Lines Matching refs:string

25 $string['activityisscheduledfordeletion'] = 'Activity deletion in progress...';
26 $string['agedigitalconsentmapinvalidage'] = '"{$a}" is not a valid value for age.';
27 $string['agedigitalconsentmapinvalidcomma'] = '"{$a}" has more or less than one comma separator.';
28 $string['agedigitalconsentmapinvalidcountry'] = '"{$a}" is not a valid value for country.';
29 $string['agedigitalconsentmapinvaliddefault'] = 'Default (*) value is missing.';
30 $string['agelocationverificationdisabled'] = 'Age and location verification disabled';
31 $string['authnotexisting'] = 'The autorization plugin doesn\'t exist';
32 $string['backupcontainexternal'] = 'This backup file contains external Moodle Network Hosts that ar…
33 $string['backuptablefail'] = 'Backup tables could NOT be set up successfully!';
34 $string['blockcannotconfig'] = 'This block does not support global configuration';
35 $string['blockcannotinistantiate'] = 'Problem in instantiating block object';
36 $string['blockcannotread'] = 'Could not read data for blockid= {$a}';
37 $string['blockdoesnotexist'] = 'This block does not exist';
38 $string['blockdoesnotexistonpage'] = 'This block (id={$a->instanceid}) does not exist on this page …
39 $string['blocknameconflict'] = 'Naming conflict: block {$a->name} has the same title with an existi…
40 $string['callbackrejectcomment'] = 'Comment callback rejected this comment.';
41 $string['cannotaddcoursemodule'] = 'Could not add a new course module';
42 $string['cannotaddcoursemoduletosection'] = 'Could not add the new course module to that section';
43 $string['cannotaddmodule'] = '{$a} module could not be added to the module list!';
44 $string['cannotaddnewmodule'] = 'Could not add a new module of {$a}';
45 $string['cannotaddrss'] = 'You do not have permission to add rss feeds';
46 $string['cannotaddthisblocktype'] = 'You cannot add a {$a} block to this page.';
47 $string['cannotassignrole'] = 'Cannot assign role in course';
48 $string['cannotassignrolehere'] = 'You are not allowed to assign this role (id = {$a->roleid}) in t…
49 $string['cannotassignselfasparent'] = 'Cannot assign self as parent!';
50 $string['cannotcallscript'] = 'You cannot call this script in that way';
51 $string['cannotcallusgetselecteduser'] = 'You cannot call user_selector::get_selected_user if multi…
52 $string['cannotcreatebackupdir'] = 'Could not create backupdata folder. The site administrator nee…
53 $string['cannotcreatecategory'] = 'The category was not inserted';
54 $string['cannotcreatedboninstall'] = '<p>Cannot create the database.</p>
57 $string['cannotcreategroup'] = 'Error creating group';
58 $string['cannotcreatelangbase'] = 'Error: Could not create base lang directory';
59 $string['cannotcreatelangdir'] = 'Cannot create lang directory';
60 $string['cannotcreateorfindstructs'] = 'Error finding or creating section structures for this cours…
61 $string['cannotcreatepopupwin'] = 'Undefined element - cannot create pop-up window';
62 $string['cannotcreatesitedir'] = 'Cannot create site folder. The site administrator needs to fix th…
63 $string['cannotcreatetempdir'] = 'Cannot create temp directory';
64 $string['cannotcreateuploaddir'] = 'Cannot create upload folder. The site administrator needs to fi…
65 $string['cannotcustomisefiltersblockuser'] = 'You cannot customise filters settings in user or bloc…
66 $string['cannotdeletebackupids'] = 'Couldn\'t delete previous backup ids';
67 $string['cannotdeletecategorycourse'] = 'Course \'{$a}\' failed to be deleted.';
68 $string['cannotdeletecategoryquestions'] = 'Could not delete questions from category \'{$a}\'';
69 $string['cannotdeletecourse'] = 'You do not have the permission to delete this course';
70 $string['cannotdeletecustomfield'] = 'Error deleting custom field data';
71 $string['cannotdeletedir'] = 'Cannot delete ({$a})';
72 $string['cannotdeletefile'] = 'Cannot delete this file';
73 $string['cannotdeleterole'] = 'It cannot be deleted, because {$a}';
74 $string['cannotdeleterolewithid'] = 'Could not delete role with ID {$a}';
75 $string['cannotdeletethisrole'] = 'You cannot delete this role because it is used by the system, or…
76 $string['cannotdisableformat'] = 'The default format cannot be disabled.';
77 $string['cannotdownloadcomponents'] = 'Cannot download components';
78 $string['cannotdownloadlanguageupdatelist'] = 'Cannot download list of language updates from downlo…
79 $string['cannotdownloadzipfile'] = 'Cannot download ZIP file';
80 $string['cannoteditcomment'] = 'This comment is not yours to edit!';
81 $string['cannoteditcommentexpired'] = 'You can\'t edit this. The time has expired!';
82 $string['cannoteditpostorblog'] = 'You cannot post or edit blogs';
83 $string['cannoteditsiteform'] = 'You cannot edit the site course using this form';
84 $string['cannotedituserpreferences'] = 'Cannot edit this user\'s preferences';
85 $string['cannotedityourprofile'] = 'Sorry, you cannot edit own profile';
86 $string['cannotexecduringupgrade'] = 'Cannot be executed during upgrade';
87 $string['cannotfindcategory'] = 'Cannot find category record from database by ID - {$a}';
88 $string['cannotfindcomponent'] = 'Cannot find component';
89 $string['cannotfindcontext'] = 'Could not find context';
90 $string['cannotfindcourse'] = 'Cannot find course';
91 $string['cannotfinddocs'] = 'Cannot find "{$a}" language docs files';
92 $string['cannotfindgradeitem'] = 'Cannot find grade_item';
93 $string['cannotfindgroup'] = 'Unable to find group';
94 $string['cannotfindhelp'] = 'Cannot find "{$a}" language help files';
95 $string['cannotfindinfo'] = 'Cannot find info for: "{$a}"';
96 $string['cannotfindlang'] = 'Cannot find "{$a}" language pack!';
97 $string['cannotfindteacher'] = 'Cannot find teacher';
98 $string['cannotfinduser'] = 'Cannot find user named "{$a}"';
99 $string['cannotgeoplugin'] = 'Cannot connect to the geoPlugin server at …
100 $string['cannotgetblock'] = 'Could not retrieve blocks from the database';
101 $string['cannotgetcats'] = 'Cannot get category record';
102 $string['cannotgetdata'] = 'Cannot get data';
103 $string['cannotgradeuser'] = 'Cannot grade this user';
104 $string['cannothaveparentcate'] = 'Course category cannot have parent!';
105 $string['cannotimport'] = 'Import error';
106 $string['cannotimportformat'] = 'Sorry, importing this format is not yet implemented!';
107 $string['cannotimportgrade'] = 'Grade import error';
108 $string['cannotinsertgrade'] = 'Cannot insert grade item without course id!';
109 $string['cannotinsertrate'] = 'Could not insert a new rating ({$a->id} = {$a->rating})';
110 $string['cannotinsertrecord'] = 'Could not insert new record ID {$a}';
111 $string['cannotmailconfirm'] = 'Error sending password change confirmation email';
112 $string['cannotmanualctrack'] = 'Activity does not provide manual completion tracking';
113 $string['cannotmapfield'] = 'Mapping collision detected - two fields maps to the same grade item {$…
114 $string['cannotmarktopic'] = 'Could not mark that topic for this course';
115 $string['cannotmigratedatacomments'] = 'Cannot migrate data module comments';
116 $string['cannotmodulename'] = 'Cannot get the module name in build navigation';
117 $string['cannotmoduletype'] = 'Cannot get the module type in build navigation';
118 $string['cannotmovecategory'] = 'Cannot move category';
119 $string['cannotmovecourses'] = 'Cannot move courses from the category they are in to another.';
120 $string['cannotmoverolewithid'] = 'Cannot move role with ID {$a}';
121 $string['cannotopencsv'] = 'Cannot open CSV file';
122 $string['cannotopenfile'] = 'Cannot open file ({$a})';
123 $string['cannotopenforwrit'] = 'Cannot open for writing: {$a}';
124 $string['cannotopentemplate'] = 'Cannot open template file ({$a})';
125 $string['cannotopenzip'] = 'Cannot open zip file, probably because of a zip extension bug on 64-bit…
126 $string['cannotoverridebaserole'] = 'Cannot override base role capabilities';
127 $string['cannotoverriderolehere'] = 'You are not allowed to override this role (id = {$a->roleid}) …
128 $string['cannotreadfile'] = 'Cannot read file ({$a})';
129 $string['cannotreadtmpfile'] = 'Error reading temporary file';
130 $string['cannotreaduploadfile'] = 'Could not read uploaded file';
131 $string['cannotremovefrommeta'] = 'Could not remove the selected course from this meta course!';
132 $string['cannotreprocessgrades'] = 'Could not reprocess grades for this activity {$a}';
133 $string['cannotresetguestpwd'] = 'You cannot reset the guest password';
134 $string['cannotresetmail'] = 'Error resetting password and mailing you';
135 $string['cannotresetthisrole'] = 'Cannot reset this role';
136 $string['cannotrestore'] = 'An error has occurred and the restore could not be completed!';
137 $string['cannotrestoreadminorcreator'] = 'You need to be a creator or admin user to restore into ne…
138 $string['cannotrestoreadminoredit'] = 'You need to be a editing teacher or admin user to restore in…
139 $string['cannotsaveagreement'] = 'Could not save your agreement';
140 $string['cannotsaveblock'] = 'Error saving block configuration';
141 $string['cannotsavecomment'] = 'Cannot save comment';
142 $string['cannotsavedata'] = 'Cannot save data';
143 $string['cannotsavefile'] = 'Cannot save the file "{$a}"!';
144 $string['cannotsavemd5file'] = 'Cannot save md5 file';
145 $string['cannotsavezipfile'] = 'Cannot save ZIP file';
146 $string['cannotservefile'] = 'Cannot serve file due to a server configuration problem.';
147 $string['cannotsetparentforcatoritem'] = 'Cannot set parent for category or course item!';
148 $string['cannotsetpassword'] = 'Could not set user password!';
149 $string['cannotsetprefgrade'] = 'Could not set preference aggregationview to {$a} for this grade ca…
150 $string['cannotsettheme'] = 'Could not set the theme!';
151 $string['cannotsetupblock'] = 'Blocks tables could NOT be set up successfully!';
152 $string['cannotsetupcapformod'] = 'Could not set up the capabilities for {$a}';
153 $string['cannotsetupcapforplugin'] = 'Could not set up the capabilities for {$a}';
154 $string['cannotshowhidecoursesincategory'] = 'Cannot show/hide the courses in category {$a}.';
155 $string['cannotsignup'] = 'You cannot create a new account because you are already logged in as {$a…
156 $string['cannotunassigncap'] = 'Could not unassign deprecated capability {$a->cap} from role {$a->r…
157 $string['cannotunassignrolefrom'] = 'Cannot unassign this user from role id: {$a}';
158 $string['cannotunzipfile'] = 'Cannot unzip file';
159 $string['cannotupdatemod'] = 'Could not update {$a}';
160 $string['cannotupdatepasswordonextauth'] = 'Failed to update password on external auth: {$a}. See t…
161 $string['cannotupdateprofile'] = 'Error updating user record';
162 $string['cannotupdaterecord'] = 'Could not update record ID {$a}';
163 $string['cannotupdaterss'] = 'Cannot update RSS';
164 $string['cannotupdatesubcourse'] = 'Could not update a child course!';
165 $string['cannotupdateusermsgpref'] = 'Cannot update user message preferences';
166 $string['cannotupdateuseronexauth'] = 'Failed to update user data on external auth: {$a}. See the s…
167 $string['cannotuploadfile'] = 'Error processing upload file';
168 $string['cannotuseadmin'] = 'You need to be an admin user to use this page';
169 $string['cannotuseadminadminorteacher'] = 'You need to be a teacher or admin user to use this page';
170 $string['cannotusepage'] = 'Only teachers and administrators can use this page';
171 $string['cannotusepage2'] = 'Sorry, you may not use this page';
172 $string['cannotviewcategory'] = 'You don\'t have permission to view this list of courses.';
173 $string['cannotviewprofile'] = 'You cannot view the profile of this user';
174 $string['cannotviewreport'] = 'You cannot view this report';
175 $string['cannotwritefile'] = 'Cannot write to file ({$a})';
176 $string['categoryerror'] = 'Category error';
177 $string['categorynamerequired'] = 'Category name is required';
178 $string['categorytoolong'] = 'Category name too long';
179 $string['categoryidnumbertaken'] = 'ID number is already used for another category';
180 $string['commentmisconf'] = 'Comment ID is misconfigured';
181 $string['componentisuptodate'] = 'Component is up-to-date';
182 $string['confirmationnotenabled'] = 'User confirmation is not enabled on this site';
183 $string['confirmsesskeybad'] = 'Sorry, but your session key could not be confirmed to carry out thi…
184 $string['contenttypenotfound'] = 'The \'{$a}\' content bank type doesn\'t exist or is not recognise…
185 $string['contentvisibilitynotfound'] = 'The content visibility with value \'{$a}\' doesn\'t exist o…
186 $string['couldnotassignrole'] = 'A serious but unspecified error occurred while trying to assign a …
187 $string['couldnotupdatenoexistinguser'] = 'Cannot update the user - user doesn\'t exist';
188 $string['couldnotverifyagedigitalconsent'] = 'An error occurred while trying to verify the age of d…
189 $string['countriesphpempty'] = 'Error: The file countries.php in language pack {$a} is empty or mis…
190 $string['coursedoesnotbelongtocategory'] = 'The course doesn\'t belong to this category';
191 $string['courseformatnotfound'] = 'The course format \'{$a}\' doesn\'t exist or is not recognised.';
192 $string['coursegroupunknown'] = 'Course corresponding to group {$a} not specified';
193 $string['courseidnotfound'] = 'The course ID doesn\'t exist.';
194 $string['courseidnumbertaken'] = 'ID number is already used for another course ({$a})';
195 $string['coursemisconf'] = 'Course is misconfigured';
196 $string['courserequestdisabled'] = 'Sorry, but course requests have been disabled by the administra…
197 $string['csvcolumnduplicates'] = 'Duplicate columns detected';
198 $string['csvemptyfile'] = 'The CSV file is empty';
199 $string['csvfileerror'] = 'There is something wrong with the format of the CSV file. Please check t…
200 $string['csvfewcolumns'] = 'Not enough columns, please verify the delimiter setting';
201 $string['csvinvalidcols'] = '<b>Invalid CSV file:</b> First line must include "Header Fields" and t…
202 $string['csvinvalidcolsnum'] = 'Invalid CSV file - each line must include 49 or 70 fields';
203 $string['csvloaderror'] = 'An error occurred while loading the CSV file: {$a}';
204 $string['csvnodata'] = 'Invalid CSV file - The CSV file has headers but does not contain any data.';
205 $string['csvweirdcolumns'] = 'Invalid CSV file format - number of columns is not constant!';
206 $string['dbconnectionfailed'] = '<p>Error: Database connection failed</p>
209 $string['dbdriverproblem'] = '<p>Error: database driver problem detected</p>
211 $string['dbsessionbroken'] = 'Serious database session problem detected.<br /><br />Please notify s…
212 $string['dbsessionhandlerproblem'] = 'Setting up of database session failed. Please notify the serv…
213 $string['dbsessionmysqlpacketsize'] = 'A serious session error was detected. Please notify the site…
214 $string['dbupdatefailed'] = 'Database update failed';
215 $string['ddldependencyerror'] = '{$a->targettype} "{$a->targetname}" cannot be modified. Dependency…
216 $string['ddlexecuteerror'] = 'DDL sql execution error';
217 $string['ddlfieldalreadyexists'] = 'Field "{$a}" already exists';
218 $string['ddlfieldnotexist'] = 'Field "{$a->fieldname}" does not exist in table "{$a->tablename}"';
219 $string['ddsequenceerror'] = 'Incorrect table "{$a}" definition; there can be only one auto column …
220 $string['ddltablealreadyexists'] = 'Table "{$a}" already exists';
221 $string['ddltablenotexist'] = 'Table "{$a}" does not exist';
222 $string['ddlunknownerror'] = 'Unknown DDL library error';
223 $string['ddlxmlfileerror'] = 'XML database file errors found';
224 $string['destinationcmnotexit'] = 'The destination course module does not exist';
225 $string['detectedbrokenplugin'] = 'The plugin {$a} is defective or outdated; sorry you cannot conti…
226 $string['dmlexceptiononinstall'] = '<p>A database error has occurred [{$a->errorcode}].<br />{$a->d…
227 $string['dmlparseexception'] = 'Error parsing SQL query';
228 $string['dmlreadexception'] = 'Error reading from database';
229 $string['dmltransactionexception'] = 'Database transaction error';
230 $string['dmlwriteexception'] = 'Error writing to database';
231 $string['downgradedcore'] = 'ERROR!!! The code you are using is OLDER than the version that made t…
232 $string['downloadedfilecheckfailed'] = 'Downloaded file check failed';
233 $string['duplicatefieldname'] = 'Duplicate field name "{$a}" detected';
234 $string['duplicatenosupport'] = '\'{$a->modname}\' activity could not be duplicated because the {$a…
235 $string['duplicateparaminsql'] = 'ERROR: duplicate parameter name in query';
236 $string['duplicaterolename'] = 'There is already a role with this name!';
237 $string['duplicateroleshortname'] = 'There is already a role with this short name!';
238 $string['duplicateusername'] = 'Duplicate username - skipping record';
239 $string['emailfail'] = 'Emailing failed';
240 $string['encryption_encryptfailed'] = 'Encryption failed';
241 $string['encryption_decryptfailed'] = 'Decryption failed';
242 $string['encryption_invalidkey'] = 'Invalid key';
243 $string['encryption_keyalreadyexists'] = 'Key already exists';
244 $string['encryption_nokey'] = 'Key not found';
245 $string['encryption_wrongmethod'] = 'Data does not match a supported encryption method';
246 $string['enddatebeforestartdate'] = 'The course end date must be after the start date.';
247 $string['error'] = 'Error occurred';
248 $string['error_question_answers_missing_in_db'] = 'Failed to find an answer matching "{$a->answer}"…
249 $string['errorprocessingarchive'] = 'Error processing archive file';
250 $string['errorcleaningdirectory'] = 'Error cleaning directory "{$a}"';
251 $string['errorcopyingfiles'] = 'Error copying files';
252 $string['errorcreatingdirectory'] = 'Error creating directory "{$a}"';
253 $string['errorcreatingfile'] = 'Error creating file "{$a}"';
254 $string['errorcreatingrole'] = 'Error creating role';
255 $string['errorfetchingrssfeed'] = 'Error fetching RSS feed.';
256 $string['erroronline'] = 'Error on line {$a}';
257 $string['erroroutput'] = 'Error output, so disabling automatic redirect.';
258 $string['errorparsingxml'] = 'Error parsing XML: {$a->errorstring} at line {$a->errorline}, char {$…
259 $string['errorreadingfile'] = 'Error reading file "{$a}"';
260 $string['errorsavingrequest'] = 'An error occurred when trying to save your request.';
261 $string['errorsettinguserpref'] = 'Error setting user preference';
262 $string['errorunzippingfiles'] = 'Error unzipping files';
263 $string['expiredkey'] = 'Expired key';
264 $string['externalauthpassworderror'] = 'Non-empty password for external authentication';
265 $string['externalfilenolocation'] = 'External file has no location path';
266 $string['failtoloadblocks'] = 'One or more blocks are registered in the database, but they all fail…
267 $string['fieldrequired'] = '"{$a}" is a required field';
268 $string['fileexists'] = 'File exists';
269 $string['filemismatch'] = 'Non-core file name mismatch. The file "{$a->current}" should be {$a->fil…
270 $string['filenotfound'] = 'Sorry, the requested file could not be found';
271 $string['filenotreadable'] = 'File is not readable';
272 $string['filterdoesnothavelocalconfig'] = 'The filter {$a} does not allow local configuration.';
273 $string['filternotactive'] = 'Filter {$a} is not currently active';
274 $string['filternotenabled'] = 'Filter not enabled!';
275 $string['filternotinstalled'] = 'Filter {$a} is not currently installed';
276 $string['forumblockingtoomanyposts'] = 'You have exceeded the posting threshold set for this forum';
277 $string['functionalityremoved'] = 'You are trying to access functionality that has been removed.';
278 $string['generalexceptionmessage'] = 'Exception - {$a}';
279 $string['gradepubdisable'] = 'Grade publishing disabled';
280 $string['gradesneedregrading'] = 'The course grades need to be recalculated';
281 $string['gradecantregrade'] = 'An error occurred during grade calculation: {$a}';
282 $string['groupalready'] = 'User already belongs to group {$a}';
283 $string['groupexistforcourse'] = 'Group "{$a}" already exists for this course';
284 $string['groupexistforcoursewithidnumber'] = '{$a->problemgroup}: Group "{$a->name}" with an idnumb…
285 $string['grouphasidnumber'] = 'Group "{$a}" has an idnumber and may have been automatically created…
286 $string['groupinghasidnumber'] = 'Grouping "{$a}" has an idnumber and may have been automatically c…
287 $string['groupnotaddederror'] = 'Group "{$a}" not added';
288 $string['groupnotaddedtogroupingerror'] = 'Group "{$a->groupname}" not added to grouping "{$a->grou…
289 $string['groupingnotaddederror'] = 'Grouping "{$a}" not added';
290 $string['groupunknown'] = 'Group {$a} not associated to specified course';
291 $string['groupusernotmember'] = 'User is not member of this group.';
292 $string['guestcantaccessprofiles'] = 'Guests cannot access user profiles. Log in with a full user a…
293 $string['guestnocomment'] = 'Guests are not allowed to post comments!';
294 $string['guestnoeditprofile'] = 'The guest user cannot edit their profile';
295 $string['guestnoeditprofileother'] = 'The guest user profile cannot be edited';
296 $string['guestnorate'] = 'Guests are not allowed to rate entries';
297 $string['guestsarenotallowed'] = 'The guest user is not allowed to do this';
298 $string['hackdetected'] = 'Hack attack detected!';
299 $string['hashpoolproblem'] = 'Incorrect pool file content {$a}.';
300 $string['headersent'] = 'Headers already sent';
301 $string['idnumbertaken'] = 'This ID number is already in use';
302 $string['idnumbertoolong'] = 'ID number is too long';
303 $string['importformatnotimplement'] = 'Sorry, importing this format is not yet implemented!';
304 $string['incorrectext'] = 'File has an incorrect extension';
305 $string['inplaceeditableerror'] = 'Error calling update processor';
306 $string['installproblem'] = 'It is usually not possible to recover from errors triggered during ins…
307 $string['internalauthpassworderror'] = 'Missing password or invalid password policy for internal au…
308 $string['invalidaccess'] = 'This page was not accessed correctly';
309 $string['invalidaccessparameter'] = 'Invalid access parameter';
310 $string['invalidaction'] = 'Invalid action parameter';
311 $string['invalidactivityid'] = 'Invalid activity ID';
312 $string['invalidadminsettingname'] = 'Invalid admin setting ({$a})';
313 $string['invalidargorconf'] = 'No valid arguments supplied or incorrect server configuration';
314 $string['invalidarguments'] = 'No valid arguments supplied';
315 $string['invalidblockinstance'] = 'Invalid block instance for: {$a}';
316 $string['invalidbulkenrolop'] = 'Invalid bulk enrolment operation requested.';
317 $string['invalidcategory'] = 'Incorrect category!';
318 $string['invalidcategoryid'] = 'Incorrect category ID!';
319 $string['invalidcomment'] = 'Comment is incorrect';
320 $string['invalidcommentid'] = 'Invalid comment ID';
321 $string['invalidcommentitemid'] = 'Invalid comment item ID';
322 $string['invalidcommentarea'] = 'Invalid comment area';
323 $string['invalidcommentparam'] = 'Invalid comment parameters';
324 $string['invalidcomponent'] = 'Invalid component name';
325 $string['invalidconfirmdata'] = 'Invalid confirmation data';
326 $string['invalidcontentid'] = 'Invalid content ID';
327 $string['invalidcontext'] = 'Invalid context';
328 $string['invalidcourse'] = 'Invalid course';
329 $string['invalidcourseid'] = 'You are trying to use an invalid course ID';
330 $string['invalidcourselevel'] = 'Incorrect context level';
331 $string['invalidcourseformat'] = 'Invalid course format';
332 $string['invalidcoursemodule'] = 'Invalid course module ID';
333 $string['invalidcoursenameshort'] = 'Invalid short course name';
334 $string['invalidcountrycode'] = 'Invalid country code: {$a}';
335 $string['invaliddata'] = 'Data submitted is invalid';
336 $string['invaliddatarootpermissions'] = 'Invalid permissions detected when trying to create a direc…
337 $string['invaliddevicetype'] = 'Invalid device type';
338 $string['invalidelementid'] = 'Incorrect element ID!';
339 $string['invalidentry'] = 'This is not valid entry!';
340 $string['invalidevent'] = 'Invalid event';
341 $string['invalidfieldname'] = '"{$a}" is not a valid field name';
342 $string['invalidfiletype'] = '"{$a}" is not a valid file type';
343 $string['invalidformatpara'] = 'Incorrect format for choose parameter';
344 $string['invalidformdata'] = 'Incorrect form data';
345 $string['invalidfunction'] = 'Incorrect function';
346 $string['invalidgradeitemid'] = 'Incorrect grade item ID';
347 $string['invalidgroupid'] = 'Incorrect group ID specified';
348 $string['invalidipformat'] = 'Invalid IP address format';
349 $string['invaliditemid'] = 'Incorrect item ID';
350 $string['invalidkey'] = 'Incorrect key';
351 $string['invalidlanguagecode'] = 'Invalid language code: {$a}';
352 $string['invalidlegacy'] = 'Incorrect legacy role definition for type: {$a}';
353 $string['invalidmd5'] = 'The check variable was wrong - try again';
354 $string['invalidmode'] = 'Invalid mode ({$a})';
355 $string['invalidmodule'] = 'Invalid module';
356 $string['invalidmoduleid'] = 'Invalid module ID: {$a}';
357 $string['invalidmodulename'] = 'Invalid module name: {$a}';
358 $string['invalidnum'] = 'Invalid numeric value';
359 $string['invalidnumkey'] = 'The array $conditions may not contain numeric keys. Please fix the code…
360 $string['invalidoutcome'] = 'Incorrect outcome ID';
361 $string['invalidpagesize'] = 'Invalid page size';
362 $string['invalidpasswordpolicy'] = 'Invalid password policy';
363 $string['invalidpaymentmethod'] = 'Invalid payment method: {$a}';
364 $string['invalidpersistenterror'] = 'Error: {$a}';
365 $string['invalidqueryparam'] = 'ERROR: Incorrect number of query parameters. Expected {$a->expected…
366 $string['invalidratingarea'] = 'Invalid rating area';
367 $string['invalidrecord'] = 'Can\'t find data record in database table {$a}.';
368 $string['invalidrecordunknown'] = 'Can\'t find data record in database.';
369 $string['invalidrequest'] = 'Invalid request';
370 $string['invalidrole'] = 'Invalid role';
371 $string['invalidroleid'] = 'Invalid role ID';
372 $string['invalidscaleid'] = 'Incorrect scale ID';
373 $string['invalidsection'] = 'Course module record contains invalid section';
374 $string['invalidsesskey'] = 'Your session has most likely timed out. Please log in again.';
375 $string['invalidshortname'] = 'Invalid short course name';
376 $string['invalidstatedetected'] = 'Something has gone wrong: {$a}. This should never normally happe…
377 $string['invalidsourcefield'] = 'Draft file\'s source field is invalid';
378 $string['invalidurl'] = 'Invalid URL';
379 $string['invaliduser'] = 'Invalid user';
380 $string['invaliduserid'] = 'Invalid user ID';
381 $string['invaliduserfield'] = 'Invalid user field: {$a}';
382 $string['invaliduserdata'] = 'Invalid user data: {$a}';
383 $string['invalidusername'] = 'The given username contains invalid characters';
384 $string['invalidusernameblank'] = 'The username cannot be blank';
385 $string['invalidxmlfile'] = '"{$a}" is not a valid XML file';
386 $string['iplookupfailed'] = 'Cannot find geo information about this IP address {$a}';
387 $string['iplookupprivate'] = 'Cannot display lookup of private IP address';
388 $string['ipmismatch'] = 'Client IP address mismatch';
389 $string['listcantmovedown'] = 'Failed to move item down, as it is the last of its peers.';
390 $string['listcantmoveleft'] = 'Failed to move item left, as it has no parent';
391 $string['listcantmoveright'] = 'Failed to move item right, as there is no peer to make it a child o…
392 $string['listcantmoveup'] = 'Failed to move item up, as it is the first of its peers.';
393 $string['listnochildren'] = 'No children of item found';
394 $string['listnoitem'] = 'Item not found';
395 $string['listnopeers'] = 'No peers of item found';
396 $string['listupdatefail'] = 'DB operation failed when editing list hierarchy';
397 $string['logfilenotavailable'] = 'Logs not available';
398 $string['loginasnoenrol'] = 'You cannot use enrol or unenrol when in course "Login as" session';
399 $string['loginasonecourse'] = 'You cannot enter this course.<br /> You have to terminate the "Login…
400 $string['maxbytesfile'] = 'The file {$a->file} is too large. The maximum size you can upload is {$a…
401 $string['maxareabytes'] = 'The file is larger than the space remaining in this area.';
402 $string['maxdraftitemids'] = 'Your file uploads are temporarily limited after you uploaded a high v…
403 $string['messageundeliveredbynotificationsettings'] = 'The message could not be sent because person…
404 $string['messagingdisable'] = 'Messaging is disabled on this site';
405 $string['mimetexisnotexist'] = 'Your system is not configured to run mimeTeX. You need to obtain th…
406 $string['mimetexnotexecutable'] = 'Custom mimetex is not executable!';
407 $string['missingfield'] = 'Field "{$a}" is missing';
408 $string['missingkeyinsql'] = 'ERROR: missing param "{$a}" in query';
409 $string['missingparam'] = 'A required parameter ({$a}) was missing';
410 $string['missingparameter'] = 'Parameter missing';
411 $string['missingrequiredfield'] = 'Some required field is missing';
412 $string['missinguseranditemid'] = 'Missing userid and itemid';
413 $string['missingvarname'] = 'Required variable name is missing!';
414 $string['missing_moodle_backup_xml_file'] = 'Backup is missing XML file: {$a}';
415 $string['mixedtypesqlparam'] = 'ERROR: Mixed types of sql query parameters!!';
416 $string['mnetdisable'] = 'MNET is disabled';
417 $string['mnetlocal'] = 'Remote MNET users cannot log in locally';
418 $string['moduledisable'] = 'This module ({$a}) has been disabled for this particular course';
419 $string['moduledoesnotexist'] = 'This module does not exist';
420 $string['moduleinstancedoesnotexist'] = 'The instance of this module does not exist';
421 $string['modulemissingcode'] = 'Module {$a} is missing the code needed to perform this function';
422 $string['movecatcontentstoroot'] = 'Moving the category content to root is not allowed. You must mo…
423 $string['movecatcontentstoselected'] = 'Some category content cannot be moved into the selected cat…
424 $string['movecategorynotpossible'] = 'You cannot move category \'{$a}\' into the selected category.…
425 $string['movecategoryownparent'] = 'You cannot make category \'{$a}\' a parent of itself.';
426 $string['movecategoryparentconflict'] = 'You cannot make category \'{$a}\' a subcategory of one of …
427 $string['mssqlrcsmodemissing'] = 'The database is not using the expected READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT mo…
428 $string['multiplerecordsfound'] = 'Multiple records found, only one record expected.';
429 $string['multiplerestorenotallow'] = 'Multiple restore execution not allowed!';
430 $string['mustbeloggedin'] = 'You must be logged in to do this';
431 $string['mustbeteacher'] = 'You must be a teacher to look at this page';
432 $string['myisamproblem'] = 'Database tables are using MyISAM database engine, it is recommended to …
433 $string['needcopy'] = 'You need to copy something first!';
434 $string['needcoursecategroyid'] = 'Either course id or category must be specified';
435 $string['needphpext'] = 'You need to add {$a} support to your PHP installation';
436 $string['noadmins'] = 'No administrators!';
437 $string['noblocks'] = 'No blocks found!';
438 $string['nocapabilitytousethisservice'] = 'The user hasn\'t the required capability to use this ser…
439 $string['nocategorydelete'] = 'Category \'{$a}\' cannot be deleted!';
440 $string['nocontext'] = 'Sorry, but that course is not a valid context';
441 $string['nodata'] = 'No data';
442 $string['noexistingcategory'] = 'No existing category';
443 $string['nofile'] = 'File not specified';
444 $string['nofiltersenabled'] = 'No filters are enabled.';
445 $string['nofolder'] = 'Requested directory does not exist';
446 $string['noformdesc'] = 'No formslib form description file found for this activity.';
447 $string['noguest'] = 'No guests here!';
448 $string['noinstances'] = 'There are no instances of {$a} in this course!';
449 $string['nologinas'] = 'You are not allowed to log in as that user';
450 $string['nonmeaningfulcontent'] = 'Non meaningful content';
451 $string['noparticipants'] = 'No participants found for this course';
452 $string['noparticipatorycms'] = 'Sorry, but you have no participatory course modules to report on';
453 $string['nopermissions'] = 'Sorry, but you do not currently have permissions to do that ({$a}).';
454 $string['nopermissiontocomment'] = 'You can\'t add comments';
455 $string['nopermissiontodelentry'] = 'You can\'t delete this comment!';
456 $string['nopermissiontoeditcomment'] = 'You can\'t edit other people\'s comments!';
457 $string['nopermissiontohide'] = 'No permission to hide!';
458 $string['nopermissiontoimportact'] = 'You do not have the required permissions to import activities…
459 $string['nopermissiontolock'] = 'No permission to lock!';
460 $string['nopermissiontomanagegroup'] = 'You do not have the required permissions to manage groups';
461 $string['nopermissiontorate'] = 'Rating of items not allowed!';
462 $string['nopermissiontoshow'] = 'No permission to see this!';
463 $string['nopermissiontounlock'] = 'No permission to unlock!';
464 $string['nopermissiontoupdatecalendar'] = 'Sorry, but you do not have permission to update the cale…
465 $string['nopermissiontoviewgrades'] = 'Cannot view grades.';
466 $string['nopermissiontoviewletergrade'] = 'Missing permission to view letter grades';
467 $string['nopermissiontoviewpage'] = 'You are not allowed to look at this page';
468 $string['nosite'] = 'Could not find a top-level course!';
469 $string['nositeid'] = 'No site ID';
470 $string['nostartdatenoenddate'] = 'A course end date can only be set if a start date is also set.';
471 $string['nostatstodisplay'] = 'Sorry, there is no available data to display';
472 $string['notallowedtoupdateprefremotely'] = 'You are not allowed to update this user preference rem…
473 $string['notavailable'] = 'That is not currently available';
474 $string['notlocalisederrormessage'] = '{$a}';
475 $string['notmemberofgroup'] = 'You are not a member of this course group';
476 $string['notownerofkey'] = 'You are not owner of this key';
477 $string['nousers'] = 'No such user!';
478 $string['oauth1accesstoken'] = 'OAuth 1.0 error: We did not obtain the access token.';
479 $string['oauth1requesttoken'] = 'OAuth 1.0 error: We did not obtain the request token - the service…
480 $string['oauth2upgradetokenerror'] = 'Could not upgrade OAuth 2 token. HTTP status for remote endpo…
481 $string['oauth2refreshtokenerror'] = 'Could not refresh OAuth 2 token. HTTP status for remote endpo…
482 $string['oauth2refreshtokentaskerror'] = 'Could not refresh OAuth 2 token for one or more issuers. …
483 $string['onlyadmins'] = 'Only administrators can do that';
484 $string['onlyeditingteachers'] = 'Only editing teachers can do that';
485 $string['onlyeditown'] = 'You can only edit your own information';
486 $string['orderidnotfound'] = 'Order ID {$a} not found';
487 $string['pagenotexisttitle'] = '404 Error: File not found';
488 $string['pagenotexist'] = '<p>An unusual error occurred trying to view a page that does not exist:<…
489 $string['pathdoesnotstartslash'] = 'No valid arguments supplied, path does not start with slash!';
490 $string['pleasereport'] = 'If you have time, please let us know what you were trying to do when the…
491 $string['pluginrequirementsnotmet'] = 'Plugin "{$a->pluginname}" ({$a->pluginversion}) could not be…
492 $string['pluginunsupported'] = 'Plugin "{$a->pluginname}" {$a->pluginversion} does not support this…
493 $string['prefixcannotbeempty'] = '<p>Error: database table prefix cannot be empty ({$a})</p>
495 $string['prefixtoolong'] = '<p>Error: database table prefix is too long ({$a->dbfamily})</p>
497 $string['privatefilesupload'] = 'Uploading directly to user private files area is no longer support…
498 $string['processingstops'] = 'Processing stops here. Remaining records ignored.';
499 $string['querystringcannotbeempty'] = 'The query string cannot be empty.';
500 $string['redirecterrordetected'] = 'Unsupported redirect detected, script execution terminated';
501 $string['refoundto'] = 'Can be refunded to {$a}';
502 $string['refoundtoorigi'] = 'Refunded to original amount: {$a}';
503 $string['registrationdisabled'] = 'Registration is disabled on this site';
504 $string['remotedownloaderror'] = '<p>The download of the component to your server failed. Please ve…
506 $string['remotedownloadnotallowed'] = 'Download of components to your server isn\'t allowed (allow_…
507 $string['reportnotavailable'] = 'This type of report is only available for the site course';
508 $string['requirecorrectaccess'] = 'Invalid url or port.';
509 $string['requireloginerror'] = 'Course or activity not accessible.';
510 $string['restorechecksumfailed'] = 'Some problem happened with the restore information stored in yo…
511 $string['restore_path_element_missingmethod'] = 'Restore method {$a} is missing. It must be defined…
512 $string['restore_path_element_noobject'] = 'Restore object {$a} is not an object.';
513 $string['restrictedcontextexception'] = 'Sorry, execution of external function violates context res…
514 $string['restricteduser'] = 'Sorry, but your current account "{$a}" is restricted from doing that';
515 $string['reverseproxyabused'] = 'Reverse proxy enabled so the server cannot be accessed directly.<b…
516 $string['rpcerror'] = 'Ooops! Your MNET communication has failed! Here\'s that error message to pas…
517 $string['secretalreadyused'] = 'Change password confirmation link was already used, password was no…
518 $string['sectionnotexist'] = 'This section does not exist';
519 $string['sendmessage'] = 'Send message';
520 $string['sendmessagesent'] = 'Thanks for your feedback about:<br>{$a}';
521 $string['serverconnection'] = 'Error connecting to the server';
522 $string['servicedonotexist'] = 'The service does not exist';
523 $string['sessionwaiterr'] = 'Timed out while waiting for session lock.<br />Wait for your current r…
524 $string['sessionexpired'] = 'Session expired';
525 $string['sessioncookiesdisable'] = 'Incorrect use of require_key_login() - session cookies must be …
526 $string['sessiondiskfull'] = 'The session partition is full. It is not possible to log in at this t…
527 $string['sessionhandlerproblem'] = 'Session handler is misconfigured';
528 $string['sessionerroruser'] = 'Your session has timed out. Please log in again.';
529 $string['sessionerroruser2'] = 'A server error that affects your login session was detected. Please…
530 $string['sessionipnomatch'] = 'Sorry, but your IP number seems to have changed from when you first …
531 $string['sessionipnomatch2'] = '<p>Sorry, but your IP number seems to have changed from when you fi…
533 $string['shortnametaken'] = 'Short name is already used for another course ({$a})';
534 $string['sitepolicynotagreed'] = 'Site policy not agreed: <a href="{$a}">Click here to open the sit…
535 $string['scheduledbackupsdisabled'] = 'Scheduled backups have been disabled by the server admin';
536 $string['socksnotsupported'] = 'SOCKS5 proxy is not supported in PHP4';
537 $string['spellcheckernotconf'] = 'Spellchecker not configured';
538 $string['sslonlyaccess'] = 'For security reasons only https connections are allowed, sorry.';
539 $string['statscatchupmode'] = 'Statistics is currently in catchup mode. So far {$a->daysdone} day(s…
540 $string['statsdisable'] = 'Statistics are not enabled.';
541 $string['statsnodata'] = 'There is no available data for that combination of course and time period…
542 $string['storedfilecannotcreatefile'] = 'Cannot create local file pool file. Please verify permissi…
543 $string['storedfilecannotcreatefiledirs'] = 'Cannot create local file pool directories. Please veri…
544 $string['storedfilecannotread'] = 'Cannot read file. Either the file does not exist or there is a p…
545 $string['storedfilecannotreadfile'] = 'Cannot read file \'{$a}\'. Either the file does not exist or…
546 $string['storedfilenotcreated'] = 'Cannot create file {$a->contextid}/{$a->component}/{$a->filearea…
547 $string['storedfileproblem'] = 'Unknown exception related to local files ({$a})';
548 $string['tagdisabled'] = 'Tags are disabled!';
549 $string['tagnotfound'] = 'The specified tag was not found in the database';
550 $string['targetdatabasenotempty'] = 'The target database is not empty. Transfer aborted for safety …
551 $string['textconditionsnotallowed'] = 'Comparisons of text column conditions are not allowed. Pleas…
552 $string['themenotinstall'] = 'This theme is not installed!';
553 $string['TODO'] = 'TODO';
554 $string['tokengenerationfailed'] = 'Cannot generate a new token.';
555 $string['transactionvoid'] = 'Transaction cannot be voided because it has already been voided';
556 $string['unenrolerror'] = 'An error occurred while trying to unenrol that person';
557 $string['unicodeupgradeerror'] = 'Sorry, but your database is not already in Unicode, and this vers…
558 $string['unknowaction'] = 'Unknown action!';
559 $string['unknowcategory'] = 'Category not known!';
560 $string['unknowcontext'] = 'This is an unknown context ({$a}) in get_child_contexts!';
561 $string['unknowformat'] = 'Format not known ({$a})';
562 $string['unknownbackupexporterror'] = 'Unknown error preparing information for import';
563 $string['unknownblockregion'] = 'The block region \'{$a}\' is not recognised on this page.';
564 $string['unknowncontext'] = 'This is an unknown context.';
565 $string['unknowncourse'] = 'Unknown course named "{$a}"';
566 $string['unknowncourseidnumber'] = 'Unknown course ID "{$a}"';
567 $string['unknowncoursesection'] = 'Unknown course section in course "{$a}"';
568 $string['unknowncourserequest'] = 'Unknown course request';
569 $string['unknownevent'] = 'Unknown event';
570 $string['unknownfiletype'] = 'Error unknown filtertype';
571 $string['unknowngroup'] = 'Unknown group "{$a}"';
572 $string['unknownhelp'] = 'Unknown help topic {$a}';
573 $string['unknownjsinrequirejs'] = 'Cannot find JavaScript library {$a}.';
574 $string['unknownmodulename'] = 'Unknown module name for form';
575 $string['unknownrole'] = 'Unknown role "{$a}"';
576 $string['unknownsortcolumn'] = 'Unknown sort column {$a}';
577 $string['unknownuseraction'] = 'Sorry, I do not understand this user action';
578 $string['unknownuserselector'] = 'Unknown user selector';
579 $string['unknoworder'] = 'Unknown ordering';
580 $string['unknowparamtype'] = 'Unknown parameter type: {$a}';
581 $string['unknowquestiontype'] = 'Unsupported question type {$a}';
582 $string['unknowuploadaction'] = 'Error: Unknown upload action ({$a})';
583 $string['unspecifycourseid'] = 'Must specify course id, short name or idnumber';
584 $string['unsupportedevent'] = 'Unsupported event type';
585 $string['unsupportedstate'] = 'Unsupported completion state';
586 $string['unsupportedwebserver'] = 'Web server software ({$a}) is not supported, sorry.';
587 $string['upgraderequires19'] = 'Error: New Moodle version was installed on server, unfortunately up…
588 $string['upgraderunning'] = 'Site is being upgraded, please retry later.';
589 $string['urlnotdefinerss'] = 'URL not defined for RSS feed';
590 $string['useradmineditadmin'] = 'Only administrators are allowed to modify other administrator acco…
591 $string['useradminodelete'] = 'Administrator accounts cannot be deleted.';
592 $string['userautherror'] = 'Unknown auth plugin';
593 $string['userauthunsupported'] = 'Auth plugin not supported here';
594 $string['useremailduplicate'] = 'Duplicate address';
595 $string['usermustbemnet'] = 'Users in the MNET access control list must be remote MNET users';
596 $string['usernamelowercase'] = 'The username must be in lower case';
597 $string['usernotaddederror'] = 'User not added - error';
598 $string['usernotaddedregistered'] = 'User not added - already registered';
599 $string['usernotavailable'] = 'The details of this user are not available to you';
600 $string['usernotdeletedadmin'] = 'User not deleted as administrator accounts cannot be deleted.';
601 $string['usernotdeleteddeleted'] = 'This user has already been deleted.';
602 $string['usernotdeletederror'] = 'User not deleted - error';
603 $string['usernotdeletedmissing'] = 'User not deleted - could not find the username';
604 $string['usernotdeletedoff'] = 'User not deleted - deleting not allowed';
605 $string['usernotfullysetup'] = 'User not fully set-up';
606 $string['usernotincourse'] = 'This user is not in this course!';
607 $string['usernotrenamedadmin'] = 'Cannot rename admin accounts';
608 $string['usernotrenamedexists'] = 'User not renamed - the new username is already in use';
609 $string['usernotrenamedmissing'] = 'User not renamed - could not find the old username';
610 $string['usernotrenamedoff'] = 'User not renamed - renaming not allowed';
611 $string['usernotupdatedadmin'] = 'Cannot update admin accounts';
612 $string['usernotupdatederror'] = 'User not updated - error';
613 $string['usernotupdatednotexists'] = 'User not updated - does not exist';
614 $string['userquotalimit'] = 'You have reached your file quota limit.';
615 $string['userselectortoomany'] = 'user_selector got more than one selected user, even though multis…
616 $string['verifyagedigitalconsentnotpossible'] = 'Sorry, digital age consent verification is not pos…
617 $string['wrongcall'] = 'This script is called wrongly';
618 $string['wrongcontextid'] = 'Context ID was incorrect (cannot find it)';
619 $string['wrongdestpath'] = 'Wrong destination path';
620 $string['wrongroleid'] = 'Incorrect role ID!';
621 $string['wrongsourcebase'] = 'Wrong source URL base';
622 $string['wrongusernamepassword'] = 'Wrong user/password';
623 $string['wrongzipfilename'] = 'Wrong ZIP file name';
624 $string['wscouldnotcreateecoursenopermission'] = 'WS - Could not create course - No permission';
625 $string['wwwrootmismatch'] = 'Incorrect access detected, this server may be accessed only through "…
626 $string['wwwrootslash'] = 'Detected incorrect $CFG->wwwroot in config.php, it must not contain trai…
627 $string['xmldberror'] = 'XMLDB error!';
628 $string['alreadyloggedin'] = 'You are already logged in as {$a}, you need to log out before logging…
629 $string['youcannotdeletecategory'] = 'You cannot delete category \'{$a}\' because you can neither d…
630 $string['protected_cc_not_supported'] = 'Protected cartridges not supported.';