Lines Matching refs:string

25 $string['addinganewrole'] = 'Adding a new role';
26 $string['addrole'] = 'Add a new role';
27 $string['advancedoverride'] = 'Advanced role override';
28 $string['allow'] = 'Allow';
29 $string['allowassign'] = 'Allow role assignments';
30 $string['allowed'] = 'Allowed';
31 $string['allowoverride'] = 'Allow role overrides';
32 $string['allowroletoassign'] = 'Allow users with role {$a->fromrole} to assign the role {$a->target…
33 $string['allowroletooverride'] = 'Allow users with role {$a->fromrole} to override the role {$a->ta…
34 $string['allowroletoswitch'] = 'Allow users with role {$a->fromrole} to switch roles to the role {$…
35 $string['allowroletoview'] = 'Allow users with role {$a->fromrole} to view the role {$a->targetrole…
36 $string['allowswitch'] = 'Allow role switches';
37 $string['allowview'] = 'Allow role to view';
38 $string['allsiteusers'] = 'All site users';
39 $string['analytics:listinsights'] = 'List insights';
40 $string['analytics:listowninsights'] = 'List own insights';
41 $string['analytics:managemodels'] = 'Manage models';
42 $string['archetype'] = 'Role archetype';
43 $string['archetype_help'] = 'The role archetype determines the permissions when a role is reset to …
44 $string['archetypecoursecreator'] = 'ARCHETYPE: Course creator';
45 $string['archetypeeditingteacher'] = 'ARCHETYPE: Teacher (editing)';
46 $string['archetypefrontpage'] = 'ARCHETYPE: Authenticated user on frontpage';
47 $string['archetypeguest'] = 'ARCHETYPE: Guest';
48 $string['archetypemanager'] = 'ARCHETYPE: Manager';
49 $string['archetypestudent'] = 'ARCHETYPE: Student';
50 $string['archetypeteacher'] = 'ARCHETYPE: Teacher (non-editing)';
51 $string['archetypeuser'] = 'ARCHETYPE: Authenticated user';
52 $string['assignanotherrole'] = 'Assign another role';
53 $string['assignerror'] = 'Error while assigning the role {$a->role} to user {$a->user}.';
54 $string['assignglobalroles'] = 'Assign system roles';
55 $string['assignedroles'] = 'Assigned roles';
56 $string['assignmentcontext'] = 'Assignment context';
57 $string['assignmentoptions'] = 'Assignment options';
58 $string['assignrolenameincontext'] = 'Assign role \'{$a->role}\' in {$a->context}';
59 $string['assignrole'] = 'Assign role';
60 $string['assignroles'] = 'Assign roles';
61 $string['assignroles_help'] = 'By assigning a role to a user in a context, you are granting them th…
62 $string['assignroles_link'] = 'admin/roles/assign';
63 $string['assignrolesin'] = 'Assign roles in {$a}';
64 $string['assignrolesrelativetothisuser'] = 'Assign roles relative to this user';
65 $string['backtoallroles'] = 'Back to the list of all roles';
66 $string['backup:anonymise'] = 'Anonymise user data on backup';
67 $string['backup:backupactivity'] = 'Backup activities';
68 $string['backup:backupcourse'] = 'Backup courses';
69 $string['backup:backupsection'] = 'Backup sections';
70 $string['backup:configure'] = 'Configure backup options';
71 $string['backup:downloadfile'] = 'Download files from backup areas';
72 $string['backup:backuptargetimport'] = 'Backup for import';
73 $string['backup:userinfo'] = 'Backup user data';
74 $string['badges:awardbadge'] = 'Award badge to a user';
75 $string['badges:createbadge'] = 'Create/duplicate badges';
76 $string['badges:configuredetails'] = 'Set up/edit badge details';
77 $string['badges:configurecriteria'] = 'Set up/edit criteria of earning a badge';
78 $string['badges:configuremessages'] = 'Configure badge messages';
79 $string['badges:deletebadge'] = 'Delete badges';
80 $string['badges:earnbadge'] = 'Earn badge';
81 $string['badges:manageglobalsettings'] = 'Manage badges global settings';
82 $string['badges:manageownbadges'] = 'View and manage own earned badges';
83 $string['badges:revokebadge'] = 'Revoke badge from a user';
84 $string['badges:viewawarded'] = 'View users who earned a specific badge without being able to award…
85 $string['badges:viewbadges'] = 'View available badges without earning them';
86 $string['badges:viewotherbadges'] = 'View public badges in other users\' profiles';
87 $string['block:edit'] = 'Edit a block\'s settings';
88 $string['block:view'] = 'View block';
89 $string['blog:create'] = 'Create new blog entries';
90 $string['blog:manageentries'] = 'Edit and manage entries';
91 $string['blog:manageexternal'] = 'Edit and manage external blogs';
92 $string['blog:search'] = 'Search blog entries';
93 $string['blog:view'] = 'View blog entries';
94 $string['blog:viewdrafts'] = 'View draft blog entries';
95 $string['calendar:manageentries'] = 'Manage any calendar entries';
96 $string['calendar:managegroupentries'] = 'Manage group calendar entries';
97 $string['calendar:manageownentries'] = 'Manage own calendar entries';
98 $string['capabilities'] = 'Capabilities';
99 $string['capability'] = 'Capability';
100 $string['category:viewcourselist'] = 'View course category and courses within it';
101 $string['category:create'] = 'Create categories';
102 $string['category:delete'] = 'Delete categories';
103 $string['category:manage'] = 'Manage categories';
104 $string['category:update'] = 'Update categories';
105 $string['category:viewhiddencategories'] = 'See hidden categories';
106 $string['category:visibility'] = 'See hidden categories';
107 $string['cohort:assign'] = 'Add and remove cohort members';
108 $string['cohort:view'] = 'View site-wide cohorts';
109 $string['cohort:manage'] = 'Create, delete and move cohorts';
110 $string['comment:delete'] = 'Delete comments';
111 $string['comment:post'] = 'Post comments';
112 $string['comment:view'] = 'View comments';
113 $string['competency:competencymanage'] = 'Manage competency frameworks';
114 $string['competency:competencygrade'] = 'Set competency rating';
115 $string['competency:competencyview'] = 'View competency frameworks';
116 $string['competency:coursecompetencygradable'] = 'Receive competency marks';
117 $string['competency:coursecompetencyconfigure'] = 'Configure course competency settings';
118 $string['competency:coursecompetencymanage'] = 'Manage course competencies';
119 $string['competency:coursecompetencyview'] = 'View course competencies';
120 $string['competency:evidencedelete'] = 'Delete evidence';
121 $string['competency:plancomment'] = 'Comment on a learning plan';
122 $string['competency:plancommentown'] = 'Comment on own learning plan';
123 $string['competency:planmanage'] = 'Manage learning plans';
124 $string['competency:planmanagedraft'] = 'Manage draft learning plans';
125 $string['competency:planmanageown'] = 'Manage own learning plans';
126 $string['competency:planmanageowndraft'] = 'Manage own draft learning plans';
127 $string['competency:planrequestreview'] = 'Request review of a learning plan';
128 $string['competency:planrequestreviewown'] = 'Request review of own learning plan';
129 $string['competency:planreview'] = 'Review a learning plan';
130 $string['competency:planview'] = 'View all learning plans';
131 $string['competency:planviewdraft'] = 'View draft learning plans';
132 $string['competency:planviewown'] = 'View own learning plans';
133 $string['competency:planviewowndraft'] = 'View own draft learning plans';
134 $string['competency:templatemanage'] = 'Manage learning plan templates';
135 $string['competency:templateview'] = 'View learning plan templates';
136 $string['competency:usercompetencycomment'] = 'Comment on a user competency';
137 $string['competency:usercompetencycommentown'] = 'Comment on own user competency';
138 $string['competency:usercompetencyrequestreview'] = 'Request review of a user competency';
139 $string['competency:usercompetencyrequestreviewown'] = 'Request review of own user competency';
140 $string['competency:usercompetencyreview'] = 'Review a user competency';
141 $string['competency:usercompetencyview'] = 'View a user competency';
142 $string['competency:userevidencemanage'] = 'Manage evidence of prior learning';
143 $string['competency:userevidencemanageown'] = 'Manage own evidence of prior learning';
144 $string['competency:userevidenceview'] = 'View evidence of prior learning of a user';
145 $string['confirmaddadmin'] = 'Do you really want to add user <strong>{$a}</strong> as new site admi…
146 $string['confirmdeladmin'] = 'Do you really want to remove user <strong>{$a}</strong> from the list…
147 $string['confirmroleprevent'] = 'Do you really want to remove <strong>"{$a->role}"</strong> from th…
148 $string['confirmroleunprohibit'] = 'Do you really want to remove <strong>"{$a->role}"</strong> from…
149 $string['confirmunassign'] = 'Are you sure you wish to remove this role from this user?';
150 $string['confirmunassigntitle'] = 'Confirm role change';
151 $string['confirmunassignyes'] = 'Remove';
152 $string['confirmunassignno'] = 'Cancel';
153 $string['contentbank:access'] = 'Access the content bank';
154 $string['contentbank:deleteanycontent'] = 'Delete any content from the content bank';
155 $string['contentbank:deleteowncontent'] = 'Delete content from own content bank';
156 $string['contentbank:downloadcontent'] = 'Download content from the content bank';
157 $string['contentbank:manageanycontent'] = 'Manage any content from the content bank';
158 $string['contentbank:manageowncontent'] = 'Manage content from own content bank';
159 $string['contentbank:viewunlistedcontent'] = 'View unlisted content from the content bank';
160 $string['contentbank:upload'] = 'Upload new content to the content bank';
161 $string['contentbank:useeditor'] = 'Create or edit content using a content type editor';
162 $string['context'] = 'Context';
163 $string['course:activityvisibility'] = 'Hide/show activities';
164 $string['course:bulkmessaging'] = 'Send a message to many people';
165 $string['course:create'] = 'Create courses';
166 $string['course:creategroupconversations'] = 'Create group conversations';
167 $string['course:delete'] = 'Delete courses';
168 $string['course:viewsuspendedusers'] = 'View suspended users';
169 $string['course:changecategory'] = 'Change course category';
170 $string['course:changefullname'] = 'Change course full name';
171 $string['course:changeidnumber'] = 'Change course ID number';
172 $string['course:changelockedcustomfields'] = 'Change locked custom fields';
173 $string['course:changeshortname'] = 'Change course short name';
174 $string['course:changesummary'] = 'Change course summary';
175 $string['course:configurecustomfields'] = 'Configure custom fields';
176 $string['course:configuredownloadcontent'] = 'Configure download course content';
177 $string['course:downloadcoursecontent'] = 'Download course content';
178 $string['course:enrolconfig'] = 'Configure enrol instances in courses';
179 $string['course:enrolreview'] = 'Review course enrolments';
180 $string['course:setforcedlanguage'] = 'Force course language';
181 $string['course:ignoreavailabilityrestrictions'] = 'Ignore availability restrictions';
182 $string['course:ignorefilesizelimits'] = 'Use files larger than any file size restrictions';
183 $string['course:isincompletionreports'] = 'Be shown on completion reports';
184 $string['course:manageactivities'] = 'Manage activities';
185 $string['course:managefiles'] = 'Manage files';
186 $string['course:managegrades'] = 'Manage grades';
187 $string['course:managegroups'] = 'Manage groups';
188 $string['course:managescales'] = 'Manage scales';
189 $string['course:markcomplete'] = 'Mark users as complete in course completion';
190 $string['course:movesections'] = 'Move sections';
191 $string['course:overridecompletion'] = 'Override activity completion status';
192 $string['course:renameroles'] = 'Rename roles';
193 $string['course:recommendactivity'] = 'Recommend activities in the activity chooser';
194 $string['course:request'] = 'Request new courses';
195 $string['course:reset'] = 'Reset course';
196 $string['course:reviewotherusers'] = 'Review other users';
197 $string['course:sectionvisibility'] = 'Control section visibility';
198 $string['course:setcurrentsection'] = 'Set current section';
199 $string['course:tag'] = 'Change course tags';
200 $string['course:update'] = 'Update course settings';
201 $string['course:useremail'] = 'Enable/disable email address';
202 $string['course:view'] = 'View courses without participation';
203 $string['course:viewcoursegrades'] = 'View course grades';
204 $string['course:viewhiddenactivities'] = 'View hidden activities';
205 $string['course:viewhiddencourses'] = 'View hidden courses';
206 $string['course:viewhiddensections'] = 'View hidden sections';
207 $string['course:viewhiddenuserfields'] = 'View hidden user fields';
208 $string['course:viewparticipants'] = 'View participants';
209 $string['course:viewscales'] = 'View scales';
210 $string['course:visibility'] = 'Hide/show courses';
211 $string['createrolebycopying'] = 'Create a new role by copying {$a}';
212 $string['createthisrole'] = 'Create this role';
213 $string['currentcontext'] = 'Current context';
214 $string['currentrole'] = 'Current role';
215 $string['customroledescription'] = 'Custom description';
216 $string['customroledescription_help'] = 'Descriptions of standard roles are localised automatically…
217 $string['customrolename'] = 'Custom full name';
218 $string['customrolename_help'] = 'Names of standard roles are localised automatically if the custom…
219 $string['defaultrole'] = 'Default role';
220 $string['defaultx'] = 'Default: {$a}';
221 $string['defineroles'] = 'Define roles';
222 $string['deletecourseoverrides'] = 'Delete all overrides in course';
223 $string['deletelocalroles'] = 'Delete all local role assignments';
224 $string['deleterolesure'] = '<p>Are you sure that you want to delete role "{$a->name} ({$a->shortna…
225 $string['deletexrole'] = 'Delete {$a} role';
226 $string['duplicaterole'] = 'Duplicate role';
227 $string['duplicaterolesure'] = '<p>Are you sure that you want to duplicate role "{$a->name} ({$a->s…
228 $string['editingrolex'] = 'Editing role \'{$a}\'';
229 $string['editrole'] = 'Edit role';
230 $string['editxrole'] = 'Edit {$a} role';
231 $string['errorbadrolename'] = 'Incorrect role name';
232 $string['errorbadroleshortname'] = 'Incorrect role short name';
233 $string['errorexistsrolename'] = 'Role name already exists';
234 $string['errorexistsroleshortname'] = 'Role name already exists';
235 $string['errorroleshortnametoolong'] = 'The short name must not exceed 100 characters';
236 $string['eventcapabilityassigned'] = 'Capability assigned';
237 $string['eventcapabilityunassigned'] = 'Capability unassigned';
238 $string['eventroleallowassignupdated'] = 'Allow role assignment';
239 $string['eventroleallowoverrideupdated'] = 'Allow role override';
240 $string['eventroleallowswitchupdated'] = 'Allow role switch';
241 $string['eventroleallowviewupdated'] = 'Allow role view';
242 $string['eventroleassigned'] = 'Role assigned';
243 $string['eventroledeleted'] = 'Role deleted';
244 $string['eventroleunassigned'] = 'Role unassigned';
245 $string['eventroleupdated'] = 'Role updated';
246 $string['existingadmins'] = 'Current site administrators';
247 $string['existingusers'] = '{$a} existing users';
248 $string['explanation'] = 'Explanation';
249 $string['export'] = 'Export';
250 $string['extusers'] = 'Existing users';
251 $string['extusersmatching'] = 'Existing users matching \'{$a}\'';
252 $string['filter:manage'] = 'Manage local filter settings';
253 $string['frontpageuser'] = 'Authenticated user on frontpage';
254 $string['frontpageuserdescription'] = 'All logged in users in the frontpage course.';
255 $string['globalrole'] = 'System role';
256 $string['globalroleswarning'] = 'WARNING! Any roles you assign from this page will apply to the ass…
257 $string['gotoassignroles'] = 'Go to Assign roles for this {$a->contextlevel}';
258 $string['gotoassignsystemroles'] = 'Go to Assign system roles';
259 $string['grade:edit'] = 'Edit grades';
260 $string['grade:export'] = 'Export grades';
261 $string['grade:hide'] = 'Hide/unhide grades or items';
262 $string['grade:import'] = 'Import grades';
263 $string['grade:lock'] = 'Lock grades or items';
264 $string['grade:manage'] = 'Manage grade items';
265 $string['grade:managegradingforms'] = 'Manage advanced grading methods';
266 $string['grade:managesharedforms'] = 'Manage advanced grading form templates';
267 $string['grade:sharegradingforms'] = 'Share advanced grading form as a template';
268 $string['grade:manageletters'] = 'Manage letter grades';
269 $string['grade:manageoutcomes'] = 'Manage grade outcomes';
270 $string['grade:override'] = 'Override grades';
271 $string['grade:unlock'] = 'Unlock grades or items';
272 $string['grade:view'] = 'View own grades';
273 $string['grade:viewall'] = 'View grades of other users';
274 $string['grade:viewhidden'] = 'View hidden grades for owner';
275 $string['h5p:deploy'] = 'Deploy H5P content';
276 $string['h5p:updatelibraries'] = 'Manage H5P content types';
277 $string['h5p:setdisplayoptions'] = 'Set H5P display options';
278 $string['highlightedcellsshowdefault'] = 'The permissions highlighted in the table below are the de…
279 $string['highlightedcellsshowinherit'] = 'The highlighted cells in the table below show the permiss…
280 $string['checkglobalpermissions'] = 'Check system permissions';
281 $string['checkpermissions'] = 'Check permissions';
282 $string['checkpermissionsin'] = 'Check permissions in {$a}';
283 $string['checksystempermissionsfor'] = 'Check system permissions for {$a->fullname}';
284 $string['checkuserspermissionshere'] = 'Check permissions for {$a->fullname} has in this {$a->conte…
285 $string['chooseroletoassign'] = 'Please choose a role to assign';
286 $string['inactiveformorethan'] = 'inactive for more than {$a->timeperiod}';
287 $string['ingroup'] = 'in the group "{$a->group}"';
288 $string['inherit'] = 'Inherit';
289 $string['invalidpresetfile'] = 'Invalid role definition file';
290 $string['legacy:admin'] = 'LEGACY ROLE: Administrator';
291 $string['legacy:coursecreator'] = 'LEGACY ROLE: Course creator';
292 $string['legacy:editingteacher'] = 'LEGACY ROLE: Teacher (editing)';
293 $string['legacy:guest'] = 'LEGACY ROLE: Guest';
294 $string['legacy:student'] = 'LEGACY ROLE: Student';
295 $string['legacy:teacher'] = 'LEGACY ROLE: Teacher (non-editing)';
296 $string['legacytype'] = 'Legacy role type';
297 $string['legacy:user'] = 'LEGACY ROLE: Authenticated user';
298 $string['listallroles'] = 'List all roles';
299 $string['localroles'] = 'Locally assigned roles';
300 $string['mainadmin'] = 'Main administrator';
301 $string['mainadminset'] = 'Set main admin';
302 $string['manageadmins'] = 'Manage site administrators';
303 $string['manager'] = 'Manager';
304 $string['managerdescription'] = 'Managers can access courses and modify them, but usually do not pa…
305 $string['manageroles'] = 'Manage roles';
306 $string['maybeassignedin'] = 'Context types where this role may be assigned';
307 $string['morethan'] = 'More than {$a}';
308 $string['multipleroles'] = 'Multiple roles';
309 $string['my:manageblocks'] = 'Manage Dashboard page blocks';
310 $string['my:configsyspages'] = 'Configure system templates for Dashboard pages';
311 $string['neededroles'] = 'Roles with permission';
312 $string['nocapabilitiesincontext'] = 'No capabilities available in this context';
313 $string['noneinthisx'] = 'None in this {$a}';
314 $string['noneinthisxmatching'] = 'No users matching \'{$a->search}\' in this {$a->contexttype}';
315 $string['norole'] = 'No role';
316 $string['noroles'] = 'No roles';
317 $string['noroleassignments'] = 'This user does not have any role assignments anywhere in this site.…
318 $string['novisibleroles'] = 'No roles';
319 $string['notabletoassignroleshere'] = 'Assigning of roles in this context has not been enabled by a…
320 $string['notabletooverrideroleshere'] = 'You are not able to override the permissions on any roles …
321 $string['notes:manage'] = 'Manage notes';
322 $string['notes:view'] = 'View notes';
323 $string['notset'] = 'Not set';
324 $string['overrideanotherrole'] = 'Override another role';
325 $string['overridecontext'] = 'Override context';
326 $string['overridepermissions'] = 'Override permissions';
327 $string['overridepermissions_help'] = 'Permissions overrides enable selected capabilities to be all…
328 $string['overridepermissions_link'] = 'admin/roles/override';
329 $string['overridepermissionsforrole'] = 'Override permissions for role \'{$a->role}\' in {$a->conte…
330 $string['overridepermissionsin'] = 'Override permissions in {$a}';
331 $string['overrideroles'] = 'Override roles';
332 $string['overriderolesin'] = 'Override roles in {$a}';
333 $string['overrides'] = 'Overrides';
334 $string['overridesbycontext'] = 'Overrides (by context)';
335 $string['payment:manageaccounts'] = 'Manage accounts';
336 $string['payment:viewpayments'] = 'View payments';
337 $string['permission'] = 'Permission';
338 $string['permission_help'] = 'Permissions are capability settings. There are 4 options:
344 $string['permissions'] = 'Permissions';
345 $string['permissionsforuser'] = 'Permissions for user {$a}';
346 $string['permissionsincontext'] = 'Permissions in {$a}';
347 $string['portfolio:export'] = 'Export to portfolios';
348 $string['potentialusers'] = '{$a} potential users';
349 $string['potusers'] = 'Potential users';
350 $string['potusersmatching'] = 'Potential users matching \'{$a}\'';
351 $string['prevent'] = 'Prevent';
352 $string['prohibit'] = 'Prohibit';
353 $string['prohibitedroles'] = 'Prohibited';
354 $string['question:add'] = 'Add new questions';
355 $string['question:config'] = 'Configure question types';
356 $string['question:editall'] = 'Edit all questions';
357 $string['question:editmine'] = 'Edit your own questions';
358 $string['question:flag'] = 'Flag questions while attempting them';
359 $string['question:managecategory'] = 'Edit question categories';
360 $string['question:moveall'] = 'Move all questions';
361 $string['question:movemine'] = 'Move your own questions';
362 $string['question:useall'] = 'Use all questions';
363 $string['question:usemine'] = 'Use your own questions';
364 $string['question:viewall'] = 'View all questions';
365 $string['question:viewmine'] = 'View your own questions';
366 $string['question:tagall'] = 'Tag all questions';
367 $string['question:tagmine'] = 'Tag your own questions';
368 $string['rating:rate'] = 'Add ratings to items';
369 $string['rating:view'] = 'View the total rating you received';
370 $string['rating:viewany'] = 'View total ratings that anyone received';
371 $string['rating:viewall'] = 'View all raw ratings given by individuals';
372 $string['resetrole'] = 'Reset';
373 $string['resettingrole'] = 'Resetting role \'{$a}\'';
374 $string['restore:configure'] = 'Configure restore options';
375 $string['restore:createuser'] = 'Create users on restore';
376 $string['restore:restoreactivity'] = 'Restore activities';
377 $string['restore:restoresection'] = 'Restore sections';
378 $string['restore:restorecourse'] = 'Restore courses';
379 $string['restore:restoretargetimport'] = 'Restore from files targeted as import';
380 $string['restore:rolldates'] = 'Allowed to roll activity configuration dates on restore';
381 $string['restore:uploadfile'] = 'Upload files to backup areas';
382 $string['restore:userinfo'] = 'Restore user data';
383 $string['restore:viewautomatedfilearea'] = 'Restore courses from automated backups';
384 $string['risks'] = 'Risks';
385 $string['roleallowheader'] = 'Allow role:';
386 $string['roleallowinfo'] = 'Select a role to be added to the list of allowed roles in context "{$a-…
387 $string['role:assign'] = 'Assign roles to users';
388 $string['roleassignments'] = 'Role assignments';
389 $string['roledefinitions'] = 'Role definitions';
390 $string['rolefullname'] = 'Role name';
391 $string['roleincontext'] = '{$a->role} in {$a->context}';
392 $string['role:manage'] = 'Create and manage roles';
393 $string['role:override'] = 'Override permissions for others';
394 $string['role:review'] = 'Review permissions for others';
395 $string['roleprohibitheader'] = 'Prohibit role';
396 $string['roleprohibitinfo'] = 'Select a role to be added to the list of prohibited roles in context…
397 $string['rolerisks'] = 'Role risks';
398 $string['roles'] = 'Roles';
399 $string['roles_help'] = 'A role is a collection of permissions defined for the whole system that yo…
400 $string['roles_link'] = 'roles';
401 $string['role:safeoverride'] = 'Override safe permissions for others';
402 $string['roleselect'] = 'Select role';
403 $string['rolesforuser'] = 'Roles for user {$a}';
404 $string['roleshortname'] = 'Short name';
405 $string['roleshortname_help'] = 'Role short name is a low level role identifier in which only ASCII…
406 $string['role:switchroles'] = 'Switch to other roles';
407 $string['roletoassign'] = 'Role to assign';
408 $string['roletooverride'] = 'Role to override';
409 $string['safeoverridenotice'] = 'Note: Capabilities with higher risks are locked because you are on…
410 $string['search:query'] = 'Perform site-wide searches';
411 $string['selectanotheruser'] = 'Select another user';
412 $string['selectauser'] = 'Select a user';
413 $string['selectrole'] = 'Select a role';
414 $string['showallroles'] = 'Show all roles';
415 $string['showthisuserspermissions'] = 'Show this user\'s permissions';
416 $string['site:accessallgroups'] = 'Access all groups';
417 $string['siteadministrators'] = 'Site administrators';
418 $string['site:approvecourse'] = 'Approve course creation';
419 $string['site:backup'] = 'Backup courses';
420 $string['site:config'] = 'Change site configuration';
421 $string['site:configview'] = 'View the site administration tree (but not all the pages in it)';
422 $string['site:deleteanymessage'] = 'Delete any messages on the site';
423 $string['site:deleteownmessage'] = 'Delete messages sent by and to the user';
424 $string['site:doanything'] = 'Allowed to do everything';
425 $string['site:doclinks'] = 'Show links to offsite docs';
426 $string['site:forcelanguage'] = 'Override course language';
427 $string['site:import'] = 'Import other courses into a course';
428 $string['site:maintenanceaccess'] = 'Access site while in maintenance mode';
429 $string['site:manageallmessaging'] = 'Add, remove, block and unblock contacts for any user';
430 $string['site:manageblocks'] = 'Manage blocks on a page';
431 $string['site:messageanyuser'] = 'Bypass user privacy preferences for messaging any user';
432 $string['site:managecontextlocks'] = 'Manage freezing of contexts';
433 $string['site:mnetloginfromremote'] = 'Login from a remote application via MNet';
434 $string['site:mnetlogintoremote'] = 'Roam to a remote application via MNet';
435 $string['site:readallmessages'] = 'Read all messages on site';
436 $string['site:restore'] = 'Restore courses';
437 $string['site:senderrormessage'] = 'Send a message to the support user from the error page';
438 $string['site:sendmessage'] = 'Send messages to any user';
439 $string['site:trustcontent'] = 'Trust submitted content';
440 $string['site:uploadusers'] = 'Upload new users from file';
441 $string['site:viewanonymousevents'] = 'View anonymous events in reports';
442 $string['site:viewfullnames'] = 'Always see full names of users';
443 $string['site:viewparticipants'] = 'View participants';
444 $string['site:viewreports'] = 'View reports';
445 $string['site:viewuseridentity'] = 'See full user identity in lists';
446 $string['tag:edit'] = 'Edit existing tags';
447 $string['tag:editblocks'] = 'Edit blocks in tags pages';
448 $string['tag:manage'] = 'Manage all tags';
449 $string['tag:flag'] = 'Flag tags as inappropriate';
450 $string['thisusersroles'] = 'This user\'s role assignments';
451 $string['thisnewrole'] = 'This new role';
452 $string['unassignarole'] = 'Unassign role {$a}';
453 $string['unassignerror'] = 'Error while unassigning the role {$a->role} from user {$a->user}.';
454 $string['unassignconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to unassign "{$a->role}" role from user "{$a->user…
455 $string['user:changeownpassword'] = 'Change own password';
456 $string['user:create'] = 'Create users';
457 $string['user:delete'] = 'Delete users';
458 $string['user:editmessageprofile'] = 'Edit user messaging profile';
459 $string['user:editownmessageprofile'] = 'Edit own user messaging profile';
460 $string['user:editownprofile'] = 'Edit own user profile';
461 $string['user:editprofile'] = 'Edit user profile';
462 $string['user:ignoreuserquota'] = 'Ignore user quota limit';
463 $string['user:loginas'] = 'Login as other users';
464 $string['user:manageblocks'] = 'Manage blocks on user profile of other users';
465 $string['user:manageownblocks'] = 'Manage blocks on own public user profile';
466 $string['user:manageownfiles'] = 'Manage files on own private file areas';
467 $string['user:managesyspages'] = 'Configure default page layout for public user profiles';
468 $string['user:readuserblogs'] = 'View all user blogs';
469 $string['user:readuserposts'] = 'View all user forum posts';
470 $string['user:update'] = 'Update user profiles';
471 $string['user:viewalldetails'] = 'View user full information';
472 $string['user:viewdetails'] = 'View user profiles';
473 $string['user:viewhiddendetails'] = 'View hidden details of users';
474 $string['user:viewlastip'] = 'View user last ip address';
475 $string['user:viewuseractivitiesreport'] = 'See user activity reports';
476 $string['user:viewusergrades'] = 'View user grades';
477 $string['roleresetdefaults'] = 'Defaults';
478 $string['roleresetrole'] = 'Use role or archetype';
479 $string['rolerepreset'] = 'Use role preset';
480 $string['usersfrom'] = 'Users from {$a}';
481 $string['usersfrommatching'] = 'Users from {$a->contextname} matching \'{$a->search}\'';
482 $string['usersinthisx'] = 'Users in this {$a}';
483 $string['usersinthisxmatching'] = 'Users in this {$a->contexttype} matching \'{$a->search}\'';
484 $string['userswithrole'] = 'All users with a role';
485 $string['userswiththisrole'] = 'Users with role';
486 $string['useshowadvancedtochange'] = 'Use \'Show advanced\' to change';
487 $string['viewingdefinitionofrolex'] = 'Viewing the definition of role \'{$a}\'';
488 $string['viewrole'] = 'View role details';
489 $string['webservice:createtoken'] = 'Create a web service token';
490 $string['webservice:managealltokens'] = 'Manage all users\' web service tokens';
491 $string['webservice:createmobiletoken'] = 'Create a web service token for mobile access';
492 $string['whydoesuserhavecap'] = 'Why does {$a->fullname} have capability {$a->capability} in contex…
493 $string['whydoesusernothavecap'] = 'Why does {$a->fullname} not have capability {$a->capability} in…
494 $string['xroleassignments'] = '{$a}\'s role assignments';
495 $string['xuserswiththerole'] = 'Users with the role "{$a->role}"';
496 $string['privacy:metadata:preference:showadvanced'] = 'Handle the toggle advanced mode button.';
497 $string['privacy:metadata:role_assignments'] = 'Role assignments';
498 $string['privacy:metadata:role_assignments:component'] = 'Plugin responsible for role assignment, e…
499 $string['privacy:metadata:role_assignments:itemid'] = 'The ID of enrolment/auth instance responsibl…
500 $string['privacy:metadata:role_assignments:modifierid'] = 'The ID of the user who created or modifi…
501 $string['privacy:metadata:role_assignments:roleid'] = 'The ID of the role';
502 $string['privacy:metadata:role_assignments:tableexplanation'] = 'This table stores the assigned rol…
503 $string['privacy:metadata:role_assignments:timemodified'] = 'The date when the role assignment was …
504 $string['privacy:metadata:role_assignments:userid'] = 'The ID of the user';
505 $string['privacy:metadata:role_capabilities'] = 'Role capabilities';
506 $string['privacy:metadata:role_capabilities:capability'] = 'The name of the capability.';
507 $string['privacy:metadata:role_capabilities:modifierid'] = 'The ID of the user who created or modif…
508 $string['privacy:metadata:role_capabilities:permission'] = 'The permission for a capability: inheri…
509 $string['privacy:metadata:role_capabilities:roleid'] = 'The ID of the role';
510 $string['privacy:metadata:role_capabilities:tableexplanation'] = 'The capabilities and override cap…
511 $string['privacy:metadata:role_capabilities:timemodified'] = 'The date when the capability was crea…
512 $string['privacy:metadata:role_cohortroles'] = 'Roles to cohort';
513 $string['course:togglecompletion'] = 'Manually mark activities as complete';
516 $string['eventrolecapabilitiesupdated'] = 'Role capabilities updated';