Lines Matching refs:string

25 $string['activityoverview'] = 'You have assignments that need attention';
26 $string['addsubmission'] = 'Add submission';
27 $string['addsubmission_help'] = 'You have not made a submission yet.';
28 $string['addattempt'] = 'Allow another attempt';
29 $string['addnewattempt'] = 'Add a new attempt';
30 $string['addnewattempt_help'] = 'This will create a new blank submission for you to work on.';
31 $string['addnewattemptfromprevious'] = 'Add a new attempt based on previous submission';
32 $string['addnewattemptfromprevious_help'] = 'This will copy the contents of your previous submissio…
33 $string['addnewgroupoverride'] = 'Add group override';
34 $string['addnewuseroverride'] = 'Add user override';
35 $string['allocatedmarker'] = 'Allocated Marker';
36 $string['allocatedmarker_help'] = 'Marker allocated to this submission.';
37 $string['allowsubmissions'] = 'Allow the user to continue making submissions to this assignment.';
38 $string['allowsubmissionsshort'] = 'Allow submission changes';
39 $string['allowsubmissionsfromdate'] = 'Allow submissions from';
40 $string['allowsubmissionsfromdate_help'] = 'If enabled, students will not be able to submit before …
41 $string['allowsubmissionsfromdatesummary'] = 'This assignment will accept submissions from <strong>…
42 $string['allowsubmissionsanddescriptionfromdatesummary'] = 'The assignment details and submission f…
43 $string['alwaysshowdescription'] = 'Always show description';
44 $string['alwaysshowdescription_help'] = 'If disabled, the assignment description above will only be…
45 $string['applytoteam'] = 'Apply grades and feedback to entire group';
46 $string['assign:addinstance'] = 'Add a new assignment';
47 $string['assign:exportownsubmission'] = 'Export own submission';
48 $string['assign:editothersubmission'] = 'Edit another student\'s submission';
49 $string['assign:grade'] = 'Grade assignment';
50 $string['assign:grantextension'] = 'Grant extension';
51 $string['assign:manageallocations'] = 'Manage markers allocated to submissions';
52 $string['assign:managegrades'] = 'Review and release grades';
53 $string['assign:manageoverrides'] = 'Manage assignment overrides';
54 $string['assign:receivegradernotifications'] = 'Receive grader submission notifications';
55 $string['assign:releasegrades'] = 'Release grades';
56 $string['assign:revealidentities'] = 'Reveal student identities';
57 $string['assign:reviewgrades'] = 'Review grades';
58 $string['assign:viewblinddetails'] = 'View student identities when anonymous submissions are enable…
59 $string['assign:viewgrades'] = 'View grades';
60 $string['assign:showhiddengrader'] = 'See the identity of a hidden grader';
61 $string['assign:submit'] = 'Submit assignment';
62 $string['assign:view'] = 'View assignment';
63 $string['assign:viewownsubmissionsummary'] = 'View own submission summary';
64 $string['assignfeedback'] = 'Feedback plugin';
65 $string['assignfeedbackpluginname'] = 'Feedback plugin';
66 $string['assignmentisdue'] = 'Assignment is due';
67 $string['assignmentmail'] = '{$a->grader} has posted some feedback on your
73 $string['assignmentmailhtml'] = '<p>{$a->grader} has posted some feedback on your
76 $string['assignmentmailsmall'] = '{$a->grader} has posted some feedback on your
78 $string['assignmentname'] = 'Assignment name';
79 $string['assignmentplugins'] = 'Assignment plugins';
80 $string['assignmentsperpage'] = 'Assignments per page';
81 $string['assignsubmission'] = 'Submission plugin';
82 $string['assignsubmissionpluginname'] = 'Submission plugin';
83 $string['attemptheading'] = 'Attempt {$a->attemptnumber}: {$a->submissionsummary}';
84 $string['attempthistory'] = 'Previous attempts';
85 $string['attemptnumber'] = 'Attempt number';
86 $string['attemptsettings'] = 'Attempt settings';
87 $string['attemptreopenmethod'] = 'Additional attempts';
88 $string['attemptreopenmethod_help'] = 'This setting determines whether a student can make additiona…
93 $string['attemptreopenmethod_manual'] = 'Manually';
94 $string['attemptreopenmethod_none'] = 'Never';
95 $string['attemptreopenmethod_untilpass'] = 'Automatically until pass';
96 $string['availability'] = 'Availability';
97 $string['backtoassignment'] = 'Back to assignment';
98 $string['batchoperationsdescription'] = 'With selected...';
99 $string['batchoperationconfirmlock'] = 'Lock all selected submissions?';
100 $string['batchoperationconfirmgrantextension'] = 'Grant an extension to all selected submissions?';
101 $string['batchoperationconfirmunlock'] = 'Unlock all selected submissions?';
102 $string['batchoperationconfirmremovesubmission'] = 'Remove selected submissions?';
103 $string['batchoperationconfirmreverttodraft'] = 'Revert selected submissions to draft?';
104 $string['batchoperationconfirmaddattempt'] = 'Allow another attempt for selected submissions?';
105 $string['batchoperationconfirmsetmarkingworkflowstate'] = 'Set marking workflow state for all selec…
106 $string['batchoperationconfirmsetmarkingallocation'] = 'Set marking allocation for all selected sub…
107 $string['batchoperationconfirmdownloadselected'] = 'Download selected submissions?';
108 $string['batchoperationlock'] = 'lock submissions';
109 $string['batchoperationunlock'] = 'unlock submissions';
110 $string['batchoperationreverttodraft'] = 'revert submissions to draft';
111 $string['batchsetallocatedmarker'] = 'Set allocated marker for {$a} selected user(s).';
112 $string['batchsetmarkingworkflowstateforusers'] = 'Set marking workflow state for {$a} selected use…
113 $string['blindmarking'] = 'Anonymous submissions';
114 $string['blindmarkingenabledwarning'] = 'Anonymous submissions are enabled for this activity. Grade…
115 $string['blindmarking_help'] = 'Anonymous submissions hide the identity of students from markers. A…
116 $string['calendardue'] = '{$a} is due';
117 $string['calendargradingdue'] = '{$a} is due to be graded';
118 $string['changeuser'] = 'Change user';
119 $string['changefilters'] = 'Change filters';
120 $string['choosegradingaction'] = 'Grading action';
121 $string['choosemarker'] = 'Choose...';
122 $string['chooseoperation'] = 'Choose operation';
123 $string['clickexpandreviewpanel'] = 'Click to expand review panel';
124 $string['collapsegradepanel'] = 'Collapse grade panel';
125 $string['collapsereviewpanel'] = 'Collapse review panel';
126 $string['comment'] = 'Comment';
127 $string['completionsubmit'] = 'Student must submit to this activity to complete it';
128 $string['conversionexception'] = 'Could not convert assignment. Exception was: {$a}.';
129 $string['configshowrecentsubmissions'] = 'Everyone can see notifications of submissions in recent a…
130 $string['confirmsubmission'] = 'Are you sure you want to submit your work for grading? You will not…
131 $string['confirmsubmissionheading'] = 'Confirm submission';
132 $string['confirmbatchgradingoperation'] = 'Are you sure you want to {$a->operation} for {$a->count}…
133 $string['couldnotconvertgrade'] = 'Could not convert assignment grade for user {$a}.';
134 $string['couldnotconvertsubmission'] = 'Could not convert assignment submission for user {$a}.';
135 $string['couldnotcreatecoursemodule'] = 'Could not create course module.';
136 $string['couldnotcreatenewassignmentinstance'] = 'Could not create new assignment instance.';
137 $string['couldnotfindassignmenttoupgrade'] = 'Could not find old assignment instance to upgrade.';
138 $string['crontask'] = 'Background processing for assignment module';
139 $string['currentassigngrade'] = 'Current grade in assignment';
140 $string['currentgrade'] = 'Current grade in gradebook';
141 $string['currentattempt'] = 'This is attempt {$a}.';
142 $string['currentattemptof'] = 'This is attempt {$a->attemptnumber} ( {$a->maxattempts} attempts all…
143 $string['cutoffdate'] = 'Cut-off date';
144 $string['cutoffdatecolon'] = 'Cut-off date: {$a}';
145 $string['cutoffdate_help'] = 'If set, the assignment will not accept submissions after this date wi…
146 $string['cutoffdatevalidation'] = 'Cut-off date cannot be earlier than the due date.';
147 $string['cutoffdatefromdatevalidation'] = 'Cut-off date cannot be earlier than the allow submission…
148 $string['defaultlayout'] = 'Restore default layout';
149 $string['defaultsettings'] = 'Default assignment settings';
150 $string['defaultsettings_help'] = 'These settings define the defaults for all new assignments.';
151 $string['defaultteam'] = 'Default group';
152 $string['deleteallsubmissions'] = 'Delete all submissions';
153 $string['description'] = 'Description';
154 $string['disabled'] = 'Disabled';
155 $string['downloadall'] = 'Download all submissions';
156 $string['download all submissions'] = 'Download all submissions in a zip file.';
157 $string['downloadasfolders'] = 'Download submissions in folders';
158 $string['downloadasfolders_help'] = 'Assignment submissions may be downloaded in folders. Each subm…
159 $string['downloadselectedsubmissions'] = 'Download selected submissions';
160 $string['duedate'] = 'Due date';
161 $string['duedatecolon'] = 'Due date: {$a}';
162 $string['duedate_help'] = 'This is when the assignment is due. Submissions will still be allowed af…
163 $string['duplicateoverride'] = 'Duplicate override';
164 $string['submissionempty'] = 'Nothing was submitted';
165 $string['submissionmodified'] = 'You have existing submission data. Please leave this page and try …
166 $string['submissionmodifiedgroup'] = 'The submission has been modified by somebody else. Please lea…
167 $string['duedatereached'] = 'The due date for this assignment has now passed';
168 $string['duedatevalidation'] = 'Due date cannot be earlier than the allow submissions from date.';
169 $string['editattemptfeedback'] = 'Edit the grade and feedback for attempt number {$a}.';
170 $string['editonline'] = 'Edit online';
171 $string['editingpreviousfeedbackwarning'] = 'You are editing the feedback for a previous attempt. T…
172 $string['editoverride'] = 'Edit override';
173 $string['editsubmission'] = 'Edit submission';
174 $string['editsubmissionother'] = 'Edit submission for {$a}';
175 $string['editsubmission_help'] = 'You can still make changes to your submission.';
176 $string['editingstatus'] = 'Editing status';
177 $string['editaction'] = 'Actions...';
178 $string['enabled'] = 'Enabled';
179 $string['eventallsubmissionsdownloaded'] = 'All the submissions are being downloaded.';
180 $string['eventassessablesubmitted'] = 'A submission has been submitted.';
181 $string['eventbatchsetmarkerallocationviewed'] = 'Batch set marker allocation viewed';
182 $string['eventbatchsetworkflowstateviewed'] = 'Batch set workflow state viewed.';
183 $string['eventextensiongranted'] = 'An extension has been granted.';
184 $string['eventfeedbackupdated'] = 'Feedback updated';
185 $string['eventfeedbackviewed'] = 'Feedback viewed';
186 $string['eventgradingformviewed'] = 'Grading form viewed';
187 $string['eventgradingtableviewed'] = 'Grading table viewed';
188 $string['eventidentitiesrevealed'] = 'The identities have been revealed.';
189 $string['eventmarkerupdated'] = 'The allocated marker has been updated.';
190 $string['eventoverridecreated'] = 'Assignment override created';
191 $string['eventoverridedeleted'] = 'Assignment override deleted';
192 $string['eventoverrideupdated'] = 'Assignment override updated';
193 $string['eventremovesubmissionformviewed'] = 'Remove submission confirmation viewed.';
194 $string['eventrevealidentitiesconfirmationpageviewed'] = 'Reveal identities confirmation page viewe…
195 $string['eventstatementaccepted'] = 'The user has accepted the statement of the submission.';
196 $string['eventsubmissionconfirmationformviewed'] = 'Submission confirmation form viewed.';
197 $string['eventsubmissioncreated'] = 'Submission created.';
198 $string['eventsubmissionduplicated'] = 'The user duplicated their submission.';
199 $string['eventsubmissionformviewed'] = 'Submission form viewed.';
200 $string['eventsubmissiongraded'] = 'The submission has been graded.';
201 $string['eventsubmissionlocked'] = 'The submissions have been locked for a user.';
202 $string['eventsubmissionstatusupdated'] = 'The status of the submission has been updated.';
203 $string['eventsubmissionstatusviewed'] = 'The status of the submission has been viewed.';
204 $string['eventsubmissionunlocked'] = 'The submissions have been unlocked for a user.';
205 $string['eventsubmissionupdated'] = 'Submission updated.';
206 $string['eventsubmissionviewed'] = 'Submission viewed.';
207 $string['eventworkflowstateupdated'] = 'The state of the workflow has been updated.';
208 $string['expandreviewpanel'] = 'Expand review panel';
209 $string['extensionduedate'] = 'Extension due date';
210 $string['extensionnotafterduedate'] = 'Extension date must be after the due date';
211 $string['extensionnotafterfromdate'] = 'Extension date must be after the allow submissions from dat…
212 $string['fixrescalednullgrades'] = 'This assignment contains some erroneous grades. You can <a href…
213 $string['fixrescalednullgradesconfirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to fix erroneous grades? All affec…
214 $string['fixrescalednullgradesdone'] = 'Grades fixed.';
215 $string['gradecanbechanged'] = 'Grade can be changed';
216 $string['gradeitem:submissions'] = 'Submissions';
217 $string['gradersubmissionupdatedtext'] = '{$a->username} has updated their assignment submission
223 $string['gradersubmissionupdatedhtml'] = '{$a->username} has updated their assignment submission
226 $string['gradersubmissionupdatedsmall'] = '{$a->username} has updated their submission for assignme…
227 $string['gradeuser'] = 'Grade {$a}';
228 $string['grantextension'] = 'Grant extension';
229 $string['grantextensionforusers'] = 'Grant extension for {$a} students';
230 $string['groupsubmissionsettings'] = 'Group submission settings';
231 $string['errornosubmissions'] = 'There are no submissions to download';
232 $string['errorquickgradingvsadvancedgrading'] = 'The grades were not saved because this assignment …
233 $string['errorrecordmodified'] = 'The grades were not saved because someone has modified one or mor…
234 $string['feedback'] = 'Feedback';
235 $string['feedbackavailabletext'] = '{$a->username} has posted some feedback on your
241 $string['feedbackavailablehtml'] = '{$a->username} has posted some feedback on your
244 $string['feedbackavailablesmall'] = '{$a->username} has given feedback for assignment {$a->assignme…
245 $string['feedbackavailableanontext'] = 'You have new feedback on your
251 $string['feedbackavailableanonhtml'] = 'You have new feedback on your
254 $string['feedbackavailableanonsmall'] = 'New feedback for assignment {$a->assignment}';
255 $string['feedbackplugins'] = 'Feedback plugins';
256 $string['feedbackpluginforgradebook'] = 'Feedback plugin that will push comments to the gradebook';
257 $string['feedbackpluginforgradebook_help'] = 'Only one assignment feedback plugin can push feedback…
258 $string['feedbackplugin'] = 'Feedback plugin';
259 $string['feedbacksettings'] = 'Feedback settings';
260 $string['feedbacktypes'] = 'Feedback types';
261 $string['filesubmissions'] = 'File submissions';
262 $string['filter'] = 'Filter';
263 $string['filtergrantedextension'] = 'Granted extension';
264 $string['filternone'] = 'No filter';
265 $string['filternotsubmitted'] = 'Not submitted';
266 $string['filterrequiregrading'] = 'Requires grading';
267 $string['filtersubmitted'] = 'Submitted';
268 $string['graded'] = 'Graded';
269 $string['gradedby'] = 'Graded by';
270 $string['gradedfollowupsubmit'] = 'Graded - follow-up submission received';
271 $string['gradedon'] = 'Graded on';
272 $string['gradebelowzero'] = 'Grade must be greater than or equal to zero.';
273 $string['gradeabovemaximum'] = 'Grade must be less than or equal to {$a}.';
274 $string['gradelocked'] = 'This grade is locked or overridden in the gradebook.';
275 $string['gradeoutof'] = 'Grade out of {$a}';
276 $string['gradeoutofhelp'] = 'Grade';
277 $string['gradeoutofhelp_help'] = 'Enter the grade for the student\'s submission here. You may inclu…
278 $string['gradestudent'] = 'Grade student: (id={$a->id}, fullname={$a->fullname}). ';
279 $string['grading'] = 'Grading';
280 $string['gradingchangessaved'] = 'The grade changes were saved';
281 $string['gradingduedate'] = 'Remind me to grade by';
282 $string['gradingduedate_help'] = 'The expected date that marking of the submissions should be compl…
283 $string['gradingdueduedatevalidation'] = 'Remind me to grade by date cannot be earlier than the due…
284 $string['gradingduefromdatevalidation'] = 'Remind me to grade by date cannot be earlier than the al…
285 $string['gradechangessaveddetail'] = 'The changes to the grade and feedback were saved';
286 $string['gradingmethodpreview'] = 'Grading criteria';
287 $string['gradingoptions'] = 'Options';
288 $string['gradingstatus'] = 'Grading status';
289 $string['gradingstudent'] = 'Grading student';
290 $string['gradingsummary'] = 'Grading summary';
291 $string['groupoverrides'] = 'Group overrides';
292 $string['groupoverridesdeleted'] = 'Group overrides deleted';
293 $string['groupsnone'] = 'No groups you can access.';
294 $string['hidegrader'] = 'Hide grader identity from students';
295 $string['hidegrader_help'] = 'If enabled, the identity of any user who grades an assignment submiss…
298 $string['hideshow'] = 'Hide/Show';
299 $string['hiddenuser'] = 'Participant ';
300 $string['inactiveoverridehelp'] = '* This override is inactive because the user\'s access to the ac…
301 $string['indicator:cognitivedepth'] = 'Assignment cognitive';
302 $string['indicator:cognitivedepth_help'] = 'This indicator is based on the cognitive depth reached …
303 $string['indicator:cognitivedepthdef'] = 'Assignment cognitive';
304 $string['indicator:cognitivedepthdef_help'] = 'The participant has reached this percentage of the c…
305 $string['indicator:cognitivedepthdef_link'] = 'Learning_analytics_indicators#Cognitive_depth';
306 $string['indicator:socialbreadth'] = 'Assignment social';
307 $string['indicator:socialbreadth_help'] = 'This indicator is based on the social breadth reached by…
308 $string['indicator:socialbreadthdef'] = 'Assignment social';
309 $string['indicator:socialbreadthdef_help'] = 'The participant has reached this percentage of the so…
310 $string['indicator:socialbreadthdef_link'] = 'Learning_analytics_indicators#Social_breadth';
311 $string['instructionfiles'] = 'Instruction files';
312 $string['introattachments'] = 'Additional files';
313 $string['introattachments_help'] = 'Additional files for use in the assignment, such as answer temp…
314 $string['invalidgradeforscale'] = 'The grade supplied was not valid for the current scale';
315 $string['invalidfloatforgrade'] = 'The grade provided could not be understood: {$a}';
316 $string['invalidoverrideid'] = 'Invalid override id';
317 $string['lastmodifiedsubmission'] = 'Last modified (submission)';
318 $string['lastmodifiedgrade'] = 'Last modified (grade)';
319 $string['latesubmissions'] = 'Late submissions';
320 $string['latesubmissionsaccepted'] = 'Allowed until {$a}';
321 $string['loading'] = 'Loading...';
322 $string['locksubmissionforstudent'] = 'Prevent any more submissions for student: (id={$a->id}, full…
323 $string['locksubmissions'] = 'Lock submissions';
324 $string['manageassignfeedbackplugins'] = 'Manage assignment feedback plugins';
325 $string['manageassignsubmissionplugins'] = 'Manage assignment submission plugins';
326 $string['marker'] = 'Marker';
327 $string['markerfilter'] = 'Marker filter';
328 $string['markerfilternomarker'] = 'No marker';
329 $string['markingallocation'] = 'Use marking allocation';
330 $string['markingallocation_help'] = 'If enabled together with marking workflow, markers can be allo…
331 $string['markingworkflow'] = 'Use marking workflow';
332 $string['markingworkflow_help'] = 'If enabled, marks will go through a series of workflow stages be…
333 $string['markingworkflowstate'] = 'Marking workflow state';
334 $string['markingworkflowstate_help'] = 'Possible workflow states may include (depending on your per…
342 $string['markingworkflowstateinmarking'] = 'In marking';
343 $string['markingworkflowstateinreview'] = 'In review';
344 $string['markingworkflowstatenotmarked'] = 'Not marked';
345 $string['markingworkflowstatereadyforreview'] = 'Marking completed';
346 $string['markingworkflowstatereadyforrelease'] = 'Ready for release';
347 $string['markingworkflowstatereleased'] = 'Released';
348 $string['maxattempts'] = 'Maximum attempts';
349 $string['maxattempts_help'] = 'The maximum number of submission attempts that can be made by a stud…
350 $string['maxgrade'] = 'Maximum grade';
351 $string['maxgrade'] = 'Maximum Grade';
352 $string['maxperpage'] = 'Maximum assignments per page';
353 $string['maxperpage_help'] = 'The maximum number of assignments a grader can show in the assignment…
354 $string['messageprovider:assign_notification'] = 'Assignment notifications';
355 $string['modulename'] = 'Assignment';
356 $string['modulename_help'] = 'The assignment activity module enables a teacher to communicate tasks…
361 $string['modulename_link'] = 'mod/assignment/view';
362 $string['modulenameplural'] = 'Assignments';
363 $string['moreusers'] = '{$a} more...';
364 $string['multipleteams'] = 'Member of more than one group';
365 $string['multipleteams_desc'] = 'The assignment requires submission in groups. You are a member of …
366 $string['multipleteamsgrader'] = 'Member of more than one group, so unable to make submissions.';
367 $string['newsubmissions'] = 'Assignments submitted';
368 $string['noattempt'] = 'No attempt';
369 $string['noclose'] = 'No close date';
370 $string['nofilters'] = 'No filters';
371 $string['nofiles'] = 'No files. ';
372 $string['nograde'] = 'No grade. ';
373 $string['nomoresubmissionsaccepted'] = 'Only allowed for participants who have been granted an exte…
374 $string['none'] = 'None';
375 $string['noonlinesubmissions'] = 'This assignment does not require you to submit anything online';
376 $string['noopen'] = 'No open date';
377 $string['nooverridedata'] = 'You must override at least one of the assignment settings.';
378 $string['nosavebutnext'] = 'Next';
379 $string['nosubmission'] = 'Nothing has been submitted for this assignment';
380 $string['noteam'] = 'Not a member of any group';
381 $string['noteam_desc'] = 'This assignment requires submission in groups. You are not a member of an…
382 $string['noteamgrader'] = 'Not a member of any group, so unable to make submissions.';
383 $string['notgraded'] = 'Not graded';
384 $string['notgradedyet'] = 'Not graded yet';
385 $string['notifications'] = 'Notifications';
386 $string['nousersselected'] = 'No users selected';
387 $string['nousers'] = 'No users';
388 $string['numberofdraftsubmissions'] = 'Drafts';
389 $string['numberofparticipants'] = 'Participants';
390 $string['numberofsubmittedassignments'] = 'Submitted';
391 $string['numberofsubmissionsneedgrading'] = 'Needs grading';
392 $string['numberofteams'] = 'Groups';
393 $string['offline'] = 'No online submissions required';
394 $string['open'] = 'Open';
395 $string['outof'] = '{$a->current} out of {$a->total}';
396 $string['overdue'] = '<font color="red">Assignment is overdue by: {$a}</font>';
397 $string['override'] = 'Override';
398 $string['overridedeletegroupsure'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete the override for group {$a}?';
399 $string['overridedeleteusersure'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete the override for user {$a}?';
400 $string['overridegroup'] = 'Override group';
401 $string['overridegroupeventname'] = '{$a->assign} - {$a->group}';
402 $string['overrides'] = 'Overrides';
403 $string['overrideuser'] = 'Override user';
404 $string['overrideusereventname'] = '{$a->assign} - Override';
405 $string['outlinegrade'] = 'Grade: {$a}';
406 $string['page-mod-assign-x'] = 'Any assignment module page';
407 $string['page-mod-assign-view'] = 'Assignment module main and submission page';
408 $string['paramtimeremaining'] = '{$a} remaining';
409 $string['participant'] = 'Participant';
410 $string['pluginadministration'] = 'Assignment administration';
411 $string['pluginname'] = 'Assignment';
412 $string['preventsubmissionnotingroup'] = 'Require group to make submission';
413 $string['preventsubmissionnotingroup_help'] = 'If enabled, users who are not members of a group wil…
414 $string['preventsubmissions'] = 'Prevent the user from making any more submissions to this assignme…
415 $string['preventsubmissionsshort'] = 'Prevent submission changes';
416 $string['previous'] = 'Previous';
417 $string['privacy:attemptpath'] = 'attempt {$a}';
418 $string['privacy:blindmarkingidentifier'] = 'The identifier used for anonymous submissions';
419 $string['privacy:gradepath'] = 'grade';
420 $string['privacy:metadata:assigndownloadasfolders'] = 'A user preference for whether multiple file …
421 $string['privacy:metadata:assignfeedbackpluginsummary'] = 'Feedback data for the assignment.';
422 $string['privacy:metadata:assignfilter'] = 'Filter options such as \'Submitted\', \'Not submitted\'…
423 $string['privacy:metadata:assigngrades'] = 'Stores user grades for the assignment';
424 $string['privacy:metadata:assignmarkerfilter'] = 'Filter the assign summary by the assigned marker.…
425 $string['privacy:metadata:assignmentid'] = 'Assignment ID';
426 $string['privacy:metadata:assignmessageexplanation'] = 'Messages are sent to students through the m…
427 $string['privacy:metadata:assignoverrides'] = 'Stores override information for the assignment';
428 $string['privacy:metadata:assignperpage'] = 'Number of assignments shown per page.';
429 $string['privacy:metadata:assignquickgrading'] = 'A preference as to whether quick grading is used …
430 $string['privacy:metadata:assignsubmissiondetail'] = 'Stores user submission information';
431 $string['privacy:metadata:assignsubmissionpluginsummary'] = 'Submission data for the assignment.';
432 $string['privacy:metadata:assignuserflags'] = 'Stores user meta data such as extension dates';
433 $string['privacy:metadata:assignusermapping'] = 'The mapping for anonymous submissions';
434 $string['privacy:metadata:assignworkflowfilter'] = 'Filter by the different workflow stages.';
435 $string['privacy:metadata:grade'] = 'The numerical grade for this assignment submission. Can be det…
436 $string['privacy:metadata:grader'] = 'The user ID of the person grading.';
437 $string['privacy:metadata:groupid'] = 'Group ID that the user is a member of.';
438 $string['privacy:metadata:latest'] = 'Greatly simplifies queries wanting to know information about …
439 $string['privacy:metadata:mailed'] = 'Has this user been mailed yet?';
440 $string['privacy:metadata:timecreated'] = 'Time created';
441 $string['privacy:metadata:userid'] = 'ID of the user';
442 $string['privacy:studentpath'] = 'studentsubmissions';
443 $string['quickgrading'] = 'Quick grading';
444 $string['quickgradingresult'] = 'Quick grading';
445 $string['quickgradingchangessaved'] = 'The grade changes were saved';
446 $string['quickgrading_help'] = 'Quick grading allows you to assign grades (and outcomes) directly i…
447 $string['relativedatessubmissiontimeleft'] = 'Calculated for each student';
448 $string['relativedatessubmissionduedateafter'] = '{$a->datediffstr} after course start';
449 $string['relativedatessubmissionduedatebefore'] = '{$a->datediffstr} before course start';
450 $string['removeallgroupoverrides'] = 'Delete all group overrides';
451 $string['removealluseroverrides'] = 'Delete all user overrides';
452 $string['reopenuntilpassincompatiblewithblindmarking'] = 'Reopen until pass option is incompatible …
453 $string['requiresubmissionstatement'] = 'Require that students accept the submission statement';
454 $string['requiresubmissionstatement_help'] = 'Require that students accept the submission statement…
455 $string['requireallteammemberssubmit'] = 'Require all group members submit';
456 $string['requireallteammemberssubmit_help'] = 'If enabled, all members of the student group must cl…
457 $string['recordid'] = 'Identifier';
458 $string['removesubmission'] = 'Remove submission';
459 $string['removesubmissionforstudent'] = 'Remove submission for student: (id={$a->id}, fullname={$a-…
460 $string['removesubmissionconfirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to remove the submission data?';
461 $string['removesubmissionconfirmforstudent'] = 'Are you sure you want to remove the submission data…
462 $string['revealidentities'] = 'Reveal student identities';
463 $string['revealidentitiesconfirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to reveal student identities for this a…
464 $string['reverttodefaults'] = 'Revert to assignment defaults';
465 $string['reverttodraftforstudent'] = 'Revert submission to draft for student: (id={$a->id}, fullnam…
466 $string['reverttodraft'] = 'Revert the submission to draft status';
467 $string['reverttodraftshort'] = 'Revert the submission to draft';
468 $string['reviewed'] = 'Reviewed';
469 $string['save'] = 'Save';
470 $string['saveallquickgradingchanges'] = 'Save all quick grading changes';
471 $string['saveandcontinue'] = 'Save and continue';
472 $string['savechanges'] = 'Save changes';
473 $string['savegradingresult'] = 'Grade';
474 $string['savenext'] = 'Save and show next';
475 $string['savingchanges'] = 'Saving changes...';
476 $string['saveoverrideandstay'] = 'Save and enter another override';
477 $string['scale'] = 'Scale';
478 $string['search:activity'] = 'Assignment - activity information';
479 $string['sendstudentnotificationsdefault'] = 'Default setting for "Notify students"';
480 $string['sendstudentnotificationsdefault_help'] = 'Set the default value for the "Notify students" …
481 $string['sendstudentnotifications'] = 'Notify students';
482 $string['sendstudentnotifications_help'] = 'If enabled, students receive a message about the update…
483 $string['sendnotifications'] = 'Notify graders about submissions';
484 $string['sendnotifications_help'] = 'If enabled, graders (usually teachers) receive a message whene…
485 $string['selectlink'] = 'Select...';
486 $string['selectuser'] = 'Select {$a}';
487 $string['sendlatenotifications'] = 'Notify graders about late submissions';
488 $string['sendlatenotifications_help'] = 'If enabled, graders (usually teachers) receive a message w…
489 $string['sendsubmissionreceipts'] = 'Send submission receipt to students';
490 $string['sendsubmissionreceipts_help'] = 'This switch enables submission receipts for students. Stu…
491 $string['setmarkingallocation'] = 'Set allocated marker';
492 $string['setmarkingworkflowstate'] = 'Set marking workflow state';
493 $string['selectedusers'] = 'Selected users';
494 $string['setmarkingworkflowstateforlog'] = 'Set marking workflow state : (id={$a->id}, fullname={$a…
495 $string['setmarkerallocationforlog'] = 'Set marking allocation : (id={$a->id}, fullname={$a->fullna…
496 $string['settings'] = 'Assignment settings';
497 $string['showrecentsubmissions'] = 'Show recent submissions';
498 $string['status'] = 'Status';
499 $string['studentnotificationworkflowstateerror'] = 'Marking workflow state must be \'Released\' to …
500 $string['submissioncopiedtext'] = 'You have made a copy of your previous
506 $string['submissioncopiedhtml'] = '<p>You have made a copy of your previous
509 $string['submissioncopiedsmall'] = 'You have copied your previous assignment submission for {$a->as…
510 $string['submissiondrafts'] = 'Require students to click the submit button';
511 $string['submissiondrafts_help'] = 'If enabled, students will have to click a submit button to decl…
512 $string['submissioneditable'] = 'Student can edit this submission';
513 $string['submissionlog'] = 'Student: {$a->fullname}, Status: {$a->status}';
514 $string['submissionnotcopiedinvalidstatus'] = 'The submission was not copied because it has been ed…
515 $string['submissionnoteditable'] = 'Student cannot edit this submission';
516 $string['submissionnotready'] = 'This assignment is not ready to submit:';
517 $string['privacy:submissionpath'] = 'submission';
518 $string['submissionplugins'] = 'Submission plugins';
519 $string['submissionreceipts'] = 'Send submission receipts';
520 $string['submissionreceiptothertext'] = 'Your assignment submission for
526 $string['submissionreceiptotherhtml'] = 'Your assignment submission for
529 $string['submissionreceiptothersmall'] = 'Your assignment submission for {$a->assignment} has been …
530 $string['submissionreceipttext'] = 'You have submitted an
536 $string['submissionreceipthtml'] = '<p>You have submitted an assignment submission for \'<i>{$a->as…
538 $string['submissionreceiptsmall'] = 'You have submitted your assignment submission for {$a->assignm…
539 $string['submissionslocked'] = 'This assignment is not accepting submissions';
540 $string['submissionslockedshort'] = 'Submission changes not allowed';
541 $string['submissionsclosed'] = 'Submissions closed';
542 $string['submissionsettings'] = 'Submission settings';
543 $string['submissionstatement'] = 'Submission statement';
544 $string['submissionstatement_help'] = 'Assignment submission confirmation statement';
545 $string['submissionstatementdefault'] = 'This submission is my own work, except where I have acknow…
546 $string['submissionstatement_help'] = 'Statement that each student must accept in order to submit t…
547 $string['submissionstatementteamsubmission'] = 'Group submission statement';
548 $string['submissionstatementteamsubmissiondefault'] = 'This submission is the work of my group, exc…
549 $string['submissionstatementteamsubmission_help'] = 'Statement that each student must accept in ord…
550 $string['submissionstatementteamsubmissionallsubmit'] = 'Group submission statement where all group…
551 $string['submissionstatementteamsubmissionallsubmitdefault'] = 'This submission is my own work as a…
552 $string['submissionstatementteamsubmissionallsubmit_help'] = 'Statement that each student must acce…
553 $string['submissionstatementacceptedlog'] = 'Submission statement accepted by user {$a}';
554 $string['submissionstatus_draft'] = 'Draft (not submitted)';
555 $string['submissionstatusheading'] = 'Submission status';
556 $string['submissionstatus_marked'] = 'Graded';
557 $string['submissionstatus_new'] = 'No submission';
558 $string['submissionstatus_reopened'] = 'Reopened';
559 $string['submissionstatus_'] = 'No submission';
560 $string['submissionstatus'] = 'Submission status';
561 $string['submissionstatus_submitted'] = 'Submitted for grading';
562 $string['submissionsummary'] = '{$a->status}. Last modified on {$a->timemodified}';
563 $string['submissionteam'] = 'Group';
564 $string['submissiontypes'] = 'Submission types';
565 $string['submission'] = 'Submission';
566 $string['submitaction'] = 'Submit';
567 $string['submitforgrading'] = 'Submit for grading';
568 $string['submitassignment_help'] = 'Once this assignment is submitted you will not be able to make …
569 $string['submitassignment'] = 'Submit assignment';
570 $string['submittedearly'] = 'Assignment was submitted {$a} early';
571 $string['submittedlate'] = 'Assignment was submitted {$a} late';
572 $string['submittedlateshort'] = '{$a} late';
573 $string['submitted'] = 'Submitted';
574 $string['subpagetitle'] = '{$a->contextname} - {$a->subpage}';
575 $string['subplugintype_assignsubmission'] = 'Submission plugin';
576 $string['subplugintype_assignsubmission_plural'] = 'Submission plugins';
577 $string['subplugintype_assignfeedback'] = 'Feedback plugin';
578 $string['subplugintype_assignfeedback_plural'] = 'Feedback plugins';
579 $string['teamname'] = 'Team: {$a}';
580 $string['teamsubmission'] = 'Students submit in groups';
581 $string['teamsubmission_help'] = 'If enabled, students will be divided into groups based on the def…
582 $string['teamsubmissiongroupingid'] = 'Grouping for student groups';
583 $string['teamsubmissiongroupingid_help'] = 'This is the grouping that the assignment will use to fi…
584 $string['textinstructions'] = 'Assignment instructions';
585 $string['timemodified'] = 'Last modified';
586 $string['timeremaining'] = 'Time remaining';
587 $string['timeremainingcolon'] = 'Time remaining: {$a}';
588 $string['togglezoom'] = 'Zoom in/out of region';
589 $string['ungroupedusers'] = 'The setting \'Require group to make submission\' is enabled and some u…
590 $string['ungroupedusersoptional'] = 'The setting \'Students submit in groups\' is enabled and some …
591 $string['unlocksubmissionforstudent'] = 'Allow submissions for student: (id={$a->id}, fullname={$a-…
592 $string['unlocksubmissions'] = 'Unlock submissions';
593 $string['unlimitedattempts'] = 'Unlimited';
594 $string['unlimitedattemptsallowed'] = 'Unlimited attempts allowed.';
595 $string['unlimitedpages'] = 'Unlimited';
596 $string['unsavedchanges'] = 'Unsaved changes';
597 $string['unsavedchangesquestion'] = 'There are unsaved changes to grades or feedback. Do you want t…
598 $string['updategrade'] = 'Update grade';
599 $string['updatetable'] = 'Save and update table';
600 $string['upgradenotimplemented'] = 'Upgrade not implemented in plugin ({$a->type} {$a->subtype})';
601 $string['userextensiondate'] = 'Extension granted until: {$a}';
602 $string['userassignmentdefaults'] = 'User assignment defaults';
603 $string['useridlistnotcached'] = 'The grade changes were NOT saved, as it was not possible to deter…
604 $string['useroverrides'] = 'User overrides';
605 $string['useroverridesdeleted'] = 'User overrides deleted';
606 $string['usersubmissioncannotberemoved'] = 'The submission of {$a} cannot be removed.';
607 $string['usersnone'] = 'No students have access to this assignment.';
608 $string['userswhoneedtosubmit'] = 'Users who need to submit: {$a}';
609 $string['usergrade'] = 'User grade';
610 $string['validmarkingworkflowstates'] = 'Valid marking workflow states';
611 $string['viewadifferentattempt'] = 'View a different attempt';
612 $string['viewbatchsetmarkingworkflowstate'] = 'View batch set marking workflow state page.';
613 $string['viewbatchmarkingallocation'] = 'View batch set marking allocation page.';
614 $string['viewfeedback'] = 'View feedback';
615 $string['viewfeedbackforuser'] = 'View feedback for user: {$a}';
616 $string['viewfullgradingpage'] = 'Open the full grading page to provide feedback';
617 $string['viewgradebook'] = 'View gradebook';
618 $string['viewgradingformforstudent'] = 'View grading page for student: (id={$a->id}, fullname={$a->…
619 $string['viewgrading'] = 'View all submissions';
620 $string['viewownsubmissionform'] = 'View own submit assignment page.';
621 $string['viewownsubmissionstatus'] = 'View own submission status page.';
622 $string['viewsubmissionforuser'] = 'View submission for user: {$a}';
623 $string['viewsubmission'] = 'View submission';
624 $string['viewfull'] = 'View full';
625 $string['viewsummary'] = 'View summary';
626 $string['viewsubmissiongradingtable'] = 'View submission grading table.';
627 $string['viewrevealidentitiesconfirm'] = 'View reveal student identities confirmation page.';
628 $string['workflowfilter'] = 'Workflow filter';
629 $string['xofy'] = '{$a->x} of {$a->y}';
632 $string['duedateno'] = 'No due date';
633 $string['mysubmission'] = 'My submission: ';
634 $string['nolatesubmissions'] = 'No late submissions accepted. ';
635 $string['nosubmissionsacceptedafter'] = 'No submissions accepted after ';
636 $string['notsubmittedyet'] = 'Not submitted yet';
637 $string['submissionsnotgraded'] = 'Submissions not graded: {$a}';