/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2001 Jason Harris SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "ksplanet.h" #include "ksnumbers.h" #include "ksutils.h" #include "ksfilereader.h" #include #include #include "kstars_debug.h" KSPlanet::OrbitDataManager KSPlanet::odm; KSPlanet::OrbitDataManager::OrbitDataManager() { //EMPTY } bool KSPlanet::OrbitDataManager::readOrbitData(const QString &fname, QVector *vector) { QFile f; if (KSUtils::openDataFile(f, fname)) { KSFileReader fileReader(f); // close file is included QStringList fields; while (fileReader.hasMoreLines()) { fields = fileReader.readLine().split(' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (fields.size() == 3) { double A = fields[0].toDouble(); double B = fields[1].toDouble(); double C = fields[2].toDouble(); vector->append(OrbitData(A, B, C)); } } } else { return false; } return true; } bool KSPlanet::OrbitDataManager::loadData(KSPlanet::OrbitDataColl &odc, const QString &n) { QString fname, snum; QFile f; int nCount = 0; QString nl = n.toLower(); if (hash.contains(nl)) { odc = hash[nl]; return true; //orbit data already loaded } //Create a new OrbitDataColl OrbitDataColl ret; //Ecliptic Longitude for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { snum.setNum(i); fname = nl + ".L" + snum + ".vsop"; if (readOrbitData(fname, &ret.Lon[i])) nCount++; } if (nCount == 0) return false; //Ecliptic Latitude for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { snum.setNum(i); fname = nl + ".B" + snum + ".vsop"; if (readOrbitData(fname, &ret.Lat[i])) nCount++; } if (nCount == 0) return false; //Heliocentric Distance for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { snum.setNum(i); fname = nl + ".R" + snum + ".vsop"; if (readOrbitData(fname, &ret.Dst[i])) nCount++; } if (nCount == 0) return false; hash[nl] = ret; odc = hash[nl]; return true; } KSPlanet::KSPlanet(const QString &s, const QString &imfile, const QColor &c, double pSize) : KSPlanetBase(s, imfile, c, pSize) { } KSPlanet::KSPlanet(int n) : KSPlanetBase() { switch (n) { case MERCURY: KSPlanetBase::init(i18n("Mercury"), "mercury", KSPlanetBase::planetColor[KSPlanetBase::MERCURY], 4879.4); break; case VENUS: KSPlanetBase::init(i18n("Venus"), "venus", KSPlanetBase::planetColor[KSPlanetBase::VENUS], 12103.6); break; case MARS: KSPlanetBase::init(i18n("Mars"), "mars", KSPlanetBase::planetColor[KSPlanetBase::MARS], 6792.4); break; case JUPITER: KSPlanetBase::init(i18n("Jupiter"), "jupiter", KSPlanetBase::planetColor[KSPlanetBase::JUPITER], 142984.); break; case SATURN: KSPlanetBase::init(i18n("Saturn"), "saturn", KSPlanetBase::planetColor[KSPlanetBase::SATURN], 120536.); break; case URANUS: KSPlanetBase::init(i18n("Uranus"), "uranus", KSPlanetBase::planetColor[KSPlanetBase::URANUS], 51118.); break; case NEPTUNE: KSPlanetBase::init(i18n("Neptune"), "neptune", KSPlanetBase::planetColor[KSPlanetBase::NEPTUNE], 49572.); break; default: qDebug() << "Error: Illegal identifier in KSPlanet constructor: " << n; break; } } KSPlanet *KSPlanet::clone() const { Q_ASSERT(typeid(this) == typeid(static_cast(this))); // Ensure we are not slicing a derived class return new KSPlanet(*this); } // TODO: Get rid of this dirty hack post KDE 4.2 release QString KSPlanet::untranslatedName() const { if (name() == i18n("Mercury")) return "Mercury"; else if (name() == i18n("Venus")) return "Venus"; else if (name() == i18n("Mars")) return "Mars"; else if (name() == i18n("Jupiter")) return "Jupiter"; else if (name() == i18n("Saturn")) return "Saturn"; else if (name() == i18n("Uranus")) return "Uranus"; else if (name() == i18n("Neptune")) return "Neptune"; else if (name() == i18n("Earth")) return "Earth"; else if (name() == i18n("Earth Shadow")) return "Earth Shadow"; else if (name() == i18n("Moon")) return "Moon"; else if (name() == i18n("Sun")) return "Sun"; else return name(); } //we don't need the reference to the ODC, so just give it a junk variable bool KSPlanet::loadData() { OrbitDataColl odc; return odm.loadData(odc, untranslatedName()); } void KSPlanet::calcEcliptic(double Tau, EclipticPosition &epret) const { double sum[6]; OrbitDataColl odc; double Tpow[6]; Tpow[0] = 1.0; for (int i = 1; i < 6; ++i) { Tpow[i] = Tpow[i - 1] * Tau; } if (!odm.loadData(odc, untranslatedName())) { epret.longitude = dms(0.0); epret.latitude = dms(0.0); epret.radius = 0.0; qCWarning(KSTARS) << "Could not get data for name:" << name() << "(" << untranslatedName() << ")"; return; } //Ecliptic Longitude for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { sum[i] = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < odc.Lon[i].size(); ++j) { sum[i] += odc.Lon[i][j].A * cos(odc.Lon[i][j].B + odc.Lon[i][j].C * Tau); /* qDebug() << "sum[" << i <<"] =" << sum[i] << " A = " << odc.Lon[i][j].A << " B = " << odc.Lon[i][j].B << " C = " << odc.Lon[i][j].C; */ } sum[i] *= Tpow[i]; //qDebug() << name() << " : sum[" << i << "] = " << sum[i]; } epret.longitude.setRadians(sum[0] + sum[1] + sum[2] + sum[3] + sum[4] + sum[5]); epret.longitude.setD(epret.longitude.reduce().Degrees()); //Compute Ecliptic Latitude for (uint i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { sum[i] = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < odc.Lat[i].size(); ++j) { sum[i] += odc.Lat[i][j].A * cos(odc.Lat[i][j].B + odc.Lat[i][j].C * Tau); } sum[i] *= Tpow[i]; } epret.latitude.setRadians(sum[0] + sum[1] + sum[2] + sum[3] + sum[4] + sum[5]); //Compute Heliocentric Distance for (uint i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { sum[i] = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < odc.Dst[i].size(); ++j) { sum[i] += odc.Dst[i][j].A * cos(odc.Dst[i][j].B + odc.Dst[i][j].C * Tau); } sum[i] *= Tpow[i]; } epret.radius = sum[0] + sum[1] + sum[2] + sum[3] + sum[4] + sum[5]; /* qDebug() << name() << " pre: Lat = " << epret.latitude.toDMSString() << " Long = " << epret.longitude.toDMSString() << " Dist = " << epret.radius; */ } bool KSPlanet::findGeocentricPosition(const KSNumbers *num, const KSPlanetBase *Earth) { if (Earth != nullptr) { double sinL, sinL0, sinB, sinB0; double cosL, cosL0, cosB, cosB0; double x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0; double olddst = -1000; double dst = 0; EclipticPosition trialpos; double jm = num->julianMillenia(); Earth->ecLong().SinCos(sinL0, cosL0); Earth->ecLat().SinCos(sinB0, cosB0); double eX = Earth->rsun() * cosB0 * cosL0; double eY = Earth->rsun() * cosB0 * sinL0; double eZ = Earth->rsun() * sinB0; bool once = true; while (fabs(dst - olddst) > .001) { calcEcliptic(jm, trialpos); // We store the heliocentric ecliptic coordinates the first time they are computed. if (once) { helEcPos = trialpos; once = false; } olddst = dst; trialpos.longitude.SinCos(sinL, cosL); trialpos.latitude.SinCos(sinB, cosB); x = trialpos.radius * cosB * cosL - eX; y = trialpos.radius * cosB * sinL - eY; z = trialpos.radius * sinB - eZ; //distance from Earth dst = sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z); //The light-travel time delay, in millenia //0.0057755183 is the inverse speed of light, //in days/AU double delay = (.0057755183 * dst) / 365250.0; jm = num->julianMillenia() - delay; } ep.longitude.setRadians(atan2(y, x)); ep.longitude.reduce(); ep.latitude.setRadians(atan2(z, sqrt(x * x + y * y))); setRsun(trialpos.radius); setRearth(dst); EclipticToEquatorial(num->obliquity()); setRA0(ra()); setDec0(dec()); apparentCoord(J2000, lastPrecessJD); //nutate(num); //aberrate(num); } else { calcEcliptic(num->julianMillenia(), ep); helEcPos = ep; } //determine the position angle findPA(num); return true; } void KSPlanet::findMagnitude(const KSNumbers *num) { double cosDec, sinDec; dec().SinCos(cosDec, sinDec); /* Computation of the visual magnitude (V band) of the planet. * Algorithm provided by Pere Planesas (Observatorio Astronomico Nacional) * It has some similarity to J. Meeus algorithm in Astronomical Algorithms, Chapter 40. * */ // Initialized to the faintest magnitude observable with the HST float magnitude = 30; double param = 5 * log10(rsun() * rearth()); double phase = this->phase().Degrees(); double f1 = phase / 100.; if (name() == i18n("Mercury")) { if (phase > 150.) f1 = 1.5; magnitude = -0.36 + param + 3.8 * f1 - 2.73 * f1 * f1 + 2 * f1 * f1 * f1; } else if (name() == i18n("Venus")) { magnitude = -4.29 + param + 0.09 * f1 + 2.39 * f1 * f1 - 0.65 * f1 * f1 * f1; } else if (name() == i18n("Mars")) { magnitude = -1.52 + param + 0.016 * phase; } else if (name() == i18n("Jupiter")) { magnitude = -9.25 + param + 0.005 * phase; } else if (name() == i18n("Saturn")) { double T = num->julianCenturies(); double a0 = (40.66 - 4.695 * T) * dms::PI / 180.; double d0 = (83.52 + 0.403 * T) * dms::PI / 180.; double sinx = -cos(d0) * cosDec * cos(a0 - ra().radians()); sinx = fabs(sinx - sin(d0) * sinDec); double rings = -2.6 * sinx + 1.25 * sinx * sinx; magnitude = -8.88 + param + 0.044 * phase + rings; } else if (name() == i18n("Uranus")) { magnitude = -7.19 + param + 0.0028 * phase; } else if (name() == i18n("Neptune")) { magnitude = -6.87 + param; } setMag(magnitude); } SkyObject::UID KSPlanet::getUID() const { SkyObject::UID n; if (name() == i18n("Mercury")) { n = 1; } else if (name() == i18n("Venus")) { n = 2; } else if (name() == i18n("Earth")) { n = 3; } else if (name() == i18n("Mars")) { n = 4; } else if (name() == i18n("Jupiter")) { n = 5; } else if (name() == i18n("Saturn")) { n = 6; } else if (name() == i18n("Uranus")) { n = 7; } else if (name() == i18n("Neptune")) { n = 8; } else { return SkyObject::invalidUID; } return solarsysUID(UID_SOL_BIGOBJ) | n; }