Lines Matching refs:string
25 $string['activities'] = 'Activities';
26 $string['addcategory'] = 'Add category';
27 $string['addcategoryerror'] = 'Could not add category.';
28 $string['addexceptionerror'] = 'Error occurred while adding exception for userid:gradeitem';
29 $string['addfeedback'] = 'Add feedback';
30 $string['addgradeletter'] = 'Add a grade letter';
31 $string['addidnumbers'] = 'Add ID numbers';
32 $string['additem'] = 'Add grade item';
33 $string['additionalfeedback'] = 'Additional feedback';
34 $string['addoutcome'] = 'Add an outcome';
35 $string['addoutcomeitem'] = 'Add outcome item';
36 $string['addscale'] = 'Add a scale';
37 $string['adjustedweight'] = 'Weight adjusted';
38 $string['aggregateextracreditmean'] = 'Mean of grades (with extra credits)';
39 $string['aggregatemax'] = 'Highest grade';
40 $string['aggregatemean'] = 'Mean of grades';
41 $string['aggregatemedian'] = 'Median of grades';
42 $string['aggregatemin'] = 'Lowest grade';
43 $string['aggregatemode'] = 'Mode of grades';
44 $string['aggregatenotonlygraded'] = 'Include empty grades';
45 $string['aggregateonlygraded'] = 'Exclude empty grades';
46 $string['aggregateonlygraded_help'] = 'An empty grade is a grade which is missing from the gradeboo…
49 $string['aggregateoutcomes'] = 'Include outcomes in aggregation';
50 $string['aggregateoutcomes_help'] = 'If enabled, outcomes are included in the aggregation. This may…
51 $string['aggregatesonly'] = 'Change to aggregates only';
52 $string['aggregatesum'] = 'Natural';
53 $string['aggregateweightedmean'] = 'Weighted mean of grades';
54 $string['aggregateweightedmean2'] = 'Simple weighted mean of grades';
55 $string['aggregation'] = 'Aggregation';
56 $string['aggregation_help'] = 'The aggregation determines how grades in a category are combined, su…
64 $string['aggregationhintnovalue'] = '( Empty )';
65 $string['aggregationhintdropped'] = '( Dropped )';
66 $string['aggregationhintexcluded'] = '( Excluded )';
67 $string['aggregationhintextra'] = '( Extra credit )';
68 $string['aggregation_link'] = 'grade/aggregation';
69 $string['aggregationcoef'] = 'Aggregation coefficient';
70 $string['aggregationcoefextra'] = 'Extra credit'; // For the header of the table on the 'Gradebook …
71 $string['aggregationcoefextra_help'] = 'If the aggregation is \'Natural\' or \'Simple weighted mean…
74 $string['aggregationcoefextra_link'] = 'grade/aggregation';
75 $string['aggregationcoefextrasum'] = 'Extra credit'; // For the form with checkboxes: Natural or Si…
76 $string['aggregationcoefextrasumabbr'] = '+';
77 $string['aggregationcoefextrasum_help'] = 'If the extra credit checkbox is ticked, the grade item\'…
78 $string['aggregationcoefextrasum_link'] = 'grade/aggregation';
79 $string['aggregationcoefextraweight'] = 'Extra credit weight'; // For the form with input: Mean of …
80 $string['aggregationcoefextraweight_help'] = 'If the extra credit weight is set to a value greater …
81 $string['aggregationcoefextraweight_link'] = 'grade/aggregation';
82 $string['aggregationcoefweight'] = 'Item weight';
83 $string['aggregationcoefweight_help'] = 'The item weight is used in the category aggregation to inf…
84 $string['aggregationcoefweight_link'] = 'grade/aggregation';
85 $string['aggregationofa'] = 'Aggregation of {$a}';
86 $string['aggregationposition'] = 'Aggregation position';
87 $string['aggregationposition_help'] = 'This setting determines whether the category and course tota…
88 $string['aggregationsvisible'] = 'Available aggregation types';
89 $string['aggregationsvisiblehelp'] = 'Select all aggregation types that should be available. Hold d…
90 $string['allgrades'] = 'All grades by category';
91 $string['allstudents'] = 'All students';
92 $string['allusers'] = 'All users';
93 $string['autosort'] = 'Auto-sort';
94 $string['availableidnumbers'] = 'Available ID numbers';
95 $string['average'] = 'Average';
96 $string['averagesdecimalpoints'] = 'Decimals in column averages';
97 $string['averagesdecimalpoints_help'] = 'This setting determines the number of decimal places to di…
98 $string['averagesdisplaytype'] = 'Column averages display type';
99 $string['averagesdisplaytype_help'] = 'This setting determines whether the average (mean) is displa…
100 $string['backupwithoutgradebook'] = 'Backup does not contain gradebook configuration';
101 $string['badgrade'] = 'Supplied grade is invalid';
102 $string['badlyformattedscale'] = 'Please enter a comma-separated list of values (at least two value…
103 $string['baduser'] = 'Supplied user is invalid';
104 $string['bonuspoints'] = 'Bonus points';
105 $string['bulkcheckboxes'] = 'Bulk checkboxes';
106 $string['calculatedgrade'] = 'Calculated grade';
107 $string['calculation'] = 'Calculation';
108 $string['calculation_help'] = 'A grade calculation is a formula used to determine grades. The formu…
109 $string['calculation_link'] = 'grade/calculation';
110 $string['calculationadd'] = 'Add calculation';
111 $string['calculationedit'] = 'Edit calculation';
112 $string['calculationsaved'] = 'Calculation saved';
113 $string['calculationview'] = 'View calculation';
114 $string['cannotaccessgroup'] = 'Can not access grades of selected group, sorry.';
115 $string['categories'] = 'Categories';
116 $string['category'] = 'Category';
117 $string['categoryedit'] = 'Edit category';
118 $string['categoryname'] = 'Category name';
119 $string['categorytotal'] = 'Category total';
120 $string['categorytotalname'] = 'Category total name';
121 $string['categorytotalfull'] = '{$a->category} total';
122 $string['collapsecriterion'] = 'Collapse criterion';
123 $string['combo'] = 'Tabs and drop-down menu';
124 $string['compact'] = 'Compact';
125 $string['componentcontrolsvisibility'] = 'Whether this grade item is hidden is controlled by the ac…
126 $string['contract'] = 'Contract category';
127 $string['contributiontocoursetotal'] = 'Contribution to course total';
128 $string['controls'] = 'Controls';
129 $string['courseavg'] = 'Course average';
130 $string['coursegradecategory'] = 'Course grade category';
131 $string['coursegradedisplaytype'] = 'Course grade display type';
132 $string['coursegradedisplayupdated'] = 'The course grade display type has been updated.';
133 $string['coursegradesettings'] = 'Course grade settings';
134 $string['coursename'] = 'Course name';
135 $string['coursesiamtaking'] = 'Courses I am taking';
136 $string['coursesiamteaching'] = 'Courses I am teaching';
137 $string['coursescales'] = 'Course scales';
138 $string['coursesettings'] = 'Course settings';
139 $string['coursesettingsexplanation'] = 'Course grade settings determine how the gradebook appears f…
140 $string['coursetotal'] = 'Course total';
141 $string['createcategory'] = 'Create category';
142 $string['createcategoryerror'] = 'Could not create a new category';
143 $string['creatinggradebooksettings'] = 'Creating gradebook settings';
144 $string['csv'] = 'CSV';
145 $string['currentparentaggregation'] = 'Current parent aggregation';
146 $string['curveto'] = 'Curve to';
147 $string['decimalpoints'] = 'Overall decimal places';
148 $string['decimalpoints_help'] = 'This setting determines the number of decimal places to display fo…
149 $string['default'] = 'Default';
150 $string['defaultprev'] = 'Default ({$a})';
151 $string['deletecategory'] = 'Delete category';
152 $string['disablegradehistory'] = 'Disable grade history';
153 $string['disablegradehistory_help'] = 'Disable history tracking of changes in grades related tables…
154 $string['displaylettergrade'] = 'Display letter grades';
155 $string['displaypercent'] = 'Display percents';
156 $string['displaypoints'] = 'Display points';
157 $string['displayweighted'] = 'Display weighted grades';
158 $string['dropdown'] = 'Drop-down menu';
159 $string['droplow'] = 'Drop the lowest';
160 $string['droplow_help'] = 'This setting enables a specified number of the lowest grades to be exclu…
161 $string['droplowestvalue'] = 'Set drop lowest grade value';
162 $string['dropped'] = 'Dropped';
163 $string['droplowestvalues'] = 'Drop {$a} lowest values';
164 $string['dropxlowest'] = 'Drop X lowest';
165 $string['dropxlowestwarning'] = 'Note: If you use drop x lowest the grading assumes that all items …
166 $string['duplicatedgradeitem'] = '{$a} (copy)';
167 $string['duplicatescale'] = 'Duplicate scale';
168 $string['edit'] = 'Edit';
169 $string['editcalculation'] = 'Edit calculation';
170 $string['editcalculationverbose'] = 'Edit calculation for {$a->category} {$a->itemmodule} {$a->item…
171 $string['editfeedback'] = 'Edit feedback';
172 $string['editgrade'] = 'Edit grade';
173 $string['editgradeletters'] = 'Edit grade letters';
174 $string['editoutcome'] = 'Edit outcome';
175 $string['editoutcomes'] = 'Edit outcomes';
176 $string['editscale'] = 'Edit scale';
177 $string['edittree'] = 'Setup';
178 $string['editverbose'] = 'Edit {$a->category} {$a->itemmodule} {$a->itemname}';
179 $string['enableajax'] = 'Enable AJAX';
180 $string['enableajax_help'] = 'Adds a layer of AJAX functionality to the grader report, simplifying …
181 $string['enableoutcomes'] = 'Enable outcomes';
182 $string['enableoutcomes_help'] = 'If enabled, grade items may be graded using one or more scales ti…
183 $string['encoding'] = 'Encoding';
184 $string['encoding_help'] = 'Select the character encoding used for the data. (The standard encoding…
185 $string['errorcalculationnoequal'] = 'Formula must start with equal sign (=1+2)';
186 $string['errorcalculationunknown'] = 'Invalid formula';
187 $string['errorcalculationbroken'] = 'Probably circular reference or broken calculation formula';
188 $string['errorgradevaluenonnumeric'] = 'Received non-numeric for low or high grade for';
189 $string['errornocalculationallowed'] = 'Calculations are not allowed for this item';
190 $string['errornocategorisedid'] = 'Could not get an uncategorised id!';
191 $string['errornocourse'] = 'Could not get course information';
192 $string['errorreprintheadersnonnumeric'] = 'Received non-numeric value for reprint-headers';
193 $string['errorsavegrade'] = 'Could not save grade, sorry.';
194 $string['errorsettinggrade'] = 'Error saving "{$a->itemname}" grade for userid {$a->userid}';
195 $string['errorupdatinggradecategoryaggregateonlygraded'] = 'Error updating the "Aggregate only non-…
196 $string['errorupdatinggradecategoryaggregateoutcomes'] = 'Error updating the "Include outcomes in a…
197 $string['errorupdatinggradecategoryaggregation'] = 'Error updating the aggregation type of grade ca…
198 $string['errorupdatinggradeitemaggregationcoef'] = 'Error updating the aggregation coefficient (wei…
199 $string['eventgradedeleted'] = 'Grade deleted';
200 $string['eventgradeitemcreated'] = 'Grade item created';
201 $string['eventgradeitemupdated'] = 'Grade item updated';
202 $string['eventgradelettercreated'] = 'Grade letter created';
203 $string['eventgradeletterdeleted'] = 'Grade letter deleted';
204 $string['eventgradeletterupdated'] = 'Grade letter updated';
205 $string['eventgradeviewed'] = 'Grades were viewed in the gradebook';
206 $string['eventscalecreated'] = 'Scale created';
207 $string['eventscaledeleted'] = 'Scale deleted';
208 $string['eventscaleupdated'] = 'Scale updated';
209 $string['eventusergraded'] = 'User graded';
210 $string['excluded'] = 'Excluded';
211 $string['excluded_help'] = 'If ticked, the grade will not be included in any aggregation.';
212 $string['expand'] = 'Expand category';
213 $string['expandcriterion'] = 'Expand criterion';
214 $string['export'] = 'Export';
215 $string['exportalloutcomes'] = 'Export all outcomes';
216 $string['exportfeedback'] = 'Include feedback in export';
217 $string['exportfeedback_desc'] = 'This can be overridden during export.';
218 $string['exportformatoptions'] = 'Export format options';
219 $string['exportplugins'] = 'Export plugins';
220 $string['exportsettings'] = 'Export settings';
221 $string['exportonlyactive'] = 'Exclude suspended users';
222 $string['exportonlyactive_help'] = 'Only include students in the export whose enrolment is active a…
223 $string['exportto'] = 'Export to';
224 $string['externalurl'] = 'External URL';
225 $string['externalurl_desc'] = 'If an external gradebook is used, the URL should be specified here.';
226 $string['extracreditvalue'] = 'Extra credit value for {$a}';
227 $string['extracreditwarning'] = 'Note: Setting all items for a category to extra credit will effect…
228 $string['feedback'] = 'Feedback';
229 $string['feedback_help'] = 'This box enables any comments about the grade to be added.';
230 $string['feedbackadd'] = 'Add feedback';
231 $string['feedbackedit'] = 'Edit feedback';
232 $string['feedbackfiles'] = 'Feedback files';
233 $string['feedbackforgradeitems'] = 'Feedback for {$a}';
234 $string['feedbackhistoryfiles'] = 'Feedback history files';
235 $string['feedbacks'] = 'Feedbacks';
236 $string['feedbacksaved'] = 'Feedback saved';
237 $string['feedbackview'] = 'View feedback';
238 $string['finalgrade'] = 'Final grade';
239 $string['finalgrade_help'] = 'If the overridden checkbox is ticked, a grade may be added or amended…
240 $string['fixedstudents'] = 'Static students column';
241 $string['fixedstudents_help'] = 'Allows grades to scroll horizontally without losing sight of the s…
242 $string['forceimport'] = 'Force import';
243 $string['forceimport_help'] = 'Force import of grades even if the grades were updated after the imp…
244 $string['forceoff'] = 'Force: Off';
245 $string['forceon'] = 'Force: On';
246 $string['forelementtypes'] = 'for the selected {$a}';
247 $string['forstudents'] = 'For students';
248 $string['full'] = 'Full';
249 $string['fullmode'] = 'Change to full view';
250 $string['generalsettings'] = 'General settings';
251 $string['grade'] = 'Grade';
252 $string['grade_help'] = 'The grade to award the student for their work.';
253 $string['gradeadministration'] = 'Grade administration';
254 $string['gradealreadyupdated'] = '{$a} grades have not been imported because the grades in the impo…
255 $string['gradeanalysis'] = 'Grade analysis';
256 $string['gradebook'] = 'Gradebook';
257 $string['gradebookcalculationsuptodate'] = 'The calculations in the gradebook are up to date. You m…
258 $string['gradebookcalculationsfixbutton'] = 'Accept grade changes and fix calculation errors';
259 $string['gradebookcalculationswarning'] = 'Note: Some errors have been detected in calculating the …
262 $string['gradebookhiddenerror'] = 'The gradebook is currently set to hide everything from students.…
263 $string['gradebookhistories'] = 'Grade histories';
264 $string['gradebooksetup'] = 'Gradebook setup';
265 $string['gradeboundary'] = 'Letter grade boundary';
266 $string['gradeboundary_help'] = 'This setting determines the minimum percentage over which grades w…
267 $string['gradecategories'] = 'Grade categories';
268 $string['gradecategory'] = 'Grade category';
269 $string['gradecategoryonmodform'] = 'Grade category';
270 $string['gradecategoryonmodform_help'] = 'This setting controls the category in which this activity…
271 $string['gradecategorysettings'] = 'Grade category settings';
272 $string['gradedisplay'] = 'Grade display';
273 $string['gradedisplaytype'] = 'Grade display type';
274 $string['gradedisplaytype_help'] = 'This setting determines how grades are displayed in the grader …
279 $string['gradedon'] = 'Graded: {$a}';
280 $string['gradeexport'] = 'Grade export';
281 $string['gradeexportcolumntype'] = '{$a->name} ({$a->extra})';
282 $string['gradeexportcustomprofilefields'] = 'Grade export custom profile fields';
283 $string['gradeexportcustomprofilefields_desc'] = 'Include these custom profile fields in the grade …
284 $string['gradeexportdecimalpoints'] = 'Grade export decimal places';
285 $string['gradeexportdecimalpoints_desc'] = 'The number of decimal places to display for export. Thi…
286 $string['gradeexportdisplaytype'] = 'Grade export display type';
287 $string['gradeexportdisplaytype_desc'] = 'Grades can be shown as real grades, as percentages (in re…
288 $string['gradeexportdisplaytypes'] = 'Grade export display types';
289 $string['gradeexportuserprofilefields'] = 'Grade export user profile fields';
290 $string['gradeexportuserprofilefields_desc'] = 'Include these user profile fields in the grade expo…
291 $string['gradeforstudent'] = '{$a->student}<br />{$a->item}{$a->feedback}';
292 $string['gradegrademinmax'] = 'Initial min and max grades';
293 $string['gradehelp'] = 'Grade help';
294 $string['gradehistorylifetime'] = 'Grade history lifetime';
295 $string['gradehistorylifetime_help'] = 'This specifies the length of time you want to keep history …
296 $string['gradeimport'] = 'Grade import';
297 $string['gradeimportfailed'] = 'Grade Import failed during commit. Details:';
298 $string['gradeitem'] = 'Grade item';
299 $string['gradeitemaddusers'] = 'Exclude from grading';
300 $string['gradeitemadvanced'] = 'Advanced grade item options';
301 $string['gradeitemadvanced_help'] = 'Select all elements that should be displayed as advanced when …
302 $string['gradeitemislocked'] = 'This activity is locked in the gradebook. Changes that are made to …
303 $string['gradeitemlocked'] = 'Grading locked';
304 $string['gradeitemminmax'] = 'Min and max grades as specified in grade item settings';
305 $string['gradeitemmembersselected'] = 'Excluded from grading';
306 $string['gradeitemnonmembers'] = 'Included in grading';
307 $string['gradeitemremovemembers'] = 'Include in grading';
308 $string['gradeitems'] = 'Grade items';
309 $string['gradeitemsettings'] = 'Grade item settings';
310 $string['gradeitemsinc'] = 'Grade items to be included';
311 $string['gradeletter'] = 'Grade letter';
312 $string['gradeletter_help'] = 'Grade letters are letters, A, B, C, ..., or words, for example Disti…
313 $string['gradeletternote'] = 'To delete a grade letter just empty any of the<br /> three text areas…
314 $string['gradeletteroverridden'] = 'The default grade letters are currently overridden.';
315 $string['gradeletters'] = 'Grade letters';
316 $string['gradelocked'] = 'Grade is locked';
317 $string['gradelong'] = '{$a->grade} / {$a->max}';
318 $string['grademax'] = 'Maximum grade';
319 $string['grademax_help'] = 'This setting determines the maximum grade when using the value grade ty…
320 $string['grademin'] = 'Minimum grade';
321 $string['grademin_help'] = 'This setting determines the minimum grade when using the value grade ty…
322 $string['gradenotificationmessage'] = 'You have new feedback on your work for "{$a}"';
323 $string['gradenotificationsubject'] = 'You have been graded';
324 $string['gradeoutcomeitem'] = 'Grade outcome item';
325 $string['gradeoutcomes'] = 'Outcomes';
326 $string['gradeoutcomescourses'] = 'Course outcomes';
327 $string['gradepass'] = 'Grade to pass';
328 $string['gradepass_help'] = 'This setting determines the minimum grade required to pass. The value …
329 $string['gradepassgreaterthangrade'] = 'The grade to pass can not be greater than the maximum possi…
330 $string['gradepointdefault'] = 'Grade point default';
331 $string['gradepointdefault_help'] = 'This setting determines the default value for the grade point …
332 $string['gradepointdefault_validateerror'] = 'This setting must be an integer between 1 and the gra…
333 $string['gradepointmax'] = 'Grade point maximum';
334 $string['gradepointmax_help'] = 'This setting determines the maximum grade point value available in…
335 $string['gradepointmax_validateerror'] = 'This setting must be an integer between 1 and 10000.';
336 $string['gradepreferences'] = 'Grade preferences';
337 $string['gradepreferenceshelp'] = 'Grade preferences Help';
338 $string['gradepublishing'] = 'Enable publishing';
339 $string['gradepublishinglink'] = 'Download: {$a}';
340 $string['gradepublishing_help'] = 'Grade publishing is a way of importing and exporting grades via …
341 $string['gradereport'] = 'Grade report';
342 $string['graderreport'] = 'Grader report';
343 $string['grades'] = 'Grades';
344 $string['gradesforuser'] = 'Grades for {$a->user}';
345 $string['singleview'] = 'Single view for {$a}';
346 $string['gradesonly'] = 'Change to grades only';
347 $string['gradesmoduledeletionpendingwarning'] = 'Warning: Activity deletion in progress! Some grade…
348 $string['gradesmoduledeletionprefix'] = '[Deletion in progress]';
349 $string['gradessettings'] = 'Grade settings';
350 $string['gradetype'] = 'Grade type';
351 $string['gradetype_help'] = 'There are 4 grade types:
359 $string['gradevaluetoobig'] = 'One of the grade values is larger than the allowed grade maximum of …
360 $string['gradeview'] = 'View grade';
361 $string['gradewasmodifiedduringediting'] = 'The grade entered for {$a->itemname} for {$a->username}…
362 $string['gradeweighthelp'] = 'Grade weight help';
363 $string['gradingmodulename'] = 'Grading ({$a})';
364 $string['groupavg'] = 'Group average';
365 $string['hidden'] = 'Hidden';
366 $string['hidden_help'] = 'If ticked, grades are hidden from students. A hidden until date may be se…
367 $string['hiddenasdate'] = 'Show submitted date for hidden grades';
368 $string['hiddenasdate_help'] = 'If user can not see hidden grades show date of submission instead o…
369 $string['hiddenuntil'] = 'Hidden until';
370 $string['hiddenuntildate'] = 'Hidden until: {$a}';
371 $string['hideadvanced'] = 'Hide advanced features';
372 $string['hideaverages'] = 'Hide averages';
373 $string['hidecalculations'] = 'Hide calculations';
374 $string['hidecategory'] = 'Hidden';
375 $string['hideeyecons'] = 'Hide show/hide icons';
376 $string['hidefeedback'] = 'Hide feedback';
377 $string['hideforcedsettings'] = 'Hide forced settings';
378 $string['hideforcedsettings_help'] = 'Do not show forced settings in grading UI.';
379 $string['hidegroups'] = 'Hide groups';
380 $string['hidelocks'] = 'Hide locks';
381 $string['hidenooutcomes'] = 'Show outcomes';
382 $string['hidequickfeedback'] = 'Hide quick feedback';
383 $string['hideranges'] = 'Hide ranges';
384 $string['hidetotalifhiddenitems'] = 'Hide totals if they contain hidden items';
385 $string['hidetotalifhiddenitems_help'] = 'This setting specifies whether totals which contain hidde…
388 $string['hidetotalshowexhiddenitems'] = 'Show totals excluding hidden items';
389 $string['hidetotalshowinchiddenitems'] = 'Show totals including hidden items';
390 $string['hideverbose'] = 'Hide {$a->category} {$a->itemmodule} {$a->itemname}';
391 $string['highgradeascending'] = 'Sort by high grade ascending';
392 $string['highgradedescending'] = 'Sort by high grade descending';
393 $string['highgradeletter'] = 'High';
394 $string['changedefaults'] = 'Change defaults';
395 $string['changereportdefaults'] = 'Change report defaults';
396 $string['chooseaction'] = 'Choose an action ...';
397 $string['choosecategory'] = 'Select category';
398 $string['identifier'] = 'Identify user by';
399 $string['idnumbers'] = 'ID numbers';
400 $string['ignore'] = 'Ignore';
401 $string['import'] = 'Import';
402 $string['importcsv'] = 'Import CSV';
403 $string['importcsv_help'] = 'Grades can be imported via a CSV file with format as follows:
411 $string['importcsv_link'] = 'grade/import/csv/index';
412 $string['importcustom'] = 'Import as custom outcomes (only this course)';
413 $string['importerror'] = 'An error occurred, this script wasn\'t called with the right parameters.';
414 $string['importfailed'] = 'Import failed. No data was imported.';
415 $string['importfeedback'] = 'Import feedback';
416 $string['importfile'] = 'Import file';
417 $string['importfilemissing'] = 'No file was received, go back to the form and make sure to upload a…
418 $string['importfrom'] = 'Import from';
419 $string['importoutcomenofile'] = 'The uploaded file is empty or corrupted. Please verify this is a…
420 $string['importoutcomes'] = 'Import outcomes';
421 $string['importoutcomes_help'] = 'Outcomes can be imported via csv file with format as for the expo…
422 $string['importoutcomes_link'] = 'grade/outcome';
423 $string['importoutcomesuccess'] = 'Imported outcome "{$a->name}" with ID #{$a->id}';
424 $string['importplugins'] = 'Import plugins';
425 $string['importpreview'] = 'Import preview';
426 $string['importsettings'] = 'Import settings';
427 $string['importskippednomanagescale'] = 'You don\'t have permission to add a new scale, so outcome …
428 $string['importskippedoutcome'] = 'An outcome with shortname "{$a}" already exists in this context,…
429 $string['importstandard'] = 'Import as standard outcomes';
430 $string['importsuccess'] = 'Grade import success';
431 $string['importxml'] = 'Import XML';
432 $string['includescalesinaggregation'] = 'Include scales in aggregation';
433 $string['includescalesinaggregation_help'] = 'You can change whether scales are to be included as n…
434 $string['incorrectcourseid'] = 'Course ID was incorrect';
435 $string['incorrectcustomscale'] = '(Incorrect custom scale, please change.)';
436 $string['incorrectminmax'] = 'The minimum must be lower than the maximum';
437 $string['inherit'] = 'Inherit';
438 $string['intersectioninfo'] = 'Student/Grade info';
439 $string['invalidgradeexporteddate'] = 'The export date is invalid because it is more than a year ag…
440 $string['item'] = 'Item';
441 $string['iteminfo'] = 'Item info';
442 $string['iteminfo_help'] = 'This setting provides space for entering information about the item. Th…
443 $string['itemname'] = 'Item name';
444 $string['itemnamehelp'] = 'The name of this item, pushed in by the module.';
445 $string['items'] = 'Items';
446 $string['itemsedit'] = 'Edit grade item';
447 $string['keephigh'] = 'Keep the highest';
448 $string['keephighestvalues'] = 'Keep the {$a} highest values';
449 $string['keephigh_help'] = 'If set, this option will only keep the X highest grades, X being the se…
450 $string['keymanager'] = 'Key manager';
451 $string['lessthanmin'] = 'The grade entered for {$a->itemname} for {$a->username} is less than the …
452 $string['letter'] = 'Letter';
453 $string['lettergrade'] = 'Letter grade';
454 $string['lettergradenonnumber'] = 'Low and/or High grade were non-numeric for';
455 $string['letterpercentage'] = 'Letter (percentage)';
456 $string['letterreal'] = 'Letter (real)';
457 $string['letters'] = 'Letters';
458 $string['linkedactivity'] = 'Linked activity';
459 $string['linkedactivity_help'] = 'This setting specifies an activity to which this outcome item is …
460 $string['linktoactivity'] = 'Link to {$a->name} activity {$a->title}';
461 $string['lock'] = 'Lock';
462 $string['locked'] = 'Locked';
463 $string['locked_help'] = 'If ticked, grades can no longer be automatically updated by the related a…
464 $string['locktime'] = 'Lock after';
465 $string['locktimedate'] = 'Locked after: {$a}';
466 $string['lockverbose'] = 'Lock {$a->category} {$a->itemmodule} {$a->itemname}';
467 $string['lowest'] = 'Lowest';
468 $string['lowgradeletter'] = 'Low';
469 $string['manualitem'] = 'Manual item';
470 $string['mapfrom'] = 'Map from';
471 $string['mapfrom_help'] = 'Select the column in the spreadsheet containing data for identifying the…
472 $string['mappings'] = 'Grade item mappings';
473 $string['mappings_help'] = 'For each column of grades in the spreadsheet, select the corresponding …
474 $string['mapto'] = 'Map to';
475 $string['mapto_help'] = 'Select the same identifying data as selected for \'Map from\'.';
476 $string['max'] = 'Highest';
477 $string['maxgrade'] = 'Max grade';
478 $string['meanall'] = 'All grades';
479 $string['meangraded'] = 'Non-empty grades';
480 $string['meanselection'] = 'Grades selected for column averages';
481 $string['meanselection_help'] = 'This setting determines whether cells with no grade should be incl…
482 $string['median'] = 'Median';
483 $string['min'] = 'Lowest';
484 $string['minmaxtouse'] = 'Min and max grades used in calculation';
485 $string['minmaxtouse_desc'] = 'This setting determines whether to use the initial minimum and maxim…
486 $string['minmaxtouse_help'] = 'This setting determines whether to use the initial minimum and maxim…
487 $string['minmaxtouse_link'] = 'Grades_min_max';
488 $string['minmaxupgradedgrades'] = 'Note: Some grades have been changed in order to resolve an incon…
489 $string['minmaxupgradefixbutton'] = 'Resolve inconsistencies';
490 $string['minmaxupgradewarning'] = 'Note: An inconsistency has been detected with some grades due to…
491 $string['minimum_show'] = 'Show minimum grade';
492 $string['minimum_show_help'] = 'Minimum grade is used in calculating grades and weights. If not sho…
493 $string['missingitemtypeoreid'] = 'Array key (itemtype or eid) missing from 2nd param of grade_edit…
494 $string['missingscale'] = 'Scale must be selected';
495 $string['mode'] = 'Mode';
496 $string['modgrade'] = 'Grade';
497 $string['modgrade_help'] = 'Select the type of grading used for this activity. If \'scale\' is chos…
498 $string['modgradecantchangegradetype'] = 'You cannot change the type, as grades already exist for t…
499 $string['modgradecantchangegradetypemsg'] = 'Some grades have already been awarded, so the grade ty…
500 $string['modgradecantchangegradetyporscalemsg'] = 'Some grades have already been awarded, so the gr…
501 $string['modgradecategorycantchangegradetypemsg'] = 'This category has associated grade items which…
502 $string['modgradecategorycantchangegradetyporscalemsg'] = 'This category has associated grade items…
503 $string['modgradecantchangescale'] = 'You cannot change the scale, as grades already exist for this…
504 $string['modgradecantchangeratingmaxgrade'] = 'You cannot change the maximum grade when grades alre…
505 $string['modgradedonotmodify'] = 'Do not modify existing grades';
506 $string['modgradeerrorbadpoint'] = 'Invalid grade value. This must be an integer between 1 and {$a}…
507 $string['modgradeerrorbadscale'] = 'Invalid scale selected. Please make sure you select a scale fro…
508 $string['modgrademaxgrade'] = 'Maximum grade';
509 $string['modgraderescalegrades'] = 'Rescale existing grades';
510 $string['modgraderescalegrades_help'] = 'When changing the maximum grades on a gradebook item you n…
515 $string['modgradecategoryrescalegrades'] = 'Rescale overridden grades';
516 $string['modgradecategoryrescalegrades_help'] = 'When changing the maximum grades on a gradebook it…
521 $string['modgradetype'] = 'Type';
522 $string['modgradetypenone'] = 'None';
523 $string['modgradetypepoint'] = 'Point';
524 $string['modgradetypescale'] = 'Scale';
525 $string['morethanmax'] = 'The grade entered for {$a->itemname} for {$a->username} is more than the …
526 $string['moveselectedto'] = 'Move selected items to';
527 $string['movingelement'] = 'Moving {$a}';
528 $string['multfactor'] = 'Multiplicator';
529 $string['multfactorvalue'] = 'Multiplicator value for {$a}';
530 $string['multfactor_help'] = 'The multiplicator is the factor by which all grades for this grade it…
531 $string['mygrades'] = 'User menu grades link';
532 $string['mygrades_desc'] = 'This setting allows for the option of linking to an external gradebook …
533 $string['mypreferences'] = 'My preferences';
534 $string['myreportpreferences'] = 'My report preferences';
535 $string['mustchooserescaleyesorno'] = 'You must choose whether to rescale existing grades or not.';
536 $string['navmethod'] = 'Navigation method';
537 $string['neverdeletehistory'] = 'Never delete history';
538 $string['newcategory'] = 'New category';
539 $string['newitem'] = 'New grade item';
540 $string['newoutcomeitem'] = 'New outcome item';
541 $string['no'] = 'No';
542 $string['nocategories'] = 'Grade categories could not be added or found for this course';
543 $string['nocategoryname'] = 'No category name was given.';
544 $string['nocategoryview'] = 'No category to view by';
545 $string['nocourses'] = 'There are no courses yet';
546 $string['noforce'] = 'Do not force';
547 $string['nogradeletters'] = 'No grade letters set';
548 $string['nogradesreturned'] = 'No grades returned';
549 $string['noidnumber'] = 'No ID number';
550 $string['nolettergrade'] = 'No letter grade for';
551 $string['nomode'] = 'NA';
552 $string['nonnumericweight'] = 'Received non-numeric value for';
553 $string['nonunlockableverbose'] = 'This grade cannot be unlocked until {$a->itemname} is unlocked.';
554 $string['nonweightedpct'] = 'non-weighted %';
555 $string['nooutcome'] = 'No outcome';
556 $string['nooutcomes'] = 'Outcome items must be linked to a course outcome, but there are no outcome…
557 $string['nopermissiontoresetweights'] = 'No permission to reset the weights';
558 $string['nopublish'] = 'Do not publish';
559 $string['noreports'] = 'You are not enrolled in, nor teaching any courses on this site.';
560 $string['norolesdefined'] = 'No roles defined in Administration > Grades > General settings > Grade…
561 $string['noscales'] = 'Outcomes must be linked to a course scale or global scale, but there are non…
562 $string['noselectedcategories'] = 'no categories were selected.';
563 $string['noselecteditems'] = 'no items were selected.';
564 $string['notteachererror'] = 'You must be a teacher to use this feature.';
565 $string['notenrolled'] = 'You are currently not enrolled in any courses.';
566 $string['nousersloaded'] = 'No users loaded';
567 $string['nouserstograde'] = 'No users to grade';
568 $string['numberofgrades'] = 'Number of grades';
569 $string['onascaleof'] = 'on a scale of {$a->grademin} to {$a->grademax}';
570 $string['operations'] = 'Operations';
571 $string['options'] = 'Options';
572 $string['others'] = 'Others';
573 $string['outcome'] = 'Outcome';
574 $string['outcome_help'] = 'This setting determines the outcome which this grade item will represent…
575 $string['outcomeassigntocourse'] = 'Assign another outcome to this course';
576 $string['outcomecategory'] = 'Create outcomes in category';
577 $string['outcomecategorynew'] = 'New category';
578 $string['outcomeconfirmdelete'] = 'Are you sure you wish to delete the outcome "{$a}"?';
579 $string['outcomecreate'] = 'Add a new outcome';
580 $string['outcomedelete'] = 'Delete outcome';
581 $string['outcomefullname'] = 'Full name';
582 $string['outcomeitem'] = 'Outcome item';
583 $string['outcomeitemsedit'] = 'Edit outcome item';
584 $string['outcomereport'] = 'Outcome report';
585 $string['outcomes'] = 'Outcomes';
586 $string['outcomescourse'] = 'Outcomes used in course';
587 $string['outcomescoursecustom'] = 'Custom used (no remove)';
588 $string['outcomescoursenotused'] = 'Standard not used';
589 $string['outcomescourseused'] = 'Standard used (no remove)';
590 $string['outcomescustom'] = 'Custom outcomes';
591 $string['outcomeshortname'] = 'Short name';
592 $string['outcomesstandard'] = 'Standard outcomes';
593 $string['outcomesstandardavailable'] = 'Available standard outcomes';
594 $string['outcomestandard'] = 'Standard outcome';
595 $string['outcomestandard_help'] = 'A standard outcome is available site-wide, for all courses.';
596 $string['overallaverage'] = 'Overall average';
597 $string['overridecat'] = 'Allow category grades to be manually overridden';
598 $string['overridecat_help'] = 'Disabling this setting makes it impossible for users to override cat…
599 $string['overridden'] = 'Overridden';
600 $string['overridden_help'] = 'If ticked, the grade can no longer be changed from within the related…
603 $string['overriddennotice'] = 'Your final grade from this activity was manually adjusted.';
604 $string['overridesitedefaultgradedisplaytype'] = 'Override site defaults';
605 $string['overridesitedefaultgradedisplaytype_help'] = 'If ticked, grade letters and boundaries for …
606 $string['overrideweightofa'] = 'Override weight of {$a}';
607 $string['parentcategory'] = 'Parent category';
608 $string['pctoftotalgrade'] = '% of total grade';
609 $string['percent'] = 'Percent';
610 $string['percentage'] = 'Percentage';
611 $string['percentageletter'] = 'Percentage (letter)';
612 $string['percentagereal'] = 'Percentage (real)';
613 $string['percentascending'] = 'Sort by percent ascending';
614 $string['percentdescending'] = 'Sort by percent descending';
615 $string['percentshort'] = '%';
616 $string['plusfactor'] = 'Offset';
617 $string['plusfactor_help'] = 'The offset is a number that is added to every grade for this grade it…
618 $string['plusfactorvalue'] = 'Offset value for {$a}';
619 $string['points'] = 'points';
620 $string['pointsascending'] = 'Sort by points ascending';
621 $string['pointsdescending'] = 'Sort by points descending';
622 $string['positionfirst'] = 'First';
623 $string['positionlast'] = 'Last';
624 $string['preferences'] = 'Preferences';
625 $string['prefgeneral'] = 'General';
626 $string['prefletters'] = 'Grade letters and boundaries';
627 $string['prefrows'] = 'Special rows';
628 $string['prefshow'] = 'Show/hide toggles';
629 $string['previewrows'] = 'Preview rows';
630 $string['privacy:metadata:categorieshistory'] = 'A record of previous versions of grade categories';
631 $string['privacy:metadata:filepurpose'] = 'Feedback files stored in the gradebook for a user.';
632 $string['privacy:metadata:grade_import_newitem'] = 'Temporary table for storing new grade_item name…
633 $string['privacy:metadata:grade_import_newitem:importcode'] = 'A unique batch code for identifying …
634 $string['privacy:metadata:grade_import_newitem:importer'] = 'User importing the data';
635 $string['privacy:metadata:grade_import_newitem:itemname'] = 'New grade item name';
636 $string['privacy:metadata:grade_import_values'] = 'Temporary table for importing grades';
637 $string['privacy:metadata:grade_import_values:feedback'] = 'Grade feedback';
638 $string['privacy:metadata:grade_import_values:finalgrade'] = 'Raw grade value';
639 $string['privacy:metadata:grade_import_values:importcode'] = 'A unique batch code for identifying o…
640 $string['privacy:metadata:grade_import_values:importer'] = 'User importing the data';
641 $string['privacy:metadata:grade_import_values:importonlyfeedback'] = 'Flag if only feedback was imp…
642 $string['privacy:metadata:grade_import_values:userid'] = 'User whose grade was imported';
643 $string['privacy:metadata:grades'] = 'A record of grades';
644 $string['privacy:metadata:grades:aggregationstatus'] = 'The aggregation status';
645 $string['privacy:metadata:grades:aggregationweight'] = 'The weight in aggregation';
646 $string['privacy:metadata:grades:feedback'] = 'The feedback';
647 $string['privacy:metadata:grades:finalgrade'] = 'The grade';
648 $string['privacy:metadata:grades:information'] = 'Additional information about the grade';
649 $string['privacy:metadata:grades:timemodified'] = 'The time when the grade was last modified';
650 $string['privacy:metadata:grades:userid'] = 'The ID of the user whose grade it is';
651 $string['privacy:metadata:grades:usermodified'] = 'The ID of the user who last modified the record';
652 $string['privacy:metadata:gradeshistory'] = 'A record of the previous grades';
653 $string['privacy:metadata:history:loggeduser'] = 'The ID of the user who was logged in when the ver…
654 $string['privacy:metadata:history:timemodified'] = 'The time when grade versioning occurred';
655 $string['privacy:metadata:itemshistory'] = 'A record of previous versions of grade items';
656 $string['privacy:metadata:outcomes'] = 'A record of outcomes';
657 $string['privacy:metadata:outcomes:timemodified'] = 'The time when the record was modified';
658 $string['privacy:metadata:outcomes:usermodified'] = 'The user who last modified the record';
659 $string['privacy:metadata:outcomeshistory'] = 'A record of previous versions of outcomes';
660 $string['privacy:metadata:scale'] = 'A record of scales';
661 $string['privacy:metadata:scale:timemodified'] = 'The time when the record was last modified';
662 $string['privacy:metadata:scale:userid'] = 'The user who last modified the record';
663 $string['privacy:metadata:scalehistory'] = 'A record of previous versions of scales';
664 $string['privacy:path:relatedtome'] = 'Related to me';
665 $string['privacy:request:historyactiondelete'] = 'Delete';
666 $string['privacy:request:historyactioninsert'] = 'Insert';
667 $string['privacy:request:historyactionupdate'] = 'Update';
668 $string['privacy:request:unknowndeletedgradeitem'] = 'Unknown (the grade item was deleted)';
669 $string['profilereport'] = 'User profile report';
670 $string['profilereport_help'] = 'Grade report used on user profile page.';
671 $string['publishing'] = 'Publishing';
672 $string['publishingoptions'] = 'Grade publishing options';
673 $string['quickfeedback'] = 'Quick feedback';
674 $string['quickgrading'] = 'Quick grading';
675 $string['quickgrading_help'] = 'If enabled, when editing is turned on, a text input box appears for…
678 $string['range'] = 'Range';
679 $string['rangesdecimalpoints'] = 'Decimals shown in ranges';
680 $string['rangesdecimalpoints_help'] = 'This setting determines the number of decimal places to disp…
681 $string['rangesdisplaytype'] = 'Range display type';
682 $string['rangesdisplaytype_help'] = 'This setting determines whether the range is displayed as real…
683 $string['rank'] = 'Rank';
684 $string['rawpct'] = 'Raw %';
685 $string['real'] = 'Real';
686 $string['realletter'] = 'Real (letter)';
687 $string['realpercentage'] = 'Real (percentage)';
688 $string['recalculatinggrades'] = 'Recalculating grades';
689 $string['recovergradesdefault'] = 'Recover grades default';
690 $string['recovergradesdefault_help'] = 'By default recover old grades when re-enrolling a user in a…
691 $string['refreshpreview'] = 'Refresh preview';
692 $string['regradeanyway'] = 'Regrade anyway';
693 $string['removeallcoursegrades'] = 'Delete all grades';
694 $string['removeallcoursegrades_help'] = 'If ticked, all grade items which were manually added to th…
695 $string['removeallcourseitems'] = 'Delete all items and categories';
696 $string['removeallcourseitems_help'] = 'If ticked, all categories and grade items which were manual…
697 $string['report'] = 'Report';
698 $string['reportdefault'] = 'Report default ({$a})';
699 $string['reportplugins'] = 'Report plugins';
700 $string['reportsettings'] = 'Report settings';
701 $string['reprintheaders'] = 'Reprint headers';
702 $string['resetweightsshort'] = 'Reset weights';
703 $string['resetweights'] = 'Reset weights of {$a->itemname}';
704 $string['respectingcurrentdata'] = 'leaving current configuration unmodified';
705 $string['rowpreviewnum'] = 'Preview rows';
706 $string['rowpreviewnum_help'] = 'Data for import may be previewed before confirming the import. Thi…
707 $string['savechanges'] = 'Save changes';
708 $string['savepreferences'] = 'Save preferences';
709 $string['scaleconfirmdelete'] = 'Are you sure you wish to delete the scale "{$a}"?';
710 $string['scaledpct'] = 'Scaled %';
711 $string['seeallcoursegrades'] = 'See all course grades';
712 $string['select'] = 'Select {$a}';
713 $string['selectalloroneuser'] = 'Select all or one user';
714 $string['selectauser'] = 'Select a user';
715 $string['selectdestination'] = 'Select destination of {$a}';
716 $string['separator'] = 'Separator';
717 $string['separator_help'] = 'Select the separator used in the CSV file. (Normally this is a comma.)…
718 $string['sepcolon'] = 'Colon';
719 $string['sepcomma'] = 'Comma';
720 $string['sepsemicolon'] = 'Semicolon';
721 $string['septab'] = 'Tab';
722 $string['setcategories'] = 'Set categories';
723 $string['setcategorieserror'] = 'You must first set the categories for your course before you can g…
724 $string['setgradeletters'] = 'Set grade letters';
725 $string['setpreferences'] = 'Set preferences';
726 $string['setting'] = 'Setting';
727 $string['settings'] = 'Settings';
728 $string['setweights'] = 'Set weights';
729 $string['showanalysisicon'] = 'Show grade analysis icon';
730 $string['showanalysisicon_desc'] = 'Whether to show grade analysis icon by default. If the activity…
731 $string['showanalysisicon_help'] = 'If the activity module supports it, the grade analysis icon lin…
732 $string['showaverage'] = 'Show average';
733 $string['showaverage_help'] = 'Whether to show an average column. Note that participants may be abl…
734 $string['showcontributiontocoursetotal'] = 'Show contribution to course total';
735 $string['showcontributiontocoursetotal_help'] = 'Whether to show a column of percentages indicating…
736 $string['showfeedback'] = 'Show feedback';
737 $string['showfeedback_help'] = 'Whether to show a column for feedback.';
738 $string['showgrade'] = 'Show grades';
739 $string['showgrade_help'] = 'Whether to show a column for grades.';
740 $string['showingaggregatesonly'] = 'Showing aggregates only';
741 $string['showingfullmode'] = 'Showing full view';
742 $string['showinggradesonly'] = 'Showing grades only';
743 $string['showlettergrade'] = 'Show letter grades';
744 $string['showlettergrade_help'] = 'Whether to show a column for letter grades.';
745 $string['showrange'] = 'Show ranges';
746 $string['showrange_help'] = 'Whether to show a column for the range.';
747 $string['showweight'] = 'Show weightings';
748 $string['showweight_help'] = 'Whether to show a column for the grade weight.';
749 $string['rangedecimals'] = 'Range decimal places';
750 $string['rangedecimals_help'] = 'The number of decimal places to display for the range.';
751 $string['showactivityicons'] = 'Show activity icons';
752 $string['showactivityicons_help'] = 'If enabled, activity icons are shown next to activity names.';
753 $string['showallhidden'] = 'Show hidden';
754 $string['showallstudents'] = 'Show all Students';
755 $string['showaverages'] = 'Show column averages';
756 $string['showaverages_help'] = 'If enabled, the grader report will contain an additional row displa…
757 $string['showcalculations'] = 'Show calculations';
758 $string['showcalculations_help'] = 'If enabled, when editing, a calculator icon is shown for each g…
759 $string['showeyecons'] = 'Show show/hide icons';
760 $string['showeyecons_help'] = 'If enabled, when editing is turned on, a show/hide icon is shown for…
761 $string['showgroups'] = 'Show groups';
762 $string['showhiddenitems'] = 'Show hidden items';
763 $string['showhiddenitems_help'] = 'Whether hidden grade items are hidden entirely or if the names o…
768 $string['showhiddenuntilonly'] = 'Only hidden until';
769 $string['showlocks'] = 'Show locks';
770 $string['showlocks_help'] = 'If enabled, when editing is turned on, a lock/unlock icon is shown for…
771 $string['shownohidden'] = 'Do not show';
772 $string['shownooutcomes'] = 'Hide outcomes';
773 $string['shownumberofgrades'] = 'Show number of grades in averages';
774 $string['shownumberofgrades_help'] = 'If enabled, the number of grades used when calculating the av…
775 $string['showonlyactiveenrol'] = 'Show only active enrolments';
776 $string['showonlyactiveenrol_help'] = 'This setting determines, if only active enrolled users will …
777 $string['showpercentage'] = 'Show percentage';
778 $string['showpercentage_help'] = 'Whether to show the percentage value of each grade item.';
779 $string['showquickfeedback'] = 'Show quick feedback';
780 $string['showquickfeedback_help'] = 'If enabled, when editing is turned on, a feedback text input b…
783 $string['showranges'] = 'Show ranges';
784 $string['showranges_help'] = 'If enabled, the grader report will contain an additional row displayi…
785 $string['showrank'] = 'Show rank';
786 $string['showrank_help'] = 'Whether to show the position of the student in relation to the rest of …
787 $string['showuserimage'] = 'Show user profile images';
788 $string['showuserimage_help'] = 'Whether to show the user\'s profile image next to the name in the …
789 $string['showverbose'] = 'Show {$a->category} {$a->itemmodule} {$a->itemname}';
790 $string['simpleview'] = 'Single view';
791 $string['sitewide'] = 'Site-wide';
792 $string['sort'] = 'sort';
793 $string['sortasc'] = 'Sort in ascending order';
794 $string['sortbyfirstname'] = 'Sort by first name';
795 $string['sortbylastname'] = 'Sort by last name';
796 $string['sortdesc'] = 'Sort in descending order';
797 $string['standarddeviation'] = 'Standard deviation';
798 $string['stats'] = 'Statistics';
799 $string['statslink'] = 'Stats';
800 $string['student'] = 'Student';
801 $string['studentsperpage'] = 'Students per page';
802 $string['studentsperpage_help'] = 'This setting determines the number of students displayed per pag…
803 $string['studentsperpagereduced'] = 'Reduced maximum students per page from {$a->originalstudentspe…
804 $string['subcategory'] = 'Normal category';
805 $string['submissions'] = 'Submissions';
806 $string['submittedon'] = 'Submitted: {$a}';
807 $string['sumofgradesupgradedgrades'] = 'Note: The aggregation method "Sum of grades" has been chang…
808 $string['aggregatesubcatsupgradedgrades'] = 'Note: The aggregation setting "Aggregate including sub…
809 $string['upgradedgradeshidemessage'] = 'Dismiss notice';
810 $string['switchtofullview'] = 'Switch to full view';
811 $string['switchtosimpleview'] = 'Switch to simple view';
812 $string['tabs'] = 'Tabs';
813 $string['topcategory'] = 'Super category';
814 $string['total'] = 'Total';
815 $string['totalweightnot100'] = 'The total weight is not equal to 100';
816 $string['totalweight100'] = 'The total weight is equal to 100';
817 $string['turnfeedbackoff'] = 'Turn feedback off';
818 $string['turnfeedbackon'] = 'Turn feedback on';
819 $string['typenone'] = 'None';
820 $string['typescale'] = 'Scale';
821 $string['typescale_help'] = 'This setting determines the scale used when using the scale grade type…
822 $string['typetext'] = 'Text';
823 $string['typevalue'] = 'Value';
824 $string['upgradedminmaxrevertmessage'] = 'Revert the changes';
825 $string['uncategorised'] = 'Uncategorised';
826 $string['unenrolledusersinimport'] = 'This import included the following grades for users not curre…
827 $string['unchangedgrade'] = 'Grade unchanged';
828 $string['unlimitedgrades'] = 'Unlimited grades';
829 $string['unlimitedgrades_help'] = 'By default, grades are limited by the maximum and minimum values…
830 $string['unlock'] = 'Unlock';
831 $string['unlockverbose'] = 'Unlock {$a->category} {$a->itemmodule} {$a->itemname}';
832 $string['unused'] = 'Unused';
833 $string['updatedgradesonly'] = 'Export new or updated grades only';
834 $string['uploadgrades'] = 'Upload grades';
835 $string['useadvanced'] = 'Use advanced features';
836 $string['usedcourses'] = 'Used courses';
837 $string['usedgradeitem'] = 'Used grade item';
838 $string['usenooutcome'] = 'Use no outcome';
839 $string['usenoscale'] = 'Use no scale';
840 $string['usepercent'] = 'Use percent';
841 $string['user'] = 'User';
842 $string['userfields_show'] = 'Show user fields';
843 $string['userfields_show_help'] = 'Show additional user fields like email address on the grader rep…
844 $string['usergrade'] = 'User {$a->fullname} ({$a->useridnumber}) on item {$a->gradeidnumber}';
845 $string['userid'] = 'User ID';
846 $string['useridnumberwarning'] = 'Users without an ID number are excluded from the export as they c…
847 $string['usermappingerror'] = 'User mapping error: Could not find user with {$a->field} of "{$a->va…
848 $string['usermappingerrormultipleusersfound'] = 'User mapping error: Multiple users found with {$a-…
849 $string['usermappingerrorusernotfound'] = 'User mapping error. Could not find user.';
850 $string['usermappingerrorcurrentgroup'] = 'User is not a member of current group.';
851 $string['userpreferences'] = 'User preferences';
852 $string['userenrolmentsuspended'] = 'User enrolment suspended';
853 $string['useweighted'] = 'Use weighted';
854 $string['verbosescales'] = 'Verbose scales';
855 $string['verbosescales_help'] = 'A verbose scale uses words rather than numbers. Set to \'Yes\' if …
856 $string['viewbygroup'] = 'Group';
857 $string['viewgrades'] = 'View grades';
858 $string['weight'] = 'weight';
859 $string['weight_help'] = 'A value used to determine the relative value of multiple grade items in a…
860 $string['weightcourse'] = 'Use weighted grades for course';
861 $string['weightedascending'] = 'Sort by weighted percent ascending';
862 $string['weighteddescending'] = 'Sort by weighted percent descending';
863 $string['weightoverride'] = 'weight adjustment';
864 $string['weightoverride_help'] = 'Uncheck this to reset a grade item weight to its automatically ca…
865 $string['weightedpct'] = 'weighted %';
866 $string['weightedpctcontribution'] = 'weighted % contribution';
867 $string['weightofa'] = 'Weight of {$a}';
868 $string['weightorextracredit'] = 'Weight or extra credit';
869 $string['weight'] = 'Weight';
870 $string['weights'] = 'Weights';
871 $string['weightsadjusted'] = 'Your weights have been adjusted to total 100.';
872 $string['weightsedit'] = 'Edit weights and extra credits';
873 $string['weightuc'] = 'Calculated weight';
874 $string['writinggradebookinfo'] = 'Writing gradebook settings';
875 $string['xml'] = 'XML';
876 $string['yes'] = 'Yes';
877 $string['yourgrade'] = 'Your grade';