/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */ /* Rosegarden A MIDI and audio sequencer and musical notation editor. Copyright 2000-2021 the Rosegarden development team. Other copyrights also apply to some parts of this work. Please see the AUTHORS file and individual file headers for details. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more information. */ #include "LyricEditDialog.h" #include "base/Event.h" #include "base/BaseProperties.h" #include "misc/Strings.h" #include "misc/Debug.h" #include "misc/ConfigGroups.h" #include "base/Composition.h" #include "base/NotationTypes.h" #include "base/Segment.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Rosegarden { LyricEditDialog::LyricEditDialog(QWidget *parent, std::vector &segments, Segment *segment) : QDialog(parent), m_segment(segment), m_segmentSelectMenu(nullptr), m_descr1(nullptr), m_descr2(nullptr), m_verseCount(0), m_previousVerseCount(0) { setModal(true); setWindowTitle(tr("Edit Lyrics")); // If several segments, setup a menu to change the selected one if (segments.size() > 1) { m_segmentSelectMenu = new QMenu(this); m_menuActionsMap.clear(); Composition *comp = m_segment->getComposition(); // Associate a description with each segment and use a multimap // to sort them std::multimap segDescriptionMap; for (std::vector::iterator it = segments.begin(); it != segments.end(); ++it) { // Get segment characteristics timeT segStart = (*it)->getStartTime(); timeT segEnd = (*it)->getEndMarkerTime(); int barStart = comp->getBarNumber(segStart) + 1; int barEnd = comp->getBarNumber(segEnd - 1) + 1; QString label = strtoqstr((*it)->getLabel()); // Shorten too long labels if (label.length() > 53) label = label.left(50) + "..."; // Create the description QString segDescr = QString(tr("Track %1, bar %2 to %3: \"%4\"")) .arg(comp->getTrackPositionById((*it)->getTrack()) + 1) .arg(barStart) .arg(barEnd) .arg(label); // Insert description and segment in the map segDescriptionMap.insert(std::pair(segDescr, *it)); } // Populate the menu with an entry for each segment. // Reading the segments from the multimap sorts them by description. for (std::multimap::iterator it = segDescriptionMap.begin(); it != segDescriptionMap.end(); ++it) { m_menuActionsMap[m_segmentSelectMenu->addAction((*it).first)] = (*it).second; } } // Begin dialog layout QGridLayout *metagrid = new QGridLayout; setLayout(metagrid); QWidget *vbox = new QWidget(this); QVBoxLayout *vboxLayout = new QVBoxLayout; metagrid->addWidget(vbox, 0, 0); // Add the following elements of layout only if more than // one segment is opened in the notation editor if (m_segmentSelectMenu) { // QLabels to display a description of the selected segment m_descr1 = new QLabel(""); vboxLayout->addWidget(m_descr1); m_descr2 = new QLabel(""); vboxLayout->addWidget(m_descr2); // Write out the description showDescriptionOfSelectedSegment(); // Add a button to give the user a chance to select another segment QPushButton *selectSegment = new QPushButton(tr("Select another segment")); // Avoid button to become exaggeratedly large when dialog is resized QWidget *hb = new QWidget(vbox); QHBoxLayout *hbl = new QHBoxLayout; hb->setLayout(hbl); vboxLayout->addWidget(hb); QFrame *fr = new QFrame(hb); hbl->addWidget(fr); hbl->setStretchFactor(fr, 10); hbl->addWidget(selectSegment); // Connect the button to the menu and the menu to the appropriate slot selectSegment->setMenu(m_segmentSelectMenu); connect(m_segmentSelectMenu, &QMenu::triggered, this, &LyricEditDialog::slotSegmentChanged); } // Continue dialog layout QGroupBox *groupBox = new QGroupBox( tr("Lyrics for this segment"), vbox ); QVBoxLayout *groupBoxLayout = new QVBoxLayout; vboxLayout->addWidget(groupBox); vbox->setLayout(vboxLayout); QWidget *hbox = new QWidget(groupBox); QHBoxLayout *hboxLayout = new QHBoxLayout; groupBoxLayout->addWidget(hbox); hboxLayout->setSpacing(5); // new QLabel(tr("Verse:"), hbox); m_verseNumber = new QComboBox( hbox ); hboxLayout->addWidget(m_verseNumber); m_verseNumber->setEditable(false); connect(m_verseNumber, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(slotVerseNumberChanged(int))); m_verseAddButton = new QPushButton(tr("Add Verse"), hbox ); hboxLayout->addWidget(m_verseAddButton); connect(m_verseAddButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &LyricEditDialog::slotAddVerse); m_verseRemoveButton = new QPushButton(tr("Remove Verse"), hbox ); hboxLayout->addWidget(m_verseRemoveButton); connect(m_verseRemoveButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &LyricEditDialog::slotRemoveVerse); // Avoid buttons to become exaggeratedly large when dialog is resized QFrame *f = new QFrame( hbox ); hboxLayout->addWidget(f); hbox->setLayout(hboxLayout); hboxLayout->setStretchFactor(f, 10); m_textEdit = new QTextEdit(groupBox); groupBoxLayout->addWidget(m_textEdit); m_textEdit->setMinimumWidth(300); m_textEdit->setMinimumHeight(200); m_currentVerse = 0; unparse(); verseDialogRepopulate(); m_previousTexts = m_texts; m_previousVerseCount = m_verseCount; m_textEdit->setFocus(); groupBox->setLayout(groupBoxLayout); QDialogButtonBox *buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel | QDialogButtonBox::Help); metagrid->addWidget(buttonBox, 1, 0); metagrid->setRowStretch(0, 10); connect(buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, this, &QDialog::accept); connect(buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::rejected, this, &QDialog::reject); connect(buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::helpRequested, this, &LyricEditDialog::slotHelpRequested); } void LyricEditDialog::showDescriptionOfSelectedSegment() { // Get selected segment characteristics Composition *comp = m_segment->getComposition(); timeT segStart = m_segment->getStartTime(); timeT segEnd = m_segment->getEndMarkerTime(); int barStart = comp->getBarNumber(segStart) + 1; int barEnd = comp->getBarNumber(segEnd - 1) + 1; QString label = strtoqstr(m_segment->getLabel()); // Shorten too long labels if (label.length() > 53) label = label.left(50) + "..."; // Create the description (on two lines) QString descr1 = QString(tr("Selected segment lays on track %1, bar %2 to %3")) .arg(comp->getTrackPositionById(m_segment->getTrack()) + 1) .arg(barStart) .arg(barEnd); QString descr2 = QString(tr("and is labeled \"%1\"")) .arg(label); // Write out the two lines m_descr1->setText(descr1); m_descr2->setText(descr2); } void LyricEditDialog::slotSegmentChanged(QAction * a) { Segment * newSeg= m_menuActionsMap[a]; // Do nothing if segment unchanged if (m_segment == newSeg) return; // Lyrics of current segment have been modified // (1) if verse count has decreased // (2) or if some preexisting verse have changed // (3) or if verse count has increased and new verses are not skeletons bool changed = false; if (m_verseCount < m_previousVerseCount) { changed = true; // (1) } else { for (int i = 0; i < m_verseCount; i++) { if (i < m_previousVerseCount) { if (m_previousTexts[i] != getLyricData(i)) { changed = true; // (2) break; } } else { if (getLyricData(i) != m_skeleton) { changed = true; // (3) break; } } } } // If lyrics have been modified, give the user a chance to keep the changes if (changed) { int okToChange = QMessageBox::warning( this, tr("Rosegarden - Warning"), tr("

The current segment lyrics have been modified.

" "

The modifications will be lost if a new segment is selected.

" "

Do you really want to select a new segment?

"), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::No ); // Do nothing if user replied no if (okToChange != QMessageBox::Yes) return; } m_segment = newSeg; showDescriptionOfSelectedSegment(); m_texts.clear(); m_currentVerse = 0; unparse(); verseDialogRepopulate(); m_previousTexts = m_texts; m_previousVerseCount = m_verseCount; m_textEdit->setFocus(); } void LyricEditDialog::slotVerseNumberChanged(int verse) { NOTATION_DEBUG << "LyricEditDialog::slotVerseNumberChanged(" << verse << ")"; QString text = m_textEdit->toPlainText(); m_texts[m_currentVerse] = text; m_textEdit->setPlainText(m_texts[verse]); m_currentVerse = verse; } void LyricEditDialog::slotAddVerse() { NOTATION_DEBUG << "LyricEditDialog::slotAddVerse"; m_texts.push_back(m_skeleton); m_verseCount++; // NOTE slotVerseNumberChanged should be called with m_currentVerse argument // if we ever decide to add new verse between existing ones slotVerseNumberChanged(m_verseCount - 1); verseDialogRepopulate(); } void LyricEditDialog::slotRemoveVerse() { NOTATION_DEBUG << "LyricEditDialog::slotRemoveVerse"; RG_DEBUG << "deleting at position " << m_currentVerse; std::vector::iterator itr = m_texts.begin(); for (int i = 0; i < m_currentVerse; ++i) ++itr; RG_DEBUG << "text being deleted is: " << *itr; if (m_verseCount > 1) { m_texts.erase(itr); m_verseCount--; if (m_currentVerse == m_verseCount) m_currentVerse--; } else { RG_DEBUG << "deleting last verse"; m_texts.clear(); m_texts.push_back(m_skeleton); } verseDialogRepopulate(); } void LyricEditDialog::countVerses() { m_verseCount = m_segment->getVerseCount(); // If no verse, add an empty one to give a workplace to the user // (else the user would need to press the "add verse" button) if (m_verseCount == 0) m_verseCount = 1; } void LyricEditDialog::unparse() { // This and SetLyricsCommand::execute() are opposites that will // need to be kept in sync with any changes in one another. (They // should really both be in a common lyric management class.) countVerses(); Composition *comp = m_segment->getComposition(); bool firstNote = true; timeT lastTime = m_segment->getStartTime(); int lastBarNo = comp->getBarNumber(lastTime); std::map haveLyric; QString fragment = QString("[%1] ").arg(lastBarNo + 1); m_skeleton = fragment; m_texts.clear(); for (int v = 0; v < m_verseCount; ++v) { m_texts.push_back(fragment); haveLyric[v] = false; } for (Segment::iterator i = m_segment->begin(); m_segment->isBeforeEndMarker(i); ++i) { bool isNote = (*i)->isa(Note::EventType); bool isLyric = false; if (!isNote) { if ((*i)->isa(Text::EventType)) { std::string textType; if ((*i)->get(Text::TextTypePropertyName, textType) && textType == Text::Lyric) { isLyric = true; } } } else { if ((*i)->has(BaseProperties::TIED_BACKWARD) && (*i)->get(BaseProperties::TIED_BACKWARD)) { continue; } } if (!isNote && !isLyric) continue; timeT myTime = (*i)->getNotationAbsoluteTime(); int myBarNo = comp->getBarNumber(myTime); if (myBarNo > lastBarNo) { fragment = ""; while (myBarNo > lastBarNo) { fragment += " /"; ++lastBarNo; } fragment += QString("\n[%1] ").arg(myBarNo + 1); m_skeleton += fragment; for (int v = 0; v < m_verseCount; ++v) m_texts[v] += fragment; } if (isNote) { if ((myTime > lastTime) || firstNote) { m_skeleton += " ."; for (int v = 0; v < m_verseCount; ++v) { if (!haveLyric[v]) m_texts[v] += " ."; haveLyric[v] = false; } lastTime = myTime; firstNote = false; } } if (isLyric) { std::string ssyllable; (*i)->get(Text::TextPropertyName, ssyllable); long verse = 0; (*i)->get(Text::LyricVersePropertyName, verse); QString syllable(strtoqstr(ssyllable)); syllable.replace(QRegularExpression("\\s+"), "~"); m_texts[verse] += " " + syllable; haveLyric[verse] = true; } } if (!m_texts.empty()) { m_textEdit->setPlainText(m_texts[0]); } else { m_texts.push_back(m_skeleton); } } int LyricEditDialog::getVerseCount() const { return m_verseCount; } QString LyricEditDialog::getLyricData(int verse) const { if (verse == m_verseNumber->currentIndex()) { return m_textEdit->toPlainText(); } else { return m_texts[verse]; } } void LyricEditDialog::verseDialogRepopulate() { m_verseNumber->clear(); for (int i = 0; i < m_verseCount; ++i) { m_verseNumber->addItem(tr("Verse %1").arg(i + 1)); } if (m_verseCount == 12) m_verseAddButton->setEnabled(false); else m_verseAddButton->setEnabled(true); if (m_verseCount == 0) m_verseRemoveButton->setEnabled(false); else m_verseRemoveButton->setEnabled(true); m_verseNumber->setCurrentIndex(m_currentVerse); RG_DEBUG << "m_currentVerse = " << m_currentVerse << ", text = " << m_texts[m_currentVerse]; m_textEdit->setPlainText(m_texts[m_currentVerse]); } void LyricEditDialog::slotHelpRequested() { // TRANSLATORS: if the manual is translated into your language, you can // change the two-letter language code in this URL to point to your language // version, eg. "http://rosegardenmusic.com/wiki/doc:lyricEditDialog-es" for the // Spanish version. If your language doesn't yet have a translation, feel // free to create one. QString helpURL = tr("http://rosegardenmusic.com/wiki/doc:lyricEditDialog-en"); QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(helpURL)); } }