'New picture';
1394 $string['newpicture_help'] = 'To add a new picture, browse and select an image (in JPG or PNG forma…
1395 $string['newpictureusernotsetup'] = 'A profile picture can only be added once all required profile …
1396 $string['newsectionname'] = 'New name for section {$a}';
1397 $string['newsitem'] = 'news item';
1398 $string['newsitems'] = 'announcements';
1399 $string['newsitemsnumber'] = 'Number of announcements';
1400 $string['newsitemsnumber_help'] = 'The announcements forum is a special forum which is created auto…
1405 $string['newuser'] = 'New user';
1406 $string['newusernewpasswordsubj'] = 'New user account';
1407 $string['newusernewpasswordtext'] = 'Hi {$a->firstname},
1428 $string['newusers'] = 'New users';
1429 $string['newwindow'] = 'New window';
1430 $string['next'] = 'Next';
1431 $string['nextpage'] = 'Next page';
1432 $string['nextsection'] = 'Next section';
1433 $string['no'] = 'No';
1434 $string['noblockstoaddhere'] = 'There are no blocks that you can add to this page.';
1435 $string['nobody'] = 'Nobody';
1436 $string['nocourses'] = 'No courses';
1437 $string['nocoursesfound'] = 'No courses were found with the words \'{$a}\'';
1438 $string['nocoursestarttime'] = 'The course does not have a start date.';
1439 $string['nocoursesyet'] = 'No courses in this category';
1440 $string['nocomments'] = 'No comments';
1441 $string['nodstpresets'] = 'The administrator has not enabled Daylight Savings Time support.';
1442 $string['nofilesselected'] = 'No files have been selected to restore';
1443 $string['nofilesyet'] = 'No files have been uploaded to your course yet';
1444 $string['nofiltersapplied'] = 'No filters applied';
1445 $string['nograde'] = 'No grade';
1446 $string['nohelpforactivityorresource'] = 'There is currently no help associated with this resource …
1447 $string['nochange'] = 'No change';
1448 $string['noimagesyet'] = 'No images have been uploaded to your course yet';
1449 $string['nologsfound'] = 'No logs have been found';
1450 $string['nomatchingusers'] = 'No users match \'{$a}\'';
1451 $string['nomorecourses'] = 'No more matching courses could be found';
1452 $string['nomoreidnumber'] = 'Not using an idnumber to avoid collisions';
1453 $string['none'] = 'None';
1454 $string['noneditingteacher'] = 'Non-editing teacher';
1455 $string['noneditingteacherdescription'] = 'Non-editing teachers can teach in courses and grade stud…
1456 $string['nonstandard'] = 'Non-standard';
1457 $string['nopendingcourses'] = 'There are no courses pending approval';
1458 $string['nopotentialadmins'] = 'No potential admins';
1459 $string['nopotentialcreators'] = 'No potential course creators';
1460 $string['nopotentialstudents'] = 'No potential students';
1461 $string['nopotentialteachers'] = 'No potential teachers';
1462 $string['norecentactivity'] = 'No recent activity';
1463 $string['noreplybouncemessage'] = 'You have replied to a no-reply email address. If you were attemp…
1466 $string['noreplybouncesubject'] = '{$a} - bounced email.';
1467 $string['noreplyname'] = 'Do not reply to this email';
1468 $string['noresetrecord'] = 'There is no record of that reset request. Please initiate a new passwor…
1469 $string['noresults'] = 'No results';
1470 $string['normal'] = 'Normal';
1471 $string['normalfilter'] = 'Normal search';
1472 $string['nosite'] = 'Could not find site-level course';
1473 $string['nostudentsfound'] = 'No {$a} found';
1474 $string['nostudentsingroup'] = 'There are no students in this group yet';
1475 $string['nostudentsyet'] = 'There are no students enrolled in this course.';
1476 $string['nosuchemail'] = 'No such email address';
1477 $string['notavailable'] = 'Not available';
1478 $string['notavailablecourse'] = '{$a} is not available';
1479 $string['noteachersyet'] = 'No teachers in this course yet';
1480 $string['noteachingupcomingcourses'] = 'Upcoming courses have no teachers or students';
1481 $string['notenrolled'] = '{$a} is not enrolled in this course.';
1482 $string['notenrolledprofile'] = 'This profile is not available because this user is not enrolled in…
1483 $string['noteusercannotrolldatesoncontext'] = '<strong>Note:</strong> The ability to roll dates whe…
1484 $string['noteuserschangednonetocourse'] = '<strong>Note:</strong> Course users need to be restored …
1485 $string['nothingnew'] = 'No recent activity';
1486 $string['nothingtodisplay'] = 'Nothing to display';
1487 $string['notice'] = 'Notice';
1488 $string['noticenewerbackup'] = 'This backup file has been created with Moodle {$a->backuprelease} (…
1489 $string['notifications'] = 'Notifications';
1490 $string['notifyloginfailuresmessage'] = '{$a->time}, IP: {$a->ip}, User: {$a->info}, User full name…
1491 $string['notifyloginfailuresmessageend'] = 'You can view these logs at {$a}';
1492 $string['notifyloginfailuresmessagestart'] = 'Here is a list of failed login attempts at {$a} since…
1493 $string['notifyloginfailuressubject'] = '{$a} :: Failed logins notification';
1494 $string['notincluded'] = 'Not included';
1495 $string['notingroup'] = 'Sorry, but you need to be part of a group to see this page.';
1496 $string['notpublic'] = 'Not public!';
1497 $string['nousersfound'] = 'No users found';
1498 $string['nousersmatching'] = 'No users matching \'{$a}\' were found';
1499 $string['nousersyet'] = 'There are no users yet';
1500 $string['novalidcourses'] = 'No valid courses to be shown';
1501 $string['now'] = 'now';
1502 $string['numattempts'] = '{$a} failed login attempt(s)';
1503 $string['numberofcourses'] = 'Number of courses';
1504 $string['numberweeks'] = 'Number of sections';
1505 $string['numday'] = '{$a} day';
1506 $string['numdays'] = '{$a} days';
1507 $string['numhours'] = '{$a} hours';
1508 $string['numletters'] = '{$a} letters';
1509 $string['numminutes'] = '{$a} minutes';
1510 $string['nummonth'] = '{$a} month';
1511 $string['nummonths'] = '{$a} months';
1512 $string['numseconds'] = '{$a} seconds';
1513 $string['numviews'] = '{$a} views';
1514 $string['numweek'] = '{$a} week';
1515 $string['numweeks'] = '{$a} weeks';
1516 $string['numwords'] = '{$a} words';
1517 $string['numyear'] = '{$a} year';
1518 $string['numyears'] = '{$a} years';
1519 $string['ok'] = 'OK';
1520 $string['oldpassword'] = 'Current password';
1521 $string['olduserdirectory'] = 'This is the OLD users directory, and is no longer needed. You may sa…
1522 $string['opensinnewwindow'] = 'Opens in new window';
1523 $string['optional'] = 'optional';
1524 $string['options'] = 'options';
1525 $string['order'] = 'Order';
1526 $string['originalpath'] = 'Original path';
1527 $string['orphanedactivitiesinsectionno'] = 'Orphaned activities (section {$a})';
1528 $string['other'] = 'Other';
1529 $string['outline'] = 'Outline';
1530 $string['outlinereport'] = 'Outline report';
1531 $string['page'] = 'Page';
1532 $string['pagea'] = 'Page {$a}';
1533 $string['pagedcontentnavigation'] = 'Pagination navigation';
1534 $string['pagedcontentnavigationitem'] = 'Go to page {$a}';
1535 $string['pagedcontentnavigationactiveitem'] = 'Current page, page {$a}';
1536 $string['pagedcontentpagingbaritemsperpage'] = 'Show {$a} items per page';
1537 $string['pageheaderconfigablock'] = 'Configuring a block in {$a->fullname}';
1538 $string['pagepath'] = 'Page path';
1539 $string['pageshouldredirect'] = 'This page should automatically redirect. If nothing is happening p…
1540 $string['parentcategory'] = 'Parent category';
1541 $string['parentcoursenotfound'] = 'Parent course not found!';
1542 $string['parentfolder'] = 'Parent folder';
1543 $string['participants'] = 'Participants';
1544 $string['participantslist'] = 'Participants list';
1545 $string['participationratio'] = 'Participation ratio';
1546 $string['participationreport'] = 'Participation report';
1547 $string['password'] = 'Password';
1548 $string['passwordconfirmchange'] = 'Confirm password change';
1549 $string['passwordextlink'] = 'The following link has been provided to recover your lost password. T…
1550 $string['passwordforgotten'] = 'Forgotten password';
1551 $string['passwordforgotteninstructions'] = 'Your details must first be found in the user database. …
1552 $string['passwordforgotteninstructions2'] = 'To reset your password, submit your username or your e…
1553 $string['passwordchanged'] = 'Password has been changed';
1554 $string['passwordnohelp'] = 'No help is available to find your lost password. Please contact your M…
1555 $string['passwordpolicynomatch'] = 'Your current password no longer matches the set password policy.
1557 $string['passwordrecovery'] = 'Yes, help me log in';
1558 $string['passwordsdiffer'] = 'These passwords do not match';
1559 $string['passwordsent'] = 'Password has been sent';
1560 $string['passwordset'] = 'Your password has been set.';
1561 $string['passwordsenttext'] = '<p>An email has been sent to your address at {$a->email}.</p>
1565 $string['path'] = 'Path';
1566 $string['pathnotexists'] = 'Path doesn\'t exist in your server!';
1567 $string['pathslasherror'] = 'Path can\'t end with a slash!!';
1568 $string['paymentinstant'] = 'Use the button below to pay and be enrolled within minutes!';
1569 $string['paymentpending'] = '(<small><b><u>{$a}</u></b> pending</small>)';
1570 $string['paymentrequired'] = 'This course requires a payment for entry.';
1571 $string['payments'] = 'Payments';
1572 $string['paymentsorry'] = 'Thank you for your payment! Unfortunately your payment has not yet been…
1573 $string['paymentthanks'] = 'Thank you for your payment! You are now enrolled in your course:<br />…
1574 $string['pendingrequests'] = 'Pending requests';
1575 $string['percents'] = '{$a}%';
1576 $string['periodending'] = 'Period ending ({$a})';
1577 $string['perpage'] = 'Per page';
1578 $string['perpagea'] = 'Per page: {$a}';
1579 $string['personal'] = 'Personal';
1580 $string['personalprofile'] = 'Personal profile';
1581 $string['phone'] = 'Phone';
1582 $string['phone1'] = 'Phone';
1583 $string['phone2'] = 'Mobile phone';
1584 $string['phpinfo'] = 'PHP info';
1585 $string['pictureof'] = 'Picture of {$a}';
1586 $string['pictureofuser'] = 'User picture';
1587 $string['pleaseclose'] = 'Please close this window now.';
1588 $string['pleasesearchmore'] = 'Please search some more';
1589 $string['pleaseusesearch'] = 'Please use the search';
1590 $string['plugin'] = 'Plugin';
1591 $string['plugindeletefiles'] = 'All data associated with the plugin \'{$a->name}\' has been deleted…
1592 $string['plugincheck'] = 'Plugins check';
1593 $string['pluginsetup'] = 'Setting up plugin tables';
1594 $string['policyaccept'] = 'I understand and agree';
1595 $string['policyagree'] = 'You must agree to this policy to continue using this site. Do you agree?…
1596 $string['policyagreement'] = 'Site policy agreement';
1597 $string['policyagreementclick'] = 'Link to site policy agreement';
1598 $string['popup'] = 'popup';
1599 $string['popupwindow'] = 'Open file in new window';
1600 $string['popupwindowname'] = 'Popup window';
1601 $string['post'] = 'Post';
1602 $string['posts'] = 'Posts';
1603 $string['potentialadmins'] = 'Potential admins';
1604 $string['potentialcreators'] = 'Potential course creators';
1605 $string['potentialstudents'] = 'Potential students';
1606 $string['potentialteachers'] = 'Potential teachers';
1607 $string['preferences'] = 'Preferences';
1608 $string['preferredlanguage'] = 'Preferred language';
1609 $string['preferredtheme'] = 'Preferred theme';
1610 $string['preprocessingbackupfile'] = 'Preprocessing backup file';
1611 $string['prev'] = 'Prev';
1612 $string['preview'] = 'Preview';
1613 $string['previeworchoose'] = 'Preview or choose a theme';
1614 $string['previous'] = 'Previous';
1615 $string['previouslyselectedusers'] = 'Previously selected users not matching \'{$a}\'';
1616 $string['previouspage'] = 'Previous page';
1617 $string['previoussection'] = 'Previous section';
1618 $string['primaryadminsetup'] = 'Setup administrator account';
1619 $string['privacy:metadata:config_log'] = 'The log of configuration changes.';
1620 $string['privacy:metadata:config_log:name'] = 'The name of the setting changes.';
1621 $string['privacy:metadata:config_log:oldvalue'] = 'The previous value for this setting.';
1622 $string['privacy:metadata:config_log:plugin'] = 'The plugin modified.';
1623 $string['privacy:metadata:config_log:timemodified'] = 'The time that the change was made.';
1624 $string['privacy:metadata:config_log:userid'] = 'The user who made the change.';
1625 $string['privacy:metadata:config_log:value'] = 'The new value for this setting.';
1626 $string['privacy:metadata:events_queue'] = 'The queue of user events waiting to be processed.';
1627 $string['privacy:metadata:events_queue:eventdata'] = 'The data stored in the event.';
1628 $string['privacy:metadata:events_queue:stackdump'] = 'Any stacktrace associated with this event.';
1629 $string['privacy:metadata:events_queue:timecreated'] = 'The time that this event was created.';
1630 $string['privacy:metadata:events_queue:userid'] = 'The user ID associated with this event';
1631 $string['privacy:metadata:log'] = 'A collection of past events';
1632 $string['privacy:metadata:log:action'] = 'A description of the action';
1633 $string['privacy:metadata:log:cmid'] = 'cmid';
1634 $string['privacy:metadata:log:course'] = 'course';
1635 $string['privacy:metadata:log:info'] = 'Additional information';
1636 $string['privacy:metadata:log:ip'] = 'The IP address used at the time of the event';
1637 $string['privacy:metadata:log:module'] = 'module';
1638 $string['privacy:metadata:log:time'] = 'The time when the action took place';
1639 $string['privacy:metadata:log:url'] = 'The URL related to the event';
1640 $string['privacy:metadata:log:userid'] = 'The ID of the user who performed the action';
1641 $string['privacy:metadata:oauth2_refresh_token'] = 'Refresh token used in OAuth 2.0 communication';
1642 $string['privacy:metadata:oauth2_refresh_token:issuerid'] = 'The ID of the issuer to which the toke…
1643 $string['privacy:metadata:oauth2_refresh_token:scopehash'] = 'The ID of the user to whom the token …
1644 $string['privacy:metadata:oauth2_refresh_token:token'] = 'The refresh token for the respective scop…
1645 $string['privacy:metadata:oauth2_refresh_token:timecreated'] = 'The time when the token was created…
1646 $string['privacy:metadata:oauth2_refresh_token:timemodified'] = 'The time when the token was last u…
1647 $string['privacy:metadata:oauth2_refresh_token:userid'] = 'The ID of the user to whom the token cor…
1648 $string['privacy:metadata:task_adhoc'] = 'The status of ad hoc tasks.';
1649 $string['privacy:metadata:task_adhoc:component'] = 'The component owning the task.';
1650 $string['privacy:metadata:task_adhoc:nextruntime'] = 'The earliest time to run this task.';
1651 $string['privacy:metadata:task_adhoc:userid'] = 'The user to run the task as.';
1652 $string['privacy:metadata:task_log'] = 'Log output for a log';
1653 $string['privacy:metadata:task_log:component'] = 'The component owning the task.';
1654 $string['privacy:metadata:task_log:userid'] = 'The user that the task belonged to.';
1655 $string['privacy:metadata:upgrade_log'] = 'The upgrade log.';
1656 $string['privacy:metadata:upgrade_log:backtrace'] = 'Any backtrace associated with this upgrade ste…
1657 $string['privacy:metadata:upgrade_log:details'] = 'Extra information relating to the upgrade.';
1658 $string['privacy:metadata:upgrade_log:info'] = 'The main information for this upgrade step.';
1659 $string['privacy:metadata:upgrade_log:plugin'] = 'The plugin which was upgraded.';
1660 $string['privacy:metadata:upgrade_log:targetversion'] = 'The new version to upgrade to.';
1661 $string['privacy:metadata:upgrade_log:timemodified'] = 'The time that the upgrade took place.';
1662 $string['privacy:metadata:upgrade_log:type'] = 'The type of log entry.';
1663 $string['privacy:metadata:upgrade_log:userid'] = 'The user who ran the upgrade.';
1664 $string['privacy:metadata:upgrade_log:version'] = 'The old version of the plugin.';
1665 $string['privatefiles'] = 'Private files';
1666 $string['privatefilesmanage'] = 'Manage private files';
1667 $string['private_files_handler'] = 'Store attachments to an e-mail in the user\'s private files sto…
1668 $string['private_files_handler_name'] = 'Email to Private files';
1669 $string['proceed'] = 'Proceed';
1670 $string['profile'] = 'Profile';
1671 $string['profilenotshown'] = 'This profile description will not be shown until this person is enrol…
1672 $string['publicprofile'] = 'Public profile';
1673 $string['publicsitefileswarning'] = 'Note: files placed here can be accessed by anyone';
1674 $string['publicsitefileswarning2'] = 'Note: Files placed here can be accessed by anyone who knows (…
1675 $string['publicsitefileswarning3'] = 'Note: Files placed here can be accessed by anyone who knows (…
1676 $string['question'] = 'Question';
1677 $string['questionsinthequestionbank'] = 'Questions in the question bank';
1678 $string['queued'] = 'Queued';
1679 $string['quotausage'] = 'You have currently used {$a->used} of your {$a->total} limit.';
1680 $string['readinginfofrombackup'] = 'Reading info from backup';
1681 $string['readme'] = 'README';
1682 $string['recentactivity'] = 'Recent activity';
1683 $string['recentactivityreport'] = 'Full report of recent activity...';
1684 $string['recipientslist'] = 'Recipients list';
1685 $string['recommended'] = 'Recommended';
1686 $string['recreatedcategory'] = 'Recreated category {$a}';
1687 $string['redirect'] = 'Redirect';
1688 $string['reducesections'] = 'Reduce the number of sections';
1689 $string['refresh'] = 'Refresh';
1690 $string['refreshingevents'] = 'Refreshing events';
1691 $string['registration'] = 'Moodle registration';
1692 $string['registrationcontact'] = 'Contact from the public';
1693 $string['registrationcontactno'] = 'No, I do not want to be contacted by other people';
1694 $string['registrationcontactyes'] = 'Yes, provide a form for other Moodlers to contact me';
1695 $string['registrationemail'] = 'Email notifications';
1696 $string['registrationinfo'] = '<p>This page allows you to register your Moodle site with…
1704 $string['registrationinfotitle'] = 'Registration information';
1705 $string['registrationno'] = 'No, I do not wish to receive any emails';
1706 $string['registrationsend'] = 'Send registration information to';
1707 $string['registrationyes'] = 'Yes, notify me of new Moodle releases, security alerts and other impo…
1708 $string['reject'] = 'Reject';
1709 $string['rejectdots'] = 'Reject...';
1710 $string['relativedatesmode'] = 'Relative dates mode';
1711 $string['relativedatesmode_help'] = 'Display course or activity dates relative to the user\'s start…
1716 $string['relativedatesmode_warning'] = '<strong>Warning:</strong> Relative dates mode cannot be cha…
1717 $string['reload'] = 'Reload';
1718 $string['remoteappuser'] = 'Remote {$a} User';
1719 $string['remove'] = 'Remove';
1720 $string['removeadmin'] = 'Remove admin';
1721 $string['removecreator'] = 'Remove course creator';
1722 $string['removestudent'] = 'Remove student';
1723 $string['removeteacher'] = 'Remove teacher';
1724 $string['rename'] = 'Rename';
1725 $string['renamefileto'] = 'Rename <b>{$a}</b> to';
1726 $string['report'] = 'Report';
1727 $string['reports'] = 'Reports';
1728 $string['repositories'] = 'Repositories';
1729 $string['requestcourse'] = 'Request a course';
1730 $string['requestedby'] = 'Requested by';
1731 $string['requestedcourses'] = 'Requested courses';
1732 $string['requestreason'] = 'Reason for course request';
1733 $string['requests'] = 'Requests';
1734 $string['required'] = 'Required';
1735 $string['requirespayment'] = 'This course requires payment for access';
1736 $string['resendemail'] = 'Resend email';
1737 $string['reset'] = 'Reset';
1738 $string['resetcomponent'] = 'Component';
1739 $string['resetcourse'] = 'Reset course';
1740 $string['resetinfo'] = 'This page allows you to empty a course of user data, while retaining the ac…
1741 $string['resetnotimplemented'] = 'Reset not implemented';
1742 $string['resetrecordexpired'] = 'The password reset link you used is more than {$a} minutes old and…
1743 $string['resetstartdate'] = 'Reset start date';
1744 $string['resetstatus'] = 'Status';
1745 $string['resettable'] = 'Reset table preferences';
1746 $string['resettask'] = 'Task';
1747 $string['resettodefaults'] = 'Reset to defaults';
1748 $string['resortsubcategoriesby'] = 'Sort subcategories by {$a} ascending';
1749 $string['resortsubcategoriesbyreverse'] = 'Sort subcategories by {$a} descending';
1750 $string['resortcourses'] = 'Sort courses';
1751 $string['resource'] = 'Resource';
1752 $string['resourcedisplayauto'] = 'Automatic';
1753 $string['resourcedisplaydownload'] = 'Force download';
1754 $string['resourcedisplayembed'] = 'Embed';
1755 $string['resourcedisplayframe'] = 'In frame';
1756 $string['resourcedisplaynew'] = 'New window';
1757 $string['resourcedisplayopen'] = 'Open';
1758 $string['resourcedisplaypopup'] = 'In pop-up';
1759 $string['resources'] = 'Resources';
1760 $string['resources_help'] = 'Resource types enable almost any kind of web content to be inserted in…
1761 $string['resultsfound'] = '{$a} results found';
1762 $string['restore'] = 'Restore';
1763 $string['restorecancelled'] = 'Restore cancelled';
1764 $string['restorecannotassignroles'] = 'Restore needs to assign roles and you do not have permission…
1765 $string['restorecannotcreateorassignroles'] = 'Restore needs to create or assign roles and you do n…
1766 $string['restorecannotcreateuser'] = 'Restore needs to create user \'{$a}\' from backup file and yo…
1767 $string['restoremnethostidmismatch'] = 'MNet host id of user \'{$a}\' does not match local MNet hos…
1768 $string['restorecannotoverrideperms'] = 'Restore needs to override permissions and you do not have …
1769 $string['restorecoursenow'] = 'Restore this course now!';
1770 $string['restoredaccount'] = 'Restored account';
1771 $string['restoredaccountinfo'] = 'This account was imported from another server and the password ha…
1772 $string['restorefinished'] = 'Restore completed successfully';
1773 $string['restoreto'] = 'Restore to';
1774 $string['restoretositeadding'] = 'Warning: You are about to restore to the site front page, adding …
1775 $string['restoretositedeleting'] = 'Warning: You are about to restore to the site front page, delet…
1776 $string['restoreuserconflict'] = 'Trying to restore user \'{$a}\' from backup file will cause confl…
1777 $string['restoreuserinfofailed'] = 'The restore process has stopped because you don\'t have permiss…
1778 $string['restoreusersprecheck'] = 'Checking user data';
1779 $string['restoreusersprecheckerror'] = 'Some problems were detected when checking user data';
1780 $string['restricted'] = 'Restricted';
1781 $string['retry'] = 'Retry';
1782 $string['returningtosite'] = 'Returning to this web site?';
1783 $string['returntooriginaluser'] = 'Return to {$a}';
1784 $string['revert'] = 'Revert';
1785 $string['role'] = 'Role';
1786 $string['roleassignments'] = 'Role assignments';
1787 $string['rolemappings'] = 'Role mappings';
1788 $string['rolerenaming'] = 'Role renaming';
1789 $string['rolerenaming_help'] = 'This setting allows the displayed names for roles used in the cours…
1790 $string['roles'] = 'Roles';
1791 $string['rss'] = 'RSS';
1792 $string['rssarticles'] = 'Number of RSS recent articles';
1793 $string['rsserror'] = 'Error reading RSS data';
1794 $string['rsserrorauth'] = 'Your RSS link does not contain a valid authentication token.';
1795 $string['rsserrorguest'] = 'This feed uses guest access to access the data, but guest does not have…
1796 $string['rsskeyshelp'] = '<p>To ensure security and privacy, RSS feed URLs contain a special token …
1797 $string['rsstype'] = 'RSS feed for this activity';
1798 $string['save'] = 'Save';
1799 $string['saveandnext'] = 'Save and show next';
1800 $string['savedat'] = 'Saved at:';
1801 $string['savechanges'] = 'Save changes';
1802 $string['savechangesanddisplay'] = 'Save and display';
1803 $string['savechangesandreturn'] = 'Save and return';
1804 $string['savechangesandreturntocourse'] = 'Save and return to course';
1805 $string['savecomment'] = 'Save comment';
1806 $string['savepreferences'] = 'Save preferences';
1807 $string['saveto'] = 'Save to';
1808 $string['scale'] = 'Scale';
1809 $string['scale_help'] = 'A scale provides a way of evaluating or grading performance in an activity…
1810 $string['scale_link'] = 'grade/scale';
1811 $string['scales'] = 'Scales';
1812 $string['scalescustom'] = 'Custom scales';
1813 $string['scalescustomcreate'] = 'Add a new scale';
1814 $string['scalescustomno'] = 'No custom scales have been created yet';
1815 $string['scalesstandard'] = 'Standard scales';
1816 $string['scalestandard'] = 'Standard scale';
1817 $string['scalestandard_help'] = 'A standard scale is available site-wide, for all courses.';
1818 $string['scalestandard_link'] = 'grade/scale';
1819 $string['scalestip'] = 'To create custom scales, use the \'Scales...\' link in your course administ…
1820 $string['scalestip2'] = 'To create custom scales, click the Grades link in the course administratio…
1821 $string['screenshot'] = 'Screenshot';
1822 $string['search'] = 'Search'; // TODO MDL-34652 rename to searchforums and move to mod_forum.
1823 $string['search_help'] = 'For basic searching of one or more words anywhere in the text, just type …
1826 $string['searchagain'] = 'Search again';
1827 $string['searchactivities'] = 'Search for activities by name or description';
1828 $string['searchbyemail'] = 'Search by email address';
1829 $string['searchbyusername'] = 'Search by username';
1830 $string['searchcoursecategories'] = 'Search categories';
1831 $string['searchcourses'] = 'Search courses';
1832 $string['searchoptions'] = 'Search options';
1833 $string['searchresults'] = 'Search results';
1834 $string['sec'] = 'sec';
1835 $string['secondsleft'] = '{$a} secs';
1836 $string['seconds'] = 'seconds';
1837 $string['secondstotime172800'] = '2 days';
1838 $string['secondstotime259200'] = '3 days';
1839 $string['secondstotime345600'] = '4 days';
1840 $string['secondstotime432000'] = '5 days';
1841 $string['secondstotime518400'] = '6 days';
1842 $string['secondstotime604800'] = '1 week';
1843 $string['secondstotime86400'] = '1 day';
1844 $string['secretalreadyused'] = 'Change password confirmation link was already used, password was no…
1845 $string['secs'] = 'secs';
1846 $string['section'] = 'Section';
1847 $string['sectionactionnotsupported'] = 'Section action "{$a}" is not supported here';
1848 $string['sectionname'] = 'Section name';
1849 $string['sections'] = 'Sections';
1850 $string['seealsostats'] = 'See also: stats';
1851 $string['select'] = 'Select';
1852 $string['selectacategory'] = 'Please select a category';
1853 $string['selectacountry'] = 'Select a country';
1854 $string['selectacourse'] = 'Select a course';
1855 $string['selectacoursesite'] = 'Select a course or site';
1856 $string['selectanaction'] = 'Select an action';
1857 $string['selectagroup'] = 'Select a group';
1858 $string['selectaregion'] = 'Select a region';
1859 $string['selctauser'] = 'Select a user';
1860 $string['selectall'] = 'Select all';
1861 $string['selectallusersonpage'] = 'Select all users on this page';
1862 $string['selectalluserswithcount'] = 'Select all {$a} users';
1863 $string['selectamodule'] = 'Please select an activity module';
1864 $string['selectanoptions'] = 'Select an option';
1865 $string['selectdefault'] = 'Select default';
1866 $string['selectedfile'] = 'Selected file';
1867 $string['selectedcategories'] = 'Selected categories';
1868 $string['selectednowmove'] = '{$a} files selected for moving. Now go into the destination folder an…
1869 $string['selectfiles'] = 'Select files';
1870 $string['selectitem'] = 'Select \'{$a}\'';
1871 $string['selectmoduletoviewhelp'] = 'Select an activity or resource to view its help.
1874 $string['selectnos'] = 'Select all \'No\'';
1875 $string['selectperiod'] = 'Select period';
1876 $string['selectcategorysort'] = 'Which categories would you like to sort?';
1877 $string['selectcategorysortby'] = 'Select how you would like to sort categories';
1878 $string['selectcoursesortby'] = 'Select how you would like to sort courses';
1879 $string['senddetails'] = 'Send my details via email';
1880 $string['separate'] = 'Separate';
1881 $string['separateandconnected'] = 'Separate and Connected ways of knowing';
1882 $string['separateandconnectedinfo'] = 'The scale based on the theory of separate and connected know…
1883 $string['servererror'] = 'An error occurred whilst communicating with the server';
1884 $string['serverlocaltime'] = 'Server\'s local time';
1885 $string['sessionforceclean'] = 'As a security precaution, user-generated scripts have been disabled…
1886 $string['sessiontimeoutsoon'] = 'Your session is about to time out. Do you want to extend your curr…
1887 $string['setcategorytheme'] = 'Set category theme';
1888 $string['setpassword'] = 'Set password';
1889 $string['setpasswordinstructions'] = 'Please enter your new password below, then save changes.';
1890 $string['settings'] = 'Settings';
1891 $string['shortname'] = 'Short name'; /* @deprecated MDL-34652 - Use shortnamecourse or shortnameuse…
1892 $string['shortnamecollisionwarning'] = '[*] = This shortname is already in use by a course and will…
1893 $string['shortnamecourse'] = 'Course short name';
1894 $string['shortnamecourse_help'] = 'The short name of the course is displayed in the navigation and …
1895 $string['shortnametaken'] = 'Short name is already used for another course ({$a})';
1896 $string['shortnameuser'] = 'User short name';
1897 $string['shortsitename'] = 'Short name for site (eg single word)';
1898 $string['show'] = 'Show';
1899 $string['showactions'] = 'Show actions';
1900 $string['showadvancededitor'] = 'Advanced';
1901 $string['showadvancedsettings'] = 'Show advanced settings';
1902 $string['showall'] = 'Show all {$a}';
1903 $string['showallcourses'] = 'Show all courses';
1904 $string['showallusers'] = 'Show all users';
1905 $string['showblockcourse'] = 'Show list of courses containing block';
1906 $string['showcategory'] = 'Show {$a}';
1907 $string['showchartdata'] = 'Show chart data';
1908 $string['showcomments'] = 'Show/hide comments';
1909 $string['showcommentsnonjs'] = 'Show comments';
1910 $string['showdescription'] = 'Display description on course page';
1911 $string['showdescription_help'] = 'If enabled, the description above will be displayed on the cours…
1912 $string['showgrades'] = 'Show gradebook to students';
1913 $string['showgrades_help'] = 'Many activities in the course allow grades to be set. This setting de…
1914 $string['showingacourses'] = 'Showing all {$a} courses';
1915 $string['showingxofycourses'] = 'Showing courses {$a->start} to {$a->end} of {$a->total} courses';
1916 $string['showlistofcourses'] = 'Show list of courses';
1917 $string['showmodulecourse'] = 'Show list of courses containing activity';
1918 $string['showoncoursepage'] = 'Show on course page';
1919 $string['showonly'] = 'Show only';
1920 $string['showperpage'] = 'Show {$a} per page';
1921 $string['showpopoverwindow'] = 'Show popover window';
1922 $string['showrecent'] = 'Show recent activity';
1923 $string['showreports'] = 'Show activity reports';
1924 $string['showreports_help'] = 'Activity reports are available for each participant that show their …
1925 $string['showsettings'] = 'Show settings';
1926 $string['showtheselogs'] = 'Show these logs';
1927 $string['showthishelpinlanguage'] = 'Show this help in language: {$a}';
1928 $string['schedule'] = 'Schedule';
1929 $string['sidepanel'] = 'Side panel';
1930 $string['signoutofotherservices'] = 'Sign out everywhere';
1931 $string['signoutofotherservices_help'] = 'If ticked, the account will be signed out of all devices …
1932 $string['since'] = 'Since';
1933 $string['sincelast'] = 'since last login';
1934 $string['site'] = 'Site';
1935 $string['sitedefault'] = 'Site default';
1936 $string['sitedefaultspecified'] = 'Site default ({$a})';
1937 $string['siteerrors'] = 'Site errors';
1938 $string['sitefiles'] = 'Site files';
1939 $string['sitefilesused'] = 'Site files used in this course';
1940 $string['sitehome'] = 'Site home';
1941 $string['sitelegacyfiles'] = 'Legacy site files';
1942 $string['sitelogs'] = 'Site logs';
1943 $string['sitenews'] = 'Site announcements';
1944 $string['sitepages'] = 'Site pages';
1945 $string['sitepartlist'] = 'You do not have the required permissions to view the participants list';
1946 $string['sitepartlist0'] = 'You must be a site teacher to be allowed to see the site participants l…
1947 $string['sitepartlist1'] = 'You must be a teacher to be allowed to see the site participants list';
1948 $string['sites'] = 'Sites';
1949 $string['sitesection'] = 'Include a topic section';
1950 $string['sitesettings'] = 'Site settings';
1951 $string['siteteachers'] = 'Site teachers';
1952 $string['size'] = 'Size';
1953 $string['sizeb'] = 'bytes';
1954 $string['sizegb'] = 'GB';
1955 $string['sizekb'] = 'KB';
1956 $string['sizemb'] = 'MB';
1957 $string['sizepb'] = 'PB';
1958 $string['sizetb'] = 'TB';
1959 $string['skipped'] = 'Skipped';
1960 $string['skiptocategorylisting'] = 'Skip to the category listings';
1961 $string['skiptocourselisting'] = 'Skip to the course listings';
1962 $string['skiptocoursedetails'] = 'Skip to the detailed course information';
1963 $string['skypeid'] = 'Skype ID';
1964 $string['socialheadline'] = 'Social forum - latest topics';
1965 $string['someallowguest'] = 'Some courses may allow guest access';
1966 $string['someerrorswerefound'] = 'Some information was missing or incorrect. Look below for details…
1967 $string['sort'] = 'Sort';
1968 $string['sortby'] = 'Sort by';
1969 $string['sortbyx'] = 'Sort by {$a} ascending';
1970 $string['sortbyxreverse'] = 'Sort by {$a} descending';
1971 $string['sorting'] = 'Sorting';
1972 $string['sourcerole'] = 'Source role';
1973 $string['specifyname'] = 'You must specify a name.';
1974 $string['standard'] = 'Standard';
1975 $string['starpending'] = '([*] = course pending approval)';
1976 $string['startdate'] = 'Course start date';
1977 $string['startdate_help'] = 'This setting determines the start of the first week for a course in we…
1978 $string['startingfrom'] = 'Starting from';
1979 $string['startsignup'] = 'Create new account';
1980 $string['state'] = 'State/Province';
1981 $string['statistics'] = 'Statistics';
1982 $string['statisticsgraph'] = 'Statistics graph';
1983 $string['stats'] = 'Statistics';
1984 $string['statslogins'] = 'Logins';
1985 $string['statsmodedetailed'] = 'Detailed (user) view';
1986 $string['statsmodegeneral'] = 'General view';
1987 $string['statsnodata'] = 'There is no available data for that combination of course and time period…
1988 $string['statsnodatauser'] = 'There is no available data for that combination of course, user and t…
1989 $string['statsoff'] = 'Statistics is not currently enabled';
1990 $string['statsreads'] = 'Views';
1991 $string['statsreportactivity'] = 'All activity (all roles)';
1992 $string['statsreportactivitybyrole'] = 'All activity (views and posts)';
1993 $string['statsreportforuser'] = 'for';
1994 $string['statsreportlogins'] = 'Logins';
1995 $string['statsreportreads'] = 'Views (all roles)';
1996 $string['statsreporttype'] = 'Report type';
1997 $string['statsreportwrites'] = 'Posts (all roles)';
1998 $string['statsreport1'] = 'Logins';
1999 $string['statsreport10'] = 'User activity';
2000 $string['statsreport11'] = 'Most active courses';
2001 $string['statsreport12'] = 'Most active courses (weighted)';
2002 $string['statsreport13'] = 'Most participatory courses (enrolments)';
2003 $string['statsreport14'] = 'Most participatory courses (posts/views)';
2004 $string['statsreport2'] = 'Views (all roles)';
2005 $string['statsreport3'] = 'Posts (all roles)';
2006 $string['statsreport4'] = 'All activity (all roles)';
2007 $string['statsreport5'] = 'All activity (views and posts)';
2008 $string['statsreport7'] = 'User activity (views and posts)';
2009 $string['statsreport8'] = 'All user activity';
2010 $string['statsreport9'] = 'Logins (site course)';
2011 $string['statsstudentactivity'] = 'Student activity';
2012 $string['statsstudentreads'] = 'Student views';
2013 $string['statsstudentwrites'] = 'Student posts';
2014 $string['statsteacheractivity'] = 'Teacher activity';
2015 $string['statsteacherreads'] = 'Teacher views';
2016 $string['statsteacherwrites'] = 'Teacher posts';
2017 $string['statstimeperiod'] = 'Time period - last:';
2018 $string['statsuniquelogins'] = 'Unique logins';
2019 $string['statsuseractivity'] = 'All activity';
2020 $string['statsuserlogins'] = 'Logins';
2021 $string['statsuserreads'] = 'Views';
2022 $string['statsuserwrites'] = 'Posts';
2023 $string['statswrites'] = 'Posts';
2024 $string['status'] = 'Status';
2025 $string['statuscritical'] = 'Critical';
2026 $string['statusinfo'] = 'Info';
2027 $string['statusna'] = 'N/A';
2028 $string['statusok'] = 'OK';
2029 $string['statuserror'] = 'Error';
2030 $string['statuswarning'] = 'Warning';
2031 $string['stringsnotset'] = 'The following strings are not defined in {$a}';
2032 $string['studentnotallowed'] = 'Sorry, but you can not enter this course as \'{$a}\'';
2033 $string['students'] = 'Students';
2034 $string['studentsandteachers'] = 'Students and teachers';
2035 $string['subcategories'] = 'Subcategories';
2036 $string['subcategory'] = 'Subcategory';
2037 $string['subcategoryof'] = 'Subcategory of {$a}';
2038 $string['submit'] = 'Submit';
2039 $string['success'] = 'Success';
2040 $string['successduration'] = 'Success ({$a} seconds)';
2041 $string['summary'] = 'Summary';
2042 $string['summary_help'] = 'The idea of a summary is a short text to prepare students for the activi…
2043 $string['summaryof'] = 'Summary of {$a}';
2044 $string['supplyinfo'] = 'More details';
2045 $string['suspended'] = 'Suspended';
2046 $string['suspendedusers'] = 'Suspended users';
2047 $string['switchdevicedefault'] = 'Switch to the standard theme';
2048 $string['switchdevicerecommended'] = 'Switch to the recommended theme for your device';
2049 $string['switchrolereturn'] = 'Return to my normal role';
2050 $string['switchroleto'] = 'Switch role to...';
2051 $string['switchroleto_help'] = 'Choose a role to get an idea of how someone with that role will see…
2054 $string['tag'] = 'Tag';
2055 $string['tagalready'] = 'This tag already exists';
2056 $string['tagmanagement'] = 'Add/delete tags ...';
2057 $string['tags'] = 'Tags';
2058 $string['targetrole'] = 'Target role';
2059 $string['teacheronly'] = 'for the {$a} only';
2060 $string['teacherroles'] = '{$a} roles';
2061 $string['teachers'] = 'Teachers';
2062 $string['textediting'] = 'Text editor';
2063 $string['textediting_help'] = 'If an HTML editor such as Atto or TinyMCE is selected, text input ar…
2068 $string['texteditor'] = 'Use standard web forms';
2069 $string['textformat'] = 'Plain text format';
2070 $string['textellipsis'] = '{$a}...';
2071 $string['timesplitting:deciles'] = 'Last tenth';
2072 $string['timesplitting:deciles_help'] = 'This analysis interval divides the course into tenths (10 …
2073 $string['timesplitting:decilesaccum'] = 'All previous tenths';
2074 $string['timesplitting:decilesaccum_help'] = 'This analysis interval divides the course into tenths…
2075 $string['timesplitting:nosplitting'] = 'No time limits';
2076 $string['timesplitting:nosplitting_help'] = 'No analysis interval is defined for this model.';
2077 $string['timesplitting:quarters'] = 'Last quarter';
2078 $string['timesplitting:quarters_help'] = 'This analysis interval divides the course into quarters (…
2079 $string['timesplitting:quartersaccum'] = 'All previous quarters';
2080 $string['timesplitting:quartersaccum_help'] = 'This analysis interval divides the course into quart…
2081 $string['timesplitting:singlerange'] = 'From start to end';
2082 $string['timesplitting:singlerange_help'] = 'This analysis interval considers the entire course as …
2083 $string['timesplitting:onemonthafterstart'] = 'One month after start';
2084 $string['timesplitting:onemonthafterstart_help'] = 'This analysis interval generates a prediction 1…
2085 $string['timesplitting:oneweekafterstart'] = 'One week after start';
2086 $string['timesplitting:oneweekafterstart_help'] = 'This analysis interval generates a prediction 1 …
2087 $string['timesplitting:past3days'] = 'Past 3 days';
2088 $string['timesplitting:past3days_help'] = 'This analysis interval generates predictions every 3 day…
2089 $string['timesplitting:pastmonth'] = 'Past month';
2090 $string['timesplitting:pastmonth_help'] = 'This analysis interval generates predictions every month…
2091 $string['timesplitting:pastweek'] = 'Past week';
2092 $string['timesplitting:pastweek_help'] = 'This analysis interval generates predictions every week. …
2093 $string['timesplitting:upcoming3days'] = 'Upcoming 3 days';
2094 $string['timesplitting:upcoming3days_help'] = 'This analysis interval generates predictions every 3…
2095 $string['timesplitting:upcomingfortnight'] = 'Upcoming fortnight';
2096 $string['timesplitting:upcomingfortnight_help'] = 'This analysis interval generates predictions eve…
2097 $string['timesplitting:upcomingweek'] = 'Upcoming week';
2098 $string['timesplitting:upcomingweek_help'] = 'This analysis interval generates predictions every we…
2099 $string['timesplitting:tenpercentafterstart'] = '10% after start';
2100 $string['timesplitting:tenpercentafterstart_help'] = 'This analysis interval generates a prediction…
2101 $string['thanks'] = 'Thanks';
2102 $string['theme'] = 'Theme';
2103 $string['themes'] = 'Themes';
2104 $string['themesaved'] = 'New theme saved';
2105 $string['thereareno'] = 'There are no {$a} in this course';
2106 $string['therearecourses'] = 'There are {$a} courses';
2107 $string['thiscategory'] = 'This category';
2108 $string['thiscategorycontains'] = 'This category contains';
2109 $string['time'] = 'Time';
2110 $string['timecreatedcourse'] = 'Course time created';
2111 $string['timezone'] = 'Timezone';
2112 $string['to'] = 'To';
2113 $string['tocreatenewaccount'] = 'Skip to create new account';
2114 $string['tocontent'] = 'To item "{$a}"';
2115 $string['today'] = 'Today';
2116 $string['todaylogs'] = 'Today\'s logs';
2117 $string['toeveryone'] = 'to everyone';
2118 $string['toggleemojipicker'] = 'Toggle emoji picker';
2119 $string['togglesearch'] = 'Toggle search input';
2120 $string['toomanybounces'] = 'That email address has had too many bounces. You <b>must</b> change it…
2121 $string['toomanytags'] = 'This search included too many tags; some will have been ignored.';
2122 $string['toomanytoshow'] = 'There are too many users to show.';
2123 $string['toomanyusersmatchsearch'] = 'Too many users ({$a->count}) match \'{$a->search}\'';
2124 $string['toomanyuserstoshow'] = 'Too many users ({$a}) to show';
2125 $string['toonly'] = 'to {$a} only';
2126 $string['top'] = 'Top';
2127 $string['toplevelcategory'] = 'Top level category';
2128 $string['topic'] = 'Topic';
2129 $string['topicoutline'] = 'Topic outline';
2130 $string['topicshow'] = 'Show this topic to {$a}';
2131 $string['topichide'] = 'Hide this topic from {$a}';
2132 $string['total'] = 'Total';
2133 $string['totopofsection'] = 'To the top of section "{$a}"';
2134 $string['trackforums'] = 'Forum tracking';
2135 $string['trackforumsno'] = 'No: don\'t keep track of posts I have seen';
2136 $string['trackforumsyes'] = 'Yes: highlight new posts for me';
2137 $string['trysearching'] = 'Try searching instead.';
2138 $string['turneditingoff'] = 'Turn editing off';
2139 $string['turneditingon'] = 'Turn editing on';
2140 $string['unauthorisedlogin'] = 'The user account "{$a}" is not available on this site';
2141 $string['undecided'] = 'Undecided';
2142 $string['unfinished'] = 'Unfinished';
2143 $string['unknowncategory'] = 'Unknown category';
2144 $string['unknownerror'] = 'Unknown error';
2145 $string['unknownuser'] = 'Unknown user';
2146 $string['unlimited'] = 'Unlimited';
2147 $string['unpacking'] = 'Unpacking {$a}';
2148 $string['unsafepassword'] = 'Unsafe password - try something else';
2149 $string['untilcomplete'] = 'Until complete';
2150 $string['unusedaccounts'] = 'Accounts unused for more than {$a} days are automatically unenrolled';
2151 $string['unzip'] = 'Unzip';
2152 $string['unzippingbackup'] = 'Unzipping backup';
2153 $string['up'] = 'Up';
2154 $string['update'] = 'Update';
2155 $string['updated'] = 'Updated {$a}';
2156 $string['updatemymoodleoff'] = 'Stop customising this page';
2157 $string['updatemymoodleon'] = 'Customise this page';
2158 $string['updatemyprofile'] = 'Update profile';
2159 $string['updatesevery'] = 'Updates every {$a} seconds';
2160 $string['updatethis'] = 'Update this {$a}';
2161 $string['updatethiscourse'] = 'Update this course';
2162 $string['updatinga'] = 'Updating: {$a}';
2163 $string['updatingain'] = 'Updating {$a->what} in {$a->in}';
2164 $string['upload'] = 'Upload';
2165 $string['uploadafile'] = 'Upload a file';
2166 $string['uploadcantwrite'] = 'Failed to write file to disk';
2167 $string['uploadedfile'] = 'File uploaded successfully';
2168 $string['uploadedfileto'] = 'Uploaded {$a->file} to {$a->directory}';
2169 $string['uploadedfiletoobig'] = 'Sorry, but that file is too big (limit is {$a} bytes)';
2170 $string['uploadextension'] = 'File upload stopped by a PHP extension';
2171 $string['uploadfailednotrecovering'] = 'Your file upload has failed because there was a problem wit…
2172 $string['uploadfilelog'] = 'Upload log for file {$a}';
2173 $string['uploadformlimit'] = 'Uploaded file {$a} exceeded the maximum size limit set by the form';
2174 $string['uploadlabel'] = 'Title:';
2175 $string['uploadlimitwithsize'] = '{$a->contextname} upload limit ({$a->displaysize})';
2176 $string['uploadnewfile'] = 'Upload new file';
2177 $string['uploadnofilefound'] = 'No file was found - are you sure you selected one to upload?';
2178 $string['uploadnotallowed'] = 'Uploads are not allowed';
2179 $string['uploadnotempdir'] = 'Missing a temporary folder';
2180 $string['uploadoldfilesdeleted'] = 'The old file(s) in your upload area have been deleted';
2181 $string['uploadpartialfile'] = 'File was only partially uploaded';
2182 $string['uploadproblem'] = 'An unknown problem occurred while uploading the file \'{$a}\' (perhaps …
2183 $string['uploadrenamedcollision'] = 'File was renamed from {$a->oldname} to {$a->newname} because t…
2184 $string['uploadrenamedchars'] = 'File was renamed from {$a->oldname} to {$a->newname} because of in…
2185 $string['uploadserverlimit'] = 'Uploaded file exceeded the maximum size limit set by the server';
2186 $string['uploadthisfile'] = 'Upload this file';
2187 $string['url'] = 'URL';
2188 $string['used'] = 'Used';
2189 $string['usedinnplaces'] = 'Used in {$a} places';
2190 $string['user'] = 'User';
2191 $string['useraccount'] = 'User account';
2192 $string['userconfirmed'] = 'Confirmed {$a}';
2193 $string['useractivity'] = 'Activity';
2194 $string['userdata'] = 'User data';
2195 $string['userdeleted'] = 'This user account has been deleted';
2196 $string['userdescription'] = 'Description';
2197 $string['userdescription_help'] = 'This box enables you to enter some text about yourself which wil…
2198 $string['userdetails'] = 'User details';
2199 $string['userfiles'] = 'User files';
2200 $string['userlist'] = 'User list';
2201 $string['usermenu'] = 'User menu';
2202 $string['username'] = 'Username';
2203 $string['usernameemail'] = 'Username / email';
2204 $string['usernameemailmatch'] = 'The username and email address do not relate to the same user';
2205 $string['usernameexists'] = 'This username already exists, choose another';
2206 $string['usernamelowercase'] = 'Only lowercase letters allowed';
2207 $string['usernamenotfound'] = 'The username was not found in the database';
2208 $string['usernameoremail'] = 'Enter either username or email address';
2209 $string['usernotconfirmed'] = 'Could not confirm {$a}';
2210 $string['userpic'] = 'User picture';
2211 $string['users'] = 'Users';
2212 $string['userselectorautoselectunique'] = 'If only one user matches the search, select them automat…
2213 $string['userselectorpreserveselected'] = 'Keep selected users, even if they no longer match the se…
2214 $string['userselectorsearchanywhere'] = 'Match the search text anywhere in the displayed fields';
2215 $string['usersnew'] = 'New users';
2216 $string['usersnoaccesssince'] = 'Inactive for more than';
2217 $string['userpreferences'] = 'User preferences';
2218 $string['userswithfiles'] = 'Users with files';
2219 $string['useruploadtype'] = 'User upload type: {$a}';
2220 $string['userzones'] = 'User zones';
2221 $string['usetheme'] = 'Use theme';
2222 $string['usingexistingcourse'] = 'Using existing course';
2223 $string['valuealreadyused'] = 'This value has already been used.';
2224 $string['version'] = 'Version';
2225 $string['view'] = 'View';
2226 $string['viewing'] = 'Viewing:';
2227 $string['viewallcourses'] = 'View all courses';
2228 $string['viewallcoursescategories'] = 'View all courses and categories';
2229 $string['viewmore'] = 'View more';
2230 $string['viewallsubcategories'] = 'View all subcategories';
2231 $string['viewfileinpopup'] = 'View file in a popup window';
2232 $string['viewprofile'] = 'View profile';
2233 $string['views'] = 'Views';
2234 $string['viewsolution'] = 'view solution';
2235 $string['visible'] = 'Visible';
2236 $string['visible_help'] = 'This setting determines whether the course appears in the list of course…
2237 $string['visibletostudents'] = 'Visible to {$a}';
2238 $string['warning'] = 'Warning';
2239 $string['warningdeleteresource'] = 'Warning: {$a} is referred in a resource. Would you like to upda…
2240 $string['webpage'] = 'Web page';
2241 $string['week'] = 'Week';
2242 $string['weeks'] = 'weeks';
2243 $string['weekhide'] = 'Hide this week from {$a}';
2244 $string['weeklyoutline'] = 'Weekly outline';
2245 $string['weekshow'] = 'Show this week to {$a}';
2246 $string['welcometocourse'] = 'Welcome to {$a}';
2247 $string['welcometocoursetext'] = 'Welcome to {$a->coursename}!
2252 $string['whatforlink'] = 'What do you want to do with the link?';
2253 $string['whatforpage'] = 'What do you want to do with the text?';
2254 $string['whatisyourage'] = 'What is your age?';
2255 $string['whattocallzip'] = 'What do you want to call the zip file?';
2256 $string['whattodo'] = 'What to do';
2257 $string['wheredoyoulive'] = 'In which country do you live?';
2258 $string['whyisthisrequired'] = 'Why is this required?';
2259 $string['windowclosing'] = 'This window should close automatically. If not, please close it now.';
2260 $string['withchosenfiles'] = 'With chosen files';
2261 $string['withdisablednote'] = '{$a} (disabled)';
2262 $string['withoutuserdata'] = 'without user data';
2263 $string['withselectedusers'] = 'With selected users...';
2264 $string['withuserdata'] = 'with user data';
2265 $string['wordforstudent'] = 'Your word for Student';
2266 $string['wordforstudenteg'] = 'eg Student, Participant etc';
2267 $string['wordforstudents'] = 'Your word for Students';
2268 $string['wordforstudentseg'] = 'eg Students, Participants etc';
2269 $string['wordforteacher'] = 'Your word for Teacher';
2270 $string['wordforteachereg'] = 'eg Teacher, Tutor, Facilitator etc';
2271 $string['wordforteachers'] = 'Your word for Teachers';
2272 $string['wordforteacherseg'] = 'eg Teachers, Tutors, Facilitators etc';
2273 $string['writingblogsinfo'] = 'Writing blogs info';
2274 $string['writingcategoriesandquestions'] = 'Writing categories and questions';
2275 $string['writingcoursedata'] = 'Writing course data';
2276 $string['writingeventsinfo'] = 'Writing events info';
2277 $string['writinggeneralinfo'] = 'Writing general info';
2278 $string['writinggradebookinfo'] = 'Writing gradebook info';
2279 $string['writinggroupingsgroupsinfo'] = 'Writing groupings-groups info';
2280 $string['writinggroupingsinfo'] = 'Writing groupings info';
2281 $string['writinggroupsinfo'] = 'Writing groups info';
2282 $string['writingheader'] = 'Writing header';
2283 $string['writingloginfo'] = 'Writing logs info';
2284 $string['writingmessagesinfo'] = 'Writing messages info';
2285 $string['writingmoduleinfo'] = 'Writing modules info';
2286 $string['writingscalesinfo'] = 'Writing scales info';
2287 $string['writinguserinfo'] = 'Writing users info';
2288 $string['wrongpassword'] = 'Incorrect password for this username';
2289 $string['yahooid'] = 'Yahoo ID';
2290 $string['year'] = 'year';
2291 $string['years'] = 'years';
2292 $string['yes'] = 'Yes';
2293 $string['youareabouttocreatezip'] = 'You are about to create a zip file containing';
2294 $string['youaregoingtorestorefrom'] = 'You are about to start the restore process for';
2295 $string['youhaveupcomingactivitiesdue'] = 'You have upcoming activities due';
2296 $string['youhaveupcomingactivitiesdueinfo'] = 'Hi {$a},
2299 $string['youneedtoenrol'] = 'To perform that action you need to enrol in this course.';
2300 $string['yourlastlogin'] = 'Your last login was';
2301 $string['yourself'] = 'yourself';
2302 $string['yourteacher'] = 'your {$a}';
2303 $string['yourwordforx'] = 'Your word for \'{$a}\'';
2304 $string['zippingbackup'] = 'Zipping backup';
2305 $string['deprecatedeventname'] = '{$a} (no longer in use)';
2308 $string['participantscount'] = 'Number of participants: {$a}';
2309 $string['userfilterplaceholder'] = 'Search keyword or select filter';