flac123 implements mpg123's 'Remote Control' interface via option -R. This is useful if you're writing a frontend to flac123 which needs a consistent, reliable interface to control playback. There are several differences between the README.remote specifications of mpg123, mpg321, and flac123: a. mpg123 specifies @P as the output of the PAUSE command, whereas mpg321 specifies @S but uses @P. flac123 uses @P. b. mpg123 and mpg321 use as the argument to JUMP. flac123 uses seconds as the argument to JUMP. c. mpg321 does not specify two output modes for @I. flac123 uses two output modes for @I. d. mpg123 and mpg321 output @S for MPEG3 stream information. flac123 does not output @S. e. mpg123 use percentage for @V(OLUME) (range: 0-100) . flac123 uses a fraction for @V(OLUME) (0.0-1.0). COMMANDS: (All commands can be shortened to first character only) -------- LOAD Loads and starts playing . JUMP [+-] If '+' or '-' is specified, jumps seconds forward, or backwards, respectively, in the the flac file. If neither is specifies, jumps to absolute second in the flac file. PAUSE Pauses the playback of the flac file; if already paused, restarts playback. VOLUME Sets the decoder volume between 0.0 and 1.0, where 1.0 equals 100%. QUIT Quits flac123. OUTPUT: ------ @R FLAC123 flac123 tagline. Output at startup. @I ID3: Prints out the metadata information after loading the flac file. a = title (30 chars) b = artist (30 chars) c = album (30 chars) d = year (4 chars) e = comment (30 chars) f = genre (30 chars) @I filename Prints out the filename of the flac file, minus the extension. Happens after a flac file has been loaded and there is no metadata available. @F Frame decoding status updates (once per frame). Current-frame and frames-remaining are integers; current-time and time-remaining floating point numbers with two decimal places. @P {0, 1, 2} Stop/pause status. 0 - playing has stopped. When 'STOP' is entered, or the flac file is finished. 1 - Playing is paused. Enter 'PAUSE' or 'P' to continue. 2 - Playing has begun again. @V {0.00000 - 1.00000} Report the volume multiplication factor (Note: It can even be bigger than 1.0).