/* * MOC - music on console * Copyright (C) 2004 - 2006 Damian Pietras * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #define DEBUG #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common.h" #include "playlist.h" #include "playlist_file.h" #include "log.h" #include "files.h" #include "options.h" #include "interface.h" #include "decoder.h" int is_plist_file (const char *name) { const char *ext = ext_pos (name); if (ext && (!strcasecmp(ext, "m3u") || !strcasecmp(ext, "pls"))) return 1; return 0; } static void make_path (char *buf, const int buf_size, const char *cwd, char *path) { if (file_type(path) == F_URL) { strncpy (buf, path, buf_size); buf[buf_size-1] = 0; return; } if (path[0] != '/') strcpy (buf, cwd); else strcpy (buf, "/"); resolve_path (buf, buf_size, path); } /* Strip white chars from the end of a string. */ static void strip_string (char *str) { char *c = str; char *last_non_white = str; while (*c) { if (!isblank(*c)) last_non_white = c; c++; } if (c > last_non_white) *(last_non_white + 1) = 0; } /* Load M3U file into plist. Return the number of items read. */ static int plist_load_m3u (struct plist *plist, const char *fname, const char *cwd, const int load_serial) { FILE *file; char *line = NULL; int last_added = -1; int after_extinf = 0; int added = 0; file = fopen (fname, "r"); if (!file) { error ("Can't open playlist file: %s", strerror (errno)); return 0; } /* Lock gets released by fclose(). */ if (flock (fileno (file), LOCK_SH) == -1) logit ("Can't flock() the playlist file: %s", strerror (errno)); while ((line = read_line (file))) { if (!strncmp (line, "#EXTINF:", sizeof("#EXTINF:") - 1)) { char *comma, *num_err; char time_text[10] = ""; int time_sec; if (after_extinf) { error ("Broken M3U file: double #EXTINF!"); plist_delete (plist, last_added); goto err; } /* Find the comma */ comma = strchr (line + (sizeof("#EXTINF:") - 1), ','); if (!comma) { error ("Broken M3U file: no comma in #EXTINF!"); goto err; } /* Get the time string */ time_text[sizeof(time_text) - 1] = 0; strncpy (time_text, line + sizeof("#EXTINF:") - 1, MIN(comma - line - (sizeof("#EXTINF:") - 1), sizeof(time_text))); if (time_text[sizeof(time_text) - 1]) { error ("Broken M3U file: wrong time!"); goto err; } /* Extract the time. */ time_sec = strtol (time_text, &num_err, 10); if (*num_err) { error ("Broken M3U file: time is not a number!"); goto err; } after_extinf = 1; last_added = plist_add (plist, NULL); plist_set_title_tags (plist, last_added, comma + 1); if (*time_text) plist_set_item_time (plist, last_added, time_sec); } else if (line[0] != '#') { char path[2 * PATH_MAX]; strip_string (line); if (strlen (line) <= PATH_MAX) { make_path (path, sizeof(path), cwd, line); if (plist_find_fname (plist, path) == -1) { if (after_extinf) plist_set_file (plist, last_added, path); else plist_add (plist, path); added += 1; } else if (after_extinf) plist_delete (plist, last_added); } else if (after_extinf) plist_delete (plist, last_added); after_extinf = 0; } else if (load_serial && !strncmp (line, "#MOCSERIAL: ", sizeof("#MOCSERIAL: ") - 1)) { char *serial_str = line + sizeof("#MOCSERIAL: ") - 1; if (serial_str[0]) { char *err; long serial; serial = strtol (serial_str, &err, 0); if (!*err) { plist_set_serial (plist, serial); logit ("Got MOCSERIAL tag with serial %ld", serial); } } } free (line); } err: free (line); fclose (file); return added; } /* Return 1 if the line contains only blank characters, 0 otherwise. */ static int is_blank_line (const char *l) { while (*l && isblank(*l)) l++; if (*l) return 0; return 1; } /* Read a value from the given section from .INI file. File should be opened * and seeking will be performed on it. Return the malloc()ed value or NULL * if not present or error occurred. */ static char *read_ini_value (FILE *file, const char *section, const char *key) { char *line = NULL; int in_section = 0; char *value = NULL; int key_len; if (fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET)) { error ("File fseek() error: %s", strerror(errno)); return NULL; } key_len = strlen (key); while ((line = read_line(file))) { if (line[0] == '[') { if (in_section) { /* we are outside of the interesting section */ free (line); break; } else { char *close = strchr (line, ']'); if (!close) { error ("Parse error in the INI file"); free (line); break; } if (!strncasecmp(line + 1, section, close - line - 1)) in_section = 1; } } else if (in_section && line[0] != '#' && !is_blank_line(line)) { char *t, *t2; t2 = t = strchr (line, '='); if (!t) { error ("Parse error in the INI file"); free (line); break; } /* go back to the last char in the name */ while (t2 >= t && (isblank(*t2) || *t2 == '=')) t2--; if (t2 == t) { error ("Parse error in the INI file"); free (line); break; } if (!strncasecmp(line, key, MAX(t2 - line + 1, key_len))) { value = t + 1; while (isblank(value[0])) value++; if (value[0] == '"') { char *q = strchr (value + 1, '"'); if (!q) { error ("Parse error in the INI file"); free (line); break; } *q = 0; } value = xstrdup (value); free (line); break; } } free (line); } return value; } /* Load PLS file into plist. Return the number of items read. */ static int plist_load_pls (struct plist *plist, const char *fname, const char *cwd) { FILE *file; char *e, *line = NULL; long i, nitems, added = 0; file = fopen (fname, "r"); if (!file) { error ("Can't open playlist file: %s", strerror (errno)); return 0; } line = read_ini_value (file, "playlist", "NumberOfEntries"); if (!line) { /* Assume that it is a pls file version 1 - plist_load_m3u() * should handle it like an m3u file without the m3u extensions. */ fclose (file); return plist_load_m3u (plist, fname, cwd, 0); } nitems = strtol (line, &e, 10); if (*e) { error ("Broken PLS file"); goto err; } for (i = 1; i <= nitems; i++) { int time, last_added; char *pls_file, *pls_title, *pls_length; char key[16], path[2 * PATH_MAX]; sprintf (key, "File%ld", i); pls_file = read_ini_value (file, "playlist", key); if (!pls_file) { error ("Broken PLS file"); goto err; } sprintf (key, "Title%ld", i); pls_title = read_ini_value (file, "playlist", key); sprintf (key, "Length%ld", i); pls_length = read_ini_value (file, "playlist", key); if (pls_length) { time = strtol (pls_length, &e, 10); if (*e) time = -1; } else time = -1; if (strlen (pls_file) <= PATH_MAX) { make_path (path, sizeof(path), cwd, pls_file); if (plist_find_fname (plist, path) == -1) { last_added = plist_add (plist, path); if (pls_title && pls_title[0]) plist_set_title_tags (plist, last_added, pls_title); if (time > 0) { plist->items[last_added].tags = tags_new (); plist->items[last_added].tags->time = time; plist->items[last_added].tags->filled |= TAGS_TIME; } } } free (pls_file); if (pls_title) free (pls_title); if (pls_length) free (pls_length); added += 1; } err: free (line); fclose (file); return added; } /* Load a playlist into plist. Return the number of items on the list. */ /* The playlist may have deleted items. */ int plist_load (struct plist *plist, const char *fname, const char *cwd, const int load_serial) { int num, read_tags; const char *ext; read_tags = options_get_int ("ReadTags"); ext = ext_pos (fname); if (ext && !strcasecmp(ext, "pls")) num = plist_load_pls (plist, fname, cwd); else num = plist_load_m3u (plist, fname, cwd, load_serial); if (read_tags) switch_titles_tags (plist); else switch_titles_file (plist); return num; } /* Save plist in m3u format. Strip paths by strip_path bytes. * If save_serial is not 0, the playlist serial is saved in a * comment. */ static int plist_save_m3u (struct plist *plist, const char *fname, const int strip_path, const int save_serial) { FILE *file = NULL; int i, ret, result = 0; debug ("Saving playlist to '%s'", fname); file = fopen (fname, "w"); if (!file) { error ("Can't save playlist: %s", strerror (errno)); return 0; } /* Lock gets released by fclose(). */ if (flock (fileno (file), LOCK_EX) == -1) logit ("Can't flock() the playlist file: %s", strerror (errno)); if (fprintf (file, "#EXTM3U\r\n") < 0) { error ("Error writing playlist: %s", strerror (errno)); goto err; } if (save_serial && fprintf (file, "#MOCSERIAL: %d\r\n", plist_get_serial (plist)) < 0) { error ("Error writing playlist: %s", strerror (errno)); goto err; } for (i = 0; i < plist->num; i++) { if (!plist_deleted (plist, i)) { /* EXTM3U */ if (plist->items[i].tags) ret = fprintf (file, "#EXTINF:%d,%s\r\n", plist->items[i].tags->time, plist->items[i].title_tags ? plist->items[i].title_tags : plist->items[i].title_file); else ret = fprintf (file, "#EXTINF:%d,%s\r\n", 0, plist->items[i].title_file); /* file */ if (ret >= 0) ret = fprintf (file, "%s\r\n", plist->items[i].file + strip_path); if (ret < 0) { error ("Error writing playlist: %s", strerror (errno)); goto err; } } } ret = fclose (file); file = NULL; if (ret) error ("Error writing playlist: %s", strerror (errno)); else result = 1; err: if (file) fclose (file); return result; } /* Save the playlist into the file. Return 0 on error. If cwd is NULL, use * absolute paths. */ int plist_save (struct plist *plist, const char *file, const char *cwd, const int save_serial) { char common_path[PATH_MAX+1]; /* FIXME: check if it possible to just add some directories to make * relative path working. */ return plist_save_m3u (plist, file, cwd && !strcmp(common_path, cwd) ? strlen(common_path) : 0, save_serial); }