SYNOPSIS ________ avrilx is a collection of peripheral drivers and utility routines for the AVR XMega family. Contrary to many libraries out there, it is based on C++ templates and policy-based design (vs run-time parameter passing to general purpose drivers ; and callbacks). The benefits are smaller and faster code - which is specialized and inlined at compile time ; and a much smaller overhead when layering or glueing together layers of drivers. Supported peripherals: - GPIO, bit-level and parallel - SPI, slave and master - USART - USART in SPI mode, master - TWI master - ADC - DAC, single and dual channel - Timers, PWM - Various delay and timing functions (using RTC, timers, timed busy loops) Drivers and utility routines for: - DMA setups for background data reception into a FIFO, and background data writes from a FIFO (eg: waveform generation, audio playback) - ADC multichannel scanning and filtering - Input (165) and output (595) shift registers - LEDs arrays - HD44780 compatible LCDs - Rotary encoder decoder - Switch debouncing - TWI eeprom - MMC/SD/SDHC card on SPI port, FAT/FAT32 formated, 8.3 filenames, through two different drivers: + A simple, read-only driver suitable for bootloaders (< 2kb of code). + A complete interface based on ChaN's FatFS. Bells and whistles: - makefile template - Bootloader allowing firmware updates by MIDI ; and utilities for converting .hex files into .syx files - Resources system for generating string and lookup tables with python scripts - A collection of assembly-optimized code for arithmetic operations on fixed point numbers or unusually-sized integers (4 bit, 24 bits...) LICENCING _________ This library is released under a GPL3.0 license. Developed by Olivier Gillet ( for Mutable Instruments. Credits: * third_party/sp_driver contains the self-programming code provided by Atmel. * third_party/ff contains a slightly modified version of ChaN's FatFS library and MMC drivers. SETUP _____ This code has been tested with Boston Android EVAL-USB-128 ( and EVAL-04 ( boards. See the examples/README file for more information about the hardware setup used for some of the examples. The build system is configured for the following setup: - MCU: XMega 128a3 - Programmer: AVR ISP mkII from Atmel. - Toolchain: avr-gcc 4.3.3 on Mac OS X (CrossPack-AVR). The toolchain and avrdude paths, along with the port/type of AVR programmer can be modified in avrlibx/ The MCU and crystal frequency can be modified on a per-project basis in the makefile. You can use examples/blink as a code and makefile skeleton for new projects!