Lines Matching defs:description

6           "description": "View and manage your data across Google Cloud Platform services"  string
9 "description": "Apply machine learning models to understand and label images" string
18 …"description": "Integrates Google Vision features, including image labeling, face, logo, and landm… string
33 "description": "V1 error format.", string
46 "description": "OAuth access token.", string
52 "description": "Data format for response.", string
67 "description": "JSONP", string
72 "description": "Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.", string
77 …"description": "API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, qu… string
82 "description": "OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.", string
88 "description": "Returns response with indentations and line breaks.", string
93 …"description": "Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbit… string
98 "description": "Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. \"media\", \"multipart\").", string
103 "description": "Upload protocol for media (e.g. \"raw\", \"multipart\").", string
113 …"description": "Service that performs image detection and annotation for a batch of files.\nNow on… string
132 …"description": "Run asynchronous image detection and annotation for a list of generic\nfiles, such… string
155 "description": "Run image detection and annotation for a batch of images.", string
174 …"description": "Run asynchronous image detection and annotation for a list of images.\n\nProgress … string
199 …"description": "Gets the latest state of a long-running operation. Clients can use this\nmethod t… string
208 "description": "The name of the operation resource.", string
231 …"description": "Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running operation. The server\nmakes a… string
240 "description": "The name of the operation resource to be cancelled.", string
260 …"description": "Deletes a long-running operation. This method indicates that the client is\nno lon… string
269 "description": "The name of the operation resource to be deleted.", string
286 …"description": "Gets the latest state of a long-running operation. Clients can use this\nmethod t… string
295 "description": "The name of the operation resource.", string
312 …"description": "Lists operations that match the specified filter in the request. If the\nserver do… string
321 "description": "The standard list filter.", string
326 "description": "The name of the operation's parent resource.", string
333 "description": "The standard list page size.", string
339 "description": "The standard list page token.", string
360 …"description": "Service that performs image detection and annotation for a batch of files.\nNow on… string
369 …"description": "Optional. Target project and location to make a call.\n\nFormat: `projects/{projec… string
389 …"description": "Run asynchronous image detection and annotation for a list of generic\nfiles, such… string
398 …"description": "Optional. Target project and location to make a call.\n\nFormat: `projects/{projec… string
422 "description": "Run image detection and annotation for a batch of images.", string
431 …"description": "Optional. Target project and location to make a call.\n\nFormat: `projects/{projec… string
451 …"description": "Run asynchronous image detection and annotation for a list of images.\n\nProgress … string
460 …"description": "Optional. Target project and location to make a call.\n\nFormat: `projects/{projec… string
486 …"description": "Service that performs image detection and annotation for a batch of files.\nNow on… string
495 …"description": "Optional. Target project and location to make a call.\n\nFormat: `projects/{projec… string
515 …"description": "Run asynchronous image detection and annotation for a list of generic\nfiles, such… string
524 …"description": "Optional. Target project and location to make a call.\n\nFormat: `projects/{projec… string
548 "description": "Run image detection and annotation for a batch of images.", string
557 …"description": "Optional. Target project and location to make a call.\n\nFormat: `projects/{projec… string
577 …"description": "Run asynchronous image detection and annotation for a list of images.\n\nProgress … string
586 …"description": "Optional. Target project and location to make a call.\n\nFormat: `projects/{projec… string
610 …"description": "Gets the latest state of a long-running operation. Clients can use this\nmethod t… string
619 "description": "The name of the operation resource.", string
640 …"description": "Adds a Product to the specified ProductSet. If the Product is already\npresent, no… string
649 …"description": "Required. The resource name for the ProductSet to modify.\n\nFormat is:\n`projects… string
669 …"description": "Creates and returns a new ProductSet resource.\n\nPossible errors:\n\n* Returns IN… string
678 …"description": "Required. The project in which the ProductSet should be created.\n\nFormat is `pro… string
685 …"description": "A user-supplied resource id for this ProductSet. If set, the server will\nattempt … string
703 …"description": "Permanently deletes a ProductSet. Products and ReferenceImages in the\nProductSet … string
712 …"description": "Required. Resource name of the ProductSet to delete.\n\nFormat is:\n`projects/PROJ… string
729 …"description": "Gets information associated with a ProductSet.\n\nPossible errors:\n\n* Returns NO… string
738 …"description": "Required. Resource name of the ProductSet to get.\n\nFormat is:\n`projects/PROJECT… string
755 …"description": "Asynchronous API that imports a list of reference images to specified\nproduct set… string
764 …"description": "Required. The project in which the ProductSets should be imported.\n\nFormat is `p… string
784 …"description": "Lists ProductSets in an unspecified order.\n\nPossible errors:\n\n* Returns INVALI… string
793 … "description": "The maximum number of items to return. Default 10, maximum 100.", string
799 … "description": "The next_page_token returned from a previous List request, if any.", string
804 …"description": "Required. The project from which ProductSets should be listed.\n\nFormat is `proje… string
821 …"description": "Makes changes to a ProductSet resource.\nOnly display_name can be updated currentl… string
830 …"description": "The resource name of the ProductSet.\n\nFormat is:\n`projects/PROJECT_ID/locations… string
837 …"description": "The FieldMask that specifies which fields to\nupdate.\nIf update_mask isn't specif… string
856 "description": "Removes a Product from the specified ProductSet.", string
865 …"description": "Required. The resource name for the ProductSet to modify.\n\nFormat is:\n`projects… string
889 …"description": "Lists the Products in a ProductSet, in an unspecified order. If the\nProductSet do… string
898 …"description": "Required. The ProductSet resource for which to retrieve Products.\n\nFormat is:\n`… string
905 … "description": "The maximum number of items to return. Default 10, maximum 100.", string
911 … "description": "The next_page_token returned from a previous List request, if any.", string
932 …"description": "Creates and returns a new product resource.\n\nPossible errors:\n\n* Returns INVAL… string
941 …"description": "Required. The project in which the Product should be created.\n\nFormat is\n`proje… string
948 …"description": "A user-supplied resource id for this Product. If set, the server will\nattempt to … string
966 …"description": "Permanently deletes a product and its reference images.\n\nMetadata of the product… string
975 …"description": "Required. Resource name of product to delete.\n\nFormat is:\n`projects/PROJECT_ID/… string
992 …"description": "Gets information associated with a Product.\n\nPossible errors:\n\n* Returns NOT_F… string
1001 …"description": "Required. Resource name of the Product to get.\n\nFormat is:\n`projects/PROJECT_ID… string
1018 …"description": "Lists products in an unspecified order.\n\nPossible errors:\n\n* Returns INVALID_A… string
1027 … "description": "The maximum number of items to return. Default 10, maximum 100.", string
1033 … "description": "The next_page_token returned from a previous List request, if any.", string
1038 …"description": "Required. The project OR ProductSet from which Products should be listed.\n\nForma… string
1055 …"description": "Makes changes to a Product resource.\nOnly the `display_name`, `description`, and … string
1064 …"description": "The resource name of the product.\n\nFormat is:\n`projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LO… string
1071 …"description": "The FieldMask that specifies which fields\nto update.\nIf update_mask isn't specif… string
1090 …"description": "Asynchronous API to delete all Products in a ProductSet or all Products\nthat are … string
1099 …"description": "Required. The project and location in which the Products should be deleted.\n\nFor… string
1123 …"description": "Creates and returns a new ReferenceImage resource.\n\nThe `bounding_poly` field is… string
1132 …"description": "Required. Resource name of the product in which to create the reference image.\n\n… string
1139 …"description": "A user-supplied resource id for the ReferenceImage to be added. If set,\nthe serve… string
1157 …"description": "Permanently deletes a reference image.\n\nThe image metadata will be deleted right… string
1166 …"description": "Required. The resource name of the reference image to delete.\n\nFormat is:\n\n`pr… string
1183 …"description": "Gets information associated with a ReferenceImage.\n\nPossible errors:\n\n* Return… string
1192 …"description": "Required. The resource name of the ReferenceImage to get.\n\nFormat is:\n\n`projec… string
1209 …"description": "Lists reference images.\n\nPossible errors:\n\n* Returns NOT_FOUND if the parent p… string
1218 … "description": "The maximum number of items to return. Default 10, maximum 100.", string
1224 …"description": "A token identifying a page of results to be returned. This is the value\nof `nextP… string
1229 …"description": "Required. Resource name of the product containing the reference images.\n\nFormat … string
1254 …"description": "Gets the latest state of a long-running operation. Clients can use this\nmethod t… string
1263 "description": "The name of the operation resource.", string
1288 "description": "Request message for the `AddProductToProductSet` method.", string
1292 …"description": "Required. The resource name for the Product to be added to this ProductSet.\n\nFor… string
1299 "description": "A request to annotate one single file, e.g. a PDF, TIFF or GIF file.", string
1303 "description": "Required. Requested features.", string
1311 "description": "Additional context that may accompany the image(s) in the file." string
1315 "description": "Required. Information about the input file." string
1318 …"description": "Pages of the file to perform image annotation.\n\nPages starts from 1, we assume t… string
1329 …"description": "Response to a single file annotation request. A file may contain one or more\nimag… string
1334 …"description": "If set, represents the error message for the failed request. The\n`responses` fiel… string
1338 "description": "Information about the file for which this response is generated." string
1341 …"description": "Individual responses to images found within the file. This field will be\nempty if… string
1348 "description": "This field gives the total number of pages in the file.", string
1356 …"description": "Request for performing Google Cloud Vision API tasks over a user-provided\nimage, … string
1360 "description": "Requested features.", string
1368 "description": "The image to be processed." string
1372 "description": "Additional context that may accompany the image." string
1378 "description": "Response to an image annotation request.", string
1383 …"description": "If present, contextual information is needed to understand where this image\ncomes… string
1387 "description": "If present, crop hints have completed successfully." string
1391 …"description": "If set, represents the error message for the operation.\nNote that filled-in image… string
1394 "description": "If present, face detection has completed successfully.", string
1402 …"description": "If present, text (OCR) detection or document (OCR) text detection has\ncompleted s… string
1406 "description": "If present, image properties were extracted successfully." string
1409 "description": "If present, label detection has completed successfully.", string
1416 "description": "If present, landmark detection has completed successfully.", string
1423 …"description": "If present, localized object detection has completed successfully.\nThis will be s… string
1430 "description": "If present, logo detection has completed successfully.", string
1438 "description": "If present, product search has completed successfully." string
1442 "description": "If present, safe-search annotation has completed successfully." string
1445 "description": "If present, text (OCR) detection has completed successfully.", string
1453 "description": "If present, web detection has completed successfully." string
1459 "description": "An offline file annotation request.", string
1463 "description": "Required. Requested features.", string
1471 "description": "Additional context that may accompany the image(s) in the file." string
1475 "description": "Required. Information about the input file." string
1479 "description": "Required. The desired output location and metadata (e.g. format)." string
1485 "description": "The response for a single offline file annotation request.", string
1490 "description": "The output location and metadata from AsyncAnnotateFileRequest." string
1496 … "description": "Multiple async file annotation requests are batched into a single service\ncall.", string
1500 …"description": "Optional. Target project and location to make a call.\n\nFormat: `projects/{projec… string
1504 "description": "Required. Individual async file annotation requests for this batch.", string
1514 "description": "Response to an async batch file annotation request.", string
1518 …"description": "The list of file annotation responses, one for each request in\nAsyncBatchAnnotate… string
1528 "description": "Request for async image annotation for a list of images.", string
1533 "description": "Required. The desired output location and metadata (e.g. format)." string
1536 …"description": "Optional. Target project and location to make a call.\n\nFormat: `projects/{projec… string
1540 "description": "Required. Individual image annotation requests for this batch.", string
1550 "description": "Response to an async batch image annotation request.", string
1555 "description": "The output location and metadata from AsyncBatchAnnotateImagesRequest." string
1561 "description": "A list of requests to annotate files using the BatchAnnotateFiles API.", string
1565 …"description": "Optional. Target project and location to make a call.\n\nFormat: `projects/{projec… string
1569 …"description": "Required. The list of file annotation requests. Right now we support only one\nAnn… string
1579 "description": "A list of file annotation responses.", string
1583 …"description": "The list of file annotation responses, each response corresponding to each\nAnnota… string
1593 "description": "Multiple image annotation requests are batched into a single service call.", string
1597 …"description": "Optional. Target project and location to make a call.\n\nFormat: `projects/{projec… string
1601 "description": "Required. Individual image annotation requests for this batch.", string
1611 "description": "Response to a batch image annotation request.", string
1615 "description": "Individual responses to image annotation requests within the batch.", string
1625 …"description": "Metadata for the batch operations such as the current state.\n\nThis is included i… string
1629 …"description": "The time when the batch request is finished and\ngoogle.longrunning.Operation.done… string
1634 "description": "The current state of the batch operation.", string
1652 "description": "The time when the batch request was submitted to the server.", string
1660 "description": "Logical element on the page.", string
1664 "description": "Detected block type (text, image etc) for this block.", string
1685 …"description": "The bounding box for the block.\nThe vertices are in the order of top-left, top-ri… string
1688 "description": "Confidence of the OCR results on the block. Range [0, 1].", string
1693 "description": "List of paragraphs in this block (if this blocks is of type text).", string
1701 "description": "Additional information detected for the block." string
1707 "description": "A bounding polygon for the detected image annotation.", string
1711 "description": "The bounding polygon normalized vertices.", string
1718 "description": "The bounding polygon vertices.", string
1728 "description": "The request message for Operations.CancelOperation.", string
1734 …"description": "Represents a color in the RGBA color space. This representation is designed\nfor s… string
1738 …"description": "The fraction of this color that should be applied to the pixel. That is,\nthe fina… string
1743 "description": "The amount of blue in the color as a value in the interval [0, 1].", string
1748 "description": "The amount of green in the color as a value in the interval [0, 1].", string
1753 "description": "The amount of red in the color as a value in the interval [0, 1].", string
1761 …"description": "Color information consists of RGB channels, score, and the fraction of\nthe image … string
1766 "description": "RGB components of the color." string
1769 … "description": "The fraction of pixels the color occupies in the image.\nValue in range [0, 1].", string
1774 "description": "Image-specific score for this color. Value in range [0, 1].", string
1782 "description": "Single crop hint that is used to generate a new crop when serving an image.", string
1787 …"description": "The bounding polygon for the crop region. The coordinates of the bounding\nbox are… string
1790 "description": "Confidence of this being a salient region. Range [0, 1].", string
1795 …"description": "Fraction of importance of this salient region with respect to the original\nimage.… string
1803 "description": "Set of crop hints that are used to generate new crops when serving images.", string
1807 "description": "Crop hint results.", string
1817 "description": "Parameters for crop hints annotation request.", string
1821 …"description": "Aspect ratios in floats, representing the ratio of the width to the height\nof the… string
1832 "description": "Detected start or end of a structural component.", string
1836 "description": "True if break prepends the element.", string
1840 "description": "Detected break type.", string
1863 "description": "Detected language for a structural component.", string
1867 "description": "Confidence of detected language. Range [0, 1].", string
1872 …"description": "The BCP-47 language code, such as \"en-US\" or \"sr-Latn\". For more\ninformation,… string
1879 "description": "Set of dominant colors and their corresponding scores.", string
1883 "description": "RGB color values with their score and pixel fraction.", string
1893 …"description": "A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated\nempty me… string
1899 "description": "Set of detected entity features.", string
1904 …"description": "Image region to which this entity belongs. Not produced\nfor `LABEL_DETECTION` fea… string
1907 …"description": "**Deprecated. Use `score` instead.**\nThe accuracy of the entity detection in an i… string
1911 "description": { object
1912 "description": "Entity textual description, expressed in its `locale` language.", string
1916 …"description": "The language code for the locale in which the entity textual\n`description` is exp… string
1920 …"description": "The location information for the detected entity. Multiple\n`LocationInfo` element… string
1927 …"description": "Opaque entity ID. Some IDs may be available in\n[Google Knowledge Graph Search\nAP… string
1931 …"description": "Some entities may have optional user-supplied `Property` (name/value)\nfields, suc… string
1938 "description": "Overall score of the result. Range [0, 1].", string
1943 …"description": "The relevancy of the ICA (Image Content Annotation) label to the\nimage. For examp… string
1951 "description": "A face annotation object contains the results of face detection.", string
1955 "description": "Anger likelihood.", string
1975 "description": "Blurred likelihood.", string
1996 …"description": "The bounding polygon around the face. The coordinates of the bounding box\nare in … string
1999 "description": "Detection confidence. Range [0, 1].", string
2005 …"description": "The `fd_bounding_poly` bounding polygon is tighter than the\n`boundingPoly`, and e… string
2008 "description": "Headwear likelihood.", string
2028 "description": "Joy likelihood.", string
2048 "description": "Face landmarking confidence. Range [0, 1].", string
2053 "description": "Detected face landmarks.", string
2060 …"description": "Yaw angle, which indicates the leftward/rightward angle that the face is\npointing… string
2065 …"description": "Roll angle, which indicates the amount of clockwise/anti-clockwise rotation\nof th… string
2070 "description": "Sorrow likelihood.", string
2090 "description": "Surprise likelihood.", string
2110 …"description": "Pitch angle, which indicates the upwards/downwards angle that the face is\npointin… string
2115 "description": "Under-exposed likelihood.", string
2138 …"description": "The type of Google Cloud Vision API detection to perform, and the maximum\nnumber … string
2142 …"description": "Maximum number of results of this type. Does not apply to\n`TEXT_DETECTION`, `DOCU… string
2147 …"description": "Model to use for the feature.\nSupported values: \"builtin/stable\" (the default i… string
2151 "description": "The feature type.", string
2188 "description": "The Google Cloud Storage location where the output will be written to.", string
2192 …"description": "Google Cloud Storage URI prefix where the results will be stored. Results\nwill be… string
2199 "description": "The Google Cloud Storage location where the input will be read from.", string
2203 …"description": "Google Cloud Storage URI for the input file. This must only be a\nGoogle Cloud Sto… string
2210 …"description": "Response to a single file annotation request. A file may contain one or more\nimag… string
2215 …"description": "If set, represents the error message for the failed request. The\n`responses` fiel… string
2219 "description": "Information about the file for which this response is generated." string
2222 …"description": "Individual responses to images found within the file. This field will be\nempty if… string
2229 "description": "This field gives the total number of pages in the file.", string
2237 "description": "Response to an image annotation request.", string
2242 …"description": "If present, contextual information is needed to understand where this image\ncomes… string
2246 "description": "If present, crop hints have completed successfully." string
2250 …"description": "If set, represents the error message for the operation.\nNote that filled-in image… string
2253 "description": "If present, face detection has completed successfully.", string
2261 …"description": "If present, text (OCR) detection or document (OCR) text detection has\ncompleted s… string
2265 "description": "If present, image properties were extracted successfully." string
2268 "description": "If present, label detection has completed successfully.", string
2275 "description": "If present, landmark detection has completed successfully.", string
2282 …"description": "If present, localized object detection has completed successfully.\nThis will be s… string
2289 "description": "If present, logo detection has completed successfully.", string
2297 "description": "If present, product search has completed successfully." string
2301 "description": "If present, safe-search annotation has completed successfully." string
2304 "description": "If present, text (OCR) detection has completed successfully.", string
2312 "description": "If present, web detection has completed successfully." string
2318 "description": "The response for a single offline file annotation request.", string
2323 "description": "The output location and metadata from AsyncAnnotateFileRequest." string
2329 "description": "Response to an async batch file annotation request.", string
2333 …"description": "The list of file annotation responses, one for each request in\nAsyncBatchAnnotate… string
2343 "description": "Logical element on the page.", string
2347 "description": "Detected block type (text, image etc) for this block.", string
2368 …"description": "The bounding box for the block.\nThe vertices are in the order of top-left, top-ri… string
2371 "description": "Confidence of the OCR results on the block. Range [0, 1].", string
2376 "description": "List of paragraphs in this block (if this blocks is of type text).", string
2384 "description": "Additional information detected for the block." string
2390 "description": "A bounding polygon for the detected image annotation.", string
2394 "description": "The bounding polygon normalized vertices.", string
2401 "description": "The bounding polygon vertices.", string
2411 …"description": "Color information consists of RGB channels, score, and the fraction of\nthe image … string
2416 "description": "RGB components of the color." string
2419 … "description": "The fraction of pixels the color occupies in the image.\nValue in range [0, 1].", string
2424 "description": "Image-specific score for this color. Value in range [0, 1].", string
2432 "description": "Single crop hint that is used to generate a new crop when serving an image.", string
2437 …"description": "The bounding polygon for the crop region. The coordinates of the bounding\nbox are… string
2440 "description": "Confidence of this being a salient region. Range [0, 1].", string
2445 …"description": "Fraction of importance of this salient region with respect to the original\nimage.… string
2453 "description": "Set of crop hints that are used to generate new crops when serving images.", string
2457 "description": "Crop hint results.", string
2467 "description": "Set of dominant colors and their corresponding scores.", string
2471 "description": "RGB color values with their score and pixel fraction.", string
2481 "description": "Set of detected entity features.", string
2486 …"description": "Image region to which this entity belongs. Not produced\nfor `LABEL_DETECTION` fea… string
2489 …"description": "**Deprecated. Use `score` instead.**\nThe accuracy of the entity detection in an i… string
2493 "description": { object
2494 "description": "Entity textual description, expressed in its `locale` language.", string
2498 …"description": "The language code for the locale in which the entity textual\n`description` is exp… string
2502 …"description": "The location information for the detected entity. Multiple\n`LocationInfo` element… string
2509 …"description": "Opaque entity ID. Some IDs may be available in\n[Google Knowledge Graph Search\nAP… string
2513 …"description": "Some entities may have optional user-supplied `Property` (name/value)\nfields, suc… string
2520 "description": "Overall score of the result. Range [0, 1].", string
2525 …"description": "The relevancy of the ICA (Image Content Annotation) label to the\nimage. For examp… string
2533 "description": "A face annotation object contains the results of face detection.", string
2537 "description": "Anger likelihood.", string
2557 "description": "Blurred likelihood.", string
2578 …"description": "The bounding polygon around the face. The coordinates of the bounding box\nare in … string
2581 "description": "Detection confidence. Range [0, 1].", string
2587 …"description": "The `fd_bounding_poly` bounding polygon is tighter than the\n`boundingPoly`, and e… string
2590 "description": "Headwear likelihood.", string
2610 "description": "Joy likelihood.", string
2630 "description": "Face landmarking confidence. Range [0, 1].", string
2635 "description": "Detected face landmarks.", string
2642 …"description": "Yaw angle, which indicates the leftward/rightward angle that the face is\npointing… string
2647 …"description": "Roll angle, which indicates the amount of clockwise/anti-clockwise rotation\nof th… string
2652 "description": "Sorrow likelihood.", string
2672 "description": "Surprise likelihood.", string
2692 …"description": "Pitch angle, which indicates the upwards/downwards angle that the face is\npointin… string
2697 "description": "Under-exposed likelihood.", string
2720 "description": "A face-specific landmark (for example, a face feature).", string
2725 "description": "Face landmark position." string
2728 "description": "Face landmark type.", string
2809 "description": "The Google Cloud Storage location where the output will be written to.", string
2813 …"description": "Google Cloud Storage URI prefix where the results will be stored. Results\nwill be… string
2820 "description": "The Google Cloud Storage location where the input will be read from.", string
2824 …"description": "Google Cloud Storage URI for the input file. This must only be a\nGoogle Cloud Sto… string
2831 …"description": "If an image was produced from a file (e.g. a PDF), this message gives\ninformation… string
2835 …"description": "If the file was a PDF or TIFF, this field gives the page number within\nthe file u… string
2840 "description": "The URI of the file used to produce the image.", string
2847 "description": "Stores image properties, such as dominant colors.", string
2852 "description": "If present, dominant colors completed successfully." string
2858 "description": "The desired input location and metadata.", string
2862 …"description": "File content, represented as a stream of bytes.\nNote: As with all `bytes` fields,… string
2868 "description": "The Google Cloud Storage location to read the input from." string
2871 …"description": "The type of the file. Currently only \"application/pdf\", \"image/tiff\" and\n\"im… string
2878 "description": "Set of detected objects with bounding boxes.", string
2883 "description": "Image region to which this object belongs. This must be populated." string
2886 …"description": "The BCP-47 language code, such as \"en-US\" or \"sr-Latn\". For more\ninformation,… string
2890 "description": "Object ID that should align with EntityAnnotation mid.", string
2894 "description": "Object name, expressed in its `language_code` language.", string
2898 "description": "Score of the result. Range [0, 1].", string
2906 "description": "Detected entity location information.", string
2911 "description": "lat/long location coordinates." string
2917 …"description": "A vertex represents a 2D point in the image.\nNOTE: the normalized vertex coordina… string
2921 "description": "X coordinate.", string
2926 "description": "Y coordinate.", string
2934 "description": "Contains metadata for the BatchAnnotateImages operation.", string
2938 "description": "The time when the batch request was received.", string
2943 "description": "Current state of the batch operation.", string
2961 "description": "The time when the operation result was last updated.", string
2969 "description": "The desired output location and metadata.", string
2973 …"description": "The max number of response protos to put into each output JSON file on\nGoogle Clo… string
2979 "description": "The Google Cloud Storage location to write the output(s) to." string
2985 "description": "Detected page from OCR.", string
2989 "description": "List of blocks of text, images etc on this page.", string
2996 "description": "Confidence of the OCR results on the page. Range [0, 1].", string
3001 …"description": "Page height. For PDFs the unit is points. For images (including\nTIFFs) the unit i… string
3007 "description": "Additional information detected on the page." string
3010 …"description": "Page width. For PDFs the unit is points. For images (including\nTIFFs) the unit is… string
3018 "description": "Structural unit of text representing a number of words in certain order.", string
3023 …"description": "The bounding box for the paragraph.\nThe vertices are in the order of top-left, to… string
3026 "description": "Confidence of the OCR results for the paragraph. Range [0, 1].", string
3032 "description": "Additional information detected for the paragraph." string
3035 "description": "List of all words in this paragraph.", string
3045 …"description": "A 3D position in the image, used primarily for Face detection landmarks.\nA valid … string
3049 "description": "X coordinate.", string
3054 "description": "Y coordinate.", string
3059 "description": "Z coordinate (or depth).", string
3067 "description": "A Product contains ReferenceImages.", string
3070 "description": { object
3071 …"description": "User-provided metadata to be stored with this product. Must be at most 4096\nchara… string
3075 …"description": "The user-provided name for this Product. Must not be empty. Must be at most\n4096 … string
3079 …"description": "The resource name of the product.\n\nFormat is:\n`projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LO… string
3083 …"description": "Immutable. The category for the product identified by the reference image. This sh… string
3087 …"description": "Key-value pairs that can be attached to a product. At query time,\nconstraints can… string
3097 "description": "A product label represented as a key-value pair.", string
3101 …"description": "The key of the label attached to the product. Cannot be empty and cannot\nexceed 1… string
3105 …"description": "The value of the label attached to the product. Cannot be empty and\ncannot exceed… string
3112 "description": "Results for a product search request.", string
3116 …"description": "Timestamp of the index which provided these results. Products added to the\nproduc… string
3121 …"description": "List of results grouped by products detected in the query image. Each entry\ncorre… string
3128 "description": "List of results, one for each product match.", string
3138 … "description": "Information about the products similar to a single product in a query\nimage.", string
3143 "description": "The bounding polygon around the product detected in the query image." string
3146 "description": "List of generic predictions for the object in the bounding box.", string
3153 "description": "List of results, one for each product match.", string
3163 "description": "Prediction for what the object in the bounding box is.", string
3167 …"description": "The BCP-47 language code, such as \"en-US\" or \"sr-Latn\". For more\ninformation,… string
3171 "description": "Object ID that should align with EntityAnnotation mid.", string
3175 "description": "Object name, expressed in its `language_code` language.", string
3179 "description": "Score of the result. Range [0, 1].", string
3187 "description": "Information about a product.", string
3191 …"description": "The resource name of the image from the product that is the closest match\nto the … string
3196 "description": "The Product." string
3199 …"description": "A confidence level on the match, ranging from 0 (no confidence) to\n1 (full confid… string
3207 "description": "A `Property` consists of a user-supplied name/value pair.", string
3211 "description": "Name of the property.", string
3215 "description": "Value of numeric properties.", string
3220 "description": "Value of the property.", string
3227 …"description": "Set of features pertaining to the image, computed by computer vision\nmethods over… string
3231 …"description": "Represents the adult content likelihood for the image. Adult content may\ncontain … string
3251 "description": "Likelihood that this is a medical image.", string
3271 …"description": "Likelihood that the request image contains racy content. Racy content may\ninclude… string
3291 …"description": "Spoof likelihood. The likelihood that an modification\nwas made to the image's can… string
3311 "description": "Likelihood that this image contains violent content.", string
3334 "description": "A single symbol representation.", string
3339 …"description": "The bounding box for the symbol.\nThe vertices are in the order of top-left, top-r… string
3342 "description": "Confidence of the OCR results for the symbol. Range [0, 1].", string
3348 "description": "Additional information detected for the symbol." string
3351 "description": "The actual UTF-8 representation of the symbol.", string
3358 …"description": "TextAnnotation contains a structured representation of OCR extracted text.\nThe hi… string
3362 "description": "List of pages detected by OCR.", string
3369 "description": "UTF-8 text detected on the pages.", string
3376 "description": "Detected start or end of a structural component.", string
3380 "description": "True if break prepends the element.", string
3384 "description": "Detected break type.", string
3407 "description": "Detected language for a structural component.", string
3411 "description": "Confidence of detected language. Range [0, 1].", string
3416 …"description": "The BCP-47 language code, such as \"en-US\" or \"sr-Latn\". For more\ninformation,… string
3423 "description": "Additional information detected on the structural component.", string
3428 "description": "Detected start or end of a text segment." string
3431 "description": "A list of detected languages together with confidence.", string
3441 …"description": "A vertex represents a 2D point in the image.\nNOTE: the vertex coordinates are in … string
3445 "description": "X coordinate.", string
3450 "description": "Y coordinate.", string
3458 "description": "Relevant information for the image from the Internet.", string
3462 …"description": "The service's best guess as to the topic of the request image.\nInferred from simi… string
3469 …"description": "Fully matching images from the Internet.\nCan include resized copies of the query … string
3476 "description": "Web pages containing the matching images from the Internet.", string
3483 …"description": "Partial matching images from the Internet.\nThose images are similar enough to sha… string
3490 "description": "The visually similar image results.", string
3497 "description": "Deduced entities from similar images on the Internet.", string
3507 "description": "Entity deduced from similar images on the Internet.", string
3510 "description": { object
3511 "description": "Canonical description of the entity, in English.", string
3515 "description": "Opaque entity ID.", string
3519 …"description": "Overall relevancy score for the entity.\nNot normalized and not comparable across … string
3527 "description": "Metadata for online images.", string
3531 "description": "(Deprecated) Overall relevancy score for the image.", string
3536 "description": "The result image URL.", string
3543 "description": "Label to provide extra metadata for the web detection.", string
3547 "description": "Label for extra metadata.", string
3551 …"description": "The BCP-47 language code for `label`, such as \"en-US\" or \"sr-Latn\".\nFor more … string
3558 "description": "Metadata for web pages.", string
3562 …"description": "Fully matching images on the page.\nCan include resized copies of the query image.… string
3569 "description": "Title for the web page, may contain HTML markups.", string
3573 …"description": "Partial matching images on the page.\nThose images are similar enough to share som… string
3580 "description": "(Deprecated) Overall relevancy score for the web page.", string
3585 "description": "The result web page URL.", string
3592 "description": "A word representation.", string
3597 …"description": "The bounding box for the word.\nThe vertices are in the order of top-left, top-rig… string
3600 "description": "Confidence of the OCR results for the word. Range [0, 1].", string
3606 "description": "Additional information detected for the word." string
3609 …"description": "List of symbols in the word.\nThe order of the symbols follows the natural reading… string
3619 …"description": "Response to a single file annotation request. A file may contain one or more\nimag… string
3624 …"description": "If set, represents the error message for the failed request. The\n`responses` fiel… string
3628 "description": "Information about the file for which this response is generated." string
3631 …"description": "Individual responses to images found within the file. This field will be\nempty if… string
3638 "description": "This field gives the total number of pages in the file.", string
3646 "description": "Response to an image annotation request.", string
3651 …"description": "If present, contextual information is needed to understand where this image\ncomes… string
3655 "description": "If present, crop hints have completed successfully." string
3659 …"description": "If set, represents the error message for the operation.\nNote that filled-in image… string
3662 "description": "If present, face detection has completed successfully.", string
3670 …"description": "If present, text (OCR) detection or document (OCR) text detection has\ncompleted s… string
3674 "description": "If present, image properties were extracted successfully." string
3677 "description": "If present, label detection has completed successfully.", string
3684 "description": "If present, landmark detection has completed successfully.", string
3691 …"description": "If present, localized object detection has completed successfully.\nThis will be s… string
3698 "description": "If present, logo detection has completed successfully.", string
3706 "description": "If present, product search has completed successfully." string
3710 "description": "If present, safe-search annotation has completed successfully." string
3713 "description": "If present, text (OCR) detection has completed successfully.", string
3721 "description": "If present, web detection has completed successfully." string
3727 "description": "The response for a single offline file annotation request.", string
3732 "description": "The output location and metadata from AsyncAnnotateFileRequest." string
3738 "description": "Response to an async batch file annotation request.", string
3742 …"description": "The list of file annotation responses, one for each request in\nAsyncBatchAnnotate… string
3752 "description": "Logical element on the page.", string
3756 "description": "Detected block type (text, image etc) for this block.", string
3777 …"description": "The bounding box for the block.\nThe vertices are in the order of top-left, top-ri… string
3780 "description": "Confidence of the OCR results on the block. Range [0, 1].", string
3785 "description": "List of paragraphs in this block (if this blocks is of type text).", string
3793 "description": "Additional information detected for the block." string
3799 "description": "A bounding polygon for the detected image annotation.", string
3803 "description": "The bounding polygon normalized vertices.", string
3810 "description": "The bounding polygon vertices.", string
3820 …"description": "Color information consists of RGB channels, score, and the fraction of\nthe image … string
3825 "description": "RGB components of the color." string
3828 … "description": "The fraction of pixels the color occupies in the image.\nValue in range [0, 1].", string
3833 "description": "Image-specific score for this color. Value in range [0, 1].", string
3841 "description": "Single crop hint that is used to generate a new crop when serving an image.", string
3846 …"description": "The bounding polygon for the crop region. The coordinates of the bounding\nbox are… string
3849 "description": "Confidence of this being a salient region. Range [0, 1].", string
3854 …"description": "Fraction of importance of this salient region with respect to the original\nimage.… string
3862 "description": "Set of crop hints that are used to generate new crops when serving images.", string
3866 "description": "Crop hint results.", string
3876 "description": "Set of dominant colors and their corresponding scores.", string
3880 "description": "RGB color values with their score and pixel fraction.", string
3890 "description": "Set of detected entity features.", string
3895 …"description": "Image region to which this entity belongs. Not produced\nfor `LABEL_DETECTION` fea… string
3898 …"description": "**Deprecated. Use `score` instead.**\nThe accuracy of the entity detection in an i… string
3902 "description": { object
3903 "description": "Entity textual description, expressed in its `locale` language.", string
3907 …"description": "The language code for the locale in which the entity textual\n`description` is exp… string
3911 …"description": "The location information for the detected entity. Multiple\n`LocationInfo` element… string
3918 …"description": "Opaque entity ID. Some IDs may be available in\n[Google Knowledge Graph Search\nAP… string
3922 …"description": "Some entities may have optional user-supplied `Property` (name/value)\nfields, suc… string
3929 "description": "Overall score of the result. Range [0, 1].", string
3934 …"description": "The relevancy of the ICA (Image Content Annotation) label to the\nimage. For examp… string
3942 "description": "A face annotation object contains the results of face detection.", string
3946 "description": "Anger likelihood.", string
3966 "description": "Blurred likelihood.", string
3987 …"description": "The bounding polygon around the face. The coordinates of the bounding box\nare in … string
3990 "description": "Detection confidence. Range [0, 1].", string
3996 …"description": "The `fd_bounding_poly` bounding polygon is tighter than the\n`boundingPoly`, and e… string
3999 "description": "Headwear likelihood.", string
4019 "description": "Joy likelihood.", string
4039 "description": "Face landmarking confidence. Range [0, 1].", string
4044 "description": "Detected face landmarks.", string
4051 …"description": "Yaw angle, which indicates the leftward/rightward angle that the face is\npointing… string
4056 …"description": "Roll angle, which indicates the amount of clockwise/anti-clockwise rotation\nof th… string
4061 "description": "Sorrow likelihood.", string
4081 "description": "Surprise likelihood.", string
4101 …"description": "Pitch angle, which indicates the upwards/downwards angle that the face is\npointin… string
4106 "description": "Under-exposed likelihood.", string
4129 "description": "A face-specific landmark (for example, a face feature).", string
4134 "description": "Face landmark position." string
4137 "description": "Face landmark type.", string
4218 "description": "The Google Cloud Storage location where the output will be written to.", string
4222 …"description": "Google Cloud Storage URI prefix where the results will be stored. Results\nwill be… string
4229 "description": "The Google Cloud Storage location where the input will be read from.", string
4233 …"description": "Google Cloud Storage URI for the input file. This must only be a\nGoogle Cloud Sto… string
4240 …"description": "If an image was produced from a file (e.g. a PDF), this message gives\ninformation… string
4244 …"description": "If the file was a PDF or TIFF, this field gives the page number within\nthe file u… string
4249 "description": "The URI of the file used to produce the image.", string
4256 "description": "Stores image properties, such as dominant colors.", string
4261 "description": "If present, dominant colors completed successfully." string
4267 "description": "The desired input location and metadata.", string
4271 …"description": "File content, represented as a stream of bytes.\nNote: As with all `bytes` fields,… string
4277 "description": "The Google Cloud Storage location to read the input from." string
4280 …"description": "The type of the file. Currently only \"application/pdf\", \"image/tiff\" and\n\"im… string
4287 "description": "Set of detected objects with bounding boxes.", string
4292 "description": "Image region to which this object belongs. This must be populated." string
4295 …"description": "The BCP-47 language code, such as \"en-US\" or \"sr-Latn\". For more\ninformation,… string
4299 "description": "Object ID that should align with EntityAnnotation mid.", string
4303 "description": "Object name, expressed in its `language_code` language.", string
4307 "description": "Score of the result. Range [0, 1].", string
4315 "description": "Detected entity location information.", string
4320 "description": "lat/long location coordinates." string
4326 …"description": "A vertex represents a 2D point in the image.\nNOTE: the normalized vertex coordina… string
4330 "description": "X coordinate.", string
4335 "description": "Y coordinate.", string
4343 "description": "Contains metadata for the BatchAnnotateImages operation.", string
4347 "description": "The time when the batch request was received.", string
4352 "description": "Current state of the batch operation.", string
4370 "description": "The time when the operation result was last updated.", string
4378 "description": "The desired output location and metadata.", string
4382 …"description": "The max number of response protos to put into each output JSON file on\nGoogle Clo… string
4388 "description": "The Google Cloud Storage location to write the output(s) to." string
4394 "description": "Detected page from OCR.", string
4398 "description": "List of blocks of text, images etc on this page.", string
4405 "description": "Confidence of the OCR results on the page. Range [0, 1].", string
4410 …"description": "Page height. For PDFs the unit is points. For images (including\nTIFFs) the unit i… string
4416 "description": "Additional information detected on the page." string
4419 …"description": "Page width. For PDFs the unit is points. For images (including\nTIFFs) the unit is… string
4427 "description": "Structural unit of text representing a number of words in certain order.", string
4432 …"description": "The bounding box for the paragraph.\nThe vertices are in the order of top-left, to… string
4435 "description": "Confidence of the OCR results for the paragraph. Range [0, 1].", string
4441 "description": "Additional information detected for the paragraph." string
4444 "description": "List of all words in this paragraph.", string
4454 …"description": "A 3D position in the image, used primarily for Face detection landmarks.\nA valid … string
4458 "description": "X coordinate.", string
4463 "description": "Y coordinate.", string
4468 "description": "Z coordinate (or depth).", string
4476 "description": "A Product contains ReferenceImages.", string
4479 "description": { object
4480 …"description": "User-provided metadata to be stored with this product. Must be at most 4096\nchara… string
4484 …"description": "The user-provided name for this Product. Must not be empty. Must be at most\n4096 … string
4488 …"description": "The resource name of the product.\n\nFormat is:\n`projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LO… string
4492 …"description": "Immutable. The category for the product identified by the reference image. This sh… string
4496 …"description": "Key-value pairs that can be attached to a product. At query time,\nconstraints can… string
4506 "description": "A product label represented as a key-value pair.", string
4510 …"description": "The key of the label attached to the product. Cannot be empty and cannot\nexceed 1… string
4514 …"description": "The value of the label attached to the product. Cannot be empty and\ncannot exceed… string
4521 "description": "Results for a product search request.", string
4525 …"description": "Timestamp of the index which provided these results. Products added to the\nproduc… string
4530 …"description": "List of results grouped by products detected in the query image. Each entry\ncorre… string
4537 "description": "List of results, one for each product match.", string
4547 … "description": "Information about the products similar to a single product in a query\nimage.", string
4552 "description": "The bounding polygon around the product detected in the query image." string
4555 "description": "List of generic predictions for the object in the bounding box.", string
4562 "description": "List of results, one for each product match.", string
4572 "description": "Prediction for what the object in the bounding box is.", string
4576 …"description": "The BCP-47 language code, such as \"en-US\" or \"sr-Latn\". For more\ninformation,… string
4580 "description": "Object ID that should align with EntityAnnotation mid.", string
4584 "description": "Object name, expressed in its `language_code` language.", string
4588 "description": "Score of the result. Range [0, 1].", string
4596 "description": "Information about a product.", string
4600 …"description": "The resource name of the image from the product that is the closest match\nto the … string
4605 "description": "The Product." string
4608 …"description": "A confidence level on the match, ranging from 0 (no confidence) to\n1 (full confid… string
4616 "description": "A `Property` consists of a user-supplied name/value pair.", string
4620 "description": "Name of the property.", string
4624 "description": "Value of numeric properties.", string
4629 "description": "Value of the property.", string
4636 …"description": "Set of features pertaining to the image, computed by computer vision\nmethods over… string
4640 …"description": "Represents the adult content likelihood for the image. Adult content may\ncontain … string
4660 "description": "Likelihood that this is a medical image.", string
4680 …"description": "Likelihood that the request image contains racy content. Racy content may\ninclude… string
4700 …"description": "Spoof likelihood. The likelihood that an modification\nwas made to the image's can… string
4720 "description": "Likelihood that this image contains violent content.", string
4743 "description": "A single symbol representation.", string
4748 …"description": "The bounding box for the symbol.\nThe vertices are in the order of top-left, top-r… string
4751 "description": "Confidence of the OCR results for the symbol. Range [0, 1].", string
4757 "description": "Additional information detected for the symbol." string
4760 "description": "The actual UTF-8 representation of the symbol.", string
4767 …"description": "TextAnnotation contains a structured representation of OCR extracted text.\nThe hi… string
4771 "description": "List of pages detected by OCR.", string
4778 "description": "UTF-8 text detected on the pages.", string
4785 "description": "Detected start or end of a structural component.", string
4789 "description": "True if break prepends the element.", string
4793 "description": "Detected break type.", string
4816 "description": "Detected language for a structural component.", string
4820 "description": "Confidence of detected language. Range [0, 1].", string
4825 …"description": "The BCP-47 language code, such as \"en-US\" or \"sr-Latn\". For more\ninformation,… string
4832 "description": "Additional information detected on the structural component.", string
4837 "description": "Detected start or end of a text segment." string
4840 "description": "A list of detected languages together with confidence.", string
4850 …"description": "A vertex represents a 2D point in the image.\nNOTE: the vertex coordinates are in … string
4854 "description": "X coordinate.", string
4859 "description": "Y coordinate.", string
4867 "description": "Relevant information for the image from the Internet.", string
4871 …"description": "The service's best guess as to the topic of the request image.\nInferred from simi… string
4878 …"description": "Fully matching images from the Internet.\nCan include resized copies of the query … string
4885 "description": "Web pages containing the matching images from the Internet.", string
4892 …"description": "Partial matching images from the Internet.\nThose images are similar enough to sha… string
4899 "description": "The visually similar image results.", string
4906 "description": "Deduced entities from similar images on the Internet.", string
4916 "description": "Entity deduced from similar images on the Internet.", string
4919 "description": { object
4920 "description": "Canonical description of the entity, in English.", string
4924 "description": "Opaque entity ID.", string
4928 …"description": "Overall relevancy score for the entity.\nNot normalized and not comparable across … string
4936 "description": "Metadata for online images.", string
4940 "description": "(Deprecated) Overall relevancy score for the image.", string
4945 "description": "The result image URL.", string
4952 "description": "Label to provide extra metadata for the web detection.", string
4956 "description": "Label for extra metadata.", string
4960 …"description": "The BCP-47 language code for `label`, such as \"en-US\" or \"sr-Latn\".\nFor more … string
4967 "description": "Metadata for web pages.", string
4971 …"description": "Fully matching images on the page.\nCan include resized copies of the query image.… string
4978 "description": "Title for the web page, may contain HTML markups.", string
4982 …"description": "Partial matching images on the page.\nThose images are similar enough to share som… string
4989 "description": "(Deprecated) Overall relevancy score for the web page.", string
4994 "description": "The result web page URL.", string
5001 "description": "A word representation.", string
5006 …"description": "The bounding box for the word.\nThe vertices are in the order of top-left, top-rig… string
5009 "description": "Confidence of the OCR results for the word. Range [0, 1].", string
5015 "description": "Additional information detected for the word." string
5018 …"description": "List of symbols in the word.\nThe order of the symbols follows the natural reading… string
5028 …"description": "Response to a single file annotation request. A file may contain one or more\nimag… string
5033 …"description": "If set, represents the error message for the failed request. The\n`responses` fiel… string
5037 "description": "Information about the file for which this response is generated." string
5040 …"description": "Individual responses to images found within the file. This field will be\nempty if… string
5047 "description": "This field gives the total number of pages in the file.", string
5055 "description": "Response to an image annotation request.", string
5060 …"description": "If present, contextual information is needed to understand where this image\ncomes… string
5064 "description": "If present, crop hints have completed successfully." string
5068 …"description": "If set, represents the error message for the operation.\nNote that filled-in image… string
5071 "description": "If present, face detection has completed successfully.", string
5079 …"description": "If present, text (OCR) detection or document (OCR) text detection has\ncompleted s… string
5083 "description": "If present, image properties were extracted successfully." string
5086 "description": "If present, label detection has completed successfully.", string
5093 "description": "If present, landmark detection has completed successfully.", string
5100 …"description": "If present, localized object detection has completed successfully.\nThis will be s… string
5107 "description": "If present, logo detection has completed successfully.", string
5115 "description": "If present, product search has completed successfully." string
5119 "description": "If present, safe-search annotation has completed successfully." string
5122 "description": "If present, text (OCR) detection has completed successfully.", string
5130 "description": "If present, web detection has completed successfully." string
5136 "description": "The response for a single offline file annotation request.", string
5141 "description": "The output location and metadata from AsyncAnnotateFileRequest." string
5147 "description": "Response to an async batch file annotation request.", string
5151 …"description": "The list of file annotation responses, one for each request in\nAsyncBatchAnnotate… string
5161 …"description": "Metadata for the batch operations such as the current state.\n\nThis is included i… string
5165 …"description": "The time when the batch request is finished and\ngoogle.longrunning.Operation.done… string
5170 "description": "The current state of the batch operation.", string
5188 "description": "The time when the batch request was submitted to the server.", string
5196 "description": "Logical element on the page.", string
5200 "description": "Detected block type (text, image etc) for this block.", string
5221 …"description": "The bounding box for the block.\nThe vertices are in the order of top-left, top-ri… string
5224 "description": "Confidence of the OCR results on the block. Range [0, 1].", string
5229 "description": "List of paragraphs in this block (if this blocks is of type text).", string
5237 "description": "Additional information detected for the block." string
5243 "description": "A bounding polygon for the detected image annotation.", string
5247 "description": "The bounding polygon normalized vertices.", string
5254 "description": "The bounding polygon vertices.", string
5264 …"description": "Color information consists of RGB channels, score, and the fraction of\nthe image … string
5269 "description": "RGB components of the color." string
5272 … "description": "The fraction of pixels the color occupies in the image.\nValue in range [0, 1].", string
5277 "description": "Image-specific score for this color. Value in range [0, 1].", string
5285 "description": "Single crop hint that is used to generate a new crop when serving an image.", string
5290 …"description": "The bounding polygon for the crop region. The coordinates of the bounding\nbox are… string
5293 "description": "Confidence of this being a salient region. Range [0, 1].", string
5298 …"description": "Fraction of importance of this salient region with respect to the original\nimage.… string
5306 "description": "Set of crop hints that are used to generate new crops when serving images.", string
5310 "description": "Crop hint results.", string
5320 "description": "Set of dominant colors and their corresponding scores.", string
5324 "description": "RGB color values with their score and pixel fraction.", string
5334 "description": "Set of detected entity features.", string
5339 …"description": "Image region to which this entity belongs. Not produced\nfor `LABEL_DETECTION` fea… string
5342 …"description": "**Deprecated. Use `score` instead.**\nThe accuracy of the entity detection in an i… string
5346 "description": { object
5347 "description": "Entity textual description, expressed in its `locale` language.", string
5351 …"description": "The language code for the locale in which the entity textual\n`description` is exp… string
5355 …"description": "The location information for the detected entity. Multiple\n`LocationInfo` element… string
5362 …"description": "Opaque entity ID. Some IDs may be available in\n[Google Knowledge Graph Search\nAP… string
5366 …"description": "Some entities may have optional user-supplied `Property` (name/value)\nfields, suc… string
5373 "description": "Overall score of the result. Range [0, 1].", string
5378 …"description": "The relevancy of the ICA (Image Content Annotation) label to the\nimage. For examp… string
5386 "description": "A face annotation object contains the results of face detection.", string
5390 "description": "Anger likelihood.", string
5410 "description": "Blurred likelihood.", string
5431 …"description": "The bounding polygon around the face. The coordinates of the bounding box\nare in … string
5434 "description": "Detection confidence. Range [0, 1].", string
5440 …"description": "The `fd_bounding_poly` bounding polygon is tighter than the\n`boundingPoly`, and e… string
5443 "description": "Headwear likelihood.", string
5463 "description": "Joy likelihood.", string
5483 "description": "Face landmarking confidence. Range [0, 1].", string
5488 "description": "Detected face landmarks.", string
5495 …"description": "Yaw angle, which indicates the leftward/rightward angle that the face is\npointing… string
5500 …"description": "Roll angle, which indicates the amount of clockwise/anti-clockwise rotation\nof th… string
5505 "description": "Sorrow likelihood.", string
5525 "description": "Surprise likelihood.", string
5545 …"description": "Pitch angle, which indicates the upwards/downwards angle that the face is\npointin… string
5550 "description": "Under-exposed likelihood.", string
5573 "description": "A face-specific landmark (for example, a face feature).", string
5578 "description": "Face landmark position." string
5581 "description": "Face landmark type.", string
5662 "description": "The Google Cloud Storage location where the output will be written to.", string
5666 …"description": "Google Cloud Storage URI prefix where the results will be stored. Results\nwill be… string
5673 "description": "The Google Cloud Storage location where the input will be read from.", string
5677 …"description": "Google Cloud Storage URI for the input file. This must only be a\nGoogle Cloud Sto… string
5684 …"description": "If an image was produced from a file (e.g. a PDF), this message gives\ninformation… string
5688 …"description": "If the file was a PDF or TIFF, this field gives the page number within\nthe file u… string
5693 "description": "The URI of the file used to produce the image.", string
5700 "description": "Stores image properties, such as dominant colors.", string
5705 "description": "If present, dominant colors completed successfully." string
5711 …"description": "Response message for the `ImportProductSets` method.\n\nThis message is returned b… string
5715 "description": "The list of reference_images that are imported successfully.", string
5722 …"description": "The rpc status for each ImportProductSet request, including both successes\nand er… string
5732 "description": "The desired input location and metadata.", string
5736 …"description": "File content, represented as a stream of bytes.\nNote: As with all `bytes` fields,… string
5742 "description": "The Google Cloud Storage location to read the input from." string
5745 …"description": "The type of the file. Currently only \"application/pdf\", \"image/tiff\" and\n\"im… string
5752 "description": "Set of detected objects with bounding boxes.", string
5757 "description": "Image region to which this object belongs. This must be populated." string
5760 …"description": "The BCP-47 language code, such as \"en-US\" or \"sr-Latn\". For more\ninformation,… string
5764 "description": "Object ID that should align with EntityAnnotation mid.", string
5768 "description": "Object name, expressed in its `language_code` language.", string
5772 "description": "Score of the result. Range [0, 1].", string
5780 "description": "Detected entity location information.", string
5785 "description": "lat/long location coordinates." string
5791 …"description": "A vertex represents a 2D point in the image.\nNOTE: the normalized vertex coordina… string
5795 "description": "X coordinate.", string
5800 "description": "Y coordinate.", string
5808 "description": "Contains metadata for the BatchAnnotateImages operation.", string
5812 "description": "The time when the batch request was received.", string
5817 "description": "Current state of the batch operation.", string
5835 "description": "The time when the operation result was last updated.", string
5843 "description": "The desired output location and metadata.", string
5847 …"description": "The max number of response protos to put into each output JSON file on\nGoogle Clo… string
5853 "description": "The Google Cloud Storage location to write the output(s) to." string
5859 "description": "Detected page from OCR.", string
5863 "description": "List of blocks of text, images etc on this page.", string
5870 "description": "Confidence of the OCR results on the page. Range [0, 1].", string
5875 …"description": "Page height. For PDFs the unit is points. For images (including\nTIFFs) the unit i… string
5881 "description": "Additional information detected on the page." string
5884 …"description": "Page width. For PDFs the unit is points. For images (including\nTIFFs) the unit is… string
5892 "description": "Structural unit of text representing a number of words in certain order.", string
5897 …"description": "The bounding box for the paragraph.\nThe vertices are in the order of top-left, to… string
5900 "description": "Confidence of the OCR results for the paragraph. Range [0, 1].", string
5906 "description": "Additional information detected for the paragraph." string
5909 "description": "List of all words in this paragraph.", string
5919 …"description": "A 3D position in the image, used primarily for Face detection landmarks.\nA valid … string
5923 "description": "X coordinate.", string
5928 "description": "Y coordinate.", string
5933 "description": "Z coordinate (or depth).", string
5941 "description": "A Product contains ReferenceImages.", string
5944 "description": { object
5945 …"description": "User-provided metadata to be stored with this product. Must be at most 4096\nchara… string
5949 …"description": "The user-provided name for this Product. Must not be empty. Must be at most\n4096 … string
5953 …"description": "The resource name of the product.\n\nFormat is:\n`projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LO… string
5957 …"description": "Immutable. The category for the product identified by the reference image. This sh… string
5961 …"description": "Key-value pairs that can be attached to a product. At query time,\nconstraints can… string
5971 "description": "A product label represented as a key-value pair.", string
5975 …"description": "The key of the label attached to the product. Cannot be empty and cannot\nexceed 1… string
5979 …"description": "The value of the label attached to the product. Cannot be empty and\ncannot exceed… string
5986 "description": "Results for a product search request.", string
5990 …"description": "Timestamp of the index which provided these results. Products added to the\nproduc… string
5995 …"description": "List of results grouped by products detected in the query image. Each entry\ncorre… string
6002 "description": "List of results, one for each product match.", string
6012 … "description": "Information about the products similar to a single product in a query\nimage.", string
6017 "description": "The bounding polygon around the product detected in the query image." string
6020 "description": "List of generic predictions for the object in the bounding box.", string
6027 "description": "List of results, one for each product match.", string
6037 "description": "Prediction for what the object in the bounding box is.", string
6041 …"description": "The BCP-47 language code, such as \"en-US\" or \"sr-Latn\". For more\ninformation,… string
6045 "description": "Object ID that should align with EntityAnnotation mid.", string
6049 "description": "Object name, expressed in its `language_code` language.", string
6053 "description": "Score of the result. Range [0, 1].", string
6061 "description": "Information about a product.", string
6065 …"description": "The resource name of the image from the product that is the closest match\nto the … string
6070 "description": "The Product." string
6073 …"description": "A confidence level on the match, ranging from 0 (no confidence) to\n1 (full confid… string
6081 "description": "A `Property` consists of a user-supplied name/value pair.", string
6085 "description": "Name of the property.", string
6089 "description": "Value of numeric properties.", string
6094 "description": "Value of the property.", string
6101 …"description": "A `ReferenceImage` represents a product image and its associated metadata,\nsuch a… string
6105 …"description": "Optional. Bounding polygons around the areas of interest in the reference image.\n… string
6112 …"description": "The resource name of the reference image.\n\nFormat is:\n\n`projects/PROJECT_ID/lo… string
6116 …"description": "Required. The Google Cloud Storage URI of the reference image.\n\nThe URI must sta… string
6123 …"description": "Set of features pertaining to the image, computed by computer vision\nmethods over… string
6127 …"description": "Represents the adult content likelihood for the image. Adult content may\ncontain … string
6147 "description": "Likelihood that this is a medical image.", string
6167 …"description": "Likelihood that the request image contains racy content. Racy content may\ninclude… string
6187 …"description": "Spoof likelihood. The likelihood that an modification\nwas made to the image's can… string
6207 "description": "Likelihood that this image contains violent content.", string
6230 "description": "A single symbol representation.", string
6235 …"description": "The bounding box for the symbol.\nThe vertices are in the order of top-left, top-r… string
6238 "description": "Confidence of the OCR results for the symbol. Range [0, 1].", string
6244 "description": "Additional information detected for the symbol." string
6247 "description": "The actual UTF-8 representation of the symbol.", string
6254 …"description": "TextAnnotation contains a structured representation of OCR extracted text.\nThe hi… string
6258 "description": "List of pages detected by OCR.", string
6265 "description": "UTF-8 text detected on the pages.", string
6272 "description": "Detected start or end of a structural component.", string
6276 "description": "True if break prepends the element.", string
6280 "description": "Detected break type.", string
6303 "description": "Detected language for a structural component.", string
6307 "description": "Confidence of detected language. Range [0, 1].", string
6312 …"description": "The BCP-47 language code, such as \"en-US\" or \"sr-Latn\". For more\ninformation,… string
6319 "description": "Additional information detected on the structural component.", string
6324 "description": "Detected start or end of a text segment." string
6327 "description": "A list of detected languages together with confidence.", string
6337 …"description": "A vertex represents a 2D point in the image.\nNOTE: the vertex coordinates are in … string
6341 "description": "X coordinate.", string
6346 "description": "Y coordinate.", string
6354 "description": "Relevant information for the image from the Internet.", string
6358 …"description": "The service's best guess as to the topic of the request image.\nInferred from simi… string
6365 …"description": "Fully matching images from the Internet.\nCan include resized copies of the query … string
6372 "description": "Web pages containing the matching images from the Internet.", string
6379 …"description": "Partial matching images from the Internet.\nThose images are similar enough to sha… string
6386 "description": "The visually similar image results.", string
6393 "description": "Deduced entities from similar images on the Internet.", string
6403 "description": "Entity deduced from similar images on the Internet.", string
6406 "description": { object
6407 "description": "Canonical description of the entity, in English.", string
6411 "description": "Opaque entity ID.", string
6415 …"description": "Overall relevancy score for the entity.\nNot normalized and not comparable across … string
6423 "description": "Metadata for online images.", string
6427 "description": "(Deprecated) Overall relevancy score for the image.", string
6432 "description": "The result image URL.", string
6439 "description": "Label to provide extra metadata for the web detection.", string
6443 "description": "Label for extra metadata.", string
6447 …"description": "The BCP-47 language code for `label`, such as \"en-US\" or \"sr-Latn\".\nFor more … string
6454 "description": "Metadata for web pages.", string
6458 …"description": "Fully matching images on the page.\nCan include resized copies of the query image.… string
6465 "description": "Title for the web page, may contain HTML markups.", string
6469 …"description": "Partial matching images on the page.\nThose images are similar enough to share som… string
6476 "description": "(Deprecated) Overall relevancy score for the web page.", string
6481 "description": "The result web page URL.", string
6488 "description": "A word representation.", string
6493 …"description": "The bounding box for the word.\nThe vertices are in the order of top-left, top-rig… string
6496 "description": "Confidence of the OCR results for the word. Range [0, 1].", string
6502 "description": "Additional information detected for the word." string
6505 …"description": "List of symbols in the word.\nThe order of the symbols follows the natural reading… string
6515 …"description": "Response to a single file annotation request. A file may contain one or more\nimag… string
6520 …"description": "If set, represents the error message for the failed request. The\n`responses` fiel… string
6524 "description": "Information about the file for which this response is generated." string
6527 …"description": "Individual responses to images found within the file. This field will be\nempty if… string
6534 "description": "This field gives the total number of pages in the file.", string
6542 "description": "Response to an image annotation request.", string
6547 …"description": "If present, contextual information is needed to understand where this image\ncomes… string
6551 "description": "If present, crop hints have completed successfully." string
6555 …"description": "If set, represents the error message for the operation.\nNote that filled-in image… string
6558 "description": "If present, face detection has completed successfully.", string
6566 …"description": "If present, text (OCR) detection or document (OCR) text detection has\ncompleted s… string
6570 "description": "If present, image properties were extracted successfully." string
6573 "description": "If present, label detection has completed successfully.", string
6580 "description": "If present, landmark detection has completed successfully.", string
6587 …"description": "If present, localized object detection has completed successfully.\nThis will be s… string
6594 "description": "If present, logo detection has completed successfully.", string
6602 "description": "If present, product search has completed successfully." string
6606 "description": "If present, safe-search annotation has completed successfully." string
6609 "description": "If present, text (OCR) detection has completed successfully.", string
6617 "description": "If present, web detection has completed successfully." string
6623 "description": "The response for a single offline file annotation request.", string
6628 "description": "The output location and metadata from AsyncAnnotateFileRequest." string
6634 "description": "Response to an async batch file annotation request.", string
6638 …"description": "The list of file annotation responses, one for each request in\nAsyncBatchAnnotate… string
6648 "description": "Response to an async batch image annotation request.", string
6653 "description": "The output location and metadata from AsyncBatchAnnotateImagesRequest." string
6659 "description": "A list of file annotation responses.", string
6663 …"description": "The list of file annotation responses, each response corresponding to each\nAnnota… string
6673 …"description": "Metadata for the batch operations such as the current state.\n\nThis is included i… string
6677 …"description": "The time when the batch request is finished and\ngoogle.longrunning.Operation.done… string
6682 "description": "The current state of the batch operation.", string
6700 "description": "The time when the batch request was submitted to the server.", string
6708 "description": "Logical element on the page.", string
6712 "description": "Detected block type (text, image etc) for this block.", string
6733 …"description": "The bounding box for the block.\nThe vertices are in the order of top-left, top-ri… string
6736 "description": "Confidence of the OCR results on the block. Range [0, 1].", string
6741 "description": "List of paragraphs in this block (if this blocks is of type text).", string
6749 "description": "Additional information detected for the block." string
6755 "description": "A bounding polygon for the detected image annotation.", string
6759 "description": "The bounding polygon normalized vertices.", string
6766 "description": "The bounding polygon vertices.", string
6776 "description": "A Celebrity is a group of Faces with an identity.", string
6779 "description": { object
6780 "description": "The Celebrity's description.", string
6784 "description": "The Celebrity's display name.", string
6788 … "description": "The resource name of the preloaded Celebrity. Has the format\n`builtin/{mid}`.", string
6795 …"description": "Color information consists of RGB channels, score, and the fraction of\nthe image … string
6800 "description": "RGB components of the color." string
6803 … "description": "The fraction of pixels the color occupies in the image.\nValue in range [0, 1].", string
6808 "description": "Image-specific score for this color. Value in range [0, 1].", string
6816 "description": "Single crop hint that is used to generate a new crop when serving an image.", string
6821 …"description": "The bounding polygon for the crop region. The coordinates of the bounding\nbox are… string
6824 "description": "Confidence of this being a salient region. Range [0, 1].", string
6829 …"description": "Fraction of importance of this salient region with respect to the original\nimage.… string
6837 "description": "Set of crop hints that are used to generate new crops when serving images.", string
6841 "description": "Crop hint results.", string
6851 "description": "Set of dominant colors and their corresponding scores.", string
6855 "description": "RGB color values with their score and pixel fraction.", string
6865 "description": "Set of detected entity features.", string
6870 …"description": "Image region to which this entity belongs. Not produced\nfor `LABEL_DETECTION` fea… string
6873 …"description": "**Deprecated. Use `score` instead.**\nThe accuracy of the entity detection in an i… string
6877 "description": { object
6878 "description": "Entity textual description, expressed in its `locale` language.", string
6882 …"description": "The language code for the locale in which the entity textual\n`description` is exp… string
6886 …"description": "The location information for the detected entity. Multiple\n`LocationInfo` element… string
6893 …"description": "Opaque entity ID. Some IDs may be available in\n[Google Knowledge Graph Search\nAP… string
6897 …"description": "Some entities may have optional user-supplied `Property` (name/value)\nfields, suc… string
6904 "description": "Overall score of the result. Range [0, 1].", string
6909 …"description": "The relevancy of the ICA (Image Content Annotation) label to the\nimage. For examp… string
6917 "description": "A face annotation object contains the results of face detection.", string
6921 "description": "Anger likelihood.", string
6941 "description": "Blurred likelihood.", string
6962 …"description": "The bounding polygon around the face. The coordinates of the bounding box\nare in … string
6965 "description": "Detection confidence. Range [0, 1].", string
6971 …"description": "The `fd_bounding_poly` bounding polygon is tighter than the\n`boundingPoly`, and e… string
6974 "description": "Headwear likelihood.", string
6994 "description": "Joy likelihood.", string
7014 "description": "Face landmarking confidence. Range [0, 1].", string
7019 "description": "Detected face landmarks.", string
7026 …"description": "Yaw angle, which indicates the leftward/rightward angle that the face is\npointing… string
7031 …"description": "Additional recognition information. Only computed if\nimage_context.face_recogniti… string
7038 …"description": "Roll angle, which indicates the amount of clockwise/anti-clockwise rotation\nof th… string
7043 "description": "Sorrow likelihood.", string
7063 "description": "Surprise likelihood.", string
7083 …"description": "Pitch angle, which indicates the upwards/downwards angle that the face is\npointin… string
7088 "description": "Under-exposed likelihood.", string
7111 "description": "A face-specific landmark (for example, a face feature).", string
7116 "description": "Face landmark position." string
7119 "description": "Face landmark type.", string
7200 "description": "Information about a face's identity.", string
7205 "description": "The Celebrity that this face was matched to." string
7208 "description": "Recognition confidence. Range [0, 1].", string
7216 "description": "The Google Cloud Storage location where the output will be written to.", string
7220 …"description": "Google Cloud Storage URI prefix where the results will be stored. Results\nwill be… string
7227 "description": "The Google Cloud Storage location where the input will be read from.", string
7231 …"description": "Google Cloud Storage URI for the input file. This must only be a\nGoogle Cloud Sto… string
7238 …"description": "If an image was produced from a file (e.g. a PDF), this message gives\ninformation… string
7242 …"description": "If the file was a PDF or TIFF, this field gives the page number within\nthe file u… string
7247 "description": "The URI of the file used to produce the image.", string
7254 "description": "Stores image properties, such as dominant colors.", string
7259 "description": "If present, dominant colors completed successfully." string
7265 …"description": "Response message for the `ImportProductSets` method.\n\nThis message is returned b… string
7269 "description": "The list of reference_images that are imported successfully.", string
7276 …"description": "The rpc status for each ImportProductSet request, including both successes\nand er… string
7286 "description": "The desired input location and metadata.", string
7290 …"description": "File content, represented as a stream of bytes.\nNote: As with all `bytes` fields,… string
7296 "description": "The Google Cloud Storage location to read the input from." string
7299 …"description": "The type of the file. Currently only \"application/pdf\", \"image/tiff\" and\n\"im… string
7306 "description": "Set of detected objects with bounding boxes.", string
7311 "description": "Image region to which this object belongs. This must be populated." string
7314 …"description": "The BCP-47 language code, such as \"en-US\" or \"sr-Latn\". For more\ninformation,… string
7318 "description": "Object ID that should align with EntityAnnotation mid.", string
7322 "description": "Object name, expressed in its `language_code` language.", string
7326 "description": "Score of the result. Range [0, 1].", string
7334 "description": "Detected entity location information.", string
7339 "description": "lat/long location coordinates." string
7345 …"description": "A vertex represents a 2D point in the image.\nNOTE: the normalized vertex coordina… string
7349 "description": "X coordinate.", string
7354 "description": "Y coordinate.", string
7362 "description": "Contains metadata for the BatchAnnotateImages operation.", string
7366 "description": "The time when the batch request was received.", string
7371 "description": "Current state of the batch operation.", string
7389 "description": "The time when the operation result was last updated.", string
7397 "description": "The desired output location and metadata.", string
7401 …"description": "The max number of response protos to put into each output JSON file on\nGoogle Clo… string
7407 "description": "The Google Cloud Storage location to write the output(s) to." string
7413 "description": "Detected page from OCR.", string
7417 "description": "List of blocks of text, images etc on this page.", string
7424 "description": "Confidence of the OCR results on the page. Range [0, 1].", string
7429 …"description": "Page height. For PDFs the unit is points. For images (including\nTIFFs) the unit i… string
7435 "description": "Additional information detected on the page." string
7438 …"description": "Page width. For PDFs the unit is points. For images (including\nTIFFs) the unit is… string
7446 "description": "Structural unit of text representing a number of words in certain order.", string
7451 …"description": "The bounding box for the paragraph.\nThe vertices are in the order of top-left, to… string
7454 "description": "Confidence of the OCR results for the paragraph. Range [0, 1].", string
7460 "description": "Additional information detected for the paragraph." string
7463 "description": "List of all words in this paragraph.", string
7473 …"description": "A 3D position in the image, used primarily for Face detection landmarks.\nA valid … string
7477 "description": "X coordinate.", string
7482 "description": "Y coordinate.", string
7487 "description": "Z coordinate (or depth).", string
7495 "description": "A Product contains ReferenceImages.", string
7498 "description": { object
7499 …"description": "User-provided metadata to be stored with this product. Must be at most 4096\nchara… string
7503 …"description": "The user-provided name for this Product. Must not be empty. Must be at most\n4096 … string
7507 …"description": "The resource name of the product.\n\nFormat is:\n`projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LO… string
7511 …"description": "Immutable. The category for the product identified by the reference image. This sh… string
7515 …"description": "Key-value pairs that can be attached to a product. At query time,\nconstraints can… string
7525 "description": "A product label represented as a key-value pair.", string
7529 …"description": "The key of the label attached to the product. Cannot be empty and cannot\nexceed 1… string
7533 …"description": "The value of the label attached to the product. Cannot be empty and\ncannot exceed… string
7540 "description": "Results for a product search request.", string
7544 …"description": "Timestamp of the index which provided these results. Products added to the\nproduc… string
7549 …"description": "List of results grouped by products detected in the query image. Each entry\ncorre… string
7556 "description": "List of results, one for each product match.", string
7566 … "description": "Information about the products similar to a single product in a query\nimage.", string
7571 "description": "The bounding polygon around the product detected in the query image." string
7574 "description": "List of generic predictions for the object in the bounding box.", string
7581 "description": "List of results, one for each product match.", string
7591 "description": "Prediction for what the object in the bounding box is.", string
7595 …"description": "The BCP-47 language code, such as \"en-US\" or \"sr-Latn\". For more\ninformation,… string
7599 "description": "Object ID that should align with EntityAnnotation mid.", string
7603 "description": "Object name, expressed in its `language_code` language.", string
7607 "description": "Score of the result. Range [0, 1].", string
7615 "description": "Information about a product.", string
7619 …"description": "The resource name of the image from the product that is the closest match\nto the … string
7624 "description": "The Product." string
7627 …"description": "A confidence level on the match, ranging from 0 (no confidence) to\n1 (full confid… string
7635 "description": "A `Property` consists of a user-supplied name/value pair.", string
7639 "description": "Name of the property.", string
7643 "description": "Value of numeric properties.", string
7648 "description": "Value of the property.", string
7655 …"description": "A `ReferenceImage` represents a product image and its associated metadata,\nsuch a… string
7659 …"description": "Optional. Bounding polygons around the areas of interest in the reference image.\n… string
7666 …"description": "The resource name of the reference image.\n\nFormat is:\n\n`projects/PROJECT_ID/lo… string
7670 …"description": "Required. The Google Cloud Storage URI of the reference image.\n\nThe URI must sta… string
7677 …"description": "Set of features pertaining to the image, computed by computer vision\nmethods over… string
7681 …"description": "Represents the adult content likelihood for the image. Adult content may\ncontain … string
7701 "description": "Likelihood that this is a medical image.", string
7721 …"description": "Likelihood that the request image contains racy content. Racy content may\ninclude… string
7741 …"description": "Spoof likelihood. The likelihood that an modification\nwas made to the image's can… string
7761 "description": "Likelihood that this image contains violent content.", string
7784 "description": "A single symbol representation.", string
7789 …"description": "The bounding box for the symbol.\nThe vertices are in the order of top-left, top-r… string
7792 "description": "Confidence of the OCR results for the symbol. Range [0, 1].", string
7798 "description": "Additional information detected for the symbol." string
7801 "description": "The actual UTF-8 representation of the symbol.", string
7808 …"description": "TextAnnotation contains a structured representation of OCR extracted text.\nThe hi… string
7812 "description": "List of pages detected by OCR.", string
7819 "description": "UTF-8 text detected on the pages.", string
7826 "description": "Detected start or end of a structural component.", string
7830 "description": "True if break prepends the element.", string
7834 "description": "Detected break type.", string
7857 "description": "Detected language for a structural component.", string
7861 "description": "Confidence of detected language. Range [0, 1].", string
7866 …"description": "The BCP-47 language code, such as \"en-US\" or \"sr-Latn\". For more\ninformation,… string
7873 "description": "Additional information detected on the structural component.", string
7878 "description": "Detected start or end of a text segment." string
7881 "description": "A list of detected languages together with confidence.", string
7891 …"description": "A vertex represents a 2D point in the image.\nNOTE: the vertex coordinates are in … string
7895 "description": "X coordinate.", string
7900 "description": "Y coordinate.", string
7908 "description": "Relevant information for the image from the Internet.", string
7912 …"description": "The service's best guess as to the topic of the request image.\nInferred from simi… string
7919 …"description": "Fully matching images from the Internet.\nCan include resized copies of the query … string
7926 "description": "Web pages containing the matching images from the Internet.", string
7933 …"description": "Partial matching images from the Internet.\nThose images are similar enough to sha… string
7940 "description": "The visually similar image results.", string
7947 "description": "Deduced entities from similar images on the Internet.", string
7957 "description": "Entity deduced from similar images on the Internet.", string
7960 "description": { object
7961 "description": "Canonical description of the entity, in English.", string
7965 "description": "Opaque entity ID.", string
7969 …"description": "Overall relevancy score for the entity.\nNot normalized and not comparable across … string
7977 "description": "Metadata for online images.", string
7981 "description": "(Deprecated) Overall relevancy score for the image.", string
7986 "description": "The result image URL.", string
7993 "description": "Label to provide extra metadata for the web detection.", string
7997 "description": "Label for extra metadata.", string
8001 …"description": "The BCP-47 language code for `label`, such as \"en-US\" or \"sr-Latn\".\nFor more … string
8008 "description": "Metadata for web pages.", string
8012 …"description": "Fully matching images on the page.\nCan include resized copies of the query image.… string
8019 "description": "Title for the web page, may contain HTML markups.", string
8023 …"description": "Partial matching images on the page.\nThose images are similar enough to share som… string
8030 "description": "(Deprecated) Overall relevancy score for the web page.", string
8035 "description": "The result web page URL.", string
8042 "description": "A word representation.", string
8047 …"description": "The bounding box for the word.\nThe vertices are in the order of top-left, top-rig… string
8050 "description": "Confidence of the OCR results for the word. Range [0, 1].", string
8056 "description": "Additional information detected for the word." string
8059 …"description": "List of symbols in the word.\nThe order of the symbols follows the natural reading… string
8069 … "description": "Information about the products similar to a single product in a query\nimage.", string
8074 "description": "The bounding polygon around the product detected in the query image." string
8077 "description": "List of generic predictions for the object in the bounding box.", string
8084 "description": "List of results, one for each product match.", string
8094 "description": "Client image to perform Google Cloud Vision API tasks over.", string
8098 …"description": "Image content, represented as a stream of bytes.\nNote: As with all `bytes` fields… string
8104 …"description": "Google Cloud Storage image location, or publicly-accessible image\nURL. If both `c… string
8110 …"description": "If an image was produced from a file (e.g. a PDF), this message gives\ninformation… string
8114 …"description": "If the file was a PDF or TIFF, this field gives the page number within\nthe file u… string
8119 "description": "The URI of the file used to produce the image.", string
8126 "description": "Image context and/or feature-specific parameters.", string
8131 "description": "Parameters for crop hints annotation request." string
8134 …"description": "List of languages to use for TEXT_DETECTION. In most cases, an empty value\nyields… string
8142 "description": "Not used." string
8146 "description": "Parameters for product search." string
8150 "description": "Parameters for web detection." string
8156 "description": "Stores image properties, such as dominant colors.", string
8161 "description": "If present, dominant colors completed successfully." string
8167 "description": "External image source (Google Cloud Storage or web URL image location).", string
8171 …"description": "**Use `image_uri` instead.**\n\nThe Google Cloud Storage URI of the form\n`gs://b… string
8175 …"description": "The URI of the source image. Can be either:\n\n1. A Google Cloud Storage URI of th… string
8182 …"description": "The Google Cloud Storage location for a csv file which preserves a list of\nImport… string
8186 …"description": "The Google Cloud Storage URI of the input csv file.\n\nThe URI must start with `gs… string
8193 "description": "The input content for the `ImportProductSets` method.", string
8198 …"description": "The Google Cloud Storage location for a csv file which preserves a list\nof Import… string
8204 "description": "Request message for the `ImportProductSets` method.", string
8209 "description": "Required. The input content for the list of requests." string
8215 …"description": "Response message for the `ImportProductSets` method.\n\nThis message is returned b… string
8219 "description": "The list of reference_images that are imported successfully.", string
8226 …"description": "The rpc status for each ImportProductSet request, including both successes\nand er… string
8236 "description": "The desired input location and metadata.", string
8240 …"description": "File content, represented as a stream of bytes.\nNote: As with all `bytes` fields,… string
8246 "description": "The Google Cloud Storage location to read the input from." string
8249 …"description": "The type of the file. Currently only \"application/pdf\", \"image/tiff\" and\n\"im… string
8256 "description": "A product label represented as a key-value pair.", string
8260 …"description": "The key of the label attached to the product. Cannot be empty and cannot\nexceed 1… string
8264 …"description": "The value of the label attached to the product. Cannot be empty and\ncannot exceed… string
8271 "description": "A face-specific landmark (for example, a face feature).", string
8276 "description": "Face landmark position." string
8279 "description": "Face landmark type.", string
8360 …"description": "An object representing a latitude/longitude pair. This is expressed as a pair\nof … string
8364 "description": "The latitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-90.0, +90.0].", string
8369 "description": "The longitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-180.0, +180.0].", string
8377 "description": "Rectangle determined by min and max `LatLng` pairs.", string
8382 "description": "Max lat/long pair." string
8386 "description": "Min lat/long pair." string
8392 "description": "The response message for Operations.ListOperations.", string
8396 "description": "The standard List next-page token.", string
8400 "description": "A list of operations that matches the specified filter in the request.", string
8410 "description": "Response message for the `ListProductSets` method.", string
8414 …"description": "Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more\nresults… string
8418 "description": "List of ProductSets.", string
8428 "description": "Response message for the `ListProductsInProductSet` method.", string
8432 …"description": "Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more\nresults… string
8436 "description": "The list of Products.", string
8446 "description": "Response message for the `ListProducts` method.", string
8450 …"description": "Token to retrieve the next page of results, or empty if there are no more\nresults… string
8454 "description": "List of products.", string
8464 "description": "Response message for the `ListReferenceImages` method.", string
8468 "description": "The next_page_token returned from a previous List request, if any.", string
8472 "description": "The maximum number of items to return. Default 10, maximum 100.", string
8477 "description": "The list of reference images.", string
8487 "description": "Set of detected objects with bounding boxes.", string
8492 "description": "Image region to which this object belongs. This must be populated." string
8495 …"description": "The BCP-47 language code, such as \"en-US\" or \"sr-Latn\". For more\ninformation,… string
8499 "description": "Object ID that should align with EntityAnnotation mid.", string
8503 "description": "Object name, expressed in its `language_code` language.", string
8507 "description": "Score of the result. Range [0, 1].", string
8515 "description": "Detected entity location information.", string
8520 "description": "lat/long location coordinates." string
8526 …"description": "A vertex represents a 2D point in the image.\nNOTE: the normalized vertex coordina… string
8530 "description": "X coordinate.", string
8535 "description": "Y coordinate.", string
8543 "description": "Prediction for what the object in the bounding box is.", string
8547 …"description": "The BCP-47 language code, such as \"en-US\" or \"sr-Latn\". For more\ninformation,… string
8551 "description": "Object ID that should align with EntityAnnotation mid.", string
8555 "description": "Object name, expressed in its `language_code` language.", string
8559 "description": "Score of the result. Range [0, 1].", string
8567 …"description": "This resource represents a long-running operation that is the result of a\nnetwork… string
8571 …"description": "If the value is `false`, it means the operation is still in progress.\nIf `true`, … string
8576 "description": "The error result of the operation in case of failure or cancellation." string
8580 "description": "Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.", string
8583 …"description": "Service-specific metadata associated with the operation. It typically\ncontains p… string
8587 …"description": "The server-assigned name, which is only unique within the same service that\norigi… string
8592 "description": "Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.", string
8595 …"description": "The normal response of the operation in case of success. If the original\nmethod … string
8602 "description": "Contains metadata for the BatchAnnotateImages operation.", string
8606 "description": "The time when the batch request was received.", string
8611 "description": "Current state of the batch operation.", string
8629 "description": "The time when the operation result was last updated.", string
8637 "description": "The desired output location and metadata.", string
8641 …"description": "The max number of response protos to put into each output JSON file on\nGoogle Clo… string
8647 "description": "The Google Cloud Storage location to write the output(s) to." string
8653 "description": "Detected page from OCR.", string
8657 "description": "List of blocks of text, images etc on this page.", string
8664 "description": "Confidence of the OCR results on the page. Range [0, 1].", string
8669 …"description": "Page height. For PDFs the unit is points. For images (including\nTIFFs) the unit i… string
8675 "description": "Additional information detected on the page." string
8678 …"description": "Page width. For PDFs the unit is points. For images (including\nTIFFs) the unit is… string
8686 "description": "Structural unit of text representing a number of words in certain order.", string
8691 …"description": "The bounding box for the paragraph.\nThe vertices are in the order of top-left, to… string
8694 "description": "Confidence of the OCR results for the paragraph. Range [0, 1].", string
8700 "description": "Additional information detected for the paragraph." string
8703 "description": "List of all words in this paragraph.", string
8713 …"description": "A 3D position in the image, used primarily for Face detection landmarks.\nA valid … string
8717 "description": "X coordinate.", string
8722 "description": "Y coordinate.", string
8727 "description": "Z coordinate (or depth).", string
8735 "description": "A Product contains ReferenceImages.", string
8738 "description": { object
8739 …"description": "User-provided metadata to be stored with this product. Must be at most 4096\nchara… string
8743 …"description": "The user-provided name for this Product. Must not be empty. Must be at most\n4096 … string
8747 …"description": "The resource name of the product.\n\nFormat is:\n`projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LO… string
8751 …"description": "Immutable. The category for the product identified by the reference image. This sh… string
8755 …"description": "Key-value pairs that can be attached to a product. At query time,\nconstraints can… string
8765 "description": "Parameters for a product search request.", string
8770 …"description": "The bounding polygon around the area of interest in the image.\nIf it is not speci… string
8773 …"description": "The filtering expression. This can be used to restrict search results based\non Pr… string
8777 …"description": "The list of product categories to search in. Currently, we only consider\nthe firs… string
8784 …"description": "The resource name of a ProductSet to be searched for similar images.\n\nFormat is:… string
8791 "description": "Results for a product search request.", string
8795 …"description": "Timestamp of the index which provided these results. Products added to the\nproduc… string
8800 …"description": "List of results grouped by products detected in the query image. Each entry\ncorre… string
8807 "description": "List of results, one for each product match.", string
8817 …"description": "A ProductSet contains Products. A ProductSet can contain a maximum of 1\nmillion r… string
8821 …"description": "The user-provided name for this ProductSet. Must not be empty. Must be at\nmost 40… string
8826 …"description": "Output only. If there was an error with indexing the product set, the field\nis po… string
8829 …"description": "Output only. The time at which this ProductSet was last indexed. Query\nresults wi… string
8834 …"description": "The resource name of the ProductSet.\n\nFormat is:\n`projects/PROJECT_ID/locations… string
8841 "description": "Config to control which ProductSet contains the Products to be deleted.", string
8845 …"description": "The ProductSet that contains the Products to delete. If a Product is a\nmember of … string
8852 "description": "A `Property` consists of a user-supplied name/value pair.", string
8856 "description": "Name of the property.", string
8860 "description": "Value of numeric properties.", string
8865 "description": "Value of the property.", string
8872 "description": "Request message for the `PurgeProducts` method.", string
8876 …"description": "If delete_orphan_products is true, all Products that are not in any\nProductSet wi… string
8880 …"description": "The default value is false. Override this value to true to actually perform\nthe p… string
8885 "description": "Specify which ProductSet contains the Products to be deleted." string
8891 …"description": "A `ReferenceImage` represents a product image and its associated metadata,\nsuch a… string
8895 …"description": "Optional. Bounding polygons around the areas of interest in the reference image.\n… string
8902 …"description": "The resource name of the reference image.\n\nFormat is:\n\n`projects/PROJECT_ID/lo… string
8906 …"description": "Required. The Google Cloud Storage URI of the reference image.\n\nThe URI must sta… string
8913 "description": "Request message for the `RemoveProductFromProductSet` method.", string
8917 …"description": "Required. The resource name for the Product to be removed from this ProductSet.\n\… string
8924 "description": "Information about a product.", string
8928 …"description": "The resource name of the image from the product that is the closest match\nto the … string
8933 "description": "The Product." string
8936 …"description": "A confidence level on the match, ranging from 0 (no confidence) to\n1 (full confid… string
8944 …"description": "Set of features pertaining to the image, computed by computer vision\nmethods over… string
8948 …"description": "Represents the adult content likelihood for the image. Adult content may\ncontain … string
8968 "description": "Likelihood that this is a medical image.", string
8988 …"description": "Likelihood that the request image contains racy content. Racy content may\ninclude… string
9008 …"description": "Spoof likelihood. The likelihood that an modification\nwas made to the image's can… string
9028 "description": "Likelihood that this image contains violent content.", string
9051 …"description": "The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for\ndifferent pr… string
9055 "description": "The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.", string
9060 …"description": "A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of\nmessag… string
9063 "description": "Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.", string
9071 …"description": "A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any\nuser-facing err… string
9078 "description": "A single symbol representation.", string
9083 …"description": "The bounding box for the symbol.\nThe vertices are in the order of top-left, top-r… string
9086 "description": "Confidence of the OCR results for the symbol. Range [0, 1].", string
9092 "description": "Additional information detected for the symbol." string
9095 "description": "The actual UTF-8 representation of the symbol.", string
9102 …"description": "TextAnnotation contains a structured representation of OCR extracted text.\nThe hi… string
9106 "description": "List of pages detected by OCR.", string
9113 "description": "UTF-8 text detected on the pages.", string
9120 "description": "Additional information detected on the structural component.", string
9125 "description": "Detected start or end of a text segment." string
9128 "description": "A list of detected languages together with confidence.", string
9138 …"description": "A vertex represents a 2D point in the image.\nNOTE: the vertex coordinates are in … string
9142 "description": "X coordinate.", string
9147 "description": "Y coordinate.", string
9155 "description": "Relevant information for the image from the Internet.", string
9159 …"description": "The service's best guess as to the topic of the request image.\nInferred from simi… string
9166 …"description": "Fully matching images from the Internet.\nCan include resized copies of the query … string
9173 "description": "Web pages containing the matching images from the Internet.", string
9180 …"description": "Partial matching images from the Internet.\nThose images are similar enough to sha… string
9187 "description": "The visually similar image results.", string
9194 "description": "Deduced entities from similar images on the Internet.", string
9204 "description": "Parameters for web detection request.", string
9208 … "description": "Whether to include results derived from the geo information in the image.", string
9215 "description": "Entity deduced from similar images on the Internet.", string
9218 "description": { object
9219 "description": "Canonical description of the entity, in English.", string
9223 "description": "Opaque entity ID.", string
9227 …"description": "Overall relevancy score for the entity.\nNot normalized and not comparable across … string
9235 "description": "Metadata for online images.", string
9239 "description": "(Deprecated) Overall relevancy score for the image.", string
9244 "description": "The result image URL.", string
9251 "description": "Label to provide extra metadata for the web detection.", string
9255 "description": "Label for extra metadata.", string
9259 …"description": "The BCP-47 language code for `label`, such as \"en-US\" or \"sr-Latn\".\nFor more … string
9266 "description": "Metadata for web pages.", string
9270 …"description": "Fully matching images on the page.\nCan include resized copies of the query image.… string
9277 "description": "Title for the web page, may contain HTML markups.", string
9281 …"description": "Partial matching images on the page.\nThose images are similar enough to share som… string
9288 "description": "(Deprecated) Overall relevancy score for the web page.", string
9293 "description": "The result web page URL.", string
9300 "description": "A word representation.", string
9305 …"description": "The bounding box for the word.\nThe vertices are in the order of top-left, top-rig… string
9308 "description": "Confidence of the OCR results for the word. Range [0, 1].", string
9314 "description": "Additional information detected for the word." string
9317 …"description": "List of symbols in the word.\nThe order of the symbols follows the natural reading… string