# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst # TODO: Test FITS parsing # STDLIB import io import re import gzip import base64 import codecs import urllib.request import warnings # THIRD-PARTY import numpy as np from numpy import ma # LOCAL from astropy.io import fits from astropy import __version__ as astropy_version from astropy.utils.collections import HomogeneousList from astropy.utils.xml.writer import XMLWriter from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyDeprecationWarning from . import converters from .exceptions import (warn_or_raise, vo_warn, vo_raise, vo_reraise, warn_unknown_attrs, W06, W07, W08, W09, W10, W11, W12, W13, W15, W17, W18, W19, W20, W21, W22, W26, W27, W28, W29, W32, W33, W35, W36, W37, W38, W40, W41, W42, W43, W44, W45, W50, W52, W53, W54, E06, E08, E09, E10, E11, E12, E13, E15, E16, E17, E18, E19, E20, E21, E22, E23, E25) from . import ucd as ucd_mod from . import util from . import xmlutil try: from . import tablewriter _has_c_tabledata_writer = True except ImportError: _has_c_tabledata_writer = False __all__ = [ 'Link', 'Info', 'Values', 'Field', 'Param', 'CooSys', 'TimeSys', 'FieldRef', 'ParamRef', 'Group', 'Table', 'Resource', 'VOTableFile', 'Element' ] # The default number of rows to read in each chunk before converting # to an array. DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE = 256 RESIZE_AMOUNT = 1.5 ###################################################################### # FACTORY FUNCTIONS def _resize(masked, new_size): """ Masked arrays can not be resized inplace, and `np.resize` and `ma.resize` are both incompatible with structured arrays. Therefore, we do all this. """ new_array = ma.zeros((new_size,), dtype=masked.dtype) length = min(len(masked), new_size) new_array[:length] = masked[:length] return new_array def _lookup_by_attr_factory(attr, unique, iterator, element_name, doc): """ Creates a function useful for looking up an element by a given attribute. Parameters ---------- attr : str The attribute name unique : bool Should be `True` if the attribute is unique and therefore this should return only one value. Otherwise, returns a list of values. iterator : generator A generator that iterates over some arbitrary set of elements element_name : str The XML element name of the elements being iterated over (used for error messages only). doc : str A docstring to apply to the generated function. Returns ------- factory : function A function that looks up an element by the given attribute. """ def lookup_by_attr(self, ref, before=None): """ Given a string *ref*, finds the first element in the iterator where the given attribute == *ref*. If *before* is provided, will stop searching at the object *before*. This is important, since "forward references" are not allowed in the VOTABLE format. """ for element in getattr(self, iterator)(): if element is before: if getattr(element, attr, None) == ref: vo_raise( f"{element_name} references itself", element._config, element._pos, KeyError) break if getattr(element, attr, None) == ref: yield element def lookup_by_attr_unique(self, ref, before=None): for element in lookup_by_attr(self, ref, before=before): return element raise KeyError( "No {} with {} '{}' found before the referencing {}".format( element_name, attr, ref, element_name)) if unique: lookup_by_attr_unique.__doc__ = doc return lookup_by_attr_unique else: lookup_by_attr.__doc__ = doc return lookup_by_attr def _lookup_by_id_or_name_factory(iterator, element_name, doc): """ Like `_lookup_by_attr_factory`, but looks in both the "ID" and "name" attributes. """ def lookup_by_id_or_name(self, ref, before=None): """ Given an key *ref*, finds the first element in the iterator with the attribute ID == *ref* or name == *ref*. If *before* is provided, will stop searching at the object *before*. This is important, since "forward references" are not allowed in the VOTABLE format. """ for element in getattr(self, iterator)(): if element is before: if ref in (element.ID, element.name): vo_raise( f"{element_name} references itself", element._config, element._pos, KeyError) break if ref in (element.ID, element.name): return element raise KeyError( "No {} with ID or name '{}' found before the referencing {}".format( element_name, ref, element_name)) lookup_by_id_or_name.__doc__ = doc return lookup_by_id_or_name def _get_default_unit_format(config): """ Get the default unit format as specified in the VOTable spec. """ # The unit format changed between VOTable versions 1.3 and 1.4, # see issue #10791. if config['version_1_4_or_later']: return 'vounit' else: return 'cds' def _get_unit_format(config): """ Get the unit format based on the configuration. """ if config.get('unit_format') is None: format = _get_default_unit_format(config) else: format = config['unit_format'] return format ###################################################################### # ATTRIBUTE CHECKERS def check_astroyear(year, field, config=None, pos=None): """ Raises a `~astropy.io.votable.exceptions.VOTableSpecError` if *year* is not a valid astronomical year as defined by the VOTABLE standard. Parameters ---------- year : str An astronomical year string field : str The name of the field this year was found in (used for error message) config, pos : optional Information about the source of the value """ if (year is not None and re.match(r"^[JB]?[0-9]+([.][0-9]*)?$", year) is None): warn_or_raise(W07, W07, (field, year), config, pos) return False return True def check_string(string, attr_name, config=None, pos=None): """ Raises a `~astropy.io.votable.exceptions.VOTableSpecError` if *string* is not a string or Unicode string. Parameters ---------- string : str An astronomical year string attr_name : str The name of the field this year was found in (used for error message) config, pos : optional Information about the source of the value """ if string is not None and not isinstance(string, str): warn_or_raise(W08, W08, attr_name, config, pos) return False return True def resolve_id(ID, id, config=None, pos=None): if ID is None and id is not None: warn_or_raise(W09, W09, (), config, pos) return id return ID def check_ucd(ucd, config=None, pos=None): """ Warns or raises a `~astropy.io.votable.exceptions.VOTableSpecError` if *ucd* is not a valid `unified content descriptor`_ string as defined by the VOTABLE standard. Parameters ---------- ucd : str A UCD string. config, pos : optional Information about the source of the value """ if config is None: config = {} if config.get('version_1_1_or_later'): try: ucd_mod.parse_ucd( ucd, check_controlled_vocabulary=config.get( 'version_1_2_or_later', False), has_colon=config.get('version_1_2_or_later', False)) except ValueError as e: # This weird construction is for Python 3 compatibility if config.get('verify', 'ignore') == 'exception': vo_raise(W06, (ucd, str(e)), config, pos) elif config.get('verify', 'ignore') == 'warn': vo_warn(W06, (ucd, str(e)), config, pos) return False else: return False return True ###################################################################### # PROPERTY MIXINS class _IDProperty: @property def ID(self): """ The XML ID_ of the element. May be `None` or a string conforming to XML ID_ syntax. """ return self._ID @ID.setter def ID(self, ID): xmlutil.check_id(ID, 'ID', self._config, self._pos) self._ID = ID @ID.deleter def ID(self): self._ID = None class _NameProperty: @property def name(self): """An optional name for the element.""" return self._name @name.setter def name(self, name): xmlutil.check_token(name, 'name', self._config, self._pos) self._name = name @name.deleter def name(self): self._name = None class _XtypeProperty: @property def xtype(self): """Extended data type information.""" return self._xtype @xtype.setter def xtype(self, xtype): if xtype is not None and not self._config.get('version_1_2_or_later'): warn_or_raise( W28, W28, ('xtype', self._element_name, '1.2'), self._config, self._pos) check_string(xtype, 'xtype', self._config, self._pos) self._xtype = xtype @xtype.deleter def xtype(self): self._xtype = None class _UtypeProperty: _utype_in_v1_2 = False @property def utype(self): """The usage-specific or `unique type`_ of the element.""" return self._utype @utype.setter def utype(self, utype): if (self._utype_in_v1_2 and utype is not None and not self._config.get('version_1_2_or_later')): warn_or_raise( W28, W28, ('utype', self._element_name, '1.2'), self._config, self._pos) check_string(utype, 'utype', self._config, self._pos) self._utype = utype @utype.deleter def utype(self): self._utype = None class _UcdProperty: _ucd_in_v1_2 = False @property def ucd(self): """The `unified content descriptor`_ for the element.""" return self._ucd @ucd.setter def ucd(self, ucd): if ucd is not None and ucd.strip() == '': ucd = None if ucd is not None: if (self._ucd_in_v1_2 and not self._config.get('version_1_2_or_later')): warn_or_raise( W28, W28, ('ucd', self._element_name, '1.2'), self._config, self._pos) check_ucd(ucd, self._config, self._pos) self._ucd = ucd @ucd.deleter def ucd(self): self._ucd = None class _DescriptionProperty: @property def description(self): """ An optional string describing the element. Corresponds to the DESCRIPTION_ element. """ return self._description @description.setter def description(self, description): self._description = description @description.deleter def description(self): self._description = None ###################################################################### # ELEMENT CLASSES class Element: """ A base class for all classes that represent XML elements in the VOTABLE file. """ _element_name = '' _attr_list = [] def _add_unknown_tag(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos): warn_or_raise(W10, W10, tag, config, pos) def _ignore_add(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos): warn_unknown_attrs(tag, data.keys(), config, pos) def _add_definitions(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos): if config.get('version_1_1_or_later'): warn_or_raise(W22, W22, (), config, pos) warn_unknown_attrs(tag, data.keys(), config, pos) def parse(self, iterator, config): """ For internal use. Parse the XML content of the children of the element. Parameters ---------- iterator : xml iterable An iterator over XML elements as returned by `~astropy.utils.xml.iterparser.get_xml_iterator`. config : dict The configuration dictionary that affects how certain elements are read. Returns ------- self : `~astropy.io.votable.tree.Element` Returns self as a convenience. """ raise NotImplementedError() def to_xml(self, w, **kwargs): """ For internal use. Output the element to XML. Parameters ---------- w : astropy.utils.xml.writer.XMLWriter object An XML writer to write to. kwargs : dict Any configuration parameters to control the output. """ raise NotImplementedError() class SimpleElement(Element): """ A base class for simple elements, such as FIELD, PARAM and INFO that don't require any special parsing or outputting machinery. """ def __init__(self): Element.__init__(self) def __repr__(self): buff = io.StringIO() SimpleElement.to_xml(self, XMLWriter(buff)) return buff.getvalue().strip() def parse(self, iterator, config): for start, tag, data, pos in iterator: if start and tag != self._element_name: self._add_unknown_tag(iterator, tag, data, config, pos) elif tag == self._element_name: break return self def to_xml(self, w, **kwargs): w.element(self._element_name, attrib=w.object_attrs(self, self._attr_list)) class SimpleElementWithContent(SimpleElement): """ A base class for simple elements, such as FIELD, PARAM and INFO that don't require any special parsing or outputting machinery. """ def __init__(self): SimpleElement.__init__(self) self._content = None def parse(self, iterator, config): for start, tag, data, pos in iterator: if start and tag != self._element_name: self._add_unknown_tag(iterator, tag, data, config, pos) elif tag == self._element_name: if data: self.content = data break return self def to_xml(self, w, **kwargs): w.element(self._element_name, self._content, attrib=w.object_attrs(self, self._attr_list)) @property def content(self): """The content of the element.""" return self._content @content.setter def content(self, content): check_string(content, 'content', self._config, self._pos) self._content = content @content.deleter def content(self): self._content = None class Link(SimpleElement, _IDProperty): """ LINK_ elements: used to reference external documents and servers through a URI. The keyword arguments correspond to setting members of the same name, documented below. """ _attr_list = ['ID', 'content_role', 'content_type', 'title', 'value', 'href', 'action'] _element_name = 'LINK' def __init__(self, ID=None, title=None, value=None, href=None, action=None, id=None, config=None, pos=None, **kwargs): if config is None: config = {} self._config = config self._pos = pos SimpleElement.__init__(self) content_role = kwargs.get('content-role') or kwargs.get('content_role') content_type = kwargs.get('content-type') or kwargs.get('content_type') if 'gref' in kwargs: warn_or_raise(W11, W11, (), config, pos) self.ID = resolve_id(ID, id, config, pos) self.content_role = content_role self.content_type = content_type self.title = title self.value = value self.href = href self.action = action warn_unknown_attrs( 'LINK', kwargs.keys(), config, pos, ['content-role', 'content_role', 'content-type', 'content_type', 'gref']) @property def content_role(self): """ Defines the MIME role of the referenced object. Must be one of: None, 'query', 'hints', 'doc', 'location' or 'type' """ return self._content_role @content_role.setter def content_role(self, content_role): if ((content_role == 'type' and not self._config['version_1_3_or_later']) or content_role not in (None, 'query', 'hints', 'doc', 'location')): vo_warn(W45, (content_role,), self._config, self._pos) self._content_role = content_role @content_role.deleter def content_role(self): self._content_role = None @property def content_type(self): """Defines the MIME content type of the referenced object.""" return self._content_type @content_type.setter def content_type(self, content_type): xmlutil.check_mime_content_type(content_type, self._config, self._pos) self._content_type = content_type @content_type.deleter def content_type(self): self._content_type = None @property def href(self): """ A URI to an arbitrary protocol. The vo package only supports http and anonymous ftp. """ return self._href @href.setter def href(self, href): xmlutil.check_anyuri(href, self._config, self._pos) self._href = href @href.deleter def href(self): self._href = None def to_table_column(self, column): meta = {} for key in self._attr_list: val = getattr(self, key, None) if val is not None: meta[key] = val column.meta.setdefault('links', []) column.meta['links'].append(meta) @classmethod def from_table_column(cls, d): return cls(**d) class Info(SimpleElementWithContent, _IDProperty, _XtypeProperty, _UtypeProperty): """ INFO_ elements: arbitrary key-value pairs for extensions to the standard. The keyword arguments correspond to setting members of the same name, documented below. """ _element_name = 'INFO' _attr_list_11 = ['ID', 'name', 'value'] _attr_list_12 = _attr_list_11 + ['xtype', 'ref', 'unit', 'ucd', 'utype'] _utype_in_v1_2 = True def __init__(self, ID=None, name=None, value=None, id=None, xtype=None, ref=None, unit=None, ucd=None, utype=None, config=None, pos=None, **extra): if config is None: config = {} self._config = config self._pos = pos SimpleElementWithContent.__init__(self) self.ID = (resolve_id(ID, id, config, pos) or xmlutil.fix_id(name, config, pos)) self.name = name self.value = value self.xtype = xtype self.ref = ref self.unit = unit self.ucd = ucd self.utype = utype if config.get('version_1_2_or_later'): self._attr_list = self._attr_list_12 else: self._attr_list = self._attr_list_11 if xtype is not None: warn_unknown_attrs('INFO', ['xtype'], config, pos) if ref is not None: warn_unknown_attrs('INFO', ['ref'], config, pos) if unit is not None: warn_unknown_attrs('INFO', ['unit'], config, pos) if ucd is not None: warn_unknown_attrs('INFO', ['ucd'], config, pos) if utype is not None: warn_unknown_attrs('INFO', ['utype'], config, pos) warn_unknown_attrs('INFO', extra.keys(), config, pos) @property def name(self): """[*required*] The key of the key-value pair.""" return self._name @name.setter def name(self, name): if name is None: warn_or_raise(W35, W35, ('name'), self._config, self._pos) xmlutil.check_token(name, 'name', self._config, self._pos) self._name = name @property def value(self): """ [*required*] The value of the key-value pair. (Always stored as a string or unicode string). """ return self._value @value.setter def value(self, value): if value is None: warn_or_raise(W35, W35, ('value'), self._config, self._pos) check_string(value, 'value', self._config, self._pos) self._value = value @property def content(self): """The content inside the INFO element.""" return self._content @content.setter def content(self, content): check_string(content, 'content', self._config, self._pos) self._content = content @content.deleter def content(self): self._content = None @property def ref(self): """ Refer to another INFO_ element by ID_, defined previously in the document. """ return self._ref @ref.setter def ref(self, ref): if ref is not None and not self._config.get('version_1_2_or_later'): warn_or_raise(W28, W28, ('ref', 'INFO', '1.2'), self._config, self._pos) xmlutil.check_id(ref, 'ref', self._config, self._pos) # TODO: actually apply the reference # if ref is not None: # try: # other = self._votable.get_values_by_id(ref, before=self) # except KeyError: # vo_raise( # "VALUES ref='%s', which has not already been defined." % # self.ref, self._config, self._pos, KeyError) # self.null = other.null # self.type = other.type # self.min = other.min # self.min_inclusive = other.min_inclusive # self.max = other.max # self.max_inclusive = other.max_inclusive # self._options[:] = other.options self._ref = ref @ref.deleter def ref(self): self._ref = None @property def unit(self): """A string specifying the units_ for the INFO_.""" return self._unit @unit.setter def unit(self, unit): if unit is None: self._unit = None return from astropy import units as u if not self._config.get('version_1_2_or_later'): warn_or_raise(W28, W28, ('unit', 'INFO', '1.2'), self._config, self._pos) # First, parse the unit in the default way, so that we can # still emit a warning if the unit is not to spec. default_format = _get_default_unit_format(self._config) unit_obj = u.Unit( unit, format=default_format, parse_strict='silent') if isinstance(unit_obj, u.UnrecognizedUnit): warn_or_raise(W50, W50, (unit,), self._config, self._pos) format = _get_unit_format(self._config) if format != default_format: unit_obj = u.Unit( unit, format=format, parse_strict='silent') self._unit = unit_obj @unit.deleter def unit(self): self._unit = None def to_xml(self, w, **kwargs): attrib = w.object_attrs(self, self._attr_list) if 'unit' in attrib: attrib['unit'] = self.unit.to_string('cds') w.element(self._element_name, self._content, attrib=attrib) class Values(Element, _IDProperty): """ VALUES_ element: used within FIELD_ and PARAM_ elements to define the domain of values. The keyword arguments correspond to setting members of the same name, documented below. """ def __init__(self, votable, field, ID=None, null=None, ref=None, type="legal", id=None, config=None, pos=None, **extras): if config is None: config = {} self._config = config self._pos = pos Element.__init__(self) self._votable = votable self._field = field self.ID = resolve_id(ID, id, config, pos) self.null = null self._ref = ref self.type = type self.min = None self.max = None self.min_inclusive = True self.max_inclusive = True self._options = [] warn_unknown_attrs('VALUES', extras.keys(), config, pos) def __repr__(self): buff = io.StringIO() self.to_xml(XMLWriter(buff)) return buff.getvalue().strip() @property def null(self): """ For integral datatypes, *null* is used to define the value used for missing values. """ return self._null @null.setter def null(self, null): if null is not None and isinstance(null, str): try: null_val = self._field.converter.parse_scalar( null, self._config, self._pos)[0] except Exception: warn_or_raise(W36, W36, null, self._config, self._pos) null_val = self._field.converter.parse_scalar( '0', self._config, self._pos)[0] else: null_val = null self._null = null_val @null.deleter def null(self): self._null = None @property def type(self): """ [*required*] Defines the applicability of the domain defined by this VALUES_ element. Must be one of the following strings: - 'legal': The domain of this column applies in general to this datatype. (default) - 'actual': The domain of this column applies only to the data enclosed in the parent table. """ return self._type @type.setter def type(self, type): if type not in ('legal', 'actual'): vo_raise(E08, type, self._config, self._pos) self._type = type @property def ref(self): """ Refer to another VALUES_ element by ID_, defined previously in the document, for MIN/MAX/OPTION information. """ return self._ref @ref.setter def ref(self, ref): xmlutil.check_id(ref, 'ref', self._config, self._pos) if ref is not None: try: other = self._votable.get_values_by_id(ref, before=self) except KeyError: warn_or_raise(W43, W43, ('VALUES', self.ref), self._config, self._pos) ref = None else: self.null = other.null self.type = other.type self.min = other.min self.min_inclusive = other.min_inclusive self.max = other.max self.max_inclusive = other.max_inclusive self._options[:] = other.options self._ref = ref @ref.deleter def ref(self): self._ref = None @property def min(self): """ The minimum value of the domain. See :attr:`min_inclusive`. """ return self._min @min.setter def min(self, min): if hasattr(self._field, 'converter') and min is not None: self._min = self._field.converter.parse(min)[0] else: self._min = min @min.deleter def min(self): self._min = None @property def min_inclusive(self): """When `True`, the domain includes the minimum value.""" return self._min_inclusive @min_inclusive.setter def min_inclusive(self, inclusive): if inclusive == 'yes': self._min_inclusive = True elif inclusive == 'no': self._min_inclusive = False else: self._min_inclusive = bool(inclusive) @min_inclusive.deleter def min_inclusive(self): self._min_inclusive = True @property def max(self): """ The maximum value of the domain. See :attr:`max_inclusive`. """ return self._max @max.setter def max(self, max): if hasattr(self._field, 'converter') and max is not None: self._max = self._field.converter.parse(max)[0] else: self._max = max @max.deleter def max(self): self._max = None @property def max_inclusive(self): """When `True`, the domain includes the maximum value.""" return self._max_inclusive @max_inclusive.setter def max_inclusive(self, inclusive): if inclusive == 'yes': self._max_inclusive = True elif inclusive == 'no': self._max_inclusive = False else: self._max_inclusive = bool(inclusive) @max_inclusive.deleter def max_inclusive(self): self._max_inclusive = True @property def options(self): """ A list of string key-value tuples defining other OPTION elements for the domain. All options are ignored -- they are stored for round-tripping purposes only. """ return self._options def parse(self, iterator, config): if self.ref is not None: for start, tag, data, pos in iterator: if start: warn_or_raise(W44, W44, tag, config, pos) else: if tag != 'VALUES': warn_or_raise(W44, W44, tag, config, pos) break else: for start, tag, data, pos in iterator: if start: if tag == 'MIN': if 'value' not in data: vo_raise(E09, 'MIN', config, pos) self.min = data['value'] self.min_inclusive = data.get('inclusive', 'yes') warn_unknown_attrs( 'MIN', data.keys(), config, pos, ['value', 'inclusive']) elif tag == 'MAX': if 'value' not in data: vo_raise(E09, 'MAX', config, pos) self.max = data['value'] self.max_inclusive = data.get('inclusive', 'yes') warn_unknown_attrs( 'MAX', data.keys(), config, pos, ['value', 'inclusive']) elif tag == 'OPTION': if 'value' not in data: vo_raise(E09, 'OPTION', config, pos) xmlutil.check_token( data.get('name'), 'name', config, pos) self.options.append( (data.get('name'), data.get('value'))) warn_unknown_attrs( 'OPTION', data.keys(), config, pos, ['value', 'name']) elif tag == 'VALUES': break return self def is_defaults(self): """ Are the settings on this ``VALUE`` element all the same as the XML defaults? """ # If there's nothing meaningful or non-default to write, # don't write anything. return (self.ref is None and self.null is None and self.ID is None and self.max is None and self.min is None and self.options == []) def to_xml(self, w, **kwargs): def yes_no(value): if value: return 'yes' return 'no' if self.is_defaults(): return if self.ref is not None: w.element('VALUES', attrib=w.object_attrs(self, ['ref'])) else: with w.tag('VALUES', attrib=w.object_attrs( self, ['ID', 'null', 'ref'])): if self.min is not None: w.element( 'MIN', value=self._field.converter.output(self.min, False), inclusive=yes_no(self.min_inclusive)) if self.max is not None: w.element( 'MAX', value=self._field.converter.output(self.max, False), inclusive=yes_no(self.max_inclusive)) for name, value in self.options: w.element( 'OPTION', name=name, value=value) def to_table_column(self, column): # Have the ref filled in here meta = {} for key in ['ID', 'null']: val = getattr(self, key, None) if val is not None: meta[key] = val if self.min is not None: meta['min'] = { 'value': self.min, 'inclusive': self.min_inclusive} if self.max is not None: meta['max'] = { 'value': self.max, 'inclusive': self.max_inclusive} if len(self.options): meta['options'] = dict(self.options) column.meta['values'] = meta def from_table_column(self, column): if column.info.meta is None or 'values' not in column.info.meta: return meta = column.info.meta['values'] for key in ['ID', 'null']: val = meta.get(key, None) if val is not None: setattr(self, key, val) if 'min' in meta: self.min = meta['min']['value'] self.min_inclusive = meta['min']['inclusive'] if 'max' in meta: self.max = meta['max']['value'] self.max_inclusive = meta['max']['inclusive'] if 'options' in meta: self._options = list(meta['options'].items()) class Field(SimpleElement, _IDProperty, _NameProperty, _XtypeProperty, _UtypeProperty, _UcdProperty): """ FIELD_ element: describes the datatype of a particular column of data. The keyword arguments correspond to setting members of the same name, documented below. If *ID* is provided, it is used for the column name in the resulting recarray of the table. If no *ID* is provided, *name* is used instead. If neither is provided, an exception will be raised. """ _attr_list_11 = ['ID', 'name', 'datatype', 'arraysize', 'ucd', 'unit', 'width', 'precision', 'utype', 'ref'] _attr_list_12 = _attr_list_11 + ['xtype'] _element_name = 'FIELD' def __init__(self, votable, ID=None, name=None, datatype=None, arraysize=None, ucd=None, unit=None, width=None, precision=None, utype=None, ref=None, type=None, id=None, xtype=None, config=None, pos=None, **extra): if config is None: if hasattr(votable, '_get_version_checks'): config = votable._get_version_checks() else: config = {} self._config = config self._pos = pos SimpleElement.__init__(self) if config.get('version_1_2_or_later'): self._attr_list = self._attr_list_12 else: self._attr_list = self._attr_list_11 if xtype is not None: warn_unknown_attrs(self._element_name, ['xtype'], config, pos) # TODO: REMOVE ME ---------------------------------------- # This is a terrible hack to support Simple Image Access # Protocol results from archive.noao.edu. It creates a field # for the coordinate projection type of type "double", which # actually contains character data. We have to hack the field # to store character data, or we can't read it in. A warning # will be raised when this happens. if (config.get('verify', 'ignore') != 'exception' and name == 'cprojection' and ID == 'cprojection' and ucd == 'VOX:WCS_CoordProjection' and datatype == 'double'): datatype = 'char' arraysize = '3' vo_warn(W40, (), config, pos) # ---------------------------------------- self.description = None self._votable = votable self.ID = (resolve_id(ID, id, config, pos) or xmlutil.fix_id(name, config, pos)) self.name = name if name is None: if (self._element_name == 'PARAM' and not config.get('version_1_1_or_later')): pass else: warn_or_raise(W15, W15, self._element_name, config, pos) self.name = self.ID if self._ID is None and name is None: vo_raise(W12, self._element_name, config, pos) datatype_mapping = { 'string': 'char', 'unicodeString': 'unicodeChar', 'int16': 'short', 'int32': 'int', 'int64': 'long', 'float32': 'float', 'float64': 'double', # The following appear in some Vizier tables 'unsignedInt': 'long', 'unsignedShort': 'int' } datatype_mapping.update(config.get('datatype_mapping', {})) if datatype in datatype_mapping: warn_or_raise(W13, W13, (datatype, datatype_mapping[datatype]), config, pos) datatype = datatype_mapping[datatype] self.ref = ref self.datatype = datatype self.arraysize = arraysize self.ucd = ucd self.unit = unit self.width = width self.precision = precision self.utype = utype self.type = type self._links = HomogeneousList(Link) self.title = self.name self.values = Values(self._votable, self) self.xtype = xtype self._setup(config, pos) warn_unknown_attrs(self._element_name, extra.keys(), config, pos) @classmethod def uniqify_names(cls, fields): """ Make sure that all names and titles in a list of fields are unique, by appending numbers if necessary. """ unique = {} for field in fields: i = 2 new_id = field.ID while new_id in unique: new_id = field.ID + f"_{i:d}" i += 1 if new_id != field.ID: vo_warn(W32, (field.ID, new_id), field._config, field._pos) field.ID = new_id unique[new_id] = field.ID for field in fields: i = 2 if field.name is None: new_name = field.ID implicit = True else: new_name = field.name implicit = False if new_name != field.ID: while new_name in unique: new_name = field.name + f" {i:d}" i += 1 if (not implicit and new_name != field.name): vo_warn(W33, (field.name, new_name), field._config, field._pos) field._unique_name = new_name unique[new_name] = field.name def _setup(self, config, pos): if self.values._ref is not None: self.values.ref = self.values._ref self.converter = converters.get_converter(self, config, pos) @property def datatype(self): """ [*required*] The datatype of the column. Valid values (as defined by the spec) are: 'boolean', 'bit', 'unsignedByte', 'short', 'int', 'long', 'char', 'unicodeChar', 'float', 'double', 'floatComplex', or 'doubleComplex' Many VOTABLE files in the wild use 'string' instead of 'char', so that is also a valid option, though 'string' will always be converted to 'char' when writing the file back out. """ return self._datatype @datatype.setter def datatype(self, datatype): if datatype is None: if self._config.get('version_1_1_or_later'): warn_or_raise(E10, E10, self._element_name, self._config, self._pos) datatype = 'char' if datatype not in converters.converter_mapping: vo_raise(E06, (datatype, self.ID), self._config, self._pos) self._datatype = datatype @property def precision(self): """ Along with :attr:`width`, defines the `numerical accuracy`_ associated with the data. These values are used to limit the precision when writing floating point values back to the XML file. Otherwise, it is purely informational -- the Numpy recarray containing the data itself does not use this information. """ return self._precision @precision.setter def precision(self, precision): if precision is not None and not re.match(r"^[FE]?[0-9]+$", precision): vo_raise(E11, precision, self._config, self._pos) self._precision = precision @precision.deleter def precision(self): self._precision = None @property def width(self): """ Along with :attr:`precision`, defines the `numerical accuracy`_ associated with the data. These values are used to limit the precision when writing floating point values back to the XML file. Otherwise, it is purely informational -- the Numpy recarray containing the data itself does not use this information. """ return self._width @width.setter def width(self, width): if width is not None: width = int(width) if width <= 0: vo_raise(E12, width, self._config, self._pos) self._width = width @width.deleter def width(self): self._width = None # ref on FIELD and PARAM behave differently than elsewhere -- here # they're just informational, such as to refer to a coordinate # system. @property def ref(self): """ On FIELD_ elements, ref is used only for informational purposes, for example to refer to a COOSYS_ or TIMESYS_ element. """ return self._ref @ref.setter def ref(self, ref): xmlutil.check_id(ref, 'ref', self._config, self._pos) self._ref = ref @ref.deleter def ref(self): self._ref = None @property def unit(self): """A string specifying the units_ for the FIELD_.""" return self._unit @unit.setter def unit(self, unit): if unit is None: self._unit = None return from astropy import units as u # First, parse the unit in the default way, so that we can # still emit a warning if the unit is not to spec. default_format = _get_default_unit_format(self._config) unit_obj = u.Unit( unit, format=default_format, parse_strict='silent') if isinstance(unit_obj, u.UnrecognizedUnit): warn_or_raise(W50, W50, (unit,), self._config, self._pos) format = _get_unit_format(self._config) if format != default_format: unit_obj = u.Unit( unit, format=format, parse_strict='silent') self._unit = unit_obj @unit.deleter def unit(self): self._unit = None @property def arraysize(self): """ Specifies the size of the multidimensional array if this FIELD_ contains more than a single value. See `multidimensional arrays`_. """ return self._arraysize @arraysize.setter def arraysize(self, arraysize): if (arraysize is not None and not re.match(r"^([0-9]+x)*[0-9]*[*]?(s\W)?$", arraysize)): vo_raise(E13, arraysize, self._config, self._pos) self._arraysize = arraysize @arraysize.deleter def arraysize(self): self._arraysize = None @property def type(self): """ The type attribute on FIELD_ elements is reserved for future extensions. """ return self._type @type.setter def type(self, type): self._type = type @type.deleter def type(self): self._type = None @property def values(self): """ A :class:`Values` instance (or `None`) defining the domain of the column. """ return self._values @values.setter def values(self, values): assert values is None or isinstance(values, Values) self._values = values @values.deleter def values(self): self._values = None @property def links(self): """ A list of :class:`Link` instances used to reference more details about the meaning of the FIELD_. This is purely informational and is not used by the `astropy.io.votable` package. """ return self._links def parse(self, iterator, config): for start, tag, data, pos in iterator: if start: if tag == 'VALUES': self.values.__init__( self._votable, self, config=config, pos=pos, **data) self.values.parse(iterator, config) elif tag == 'LINK': link = Link(config=config, pos=pos, **data) self.links.append(link) link.parse(iterator, config) elif tag == 'DESCRIPTION': warn_unknown_attrs( 'DESCRIPTION', data.keys(), config, pos) elif tag != self._element_name: self._add_unknown_tag(iterator, tag, data, config, pos) else: if tag == 'DESCRIPTION': if self.description is not None: warn_or_raise( W17, W17, self._element_name, config, pos) self.description = data or None elif tag == self._element_name: break if self.description is not None: self.title = " ".join(x.strip() for x in self.description.splitlines()) else: self.title = self.name self._setup(config, pos) return self def to_xml(self, w, **kwargs): attrib = w.object_attrs(self, self._attr_list) if 'unit' in attrib: attrib['unit'] = self.unit.to_string('cds') with w.tag(self._element_name, attrib=attrib): if self.description is not None: w.element('DESCRIPTION', self.description, wrap=True) if not self.values.is_defaults(): self.values.to_xml(w, **kwargs) for link in self.links: link.to_xml(w, **kwargs) def to_table_column(self, column): """ Sets the attributes of a given `astropy.table.Column` instance to match the information in this `Field`. """ for key in ['ucd', 'width', 'precision', 'utype', 'xtype']: val = getattr(self, key, None) if val is not None: column.meta[key] = val if not self.values.is_defaults(): self.values.to_table_column(column) for link in self.links: link.to_table_column(column) if self.description is not None: column.description = self.description if self.unit is not None: # TODO: Use units framework when it's available column.unit = self.unit if (isinstance(self.converter, converters.FloatingPoint) and self.converter.output_format != '{!r:>}'): column.format = self.converter.output_format elif isinstance(self.converter, converters.Char): column.info.meta['_votable_string_dtype'] = 'char' elif isinstance(self.converter, converters.UnicodeChar): column.info.meta['_votable_string_dtype'] = 'unicodeChar' @classmethod def from_table_column(cls, votable, column): """ Restores a `Field` instance from a given `astropy.table.Column` instance. """ kwargs = {} meta = column.info.meta if meta: for key in ['ucd', 'width', 'precision', 'utype', 'xtype']: val = meta.get(key, None) if val is not None: kwargs[key] = val # TODO: Use the unit framework when available if column.info.unit is not None: kwargs['unit'] = column.info.unit kwargs['name'] = column.info.name result = converters.table_column_to_votable_datatype(column) kwargs.update(result) field = cls(votable, **kwargs) if column.info.description is not None: field.description = column.info.description field.values.from_table_column(column) if meta and 'links' in meta: for link in meta['links']: field.links.append(Link.from_table_column(link)) # TODO: Parse format into precision and width return field class Param(Field): """ PARAM_ element: constant-valued columns in the data. :class:`Param` objects are a subclass of :class:`Field`, and have all of its methods and members. Additionally, it defines :attr:`value`. """ _attr_list_11 = Field._attr_list_11 + ['value'] _attr_list_12 = Field._attr_list_12 + ['value'] _element_name = 'PARAM' def __init__(self, votable, ID=None, name=None, value=None, datatype=None, arraysize=None, ucd=None, unit=None, width=None, precision=None, utype=None, type=None, id=None, config=None, pos=None, **extra): self._value = value Field.__init__(self, votable, ID=ID, name=name, datatype=datatype, arraysize=arraysize, ucd=ucd, unit=unit, precision=precision, utype=utype, type=type, id=id, config=config, pos=pos, **extra) @property def value(self): """ [*required*] The constant value of the parameter. Its type is determined by the :attr:`~Field.datatype` member. """ return self._value @value.setter def value(self, value): if value is None: value = "" if isinstance(value, str): self._value = self.converter.parse( value, self._config, self._pos)[0] else: self._value = value def _setup(self, config, pos): Field._setup(self, config, pos) self.value = self._value def to_xml(self, w, **kwargs): tmp_value = self._value self._value = self.converter.output(tmp_value, False) # We must always have a value if self._value is None: self._value = "" Field.to_xml(self, w, **kwargs) self._value = tmp_value class CooSys(SimpleElement): """ COOSYS_ element: defines a coordinate system. The keyword arguments correspond to setting members of the same name, documented below. """ _attr_list = ['ID', 'equinox', 'epoch', 'system'] _element_name = 'COOSYS' def __init__(self, ID=None, equinox=None, epoch=None, system=None, id=None, config=None, pos=None, **extra): if config is None: config = {} self._config = config self._pos = pos # COOSYS was deprecated in 1.2 but then re-instated in 1.3 if (config.get('version_1_2_or_later') and not config.get('version_1_3_or_later')): warn_or_raise(W27, W27, (), config, pos) SimpleElement.__init__(self) self.ID = resolve_id(ID, id, config, pos) self.equinox = equinox self.epoch = epoch self.system = system warn_unknown_attrs('COOSYS', extra.keys(), config, pos) @property def ID(self): """ [*required*] The XML ID of the COOSYS_ element, used for cross-referencing. May be `None` or a string conforming to XML ID_ syntax. """ return self._ID @ID.setter def ID(self, ID): if self._config.get('version_1_1_or_later'): if ID is None: vo_raise(E15, (), self._config, self._pos) xmlutil.check_id(ID, 'ID', self._config, self._pos) self._ID = ID @property def system(self): """ Specifies the type of coordinate system. Valid choices are: 'eq_FK4', 'eq_FK5', 'ICRS', 'ecl_FK4', 'ecl_FK5', 'galactic', 'supergalactic', 'xy', 'barycentric', or 'geo_app' """ return self._system @system.setter def system(self, system): if system not in ('eq_FK4', 'eq_FK5', 'ICRS', 'ecl_FK4', 'ecl_FK5', 'galactic', 'supergalactic', 'xy', 'barycentric', 'geo_app'): warn_or_raise(E16, E16, system, self._config, self._pos) self._system = system @system.deleter def system(self): self._system = None @property def equinox(self): """ A parameter required to fix the equatorial or ecliptic systems (as e.g. "J2000" as the default "eq_FK5" or "B1950" as the default "eq_FK4"). """ return self._equinox @equinox.setter def equinox(self, equinox): check_astroyear(equinox, 'equinox', self._config, self._pos) self._equinox = equinox @equinox.deleter def equinox(self): self._equinox = None @property def epoch(self): """ Specifies the epoch of the positions. It must be a string specifying an astronomical year. """ return self._epoch @epoch.setter def epoch(self, epoch): check_astroyear(epoch, 'epoch', self._config, self._pos) self._epoch = epoch @epoch.deleter def epoch(self): self._epoch = None class TimeSys(SimpleElement): """ TIMESYS_ element: defines a time system. The keyword arguments correspond to setting members of the same name, documented below. """ _attr_list = ['ID', 'timeorigin', 'timescale', 'refposition'] _element_name = 'TIMESYS' def __init__(self, ID=None, timeorigin=None, timescale=None, refposition=None, id=None, config=None, pos=None, **extra): if config is None: config = {} self._config = config self._pos = pos # TIMESYS is supported starting in version 1.4 if not config['version_1_4_or_later']: warn_or_raise( W54, W54, config['version'], config, pos) SimpleElement.__init__(self) self.ID = resolve_id(ID, id, config, pos) self.timeorigin = timeorigin self.timescale = timescale self.refposition = refposition warn_unknown_attrs('TIMESYS', extra.keys(), config, pos, ['ID', 'timeorigin', 'timescale', 'refposition']) @property def ID(self): """ [*required*] The XML ID of the TIMESYS_ element, used for cross-referencing. Must be a string conforming to XML ID_ syntax. """ return self._ID @ID.setter def ID(self, ID): if ID is None: vo_raise(E22, (), self._config, self._pos) xmlutil.check_id(ID, 'ID', self._config, self._pos) self._ID = ID @property def timeorigin(self): """ Specifies the time origin of the time coordinate, given as a Julian Date for the the time scale and reference point defined. It is usually given as a floating point literal; for convenience, the magic strings "MJD-origin" (standing for 2400000.5) and "JD-origin" (standing for 0) are also allowed. The timeorigin attribute MUST be given unless the time’s representation contains a year of a calendar era, in which case it MUST NOT be present. In VOTables, these representations currently are Gregorian calendar years with xtype="timestamp", or years in the Julian or Besselian calendar when a column has yr, a, or Ba as its unit and no time origin is given. """ return self._timeorigin @timeorigin.setter def timeorigin(self, timeorigin): if (timeorigin is not None and timeorigin != 'MJD-origin' and timeorigin != 'JD-origin'): try: timeorigin = float(timeorigin) except ValueError: warn_or_raise(E23, E23, timeorigin, self._config, self._pos) self._timeorigin = timeorigin @timeorigin.deleter def timeorigin(self): self._timeorigin = None @property def timescale(self): """ [*required*] String specifying the time scale used. Values should be taken from the IVOA timescale vocabulary (documented at http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/timescale). """ return self._timescale @timescale.setter def timescale(self, timescale): self._timescale = timescale @timescale.deleter def timescale(self): self._timescale = None @property def refposition(self): """ [*required*] String specifying the reference position. Values should be taken from the IVOA refposition vocabulary (documented at http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/refposition). """ return self._refposition @refposition.setter def refposition(self, refposition): self._refposition = refposition @refposition.deleter def refposition(self): self._refposition = None class FieldRef(SimpleElement, _UtypeProperty, _UcdProperty): """ FIELDref_ element: used inside of GROUP_ elements to refer to remote FIELD_ elements. """ _attr_list_11 = ['ref'] _attr_list_12 = _attr_list_11 + ['ucd', 'utype'] _element_name = "FIELDref" _utype_in_v1_2 = True _ucd_in_v1_2 = True def __init__(self, table, ref, ucd=None, utype=None, config=None, pos=None, **extra): """ *table* is the :class:`Table` object that this :class:`FieldRef` is a member of. *ref* is the ID to reference a :class:`Field` object defined elsewhere. """ if config is None: config = {} self._config = config self._pos = pos SimpleElement.__init__(self) self._table = table self.ref = ref self.ucd = ucd self.utype = utype if config.get('version_1_2_or_later'): self._attr_list = self._attr_list_12 else: self._attr_list = self._attr_list_11 if ucd is not None: warn_unknown_attrs(self._element_name, ['ucd'], config, pos) if utype is not None: warn_unknown_attrs(self._element_name, ['utype'], config, pos) @property def ref(self): """The ID_ of the FIELD_ that this FIELDref_ references.""" return self._ref @ref.setter def ref(self, ref): xmlutil.check_id(ref, 'ref', self._config, self._pos) self._ref = ref @ref.deleter def ref(self): self._ref = None def get_ref(self): """ Lookup the :class:`Field` instance that this :class:`FieldRef` references. """ for field in self._table._votable.iter_fields_and_params(): if isinstance(field, Field) and field.ID == self.ref: return field vo_raise( f"No field named '{self.ref}'", self._config, self._pos, KeyError) class ParamRef(SimpleElement, _UtypeProperty, _UcdProperty): """ PARAMref_ element: used inside of GROUP_ elements to refer to remote PARAM_ elements. The keyword arguments correspond to setting members of the same name, documented below. It contains the following publicly-accessible members: *ref*: An XML ID referring to a element. """ _attr_list_11 = ['ref'] _attr_list_12 = _attr_list_11 + ['ucd', 'utype'] _element_name = "PARAMref" _utype_in_v1_2 = True _ucd_in_v1_2 = True def __init__(self, table, ref, ucd=None, utype=None, config=None, pos=None): if config is None: config = {} self._config = config self._pos = pos Element.__init__(self) self._table = table self.ref = ref self.ucd = ucd self.utype = utype if config.get('version_1_2_or_later'): self._attr_list = self._attr_list_12 else: self._attr_list = self._attr_list_11 if ucd is not None: warn_unknown_attrs(self._element_name, ['ucd'], config, pos) if utype is not None: warn_unknown_attrs(self._element_name, ['utype'], config, pos) @property def ref(self): """The ID_ of the PARAM_ that this PARAMref_ references.""" return self._ref @ref.setter def ref(self, ref): xmlutil.check_id(ref, 'ref', self._config, self._pos) self._ref = ref @ref.deleter def ref(self): self._ref = None def get_ref(self): """ Lookup the :class:`Param` instance that this :class:``PARAMref`` references. """ for param in self._table._votable.iter_fields_and_params(): if isinstance(param, Param) and param.ID == self.ref: return param vo_raise( f"No params named '{self.ref}'", self._config, self._pos, KeyError) class Group(Element, _IDProperty, _NameProperty, _UtypeProperty, _UcdProperty, _DescriptionProperty): """ GROUP_ element: groups FIELD_ and PARAM_ elements. This information is currently ignored by the vo package---that is the columns in the recarray are always flat---but the grouping information is stored so that it can be written out again to the XML file. The keyword arguments correspond to setting members of the same name, documented below. """ def __init__(self, table, ID=None, name=None, ref=None, ucd=None, utype=None, id=None, config=None, pos=None, **extra): if config is None: config = {} self._config = config self._pos = pos Element.__init__(self) self._table = table self.ID = (resolve_id(ID, id, config, pos) or xmlutil.fix_id(name, config, pos)) self.name = name self.ref = ref self.ucd = ucd self.utype = utype self.description = None self._entries = HomogeneousList( (FieldRef, ParamRef, Group, Param)) warn_unknown_attrs('GROUP', extra.keys(), config, pos) def __repr__(self): return f'... {len(self._entries)} entries ...' @property def ref(self): """ Currently ignored, as it's not clear from the spec how this is meant to work. """ return self._ref @ref.setter def ref(self, ref): xmlutil.check_id(ref, 'ref', self._config, self._pos) self._ref = ref @ref.deleter def ref(self): self._ref = None @property def entries(self): """ [read-only] A list of members of the GROUP_. This list may only contain objects of type :class:`Param`, :class:`Group`, :class:`ParamRef` and :class:`FieldRef`. """ return self._entries def _add_fieldref(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos): fieldref = FieldRef(self._table, config=config, pos=pos, **data) self.entries.append(fieldref) def _add_paramref(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos): paramref = ParamRef(self._table, config=config, pos=pos, **data) self.entries.append(paramref) def _add_param(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos): if isinstance(self._table, VOTableFile): votable = self._table else: votable = self._table._votable param = Param(votable, config=config, pos=pos, **data) self.entries.append(param) param.parse(iterator, config) def _add_group(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos): group = Group(self._table, config=config, pos=pos, **data) self.entries.append(group) group.parse(iterator, config) def parse(self, iterator, config): tag_mapping = { 'FIELDref': self._add_fieldref, 'PARAMref': self._add_paramref, 'PARAM': self._add_param, 'GROUP': self._add_group, 'DESCRIPTION': self._ignore_add} for start, tag, data, pos in iterator: if start: tag_mapping.get(tag, self._add_unknown_tag)( iterator, tag, data, config, pos) else: if tag == 'DESCRIPTION': if self.description is not None: warn_or_raise(W17, W17, 'GROUP', config, pos) self.description = data or None elif tag == 'GROUP': break return self def to_xml(self, w, **kwargs): with w.tag( 'GROUP', attrib=w.object_attrs( self, ['ID', 'name', 'ref', 'ucd', 'utype'])): if self.description is not None: w.element("DESCRIPTION", self.description, wrap=True) for entry in self.entries: entry.to_xml(w, **kwargs) def iter_fields_and_params(self): """ Recursively iterate over all :class:`Param` elements in this :class:`Group`. """ for entry in self.entries: if isinstance(entry, Param): yield entry elif isinstance(entry, Group): for field in entry.iter_fields_and_params(): yield field def iter_groups(self): """ Recursively iterate over all sub-:class:`Group` instances in this :class:`Group`. """ for entry in self.entries: if isinstance(entry, Group): yield entry for group in entry.iter_groups(): yield group class Table(Element, _IDProperty, _NameProperty, _UcdProperty, _DescriptionProperty): """ TABLE_ element: optionally contains data. It contains the following publicly-accessible and mutable attribute: *array*: A Numpy masked array of the data itself, where each row is a row of votable data, and columns are named and typed based on the elements of the table. The mask is parallel to the data array, except for variable-length fields. For those fields, the numpy array's column type is "object" (``"O"``), and another masked array is stored there. If the Table contains no data, (for example, its enclosing :class:`Resource` has :attr:`~Resource.type` == 'meta') *array* will have zero-length. The keyword arguments correspond to setting members of the same name, documented below. """ def __init__(self, votable, ID=None, name=None, ref=None, ucd=None, utype=None, nrows=None, id=None, config=None, pos=None, **extra): if config is None: config = {} self._config = config self._pos = pos self._empty = False Element.__init__(self) self._votable = votable self.ID = (resolve_id(ID, id, config, pos) or xmlutil.fix_id(name, config, pos)) self.name = name xmlutil.check_id(ref, 'ref', config, pos) self._ref = ref self.ucd = ucd self.utype = utype if nrows is not None: nrows = int(nrows) if nrows < 0: raise ValueError("'nrows' cannot be negative.") self._nrows = nrows self.description = None self.format = 'tabledata' self._fields = HomogeneousList(Field) self._params = HomogeneousList(Param) self._groups = HomogeneousList(Group) self._links = HomogeneousList(Link) self._infos = HomogeneousList(Info) self.array = ma.array([]) warn_unknown_attrs('TABLE', extra.keys(), config, pos) def __repr__(self): return repr(self.to_table()) def __bytes__(self): return bytes(self.to_table()) def __str__(self): return str(self.to_table()) @property def ref(self): return self._ref @ref.setter def ref(self, ref): """ Refer to another TABLE, previously defined, by the *ref* ID_ for all metadata (FIELD_, PARAM_ etc.) information. """ # When the ref changes, we want to verify that it will work # by actually going and looking for the referenced table. # If found, set a bunch of properties in this table based # on the other one. xmlutil.check_id(ref, 'ref', self._config, self._pos) if ref is not None: try: table = self._votable.get_table_by_id(ref, before=self) except KeyError: warn_or_raise( W43, W43, ('TABLE', self.ref), self._config, self._pos) ref = None else: self._fields = table.fields self._params = table.params self._groups = table.groups self._links = table.links else: del self._fields[:] del self._params[:] del self._groups[:] del self._links[:] self._ref = ref @ref.deleter def ref(self): self._ref = None @property def format(self): """ [*required*] The serialization format of the table. Must be one of: 'tabledata' (TABLEDATA_), 'binary' (BINARY_), 'binary2' (BINARY2_) 'fits' (FITS_). Note that the 'fits' format, since it requires an external file, can not be written out. Any file read in with 'fits' format will be read out, by default, in 'tabledata' format. See :ref:`astropy:votable-serialization`. """ return self._format @format.setter def format(self, format): format = format.lower() if format == 'fits': vo_raise("fits format can not be written out, only read.", self._config, self._pos, NotImplementedError) if format == 'binary2': if not self._config['version_1_3_or_later']: vo_raise( "binary2 only supported in votable 1.3 or later", self._config, self._pos) elif format not in ('tabledata', 'binary'): vo_raise(f"Invalid format '{format}'", self._config, self._pos) self._format = format @property def nrows(self): """ [*immutable*] The number of rows in the table, as specified in the XML file. """ return self._nrows @property def fields(self): """ A list of :class:`Field` objects describing the types of each of the data columns. """ return self._fields @property def params(self): """ A list of parameters (constant-valued columns) for the table. Must contain only :class:`Param` objects. """ return self._params @property def groups(self): """ A list of :class:`Group` objects describing how the columns and parameters are grouped. Currently this information is only kept around for round-tripping and informational purposes. """ return self._groups @property def links(self): """ A list of :class:`Link` objects (pointers to other documents or servers through a URI) for the table. """ return self._links @property def infos(self): """ A list of :class:`Info` objects for the table. Allows for post-operational diagnostics. """ return self._infos def is_empty(self): """ Returns True if this table doesn't contain any real data because it was skipped over by the parser (through use of the ``table_number`` kwarg). """ return self._empty def create_arrays(self, nrows=0, config=None): """ Create a new array to hold the data based on the current set of fields, and store them in the *array* and member variable. Any data in the existing array will be lost. *nrows*, if provided, is the number of rows to allocate. """ if nrows is None: nrows = 0 fields = self.fields if len(fields) == 0: array = np.recarray((nrows,), dtype='O') mask = np.zeros((nrows,), dtype='b') else: # for field in fields: field._setup(config) Field.uniqify_names(fields) dtype = [] for x in fields: if x._unique_name == x.ID: id = x.ID else: id = (x._unique_name, x.ID) dtype.append((id, x.converter.format)) array = np.recarray((nrows,), dtype=np.dtype(dtype)) descr_mask = [] for d in array.dtype.descr: new_type = (d[1][1] == 'O' and 'O') or 'bool' if len(d) == 2: descr_mask.append((d[0], new_type)) elif len(d) == 3: descr_mask.append((d[0], new_type, d[2])) mask = np.zeros((nrows,), dtype=descr_mask) self.array = ma.array(array, mask=mask) def _resize_strategy(self, size): """ Return a new (larger) size based on size, used for reallocating an array when it fills up. This is in its own function so the resizing strategy can be easily replaced. """ # Once we go beyond 0, make a big step -- after that use a # factor of 1.5 to help keep memory usage compact if size == 0: return 512 return int(np.ceil(size * RESIZE_AMOUNT)) def _add_field(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos): field = Field(self._votable, config=config, pos=pos, **data) self.fields.append(field) field.parse(iterator, config) def _add_param(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos): param = Param(self._votable, config=config, pos=pos, **data) self.params.append(param) param.parse(iterator, config) def _add_group(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos): group = Group(self, config=config, pos=pos, **data) self.groups.append(group) group.parse(iterator, config) def _add_link(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos): link = Link(config=config, pos=pos, **data) self.links.append(link) link.parse(iterator, config) def _add_info(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos): if not config.get('version_1_2_or_later'): warn_or_raise(W26, W26, ('INFO', 'TABLE', '1.2'), config, pos) info = Info(config=config, pos=pos, **data) self.infos.append(info) info.parse(iterator, config) def parse(self, iterator, config): columns = config.get('columns') # If we've requested to read in only a specific table, skip # all others table_number = config.get('table_number') current_table_number = config.get('_current_table_number') skip_table = False if current_table_number is not None: config['_current_table_number'] += 1 if (table_number is not None and table_number != current_table_number): skip_table = True self._empty = True table_id = config.get('table_id') if table_id is not None: if table_id != self.ID: skip_table = True self._empty = True if self.ref is not None: # This table doesn't have its own datatype descriptors, it # just references those from another table. # This is to call the property setter to go and get the # referenced information self.ref = self.ref for start, tag, data, pos in iterator: if start: if tag == 'DATA': warn_unknown_attrs( 'DATA', data.keys(), config, pos) break else: if tag == 'TABLE': return self elif tag == 'DESCRIPTION': if self.description is not None: warn_or_raise(W17, W17, 'RESOURCE', config, pos) self.description = data or None else: tag_mapping = { 'FIELD': self._add_field, 'PARAM': self._add_param, 'GROUP': self._add_group, 'LINK': self._add_link, 'INFO': self._add_info, 'DESCRIPTION': self._ignore_add} for start, tag, data, pos in iterator: if start: if tag == 'DATA': if len(self.fields) == 0: warn_or_raise(E25, E25, None, config, pos) warn_unknown_attrs( 'DATA', data.keys(), config, pos) break tag_mapping.get(tag, self._add_unknown_tag)( iterator, tag, data, config, pos) else: if tag == 'DESCRIPTION': if self.description is not None: warn_or_raise(W17, W17, 'RESOURCE', config, pos) self.description = data or None elif tag == 'TABLE': # For error checking purposes Field.uniqify_names(self.fields) # We still need to create arrays, even if the file # contains no DATA section self.create_arrays(nrows=0, config=config) return self self.create_arrays(nrows=self._nrows, config=config) fields = self.fields names = [x.ID for x in fields] # Deal with a subset of the columns, if requested. if not columns: colnumbers = list(range(len(fields))) else: if isinstance(columns, str): columns = [columns] columns = np.asarray(columns) if issubclass(columns.dtype.type, np.integer): if np.any(columns < 0) or np.any(columns > len(fields)): raise ValueError( "Some specified column numbers out of range") colnumbers = columns elif issubclass(columns.dtype.type, np.character): try: colnumbers = [names.index(x) for x in columns] except ValueError: raise ValueError( f"Columns '{columns}' not found in fields list") else: raise TypeError("Invalid columns list") if (not skip_table) and (len(fields) > 0): for start, tag, data, pos in iterator: if start: if tag == 'TABLEDATA': warn_unknown_attrs( 'TABLEDATA', data.keys(), config, pos) self.array = self._parse_tabledata( iterator, colnumbers, fields, config) break elif tag == 'BINARY': warn_unknown_attrs( 'BINARY', data.keys(), config, pos) self.array = self._parse_binary( 1, iterator, colnumbers, fields, config, pos) break elif tag == 'BINARY2': if not config['version_1_3_or_later']: warn_or_raise( W52, W52, config['version'], config, pos) self.array = self._parse_binary( 2, iterator, colnumbers, fields, config, pos) break elif tag == 'FITS': warn_unknown_attrs( 'FITS', data.keys(), config, pos, ['extnum']) try: extnum = int(data.get('extnum', 0)) if extnum < 0: raise ValueError("'extnum' cannot be negative.") except ValueError: vo_raise(E17, (), config, pos) self.array = self._parse_fits( iterator, extnum, config) break else: warn_or_raise(W37, W37, tag, config, pos) break for start, tag, data, pos in iterator: if not start and tag == 'DATA': break for start, tag, data, pos in iterator: if start and tag == 'INFO': if not config.get('version_1_2_or_later'): warn_or_raise( W26, W26, ('INFO', 'TABLE', '1.2'), config, pos) info = Info(config=config, pos=pos, **data) self.infos.append(info) info.parse(iterator, config) elif not start and tag == 'TABLE': break return self def _parse_tabledata(self, iterator, colnumbers, fields, config): # Since we don't know the number of rows up front, we'll # reallocate the record array to make room as we go. This # prevents the need to scan through the XML twice. The # allocation is by factors of 1.5. invalid = config.get('invalid', 'exception') # Need to have only one reference so that we can resize the # array array = self.array del self.array parsers = [field.converter.parse for field in fields] binparsers = [field.converter.binparse for field in fields] numrows = 0 alloc_rows = len(array) colnumbers_bits = [i in colnumbers for i in range(len(fields))] row_default = [x.converter.default for x in fields] mask_default = [True] * len(fields) array_chunk = [] mask_chunk = [] chunk_size = config.get('chunk_size', DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE) for start, tag, data, pos in iterator: if tag == 'TR': # Now parse one row row = row_default[:] row_mask = mask_default[:] i = 0 for start, tag, data, pos in iterator: if start: binary = (data.get('encoding', None) == 'base64') warn_unknown_attrs( tag, data.keys(), config, pos, ['encoding']) else: if tag == 'TD': if i >= len(fields): vo_raise(E20, len(fields), config, pos) if colnumbers_bits[i]: try: if binary: rawdata = base64.b64decode( data.encode('ascii')) buf = io.BytesIO(rawdata) buf.seek(0) try: value, mask_value = binparsers[i]( buf.read) except Exception as e: vo_reraise( e, config, pos, "(in row {:d}, col '{}')".format( len(array_chunk), fields[i].ID)) else: try: value, mask_value = parsers[i]( data, config, pos) except Exception as e: vo_reraise( e, config, pos, "(in row {:d}, col '{}')".format( len(array_chunk), fields[i].ID)) except Exception as e: if invalid == 'exception': vo_reraise(e, config, pos) else: row[i] = value row_mask[i] = mask_value elif tag == 'TR': break else: self._add_unknown_tag( iterator, tag, data, config, pos) i += 1 if i < len(fields): vo_raise(E21, (i, len(fields)), config, pos) array_chunk.append(tuple(row)) mask_chunk.append(tuple(row_mask)) if len(array_chunk) == chunk_size: while numrows + chunk_size > alloc_rows: alloc_rows = self._resize_strategy(alloc_rows) if alloc_rows != len(array): array = _resize(array, alloc_rows) array[numrows:numrows + chunk_size] = array_chunk array.mask[numrows:numrows + chunk_size] = mask_chunk numrows += chunk_size array_chunk = [] mask_chunk = [] elif not start and tag == 'TABLEDATA': break # Now, resize the array to the exact number of rows we need and # put the last chunk values in there. alloc_rows = numrows + len(array_chunk) array = _resize(array, alloc_rows) array[numrows:] = array_chunk if alloc_rows != 0: array.mask[numrows:] = mask_chunk numrows += len(array_chunk) if (self.nrows is not None and self.nrows >= 0 and self.nrows != numrows): warn_or_raise(W18, W18, (self.nrows, numrows), config, pos) self._nrows = numrows return array def _get_binary_data_stream(self, iterator, config): have_local_stream = False for start, tag, data, pos in iterator: if tag == 'STREAM': if start: warn_unknown_attrs( 'STREAM', data.keys(), config, pos, ['type', 'href', 'actuate', 'encoding', 'expires', 'rights']) if 'href' not in data: have_local_stream = True if data.get('encoding', None) != 'base64': warn_or_raise( W38, W38, data.get('encoding', None), config, pos) else: href = data['href'] xmlutil.check_anyuri(href, config, pos) encoding = data.get('encoding', None) else: buffer = data break if have_local_stream: buffer = base64.b64decode(buffer.encode('ascii')) string_io = io.BytesIO(buffer) string_io.seek(0) read = string_io.read else: if not href.startswith(('http', 'ftp', 'file')): vo_raise( "The vo package only supports remote data through http, " + "ftp or file", self._config, self._pos, NotImplementedError) fd = urllib.request.urlopen(href) if encoding is not None: if encoding == 'gzip': fd = gzip.GzipFile(href, 'rb', fileobj=fd) elif encoding == 'base64': fd = codecs.EncodedFile(fd, 'base64') else: vo_raise( f"Unknown encoding type '{encoding}'", self._config, self._pos, NotImplementedError) read = fd.read def careful_read(length): result = read(length) if len(result) != length: raise EOFError return result return careful_read def _parse_binary(self, mode, iterator, colnumbers, fields, config, pos): fields = self.fields careful_read = self._get_binary_data_stream(iterator, config) # Need to have only one reference so that we can resize the # array array = self.array del self.array binparsers = [field.converter.binparse for field in fields] numrows = 0 alloc_rows = len(array) while True: # Resize result arrays if necessary if numrows >= alloc_rows: alloc_rows = self._resize_strategy(alloc_rows) array = _resize(array, alloc_rows) row_data = [] row_mask_data = [] try: if mode == 2: mask_bits = careful_read(int((len(fields) + 7) / 8)) row_mask_data = list(converters.bitarray_to_bool( mask_bits, len(fields))) # Ignore the mask for string columns (see issue 8995) for i, f in enumerate(fields): if row_mask_data[i] and (f.datatype == 'char' or f.datatype == 'unicodeChar'): row_mask_data[i] = False for i, binparse in enumerate(binparsers): try: value, value_mask = binparse(careful_read) except EOFError: raise except Exception as e: vo_reraise( e, config, pos, "(in row {:d}, col '{}')".format( numrows, fields[i].ID)) row_data.append(value) if mode == 1: row_mask_data.append(value_mask) else: row_mask_data[i] = row_mask_data[i] or value_mask except EOFError: break row = [x.converter.default for x in fields] row_mask = [False] * len(fields) for i in colnumbers: row[i] = row_data[i] row_mask[i] = row_mask_data[i] array[numrows] = tuple(row) array.mask[numrows] = tuple(row_mask) numrows += 1 array = _resize(array, numrows) return array def _parse_fits(self, iterator, extnum, config): for start, tag, data, pos in iterator: if tag == 'STREAM': if start: warn_unknown_attrs( 'STREAM', data.keys(), config, pos, ['type', 'href', 'actuate', 'encoding', 'expires', 'rights']) href = data['href'] encoding = data.get('encoding', None) else: break if not href.startswith(('http', 'ftp', 'file')): vo_raise( "The vo package only supports remote data through http, " "ftp or file", self._config, self._pos, NotImplementedError) fd = urllib.request.urlopen(href) if encoding is not None: if encoding == 'gzip': fd = gzip.GzipFile(href, 'r', fileobj=fd) elif encoding == 'base64': fd = codecs.EncodedFile(fd, 'base64') else: vo_raise( f"Unknown encoding type '{encoding}'", self._config, self._pos, NotImplementedError) hdulist = fits.open(fd) array = hdulist[int(extnum)].data if array.dtype != self.array.dtype: warn_or_raise(W19, W19, (), self._config, self._pos) return array def to_xml(self, w, **kwargs): specified_format = kwargs.get('tabledata_format') if specified_format is not None: format = specified_format else: format = self.format if format == 'fits': format = 'tabledata' with w.tag( 'TABLE', attrib=w.object_attrs( self, ('ID', 'name', 'ref', 'ucd', 'utype', 'nrows'))): if self.description is not None: w.element("DESCRIPTION", self.description, wrap=True) for element_set in (self.fields, self.params): for element in element_set: element._setup({}, None) if self.ref is None: for element_set in (self.fields, self.params, self.groups, self.links): for element in element_set: element.to_xml(w, **kwargs) elif kwargs['version_1_2_or_later']: index = list(self._votable.iter_tables()).index(self) group = Group(self, ID=f"_g{index}") group.to_xml(w, **kwargs) if len(self.array): with w.tag('DATA'): if format == 'tabledata': self._write_tabledata(w, **kwargs) elif format == 'binary': self._write_binary(1, w, **kwargs) elif format == 'binary2': self._write_binary(2, w, **kwargs) if kwargs['version_1_2_or_later']: for element in self._infos: element.to_xml(w, **kwargs) def _write_tabledata(self, w, **kwargs): fields = self.fields array = self.array with w.tag('TABLEDATA'): w._flush() if (_has_c_tabledata_writer and not kwargs.get('_debug_python_based_parser')): supports_empty_values = [ field.converter.supports_empty_values(kwargs) for field in fields] fields = [field.converter.output for field in fields] indent = len(w._tags) - 1 tablewriter.write_tabledata( w.write, array.data, array.mask, fields, supports_empty_values, indent, 1 << 8) else: write = w.write indent_spaces = w.get_indentation_spaces() tr_start = indent_spaces + "\n" tr_end = indent_spaces + "\n" td = indent_spaces + " {}\n" td_empty = indent_spaces + " \n" fields = [(i, field.converter.output, field.converter.supports_empty_values(kwargs)) for i, field in enumerate(fields)] for row in range(len(array)): write(tr_start) array_row = array.data[row] mask_row = array.mask[row] for i, output, supports_empty_values in fields: data = array_row[i] masked = mask_row[i] if supports_empty_values and np.all(masked): write(td_empty) else: try: val = output(data, masked) except Exception as e: vo_reraise( e, additional="(in row {:d}, col '{}')".format( row, self.fields[i].ID)) if len(val): write(td.format(val)) else: write(td_empty) write(tr_end) def _write_binary(self, mode, w, **kwargs): fields = self.fields array = self.array if mode == 1: tag_name = 'BINARY' else: tag_name = 'BINARY2' with w.tag(tag_name): with w.tag('STREAM', encoding='base64'): fields_basic = [(i, field.converter.binoutput) for (i, field) in enumerate(fields)] data = io.BytesIO() for row in range(len(array)): array_row = array.data[row] array_mask = array.mask[row] if mode == 2: flattened = np.array([np.all(x) for x in array_mask]) data.write(converters.bool_to_bitarray(flattened)) for i, converter in fields_basic: try: chunk = converter(array_row[i], array_mask[i]) assert type(chunk) == bytes except Exception as e: vo_reraise( e, additional=f"(in row {row:d}, col '{fields[i].ID}')") data.write(chunk) w._flush() w.write(base64.b64encode(data.getvalue()).decode('ascii')) def to_table(self, use_names_over_ids=False): """ Convert this VO Table to an `astropy.table.Table` instance. Parameters ---------- use_names_over_ids : bool, optional When `True` use the ``name`` attributes of columns as the names of columns in the `astropy.table.Table` instance. Since names are not guaranteed to be unique, this may cause some columns to be renamed by appending numbers to the end. Otherwise (default), use the ID attributes as the column names. .. warning:: Variable-length array fields may not be restored identically when round-tripping through the `astropy.table.Table` instance. """ from astropy.table import Table meta = {} for key in ['ID', 'name', 'ref', 'ucd', 'utype', 'description']: val = getattr(self, key, None) if val is not None: meta[key] = val if use_names_over_ids: names = [field.name for field in self.fields] unique_names = [] for i, name in enumerate(names): new_name = name i = 2 while new_name in unique_names: new_name = f'{name}{i}' i += 1 unique_names.append(new_name) names = unique_names else: names = [field.ID for field in self.fields] table = Table(self.array, names=names, meta=meta) for name, field in zip(names, self.fields): column = table[name] field.to_table_column(column) return table @classmethod def from_table(cls, votable, table): """ Create a `Table` instance from a given `astropy.table.Table` instance. """ kwargs = {} for key in ['ID', 'name', 'ref', 'ucd', 'utype']: val = table.meta.get(key) if val is not None: kwargs[key] = val new_table = cls(votable, **kwargs) if 'description' in table.meta: new_table.description = table.meta['description'] for colname in table.colnames: column = table[colname] new_table.fields.append(Field.from_table_column(votable, column)) if table.mask is None: new_table.array = ma.array(np.asarray(table)) else: new_table.array = ma.array(np.asarray(table), mask=np.asarray(table.mask)) return new_table def iter_fields_and_params(self): """ Recursively iterate over all FIELD and PARAM elements in the TABLE. """ for param in self.params: yield param for field in self.fields: yield field for group in self.groups: for field in group.iter_fields_and_params(): yield field get_field_by_id = _lookup_by_attr_factory( 'ID', True, 'iter_fields_and_params', 'FIELD or PARAM', """ Looks up a FIELD or PARAM element by the given ID. """) get_field_by_id_or_name = _lookup_by_id_or_name_factory( 'iter_fields_and_params', 'FIELD or PARAM', """ Looks up a FIELD or PARAM element by the given ID or name. """) get_fields_by_utype = _lookup_by_attr_factory( 'utype', False, 'iter_fields_and_params', 'FIELD or PARAM', """ Looks up a FIELD or PARAM element by the given utype and returns an iterator emitting all matches. """) def iter_groups(self): """ Recursively iterate over all GROUP elements in the TABLE. """ for group in self.groups: yield group for g in group.iter_groups(): yield g get_group_by_id = _lookup_by_attr_factory( 'ID', True, 'iter_groups', 'GROUP', """ Looks up a GROUP element by the given ID. Used by the group's "ref" attribute """) get_groups_by_utype = _lookup_by_attr_factory( 'utype', False, 'iter_groups', 'GROUP', """ Looks up a GROUP element by the given utype and returns an iterator emitting all matches. """) def iter_info(self): for info in self.infos: yield info class Resource(Element, _IDProperty, _NameProperty, _UtypeProperty, _DescriptionProperty): """ RESOURCE_ element: Groups TABLE_ and RESOURCE_ elements. The keyword arguments correspond to setting members of the same name, documented below. """ def __init__(self, name=None, ID=None, utype=None, type='results', id=None, config=None, pos=None, **kwargs): if config is None: config = {} self._config = config self._pos = pos Element.__init__(self) self.name = name self.ID = resolve_id(ID, id, config, pos) self.utype = utype self.type = type self._extra_attributes = kwargs self.description = None self._coordinate_systems = HomogeneousList(CooSys) self._time_systems = HomogeneousList(TimeSys) self._groups = HomogeneousList(Group) self._params = HomogeneousList(Param) self._infos = HomogeneousList(Info) self._links = HomogeneousList(Link) self._tables = HomogeneousList(Table) self._resources = HomogeneousList(Resource) warn_unknown_attrs('RESOURCE', kwargs.keys(), config, pos) def __repr__(self): buff = io.StringIO() w = XMLWriter(buff) w.element( self._element_name, attrib=w.object_attrs(self, self._attr_list)) return buff.getvalue().strip() @property def type(self): """ [*required*] The type of the resource. Must be either: - 'results': This resource contains actual result values (default) - 'meta': This resource contains only datatype descriptions (FIELD_ elements), but no actual data. """ return self._type @type.setter def type(self, type): if type not in ('results', 'meta'): vo_raise(E18, type, self._config, self._pos) self._type = type @property def extra_attributes(self): """ A dictionary of string keys to string values containing any extra attributes of the RESOURCE_ element that are not defined in the specification. (The specification explicitly allows for extra attributes here, but nowhere else.) """ return self._extra_attributes @property def coordinate_systems(self): """ A list of coordinate system definitions (COOSYS_ elements) for the RESOURCE_. Must contain only `CooSys` objects. """ return self._coordinate_systems @property def time_systems(self): """ A list of time system definitions (TIMESYS_ elements) for the RESOURCE_. Must contain only `TimeSys` objects. """ return self._time_systems @property def infos(self): """ A list of informational parameters (key-value pairs) for the resource. Must only contain `Info` objects. """ return self._infos @property def groups(self): """ A list of groups """ return self._groups @property def params(self): """ A list of parameters (constant-valued columns) for the resource. Must contain only `Param` objects. """ return self._params @property def links(self): """ A list of links (pointers to other documents or servers through a URI) for the resource. Must contain only `Link` objects. """ return self._links @property def tables(self): """ A list of tables in the resource. Must contain only `Table` objects. """ return self._tables @property def resources(self): """ A list of nested resources inside this resource. Must contain only `Resource` objects. """ return self._resources def _add_table(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos): table = Table(self._votable, config=config, pos=pos, **data) self.tables.append(table) table.parse(iterator, config) def _add_info(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos): info = Info(config=config, pos=pos, **data) self.infos.append(info) info.parse(iterator, config) def _add_group(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos): group = Group(self, config=config, pos=pos, **data) self.groups.append(group) group.parse(iterator, config) def _add_param(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos): param = Param(self._votable, config=config, pos=pos, **data) self.params.append(param) param.parse(iterator, config) def _add_coosys(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos): coosys = CooSys(config=config, pos=pos, **data) self.coordinate_systems.append(coosys) coosys.parse(iterator, config) def _add_timesys(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos): timesys = TimeSys(config=config, pos=pos, **data) self.time_systems.append(timesys) timesys.parse(iterator, config) def _add_resource(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos): resource = Resource(config=config, pos=pos, **data) self.resources.append(resource) resource.parse(self._votable, iterator, config) def _add_link(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos): link = Link(config=config, pos=pos, **data) self.links.append(link) link.parse(iterator, config) def parse(self, votable, iterator, config): self._votable = votable tag_mapping = { 'TABLE': self._add_table, 'INFO': self._add_info, 'PARAM': self._add_param, 'GROUP': self._add_group, 'COOSYS': self._add_coosys, 'TIMESYS': self._add_timesys, 'RESOURCE': self._add_resource, 'LINK': self._add_link, 'DESCRIPTION': self._ignore_add } for start, tag, data, pos in iterator: if start: tag_mapping.get(tag, self._add_unknown_tag)( iterator, tag, data, config, pos) elif tag == 'DESCRIPTION': if self.description is not None: warn_or_raise(W17, W17, 'RESOURCE', config, pos) self.description = data or None elif tag == 'RESOURCE': break del self._votable return self def to_xml(self, w, **kwargs): attrs = w.object_attrs(self, ('ID', 'type', 'utype')) attrs.update(self.extra_attributes) with w.tag('RESOURCE', attrib=attrs): if self.description is not None: w.element("DESCRIPTION", self.description, wrap=True) for element_set in (self.coordinate_systems, self.time_systems, self.params, self.infos, self.links, self.tables, self.resources): for element in element_set: element.to_xml(w, **kwargs) def iter_tables(self): """ Recursively iterates over all tables in the resource and nested resources. """ for table in self.tables: yield table for resource in self.resources: for table in resource.iter_tables(): yield table def iter_fields_and_params(self): """ Recursively iterates over all FIELD_ and PARAM_ elements in the resource, its tables and nested resources. """ for param in self.params: yield param for table in self.tables: for param in table.iter_fields_and_params(): yield param for resource in self.resources: for param in resource.iter_fields_and_params(): yield param def iter_coosys(self): """ Recursively iterates over all the COOSYS_ elements in the resource and nested resources. """ for coosys in self.coordinate_systems: yield coosys for resource in self.resources: for coosys in resource.iter_coosys(): yield coosys def iter_timesys(self): """ Recursively iterates over all the TIMESYS_ elements in the resource and nested resources. """ for timesys in self.time_systems: yield timesys for resource in self.resources: for timesys in resource.iter_timesys(): yield timesys def iter_info(self): """ Recursively iterates over all the INFO_ elements in the resource and nested resources. """ for info in self.infos: yield info for table in self.tables: for info in table.iter_info(): yield info for resource in self.resources: for info in resource.iter_info(): yield info class VOTableFile(Element, _IDProperty, _DescriptionProperty): """ VOTABLE_ element: represents an entire file. The keyword arguments correspond to setting members of the same name, documented below. *version* is settable at construction time only, since conformance tests for building the rest of the structure depend on it. """ def __init__(self, ID=None, id=None, config=None, pos=None, version="1.4"): if config is None: config = {} self._config = config self._pos = pos Element.__init__(self) self.ID = resolve_id(ID, id, config, pos) self.description = None self._coordinate_systems = HomogeneousList(CooSys) self._time_systems = HomogeneousList(TimeSys) self._params = HomogeneousList(Param) self._infos = HomogeneousList(Info) self._resources = HomogeneousList(Resource) self._groups = HomogeneousList(Group) version = str(version) if version == '1.0': warnings.warn('VOTable 1.0 support is deprecated in astropy 4.3 and will be ' 'removed in a future release', AstropyDeprecationWarning) elif (version != '1.0') and (version not in self._version_namespace_map): allowed_from_map = "', '".join(self._version_namespace_map) raise ValueError(f"'version' should be in ('1.0', '{allowed_from_map}').") self._version = version def __repr__(self): n_tables = len(list(self.iter_tables())) return f'... {n_tables} tables ...' @property def version(self): """ The version of the VOTable specification that the file uses. """ return self._version @version.setter def version(self, version): version = str(version) if version not in self._version_namespace_map: allowed_from_map = "', '".join(self._version_namespace_map) raise ValueError( f"astropy.io.votable only supports VOTable versions '{allowed_from_map}'") self._version = version @property def coordinate_systems(self): """ A list of coordinate system descriptions for the file. Must contain only `CooSys` objects. """ return self._coordinate_systems @property def time_systems(self): """ A list of time system descriptions for the file. Must contain only `TimeSys` objects. """ return self._time_systems @property def params(self): """ A list of parameters (constant-valued columns) that apply to the entire file. Must contain only `Param` objects. """ return self._params @property def infos(self): """ A list of informational parameters (key-value pairs) for the entire file. Must only contain `Info` objects. """ return self._infos @property def resources(self): """ A list of resources, in the order they appear in the file. Must only contain `Resource` objects. """ return self._resources @property def groups(self): """ A list of groups, in the order they appear in the file. Only supported as a child of the VOTABLE element in VOTable 1.2 or later. """ return self._groups def _add_param(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos): param = Param(self, config=config, pos=pos, **data) self.params.append(param) param.parse(iterator, config) def _add_resource(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos): resource = Resource(config=config, pos=pos, **data) self.resources.append(resource) resource.parse(self, iterator, config) def _add_coosys(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos): coosys = CooSys(config=config, pos=pos, **data) self.coordinate_systems.append(coosys) coosys.parse(iterator, config) def _add_timesys(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos): timesys = TimeSys(config=config, pos=pos, **data) self.time_systems.append(timesys) timesys.parse(iterator, config) def _add_info(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos): info = Info(config=config, pos=pos, **data) self.infos.append(info) info.parse(iterator, config) def _add_group(self, iterator, tag, data, config, pos): if not config.get('version_1_2_or_later'): warn_or_raise(W26, W26, ('GROUP', 'VOTABLE', '1.2'), config, pos) group = Group(self, config=config, pos=pos, **data) self.groups.append(group) group.parse(iterator, config) def _get_version_checks(self): config = {} config['version_1_1_or_later'] = \ util.version_compare(self.version, '1.1') >= 0 config['version_1_2_or_later'] = \ util.version_compare(self.version, '1.2') >= 0 config['version_1_3_or_later'] = \ util.version_compare(self.version, '1.3') >= 0 config['version_1_4_or_later'] = \ util.version_compare(self.version, '1.4') >= 0 return config # Map VOTable version numbers to namespace URIs and schema information. _version_namespace_map = { # Version 1.0 isn't well-supported, but is allowed on parse (with a warning). # It used DTD rather than schema, so this information would not be useful. # By omitting 1.0 from this dict we can use the keys as the list of versions # that are allowed in various other checks. "1.1": { "namespace_uri": "http://www.ivoa.net/xml/VOTable/v1.1", "schema_location_attr": "xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation", "schema_location_value": "http://www.ivoa.net/xml/VOTable/v1.1" }, "1.2": { "namespace_uri": "http://www.ivoa.net/xml/VOTable/v1.2", "schema_location_attr": "xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation", "schema_location_value": "http://www.ivoa.net/xml/VOTable/v1.2" }, # With 1.3 we'll be more explicit with the schema location. # - xsi:schemaLocation uses the namespace name along with the URL # to reference it. # - For convenience, but somewhat confusingly, the namespace URIs # are also usable URLs for accessing an applicable schema. # However to avoid confusion, we'll use the explicit schema URL. "1.3": { "namespace_uri": "http://www.ivoa.net/xml/VOTable/v1.3", "schema_location_attr": "xsi:schemaLocation", "schema_location_value": "http://www.ivoa.net/xml/VOTable/v1.3 http://www.ivoa.net/xml/VOTable/VOTable-1.3.xsd" }, # With 1.4 namespace URIs stopped incrementing with minor version changes # so we use the same URI as with 1.3. See this IVOA note for more info: # http://www.ivoa.net/documents/Notes/XMLVers/20180529/ "1.4": { "namespace_uri": "http://www.ivoa.net/xml/VOTable/v1.3", "schema_location_attr": "xsi:schemaLocation", "schema_location_value": "http://www.ivoa.net/xml/VOTable/v1.3 http://www.ivoa.net/xml/VOTable/VOTable-1.4.xsd" } } def parse(self, iterator, config): config['_current_table_number'] = 0 for start, tag, data, pos in iterator: if start: if tag == 'xml': pass elif tag == 'VOTABLE': if 'version' not in data: warn_or_raise(W20, W20, self.version, config, pos) config['version'] = self.version else: config['version'] = self._version = data['version'] if config['version'].lower().startswith('v'): warn_or_raise( W29, W29, config['version'], config, pos) self._version = config['version'] = \ config['version'][1:] if config['version'] not in self._version_namespace_map: vo_warn(W21, config['version'], config, pos) if 'xmlns' in data: ns_info = self._version_namespace_map.get(config['version'], {}) correct_ns = ns_info.get('namespace_uri') if data['xmlns'] != correct_ns: vo_warn(W41, (correct_ns, data['xmlns']), config, pos) else: vo_warn(W42, (), config, pos) break else: vo_raise(E19, (), config, pos) config.update(self._get_version_checks()) tag_mapping = { 'PARAM': self._add_param, 'RESOURCE': self._add_resource, 'COOSYS': self._add_coosys, 'TIMESYS': self._add_timesys, 'INFO': self._add_info, 'DEFINITIONS': self._add_definitions, 'DESCRIPTION': self._ignore_add, 'GROUP': self._add_group} for start, tag, data, pos in iterator: if start: tag_mapping.get(tag, self._add_unknown_tag)( iterator, tag, data, config, pos) elif tag == 'DESCRIPTION': if self.description is not None: warn_or_raise(W17, W17, 'VOTABLE', config, pos) self.description = data or None if not len(self.resources) and config['version_1_2_or_later']: warn_or_raise(W53, W53, (), config, pos) return self def to_xml(self, fd, compressed=False, tabledata_format=None, _debug_python_based_parser=False, _astropy_version=None): """ Write to an XML file. Parameters ---------- fd : str or file-like Where to write the file. If a file-like object, must be writable. compressed : bool, optional When `True`, write to a gzip-compressed file. (Default: `False`) tabledata_format : str, optional Override the format of the table(s) data to write. Must be one of ``tabledata`` (text representation), ``binary`` or ``binary2``. By default, use the format that was specified in each `Table` object as it was created or read in. See :ref:`astropy:votable-serialization`. """ if tabledata_format is not None: if tabledata_format.lower() not in ( 'tabledata', 'binary', 'binary2'): raise ValueError(f"Unknown format type '{format}'") kwargs = { 'version': self.version, 'tabledata_format': tabledata_format, '_debug_python_based_parser': _debug_python_based_parser, '_group_number': 1} kwargs.update(self._get_version_checks()) with util.convert_to_writable_filelike( fd, compressed=compressed) as fd: w = XMLWriter(fd) version = self.version if _astropy_version is None: lib_version = astropy_version else: lib_version = _astropy_version xml_header = """ \n""" w.write(xml_header.lstrip().format(**locals())) # Build the VOTABLE tag attributes. votable_attr = { 'version': version, 'xmlns:xsi': "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" } ns_info = self._version_namespace_map.get(version, {}) namespace_uri = ns_info.get('namespace_uri') if namespace_uri: votable_attr['xmlns'] = namespace_uri schema_location_attr = ns_info.get('schema_location_attr') schema_location_value = ns_info.get('schema_location_value') if schema_location_attr and schema_location_value: votable_attr[schema_location_attr] = schema_location_value with w.tag('VOTABLE', votable_attr): if self.description is not None: w.element("DESCRIPTION", self.description, wrap=True) element_sets = [self.coordinate_systems, self.time_systems, self.params, self.infos, self.resources] if kwargs['version_1_2_or_later']: element_sets[0] = self.groups for element_set in element_sets: for element in element_set: element.to_xml(w, **kwargs) def iter_tables(self): """ Iterates over all tables in the VOTable file in a "flat" way, ignoring the nesting of resources etc. """ for resource in self.resources: for table in resource.iter_tables(): yield table def get_first_table(self): """ Often, you know there is only one table in the file, and that's all you need. This method returns that first table. """ for table in self.iter_tables(): if not table.is_empty(): return table raise IndexError("No table found in VOTABLE file.") get_table_by_id = _lookup_by_attr_factory( 'ID', True, 'iter_tables', 'TABLE', """ Looks up a TABLE_ element by the given ID. Used by the table "ref" attribute. """) get_tables_by_utype = _lookup_by_attr_factory( 'utype', False, 'iter_tables', 'TABLE', """ Looks up a TABLE_ element by the given utype, and returns an iterator emitting all matches. """) def get_table_by_index(self, idx): """ Get a table by its ordinal position in the file. """ for i, table in enumerate(self.iter_tables()): if i == idx: return table raise IndexError( f"No table at index {idx:d} found in VOTABLE file.") def iter_fields_and_params(self): """ Recursively iterate over all FIELD_ and PARAM_ elements in the VOTABLE_ file. """ for resource in self.resources: for field in resource.iter_fields_and_params(): yield field get_field_by_id = _lookup_by_attr_factory( 'ID', True, 'iter_fields_and_params', 'FIELD', """ Looks up a FIELD_ element by the given ID_. Used by the field's "ref" attribute. """) get_fields_by_utype = _lookup_by_attr_factory( 'utype', False, 'iter_fields_and_params', 'FIELD', """ Looks up a FIELD_ element by the given utype and returns an iterator emitting all matches. """) get_field_by_id_or_name = _lookup_by_id_or_name_factory( 'iter_fields_and_params', 'FIELD', """ Looks up a FIELD_ element by the given ID_ or name. """) def iter_values(self): """ Recursively iterate over all VALUES_ elements in the VOTABLE_ file. """ for field in self.iter_fields_and_params(): yield field.values get_values_by_id = _lookup_by_attr_factory( 'ID', True, 'iter_values', 'VALUES', """ Looks up a VALUES_ element by the given ID. Used by the values "ref" attribute. """) def iter_groups(self): """ Recursively iterate over all GROUP_ elements in the VOTABLE_ file. """ for table in self.iter_tables(): for group in table.iter_groups(): yield group get_group_by_id = _lookup_by_attr_factory( 'ID', True, 'iter_groups', 'GROUP', """ Looks up a GROUP_ element by the given ID. Used by the group's "ref" attribute """) get_groups_by_utype = _lookup_by_attr_factory( 'utype', False, 'iter_groups', 'GROUP', """ Looks up a GROUP_ element by the given utype and returns an iterator emitting all matches. """) def iter_coosys(self): """ Recursively iterate over all COOSYS_ elements in the VOTABLE_ file. """ for coosys in self.coordinate_systems: yield coosys for resource in self.resources: for coosys in resource.iter_coosys(): yield coosys get_coosys_by_id = _lookup_by_attr_factory( 'ID', True, 'iter_coosys', 'COOSYS', """Looks up a COOSYS_ element by the given ID.""") def iter_timesys(self): """ Recursively iterate over all TIMESYS_ elements in the VOTABLE_ file. """ for timesys in self.time_systems: yield timesys for resource in self.resources: for timesys in resource.iter_timesys(): yield timesys get_timesys_by_id = _lookup_by_attr_factory( 'ID', True, 'iter_timesys', 'TIMESYS', """Looks up a TIMESYS_ element by the given ID.""") def iter_info(self): """ Recursively iterate over all INFO_ elements in the VOTABLE_ file. """ for info in self.infos: yield info for resource in self.resources: for info in resource.iter_info(): yield info get_info_by_id = _lookup_by_attr_factory( 'ID', True, 'iter_info', 'INFO', """Looks up a INFO element by the given ID.""") def set_all_tables_format(self, format): """ Set the output storage format of all tables in the file. """ for table in self.iter_tables(): table.format = format @classmethod def from_table(cls, table, table_id=None): """ Create a `VOTableFile` instance from a given `astropy.table.Table` instance. Parameters ---------- table_id : str, optional Set the given ID attribute on the returned Table instance. """ votable_file = cls() resource = Resource() votable = Table.from_table(votable_file, table) if table_id is not None: votable.ID = table_id resource.tables.append(votable) votable_file.resources.append(resource) return votable_file