% fsk_lib.m % David Rowe Oct 2015 - present % % mFSK modem, started out life as RTTY demodulator for Project % Horus High Altitude Ballon (HAB) telemetry, also used for: % % FreeDV 2400A: 4FSK UHF/UHF digital voice % Wenet.......: 100 kbit/s HAB High Def image telemetry % % Handles frequency offsets, performance right on ideal, C implementation % in codec2/src 1; function states = fsk_init(Fs, Rs, M=2, P=8, nsym=50) states.M = M; states.bitspersymbol = log2(M); states.Fs = Fs; states.Rs = Rs; states.nsym = nsym; % Number of symbols processed by demodulator in each call, also % the timing estimator window Ts = states.Ts = Fs/Rs; % number of samples per symbol assert(Ts == floor(Ts), "Fs/Rs must be an integer"); N = states.N = Ts*states.nsym; % processing buffer size, nice big window for timing est bin_width_Hz = 0.1*Rs; % we want enough DFT bins to get within 10% of the tones centre Ndft = Fs/bin_width_Hz; states.Ndft = 2.^ceil(log2(Ndft)); % round to nearest power of 2 for efficent FFT states.Sf = zeros(states.Ndft,1); % current memory of dft mag samples states.tc = 0.1; % average DFT over longtime window, accurate at low Eb/No, but slow states.nbit = states.nsym*states.bitspersymbol; % number of bits per processing frame Nmem = states.Nmem = N+2*Ts; % two symbol memory in down converted signals to allow for timing adj states.f_dc = zeros(M,Nmem); states.P = P; % oversample rate out of filter assert(Ts/states.P == floor(Ts/states.P), "Ts/P must be an integer"); states.tx_tone_separation = 2*Rs; states.nin = N; % can be N +/- Ts/P samples to adjust for sample clock offsets states.verbose = 0; states.phi = zeros(1, M); % keep down converter osc phase continuous % BER stats states.ber_state = 0; states.ber_valid_thresh = 0.05; states.ber_invalid_thresh = 0.1; states.Tbits = 0; states.Terrs = 0; states.nerr_log = 0; % extra simulation parameters states.tx_real = 1; states.dA(1:M) = 1; states.df(1:M) = 0; states.f(1:M) = 0; states.norm_rx_timing = 0; states.ppm = 0; states.prev_pkt = []; % Freq. estimator limits states.fest_fmax = Fs; states.fest_fmin = 0; states.fest_min_spacing = 0.75*Rs; states.freq_est_type = 'peak'; %printf("Octave: M: %d Fs: %d Rs: %d Ts: %d nsym: %d nbit: %d N: %d Ndft: %d fmin: %d fmax: %d\n", % states.M, states.Fs, states.Rs, states.Ts, states.nsym, states.nbit, states.N, states.Ndft, states.fest_fmin, states.fest_fmax); endfunction % modulator function function tx = fsk_mod(states, tx_bits) M = states.M; Ts = states.Ts; Fs = states.Fs; ftx = states.ftx; df = states.df; % tone freq change in Hz/s dA = states.dA; % amplitude of each tone num_bits = length(tx_bits); num_symbols = num_bits/states.bitspersymbol; tx = zeros(states.Ts*num_symbols,1); tx_phase = 0; s = 1; for i=1:states.bitspersymbol:num_bits % map bits to FSK symbol (tone number) K = states.bitspersymbol; tone = tx_bits(i:i+(K-1)) * (2.^(K-1:-1:0))' + 1; tx_phase_vec = tx_phase + (1:Ts)*2*pi*ftx(tone)/Fs; tx_phase = tx_phase_vec(Ts) - floor(tx_phase_vec(Ts)/(2*pi))*2*pi; if states.tx_real tx((s-1)*Ts+1:s*Ts) = dA(tone)*2.0*cos(tx_phase_vec); else tx((s-1)*Ts+1:s*Ts) = dA(tone)*exp(j*tx_phase_vec); end s++; % freq drift ftx += df*Ts/Fs; end states.ftx = ftx; endfunction % Estimate the frequency of the FSK tones. In some applications (such % as balloon telemetry) these may not be well controlled by the % transmitter, so we have to try to estimate them. function states = est_freq(states, sf, ntones) N = states.N; Ndft = states.Ndft; Fs = states.Fs; % This assumption is OK for balloon telemetry but may not be true in % general min_tone_spacing = states.fest_min_spacing; % set some limits to search range, which will mean some manual re-tuning fmin = states.fest_fmin; fmax = states.fest_fmax; % note 0 Hz is mapped to Ndft/2+1 via fftshift st = floor(fmin*Ndft/Fs) + Ndft/2; st = max(1,st); en = floor(fmax*Ndft/Fs) + Ndft/2; en = min(Ndft,en); #printf("Fs: %f Ndft: %d fmin: %f fmax: %f st: %d en: %d\n",Fs, Ndft, fmin, fmax, st, en) % Update mag DFT --------------------------------------------- % we break up input buffer to a series of overlapping Ndft sequences numffts = floor(length(sf)/(Ndft/2)) - 1; h = hanning(Ndft); for i=1:numffts a = (i-1)*Ndft/2+1; b = a + Ndft - 1; Sf = abs(fftshift(fft(sf(a:b) .* h, Ndft))); % Smooth DFT mag spectrum, slower to respond to changes but more % accurate. Single order IIR filter is an exponentially weighted % moving average. This means the freq est window is wider than % timing est window tc = states.tc; states.Sf = (1-tc)*states.Sf + tc*Sf; end % Search for each tone method 1 - peak pick each tone location ---------------------------------- f = []; a = []; Sf = states.Sf; for m=1:ntones [tone_amp tone_index] = max(Sf(st:en)); tone_index += st - 1; f = [f (tone_index-1-Ndft/2)*Fs/Ndft]; a = [a tone_amp]; % zero out region min_tone_spacing either side of max so we can find next highest peak % closest spacing for non-coh mFSK is Rs stz = tone_index - floor((min_tone_spacing)*Ndft/Fs); stz = max(1,stz); enz = tone_index + floor((min_tone_spacing)*Ndft/Fs); enz = min(Ndft,enz); Sf(stz:enz) = 0; end states.f = sort(f); % Search for each tone method 2 - correlate with mask with non-zero entries at tone spacings ----- % Create a mask with non-zero entries at tone spacing. Might be % smarter to use the DFT of a hanning window as mask mask = zeros(1,Ndft); mask(1:3) = 1; for m=1:ntones-1 bin = round(m*states.tx_tone_separation*Ndft/Fs); mask(bin:bin+2) = 1; end mask = mask(1:bin+2); states.mask = mask; % drag mask over Sf, looking for peak in correlation b_max = st; corr_max = 0; Sf = states.Sf; corr_log = []; for b=st:en-length(mask) corr = mask * Sf(b:b+length(mask)-1); corr_log = [corr_log corr]; if corr > corr_max corr_max = corr; b_max = b; end end foff = ((b_max-1)-Ndft/2)*Fs/Ndft; if bitand(states.verbose, 0x8) % enable this to single step through frames figure(1); clf; subplot(211); plot(Sf,'b;sf;'); hold on; plot(max(Sf)*[zeros(1,b_max) mask],'g;mask;'); hold off; subplot(212); plot(corr_log); ylabel('corr against f'); printf("foff: %4.0f\n", foff); kbhit; end states.f2 = foff + (0:ntones-1)*states.tx_tone_separation; end % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Given a buffer of nin input Rs baud FSK samples, returns nsym bits. % % nin is the number of input samples required by demodulator. This is % time varying. It will nominally be N (8000), and occasionally N +/- % Ts/2 (e.g. 8080 or 7920). This is how we compensate for differences between the % remote tx sample clock and our sample clock. This function always returns % N/Ts (e.g. 50) demodulated bits. Variable number of input samples, constant number % of output bits. function [rx_bits states] = fsk_demod(states, sf) M = states.M; N = states.N; Ndft = states.Ndft; Fs = states.Fs; Rs = states.Rs; Ts = states.Ts; nsym = states.nsym; P = states.P; nin = states.nin; verbose = states.verbose; Nmem = states.Nmem; f = states.f; assert(length(sf) == nin); % down convert and filter at rate P ------------------------------ % update filter (integrator) memory by shifting in nin samples nold = Nmem-nin; % number of old samples we retain f_dc = states.f_dc; f_dc(:,1:nold) = f_dc(:,Nmem-nold+1:Nmem); % freq shift down to around DC, ensuring continuous phase from last frame, as nin may vary for m=1:M phi_vec = states.phi(m) + (1:nin)*2*pi*f(m)/Fs; f_dc(m,nold+1:Nmem) = sf .* exp(j*phi_vec)'; states.phi(m) = phi_vec(nin); states.phi(m) -= 2*pi*floor(states.phi(m)/(2*pi)); end % save filter (integrator) memory for next time states.f_dc = f_dc; % integrate over symbol period, which is effectively a LPF, removing % the -2Fc frequency image. Can also be interpreted as an ideal % integrate and dump, non-coherent demod. We run the integrator at % rate P*Rs (1/P symbol offsets) to get outputs at a range of % different fine timing offsets. We calculate integrator output % over nsym+1 symbols so we have extra samples for the fine timing % re-sampler at either end of the array. f_int = zeros(M,(nsym+1)*P); for i=1:(nsym+1)*P st = 1 + (i-1)*Ts/P; en = st+Ts-1; for m=1:M f_int(m,i) = sum(f_dc(m,st:en)); end end states.f_int = f_int; % fine timing estimation ----------------------------------------------- % Non linearity has a spectral line at Rs, with a phase % related to the fine timing offset. See: % http://www.rowetel.com/blog/?p=3573 % We have sampled the integrator output at Fs=P samples/symbol, so % lets do a single point DFT at w = 2*pi*f/Fs = 2*pi*Rs/(P*Rs) % % Note timing non-linearity derived by experiment. Not quite sure what I'm doing here..... % but it gives 0dB impl loss for 2FSK Eb/No=9dB, testmode 1: % Fs: 8000 Rs: 50 Ts: 160 nsym: 50 % frames: 200 Tbits: 9700 Terrs: 93 BER 0.010 Np = length(f_int(1,:)); w = 2*pi*(Rs)/(P*Rs); timing_nl = sum(abs(f_int(:,:)).^2); x = timing_nl * exp(-j*w*(0:Np-1))'; norm_rx_timing = angle(x)/(2*pi); rx_timing = norm_rx_timing*P; states.x = x; states.timing_nl = timing_nl; states.rx_timing = rx_timing; prev_norm_rx_timing = states.norm_rx_timing; states.norm_rx_timing = norm_rx_timing; % estimate sample clock offset in ppm % d_norm_timing is fraction of symbol period shift over nsym symbols d_norm_rx_timing = norm_rx_timing - prev_norm_rx_timing; % filter out big jumps due to nin changes if abs(d_norm_rx_timing) < 0.2 appm = 1E6*d_norm_rx_timing/nsym; states.ppm = 0.9*states.ppm + 0.1*appm; end % work out how many input samples we need on the next call. The aim % is to keep angle(x) away from the -pi/pi (+/- 0.5 fine timing % offset) discontinuity. The side effect is to track sample clock % offsets next_nin = N; if norm_rx_timing > 0.25 next_nin += Ts/4; end if norm_rx_timing < -0.25; next_nin -= Ts/4; end states.nin = next_nin; % Now we know the correct fine timing offset, Re-sample integrator % outputs using fine timing estimate and linear interpolation, then % extract the demodulated bits low_sample = floor(rx_timing); fract = rx_timing - low_sample; high_sample = ceil(rx_timing); if bitand(verbose,0x2) printf("rx_timing: %3.2f low_sample: %d high_sample: %d fract: %3.3f nin_next: %d\n", rx_timing, low_sample, high_sample, fract, next_nin); end f_int_resample = zeros(M,nsym); rx_bits = zeros(1,nsym*states.bitspersymbol); tone_max = zeros(1,nsym); rx_nse_pow = 1E-12; rx_sig_pow = 0.0; for i=1:nsym st = i*P+1; f_int_resample(:,i) = f_int(:,st+low_sample)*(1-fract) + f_int(:,st+high_sample)*fract; % Hard decision decoding, Largest amplitude tone is the winner. % Map this FSK "symbol" back to bits, depending on M [tone_max(i) tone_index] = max(f_int_resample(:,i)); st = (i-1)*states.bitspersymbol + 1; en = st + states.bitspersymbol-1; arx_bits = dec2bin(tone_index - 1, states.bitspersymbol) - '0'; rx_bits(st:en) = arx_bits; % each filter is the DFT of a chunk of spectrum. If there is no tone in the % filter it can be considered an estimate of noise in that bandwidth rx_pows = f_int_resample(:,i) .* conj(f_int_resample(:,i)); rx_sig_pow += rx_pows(tone_index); rx_nse_pow += (sum(rx_pows) - rx_pows(tone_index))/(M-1); end states.f_int_resample = f_int_resample; % Eb/No estimation (todo: this needs some work, like calibration, low Eb/No perf, work for all M) tone_max = abs(tone_max); states.EbNodB = -6 + 20*log10(1E-6+mean(tone_max)/(1E-6+std(tone_max))); % Estimators for LDPC decoder, might be a bit rough if nsym is small rx_sig_pow = rx_sig_pow/nsym; rx_nse_pow = rx_nse_pow/nsym; states.v_est = sqrt(rx_sig_pow-rx_nse_pow); states.SNRest = rx_sig_pow/rx_nse_pow; endfunction % BER counter and test frame sync logic ------------------------------------------- % We look for test_frame in rx_bits_buf, rx_bits_buf must be twice as long as test_frame function states = ber_counter(states, test_frame, rx_bits_buf) nbit = length(test_frame); assert (length(rx_bits_buf) == 2*nbit); state = states.ber_state; next_state = state; if state == 0 % try to sync up with test frame nerrs_min = nbit; for i=1:nbit error_positions = xor(rx_bits_buf(i:nbit+i-1), test_frame); nerrs = sum(error_positions); if nerrs < nerrs_min nerrs_min = nerrs; states.coarse_offset = i; end end if nerrs_min/nbit < states.ber_valid_thresh next_state = 1; end if bitand(states.verbose,0x4) printf("coarse offset: %d nerrs_min: %d next_state: %d\n", states.coarse_offset, nerrs_min, next_state); end states.nerr = nerrs_min; end if state == 1 % we're synced up, lets measure bit errors error_positions = xor(rx_bits_buf(states.coarse_offset:states.coarse_offset+nbit-1), test_frame); nerrs = sum(error_positions); if nerrs/nbit > states.ber_invalid_thresh next_state = 0; if bitand(states.verbose,0x4) printf("coarse offset: %d nerrs: %d next_state: %d\n", states.coarse_offset, nerrs, next_state); end else states.Terrs += nerrs; states.Tbits += nbit; states.nerr_log = [states.nerr_log nerrs]; end states.nerr = nerrs; end states.ber_state = next_state; endfunction % Alternative stateless BER counter that works on packets that may have gaps between them function states = ber_counter_packet(states, test_frame, rx_bits_buf) ntestframebits = states.ntestframebits; nbit = states.nbit; % look for offset with min errors nerrs_min = ntestframebits; coarse_offset = 1; for i=1:nbit error_positions = xor(rx_bits_buf(i:ntestframebits+i-1), test_frame); nerrs = sum(error_positions); %printf("i: %d nerrs: %d\n", i, nerrs); if nerrs < nerrs_min nerrs_min = nerrs; coarse_offset = i; end end % if less than threshold count errors if nerrs_min/ntestframebits < 0.05 states.Terrs += nerrs_min; states.Tbits += ntestframebits; states.nerr_log = [states.nerr_log nerrs_min]; if bitand(states.verbose, 0x4) printf("coarse_offset: %d nerrs_min: %d\n", coarse_offset, nerrs_min); end end endfunction