Lines Matching refs:ofile

224     ofile = open("charts.html", "w")
225 ofile.write('<!DOCTYPE html>\n')
226 ofile.write('<html>\n')
227 ofile.write('<head>\n')
228 ofile.write(' <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">\n')
229 ofile.write(' <title>Xpra Performance Results</title>\n')
230 ofile.write(' <link href="css/xpra.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">\n')
231ofile.write(' <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script>\n…
232ofile.write(' <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.flot.js"></scri…
233ofile.write(' <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.flot.categories…
234ofile.write(' <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.flot.orderbars_…
235ofile.write(' <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="js/xpra.js"></script>\n')
236 ofile.write(' <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">\n')
237ofile.write(' var options = {canvas:true, grid: {margin: {top:50}, hoverable: true}, series: {b…
251 ofile.write(' var e' + str(m_index) + '_' + encoding + '_' + param + ' = [')
259 ofile.write('["' + app + '", ' + str(value) + '], ')
260 ofile.write('];' + '\n')
267 ofile.write(varStr)
272 ofile.write(' $(function() {\n')
276ofile.write(' var plot' +str(chart_index)+ ' = $.plot($("#placeholder_' + str(m_index) + '_…
284ofile.write(' set_title(' + str(title_index) + ', "' + titles[title_index] + '");\n')
288ofile.write('$("#metric_link_'+str(mx)+'").click(function() {$("#metric_list").scrollTop(' + str(b…
289 ofile.write(' });\n')
290 ofile.write(' </script>\n')
291 ofile.write(' <style>.metric_box {height: ' + str(box_height) + 'px}</style>\n')
292 ofile.write('</head>\n')
293 ofile.write('<body>\n')
294 ofile.write(' <div id="page">\n')
295 ofile.write(' <div id="header_box">\n')
296 ofile.write(' <div id="header">\n')
297 ofile.write(' <h2>Xpra Performance Results</h2>\n')
298 ofile.write(' <h3>' + description + '</h3>\n')
299 ofile.write(' <div id="help_text">Click a metric to locate it in the results.</div>\n')
300 ofile.write(' </div>\n')
302 ofile.write(' <div id="select_box">\n')
305ofile.write(' <div id="metric_link_' + str(m_index) + '" style="float:left;height:20px;widt…
307 ofile.write(' </div>\n')
308 ofile.write(' </div>\n')
310 ofile.write(' <div style="clear:both"></div>\n')
311 ofile.write(' <div id="metric_list">\n')
314 ofile.write(' <div class="metric_box" id="metric_box_' + str(m_index) + '">\n')
315 ofile.write(' <div class="metric_label">' + metric + '</div>\n')
318 ofile.write(' <div class="container">\n')
319ofile.write(' <div id="placeholder_' + str(m_index) + '_' + str(e_index) + '" class="plac…
320 ofile.write(' </div>\n')
323 ofile.write(' </div>\n')
325 ofile.write(' <div class="metric_box"></div>\n')
326 ofile.write(' </div>\n')
327 ofile.write(' </div>\n')
328 ofile.write('</body>\n')
329 ofile.write('</html>\n')
330 ofile.close()