Lines Matching refs:string
25 $string['accessnoticesheader'] = 'You can preview this quiz, but if this were a real attempt, you w…
26 $string['action'] = 'Action';
27 $string['activityoverview'] = 'You have quizzes that are due';
28 $string['adaptive'] = 'Adaptive mode';
29 $string['adaptive_help'] = 'If enabled, multiple responses to a question are allowed within the sam…
30 $string['add'] = 'Add';
31 $string['addaquestion'] = 'a new question';
32 $string['addasection'] = 'a new section heading';
33 $string['addarandomquestion'] = 'a random question';
34 $string['addarandomquestion_help'] = 'When a random question is added, it results in a randomly-cho…
35 $string['addarandomselectedquestion'] = 'Add a random selected question ...';
36 $string['adddescriptionlabel'] = 'Add a description item';
37 $string['addingquestion'] = 'Adding a question';
38 $string['addingquestions'] = '<p>This side of the page is where you manage your database of questio…
40 $string['addmoreoverallfeedbacks'] = 'Add {no} more feedback fields';
41 $string['addnewgroupoverride'] = 'Add group override';
42 $string['addnewpagesafterselected'] = 'Add new pages after selected questions';
43 $string['addnewquestionsqbank'] = 'Add questions to the category {$a->catname}: {$a->link}';
44 $string['addnewuseroverride'] = 'Add user override';
45 $string['addpagebreak'] = 'Add page break';
46 $string['addpagehere'] = 'Add page here';
47 $string['addquestion'] = 'Add question';
48 $string['addquestionfrombankatend'] = 'Add from the question bank at the end';
49 $string['addquestionfrombanktopage'] = 'Add from the question bank to page {$a}';
50 $string['addquestions'] = 'Add questions';
51 $string['addquestionstoquiz'] = 'Add questions to current quiz';
52 $string['addrandom'] = 'Add {$a} random questions';
53 $string['addrandomfromcategory'] = 'Add random questions from category:';
54 $string['addrandomquestion'] = 'Add random question';
55 $string['addarandomquestion_help'] = 'When a random question is added, it results in a randomly-cho…
56 $string['addrandomquestionatend'] = 'Add a random question at the end';
57 $string['addrandomquestiontopage'] = 'Add a random question to page {$a}';
58 $string['addrandomquestiontoquiz'] = 'Add a random question to quiz {$a}';
59 $string['addrandom1'] = '<< Add';
60 $string['addrandom2'] = 'random questions';
61 $string['addselectedquestionstoquiz'] = 'Add selected questions to the quiz';
62 $string['addselectedtoquiz'] = 'Add selected to quiz';
63 $string['addtoquiz'] = 'Add to quiz';
64 $string['affectedstudents'] = 'Affected {$a}';
65 $string['aftereachquestion'] = 'After adding each question';
66 $string['afternquestions'] = 'After adding {$a} questions';
67 $string['age'] = 'age';
68 $string['allattempts'] = 'All attempts';
69 $string['allinone'] = 'Unlimited';
70 $string['allowreview'] = 'Allow review';
71 $string['alreadysubmitted'] = 'It is likely that you have already submitted this attempt';
72 $string['alternativeunits'] = 'Alternative units';
73 $string['alwaysavailable'] = 'Always available';
74 $string['analysisoptions'] = 'Analysis options';
75 $string['analysistitle'] = 'Item analysis table';
76 $string['answer'] = 'Answer';
77 $string['answered'] = 'Answered';
78 $string['answerhowmany'] = 'One or multiple answers?';
79 $string['answers'] = 'Answers';
80 $string['answersingleno'] = 'Multiple answers allowed';
81 $string['answersingleyes'] = 'One answer only';
82 $string['answertoolong'] = 'Answer too long after line {$a} (255 char. max)';
83 $string['anytags'] = 'Any tags';
84 $string['aon'] = 'AON format';
85 $string['areyousureremoveselected'] = 'Are you sure you want to remove all the selected questions?';
86 $string['asshownoneditscreen'] = 'As shown on the edit screen';
87 $string['attempt'] = 'Attempt {$a}';
88 $string['attemptalreadyclosed'] = 'This attempt has already been finished.';
89 $string['attemptclosed'] = 'Attempt has not closed yet';
90 $string['attemptduration'] = 'Time taken';
91 $string['attemptedon'] = 'Attempted on';
92 $string['attempterror'] = 'You are not allowed to attempt this quiz at this time because: {$a}';
93 $string['attempterrorinvalid'] = 'Invalid quiz attempt ID';
94 $string['attempterrorcontentchange'] = 'This quiz preview no longer exists. (When a quiz is edited,…
95 $string['attempterrorcontentchangeforuser'] = 'This quiz attempt no longer exists.';
96 $string['attemptfirst'] = 'First attempt';
97 $string['attemptincomplete'] = 'That attempt (by {$a}) is not yet completed.';
98 $string['attemptlast'] = 'Last attempt';
99 $string['attemptnumber'] = 'Attempt';
100 $string['attemptquiznow'] = 'Attempt quiz now';
101 $string['attemptreviewtitle'] = '{$a}: Attempt review';
102 $string['attemptreviewtitlepaged'] = '{$a->name}: Attempt review (page {$a->currentpage} of {$a->to…
103 $string['attempts'] = 'Attempts';
104 $string['attempts_help'] = 'The total number of attempts allowed (not the number of extra attempts)…
105 $string['attemptsallowed'] = 'Attempts allowed';
106 $string['attemptsdeleted'] = 'Quiz attempts deleted';
107 $string['attemptselection'] = 'Select which attempts to analyze per user:';
108 $string['attemptsexist'] = 'You can no longer add or remove questions.';
109 $string['attemptsnum'] = 'Attempts: {$a}';
110 $string['attemptsnumthisgroup'] = 'Attempts: {$a->total} ({$a->group} from this group)';
111 $string['attemptsnumyourgroups'] = 'Attempts: {$a->total} ({$a->group} from your groups)';
112 $string['attemptsonly'] = 'Show only students with attempts';
113 $string['attemptstate'] = 'State';
114 $string['attemptstillinprogress'] = 'Attempt still in progress';
115 $string['attemptsummarytitle'] = '{$a}: Attempt summary';
116 $string['attemptsunlimited'] = 'Unlimited attempts';
117 $string['attempttitle'] = '{$a}';
118 $string['attempttitlepaged'] = '{$a->name} (page {$a->currentpage} of {$a->totalpages})';
119 $string['autosaveperiod'] = 'Auto-save delay';
120 $string['autosaveperiod_desc'] = 'Responses can be saved automatically during quiz attempts. The re…
121 $string['back'] = 'Back to preview question';
122 $string['backtocourse'] = 'Back to the course';
123 $string['backtoquestionlist'] = 'Back to question list';
124 $string['backtoquiz'] = 'Back to quiz editing';
125 $string['basicideasofquiz'] = 'The basic ideas of quiz-making';
126 $string['bestgrade'] = 'Best grade';
127 $string['bothattempts'] = 'Show students with and without attempts';
128 $string['browsersecurity'] = 'Browser security';
129 $string['browsersecurity_help'] = 'If "Full screen pop-up with some JavaScript security" is selecte…
134 $string['calculated'] = 'Calculated';
135 $string['calculatedquestion'] = 'Calculated question not supported at line {$a}. The question will …
136 $string['cannotcreatepath'] = 'Path cannot be created ({$a})';
137 $string['cannoteditafterattempts'] = 'You cannot add or remove questions because this quiz has been…
138 $string['cannotfindprevattempt'] = 'Cannot find previous attempt to build on.';
139 $string['cannotfindquestionregard'] = 'Failed to get questions for regrading!';
140 $string['cannotinsert'] = 'Cannot insert question';
141 $string['cannotinsertrandomquestion'] = 'Could not insert new random question!';
142 $string['cannotloadquestion'] = 'Could not load question options';
143 $string['cannotloadtypeinfo'] = 'Unable to load questiontype specific question information';
144 $string['cannotopen'] = 'Cannot open export file ({$a})';
145 $string['cannotremoveallsectionslots'] = 'You have selected all questions under the \'{$a}\' sectio…
146 $string['cannotremoveslots'] = 'Cannot remove questions';
147 $string['cannotrestore'] = 'Could not restore question sessions';
148 $string['cannotreviewopen'] = 'You cannot review this attempt, it is still open.';
149 $string['cannotsavelayout'] = 'Could not save layout';
150 $string['cannotsavenumberofquestion'] = 'Could not save number of questions per page';
151 $string['cannotsavequestion'] = 'Cannot save question list';
152 $string['cannotsetgrade'] = 'Could not set a new maximum grade for the quiz';
153 $string['cannotsetsumgrades'] = 'Failed to set sumgrades';
154 $string['cannotstartgradesmismatch'] = 'Cannot start an attempt at this quiz. The quiz is set to be…
155 $string['cannotstartmissingquestion'] = 'Cannot start an attempt at this quiz. The quiz definition …
156 $string['cannotstartnoquestions'] = 'Cannot start an attempt at this quiz. The quiz has not been se…
157 $string['cannotwrite'] = 'Cannot write to export file ({$a})';
158 $string['canredoquestions'] = 'Allow redo within an attempt';
159 $string['canredoquestions_desc'] = 'If enabled, after finishing attempting a question, a \'Try anot…
162 $string['canredoquestions_help'] = 'If enabled, after finishing attempting a question, a \'Try anot…
165 $string['canredoquestionsyes'] = 'Yes, provide the option to try another question';
166 $string['caseno'] = 'No, case is unimportant';
167 $string['casesensitive'] = 'Case sensitivity';
168 $string['caseyes'] = 'Yes, case must match';
169 $string['categoryadded'] = 'The category \'{$a}\' was added';
170 $string['categorydeleted'] = 'The category \'{$a}\' was deleted';
171 $string['categorynoedit'] = 'You do not have editing privileges in the category \'{$a}\'.';
172 $string['categoryupdated'] = 'The category was successfully updated';
173 $string['close'] = 'Close window';
174 $string['closed'] = 'Closed';
175 $string['closebeforeopen'] = 'Could not update the quiz. You have specified a close date before the…
176 $string['closepreview'] = 'Close preview';
177 $string['closereview'] = 'Close review';
178 $string['comment'] = 'Comment';
179 $string['commentorgrade'] = 'Make comment or override grade';
180 $string['comments'] = 'Comments';
181 $string['completedon'] = 'Completed on';
182 $string['completionminattempts'] = 'Minimum number of attempts:';
183 $string['completionminattemptsgroup'] = 'Require attempts';
184 $string['completionminattemptserror'] = 'Minimum number of attempts must be lower or equal to attem…
185 $string['completionpass'] = 'Require passing grade';
186 $string['completionpassdesc'] = 'Student must achieve a passing grade to complete this activity';
187 $string['completionpass_help'] = 'If enabled, this activity is considered complete when the student…
188 $string['completionattemptsexhausted'] = 'Or all available attempts completed';
189 $string['completionattemptsexhausteddesc'] = 'Complete if all available attempts are exhausted';
190 $string['completionattemptsexhausted_help'] = 'Mark quiz complete when the student has exhausted th…
191 $string['configadaptive'] = 'If you choose Yes for this option then the student will be allowed mul…
192 $string['configattemptsallowed'] = 'Restriction on the number of attempts students are allowed at t…
193 $string['configdecimaldigits'] = 'Number of digits that should be shown after the decimal point whe…
194 $string['configdecimalplaces'] = 'Number of digits that should be shown after the decimal point whe…
195 $string['configdecimalplacesquestion'] = 'Number of digits that should be shown after the decimal p…
196 $string['configdelaylater'] = 'If you set a time delay here, the student cannot start their third, …
197 $string['configdelay1'] = 'If you set a time delay, then a student has to wait for that time before…
198 $string['configdelay1st2nd'] = 'If you set a time delay here, the student cannot start their second…
199 $string['configdelay2'] = 'If you set a time delay here, then a student has to wait for that time b…
200 $string['configeachattemptbuildsonthelast'] = 'If multiple attempts are allowed then each new attem…
201 $string['configgrademethod'] = 'When multiple attempts are allowed, which method should be used to …
202 $string['configintro'] = 'The values you set here define the default values that are used in the se…
203 $string['configmaximumgrade'] = 'The default grade that the quiz grade is scaled to be out of.';
204 $string['confignewpageevery'] = 'When adding questions to the quiz page breaks will automatically b…
205 $string['confignavmethod'] = 'In Free navigation, questions may be answered in any order using navi…
206 $string['configoutcomesadvanced'] = 'If this option is turned on, then the Outcomes on the quiz edi…
207 $string['configpenaltyscheme'] = 'Penalty subtracted for each wrong response in adaptive mode.';
208 $string['configpopup'] = 'Force the attempt to open in a popup window, and use JavaScript tricks to…
209 $string['configrequirepassword'] = 'Students must enter this password before they can attempt the q…
210 $string['configrequiresubnet'] = 'Students can only attempt the quiz from these computers.';
211 $string['configreviewoptions'] = 'These options control what information users can see when they re…
212 $string['configshowblocks'] = 'Show blocks during quiz attempts.';
213 $string['configshowuserpicture'] = 'Show the user\'s picture on screen during attempts.';
214 $string['configshufflewithin'] = 'If you enable this option, then the parts making up the individua…
215 $string['configtimelimit'] = 'Default time limit for quizzes in minutes. 0 mean no time limit.';
216 $string['configtimelimitsec'] = 'Default time limit for quizzes in seconds. 0 mean no time limit.';
217 $string['configurerandomquestion'] = 'Configure question';
218 $string['confirmclose'] = 'Once you submit, you will no longer be able to change your answers for t…
219 $string['confirmremovequestion'] = 'Are you sure you want to remove this {$a} question?';
220 $string['confirmremovesectionheading'] = 'Are you sure you want to remove the \'{$a}\' section head…
221 $string['confirmserverdelete'] = 'Are you sure you want to remove the server <b>{$a}</b> from the l…
222 $string['connectionok'] = 'Network connection restored. You may continue safely.';
223 $string['connectionerror'] = 'Network connection lost. (Autosave failed).
228 $string['containercategorycreated'] = 'This category has been created to store all the original cat…
229 $string['continueattemptquiz'] = 'Continue the last attempt';
230 $string['continuepreview'] = 'Continue the last preview';
231 $string['copyingfrom'] = 'Creating a copy of the question \'{$a}\'';
232 $string['copyingquestion'] = 'Copying a question';
233 $string['correct'] = 'Correct';
234 $string['correctanswer'] = 'Correct answer';
235 $string['correctanswerformula'] = 'Correct answer formula';
236 $string['correctansweris'] = 'Correct answer: {$a}';
237 $string['correctanswerlength'] = 'Significant figures';
238 $string['correctanswers'] = 'Correct answers';
239 $string['correctanswershows'] = 'Correct answer shows';
240 $string['corrresp'] = 'Correct response';
241 $string['countdown'] = 'Countdown';
242 $string['countdownfinished'] = 'The quiz is closing, you should submit your answers now.';
243 $string['countdowntenminutes'] = 'The quiz will be closing in ten minutes.';
244 $string['coursetestmanager'] = 'Course Test Manager format';
245 $string['createcategoryandaddrandomquestion'] = 'Create category and add random question';
246 $string['createfirst'] = 'You must create some short-answer questions first.';
247 $string['createmultiple'] = 'Add several random questions to quiz';
248 $string['createnewquestion'] = 'Create new question';
249 $string['createquestionandadd'] = 'Create a new question and add it to the quiz.';
250 $string['custom'] = 'Custom format';
251 $string['dataitemneed'] = 'You need to add at least one set of data items to get a valid question';
252 $string['datasetdefinitions'] = 'Reusable dataset definitions for category {$a}';
253 $string['datasetnumber'] = 'Number';
254 $string['daysavailable'] = 'Days available';
255 $string['decimaldigits'] = 'Decimal digits in grades';
256 $string['decimalplaces'] = 'Decimal places in grades';
257 $string['decimalplaces_help'] = 'This setting specifies the number of digits shown after the decima…
258 $string['decimalplacesquestion'] = 'Decimal places in question grades';
259 $string['decimalplacesquestion_help'] = 'This setting specifies the number of digits shown after th…
260 $string['decimalpoints'] = 'Decimal places';
261 $string['default'] = 'Default';
262 $string['defaultgrade'] = 'Default question grade';
263 $string['defaultinfo'] = 'The default category for questions.';
264 $string['delaylater'] = 'Enforced delay between later attempts';
265 $string['delaylater_help'] = 'If enabled, a student must wait for the specified time to elapse befo…
266 $string['delay1'] = 'Time delay between first and second attempt';
267 $string['delay1st2nd'] = 'Enforced delay between 1st and 2nd attempts';
268 $string['delay1st2nd_help'] = 'If enabled, a student must wait for the specified time to elapse bef…
269 $string['delay2'] = 'Time delay between later attempts';
270 $string['deleteattemptcheck'] = 'Are you absolutely sure you want to completely delete these attemp…
271 $string['deleteselected'] = 'Delete selected';
272 $string['deletingquestionattempts'] = 'Deleting question attempts';
273 $string['description'] = 'Description';
274 $string['disabled'] = 'Disabled';
275 $string['displayoptions'] = 'Display options';
276 $string['donotuseautosave'] = 'Do not use auto-save';
277 $string['download'] = 'Click to download the exported category file';
278 $string['downloadextra'] = '(file is also stored in the course files in the /backupdata/quiz folder…
279 $string['dragtoafter'] = 'After {$a}';
280 $string['dragtostart'] = 'To the start';
281 $string['duplicateresponse'] = 'This submission has been ignored because you gave an equivalent ans…
282 $string['eachattemptbuildsonthelast'] = 'Each attempt builds on the last';
283 $string['eachattemptbuildsonthelast_help'] = 'If multiple attempts are allowed and this setting is …
284 $string['editcategories'] = 'Edit categories';
285 $string['editcategory'] = 'Edit category';
286 $string['editcatquestions'] = 'Edit category questions';
287 $string['editingquestion'] = 'Editing a question';
288 $string['editingquiz'] = 'Editing quiz';
289 $string['editingquiz_help'] = 'When creating a quiz, the main concepts are:
294 $string['editingquiz_link'] = 'mod/quiz/edit';
295 $string['editingquizx'] = 'Editing quiz: {$a}';
296 $string['editmaxmark'] = 'Edit maximum mark';
297 $string['editoverride'] = 'Edit override';
298 $string['editqcats'] = 'Edit questions categories';
299 $string['editquestion'] = 'Edit question';
300 $string['editquestions'] = 'Edit questions';
301 $string['editquiz'] = 'Edit quiz';
302 $string['editquizquestions'] = 'Edit quiz questions';
303 $string['emailconfirmbody'] = 'Hi {$a->username},
310 $string['emailconfirmsmall'] = 'Thank you for submitting your answers to \'{$a->quizname}\'';
311 $string['emailconfirmsubject'] = 'Submission confirmation: {$a->quizname}';
312 $string['emailnotifybody'] = 'Hi {$a->username},
317 $string['emailnotifysmall'] = '{$a->studentname} has completed {$a->quizname}. See {$a->quizreviewu…
318 $string['emailnotifysubject'] = '{$a->studentname} has completed {$a->quizname}';
319 $string['emailoverduebody'] = 'Hi {$a->studentname},
324 $string['emailoverduesmall'] = 'You did not submit your attempt at {$a->quizname}. Please go to {$a…
325 $string['emailoverduesubject'] = 'Attempt now overdue: {$a->quizname}';
326 $string['empty'] = 'Empty';
327 $string['enabled'] = 'Enabled';
328 $string['endtest'] = 'Finish attempt ...';
329 $string['erroraccessingreport'] = 'You cannot access this report';
330 $string['errorinquestion'] = 'Error in question';
331 $string['errormissingquestion'] = 'Error: The system is missing the question with id {$a}';
332 $string['errornotnumbers'] = 'Error - answers must be numeric';
333 $string['errorunexpectedevent'] = 'Unexpected event code {$a->event} found for question {$a->questi…
334 $string['essay'] = 'Essay';
335 $string['essayquestions'] = 'Questions';
336 $string['eventattemptdeleted'] = 'Quiz attempt deleted';
337 $string['eventattemptpreviewstarted'] = 'Quiz attempt preview started';
338 $string['eventattemptreviewed'] = 'Quiz attempt reviewed';
339 $string['eventattemptsummaryviewed'] = 'Quiz attempt summary viewed';
340 $string['eventattemptviewed'] = 'Quiz attempt viewed';
341 $string['eventeditpageviewed'] = 'Quiz edit page viewed';
342 $string['eventoverridecreated'] = 'Quiz override created';
343 $string['eventoverridedeleted'] = 'Quiz override deleted';
344 $string['eventoverrideupdated'] = 'Quiz override updated';
345 $string['eventquestionmanuallygraded'] = 'Question manually graded';
346 $string['eventquizattemptabandoned'] = 'Quiz attempt abandoned';
347 $string['eventquizattempttimelimitexceeded'] = 'Quiz attempt time limit exceeded';
348 $string['eventquizattemptregraded'] = 'Quiz attempt regraded';
349 $string['eventquizattemptstarted'] = 'Quiz attempt started';
350 $string['eventquizattemptsubmitted'] = 'Quiz attempt submitted';
351 $string['eventreportviewed'] = 'Quiz report viewed';
352 $string['everynquestions'] = 'Every {$a} questions';
353 $string['everyquestion'] = 'Every question';
354 $string['everythingon'] = 'Everything on';
355 $string['existingcategory'] = 'Existing category';
356 $string['exportcategory'] = 'export category';
357 $string['exporterror'] = 'An error occurred during export processing';
358 $string['exportingquestions'] = 'Questions are being exported to file';
359 $string['exportname'] = 'File name';
360 $string['exportquestions'] = 'Export questions to file';
361 $string['extraattemptrestrictions'] = 'Extra restrictions on attempts';
362 $string['false'] = 'False';
363 $string['feedback'] = 'Feedback';
364 $string['feedbackerrorboundaryformat'] = 'Feedback grade boundaries must be either a percentage or …
365 $string['feedbackerrorboundaryoutofrange'] = 'Feedback grade boundaries must be between 0% and 100%…
366 $string['feedbackerrorjunkinboundary'] = 'You must fill in the feedback grade boundary boxes withou…
367 $string['feedbackerrorjunkinfeedback'] = 'You must fill in the feedback boxes without leaving any g…
368 $string['feedbackerrororder'] = 'Feedback grade boundaries must be in order, highest first. The val…
369 $string['file'] = 'File';
370 $string['fileformat'] = 'File format';
371 $string['fillcorrect'] = 'Fill with correct';
372 $string['filloutnumericalanswer'] = 'You provide at least one possible answer and tolerance. The fi…
373 $string['filloutoneanswer'] = 'You must provide at least one possible answer. Answers left blank wi…
374 $string['filloutthreequestions'] = 'You must provide at least three questions with matching answers…
375 $string['fillouttwochoices'] = 'You must fill out at least two choices. Choices left blank will no…
376 $string['finishattemptdots'] = 'Finish attempt...';
377 $string['finishreview'] = 'Finish review';
378 $string['forceregeneration'] = 'force regeneration';
379 $string['formatnotfound'] = 'Import/export format {$a} not found';
380 $string['formulaerror'] = 'Formula errors!';
381 $string['fractionsaddwrong'] = 'The positive grades you have chosen do not add up to 100%<br />Inst…
382 $string['fractionsnomax'] = 'One of the answers should be 100%, so that it is<br />possible to get …
383 $string['fromfile'] = 'from file:';
384 $string['functiondisabledbysecuremode'] = 'That functionality is currently disabled';
385 $string['generalfeedback'] = 'General feedback';
386 $string['generalfeedback_help'] = 'General feedback is text which is shown after a question has bee…
387 $string['graceperiod'] = 'Submission grace period';
388 $string['graceperiod_desc'] = 'If what to do when the time expires is set to \'There is a grace per…
389 $string['graceperiod_help'] = 'If what to do when the time expires is set to \'There is a grace per…
390 $string['graceperiodmin'] = 'Last submission grace period';
391 $string['graceperiodmin_desc'] = 'There is a potential problem right at the end of the quiz. On the…
392 $string['graceperiodtoosmall'] = 'The grace period must be more than {$a}.';
393 $string['grade'] = 'Grade';
394 $string['gradeall'] = 'Grade all';
395 $string['gradeaverage'] = 'Average grade';
396 $string['gradeboundary'] = 'Grade boundary';
397 $string['gradeessays'] = 'Grade essays';
398 $string['gradehighest'] = 'Highest grade';
399 $string['grademethod'] = 'Grading method';
400 $string['grademethod_help'] = 'When multiple attempts are allowed, the following methods are availa…
406 $string['gradesdeleted'] = 'Quiz grades deleted';
407 $string['gradesofar'] = '{$a->method}: {$a->mygrade} / {$a->quizgrade}.';
408 $string['gradetopassnotset'] = 'This quiz does not yet have a grade to pass set. It may be set in t…
409 $string['gradetopassmustbeset'] = 'Grade to pass cannot be zero as this quiz has its completion met…
410 $string['gradingdetails'] = 'Marks for this submission: {$a->raw}/{$a->max}.';
411 $string['gradingdetailsadjustment'] = 'With previous penalties this gives <strong>{$a->cur}/{$a->ma…
412 $string['gradingdetailspenalty'] = 'This submission attracted a penalty of {$a}.';
413 $string['gradingdetailszeropenalty'] = 'You were not penalized for this submission.';
414 $string['gradingmethod'] = 'Grading method: {$a}';
415 $string['groupoverrides'] = 'Group overrides';
416 $string['groupoverridesdeleted'] = 'Group overrides deleted';
417 $string['groupsnone'] = 'No groups you can access.';
418 $string['guestsno'] = 'Sorry, guests cannot see or attempt quizzes';
419 $string['hidebreaks'] = 'Hide page breaks';
420 $string['hidereordertool'] = 'Hide the reordering tool';
421 $string['history'] = 'History of responses:';
422 $string['howquestionsbehave_desc'] = 'Default setting for how questions behave in a quiz.';
423 $string['imagedisplay'] = 'Image to display';
424 $string['import_help'] = 'This function allows you to import questions from external text files.
429 $string['import_link'] = 'question/import';
430 $string['importcategory'] = 'import category';
431 $string['importerror'] = 'An error occurred during import processing';
432 $string['importfilearea'] = 'Import from file already in course files...';
433 $string['importfileupload'] = 'Import from file upload...';
434 $string['importfromthisfile'] = 'Import from this file';
435 $string['importingquestions'] = 'Importing {$a} questions from file';
436 $string['importmaxerror'] = 'There is an error in the question. There are too many answers.';
437 $string['importmax10error'] = 'There is an error in the question. You may not have more than ten an…
438 $string['importquestions'] = 'Import questions from file';
439 $string['inactiveoverridehelp'] = '* This override is inactive because the user\'s access to the ac…
440 $string['incorrect'] = 'Incorrect';
441 $string['indicator:cognitivedepth'] = 'Quiz cognitive';
442 $string['indicator:cognitivedepth_help'] = 'This indicator is based on the cognitive depth reached …
443 $string['indicator:cognitivedepthdef'] = 'Quiz cognitive';
444 $string['indicator:cognitivedepthdef_help'] = 'The participant has reached this percentage of the c…
445 $string['indicator:cognitivedepthdef_link'] = 'Learning_analytics_indicators#Cognitive_depth';
446 $string['indicator:socialbreadth'] = 'Quiz social';
447 $string['indicator:socialbreadth_help'] = 'This indicator is based on the social breadth reached by…
448 $string['indicator:socialbreadthdef'] = 'Quiz social';
449 $string['indicator:socialbreadthdef_help'] = 'The participant has reached this percentage of the so…
450 $string['indicator:socialbreadthdef_link'] = 'Learning_analytics_indicators#Social_breadth';
451 $string['indivresp'] = 'Responses of individuals to each item';
452 $string['info'] = 'Info';
453 $string['infoshort'] = 'i';
454 $string['initialnumfeedbacks'] = 'Initial number of overall feedback fields';
455 $string['initialnumfeedbacks_desc'] = 'When creating a new quiz, provide this many blank overall fe…
456 $string['inprogress'] = 'In progress';
457 $string['introduction'] = 'Description';
458 $string['invalidattemptid'] = 'No such attempt ID exists';
459 $string['invalidcategory'] = 'Category ID is invalid';
460 $string['invalidoverrideid'] = 'Invalid override id';
461 $string['invalidquestionid'] = 'Invalid question id';
462 $string['invalidquizid'] = 'Invalid quiz ID';
463 $string['invalidrandomslot'] = 'Invalid random question slot id.';
464 $string['invalidsource'] = 'The source is not accepted as valid.';
465 $string['invalidsourcetype'] = 'Invalid source type.';
466 $string['invalidstateid'] = 'Invalid state id';
467 $string['lastanswer'] = 'Your last answer was';
468 $string['layout'] = 'Layout';
469 $string['layoutasshown'] = 'Page layout as shown.';
470 $string['layoutasshownwithpages'] = 'Page layout as shown. <small>(Automatic new page every {$a} qu…
471 $string['layoutshuffledandpaged'] = 'Questions randomly shuffled with {$a} questions per page.';
472 $string['layoutshuffledsinglepage'] = 'Questions randomly shuffled, all on one page.';
473 $string['legacyquizaccessrulescron'] = 'Legacy cron quiz access rules';
474 $string['legacyquizreportscron'] = 'Legacy cron quiz reports';
475 $string['link'] = 'Link';
476 $string['listitems'] = 'Listing of items in quiz';
477 $string['literal'] = 'Literal';
478 $string['loadingquestionsfailed'] = 'Loading questions failed: {$a}';
479 $string['makecopy'] = 'Save as new question';
480 $string['managetypes'] = 'Manage question types and servers';
481 $string['manualgrading'] = 'Grading';
482 $string['manualgradequestion'] = 'Manually grade question {$a->question} in {$a->quiz} by {$a->user…
483 $string['mark'] = 'Submit';
484 $string['markall'] = 'Submit page';
485 $string['marks'] = 'Marks';
486 $string['marks_help'] = 'The numerical marks for each question, and the overall attempt score.';
487 $string['match'] = 'Matching';
488 $string['matchanswer'] = 'Matching answer';
489 $string['matchanswerno'] = 'Matching answer {$a}';
490 $string['messageprovider:attempt_overdue'] = 'Warning when your quiz attempt becomes overdue';
491 $string['messageprovider:confirmation'] = 'Confirmation of your own quiz submissions';
492 $string['messageprovider:submission'] = 'Notification of your students\' quiz submissions';
493 $string['max'] = 'Max';
494 $string['maxmark'] = 'Maximum mark';
495 $string['min'] = 'Min';
496 $string['minutes'] = 'Minutes';
497 $string['missingcorrectanswer'] = 'Correct answer must be specified';
498 $string['missingitemtypename'] = 'Missing name';
499 $string['missingquestion'] = 'This question no longer seems to exist';
500 $string['modulename'] = 'Quiz';
501 $string['modulename_help'] = 'The quiz activity enables a teacher to create quizzes comprising ques…
516 $string['modulename_link'] = 'mod/quiz/view';
517 $string['modulenameplural'] = 'Quizzes';
518 $string['moveselectedonpage'] = 'Move selected questions to page: {$a}';
519 $string['multichoice'] = 'Multiple choice';
520 $string['multipleanswers'] = 'Choose at least one answer.';
521 $string['mustbesubmittedby'] = 'This attempt must be submitted by {$a}.';
522 $string['name'] = 'Name';
523 $string['navigatenext'] = 'Next page';
524 $string['navigateprevious'] = 'Previous page';
525 $string['navmethod'] = 'Navigation method';
526 $string['navmethod_free'] = 'Free';
527 $string['navmethod_help'] = 'When sequential navigation is enabled a student must progress through …
528 $string['navmethod_seq'] = 'Sequential';
529 $string['navnojswarning'] = 'Warning: these links will not save your answers. Use the next button a…
530 $string['neverallononepage'] = 'Never, all questions on one page';
531 $string['newattemptfail'] = 'Error: Could not start a new attempt at the quiz';
532 $string['newcategory'] = 'New category';
533 $string['newpage'] = 'New page';
534 $string['newpage_help'] = 'For longer quizzes it makes sense to stretch the quiz over several pages…
535 $string['newpageevery'] = 'Automatically start a new page';
536 $string['newsectionheading'] = 'New heading';
537 $string['noanswers'] = 'No answers were selected!';
538 $string['noattempts'] = 'No attempts have been made on this quiz';
539 $string['noattemptsfound'] = 'No attempts found.';
540 $string['noattemptstoshow'] = 'There are no attempts to show';
541 $string['nocategory'] = 'Incorrect or no category specified';
542 $string['noclose'] = 'No close date';
543 $string['nocommentsyet'] = 'No comments yet.';
544 $string['noconnection'] = 'There is currently no connection to a web service that can process this …
545 $string['nodataset'] = 'nothing - it is not a wild card';
546 $string['nodatasubmitted'] = 'No data was submitted.';
547 $string['noessayquestionsfound'] = 'No manually graded questions found';
548 $string['nogradewarning'] = 'This quiz is not graded, so you cannot set overall feedback that diffe…
549 $string['nomoreattempts'] = 'No more attempts are allowed';
550 $string['none'] = 'None';
551 $string['noopen'] = 'No open date';
552 $string['nooverridedata'] = 'You must override at least one of the quiz settings.';
553 $string['nopossibledatasets'] = 'No possible datasets';
554 $string['noquestionintext'] = 'The question text does not contain any embedded questions';
555 $string['noquestions'] = 'No questions have been added yet';
556 $string['noquestionsfound'] = 'No questions found';
557 $string['noquestionsinquiz'] = 'There are no questions in this quiz.';
558 $string['noquestionsnotinuse'] = 'This random question is not in use, since its category is empty.';
559 $string['noquestionsonpage'] = 'Empty page';
560 $string['noresponse'] = 'No response';
561 $string['noreview'] = 'You are not allowed to review this quiz';
562 $string['noreviewattempt'] = 'You are not allowed to review this attempt.';
563 $string['noreviewshort'] = 'Not permitted';
564 $string['noreviewuntil'] = 'You are not allowed to review this quiz until {$a}';
565 $string['noreviewuntilshort'] = 'Available {$a}';
566 $string['noscript'] = 'JavaScript must be enabled to continue!';
567 $string['notavailabletostudents'] = 'Note: This quiz is not currently available to your students';
568 $string['notenoughrandomquestions'] = 'There are not enough questions in category {$a->category} to…
569 $string['notenoughsubquestions'] = 'Not enough sub-questions have been defined!<br />Do you want to…
570 $string['notimedependentitems'] = 'Time dependent items are not currently supported by the quiz mod…
571 $string['notyetgraded'] = 'Not yet graded';
572 $string['notyetviewed'] = 'Not yet viewed';
573 $string['notyourattempt'] = 'This is not your attempt!';
574 $string['noview'] = 'Logged-in user is not allowed to view this quiz';
575 $string['numattempts'] = '{$a->studentnum} {$a->studentstring} have made {$a->attemptnum} attempts';
576 $string['numberabbr'] = '#';
577 $string['numerical'] = 'Numerical';
578 $string['numquestionsx'] = 'Questions: {$a}';
579 $string['oneminute'] = '1 minute';
580 $string['onlyteachersexport'] = 'Only teachers can export questions';
581 $string['onlyteachersimport'] = 'Only teachers with editing rights can import questions';
582 $string['onthispage'] = 'This page';
583 $string['open'] = 'Not answered';
584 $string['openafterclose'] = 'Could not update the quiz. You have specified an open date after the c…
585 $string['openclosedatesupdated'] = 'Quiz open and close dates updated';
586 $string['optional'] = 'optional';
587 $string['orderandpaging'] = 'Order and paging';
588 $string['orderandpaging_help'] = 'The numbers 10, 20, 30, ... opposite each question indicate the o…
593 $string['orderingquiz'] = 'Order and paging';
594 $string['orderingquizx'] = 'Order and paging: {$a}';
595 $string['outcomesadvanced'] = 'Outcomes are advanced settings';
596 $string['outof'] = '{$a->grade} out of {$a->maxgrade}';
597 $string['outofpercent'] = '{$a->grade} out of {$a->maxgrade} ({$a->percent}%)';
598 $string['outofshort'] = '{$a->grade}/{$a->maxgrade}';
599 $string['overallfeedback'] = 'Overall feedback';
600 $string['overallfeedback_help'] = 'Overall feedback is text that is shown after a quiz has been att…
601 $string['overdue'] = 'Overdue';
602 $string['overduehandling'] = 'When time expires';
603 $string['overduehandling_desc'] = 'What should happen by default if a student does not submit the q…
604 $string['overduehandling_help'] = 'This setting controls what happens if a student fails to submit …
605 $string['overduehandling_link'] = 'mod/quiz/timing';
606 $string['overduehandlingautosubmit'] = 'Open attempts are submitted automatically';
607 $string['overduehandlinggraceperiod'] = 'There is a grace period when open attempts can be submitte…
608 $string['overduehandlingautoabandon'] = 'Attempts must be submitted before time expires, or they ar…
609 $string['overduemustbesubmittedby'] = 'This attempt is now overdue. It should already have been sub…
610 $string['override'] = 'Override';
611 $string['overridedeletegroupsure'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete the override for group {$a}?';
612 $string['overridedeleteusersure'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete the override for user {$a}?';
613 $string['overridegroup'] = 'Override group';
614 $string['overridegroupeventname'] = '{$a->quiz} - {$a->group}';
615 $string['overrides'] = 'Overrides';
616 $string['overrideuser'] = 'Override user';
617 $string['overrideusereventname'] = '{$a->quiz} - Override';
618 $string['pageshort'] = 'P';
619 $string['page-mod-quiz-x'] = 'Any quiz module page';
620 $string['page-mod-quiz-attempt'] = 'Attempt quiz page';
621 $string['page-mod-quiz-edit'] = 'Edit quiz page';
622 $string['page-mod-quiz-report'] = 'Any quiz report page';
623 $string['page-mod-quiz-review'] = 'Review quiz attempt page';
624 $string['page-mod-quiz-summary'] = 'Quiz attempt summary page';
625 $string['page-mod-quiz-view'] = 'Quiz information page';
626 $string['pagesize'] = 'Page size';
627 $string['parent'] = 'Parent';
628 $string['parentcategory'] = 'Parent category';
629 $string['parsingquestions'] = 'Parsing questions from import file.';
630 $string['partiallycorrect'] = 'Partially correct';
631 $string['penalty'] = 'Penalty';
632 $string['penaltyscheme'] = 'Apply penalties';
633 $string['penaltyscheme_help'] = 'If enabled, a penalty is subtracted from the final mark for a ques…
634 $string['percentcorrect'] = 'Percent correct';
635 $string['pleaseclose'] = 'Your request has been processed. You can now close this window';
636 $string['pluginadministration'] = 'Quiz administration';
637 $string['pluginname'] = 'Quiz';
638 $string['popup'] = 'Show quiz in a \'secure\' window';
639 $string['popupblockerwarning'] = 'This section of the test is in secure mode, this means that you n…
640 $string['popupnotice'] = 'Students will see this quiz in a secure window';
641 $string['preprocesserror'] = 'Error occurred during pre-processing!';
642 $string['preview'] = 'Preview';
643 $string['previewquestion'] = 'Preview question';
644 $string['previewquiz'] = 'Preview {$a}';
645 $string['previewquiznow'] = 'Preview quiz now';
646 $string['previous'] = 'Previous state';
647 $string['privacy:metadata:core_question'] = 'The quiz activity stores question usage information in…
648 $string['privacy:metadata:quiz'] = 'The quiz activity makes use of quiz reports.';
649 $string['privacy:metadata:quiz_attempts'] = 'Details about each attempt on a quiz.';
650 $string['privacy:metadata:quiz_attempts:attempt'] = 'The attempt number.';
651 $string['privacy:metadata:quiz_attempts:currentpage'] = 'The current page that the user is on.';
652 $string['privacy:metadata:quiz_attempts:preview'] = 'Whether this is a preview of the quiz.';
653 $string['privacy:metadata:quiz_attempts:state'] = 'The current state of the attempt.';
654 $string['privacy:metadata:quiz_attempts:sumgrades'] = 'The sum of grades in the attempt.';
655 $string['privacy:metadata:quiz_attempts:timecheckstate'] = 'The time that the state was checked.';
656 $string['privacy:metadata:quiz_attempts:timefinish'] = 'The time that the attempt was completed.';
657 $string['privacy:metadata:quiz_attempts:timemodified'] = 'The time that the attempt was updated.';
658 $string['privacy:metadata:quiz_attempts:timemodifiedoffline'] = 'The time that the attempt was upda…
659 $string['privacy:metadata:quiz_attempts:timestart'] = 'The time that the attempt was started.';
660 $string['privacy:metadata:quiz_grades'] = 'Details about the overall grade for this quiz.';
661 $string['privacy:metadata:quiz_grades:grade'] = 'The overall grade for this quiz.';
662 $string['privacy:metadata:quiz_grades:quiz'] = 'The quiz that was graded.';
663 $string['privacy:metadata:quiz_grades:timemodified'] = 'The time that the grade was modified.';
664 $string['privacy:metadata:quiz_grades:userid'] = 'The user who was graded.';
665 $string['privacy:metadata:quiz_overrides'] = 'Details about overrides for this quiz';
666 $string['privacy:metadata:quiz_overrides:quiz'] = 'The quiz with override information';
667 $string['privacy:metadata:quiz_overrides:timeclose'] = 'The new close time for the quiz.';
668 $string['privacy:metadata:quiz_overrides:timelimit'] = 'The new time limit for the quiz.';
669 $string['privacy:metadata:quiz_overrides:timeopen'] = 'The new open time for the quiz.';
670 $string['privacy:metadata:quiz_overrides:userid'] = 'The user being overridden';
671 $string['privacy:metadata:quizaccess'] = 'The quiz activity makes use of quiz access rules.';
672 $string['publish'] = 'Publish';
673 $string['publishedit'] = 'You must have permission in the publishing course to add or edit question…
674 $string['qname'] = 'name';
675 $string['qbrief'] = 'Q. {$a}';
676 $string['qti'] = 'IMS QTI format';
677 $string['qtypename'] = 'type, name';
678 $string['question'] = 'Question';
679 $string['questionbank'] = 'from question bank';
680 $string['questionbankmanagement'] = 'Question bank management';
681 $string['questionbehaviour'] = 'Question behaviour';
682 $string['questioncats'] = 'Question categories';
683 $string['questiondeleted'] = 'This question has been deleted. Please contact your teacher.';
684 $string['questiondependencyadd'] = 'No restriction on when question {$a->thisq} can be attempted • …
685 $string['questiondependencyfree'] = 'No restriction on this question';
686 $string['questiondependencyremove'] = 'Question {$a->thisq} cannot be attempted until the previous …
687 $string['questiondependsonprevious'] = 'This question cannot be attempted until the previous questi…
688 $string['questioninuse'] = 'The question \'{$a->questionname}\' is currently being used in: <br />{…
689 $string['questionmissing'] = 'Question for this session is missing';
690 $string['questionname'] = 'Question name';
691 $string['questionnonav'] = '<span class="accesshide">Question </span>{$a->number}<span class="acces…
692 $string['questionnonavinfo'] = '<span class="accesshide">Information </span>{$a->number}<span class…
693 $string['questionnotloaded'] = 'Question {$a} has not been loaded from the database';
694 $string['questionorder'] = 'Question order';
695 $string['questionposition'] = 'New position in order for question {$a}';
696 $string['questions'] = 'Questions';
697 $string['questionsetpreview'] = 'Question set preview';
698 $string['questionsinclhidden'] = 'Questions (including hidden)';
699 $string['questionsinthisquiz'] = 'Questions in this quiz';
700 $string['questionsmatchingfilter'] = 'Questions matching this filter: {$a}';
701 $string['questionsperpage'] = 'Questions per page';
702 $string['questionsperpageselected'] = 'Questions per page has been set so the paging is currently f…
703 $string['questionsperpagex'] = 'Questions per page: {$a}';
704 $string['questiontext'] = 'Question text';
705 $string['questiontextisempty'] = '[Empty question text]';
706 $string['questiontype'] = 'Question type {$a}';
707 $string['questiontypesetupoptions'] = 'Setup options for question types:';
708 $string['quiz:addinstance'] = 'Add a new quiz';
709 $string['quiz:attempt'] = 'Attempt quizzes';
710 $string['quizavailable'] = 'The quiz is available until: {$a}';
711 $string['quizclose'] = 'Close the quiz';
712 $string['quizclosed'] = 'This quiz closed on {$a}';
713 $string['quizcloses'] = 'Quiz closes';
714 $string['quizeventcloses'] = '{$a} closes';
715 $string['quizcloseson'] = 'This quiz will close on {$a}.';
716 $string['quiz:deleteattempts'] = 'Delete quiz attempts';
717 $string['quiz:emailconfirmsubmission'] = 'Receive confirmation of your own quiz submissions';
718 $string['quiz:emailnotifysubmission'] = 'Receive notification of your students\' quiz submissions';
719 $string['quiz:emailwarnoverdue'] = 'Receive warning when your quiz attempt becomes overdue';
720 $string['quiz:grade'] = 'Grade quizzes manually';
721 $string['quiz:ignoretimelimits'] = 'Ignore quiz time limit';
722 $string['quizisclosed'] = 'This quiz is closed';
723 $string['quizisopen'] = 'This quiz is open';
724 $string['quizisclosedwillopen'] = 'Quiz closed (opens {$a})';
725 $string['quizisopenwillclose'] = 'Quiz open (closes {$a})';
726 $string['quiz:manage'] = 'Manage quizzes';
727 $string['quiz:manageoverrides'] = 'Manage quiz overrides';
728 $string['quiznavigation'] = 'Quiz navigation';
729 $string['quizopen'] = 'Open the quiz';
730 $string['quizeventopens'] = '{$a} opens';
731 $string['quizopenclose'] = 'Open and close dates';
732 $string['quizopenclose_help'] = 'Students can only start their attempt(s) after the open time and t…
733 $string['quizopenclose_link'] = 'mod/quiz/timing';
734 $string['quizopened'] = 'This quiz is open.';
735 $string['quizopenedon'] = 'This quiz opened on {$a}';
736 $string['quizopens'] = 'Quiz opens';
737 $string['quizopenwillclose'] = 'This quiz is open, will close on {$a} at';
738 $string['quizordernotrandom'] = 'Order of quiz not shuffled';
739 $string['quizorderrandom'] = '* Order of quiz is shuffled';
740 $string['quiz:preview'] = 'Preview quizzes';
741 $string['quiz:regrade'] = 'Regrade quiz attempts';
742 $string['quizreport'] = 'Quiz report';
743 $string['quiz:reviewmyattempts'] = 'Review your own attempts';
744 $string['quizsettings'] = 'Quiz settings';
745 $string['quiz:view'] = 'View quiz information';
746 $string['quiz:viewreports'] = 'View quiz reports';
747 $string['quiztimer'] = 'Quiz Timer';
748 $string['quizwillopen'] = 'This quiz will open {$a}';
749 $string['random'] = 'Random question';
750 $string['randomcreate'] = 'Create random questions';
751 $string['randomediting'] = 'Editing a random question';
752 $string['randomfromcategory'] = 'Random question from category:';
753 $string['randomfromexistingcategory'] = 'Random question from an existing category';
754 $string['randomfromunavailabletag'] = '{$a} (unavailable)';
755 $string['randomnumber'] = 'Number of random questions';
756 $string['randomnosubcat'] = 'Questions from this category only, not its subcategories.';
757 $string['randomquestion'] = 'Random question';
758 $string['randomquestion_help'] = 'A random question is a way of inserting a randomly-chosen questio…
759 $string['randomquestiontags'] = 'Tags';
760 $string['randomquestiontags_help'] = 'You can restrict the selection criteria further by specifying…
763 $string['randomquestionusinganewcategory'] = 'Random question using a new category';
764 $string['randomwithsubcat'] = 'Questions from this category and its subcategories.';
765 $string['readytosend'] = 'You are about to send your whole quiz to be graded. Are you sure you wan…
766 $string['reattemptquiz'] = 'Re-attempt quiz';
767 $string['recentlyaddedquestion'] = 'Recently added question!';
768 $string['recurse'] = 'Include questions from subcategories too';
769 $string['redoquestion'] = 'Try another question like this one';
770 $string['redoesofthisquestion'] = 'Other questions attempted here: {$a}';
771 $string['regrade'] = 'Regrade all attempts';
772 $string['regradecomplete'] = 'All attempts have been regraded';
773 $string['regradecount'] = '{$a->changed} out of {$a->attempt} grades were changed';
774 $string['regradedisplayexplanation'] = 'Attempts that change during regrading are displayed as hype…
775 $string['regradenotallowed'] = 'You do not have permission to regrade this quiz';
776 $string['regradingquestion'] = 'Regrading "{$a}".';
777 $string['regradingquiz'] = 'Regrading quiz "{$a}"';
778 $string['remove'] = 'Remove';
779 $string['removeallgroupoverrides'] = 'Delete all group overrides';
780 $string['removeallquizattempts'] = 'Delete all quiz attempts';
781 $string['removealluseroverrides'] = 'Delete all user overrides';
782 $string['removeemptypage'] = 'Remove empty page';
783 $string['removepagebreak'] = 'Remove page break';
784 $string['removeselected'] = 'Remove selected';
785 $string['rename'] = 'Rename';
786 $string['renderingserverconnectfailed'] = 'The server {$a} failed to process an RQP request. Check …
787 $string['reorderquestions'] = 'Reorder questions';
788 $string['reordertool'] = 'Show the reordering tool';
789 $string['repaginate'] = 'Repaginate with {$a} questions per page';
790 $string['repaginatecommand'] = 'Repaginate';
791 $string['repaginatenow'] = 'Repaginate now';
792 $string['replace'] = 'Replace';
793 $string['replacementoptions'] = 'Replacement options';
794 $string['report'] = 'Reports';
795 $string['reportanalysis'] = 'Item analysis';
796 $string['reportattemptsfrom'] = 'Attempts from';
797 $string['reportattemptsthatare'] = 'Attempts that are';
798 $string['reportdisplayoptions'] = 'Display options';
799 $string['reportfullstat'] = 'Detailed statistics';
800 $string['reportmulti_percent'] = 'Multi-percentages';
801 $string['reportmulti_q_x_student'] = 'Multi-student choices';
802 $string['reportmulti_resp'] = 'Individual responses';
803 $string['reportmustselectstate'] = 'You must select at least one state.';
804 $string['reportnotfound'] = 'Report not known ({$a})';
805 $string['reportoverview'] = 'Overview';
806 $string['reportregrade'] = 'Regrade attempts';
807 $string['reportresponses'] = 'Detailed responses';
808 $string['reports'] = 'Reports';
809 $string['reportshowonly'] = 'Show only attempts';
810 $string['reportshowonlyfinished'] = 'Show at most one finished attempt per user ({$a})';
811 $string['reportsimplestat'] = 'Simple statistics';
812 $string['reportusersall'] = 'all users who have attempted the quiz';
813 $string['reportuserswith'] = 'enrolled users who have attempted the quiz';
814 $string['reportuserswithorwithout'] = 'enrolled users who have, or have not, attempted the quiz';
815 $string['reportuserswithout'] = 'enrolled users who have not attempted the quiz';
816 $string['reportwhattoinclude'] = 'What to include in the report';
817 $string['requirepassword'] = 'Require password';
818 $string['requirepassword_help'] = 'If a password is specified, a student must enter it in order to …
819 $string['requiresubnet'] = 'Require network address';
820 $string['requiresubnet_help'] = 'Quiz access may be restricted to particular subnets on the LAN or …
821 $string['response'] = 'Response';
822 $string['responses'] = 'Responses';
823 $string['results'] = 'Results';
824 $string['returnattempt'] = 'Return to attempt';
825 $string['reuseifpossible'] = 'reuse previously removed';
826 $string['reverttodefaults'] = 'Revert to quiz defaults';
827 $string['review'] = 'Review';
828 $string['reviewafter'] = 'Allow review after quiz is closed';
829 $string['reviewalways'] = 'Allow review at any time';
830 $string['reviewattempt'] = 'Review attempt';
831 $string['reviewbefore'] = 'Allow review while quiz is open';
832 $string['reviewclosed'] = 'After the quiz is closed';
833 $string['reviewduring'] = 'During the attempt';
834 $string['reviewimmediately'] = 'Immediately after the attempt';
835 $string['reviewnever'] = 'Never allow review';
836 $string['reviewofquestion'] = 'Review of question {$a->question} in {$a->quiz} by {$a->user}';
837 $string['reviewopen'] = 'Later, while the quiz is still open';
838 $string['reviewoptions'] = 'Students may review';
839 $string['reviewoptionsheading'] = 'Review options';
840 $string['reviewoptionsheading_help'] = 'These options control what information students can see whe…
849 $string['reviewoverallfeedback'] = 'Overall feedback';
850 $string['reviewoverallfeedback_help'] = 'The feedback given at the end of the attempt, depending on…
851 $string['reviewresponse'] = 'Review response';
852 $string['reviewresponsetoq'] = 'Review response (question {$a})';
853 $string['reviewthisattempt'] = 'Review your responses to this attempt';
854 $string['rqp'] = 'Remote question';
855 $string['rqps'] = 'Remote questions';
856 $string['sameasoverall'] = 'Same as for overall grades';
857 $string['save'] = 'Save';
858 $string['saveandedit'] = 'Save changes and edit questions';
859 $string['saveattemptfailed'] = 'Failed to save the current quiz attempt.';
860 $string['savedfromdeletedcourse'] = 'Saved from deleted course "{$a}"';
861 $string['savegrades'] = 'Save grades';
862 $string['savemyanswers'] = 'Save my answers';
863 $string['savenosubmit'] = 'Save without submitting';
864 $string['saveoverrideandstay'] = 'Save and enter another override';
865 $string['savequiz'] = 'Save this whole quiz';
866 $string['saving'] = 'Saving';
867 $string['savingnewgradeforquestion'] = 'Saving new grade for question id {$a}.';
868 $string['savingnewmaximumgrade'] = 'Saving new maximum grade.';
869 $string['score'] = 'Raw score';
870 $string['scores'] = 'Scores';
871 $string['search:activity'] = 'Quiz - activity information';
872 $string['sectionheadingedit'] = 'Edit heading \'{$a}\'';
873 $string['sectionheadingremove'] = 'Remove heading \'{$a}\'';
874 $string['sectionnoname'] = 'Untitled section';
875 $string['seequestions'] = '(See questions)';
876 $string['select'] = 'Select';
877 $string['selectall'] = 'Select all';
878 $string['selectattempt'] = 'Select attempt';
879 $string['selectcategory'] = 'Select category';
880 $string['selectedattempts'] = 'Selected attempts...';
881 $string['selectmultipleitems'] = 'Select multiple items';
882 $string['selectmultipletoolbar'] = 'Select multiple toolbar';
883 $string['selectnone'] = 'Deselect all';
884 $string['selectquestiontype'] = '-- Select question type --';
885 $string['serveradded'] = 'Server added';
886 $string['serveridentifier'] = 'Identifier';
887 $string['serverinfo'] = 'Server information';
888 $string['servers'] = 'Servers';
889 $string['serverurl'] = 'Server URL';
890 $string['settingsoverrides'] = 'Settings overrides';
891 $string['shortanswer'] = 'Short answer';
892 $string['show'] = 'Show';
893 $string['showall'] = 'Show all questions on one page';
894 $string['showblocks'] = 'Show blocks during quiz attempts';
895 $string['showblocks_help'] = 'If set to yes then normal blocks will be shown during quiz attempts';
896 $string['showbreaks'] = 'Show page breaks';
897 $string['showcategorycontents'] = 'Show category contents {$a->arrow}';
898 $string['showcorrectanswer'] = 'In feedback, show correct answers?';
899 $string['showdetailedmarks'] = 'Show mark details';
900 $string['showeachpage'] = 'Show one page at a time';
901 $string['showfeedback'] = 'After answering, show feedback?';
902 $string['showinsecurepopup'] = 'Use a \'secure\' popup window for attempts';
903 $string['showlargeimage'] = 'Large image';
904 $string['shownoattempts'] = 'Show students with no attempts';
905 $string['shownoattemptsonly'] = 'Show only students with no attempts';
906 $string['shownoimage'] = 'No image';
907 $string['showreport'] = 'Show report';
908 $string['showsmallimage'] = 'Small image';
909 $string['showteacherattempts'] = 'Show teacher attempts';
910 $string['showuserpicture'] = 'Show the user\'s picture';
911 $string['showuserpicture_help'] = 'If enabled, a student\'s name and picture will be shown on-scree…
912 $string['shuffle'] = 'Shuffle';
913 $string['shuffleanswers'] = 'Shuffle answers';
914 $string['shuffledrandomly'] = 'Shuffled randomly';
915 $string['shufflequestions'] = 'Shuffle';
916 $string['shufflequestions_help'] = 'If enabled, every time the quiz is attempted, the order of the …
919 $string['shufflewithin'] = 'Shuffle within questions';
920 $string['shufflewithin_help'] = 'If enabled, the parts making up each question will be randomly shu…
921 $string['singleanswer'] = 'Choose one answer.';
922 $string['sortage'] = 'Sort by age';
923 $string['sortalpha'] = 'Sort by name';
924 $string['sortquestionsbyx'] = 'Sort questions by: {$a}';
925 $string['sortsubmit'] = 'Sort questions';
926 $string['sorttypealpha'] = 'Sort by type, name';
927 $string['specificapathnotonquestion'] = 'The specified file path is not on the specified question';
928 $string['specificquestionnotonquiz'] = 'Specified question is not on the specified quiz';
929 $string['startagain'] = 'Start again';
930 $string['startattempt'] = 'Start attempt';
931 $string['startedon'] = 'Started on';
932 $string['startnewpreview'] = 'Start a new preview';
933 $string['stateabandoned'] = 'Never submitted';
934 $string['statefinished'] = 'Finished';
935 $string['statefinisheddetails'] = 'Submitted {$a}';
936 $string['stateinprogress'] = 'In progress';
937 $string['statenotloaded'] = 'The state for question {$a} has not been loaded from the database';
938 $string['stateoverdue'] = 'Overdue';
939 $string['stateoverduedetails'] = 'Must be submitted by {$a}';
940 $string['status'] = 'Status';
941 $string['stoponerror'] = 'Stop on error';
942 $string['submitallandfinish'] = 'Submit all and finish';
943 $string['subneterror'] = 'Sorry, this quiz has been locked so that it is only accessible from certa…
944 $string['subnetnotice'] = 'This quiz has been locked so that it is only accessible from certain loc…
945 $string['subplugintype_quiz'] = 'Report';
946 $string['subplugintype_quiz_plural'] = 'Reports';
947 $string['subplugintype_quizaccess'] = 'Access rule';
948 $string['subplugintype_quizaccess_plural'] = 'Access rules';
949 $string['substitutedby'] = 'will be substituted by';
950 $string['summaryofattempt'] = 'Summary of attempt';
951 $string['summaryofattempts'] = 'Summary of your previous attempts';
952 $string['temporaryblocked'] = 'You are temporarily not allowed to re-attempt the quiz.<br /> You wi…
953 $string['theattempt'] = 'The attempt';
954 $string['theattempt_help'] = 'Whether the student can review the attempt at all.';
955 $string['time'] = 'Time';
956 $string['timecompleted'] = 'Completed';
957 $string['timedelay'] = 'You are not allowed to do the quiz since you have not passed the time delay…
958 $string['timeleft'] = 'Time left';
959 $string['timelimit'] = 'Time limit';
960 $string['timelimit_help'] = 'If enabled, the time limit is stated on the initial quiz page and a co…
961 $string['timelimit_link'] = 'mod/quiz/timing';
962 $string['timelimitexeeded'] = 'Sorry! Quiz time limit exceeded!';
963 $string['timestr'] = '%H:%M:%S on %d/%m/%y';
964 $string['timesup'] = 'Time is up!';
965 $string['timetaken'] = 'Time taken';
966 $string['timing'] = 'Timing';
967 $string['tofile'] = 'to file';
968 $string['tolerance'] = 'Tolerance';
969 $string['toomanyrandom'] = 'The number of random questions required is more than are still availabl…
970 $string['top'] = 'Top';
971 $string['totalmarksx'] = 'Total of marks: {$a}';
972 $string['totalquestionsinrandomqcategory'] = 'Total of {$a} questions in category.';
973 $string['true'] = 'True';
974 $string['truefalse'] = 'True/false';
975 $string['type'] = 'Type';
976 $string['unfinished'] = 'open';
977 $string['ungraded'] = 'Ungraded';
978 $string['unit'] = 'Unit';
979 $string['unknowntype'] = 'Question type not supported at line {$a}. The question will be ignored';
980 $string['updateoverdueattemptstask'] = 'Updating overdue quiz attempts';
981 $string['updatesettings'] = 'Update quiz settings';
982 $string['updatequizslotswithrandomxofy'] = 'Updating quiz slots with "random" question data ({$a->d…
983 $string['updatingatttemptgrades'] = 'Updating attempt grades.';
984 $string['updatingfinalgrades'] = 'Updating final grades.';
985 $string['updatingthegradebook'] = 'Updating the gradebook.';
986 $string['upgradesure'] = '<div>In particular the quiz module will perform an extensive change of th…
987 $string['upgradingquizattempts'] = 'Upgrading quiz attempts: quiz {$a->done}/{$a->outof} (Quiz id {…
988 $string['upgradingveryoldquizattempts'] = 'Upgrading very old quiz attempts: {$a->done}/{$a->outof}…
989 $string['url'] = 'URL';
990 $string['usedcategorymoved'] = 'This category has been preserved and moved to the site level becaus…
991 $string['useroverrides'] = 'User overrides';
992 $string['useroverridesdeleted'] = 'User overrides deleted';
993 $string['usersnone'] = 'No students have access to this quiz';
994 $string['validate'] = 'Validate';
995 $string['viewallanswers'] = 'View {$a} quiz attempts';
996 $string['viewallreports'] = 'View reports for {$a} attempts';
997 $string['viewed'] = 'Viewed';
998 $string['warningmissingtype'] = '<b>This question is of a type that has not been installed on your …
999 $string['wheregrade'] = 'Where\'s my grade?';
1000 $string['wildcard'] = 'Wild card';
1001 $string['windowclosing'] = 'This window will close shortly.';
1002 $string['withsummary'] = 'with summary statistics';
1003 $string['wronguse'] = 'You can not use this page like that';
1004 $string['xhtml'] = 'XHTML';
1005 $string['youneedtoenrol'] = 'You need to enrol in this course before you can attempt this quiz';
1006 $string['yourfinalgradeis'] = 'Your final grade for this quiz is {$a}.';
1009 $string['numattemptsmade'] = '{$a} attempts made on this quiz';
1010 $string['reviewofattempt'] = 'Review of attempt {$a}';
1011 $string['reviewofpreview'] = 'Review of preview';