Lines Matching refs:string
26 $string['accesscontrol'] = 'Access control';
27 $string['actionaftercorrectanswer'] = 'Action after correct answer';
28 $string['actionaftercorrectanswer_help'] = 'After answering a question correctly, there are 3 optio…
33 $string['actions'] = 'Actions';
34 $string['activitylink'] = 'Link to next activity';
35 $string['activitylink_help'] = 'To provide a link at the end of the lesson to another activity in t…
36 $string['activitylinkname'] = 'Go to {$a}';
37 $string['activityoverview'] = 'You have lessons that are due';
38 $string['addabranchtable'] = 'Add a content page';
39 $string['addanendofbranch'] = 'Add an end of branch';
40 $string['addanewpage'] = 'Add a new page';
41 $string['addaquestionpage'] = 'Add a question page';
42 $string['addaquestionpagehere'] = 'Add a question page here';
43 $string['addbranchtable'] = 'Add a content page';
44 $string['addcluster'] = 'Add a cluster';
45 $string['addessay'] = 'Create an Essay question page';
46 $string['addedabranchtable'] = 'Added a content page';
47 $string['addedanendofbranch'] = 'Added an end of branch';
48 $string['addedaquestionpage'] = 'Added a question page';
49 $string['addedcluster'] = 'Added a cluster';
50 $string['addedendofcluster'] = 'Added an end of cluster';
51 $string['addendofbranch'] = 'Add end of branch';
52 $string['addendofcluster'] = 'Add an end of cluster';
53 $string['addmatching'] = 'Create a Matching question page';
54 $string['addmultichoice'] = 'Create a Multichoice question page';
55 $string['addnewgroupoverride'] = 'Add group override';
56 $string['addnewuseroverride'] = 'Add user override';
57 $string['addnumerical'] = 'Create a Numerical question page';
58 $string['addpage'] = 'Add a page';
59 $string['addshortanswer'] = 'Create a Short answer question page';
60 $string['addtruefalse'] = 'Create a True/false question page';
61 $string['allotheranswers'] = 'All other answers';
62 $string['allotheranswersjump'] = 'All other answers jump';
63 $string['allotheranswersscore'] = 'All other answers score';
64 $string['allowofflineattempts'] = 'Allow lesson to be attempted offline using the mobile app';
65 $string['allowofflineattempts_help'] = 'If enabled, a mobile app user can download the lesson and a…
68 $string['and'] = 'AND';
69 $string['anchortitle'] = 'Start of main content';
70 $string['answer'] = 'Answer';
71 $string['answeredcorrectly'] = 'answered correctly.';
72 $string['answersfornumerical'] = 'Answers for numerical questions should be matched pairs of minimu…
73 $string['arrangebuttonshorizontally'] = 'Arrange content buttons horizontally?';
74 $string['attempt'] = 'Attempt: {$a}';
75 $string['attemptheader'] = 'Attempt';
76 $string['attemptinfonograde'] = '{$a->timestart} ({$a->duration})';
77 $string['attemptinfowithgrade'] = '{$a->grade}% {$a->timestart} ({$a->duration})';
78 $string['attempts'] = 'Attempts';
79 $string['attemptsdeleted'] = 'Deleted attempts';
80 $string['attemptsremaining'] = 'You have {$a} attempt(s) remaining';
81 $string['available'] = 'Available from';
82 $string['averagescore'] = 'Average score';
83 $string['averagetime'] = 'Average time';
84 $string['branch'] = 'Content';
85 $string['branchtable'] = 'Content';
86 $string['cancel'] = 'Cancel';
87 $string['cannotfindanswer'] = 'Error: could not find answer';
88 $string['cannotfindattempt'] = 'Error: could not find attempt';
89 $string['cannotfindessay'] = 'Error: could not find essay';
90 $string['cannotfindfirstgrade'] = 'Error: could not find grades';
91 $string['cannotfindfirstpage'] = 'Could not find first page';
92 $string['cannotfindgrade'] = 'Error: could not find grades';
93 $string['cannotfindnewestgrade'] = 'Error: could not find newest grade';
94 $string['cannotfindnextpage'] = 'Lesson backup: Next page not found!';
95 $string['cannotfindpagerecord'] = 'Add end of branch: page record not found';
96 $string['cannotfindpages'] = 'Could not find lesson pages';
97 $string['cannotfindpagetitle'] = 'Confirm delete: page title not found';
98 $string['cannotfindpreattempt'] = 'Previous attempt record could not be found!';
99 $string['cannotfindrecords'] = 'Error: could not find lesson records';
100 $string['cannotfindtimer'] = 'Error: could not find lesson_timer records';
101 $string['cannotfinduser'] = 'Error: could not find users';
102 $string['canretake'] = '{$a} can re-take';
103 $string['casesensitive'] = 'Use regular expressions';
104 $string['casesensitive_help'] = 'Tick the checkbox to use regular expressions for analysing respons…
105 $string['classstats'] = 'Class statistics';
106 $string['clicktodownload'] = 'Click on the following link to download the file.';
107 $string['closebeforeopen'] = 'Could not update the lesson. You have specified a close date before t…
108 $string['cluster'] = 'Cluster';
109 $string['clusterjump'] = 'Unseen question within a cluster';
110 $string['clustertitle'] = 'Cluster';
111 $string['collapsed'] = 'Collapsed';
112 $string['comments'] = 'Your comments';
113 $string['completed'] = 'Completed';
114 $string['completederror'] = 'Complete the lesson';
115 $string['completethefollowingconditions'] = 'You must complete the following condition(s) in <b>{$a…
116 $string['completionendreached'] = 'Require end reached';
117 $string['completionendreached_desc'] = 'Student must reach the end of lesson page to complete this …
118 $string['completiontimespent'] = 'Student must do this activity at least for';
119 $string['completiontimespentdesc'] = 'Student must do this activity for at least {$a}';
120 $string['completiontimespentgroup'] = 'Require time spent';
121 $string['conditionsfordependency'] = 'Condition(s) for the dependency';
122 $string['configintro'] = 'The values set here define the default values that are used in the settin…
123 $string['configmaxanswers'] = 'Default maximum number of answers per page';
124 $string['configmediaclose'] = 'Displays a close button as part of the popup generated for a linked …
125 $string['configmediaheight'] = 'Sets the height of the popup displayed for a linked media file';
126 $string['configmediawidth'] = 'Sets the width of the popup displayed for a linked media file';
127 $string['configpassword_desc'] = 'Whether a password is required in order to access the lesson.';
128 $string['configslideshowbgcolor'] = 'Background colour for the slideshow if it is enabled';
129 $string['configslideshowheight'] = 'Sets the height of the slideshow if it is enabled';
130 $string['configslideshowwidth'] = 'Sets the width of the slideshow if it is enabled';
131 $string['configtimelimit_desc'] = 'If a time limit is set, a warning is displayed at the beginning …
132 $string['confirmdelete'] = 'Delete page';
133 $string['confirmdeletionofthispage'] = 'Confirm deletion of this page';
134 $string['congratulations'] = 'Congratulations - end of lesson reached';
135 $string['continue'] = 'Continue';
136 $string['continuetoanswer'] = 'Continue to change answers.';
137 $string['continuetonextpage'] = 'Continue to next page.';
138 $string['correctanswerjump'] = 'Correct answer jump';
139 $string['correctanswerscore'] = 'Correct answer score';
140 $string['correctresponse'] = 'Correct response';
141 $string['createaquestionpage'] = 'Create a question page';
142 $string['credit'] = 'Credit';
143 $string['customscoring'] = 'Custom scoring';
144 $string['customscoring_help'] = 'If enabled, then each answer may be given a numerical point value …
145 $string['deadline'] = 'Deadline';
146 $string['defaultessayresponse'] = 'Your essay will be graded by your teacher.';
147 $string['deleteallattempts'] = 'Delete all lesson attempts';
148 $string['deletedefaults'] = 'Deleted {$a} x lesson default';
149 $string['deletedpage'] = 'Deleted page';
150 $string['deletepagenamed'] = 'Delete page: {$a}';
151 $string['deleting'] = 'Deleting';
152 $string['deletingpage'] = 'Deleting page: {$a}';
153 $string['dependencyon'] = 'Dependent on';
154 $string['dependencyon_help'] = 'This setting allows access to this lesson to be dependent upon a st…
155 $string['description'] = 'Description';
156 $string['deselectallattempts'] = 'Deselect all attempts';
157 $string['detailedstats'] = 'Detailed statistics';
158 $string['didnotanswerquestion'] = 'Did not answer this question.';
159 $string['didnotreceivecredit'] = 'Did not receive credit';
160 $string['disabled'] = 'Disabled';
161 $string['displaydefaultfeedback'] = 'Use default feedback';
162 $string['displaydefaultfeedback_help'] = 'If enabled, when a response is not found for a particular…
163 $string['displayinleftmenu'] = 'Display in menu?';
164 $string['displayleftif'] = 'Minimum grade to display menu';
165 $string['displayleftif_help'] = 'This setting determines whether a student must obtain a certain gr…
166 $string['displayleftmenu'] = 'Display menu';
167 $string['displayleftmenu_help'] = 'If enabled, a menu allowing users to navigate through the list o…
168 $string['displayofgrade'] = 'Display of grade (for students only)';
169 $string['displayreview'] = 'Provide option to try a question again';
170 $string['displayreview_help'] = 'If enabled, when a question is answered incorrectly, the student i…
171 $string['displayscorewithessays'] = '<p>You earned {$a->score} out of {$a->tempmaxgrade} for the au…
174 $string['displayscorewithoutessays'] = 'Your score is {$a->score} (out of {$a->grade}).';
175 $string['duplicatepagenamed'] = 'Duplicate page: {$a}';
176 $string['edit'] = 'Edit';
177 $string['editbranchtable'] = 'Editing a content page';
178 $string['editcluster'] = 'Editing a cluster';
179 $string['editendofcluster'] = 'Editing an end of cluster page';
180 $string['editendofbranch'] = 'Editing an end of branch page';
181 $string['editessay'] = 'Editing an Essay question page';
182 $string['editingquestionpage'] = 'Editing {$a} question page';
183 $string['editlessonsettings'] = 'Edit lesson settings';
184 $string['editmatching'] = 'Editing a Matching question page';
185 $string['editmultichoice'] = 'Editing a Multichoice question page';
186 $string['editnumerical'] = 'Editing a Numerical question page';
187 $string['editoverride'] = 'Edit override';
188 $string['editpage'] = 'Edit page contents';
189 $string['editpagecontent'] = 'Edit page contents';
190 $string['editquestion'] = 'Editing a question page';
191 $string['editshortanswer'] = 'Editing a Short answer question page';
192 $string['edittruefalse'] = 'Editing a True/false question page';
193 $string['email'] = 'Email';
194 $string['emailallgradedessays'] = 'Email ALL graded essays';
195 $string['emailgradedessays'] = 'Email graded essays';
196 $string['emailsuccess'] = 'Emails sent successfully';
197 $string['enabled'] = 'Enabled';
198 $string['endofbranch'] = 'End of branch';
199 $string['endofcluster'] = 'End of cluster';
200 $string['endofclustertitle'] = 'End of cluster';
201 $string['endoflesson'] = 'End of lesson';
202 $string['enteredthis'] = 'entered this.';
203 $string['enterpassword'] = 'Please enter the password:';
204 $string['emptypassword'] = 'Password cannot be empty';
205 $string['eolstudentoutoftime'] = 'Attention: You ran out of time for this lesson. Your last answe…
206 $string['eolstudentoutoftimenoanswers'] = 'You did not answer any questions. You have received a 0…
207 $string['essay'] = 'Essay';
208 $string['essayemailmessage2'] = '<p>Essay prompt: {$a->question}</p><p>Your response: <em>{$a->resp…
209 $string['essayemailmessagesmall'] = '<p>You have received {$a->earned} out of {$a->outof} for this …
210 $string['essayemailsubject'] = 'Grade available for lesson question';
211 $string['essaynotgradedyet'] = 'This essay has not been graded yet';
212 $string['essayresponses'] = 'Essay responses';
213 $string['essays'] = 'Essays';
214 $string['essayscore'] = 'Essay score';
215 $string['eventcontentpageviewed'] = 'Content page viewed';
216 $string['eventessayassessed'] = 'Essay assessed';
217 $string['eventessayattemptviewed'] = 'Essay attempt viewed';
218 $string['eventhighscoreadded'] = 'Lesson high score added';
219 $string['eventhighscoresviewed'] = 'Lesson high scores viewed';
220 $string['eventlessonended'] = 'Lesson ended';
221 $string['eventlessonrestarted'] = 'Lesson restarted';
222 $string['eventlessonresumed'] = 'Lesson resumed';
223 $string['eventlessonstarted'] = 'Lesson started';
224 $string['eventoverridecreated'] = 'Lesson override created';
225 $string['eventoverridedeleted'] = 'Lesson override deleted';
226 $string['eventoverrideupdated'] = 'Lesson override updated';
227 $string['eventpagecreated'] = 'Page created';
228 $string['eventpagemoved'] = 'Page moved';
229 $string['eventpageupdated'] = 'Page updated';
230 $string['eventpagedeleted'] = 'Page deleted';
231 $string['eventquestionanswered'] = 'Question answered';
232 $string['eventquestionviewed'] = 'Question viewed';
233 $string['false'] = 'False';
234 $string['fileformat'] = 'File format';
235 $string['finalwrong'] = 'Not quite.';
236 $string['finish'] = 'Finish';
237 $string['firstanswershould'] = 'First answer should jump to the "Correct" page';
238 $string['firstwrong'] = 'You have answered incorrectly. Would you like to attempt the question agai…
239 $string['flowcontrol'] = 'Flow control';
240 $string['fractionsaddwrong'] = 'The positive grades you have chosen do not add up to 100%<br />Inst…
241 $string['fractionsnomax'] = 'One of the answers should be 100%, so that it is<br />possible to get …
242 $string['full'] = 'Expanded';
243 $string['general'] = 'General';
244 $string['gotoendoflesson'] = 'Go to the end of the lesson';
245 $string['grade'] = 'Grade';
246 $string['gradebetterthan'] = 'Grade better than (%)';
247 $string['gradebetterthanerror'] = 'Earn a grade better than {$a} percent';
248 $string['graded'] = 'Graded';
249 $string['gradeessay'] = 'Grade essay questions ({$a->notgradedcount} not graded and {$a->notsentcou…
250 $string['gradeis'] = 'Grade is {$a}';
251 $string['gradeoptions'] = 'Grade options';
252 $string['groupoverrides'] = 'Group overrides';
253 $string['groupoverridesdeleted'] = 'Group overrides deleted';
254 $string['groupsnone'] = 'No groups you can access.';
255 $string['handlingofretakes'] = 'Handling of re-takes';
256 $string['handlingofretakes_help'] = 'If re-takes are allowed, this setting specifies whether the gr…
257 $string['havenotgradedyet'] = 'Have not graded yet.';
258 $string['here'] = 'here';
259 $string['highscore'] = 'High score';
260 $string['hightime'] = 'High time';
261 $string['checkbranchtable'] = 'Check content page';
262 $string['checkedthisone'] = 'Checked this one.';
263 $string['checknavigation'] = 'Check navigation';
264 $string['checkquestion'] = 'Check question';
265 $string['importcount'] = 'Importing {$a} questions';
266 $string['importquestions'] = 'Import questions';
267 $string['importquestions_help'] = 'This feature enables questions in a variety of formats to be imp…
268 $string['inactiveoverridehelp'] = '* This override is inactive because the user\'s access to the ac…
269 $string['insertedpage'] = 'Inserted page';
270 $string['indicator:cognitivedepth'] = 'Lesson cognitive';
271 $string['indicator:cognitivedepth_help'] = 'This indicator is based on the cognitive depth reached …
272 $string['indicator:cognitivedepthdef'] = 'Lesson cognitive';
273 $string['indicator:cognitivedepthdef_help'] = 'The participant has reached this percentage of the c…
274 $string['indicator:cognitivedepthdef_link'] = 'Learning_analytics_indicators#Cognitive_depth';
275 $string['indicator:socialbreadth'] = 'Lesson social';
276 $string['indicator:socialbreadth_help'] = 'This indicator is based on the social breadth reached by…
277 $string['indicator:socialbreadthdef'] = 'Lesson social';
278 $string['indicator:socialbreadthdef_help'] = 'The participant has reached this percentage of the so…
279 $string['indicator:socialbreadthdef_link'] = 'Learning_analytics_indicators#Social_breadth';
280 $string['invalidfile'] = 'Invalid file';
281 $string['invalidid'] = 'No course module ID or lesson ID were passed';
282 $string['invalidlessonid'] = 'lesson ID was incorrect';
283 $string['invalidoverrideid'] = 'Invalid override id';
284 $string['invalidpageid'] = 'Invalid page ID';
285 $string['jump'] = 'Jump';
286 $string['jumps'] = 'Jumps';
287 $string['jumps_help'] = 'Each answer (for questions) or description (for content pages) has a corre…
288 $string['jumpsto'] = 'Jumps to <em>{$a}</em>';
289 $string['leftduringtimedsession'] = 'You have left during a timed lesson.';
290 $string['leftduringtimed'] = 'You have left during a timed lesson.<br />Please click on Continue to…
291 $string['leftduringtimednoretake'] = 'You have left during a timed lesson and you are<br />not allo…
292 $string['lesson:addinstance'] = 'Add a new lesson';
293 $string['lesson:grade'] = 'Grade lesson essay questions';
294 $string['lessonclosed'] = 'This lesson closed on {$a}.';
295 $string['lessoncloses'] = 'Lesson closes';
296 $string['lessoneventcloses'] = '{$a} closes';
297 $string['lesson:edit'] = 'Edit a lesson activity';
298 $string['lessonformating'] = 'Lesson formatting';
299 $string['lesson:manage'] = 'Manage a lesson activity';
300 $string['lesson:manageoverrides'] = 'Manage lesson overrides';
301 $string['lesson:view'] = 'View lesson activity';
302 $string['lesson:viewreports'] = 'View lesson reports';
303 $string['lessonmenu'] = 'Lesson menu';
304 $string['lessonnotready'] = 'This lesson is not ready to be taken. Please contact your {$a}.';
305 $string['lessonnotready2'] = 'This lesson is not ready to be taken.';
306 $string['lessonopen'] = 'This lesson will be open on {$a}.';
307 $string['lessonopens'] = 'Lesson opens';
308 $string['lessoneventopens'] = '{$a} opens';
309 $string['lessonpagelinkingbroken'] = 'First page not found. Lesson page linking must be broken. P…
310 $string['lessonstats'] = 'Lesson statistics';
311 $string['linkedmedia'] = 'Linked media';
312 $string['loginfail'] = 'Login failed, please try again...';
313 $string['lowscore'] = 'Low score';
314 $string['lowtime'] = 'Low time';
315 $string['manualgrading'] = 'Grade essays';
316 $string['matchesanswer'] = 'Matches with answer';
317 $string['matching'] = 'Matching';
318 $string['matchingpair'] = 'Matching pair {$a}';
319 $string['maxgrade'] = 'Maximum grade';
320 $string['maxgrade_help'] = 'This setting specifies the maximum grade for the lesson. If set to 0, t…
321 $string['maximumnumberofanswersbranches'] = 'Maximum number of answers';
322 $string['maximumnumberofanswersbranches_help'] = 'This setting specifies the maximum number of answ…
323 $string['maximumnumberofattempts'] = 'Maximum number of attempts per question';
324 $string['maximumnumberofattempts_help'] = 'This setting specifies the maximum number of attempts al…
325 $string['maximumnumberofattemptsreached'] = 'Maximum number of attempts reached - Moving to next pa…
326 $string['mediaclose'] = 'Show close button';
327 $string['mediafile'] = 'Linked media';
328 $string['mediafile_help'] = 'A media file may be uploaded for use in the lesson. A \'Click here to …
329 $string['mediafilepopup'] = 'Click here to view';
330 $string['mediaheight'] = 'Popup window height';
331 $string['mediawidth'] = 'Popup window width';
332 $string['messageprovider:graded_essay'] = 'Lesson essay graded notification';
333 $string['minimumnumberofquestions'] = 'Minimum number of questions';
334 $string['minimumnumberofquestions_help'] = 'This setting specifies the minimum number of questions …
335 $string['missingname'] = 'Please enter a nickname';
336 $string['modattempts'] = 'Allow student review';
337 $string['modattempts_help'] = 'If enabled, students can navigate through the lesson again from the …
338 $string['modattemptsnoteacher'] = 'Student review only works for students.';
339 $string['modulename'] = 'Lesson';
340 $string['modulename_help'] = 'The lesson activity module enables a teacher to deliver content and/o…
349 $string['modulename_link'] = 'mod/lesson/view';
350 $string['modulenameplural'] = 'Lessons';
351 $string['move'] = 'Move page';
352 $string['movedpage'] = 'Moved page';
353 $string['movepagehere'] = 'Move page to here';
354 $string['movepagenamed'] = 'Move page: {$a}';
355 $string['moving'] = 'Moving page: {$a}';
356 $string['multianswer'] = 'Multiple-answer';
357 $string['multianswer_help'] = 'Tick the checkbox if more than one response is a correct answer.';
358 $string['multichoice'] = 'Multichoice';
359 $string['multipleanswer'] = 'Multiple answer';
360 $string['nameapproved'] = 'Name approved';
361 $string['namereject'] = 'Sorry, your name has been rejected by the filter.<br />Please try another …
362 $string['new'] = 'new';
363 $string['nextpage'] = 'Next page';
364 $string['noanswer'] = 'One or more questions have no answer given. Please go back and submit an an…
365 $string['noattemptrecordsfound'] = 'No attempt records found: no grade given';
366 $string['nobranchtablefound'] = 'No content page found';
367 $string['noclose'] = 'No close date';
368 $string['nocommentyet'] = 'No comment yet.';
369 $string['nocoursemods'] = 'No activities found';
370 $string['nocredit'] = 'No credit';
371 $string['nodeadline'] = 'No deadline';
372 $string['noessayquestionsfound'] = 'No essay questions found in this lesson.';
373 $string['nohighscores'] = 'No high scores';
374 $string['nolessonattempts'] = 'No attempts have been made on this lesson.';
375 $string['nolessonattemptsgroup'] = 'No attempts have been made by {$a} group members on this lesson…
376 $string['none'] = 'None';
377 $string['nooneansweredcorrectly'] = 'No one answered correctly.';
378 $string['nooneansweredthisquestion'] = 'No one answered this question.';
379 $string['nooneenteredthis'] = 'No one entered this.';
380 $string['noonehasanswered'] = 'No one has answered an essay question yet.';
381 $string['noonehasansweredgroup'] = 'No one in {$a} has answered an essay question yet.';
382 $string['noonecheckedthis'] = 'No one checked this.';
383 $string['noopen'] = 'No open date';
384 $string['nooverridedata'] = 'You must override at least one of the lesson settings.';
385 $string['noretake'] = 'You are not allowed to retake this lesson.';
386 $string['normal'] = 'Normal - follow lesson path';
387 $string['notcompleted'] = 'Not completed';
388 $string['notcompletedwithdate'] = 'Not completed ({$a})';
389 $string['notyetcompleted'] = 'Lesson has been started, but not yet completed';
390 $string['notdefined'] = 'Not defined';
391 $string['notenoughsubquestions'] = 'Not enough sub-questions have been defined!';
392 $string['notenoughtimespent'] = 'You completed this lesson in {$a->timespent}, which is less than t…
393 $string['notgraded'] = 'Not graded';
394 $string['notitle'] = 'No title';
395 $string['numberofcorrectanswers'] = 'Number of correct answers: {$a}';
396 $string['numberofcorrectanswersheader'] = 'Number of correct answers';
397 $string['numberofcorrectmatches'] = 'Number of correct matches: {$a}';
398 $string['numberofpagestoshow'] = 'Number of pages to show';
399 $string['numberofpagestoshow_help'] = 'This setting specifies the number of pages shown in a lesson…
400 $string['numberofpagesviewed'] = 'Number of questions answered: {$a}';
401 $string['numberofpagesviewedheader'] = 'Number of questions answered';
402 $string['numberofpagesviewednotice'] = 'Number of questions answered: {$a->nquestions} (You should …
403 $string['numerical'] = 'Numerical';
404 $string['numericanswer_help'] = 'You can specify a single number, or a range of numbers by using co…
405 $string['numericanswer'] = 'Numeric answer';
406 $string['offlinedatamessage'] = 'You have worked on this attempt using a mobile device. Data was la…
407 $string['ongoing'] = 'Display ongoing score';
408 $string['ongoing_help'] = 'If enabled, each page will display the student\'s current points earned …
409 $string['ongoingcustom'] = 'You have earned {$a->score} point(s) out of {$a->currenthigh} point(s) …
410 $string['ongoingnormal'] = 'You have answered {$a->correct} correctly out of {$a->viewed} attempts.…
411 $string['onpostperpage'] = 'Only one posting per grade';
412 $string['openafterclose'] = 'You have specified an open date after the close date';
413 $string['options'] = 'Options';
414 $string['or'] = 'OR';
415 $string['ordered'] = 'Ordered';
416 $string['other'] = 'Other';
417 $string['outof'] = 'Out of {$a}';
418 $string['override'] = 'Override';
419 $string['overridedeletegroupsure'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete the override for group {$a}?';
420 $string['overridedeleteusersure'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete the override for user {$a}?';
421 $string['overridegroup'] = 'Override group';
422 $string['overridegroupeventname'] = '{$a->lesson} - {$a->group}';
423 $string['overrides'] = 'Overrides';
424 $string['overrideuser'] = 'Override user';
425 $string['overrideusereventname'] = '{$a->lesson} - Override';
426 $string['overview'] = 'Overview';
427 $string['overview_help'] = 'A lesson is made up of a number of pages and optionally content pages. …
428 $string['page'] = 'Page: {$a}';
429 $string['page-mod-lesson-x'] = 'Any lesson page';
430 $string['page-mod-lesson-view'] = 'View or preview lesson page';
431 $string['page-mod-lesson-edit'] = 'Edit lesson page';
432 $string['pageanswers'] = 'Page answers';
433 $string['pagecontents'] = 'Page contents';
434 $string['pageresponses'] = 'Page responses';
435 $string['pages'] = 'Pages';
436 $string['pagetitle'] = 'Page title';
437 $string['password'] = 'Password';
438 $string['passwordprotectedlesson'] = '{$a} is a password protected lesson.';
439 $string['pleaseenteryouranswerinthebox'] = 'Please enter your answer in the box';
440 $string['pleasecheckoneanswer'] = 'Please check one answer';
441 $string['pleasecheckoneormoreanswers'] = 'Please check one or more answers';
442 $string['pleasematchtheabovepairs'] = 'Please match the above pairs';
443 $string['pluginadministration'] = 'Lesson administration';
444 $string['pluginname'] = 'Lesson';
445 $string['pointsearned'] = 'Points earned';
446 $string['postprocesserror'] = 'Error occurred during post-processing!';
447 $string['postsuccess'] = 'Post successful';
448 $string['practice'] = 'Practice lesson';
449 $string['practice_help'] = 'A practice lesson does not appear in the gradebook.';
450 $string['preprocesserror'] = 'Error occurred during pre-processing!';
451 $string['prerequisiteisobsolete'] = 'The prerequisite lesson option is due to be removed. Please us…
452 $string['prerequisitelesson'] = 'Prerequisite lesson';
453 $string['preview'] = 'Preview';
454 $string['previewlesson'] = 'Preview {$a}';
455 $string['previewpagenamed'] = 'Preview page: {$a}';
456 $string['previouspage'] = 'Previous page';
457 $string['privacy:metadata:attempts:userid'] = 'The user ID';
458 $string['privacy:metadata:attempts:pageid'] = 'The page ID';
459 $string['privacy:metadata:attempts:answerid'] = 'The answer ID';
460 $string['privacy:metadata:attempts:retry'] = 'The attempt number';
461 $string['privacy:metadata:attempts:correct'] = 'Whether the attempt was correct';
462 $string['privacy:metadata:attempts:useranswer'] = 'Details about the user\'s answer';
463 $string['privacy:metadata:attempts:timeseen'] = 'The time when the attempt was made';
464 $string['privacy:metadata:attempts'] = 'A record of page attempts';
465 $string['privacy:metadata:grades:userid'] = 'The user ID';
466 $string['privacy:metadata:grades:grade'] = 'The grade given';
467 $string['privacy:metadata:grades:completed'] = 'The date when the grade was given';
468 $string['privacy:metadata:grades'] = 'A record of the grades for each lesson';
469 $string['privacy:metadata:timer:userid'] = 'The user ID';
470 $string['privacy:metadata:timer:starttime'] = 'The date when the attempt started';
471 $string['privacy:metadata:timer:lessontime'] = 'The last moment when we recorded activity';
472 $string['privacy:metadata:timer:completed'] = 'Whether the attempt is complete';
473 $string['privacy:metadata:timer:timemodifiedoffline'] = 'The last moment when we recorded activity …
474 $string['privacy:metadata:timer'] = 'A record of a lesson attempt';
475 $string['privacy:metadata:branch:userid'] = 'The user ID';
476 $string['privacy:metadata:branch:pageid'] = 'The page ID';
477 $string['privacy:metadata:branch:retry'] = 'The attempt number';
478 $string['privacy:metadata:branch:flag'] = 'Whether the next page was calculated randomely';
479 $string['privacy:metadata:branch:timeseen'] = 'The time when the page was viewed';
480 $string['privacy:metadata:branch:nextpageid'] = 'The next page ID';
481 $string['privacy:metadata:branch'] = 'A record of the pages viewed';
482 $string['privacy:metadata:overrides:userid'] = 'The user ID';
483 $string['privacy:metadata:overrides:available'] = 'The time when the lesson may be attempted';
484 $string['privacy:metadata:overrides:deadline'] = 'The deadline for completing the lesson.';
485 $string['privacy:metadata:overrides:timelimit'] = 'Time limit to complete the lesson, in seconds.';
486 $string['privacy:metadata:overrides:review'] = 'Whether trying a question again is allowed';
487 $string['privacy:metadata:overrides:maxattempts'] = 'The maximium number of attempts';
488 $string['privacy:metadata:overrides:retake'] = 'Whether re-takes are allowed';
489 $string['privacy:metadata:overrides:password'] = 'The password to access the lesson';
490 $string['privacy:metadata:overrides'] = 'A record of overrides per lesson';
491 $string['privacy:metadata:userpref:lessonview'] = 'The preferred display mode when editing lessons';
492 $string['privacy:path:essayresponses'] = 'Essay responses';
493 $string['privacy:path:essayanswers'] = 'Essay answers';
494 $string['privacy:path:pages'] = 'Pages';
495 $string['processerror'] = 'Error occurred during processing!';
496 $string['progressbar'] = 'Progress bar';
497 $string['progressbar_help'] = 'If enabled, a bar is displayed at the bottom of lesson pages showing…
498 $string['progresscompleted'] = 'You have completed {$a}% of the lesson';
499 $string['progressbarteacherwarning'] = 'Progress bar does not display for {$a}';
500 $string['progressbarteacherwarning2'] = 'You will not see the progress bar because you can edit thi…
501 $string['qtype'] = 'Page type';
502 $string['question'] = 'Question';
503 $string['questionoption'] = 'Question';
504 $string['questiontype'] = 'Question type';
505 $string['randombranch'] = 'Random content page';
506 $string['randompageinbranch'] = 'Random question within a content page';
507 $string['rank'] = 'Rank';
508 $string['rawgrade'] = 'Raw grade';
509 $string['receivedcredit'] = 'Received credit';
510 $string['redisplaypage'] = 'Redisplay page';
511 $string['removeallgroupoverrides'] = 'Delete all group overrides';
512 $string['removealluseroverrides'] = 'Delete all user overrides';
513 $string['report'] = 'Report';
514 $string['reports'] = 'Reports';
515 $string['response'] = 'Response';
516 $string['retakesallowed'] = 'Re-takes allowed';
517 $string['retakesallowed_help'] = 'If enabled, students can attempt the lesson more than once.';
518 $string['returnto'] = 'Return to {$a}';
519 $string['returntocourse'] = 'Return to the course';
520 $string['reverttodefaults'] = 'Revert to lesson defaults';
521 $string['review'] = 'Review';
522 $string['reviewlesson'] = 'Review lesson';
523 $string['reviewquestionback'] = 'Yes, I\'d like to try again';
524 $string['reviewquestioncontinue'] = 'No, I just want to go on to the next question';
525 $string['sanitycheckfailed'] = 'Sanity check failed: This attempt has been deleted';
526 $string['save'] = 'Save';
527 $string['savechanges'] = 'Save changes';
528 $string['savechangesandeol'] = 'Save all changes and go to the end of the lesson.';
529 $string['saveoverrideandstay'] = 'Save and enter another override';
530 $string['savepage'] = 'Save page';
531 $string['score'] = 'Score';
532 $string['score_help'] = 'Score is only used when custom scoring is enabled. Each answer can then be…
533 $string['scores'] = 'Scores';
534 $string['search:activity'] = 'Lesson - activity information';
535 $string['secondpluswrong'] = 'Not quite. Would you like to try again?';
536 $string['selectaqtype'] = 'Select a question type';
537 $string['selectallattempts'] = 'Select all attempts';
538 $string['sent'] = 'Sent';
539 $string['shortanswer'] = 'Short answer';
540 $string['showanunansweredpage'] = 'Show an unanswered page';
541 $string['showanunseenpage'] = 'Show an unseen page';
542 $string['singleanswer'] = 'Single answer';
543 $string['skip'] = 'Skip navigation';
544 $string['slideshow'] = 'Slideshow';
545 $string['slideshow_help'] = 'If enabled, the lesson is displayed as a slideshow, with a fixed width…
546 $string['slideshowbgcolor'] = 'Slideshow background colour';
547 $string['slideshowheight'] = 'Slideshow height';
548 $string['slideshowwidth'] = 'Slideshow width';
549 $string['startlesson'] = 'Start lesson';
550 $string['studentattemptlesson'] = '{$a->lastname}, {$a->firstname}\'s attempt number {$a->attempt}';
551 $string['studentname'] = '{$a} Name';
552 $string['studentoneminwarning'] = 'Warning: You have 1 minute or less to finish the lesson.';
553 $string['studentoutoftimeforreview'] = 'Attention: You ran out of time for reviewing this lesson';
554 $string['studentresponse'] = '{$a}\'s response';
555 $string['submit'] = 'Submit';
556 $string['submitname'] = 'Submit name';
557 $string['teacherjumpwarning'] = 'A {$a->cluster} jump or an {$a->unseen} jump is being used in this…
558 $string['teacherongoingwarning'] = 'The ongoing score is only displayed for the student. Log in as …
559 $string['teachertimerwarning'] = 'Timer only works for students. Test the timer by logging in as a…
560 $string['thatsthecorrectanswer'] = 'That\'s the correct answer';
561 $string['thatsthewronganswer'] = 'That\'s the wrong answer';
562 $string['thefollowingpagesjumptothispage'] = 'The following pages jump to this page';
563 $string['thispage'] = 'This page';
564 $string['timeisup'] = 'Time is up';
565 $string['timelimit'] = 'Time limit';
566 $string['timelimit_help'] = 'If enabled, a warning about the time limit is displayed at the beginni…
567 $string['timelimitwarning'] = 'You have {$a} to finish the lesson.';
568 $string['timeremaining'] = 'Time remaining';
569 $string['timespenterror'] = 'Spend at least {$a} minutes in the lesson';
570 $string['timespentminutes'] = 'Time spent (minutes)';
571 $string['timetaken'] = 'Time taken';
572 $string['totalpagesviewedheader'] = 'Number of pages viewed';
573 $string['true'] = 'True';
574 $string['truefalse'] = 'True/false';
575 $string['unabledtosavefile'] = 'The file you uploaded could not be saved';
576 $string['unknownqtypesnotimported'] = '{$a} questions with unsupported question types were not impo…
577 $string['unseenpageinbranch'] = 'Unseen question within a content page';
578 $string['unsupportedqtype'] = 'Unsupported question type ({$a})!';
579 $string['updatepagenamed'] = 'Update page: {$a}';
580 $string['updatedpage'] = 'Updated page';
581 $string['updatefailed'] = 'Update failed';
582 $string['usemaximum'] = 'Use maximum';
583 $string['usemean'] = 'Use mean';
584 $string['usepassword'] = 'Password protected lesson';
585 $string['usepassword_help'] = 'If enabled, a password is required in order to access the lesson.';
586 $string['useroverrides'] = 'User overrides';
587 $string['useroverridesdeleted'] = 'User overrides deleted';
588 $string['usersnone'] = 'No students have access to this lesson';
589 $string['viewessayanswers'] = 'View essay answers';
590 $string['viewgrades'] = 'View grades';
591 $string['viewreports'] = 'View {$a->attempts} completed {$a->student} attempts';
592 $string['viewreports2'] = 'View {$a} completed attempts';
593 $string['warning'] = 'Warning';
594 $string['welldone'] = 'Well done!';
595 $string['whatdofirst'] = 'What would you like to do first?';
596 $string['withselectedattempts'] = 'With selected attempts...';
597 $string['wronganswerjump'] = 'Wrong answer jump';
598 $string['wronganswerscore'] = 'Wrong answer score';
599 $string['wrongresponse'] = 'Wrong response';
600 $string['youhaveseen'] = 'You have seen more than one page of this lesson already.<br />Do you want…
601 $string['youranswer'] = 'Your answer';
602 $string['yourcurrentgradeis'] = 'Your current grade is {$a}';
603 $string['yourcurrentgradeisoutof'] = 'Your current grade is {$a->grade} out of {$a->total}';
604 $string['youshouldview'] = 'You should answer at least: {$a}';
607 $string['additionalattemptsremaining'] = 'Completed, You can re-attempt this lesson';
608 $string['lessoncloseson'] = 'Lesson closes on {$a}';
609 $string['lessonname'] = 'Lesson: {$a}';
610 $string['xattempts'] = '{$a} attempts';