#include "snd.h" #include "sndlib-strings.h" #include "clm-strings.h" static const char **snd_xrefs(const char *topic); static const char **snd_xref_urls(const char *topic); static char **snd_itoa_strs = NULL; static int snd_itoa_ctr = 0, snd_itoa_size = 0; static char *snd_itoa(int n) { char *str; if (!snd_itoa_strs) { snd_itoa_size = 32; snd_itoa_strs = (char **)calloc(snd_itoa_size, sizeof(char *)); } else { if (snd_itoa_ctr >= snd_itoa_size) { int i; snd_itoa_size += 32; snd_itoa_strs = (char **)realloc(snd_itoa_strs, snd_itoa_size * sizeof(char *)); for (i = snd_itoa_ctr; i < snd_itoa_size; i++) snd_itoa_strs[i] = NULL; } } str = (char *)calloc(LABEL_BUFFER_SIZE, sizeof(char)); snprintf(str, LABEL_BUFFER_SIZE, "%d", n); snd_itoa_strs[snd_itoa_ctr++] = str; return(str); } static void free_snd_itoa(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < snd_itoa_ctr; i++) if (snd_itoa_strs[i]) { free(snd_itoa_strs[i]); snd_itoa_strs[i] = NULL; } snd_itoa_ctr = 0; } static char *vstrcat(const char *arg1, ...) { char *buf; va_list ap; int len = 0; char *str; len = strlen(arg1); va_start(ap, arg1); while ((str = va_arg(ap, char *))) len += strlen(str); va_end(ap); buf = (char *)calloc(len + 32, sizeof(char)); strcat(buf, arg1); va_start(ap, arg1); while ((str = va_arg(ap, char *))) strcat(buf, str); va_end(ap); return(buf); } static const char *main_snd_xrefs[16] = { "{CLM}: sound synthesis", "{CM}: algorithmic composition", "{CMN}: music notation", "{Ruby}: extension language", "{Forth}: extension language", "{s7}: extension language", "{Emacs}: Snd as Emacs subjob", "{Sndlib}: underlying sound support library", "{Scripting}: Snd with no GUI", "{Motif}: Motif extensions", "{Ladspa}: plugins", "{Multiprecision arithmetic}: libgmp and friends", NULL }; static const char *main_snd_xref_urls[16] = { "grfsnd.html#sndwithclm", "grfsnd.html#sndwithcm", "sndscm.html#musglyphs", "grfsnd.html#sndandruby", "grfsnd.html#sndandforth", "grfsnd.html#sndands7", "grfsnd.html#emacssnd", "sndlib.html#introduction", "grfsnd.html#sndwithnogui", "grfsnd.html#sndwithmotif", "grfsnd.html#sndandladspa", "grfsnd.html#sndandgmp", NULL, }; static void main_snd_help(const char *subject, ...) { va_list ap; char *helpstr; snd_help_with_xrefs(subject, "", WITHOUT_WORD_WRAP, main_snd_xrefs, main_snd_xref_urls); va_start(ap, subject); while ((helpstr = va_arg(ap, char *))) snd_help_append(helpstr); va_end(ap); snd_help_back_to_top(); } #if USE_MOTIF #include #include #endif #if HAVE_LADSPA #include #endif #if HAVE_FFTW3 #include #endif #if USE_MOTIF #define XM_VERSION_NAME "xm-version" #else #define XM_VERSION_NAME "xg-version" #endif #if WITH_GMP #include #include #include #endif static char *xm_version(void) { Xen xm_val = Xen_false; #if HAVE_SCHEME #if USE_MOTIF xm_val = Xen_eval_C_string("(and (defined? 'xm-version) xm-version)"); #endif #endif #if HAVE_FORTH xm_val = Xen_variable_ref(XM_VERSION_NAME); #endif #if HAVE_RUBY #if USE_MOTIF if (rb_const_defined(rb_cObject, rb_intern("Xm_Version"))) xm_val = Xen_eval_C_string("Xm_Version"); #endif #endif if (Xen_is_string(xm_val)) { char *version; version = (char *)calloc(32, sizeof(char)); snprintf(version, 32, "\n %s: %s", #if USE_MOTIF "xm", #else "xg", #endif Xen_string_to_C_string(xm_val)); if (snd_itoa_ctr < snd_itoa_size) snd_itoa_strs[snd_itoa_ctr++] = version; return(version); } return(mus_strdup(" ")); /* not null because that breaks the sequence for --version (xm-version not defined by that point) */ } #if HAVE_GL void Init_libgl(void); static char *gl_version(void) { Xen gl_val = Xen_false; Init_libgl(); /* define the version string, if ./snd --version */ #if HAVE_SCHEME gl_val = Xen_eval_C_string("(and (provided? 'gl) gl-version)"); /* this refers to gl.c, not the GL library */ #endif #if HAVE_RUBY if (rb_const_defined(rb_cObject, rb_intern("Gl_Version"))) gl_val = Xen_eval_C_string("Gl_Version"); #endif #if HAVE_FORTH if (fth_provided_p("gl")) gl_val = Xen_variable_ref("gl-version"); #endif if (Xen_is_string(gl_val)) { char *version = NULL; version = (char *)calloc(32, sizeof(char)); snprintf(version, 32, " (snd gl: %s)", Xen_string_to_C_string(gl_val)); if (snd_itoa_ctr < snd_itoa_size) snd_itoa_strs[snd_itoa_ctr++] = version; return(version); } return(mus_strdup(" ")); } #if WITH_GL2PS char *gl2ps_version(void); /* snd-print.c */ #endif static char *glx_version(void) { #if USE_MOTIF #define VERSION_SIZE 128 char *version = NULL; if ((!ss->dialogs) || /* snd --help for example */ (!(main_display(ss)))) return(mus_strdup(" ")); version = (char *)calloc(VERSION_SIZE, sizeof(char)); if (ss->cx) { glXMakeCurrent(main_display(ss), XtWindow(ss->mainshell), ss->cx); snprintf(version, VERSION_SIZE, " %s", glGetString(GL_VERSION)); } else { int major = 0, minor = 0; glXQueryVersion(main_display(ss), &major, &minor); snprintf(version, VERSION_SIZE, " %d.%d", major, minor); } if (snd_itoa_ctr < snd_itoa_size) snd_itoa_strs[snd_itoa_ctr++] = version; return(version); #else return(mus_strdup(" ")); #endif } #endif #if HAVE_GSL #include #endif #ifndef _MSC_VER #include #endif #if USE_NOTCURSES /* I don't want to include notcurses.h */ const char* notcurses_version(void); #endif char *version_info(void) { char *result, *xversion, *consistent = NULL; #if HAVE_GL && WITH_GL2PS char *gl2ps_name = NULL; #endif #ifndef _MSC_VER int uname_ok; struct utsname uts; uname_ok = uname(&uts); /* 0=success */ #endif snd_itoa_ctr = 0; xversion = xen_version(); result = vstrcat( "This is Snd version ", SND_VERSION, " of ", SND_DATE, ":\n ", xversion, "\n ", mus_audio_moniker(), "\n Sndlib ", snd_itoa(SNDLIB_VERSION), ".", snd_itoa(SNDLIB_REVISION), " (", SNDLIB_DATE, ")", "\n CLM ", snd_itoa(MUS_VERSION), ".", snd_itoa(MUS_REVISION), " (", MUS_DATE, ")", #if HAVE_GSL "\n GSL", #ifdef GSL_VERSION " ", GSL_VERSION, #endif #endif #if HAVE_FFTW3 "\n ", fftw_version, #endif #if USE_MOTIF "\n Motif ", snd_itoa(XmVERSION), ".", snd_itoa(XmREVISION), ".", snd_itoa(XmUPDATE_LEVEL), " X", snd_itoa(X_PROTOCOL), "R", snd_itoa(XT_REVISION), #endif xm_version(), /* omitted if --version/--help because the init procs haven't run at that point */ #if HAVE_GL "\n OpenGL", glx_version(), gl_version(), #if WITH_GL2PS ", ", gl2ps_name = gl2ps_version(), #endif #endif #if (!USE_MOTIF) "\n no graphics", #endif #if USE_MOTIF "\n Xpm ", snd_itoa(XpmFormat), ".", snd_itoa(XpmVersion), ".", snd_itoa(XpmRevision), #endif #if USE_NOTCURSES "\n Notcurses ", notcurses_version(), #endif #if HAVE_LADSPA "\n Ladspa: ", #ifdef LADSPA_VERSION LADSPA_VERSION, #else "1.0", #endif #endif #if WITH_GMP "\n gmp: ", gmp_version, ", mpfr: ", mpfr_get_version(), ", mpc: ", mpc_get_version(), #endif #if (defined(__DATE__)) && (!(defined(REPRODUCIBLE_BUILD))) "\n Compiled ", __DATE__, " ", __TIME__, #endif #ifndef __cplusplus "\n C: ", #else "\n C++: ", #endif /* the __VERSION__ macro is useless */ #if defined(__clang__) "clang ", snd_itoa(__clang_major__), ".", snd_itoa(__clang_minor__), #elif defined(__ICC) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) "intel ", #elif defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__GNUG__) #ifndef __cplusplus "gcc ", #else "g++ ", #endif snd_itoa(__GNUC__), ".", snd_itoa(__GNUC_MINOR__), #elif defined(_MSC_VER) "MS ", #elif defined(__SUNPRO_C) || defined(__SUNPRO_CC) "Sun ", #endif "\n", #ifndef _MSC_VER (uname_ok == 0) ? " " : "", (uname_ok == 0) ? uts.sysname : "", (uname_ok == 0) ? " " : "", (uname_ok == 0) ? uts.release : "", (uname_ok == 0) ? " " : "", (uname_ok == 0) ? uts.machine : "", (uname_ok == 0) ? "\n" : "", #endif NULL); free_snd_itoa(); if (xversion) free(xversion); /* calloc in xen.c */ if (consistent) free(consistent); #if HAVE_GL && WITH_GL2PS if (gl2ps_name) free(gl2ps_name); #endif return(result); } void about_snd_help(void) { char *info = NULL, *features = NULL; #if HAVE_RUBY features = word_wrap(Xen_object_to_C_string(Xen_eval_C_string((char *)"$\".join(' ')")), 400); #endif #if HAVE_FORTH features = word_wrap(Xen_object_to_C_string(Xen_eval_C_string("*features*")), 400); #endif #if HAVE_SCHEME { char *temp = NULL; features = word_wrap(temp = Xen_object_to_C_string(Xen_eval_C_string("*features*")), 400); if (temp) free(temp); } #endif info = version_info(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ main_snd_help("Snd is a sound editor.", info, #if HAVE_RUBY "\n $LOADED_FEATURES: \n", features, "\n\n", #endif #if HAVE_FORTH "\n *features*:\n ", features, "\n\n", #endif #if HAVE_SCHEME "\n *features*:\n '", features, "\n\n", #endif #if (!HAVE_EXTENSION_LANGUAGE) "\n", #endif "Please send bug reports or suggestions to bil@ccrma.stanford.edu.", NULL); if (info) free(info); if (features) free(features); } /* ---------------- help menu help texts ---------------- */ static bool append_key_help(const char *name, int key, int state, bool cx_extended, bool first_time) { int pos; pos = in_keymap(key, state, cx_extended); if (pos != -1) { char *msg, *tmp = NULL; msg = mus_format("%s%s is bound to %s", (first_time) ? "\n\ncurrently " : "\n ", name, tmp = key_description(key, state, cx_extended)); snd_help_append(msg); free(msg); if (tmp) free(tmp); return(false); } return(first_time); } /* ---------------- Find ---------------- */ void find_help(void) { #if HAVE_SCHEME #define basic_example "(lambda (y) (> y 0.1))" #define find_channel_example " >(find-channel (lambda (y) (> y .1)))\n (#t 4423)" #define count_matches_example " >(count-matches (lambda (y) (> y .1)))\n 2851" #define search_procedure_example " >(set! (search-procedure) (lambda (y) (> y .1)))" #endif #if HAVE_RUBY #define basic_example "lambda do |y| y > 0.1 end" #define find_channel_example " >find_channel(lambda do |y| y > 0.1 end)\n [true, 4423]" #define count_matches_example " >count_matches(lambda do |y| y > 0.1 end)\n 2851" #define search_procedure_example " >set_search_procedure(lambda do |y| y > 0.1 end)" #endif #if HAVE_FORTH #define basic_example "lambda: <{ y }> y 0.1 f> ;" #define find_channel_example " >lambda: <{ y }> 0.1 y f< ; find-channel\n '( #t 4423 )" #define count_matches_example " >lambda: <{ y }> 0.1 y f< ; count-matches\n 2851" #define search_procedure_example " >lambda: <{ y }> 0.1 y f< ; set-search-procedure" #endif snd_help_with_xrefs(I_FIND, #if HAVE_EXTENSION_LANGUAGE "Searches in Snd refer to the sound data. When you type \ C-s, the find dialog is activated and you are asked for the search expression. \ The expression is a function that takes one argument, the current sample value, and returns " PROC_TRUE " when it finds a match. \ To look for the next sample that is greater than .1, " basic_example ". The cursor then moves \ to that sample, if any. Successive C-s's continue the search starting from the next sample.\ \n\n\ The primary searching function is:\n\ \n\ " S_find_channel " (proc :optional (sample 0) snd chn edpos)\n\ This function finds the sample that satisfies the function 'proc'. \n\ 'sample' determines where to start the search. \n\ " find_channel_example "\n\ \n\ Closely related is:\n\ \n\ " S_count_matches " (proc :optional (sample 0) snd chn edpos)\n\ This returns how many samples satisfy the function 'proc'.\n\ " count_matches_example "\n\ \n\ To find whether a given sound is currently open in Snd, use:\n\ \n\ " S_find_sound " (filename :optional (nth 0))\n\ " S_find_sound " returns the index of 'filename' or " PROC_FALSE ".\n\ \n\ The current search procedure (for the Edit:Find dialog) is:\n\ \n\ " S_search_procedure " (:optional snd)\n\ " search_procedure_example "\n\ ", #else "Searches in Snd depend completely on the extension language. Since none is loaded,\ the searching mechanisms are disabled.", #endif WITH_WORD_WRAP, snd_xrefs("Search"), snd_xref_urls("Search")); append_key_help("C-s", snd_K_s, ControlMask, false, true); } /* ---------------- Undo ---------------- */ void undo_help(void) { #if HAVE_SCHEME #define H_undo S_undo #define H_redo S_redo #define edit_position_example "(set! (edit-position) 0) ; revert channel" #endif #if HAVE_RUBY #define H_undo "undo_edit" #define H_redo "redo_edit" #define edit_position_example "set_edit_position(0) # revert channel" #endif #if HAVE_FORTH #define H_undo S_undo #define H_redo S_redo #define edit_position_example "0 set-edit-position \\ revert channel" #endif snd_help_with_xrefs("Undo and Redo", #if HAVE_EXTENSION_LANGUAGE "Snd supports 'unlimited undo' in the sense that you can move back and forth in the list of edits without any \ limit on how long that list can get. Each editing operation \ extends the current edit list; each undo backs up in that list, and each redo moves forward in the list of previously \ un-done edits. Besides the Edit and Popup menu options, and the " H_undo " and " H_redo " functions, \ there are these keyboard sequences: \ \n\n\ C-x r redo last edit\n\ C-x u undo last edit\n\ C-x C-r redo last edit\n\ C-x C-u undo last edit\n\ C-_ undo last edit\n\ \n\ File:Revert is the same as undo all edits.\ In the listener, C-M-g deletes all text, and C-_ deletes back to the previous command.\ In the sound display, the number at the lower left shows the current edit position and the channel number.\ The main functions that affect the edit position are:\n\ \n\ " H_undo " (:optional (edits 1) snd chn)\n\ This undoes 'edits' edits in snd's channel chn.\n\ \n\ " H_redo " (:optional (edits 1) snd chn)\n\ This re-activates 'edits' edits in snd's channel chn.\n\ \n\ " S_revert_sound " (:optional snd)\n\ This reverts 'snd' to its saved (unedited) state.\n\ \n\ " S_edit_position " (:optional snd chn)\n\ This is the current position in the edit history list.\n\ " edit_position_example "\n\ ", #else "Snd supports 'unlimited undo' in the sense that you can move back and forth in the list of edits without any \ limit on how long that list can get. Each editing operation \ extends the current edit list; each undo backs up in that list, and each redo moves forward in the list of previously \ un-done edits. Besides the Edit and Popup menu options,\ there are these keyboard sequences: \ \n\n\ C-x r redo last edit\n\ C-x u undo last edit\n\ C-x C-r redo last edit\n\ C-x C-u undo last edit\n\ C-_ undo last edit\n\ \n\ File:Revert is the same as undo all edits.", #endif WITH_WORD_WRAP, snd_xrefs("Undo"), snd_xref_urls("Undo")); append_key_help("C-M-g", snd_K_g, ControlMask | MetaMask, false, append_key_help("C-_", snd_K_underscore, ControlMask, false, append_key_help("C-x C-u", snd_K_u, ControlMask, true, append_key_help("C-x C-r", snd_K_r, ControlMask, true, append_key_help("C-x u", snd_K_u, 0, true, append_key_help("C-x r", snd_K_r, 0, true, true)))))); } /* ---------------- Sync and Unite ---------------- */ static const char *sync_xrefs[5] = { "sound sync field: {" S_sync "}, {" S_sync_max "}", "mark sync field: {" S_mark_sync "}, {" S_mark_sync_max "}, {mark-sync-color}, {" S_syncd_marks "}", "mix sync field: {" S_mix_sync "}", "channel display choice: {" S_channel_style "}", NULL}; void sync_help(void) { #if HAVE_SCHEME #define channel_style_example "(set! (channel-style snd) channels-combined)" #define H_channels_separate S_channels_separate #define H_channels_combined S_channels_combined #define H_channels_superimposed S_channels_superimposed #endif #if HAVE_RUBY #define channel_style_example "set_channel_style(Channels_combined, snd)" #define H_channels_separate "Channels_separate" #define H_channels_combined "Channels_combined" #define H_channels_superimposed "Channels_superimposed" #endif #if HAVE_FORTH #define channel_style_example "channels-combined set-channel-style" #define H_channels_separate S_channels_separate #define H_channels_combined S_channels_combined #define H_channels_superimposed S_channels_superimposed #endif snd_help_with_xrefs("Sync", #if HAVE_EXTENSION_LANGUAGE "The sync button causes certain operations to apply to all channels or multiple sounds simultaneously. \ For example, to get a multichannel selection, set the sync button, then define the selection (by dragging \ the mouse) in one channel, and the parallel portions of the other channels are also selected. \ The default sync setting is set by " S_sync_style ", which defaults to " S_sync_by_sound ". \ This ties together all the channels in a sound, but keeps sounds separate. The other sync styles \ are " S_sync_none ", and " S_sync_all ". " S_sync_none " means each channel is separate, and " S_sync_all " means \ everything is handled together. You can set the sync style via " S_sync ". \ Marks and mixes can also be sync'd together.\n\ \n\ Similarly, the unite button combines channels of a \ multichannel sound into one display window. control-click the unite button to have the channels \ superimposed on each other. The function associated with this is:\n\ \n\ " S_channel_style " (:optional snd)\n\ " S_channel_style " reflects the value of the 'unite' button in multichannel files.\n\ Possible values are " H_channels_separate ", " H_channels_combined ", and " H_channels_superimposed ".\n\ " channel_style_example "\n\ ", #else "The sync button causes certain operations to apply to all channels or multiple sounds simultaneously. \ For example, to get a multichannel selection, set the sync button, then define the selection (by dragging \ the mouse) in one channel, and the parallel portions of the other channels are also selected. \ Marks and mixes can also be sync'd together.\n\ \n\ Similarly, the unite button combines channels of a \ multichannel sound into one display window. control-click the unite button to have the channels \ superimposed on each other.", #endif WITH_WORD_WRAP, sync_xrefs, NULL); } /* ---------------- Debug ---------------- */ static const char *debug_xrefs[5] = { "C debugging: {gdb}", "CLM Instrument debugging: {variable-display}", "Error handling", "Print statement: {" S_snd_print "}", NULL}; static const char *debug_urls[5] = { "extsnd.html#cdebugging", "sndscm.html#variabledisplay", "extsnd.html#snderrors", "extsnd.html#sndprint", NULL}; void debug_help(void) { #if HAVE_SCHEME #define vardpy_reference "variable-display in snd-motif.scm" #endif #if HAVE_RUBY #define vardpy_reference "variable_display in snd-xm.rb" #endif #if HAVE_FORTH #define vardpy_reference "variable-display, which isn't written yet" #endif snd_help_with_xrefs("Debugging", #if HAVE_EXTENSION_LANGUAGE "There are several sets of debugging aids, each aimed at a different level of code. \ C code is normally debugged with gdb. If you hit a segfault in Snd, please tell me \ about it! If possible, run Snd in gdb and send me the stack trace: \n\n\ gdb snd\n\ run\n\ \n\ where\n\ \n\ See README.Snd for more about C-level troubles. For CLM-based instruments, " vardpy_reference " might \ help. For debugging your own Scheme/Ruby/Forth \ code (or Snd's for that matter), see the \"Errors and Debugging\" section of \ extsnd.html. For notelist debugging, see ws-backtrace.", #else "If you hit a segfault in Snd, please tell me \ about it! If possible, run Snd in gdb and send me the stack trace: \n\n\ gdb snd\n\ run\n\ \n\ where\n\ \n", #endif WITH_WORD_WRAP, debug_xrefs, debug_urls); } /* ---------------- Envelope ---------------- */ void env_help(void) { #if HAVE_SCHEME #define envelope_example "'(0 0 1 1 2 0)" #define env_sound_example "(env-sound '(0 0 1 1 2 0))" #endif #if HAVE_RUBY #define envelope_example "[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.0]" #define env_sound_example "env_sound([0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.0])" #endif #if HAVE_FORTH #define envelope_example "'( 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 0.0 )" #define env_sound_example "'( 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 0.0 ) env-sound" #endif snd_help_with_xrefs("Envelope", #if HAVE_EXTENSION_LANGUAGE "An envelope in Snd is a list (an array in Ruby) of x y break-point pairs. The x axis range is arbitrary. \ To define a triangle curve: " envelope_example ".\ There is no preset limit on the number of breakpoints. Use the envelope editor to draw envelopes with the mouse. \ \n\n\ To apply an envelope to a sound, use " S_env_sound ". The primary enveloping functions are:\n\ \n\ " S_env_sound " (envelope :optional (samp 0) samps (env-base 1.0) snd chn edpos)\n\ " S_env_sound " applies the amplitude envelope to snd's channel chn.\n\ " env_sound_example "\n\ \n\ " S_env_channel " (clm-env-gen :optional beg dur snd chn edpos)\n\ This is the channel-specific version of " S_env_sound ".\n\ ", #else "It is hard to define or use an envelope if there's no extension language.", #endif WITH_WORD_WRAP, snd_xrefs("Envelope"), /* snd-xref.c */ snd_xref_urls("Envelope")); } /* ---------------- FFT ---------------- */ void fft_help(void) { #if HAVE_SCHEME #define transform_normalization_example "(set! (transform-normalization) dont-normalize)" #define transform_size_example "(set! (transform-size) 512)" #define transform_type_example "(set! (transform-type) autocorrelation)" #define fft_window_example "(set! (fft-window) rectangular-window)" #define transform_graph_example "(set! (transform-graph?) #t)" #define transform_graph_type_example "(set! (transform-graph-type) graph-as-sonogram)" #define transform_log_magnitude_example "(set! (transform-log-magnitude) #f)" #define transform_types "fourier-transform wavelet-transform haar-transform\n autocorrelation walsh-transform cepstrum" #define transform_graph_types "graph-once graph-as-sonogram graph-as-spectrogram" #define transform_normalizations "dont-normalize normalize-by-channel normalize-by-sound normalize-globally" #define fft_windows " bartlett-window blackman2-window blackman3-window blackman4-window\n cauchy-window connes-window dolph-chebyshev-window exponential-window\n gaussian-window hamming-window hann-poisson-window hann-window\n kaiser-window parzen-window poisson-window rectangular-window\n riemann-window samaraki-window tukey-window ultraspherical-window\n welch-window bartlett-hann-window bohman-window flat-top-window blackman5..10-window" #endif #if HAVE_RUBY #define transform_normalization_example "set_transform_normalization(Dont_normalize)" #define transform_size_example "set_transform_size(512)" #define transform_type_example "set_transform_type(Autocorrelation)" #define fft_window_example "set_fft_window(Rectangular_window)" #define transform_graph_example "set_transform_graph?(#t)" #define transform_graph_type_example "set_transform_graph_type(Graph_as_sonogram)" #define transform_log_magnitude_example "set_transform_log_magnitude(#f)" #define transform_types "Fourier_transform Wavelet_transform Haar_transform\n Autocorrelation Walsh_transform Cepstrum" #define transform_graph_types "graph_once graph_as_sonogram graph_as_spectrogram" #define transform_normalizations "Dont_normalize Normalize_by_channel Normalize_by_sound Normalize_globally" #define fft_windows " Bartlett_window Blackman2_window Blackman3_window Blackman4_window\n Cauchy_window Connes_window Dolph_chebyshev_window Exponential_window\n Gaussian_window Hamming_window Hann_poisson_window Hann_window\n Kaiser_window Parzen_window Poisson_window Rectangular_window\n Riemann_window Samaraki_window Tukey_window Ultraspherical_window\n Welch_window Bartlett_hann_window Bohman_window Flat_top_window Blackman5..10_window" #endif #if HAVE_FORTH #define transform_normalization_example "dont-normalize set-transform-normalization" #define transform_size_example "512 set-transform-size" #define transform_type_example "autocorrelation set-transform-type" #define fft_window_example "rectangular-window set-fft-window" #define transform_graph_example "#t set-transform-graph?" #define transform_graph_type_example "graph-as-sonogram set-transform-graph-type" #define transform_log_magnitude_example "#f set-transform-log-magnitude" #define transform_types "fourier-transform wavelet-transform haar-transform\n autocorrelation walsh-transform cepstrum" #define transform_graph_types "graph-once graph-as-sonogram graph-as-spectrogram" #define transform_normalizations "dont-normalize normalize-by-channel normalize-by-sound normalize-globally" #define fft_windows " bartlett-window blackman2-window blackman3-window blackman4-window\n cauchy-window connes-window dolph-chebyshev-window exponential-window\n gaussian-window hamming-window hann-poisson-window hann-window\n kaiser-window parzen-window poisson-window rectangular-window\n riemann-window samaraki-window tukey-window ultraspherical-window\n welch-window bartlett-hann-window bohman-window flat-top-window blackman5..10-window" #endif snd_help_with_xrefs("FFT", #if HAVE_EXTENSION_LANGUAGE "The FFT performs a projection of the time domain into the frequency domain. Good discussions of the Fourier Transform \ and the trick used in the FFT itself can be found in many DSP books; those I know of include 'A Digital Signal Processing \ Primer', Ken Steiglitz, or 'Numerical Recipes in C'. \ For the Fourier transform itself, good books abound: \ 'Mathematics of the DFT', Julius Smith, or 'Understanding DSP', Lyons, etc. For more sophistication, \ 'Fourier Analysis', Korner, 'Fourier Analysis', Stein and Shakarchi, or 'Trigonometric Series', Zygmund. \ \n\n\ The FFT size can be any power of 2. The larger, the longer it takes to compute, and the larger the amount of the time domain \ that gets consumed. Interpretation of the FFT results is not straightforward! The window choices are taken primarily \ from Harris' article: Fredric J. Harris, 'On the Use of Windows for Harmonic Analysis with the Discrete Fourier Transform', Proceedings of the \ IEEE, Vol. 66, No. 1, January 1978, with updates from: Albert H. Nuttall, 'Some Windows with Very Good Sidelobe Behaviour', IEEE Transactions \ of Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vol. ASSP-29, 1, February 1981. \ \n\n\ Nearly all the transform-related choices are set by the transform dialog launched from the Options \ Menu Transform item. Most of this dialog should be self-explanatory. Some of the windows take an \ additional parameter sometimes known as alpha or beta. This can be set by the scale(s) next to the fft window graph in the \ transform dialog, or via " S_fft_window_alpha " and " S_fft_window_beta ". \ \n\n\ To change the defaults, you can set the various values in your initialization file (see examples below), \ or use the Options:Preferences dialog's Transforms section.\ \n\n\ The FFT display is activated by setting the 'f' button on the channel's window. It then updates \ itself each time the time domain waveform moves or changes. \ The FFT is taken from the start (the left edge) of the current window and is updated as the window bounds change. \ The data is scaled to fit between 0.0 and 1.0 unless transform normalization is off. \ The full frequency axis is normally displayed, but the axis is draggable -- put the mouse on the axis \ and drag it either way to change the range (this is equivalent to changing the variable " S_spectrum_end "). \ You can also click on any point in the fft to get the associated fft value at that point displayed; \ if " S_with_verbose_cursor " is " PROC_TRUE ", you can drag the mouse through the fft display and \ the description in the status area is constantly updated. To change the fft size by powers of two, \ you can use the keypad keys '*' and '/'. \ \n\n\ The main FFT-related functions are:\ \n\n\ " S_transform_size " (:optional snd chn)\n\ the fft size (a power of 2): " transform_size_example "\n\ \n\ " S_transform_type " (:optional snd chn)\n\ which transform is performed: " transform_type_example "\n\ the built-in transform choices are:\n\ " transform_types "\n\ \n\ " S_transform_graph_type " (:optional snd chn)\n\ the display choice, one of: " transform_graph_types "\n\ " transform_graph_type_example "\n\ \n\ " S_fft_window " (:optional snd chn)\n\ the fft data window: " fft_window_example "\n\ the windows are:\n\ " fft_windows "\n\ \n\ " S_show_transform_peaks " and " S_max_transform_peaks "\n\ these control the peak info display\n\ \n\ " S_fft_log_magnitude " and " S_fft_log_frequency "\n\ these set whether the axes are linear or logarithmic\n\ \n\ " S_fft_with_phases " (:optional snd chn)\n\ sets whether the single fft display includes phase information\n\ \n\ " S_transform_graph_on " (:optional snd chn)\n\ if " PROC_TRUE ", the fft graph is displayed: " transform_graph_example "\n\ \n\ " S_transform_normalization " (:optional snd chn)\n\ how fft data is normalized. " transform_normalization_example "\n\ the choices are:\n\ " transform_normalizations "\n\ \n\ " S_peaks " (:optional file snd chn) writes out current peak info as text\n\ \n\ Other related functions: " S_zero_pad ", " S_wavelet_type ", " S_add_transform "\n\ " S_min_dB ", " S_snd_spectrum ", " S_show_selection_transform ".", #else "Nearly all the transform-related choices can be set in the transform dialog launched from the Options \ Menu Transform item. Most of this dialog should be self-explanatory. Some of the windows take an \ additional parameter sometimes known as alpha or beta. This can be set by the scale(s) next to the fft window graph in the \ transform dialog, or via the variables " S_fft_window_alpha " and " S_fft_window_beta ".\ \n\n\ The FFT display is activated by setting the 'f' button on the channel's window. It then updates \ itself each time the time domain waveform moves or changes. \ The FFT is taken from the start (the left edge) of the current window and is updated as the window bounds change. \ The data is scaled to fit between 0.0 and 1.0 unless transform normalization is off. \ The full frequency axis is normally displayed, but the axis is draggable -- put the mouse on the axis \ and drag it either way to change the range. \ You can also click on any point in the fft to get the associated fft value at that point displayed. \ To change the fft size by powers of two, \ you can use the keypad keys '*' and '/'.", #endif WITH_WORD_WRAP, snd_xrefs("FFT"), snd_xref_urls("FFT")); global_fft_state(); } /* ---------------- Control Panel ---------------- */ static const char *control_xrefs[9] = { "various control panel variables: {Control panel}", "amplitude: {" S_scale_by "}", "speed or srate: {" S_src_sound "}", "expand: {granulate}", "contrast: {" S_contrast_enhancement "}", "filter: {" S_filter_sound "}", "{" S_apply_controls "}", "{" S_controls_to_channel "}", NULL}; void controls_help(void) { #if HAVE_SCHEME #define amp_control_example "(set! (amp-control) 0.5)" #define amp_control_bounds_example "(set! (amp-control-bounds) (list 0.0 20.0))" #define speed_control_styles "speed-control-as-float speed-control-as-ratio speed-control-as-semitone" #endif #if HAVE_RUBY #define amp_control_example "set_amp_control(0.5)" #define amp_control_bounds_example "set_amp_control_bounds([0.0, 20.0])" #define speed_control_styles "Speed_control_as_float Speed_control_as_ratio Speed_control_as_semitone" #endif #if HAVE_FORTH #define amp_control_example "0.5 set-amp-control" #define amp_control_bounds_example "'( 0.0 20.0 ) set-amp-control-bounds" #define speed_control_styles "speed-control-as-float speed-control-as-ratio speed-control-as-semitone" #endif snd_help_with_xrefs("The Control Panel", #if HAVE_EXTENSION_LANGUAGE "The control panel is the portion of each sound's pane beneath the channel graphs. \ The controls are: amp, speed, expand, contrast, reverb, and filter. \ \n\n\ 'Speed' here refers to the rate at which the sound data is consumed during playback. \ Another term might be 'srate'. The arrow button on the right determines \ the direction Snd moves through the data. The scroll bar position is normally interpreted \ as a float between .05 and 20. \ \n\n\ 'Expand' refers to granular synthesis used to change the tempo of events \ in the sound without changing pitch. Successive short slices of the file are overlapped with \ the difference in size between the input and output hops (between successive slices) giving \ the change in tempo. This doesn't work in all files -- it sometimes sounds like execrable reverb \ or is too buzzy -- but it certainly is more robust than the phase vocoder approach to the \ same problem. The expander is on only if the expand button is set. \ \n\n\ The reverberator is a version of Michael McNabb's Nrev. In addition to the controls \ in the control pane, you can set the reverb feedback gain and the coefficient of the lowpass \ filter in the allpass bank. The reverb is on only if the reverb button is set. The reverb length \ field takes effect only when the reverb is set up (when the DAC is started by clicking \ 'play' when nothing else is being played). \ \n\n\ 'Contrast enhancement' is my name for a somewhat weird waveshaper or compander. It \ phase-modulates a sound, which can in some cases make it sound sharper or brighter. \ For softer sounds, it causes only an amplitude change. To scale a soft sound up before \ being 'contrasted', use the variable " S_contrast_control_amp ". Contrast is on only if the contrast button is set. \ \n\n\ The filter is an arbitrary (even) order FIR filter specified by giving the frequency response \ envelope and filter order in the text windows provided. \ The envelope X axis goes from 0 to half the sampling rate. The actual frequency response (given the current filter order) \ is displayed in blue. The filter is on only if the filter button is set. \ \n\n\ See the Options:controls menu item for even more controls.\ The keyboard commands associated with the control panel are: \ \n\n\ C-x C-o show control panel\n\ C-x C-c hide control panel\n\ \n\ There are functions to get and set every aspect of the control panel -- far too many to list! \ As an example of how they all work, to set the amplitude slider from a function: \n\ \n\ " amp_control_example "\n\ \n\ To set its overall bounds:\n\ \n\ " amp_control_bounds_example "\n\ \n\ The speed control can be interpreted as a float, a ratio, or a semitone. The choices are:\n\ \n\ " speed_control_styles "\n\ \n\ To apply the current settings as an edit, call:\n\ \n\ " S_apply_controls " (:optional snd (target 0) beg dur)\n\ where 'target' selects what gets edited: \n\ 0 = sound, 1 = channel, 2 = selection.", #else "The control panel is the portion of each sound's pane beneath the channel graphs. \ The controls are: amp, speed, expand, contrast, reverb, and filter. \ \n\n\ 'Speed' here refers to the rate at which the sound data is consumed during playback. \ Another term might be 'srate'. The arrow button on the right determines \ the direction Snd moves through the data. The scroll bar position is normally interpreted \ as a float between .05 and 20. \ \n\n\ 'Expand' refers to granular synthesis used to change the tempo of events \ in the sound without changing pitch. Successive short slices of the file are overlapped with \ the difference in size between the input and output hops (between successive slices) giving \ the change in tempo. This doesn't work in all files -- it sometimes sounds like execrable reverb \ or is too buzzy -- but it certainly is more robust than the phase vocoder approach to the \ same problem. The expander is on only if the expand button is set. \ \n\n\ The reverberator is a version of Michael McNabb's Nrev. In addition to the controls \ in the control pane, you can set the reverb feedback gain and the coefficient of the lowpass \ filter in the allpass bank. The reverb is on only if the reverb button is set. The reverb length \ field takes effect only when the reverb is set up (when the DAC is started by clicking \ 'play' when nothing else is being played). \ \n\n\ 'Contrast enhancement' is my name for a somewhat weird waveshaper or compander. It \ phase-modulates a sound, which can in some cases make it sound sharper or brighter. \ For softer sounds, it causes only an amplitude change. \ Contrast is on only if the contrast button is set. \ \n\n\ The filter is an arbitrary (even) order FIR filter specified by giving the frequency response \ envelope and filter order in the text windows provided. \ The envelope X axis goes from 0 to half the sampling rate. The actual frequency response (given the current filter order) \ is displayed in blue. The filter is on only if the filter button is set.", #endif WITH_WORD_WRAP, control_xrefs, NULL); global_control_panel_state(); append_key_help("C-x C-o", snd_K_o, ControlMask, true, append_key_help("C-x C-c", snd_K_c, ControlMask, true, true)); } /* ---------------- Marks ---------------- */ void marks_help(void) { #if HAVE_SCHEME #define add_mark_example "(add-mark 1234)" #define mark_name_example "(set! (mark-name 0) \"mark-0\")" #endif #if HAVE_RUBY #define add_mark_example "add_mark(1234)" #define mark_name_example "set_mark_name(0, \"mark-0\")" #endif #if HAVE_FORTH #define add_mark_example "1234 add-mark" #define mark_name_example "0 \"mark-0\" set-mark-name" #endif snd_help_with_xrefs("Marks", #if HAVE_EXTENSION_LANGUAGE "A 'mark' marks a particular sample in a sound (not a position in that sound). \ If we mark a sample, then delete 100 samples before it, the mark follows the sample, changing its current position \ in the data. If we delete the sample, the mark is also deleted; a subsequent undo that returns the sample also \ returns its associated mark. I'm not sure this is the right thing, but it's a lot less stupid than marking \ a position. \ \n\n\ Once set, a mark can be moved by dragging the horizontal tab at the top. Control-click of the tab followed by mouse \ drag will drag the underlying data too, either inserting zeros or deleting data. \ Click on the triangle at the bottom to play (or stop playing) from the mark. \ \n\n\ A mark can be named or unnamed. It it has a name, it is displayed above the horizontal tab at the top of the window. As with \ sounds and mixes, marks can be grouped together through the sync field; marks sharing the same sync value (other \ than 0) will move together when one is moved, and so on. The following keyboard commands relate to marks: \ \n\n\ C-m place (or remove if argument negative) mark at cursor\n\ C-M place syncd marks at all currently syncd chan cursors\n\ C-x / place named mark at cursor\n\ C-x C-m add named mark\n\ C-j go to mark\n\ \n\ The main mark-related functions are:\n\ \n\ " S_add_mark " (sample :optional snd chn)\n\ add a mark at sample 'sample': " add_mark_example "\n\ \n\ " S_delete_mark " (mark-id) \n\ delete mark (the 'mark-id' is returned by " S_add_mark ")\n\ \n\ " S_mark_sample " (mark-id): sample marked by the mark\n\ " S_mark_name " (mark-id): mark's name, if any\n\ " mark_name_example "\n\ \n\ Other such functions: " S_find_mark ", " S_mark_color ", " S_mark_tag_width ",\n\ " S_mark_tag_height ", " S_mark_sync ", " S_show_marks ", " S_save_marks ",\n\ " S_marks "\n", #else "A 'mark' marks a particular sample in a sound (not a position in that sound). \ If we mark a sample, then delete 100 samples before it, the mark follows the sample, changing its current position \ in the data. If we delete the sample, the mark is also deleted; a subsequent undo that returns the sample also \ returns its associated mark.\ \n\n\ Once set, a mark can be moved by dragging the horizontal tab at the top. Control-click of the tab followed by mouse \ drag will drag the underlying data too, either inserting zeros or deleting data. \ Click on the triangle at the bottom to play (or stop playing) from the mark. \ The following keyboard commands relate to marks: \ \n\n\ C-m place (or remove if argument negative) mark at cursor\n\ C-M place syncd marks at all currently syncd chan cursors\n\ C-x / place named mark at cursor\n\ C-x C-m add named mark\n\ C-j go to mark", #endif WITH_WORD_WRAP, snd_xrefs("Mark"), snd_xref_urls("Mark")); append_key_help("C-x C-m", snd_K_m, ControlMask, true, append_key_help("C-x /", snd_K_slash, 0, true, append_key_help("C-j", snd_K_j, ControlMask, false, append_key_help("C-m", snd_K_m, ControlMask, false, true)))); } /* ---------------- Mixes ---------------- */ void mix_help(void) { #if HAVE_SCHEME #define mix_example "(mix \"oboe.snd\" 1234)" #define mix_vct_example "(mix-float-vector (float-vector 0 .1 .2) 1234)" #define mix_amp_example "(set! (mix-amp 0) .5)" #define mix_amp_env_example "(set! (mix-amp-env 0) '(0 0 1 1))" #endif #if HAVE_RUBY #define mix_example "mix(\"oboe.snd\", 1234)" #define mix_vct_example "mix_vct(vct(0.0, 0.1, 0.2), 1234)" #define mix_amp_example "set_mix_amp(0, .5)" #define mix_amp_env_example "set_mix_amp_env(0, [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0])" #endif #if HAVE_FORTH #define mix_example "\"oboe.snd\" 1234 mix" #define mix_vct_example "0.0 0.1 0.2 vct 1234 mix-vct" #define mix_amp_example "0 0.5 set-mix-amp" #define mix_amp_env_example "0 '( 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 ) set-mix-amp-env" #endif snd_help_with_xrefs("Mixing", #if HAVE_EXTENSION_LANGUAGE "Since mixing is the most common and most useful editing operation performed on \ sounds, there is relatively elaborate support for it in Snd. To mix in a file, \ use the File Mix menu option, the command C-x C-q, or one of the various \ mixing functions. Currently the only difference between the first two is that \ the Mix menu option tries to take the current sync state into account, whereas \ the C-x C-q command does not. To mix a selection, use C-x q. The mix starts at \ the current cursor location. It is displayed as a separate waveform above \ the main waveform with a tag at the beginning. You can drag the tag to \ reposition the mix. \ \n\n\ The Mix dialog (under the View Menu) provides various \ commonly-used controls on the currently chosen mix. At the top are the mix id, \ name, begin and end times, and a play button. Beneath that are \ various sliders controlling the speed (sampling rate) of the mix, amplitude of \ each input channel, and the amplitude envelopes. \ \n\n\ The main mix-related functions are:\n\ \n\ " S_mix " (file :optional samp in-chan snd chn tags delete)\n\ mix file's channel in-chan starting at samp\n\ " mix_example "\n\ \n\ " S_mix_selection " (:optional beg snd chn selection-channel)\n\ mix (add) selection starting at beg\n\ \n\ " S_mix_region " (:optional samp reg snd chn region-channel)\n\ mix region reg at sample samp (default is cursor sample)\n\ \n\ " S_mix_vct " (v :optional beg snd chn with-mix-tags origin)\n\ mix the contents of " S_vct " starting at beg:\n\ " mix_vct_example "\n\ \n\ " S_mix_amp " (mix)\n\ amplitude of mix:\n\ " mix_amp_example "\n\ \n\ " S_mix_amp_env " (mix)\n\ amplitude envelope of mix:\n\ " mix_amp_env_example "\n\ \n\ " S_mix_speed " (mix)\n\ speed (resampling ratio) of mix; 1.0 means no change;\n\ 2.0 reads the mix data twice as fast\n\ \n\ " S_mix_position " (mix)\n\ position (a sample number) of mix\n\ \n\ " S_mix_length " (mix)\n\ mix's length in samples\n\ \n\ Other such function include: " S_mix_waveform_height ", " S_with_mix_tags ", " S_mix_tag_width ",\n\ " S_mix_tag_height ", " S_mix_tag_y ", " S_mixes ".", #else "Since mixing is the most common and most useful editing operation performed on \ sounds, there is relatively elaborate support for it in Snd. To mix in a file, \ use the File Mix menu option, the command C-x C-q, or one of the various \ mixing functions. Currently the only difference between the first two is that \ the Mix menu option tries to take the current sync state into account, whereas \ the C-x C-q command does not. To mix a selection, use C-x q. The mix starts at \ the current cursor location. It is displayed as a separate waveform above \ the main waveform with a tag at the beginning. You can drag the tag to \ reposition the mix. \ \n\n\ The Mix dialog (under the View Menu) provides various \ commonly-used controls on the currently chosen mix. At the top are the mix id, \ name, begin and end times, and a play button. Beneath that are \ various sliders controlling the speed (sampling rate), amplitude, \ and amplitude envelope applied to the mix. \ \n\n", #endif WITH_WORD_WRAP, snd_xrefs("Mix"), snd_xref_urls("Mix")); append_key_help("C-x q", snd_K_q, 0, true, append_key_help("C-x C-q", snd_K_q, ControlMask, true, true)); } /* ---------------- Headers etc ---------------- */ static const char *header_and_data_xrefs[10] = { "sample type discussion: {" S_sample_type "}", "sample type constants: {" S_mus_sample_type_name "}", "header type discussion: {" S_header_type "}", "header type constants: {" S_mus_header_type_name "}", "MPEG support: mpg in examp." Xen_file_extension, "OGG support: read-ogg in examp." Xen_file_extension, "Speex support: read-speex in examp." Xen_file_extension, "Flac support: read-flac in examp." Xen_file_extension, "{Sndlib}: underlying support", NULL}; static const char *header_and_data_urls[10] = { "extsnd.html#sampletype", "extsnd.html#defaultoutputsampletype", "extsnd.html#headertype", "extsnd.html#defaultoutputheadertype", "sndscm.html#exmpg", "sndscm.html#exmpg", "sndscm.html#exmpg", "sndscm.html#exmpg", "sndlib.html#introduction", NULL}; void sound_files_help(void) { snd_help_with_xrefs("Headers and Data", "Snd can handle the following file and data types: \ \n\n\ read/write (many sample types):\n\ NeXT/Sun/DEC/AFsp\n\ AIFF/AIFC\n\ RIFF (Microsoft wave)\n\ RF64\n\ IRCAM (old style)\n\ NIST-sphere\n\ CAFF\n\ no header ('raw')\n\ \n\n\ read-only (in selected sample types):\n\ 8SVX (IFF), EBICSF, INRS, ESPS, SPPACK, ADC (OGI), AVR, VOC, PVF,\n\ Sound Tools, Turtle Beach SMP, SoundFont 2.0, Sound Designer I, PSION, MAUD, Kurzweil 2000,\n\ Gravis Ultrasound, ASF, PAF, CSL, Comdisco SPW, Goldwave sample, omf, quicktime, sox,\n\ Sonic Foundry (w64), SBStudio II, Delusion digital, Digiplayer ST3, Farandole Composer WaveSample,\n\ Ultratracker WaveSample, Sample Dump exchange, Yamaha SY85, SY99, and TX16, Covox v8, AVI, \n\ Impulse tracker, Korg, Akai, Turtle Beach, Matlab-5\n\ \n\n\ automatically translated to a readable sample and header type:\n\ IEEE text, Mus10, SAM 16-bit (modes 1 and 4), AVI, \n\ NIST shortpack, HCOM, Intel, IBM, and Oki (Dialogic) ADPCM, \n\ G721, G723_24, G723_40, MIDI sample dump, Ogg, Speex, \n\ Flac, Midi, Mpeg, Shorten, Wavepack, tta (via external programs)\n\ \n\n\ The files can have any number of channels. Data can be either big or little endian. \ The file types listed above as 'automatically translated' are \ decoded upon being opened, translated to some type that Snd can read and write, \ and rewritten as a new file with an added (possibly redundant) extension .snd, \ and that file is the one the editor sees from then on.\ \n\n\ " S_sample_type " returns the current sound's sample type, and " S_header_type " returns \ its header type.", WITH_WORD_WRAP, header_and_data_xrefs, header_and_data_urls); } /* ---------------- Initialization File ---------------- */ static const char *init_file_xrefs[5] = { "{Invocation flags}", "~/.snd: {Initialization file}", "{Customization}", "examples of ~/.snd", NULL}; static const char *init_file_urls[6] = { "grfsnd.html#sndswitches", "grfsnd.html#sndinitfile", "extsnd.html#lisplistener", "grfsnd.html#sndinitfile", NULL}; void init_file_help(void) { snd_help_with_xrefs("Customization", #if HAVE_EXTENSION_LANGUAGE "Nearly everything in Snd can be set in an initialization file, loaded at any time from a saved-state file, specified \ via inter-process communciation from any other program, or \ dealt with from the lisp listener panel. I've tried to bring out to lisp nearly every portion of Snd, \ both the signal-processing functions, and much of the user interface. You can, for example, add your own menu choices, \ editing operations, or graphing alternatives. These extensions can be loaded at any time. One of the \ easier ways to start an initialization file is to go to the Options:Preferences dialog, set the choices \ you want, then save those choices. The initialization file is just program text, so you can edit it and so on.", #else "Snd depends heavily on the extension language to provide much of its functionality. Since none \ is loaded, there's not much customization you can do.", #endif WITH_WORD_WRAP, init_file_xrefs, init_file_urls); } /* ---------------- Keys ---------------- */ static const char *key_xrefs[4] = { "To change a key's action: {" S_bind_key "}", "To undefine a key: {" S_unbind_key "}", "Current key action: {" S_key_binding "}", NULL}; static void show_key_help(int key, int state, bool cx, char *help) { /* this frees the help string since it's always coming from key_description, and * is a bother to handle in the loops that call us */ if (help) { char buf[1024]; char cbuf[256]; make_key_name(cbuf, 256, key, state, cx); snprintf(buf, 1024, "\n%s: %s", cbuf, help); snd_help_append(buf); free(help); } } static bool find_unbuckified_keys(int key, int state, bool cx, Xen func) { if ((key > 256) && (state == 0) && (!cx) && (Xen_is_bound(func))) show_key_help(key, state, cx, key_description(key, state, cx)); return(false); } static bool find_buckified_keys(int key, int state, bool cx, Xen func) { if ((key > 256) && (state == ControlMask) && (!cx) && (Xen_is_bound(func))) show_key_help(key, state, cx, key_description(key, state, cx)); return(false); } static bool find_unbuckified_cx_keys(int key, int state, bool cx, Xen func) { if ((key > 256) && (state == 0) && (cx) && (Xen_is_bound(func))) show_key_help(key, state, cx, key_description(key, state, cx)); return(false); } static bool find_buckified_cx_keys(int key, int state, bool cx, Xen func) { if ((key > 256) && (state == ControlMask) && (cx) && (Xen_is_bound(func))) show_key_help(key, state, cx, key_description(key, state, cx)); return(false); } static bool find_leftover_keys(int key, int state, bool cx, Xen func) { if ((key > 256) && (state & MetaMask)) show_key_help(key, state, cx, key_description(key, state, cx)); return(false); } void key_help(void) { #if HAVE_SCHEME #define bind_key_example "(bind-key \"End\" 0\n (lambda () \"view full sound\"\n (set! (x-bounds) (list 0.0 (/ (framples) (srate))))))" #endif #if HAVE_RUBY #define bind_key_example "bind_key(\"End\", 0,\n lambda do ||\n set_x_bounds([0.0, framples.to_f / srate.to_f])\n end)" #endif #if HAVE_FORTH #define bind_key_example "\"End\" 0\n lambda: <{ -- val }> doc\" view full sound\"\n '( 0.0 #f #f #f framples #f srate f/ ) #f #f undef set-x-bounds ; bind-key" #endif int i; snd_help_with_xrefs("Keys", #if HAVE_EXTENSION_LANGUAGE "Although Snd has a number of built-in key actions (listed below), you can redefine \ any key via:\n\ \n\ " S_bind_key " (key state func :optional extended origin)\n\ this function causes 'key' (an integer or a key name) with \n\ modifiers 'state' (and preceding C-x if 'extended') to evaluate\n\ 'func'. For example, to set the End key to cause the full sound\n\ to be displayed:\n\n\ " bind_key_example "\n\n\nKeys:\n", #else "If there's no extension language, you're stuck with the built-in key actions:", #endif WITHOUT_WORD_WRAP, key_xrefs, NULL); /* run through bindings straight, C-key, C-x key, C-x C-key appending description in help dialog */ for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) show_key_help(i, 0, false, key_description(i, 0, false)); map_over_keys(find_unbuckified_keys); for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) show_key_help(i, ControlMask, false, key_description(i, ControlMask, false)); map_over_keys(find_buckified_keys); for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) show_key_help(i, MetaMask, false, key_description(i, MetaMask, false)); for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) show_key_help(i, ControlMask | MetaMask, false, key_description(i, ControlMask | MetaMask, false)); for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) show_key_help(i, 0, true, key_description(i, 0, true)); map_over_keys(find_unbuckified_cx_keys); for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) show_key_help(i, ControlMask, true, key_description(i, ControlMask, true)); map_over_keys(find_buckified_cx_keys); map_over_keys(find_leftover_keys); snd_help_back_to_top(); } /* ---------------- Play ---------------- */ void play_help(void) { #if WITH_AUDIO #if HAVE_SCHEME #define play_cursor_example "(play (cursor))" #define play_file_example "(play \"oboe.snd\")" #define play_previous_version_example "(play 0 #f #f #f #f (1- (edit-position)))" #endif #if HAVE_RUBY #define play_cursor_example "play(cursor())" #define play_file_example "play(\"oboe.snd\")" #define play_previous_version_example "play(0, false, false, false, false, edit_position() - 1)" #endif #if HAVE_FORTH #define play_cursor_example "cursor play" #define play_file_example "\"oboe.snd\" play" #define play_previous_version_example "0 #f #f #f #f 0 0 edit-position 1- play" #endif snd_help_with_xrefs("Play", #if HAVE_EXTENSION_LANGUAGE "To play a sound, click the 'play' button. If the sound has more channels than your DAC(s), Snd will (normally) try to mix the extra channels \ into the available DAC outputs. While it is playing, you can click the button again to stop it, or click some other \ file's 'play' button to mix it into the current set of sounds being played. To play from a particular point, set the cursor \ or a mark \ there, then click its 'play triangle' (the triangular portion below the x axis). (Use control-click here to play all channels \ from the mark point). To play simultaneously from an arbitrary group of start points (possibly spread among many sounds), \ set syncd marks at the start points, then click the play triangle of one of them. \ \n\n\ The Edit menu 'Play' option plays the current selection, if any. The Popup menu's 'Play' option plays the \ currently selected sound. And the region and file browsers provide play buttons for each of the listed regions or files. If you \ hold down the control key when you click 'play', the cursor follows along as the sound is played. \ \n\n\ In a multichannel file, C-q plays all channels from the current channel's \ cursor if the sync button is on, and otherwise plays only the current channel. \ Except in the browsers, what is actually played depends on the control panel.\ \n\n\ Use the play function to play any object.", #else "To play a sound, click the 'play' button. If the sound has more channels than your DAC(s), Snd will (normally) try to mix the extra channels \ into the available DAC outputs. While it is playing, you can click the button again to stop it, or click some other \ file's 'play' button to mix it into the current set of sounds being played. To play from a particular point, set a mark \ there, then click its 'play triangle' (the triangular portion below the x axis). (Use control-click here to play all channels \ from the mark point). To play simultaneously from an arbitrary group of start points (possibly spread among many sounds), \ set syncd marks at the start points, then click the play triangle of one of them. \ \n\n\ The Edit menu 'Play' option plays the current selection, if any. The Popup menu's 'Play' option plays the \ currently selected sound. And the region and file browsers provide play buttons for each of the listed regions or files. If you \ hold down the control key when you click 'play', the cursor follows along as the sound is played. \ \n\n\ In a multichannel file, C-q plays all channels from the current channel's \ cursor if the sync button is on, and otherwise plays only the current channel. \ Except in the browsers, what is actually played depends on the control panel.", #endif WITH_WORD_WRAP, snd_xrefs("Play"), snd_xref_urls("Play")); append_key_help("C-q", snd_K_q, ControlMask, true, true); #else snd_help("Play", "this version of Snd can't play!", WITH_WORD_WRAP); #endif } /* ---------------- Reverb ---------------- */ void reverb_help(void) { #if HAVE_SCHEME #define reverb_control_length_bounds_example "(set! (reverb-control-length-bounds) (list 0.0 10.0))" #define reverb_control_p_example "(set! (reverb-control?) #t)" #define mention_hidden_controls "\nThe lowpass and feedback controls are accessible from the \"Option:Controls\" dialog." #endif #if HAVE_RUBY #define reverb_control_length_bounds_example "set_reverb_control_length_bounds([0.0, 10.0])" #define reverb_control_p_example "set_reverb_control?(true)" #define mention_hidden_controls "" #endif #if HAVE_FORTH #define reverb_control_length_bounds_example "'( 0.0 10.0 ) set-reverb-control-length-bounds" #define reverb_control_p_example "#t set-reverb-control?" #define mention_hidden_controls "" #endif snd_help_with_xrefs("Reverb", #if HAVE_EXTENSION_LANGUAGE "The reverb in the control panel is a version of Michael McNabb's Nrev (if it seems to be \ non-functional, make sure the reverb button on the far right is clicked). There are other \ reverbs mentioned in the related topics list. The control panel reverb functions are:\n\ \n\ " S_reverb_control_decay " (:optional snd):\n\ length (in seconds) of the reverberation after the sound has finished\n\ \n\ " S_reverb_control_feedback " (:optional snd):\n\ reverb feedback coefficient\n\ \n\ " S_reverb_control_length " (:optional snd):\n\ reverb delay line length scaler. \n\ Longer reverb simulates a bigger hall.\n\ \n\ " S_reverb_control_length_bounds " (:optional snd):\n\ reverb-control-length min and max amounts as a list\n\ " reverb_control_length_bounds_example "\n\ \n\ " S_reverb_control_lowpass " (:optional snd):\n\ reverb low pass filter coefficient. (filter in feedback loop).\n\ \n\ " S_reverb_control_on " (:optional snd):\n\ " PROC_TRUE " if the reverb button is set (i.e. the reverberator is active).\n\ " reverb_control_p_example "\n\ \n\ " S_reverb_control_scale " (:optional snd):\n\ reverb amount (the amount of the direct signal sent to the reverb).\n\ \n\ " S_reverb_control_scale_bounds " (:optional snd):\n\ reverb-control-scale min and max amounts as a list.\n" mention_hidden_controls "\n", #else "The reverb in the control panel is a version of Michael McNabb's Nrev (if it seems to be \ non-functional, make sure the reverb button on the far right is clicked).", #endif WITH_WORD_WRAP, snd_xrefs("Reverb"), snd_xref_urls("Reverb")); } /* ---------------- Save ---------------- */ void save_help(void) { snd_help_with_xrefs("Save", "To save the current edited state of a file, use the File:Save option (to overwrite the old version of the \ file), or File:Save as (to write to a new file, leaving the old file unchanged). The equivalent keyboard \ command is C-x C-s (save). ", WITH_WORD_WRAP, snd_xrefs("Save"), snd_xref_urls("Save")); append_key_help("C-x C-s", snd_K_s, ControlMask, true, true); } /* ---------------- Filter ---------------- */ void filter_help(void) { #if HAVE_SCHEME #define filter_sound_env_example "(filter-sound '(0 1 1 0) 1024)" #define filter_sound_vct_example "(filter-sound (float-vector .1 .2 .3 .3 .2 .1) 6)" #define filter_sound_clm_example "(filter-sound (make-filter 2 (float-vector 1 -1) (float-vector 0 -0.99)))" #endif #if HAVE_RUBY #define filter_sound_env_example "filter_sound([0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0], 1024)" #define filter_sound_vct_example "filter_sound(vct(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1), 6)" #define filter_sound_clm_example "filter_sound(make_filter(2, vct(1.0, -1.0), vct(0.0, -0.99)))" #endif #if HAVE_FORTH #define filter_sound_env_example "'( 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 ) 1024 filter-sound" #define filter_sound_vct_example "'( .1 .2 .3 .3 .2 .1 ) list->vct 6 filter-sound" #define filter_sound_clm_example "2 '( 1 -1 ) list->vct '( 0.0 -0.99 ) list->vct make-filter filter-sound" #endif snd_help_with_xrefs("Filter", #if HAVE_EXTENSION_LANGUAGE "There is an FIR Filter in the control panel, a filtering option in the envelope editor dialog, and a variety of other filters scattered around; \ see sndclm.html, dsp." Xen_file_extension " and analog-filters." Xen_file_extension " in particular. The \ built-in filtering functions include: \n\ \n\ " S_filter_channel " (env :optional order beg dur snd chn edpos trunc origin)\n\ apply FIR filter to channel; 'env' is frequency response.\n\ \n\ " S_filter_selection " (env :optional order truncate)\n\ apply FIR filter with frequency response 'env' to the selection.\n\ \n\ " S_filter_sound " (env :optional order snd chn edpos origin)\n\ apply FIR filter with freq response, clm gen, or coeffs 'env'\n\ \n\ " filter_sound_env_example "\n\ " filter_sound_vct_example "\n\ " filter_sound_clm_example "\n\ \n\ The control filter functions are:\n\ \n\ " S_filter_control_coeffs " (:optional snd)\n\ filter coefficients (read-only currently)\n\ \n\ " S_filter_control_envelope " (:optional snd)\n\ filter (frequency response) envelope\n\ \n\ " S_filter_control_in_dB " (:optional snd)\n\ The filter dB button. If " PROC_TRUE ", the graph is displayed in dB.\n\ \n\ " S_filter_control_in_hz " (:optional snd)\n\ If " PROC_TRUE ", the filter frequency response envelope x axis is in Hz,\n\ otherwise 0 to 1.0 (where 1.0 corresponds to srate/2).\n\ \n\ " S_filter_control_order " (:optional snd)\n\ The filter order\n\ \n\ " S_filter_control_on " (:optional snd)\n\ " PROC_TRUE " if the filter is active.\n\ \n\ " S_filter_control_waveform_color "\n\ The filter frequency response waveform color.\n", #else "There is an FIR Filter in the control panel, and a filtering option in the Edit envelope dialog.", #endif WITH_WORD_WRAP, snd_xrefs("Filter"), snd_xref_urls("Filter")); } /* ---------------- Resample ---------------- */ void resample_help(void) { #if HAVE_SCHEME #define src_number_example "(src-channel 2.0) ; go twice as fast" #define src_env_example "(src-channel '(0 1 1 2))" #define src_clm_example "(src-channel (make-env '(0 1 1 2) :end (framples)))" #define H_speed_control_as_float S_speed_control_as_float #define H_speed_control_as_ratio S_speed_control_as_ratio #define H_speed_control_as_semitone S_speed_control_as_semitone #define H_src_duration "src-duration" #endif #if HAVE_RUBY #define src_number_example "src_channel(2.0) # go twice as fast" #define src_env_example "src_channel([0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0])" #define src_clm_example "src_channel(make_env([0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0], :end, framples()))" #define H_speed_control_as_float "Speed_control_as_float" #define H_speed_control_as_ratio "Speed_control_as_ratio" #define H_speed_control_as_semitone "Speed_control_as_semitone" #define H_src_duration "src_duration" #endif #if HAVE_FORTH #define src_number_example "2.0 src-channel \\ go twice as fast" #define src_env_example "'( 0.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 ) src-channel" #define src_clm_example "'( 0.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 ) :end 0 0 -1 framples make-env src-channel" #define H_speed_control_as_float S_speed_control_as_float #define H_speed_control_as_ratio S_speed_control_as_ratio #define H_speed_control_as_semitone S_speed_control_as_semitone #define H_src_duration "src-duration" #endif snd_help_with_xrefs("Resample", #if HAVE_EXTENSION_LANGUAGE "There is a sampling rate changer in the control panel, and a resampling option in the envelope \ editor dialog; see also sndclm.html and examp." Xen_file_extension ". \ The basic resampling functions are:\n\ \n\ " S_src_channel " (num-or-env :optional beg dur snd chn edpos)\n\ resample (change the speed/pitch of) a channel.\n\ 'num-or-env' can be the resampling ratio (higher=faster)\n\ an envelope, or a CLM env generator:\n\ \n\ " src_number_example "\n\ " src_env_example "\n\ " src_clm_example "\n\ \n\ In the envelope case, the function " H_src_duration " can help \n\ you predict the result's duration.\n\ \n\ " S_src_selection " (num-or-env :optional base)\n\ apply sampling rate conversion to the selection\n\ \n\ " S_src_sound " (num-or-env :optional base snd chn edpos)\n\ resample sound\n\ \n\ The control panel 'speed' functions are:\n\ \n\ " S_speed_control " (:optional snd)\n\ current speed (sampling rate conversion factor)\n\ \n\ " S_speed_control_bounds " (:optional snd)\n\ speed-control min and max amounts as a list.\n\ The default is (list 0.05 20.0). If no 'snd' argument\n\ is given, this affects Mix and View:Files dialogs.\n\ \n\ " S_speed_control_style " (:optional snd)\n\ The speed control can be a float, (" H_speed_control_as_float "),\n\ a ratio of integers (" H_speed_control_as_ratio "), or a step \n\ in a (possibly microtonal) scale (" H_speed_control_as_semitone ")\n\ \n\ " S_speed_control_tones " (:optional snd)\n\ number of tones per octave in the " H_speed_control_as_semitone "\n\ speed style (default: 12).", #else "There is a sampling rate changer in the control panel, and a resampling option in the Edit envelope dialog.", #endif WITH_WORD_WRAP, snd_xrefs("Resample"), snd_xref_urls("Resample")); } /* ---------------- Insert ---------------- */ void insert_help(void) { snd_help_with_xrefs("Insert", #if HAVE_EXTENSION_LANGUAGE "C-o inserts a \ zero sample at the cursor. There are also the File:Insert and Edit:Insert Selection \ dialogs. The insertion-related functions are:\n\ \n\ " S_pad_channel " (beg dur :optional snd chn edpos)\n\ insert 'dur' zeros at 'beg'\n\ \n\ " S_insert_silence " (beg num :optional snd chn)\n\ insert 'num' zeros at 'beg'\n\ \n\ " S_insert_region " (:optional beg reg snd chn)\n\ insert region 'reg' at sample 'beg'\n\ \n\ " S_insert_selection " (:optional beg snd chn)\n\ insert selection starting at 'beg'\n\ \n\ " S_insert_sample " (samp value :optional snd chn edpos)\n\ insert sample 'value' at sample 'samp'\n\ \n\ " S_insert_samples " (samp samps data :optional snd chn pos del org)\n\ insert 'samps' samples of 'data' (normally a " S_vct ") starting at\n\ sample 'samp'. 'data' can also be a filename.\n\ \n\ " S_insert_sound " (file :optional beg in-chan snd chn pos del)\n\ insert channel 'in-chan' of 'file' at sample 'beg' (cursor position\n\ by default). If 'in-chan' is not given (or is " PROC_FALSE "), all\n\ channels are inserted.\n", #else "C-o inserts a \ zero sample at the cursor. There are also the File:Insert and Edit:Insert Selection dialogs.", #endif WITH_WORD_WRAP, snd_xrefs("Insert"), snd_xref_urls("Insert")); append_key_help("C-o", snd_K_o, ControlMask, false, true); } /* ---------------- Delete ---------------- */ void delete_help(void) { snd_help_with_xrefs("Delete", #if HAVE_EXTENSION_LANGUAGE "To delete a sample, use C-d; to delete the selection, C-w. The main deletion-related \ functions are:\n\ \n\ " S_delete_sample " (samp :optional snd chn edpos)\n\ delete sample number 'samp'.\n\ \n\ " S_delete_samples " (samp samps :optional snd chn edpos)\n\ delete 'samps' samples starting at 'samp'\n\ \n\ " S_delete_selection " (): delete selected portions.\n\ " S_delete_mark " (id): delete mark 'id'", #else "To delete a sample, use C-d; to delete the selection, C-w, or the Edit menu Delete Selection option.", #endif WITH_WORD_WRAP, snd_xrefs("Delete"), snd_xref_urls("Delete")); append_key_help("C-w", snd_K_w, ControlMask, false, append_key_help("C-d", snd_K_d, ControlMask, false, true)); } /* ---------------- Regions ---------------- */ void region_help(void) { #if HAVE_SCHEME #define region_to_vct_example "(region->float-vector 0 0 reg) ; len=0 => entire region" #define save_region_example "(save-region reg :file \"reg0.snd\" :header-type mus-next)" #endif #if HAVE_RUBY #define region_to_vct_example "region2vct(0, 0, reg) # len=0 => entire region" #define save_region_example "save_region(reg, :file, \"reg0.snd\", :header_type, Mus_next)" #endif #if HAVE_FORTH #define region_to_vct_example "0 0 reg region->vct \\ len=0 => entire region" #define save_region_example "reg :file \"reg0.snd\" :header-type mus-next save-region" #endif snd_help_with_xrefs("Region", #if HAVE_EXTENSION_LANGUAGE "A region is a saved portion of the sound data. When a sound portion is selected, it is (by default) saved \ as the new region; subsequent edits will not affect the region data. You can disable the region creation \ by setting the variable " S_selection_creates_region " to " PROC_FALSE " (its default is " PROC_TRUE " which can slow down editing \ of very large sounds). Regions can be defined by " S_make_region ", by dragging the mouse through a portion \ of the data, or via the Select All menu option. If the mouse drags off the end of the graph, the x axis \ moves, in a sense dragging the data along to try to keep up with the mouse; the further away the mouse \ is from the display, the faster the axis moves. A region can also be defined with keyboard commands, \ much as in Emacs. C-[space] starts the region definition and the various cursor moving commands \ continue the definition. As regions are defined, the new ones are pushed on a stack, and if enough regions already exist, \ old ones are pushed off (and deleted) to make room. Each region has a unique id returned \ by " S_make_region " and shown beside the region name in the Region Browser. \ Most of the region arguments below default to the current region (the top of the regions stack). \ The main region-related functions are:\n\ \n\ " S_view_regions_dialog ": start the Region browser\n\ " S_save_region_dialog ": start the Save region dialog\n\ \n\ " S_insert_region " (:optional beg reg snd chn)\n\ insert region 'reg' at sample 'beg'\n\ \n\ " S_mix_region " (:optional samp reg snd chn reg-chan)\n\ mix in region 'reg' at sample 'samp' (defaults to the cursor sample)\n\ \n\ " S_save_region " (reg :file :header-type :sample-type :comment)\n\ save region 'reg' in 'file' in sample-type (default is mus-bshort),\n\ header type (default is mus-next), and comment. Return the output\n\ filename.\n\ \n\ " save_region_example "\n\ \n\ " S_region_to_vct " (:optional samp samps reg chn v)\n\ return a " S_vct " containing 'samps' samples starting at 'samp'\n\ in region 'reg's channel 'chn'. If 'v' (a " S_vct ") is provided,\n\ it is filled, rather than creating a new " S_vct ".\n\ \n\ " region_to_vct_example "\n\ \n\ " S_make_region " (:optional beg end snd chn)\n\ create a new region spanning samples 'beg' to 'end';\n\ return the new region's id.\n\ \n\ " S_forget_region " (:optional reg): remove region from region list\n\ \n\ " S_is_region " (reg): " PROC_TRUE " if 'reg' is a known region id\n\ \n\ " S_regions ": list of currently active regions\n\ \n\ " S_max_regions ": how big the region stack can get\n\ \n\ " S_selection_creates_region ": does making a selection create a region\n\ \n\ " S_region_chans " (:optional reg): region chans\n\ " S_region_framples " (:optional reg chan): region length\n\ " S_region_maxamp " (:optional reg): region maxamp\n\ " S_region_maxamp_position " (:optional reg): maxamp location (sample number)\n\ " S_region_position " (:optional reg chan): original begin time of region\n\ " S_region_sample " (:optional samp reg chan): sample value\n\ " S_region_srate " (:optional reg): original data's sampling rate\n", #else "A region is a portion of the sound data. When a sound portion is selected, it is (by default) saved \ as the new region; subsequent edits will not affect the region data. \ of very large sounds). Regions can be defined by dragging the mouse through a portion \ of the data, or via the Select All menu option. If the mouse drags off the end of the graph, the x axis \ moves, in a sense dragging the data along to try to keep up with the mouse; the further away the mouse \ is from the display, the faster the axis moves. A region can also be defined with keyboard commands, \ much as in Emacs. C-[space] starts the region definition and the various cursor moving commands \ continue the definition.", #endif WITH_WORD_WRAP, snd_xrefs("Region"), snd_xref_urls("Region")); append_key_help("C-[space]", snd_K_space, ControlMask, false, true); } /* ---------------- Selections ---------------- */ void selection_help(void) { #if HAVE_SCHEME #define env_selection_example "(env-selection '(0 0 1 1 2 0))" #define save_selection_example "(save-selection \"sel.snd\" :channel 1)" #define scale_selection_list_example "(scale-selection-by '(0.0 2.0))" #define scale_selection_number_example "(scale-selection-by 2.0)" #endif #if HAVE_RUBY #define env_selection_example "env_selection([0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.0])" #define save_selection_example "save_selection(\"sel.snd\", :channel, 1)" #define scale_selection_list_example "scale_selection_by([0.0, 2.0])" #define scale_selection_number_example "scale_selection_by(2.0)" #endif #if HAVE_FORTH #define env_selection_example "'( 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 0.0 ) env-selection" #define save_selection_example "\"sel.snd\" :channel 1 save-selection" #define scale_selection_list_example "'( 0.0 2.0 ) scale-selection-by" #define scale_selection_number_example "2.0 scale-selection-by" #endif snd_help_with_xrefs("Selection", #if HAVE_EXTENSION_LANGUAGE "The selection is a high-lighted portion of the current sound. \ You can create it by dragging the mouse through the data, or via various functions. \ The primary selection-related functions are:\n\ \n\ " S_convolve_selection_with " (file :optional amp)\n\ convolve the selected portion with 'file'\n\ \n\ " S_delete_selection " (): delete the selected portion\n\ \n\ " S_env_selection " (envelope :optional env-base)\n\ apply amplitude envelope to selected portion\n\ \n\ " env_selection_example "\n\ \n\ " S_filter_selection " (env :optional order truncate)\n\ apply an FIR filter with frequency response 'env' to the \n\ selection. env can be the filter coefficients themselves in\n\ a " S_vct " with at least 'order' elements, or a CLM filter\n\ \n\ " S_insert_selection " (:optional beg snd chn)\n\ insert (a copy of) selection starting at 'beg'\n\ \n\ " S_mix_selection " (:optional beg snd chn selection-chan)\n\ mix (add) selection starting at 'beg'\n\ \n\ " S_reverse_selection "(): reverse selected portion\n\ \n\ " S_save_selection " (:file (:header-type mus-next)\n\ :sample-type :srate :comment :channel)\n\ save the selection in file. If channel is given, save\n\ only that channel.\n\ \n\ " save_selection_example "\n\ \n\ " S_scale_selection_by " (scalers)\n\ scale the selection by 'scalers' which can be either a float,\n\ a list of floats, or a " S_vct ". In a multichannel selection, each\n\ member of the " S_vct " or list is applied to the next channel in the\n\ selection. " scale_selection_list_example " scales the first\n\ channel by 0.0, the second (if any) by 2.0.\n\ " scale_selection_number_example " scales all channels by 2.0.\n\ \n\ " S_scale_selection_to " (norms)\n\ normalize the selection to norms which can be either a float,\n\ a list of floats, or a " S_vct ".\n\ \n\ " S_select_all " (:optional snd chn)\n\ select all samples\n\ \n\ " S_smooth_selection "()\n\ apply a smoothing function to the selection. \n\ This produces a sinusoid between the end points.\n\ \n\ " S_src_selection " (num-or-env :optional base)\n\ apply sampling rate conversion to the selection\n\ \n\ " S_save_selection_dialog " (:optional managed)\n\ start the Save Selection dialog.\n\ \n\ " S_selection_creates_region "\n\ if " PROC_TRUE ", a region is created whenever a selection is made.\n\ \n\ " S_selection_chans ": chans in selection\n\ " S_selection_color ": color to highlight selection\n\ " S_selection_framples " (:optional snd chn): length of selection\n\ " S_selection_maxamp " (:optional snd chn): maxamp of selection\n\ " S_selection_maxamp_position " (:optional snd chn): sample number of maxamp\n\ " S_selection_member " (:optional snd chn): \n\ " PROC_TRUE " if snd's channel chn has selected data.\n\ " S_is_selection ": " PROC_TRUE " if there's a selection\n\ " S_selection_position " (:optional snd chn): \n\ sample number where selection starts\n\ " S_selection_srate ": nominal srate of selected portion.\n\ \n\ There are many more selection-oriented functions scattered around the various *." Xen_file_extension " files. \ See the related topics list below.", #else "The selection is a high-lighted portion of the current sound. \ You can create it by dragging the mouse.", #endif WITH_WORD_WRAP, snd_xrefs("Selection"), snd_xref_urls("Selection")); } /* ---------------- Colors ---------------- */ void colors_help(void) { #if HAVE_SCHEME #define make_color_example "(define blue (make-color 0.0 0.0 1.0))" #define set_basic_color_example "(set! (basic-color) blue)" #endif #if HAVE_RUBY #define make_color_example "Blue = make_color(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)" #define set_basic_color_example "set_basic_color(Blue)" #endif #if HAVE_FORTH #define make_color_example ": blue 0 0 1 make-color ;" #define set_basic_color_example "blue set-basic-color" #endif snd_help_with_xrefs("Colors", #if HAVE_EXTENSION_LANGUAGE "A color in Snd is an object with three fields representing the rgb (red green blue) settings \ as numbers between 0.0 and 1.0. A color object is created via " S_make_color ":\n\ " make_color_example "\n\ \n\ This declares the variable \"blue\" and gives it the value of the color whose rgb components \ include only blue in full force. The X11 color names are defined in rgb." Xen_file_extension ". The overall widget background color is " S_basic_color ".\n\ \n\ " set_basic_color_example "\n\ \n\ The color variables are:\n\ " S_basic_color ": main Snd color.\n\ " S_cursor_color ": cursor color.\n\ " S_data_color ": color of data in unselected graph.\n\ " S_enved_waveform_color ": color of waveform displayed in envelope editor.\n\ " S_filter_control_waveform_color ": color of control panel filter waveform.\n\ " S_graph_color ": background color of unselected graph.\n\ " S_highlight_color ": highlighting color.\n\ " S_listener_color ": background color of lisp listener.\n\ " S_listener_text_color ": text color in lisp listener.\n\ " S_mark_color ": color of mark indicator.\n\ " S_mix_color ": color of mix waveforms.\n\ " S_position_color ": position slider color\n\ " S_sash_color ": color of paned window sashes.\n\ " S_selected_data_color ": color of data in currently selected graph.\n\ " S_selected_graph_color ": background color of currently selected graph.\n\ " S_selection_color ": color of selected portion of graph.\n\ " S_text_focus_color ": color of text field when it has focus.\n\ " S_zoom_color ": zoom slider color.\n\ \n\ The easiest way to try out other colors is to use the Options:Preferences dialog. \ The sonogram colors can be set in the View:Colors dialog.", #else "To change the various Snd colors, use the Options:Preferences Dialog. The sonogram colors can be set in the View:Colors dialog.", #endif WITH_WORD_WRAP, snd_xrefs("Color"), snd_xref_urls("Color")); } /* -------- dialog help texts -------- */ /* ---------------- Envelope Editor ---------------- */ void envelope_editor_dialog_help(void) { #if HAVE_SCHEME #define define_envelope_name "define, or define-envelope" #define ramp_envelope_example "'(0 0 1 1)" #define define_envelope_example " (define-envelope pyramid '(0 0 1 1 2 0))" #endif #if HAVE_RUBY #define define_envelope_name "define_envelope" #define ramp_envelope_example "[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0]" #define define_envelope_example " define_envelope(\"ramp\", [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0])\n define_envelope(\"pyramid\", [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.0])" #endif #if HAVE_FORTH #define define_envelope_name "define-envelope" #define ramp_envelope_example "'( 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 )" #define define_envelope_example " \"ramp\" '( 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 ) define-envelope\n \"pyramid\" '( 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 0.0 ) define-envelope" #endif #if (!HAVE_EXTENSION_LANGUAGE) #define define_envelope_name "" #define ramp_envelope_example "'(0 0 1 1)" #define define_envelope_example "" #endif snd_help_with_xrefs("Envelope Editor", "The Edit Envelope dialog (under the Edit menu) opens a window for viewing and editing envelopes. \ The dialog has a display showing either the envelope currently being edited or \ a panorama of all currently loaded envelopes. The current envelope can be edited with the mouse: click at some spot in the graph to place a \ new breakpoint, drag an existing breakpoint to change its position, and click an existing breakpoint to delete it. \ The Undo and Redo buttons can be used to move around in the list of envelope edits; the current state \ of the envelope can be saved with the 'save' button. Envelopes can be defined via " define_envelope_name ": \ \n\n" define_envelope_example "\n\n\ defines two envelopes that can be used in Snd wherever an envelope is needed. You can also define \ a new envelope in the dialog's text field; " ramp_envelope_example " creates a ramp as a new envelope. \ \n\n\ In the overall view of envelopes, click an envelope, or click its name in the scrolled \ list on the left to select it; click the selected envelope to load it into the editor portion, clearing out whatever \ was previously there. To load an existing envelope into the editor, you can also type its name in the text field; to give a name to \ the envelope as it is currently defined in the graph viewer, type its name in this field, then \ either push return or the 'save' button. \ \n\n\ Once you have an envelope in the editor, you can apply it to the current sounds with the 'Apply' or 'Undo&Apply' buttons; the latter \ first tries to undo the previous edit, then applies the envelope. The envelope can be applied to \ the amplitude, the spectrum, or the sampling rate. The choice is made via the three buttons marked 'amp', \ 'flt', and 'src'. The filter order is the variable " S_enved_filter_order " which defaults to 40. To use fft-filtering (convolution) \ instead, click the 'fir' button, changing its label to 'fft'. If you are displaying the fft graph of the current channel, \ and the fft is large enough to include the entire sound, and the 'wave' button is set, \ the spectrum is also displayed in the envelope editor, making it easier to perform accurate (fussy?) filtering operations. \ \n\n\ To apply the envelope to the current selection, rather than the current sound, set the 'selection' button. \ To apply it to the currently selected mix, set the 'mix' button. \ control-click 'mix' to load the current mix amplitude \ envelope into the editor. \ \n\n\ The two toggle buttons at the lower right choose whether to show a light-colored version of \ the currently active sound (the 'wave' button), and whether to clip mouse movement at the current y axis bounds (the \ 'clip' button). The 'linear' and 'exp' buttons choose the type of connecting lines, and the 'exp base' slider at \ the bottom sets the 'base' of the exponential curves, just as in CLM. If the envelope is being treated as a spectrum ('flt' \ is selected), the 'wave' button shows the actual frequency response of the filter that will be applied to the waveform \ by the 'apply' buttons. Increase the " S_enved_filter_order " to \ improve the fit. In this case, the X axis goes from 0 Hz to half the sampling rate, labelled as 1.0.", WITH_WORD_WRAP, snd_xrefs("Envelope"), snd_xref_urls("Envelope")); } /* ---------------- Transform Options ---------------- */ void transform_dialog_help(void) { snd_help_with_xrefs("Transform Options", "This dialog presents the various transform (fft) related choices. \ \n\n\ On the upper left is a list of available transform types; next on the right is a list of fft sizes; \ next is a panel of buttons that sets various display-oriented choices; the lower left panel \ sets the current wavelet, when relevant; next is the fft data window choice; and next to it is a \ graph of the current fft window; when the window has an associated parameter (sometimes known as \ 'alpha' or 'beta'), the slider beneath the window list is highlighted and can be used to choose the \ desired member of that family of windows. The lower (second) scale sets the 'mu' parameter in the ultraspherical window. \ \n\n\ If the 'selection' button is not set, the FFT is taken from the start (the left edge) of the \ current window and is updated as the window bounds change; otherwise the FFT is taken over the extent \ of the selection, if any is active in the current channel. The fft data is scaled to fit \ between 0.0 and 1.0 unless the fft normalization is off. The full frequency axis is normally \ displayed, but the axis is 'draggable' -- put the mouse on the axis and drag it either way to change \ the range (this is equivalent to changing the variable " S_spectrum_end "). You can also click on \ any point in the fft to get the associated fft data displayed; if " S_with_verbose_cursor " is on, you can \ drag the mouse through the fft display and the description in the minibuffer will be constantly updated. \ \n\n\ The harmonic analysis function is normally the Fourier Transform, but others are available, \ including about 20 wavelet choices. \ \n\n\ The top three buttons in the transform dialog choose between a normal fft, a sonogram, or a \ spectrogram. The 'peaks' button affects whether peak info is displayed alongside the graph of the \ spectrum. The 'dB' button selects between a linear and logarithmic Y (magnitude) axis. The 'log freq' \ button makes a similar choice along the frequency axis. \ \n\n\ If you choose dB, the fft window graph (in the lower right) displays the window spectrum in dB, \ but the y axis labelling is still 0.0 to 1.0 to reflect the fact that the fft window itself is still displayed \ in linear terms.", WITH_WORD_WRAP, snd_xrefs("FFT"), snd_xref_urls("FFT")); } /* ---------------- Color/Orientation Dialog ---------------- */ static const char *color_orientation_dialog_xrefs[11] = { "colormap variable: {colormap}", "orientation variables: {" S_spectro_x_scale "}, {" S_spectro_x_angle "}, etc", "colormap constants: rgb." Xen_file_extension, "colormap colors: {" S_colormap_ref "}", "color dialog variables: {" S_color_cutoff "}, {" S_color_inverted "}, {" S_color_scale "}", "start the color/orientation dialog: {" S_color_orientation_dialog "}", "add a new colormap: {" S_add_colormap "}", "remove a colormap: {" S_delete_colormap "}", "specialize orientation dialog actions: {" S_orientation_hook "}", "specialize color dialog actions: {" S_color_hook "}", NULL}; void color_orientation_dialog_help(void) { snd_help_with_xrefs("View Color/Orientation", "This dialog sets the viewing projection (\"orientation\"), colormap and associated settings used during sonogram, spectrogram, \ and wavogram display. The cutoff scale refers to the minimum data value to be displayed. \ You can add your own colormaps to the list via " S_add_colormap ", or delete one with " S_delete_colormap ".\ The 'angle' scalers change the viewing angle, the 'scale' scalers change the 'stretch' amount \ along a given axis, and 'hop' refers to the density of the traces (the jump in samples between successive \ ffts or time domain scans). If the 'use openGL' button is set, the \ spectrogram is drawn by openGL. In the spectrogram, 'x' refers to the time axis, \ 'y' to the amplitude axis, and 'z' to the frequency axis.", WITH_WORD_WRAP, color_orientation_dialog_xrefs, NULL); } /* ---------------- Region Dialog ---------------- */ void region_dialog_help(void) { snd_help_with_xrefs("Region Browser", "This is the 'region browser'. The scrolled window contains the list of current regions \ with a brief title to indicate the source thereof, and a button to play the region. \ One channel of the currently selected region is displayed in the graph window. The up and \ down arrows move up or down in the region's list of channels. If you click a region's \ title, that region is displayed in the graph area. The 'print' button produces a Postscript \ rendition of the current graph contents, using the default eps output name. 'play' plays the region. \ The 'edit' button loads the region into the main editor as a temporary file. It can be edited or renamed, etc. If you save \ the file, the region is updated to reflect any edits you made.", WITH_WORD_WRAP, snd_xrefs("Region"), snd_xref_urls("Region")); } /* ---------------- Raw Sound Dialog ---------------- */ static const char *raw_xrefs[7] = { "specialize handing of raw sounds: {" S_open_raw_sound_hook "}", "open a headerless sound: {" S_open_raw_sound "}", "header type constants: {" S_mus_header_type_name "}", "sample type constants: {" S_mus_sample_type_name "}", "what are these sample types?", "what are these headers?", NULL}; static const char *raw_urls[7] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "extsnd.html#sampletype", "extsnd.html#headertype", NULL }; void raw_data_dialog_help(const char *info) { if (info) { snd_help_with_xrefs("Raw Data", "This file seems to have an invalid header. I'll append what sense I can make of it. \ To display and edit sound data, Snd needs to know how the data's sampling rate, number \ of channels, and sample type.\n\n", WITH_WORD_WRAP, raw_xrefs, raw_urls); snd_help_append(info); } else { snd_help_with_xrefs("Raw Data", "To display and edit sound data, Snd needs to know how the data's sampling rate, number \ of channels, and sample type. This dialog gives you a chance to set those fields. \ To use the defaults, click the 'Reset' button.", WITH_WORD_WRAP, raw_xrefs, NULL); } } /* ---------------- Save as Dialog ---------------- */ void save_as_dialog_help(void) { snd_help_with_xrefs("Save As", "You can save the current state of a file with File:Save As, or the current selection with Edit:Save as. \ The output header type, sample type, sampling rate, and comment can also be set. If the 'src' button \ is not set, setting the srate does not affect the data -- it is just a number placed in the sound file header. \ Otherwise, if the output sampling rate differs from the current one, the data is converted to the new rate automatically. \ The notation \"(be)\" in the sample type lists stands for big endian; similarly, \"(le)\" is little endian.\ If a file by the chosen name already exists \ it is overwritten, unless that file is already open in Snd and has edits. In that case, \ you'll be asked what to do. If you want to be warned whenever a file is about to be overwritten by this \ option, set the variable " S_ask_before_overwrite " to " PROC_TRUE ". \ If you give the current file name to Save As, \ any current edits will be saved and the current version in Snd will be updated (that is, in this \ case, the edit tree is not preserved). To save (extract) just one channel of a multichannel file, \ put the (0-based) channel number in the 'extract channel' field, then click 'Extract', rather \ than 'Save'.", WITH_WORD_WRAP, snd_xrefs("Save"), snd_xref_urls("Save")); } /* ---------------- Open File ---------------- */ static const char *open_file_xrefs[] = { "open file: {" S_open_sound "}", "add to sound file extension list (for '" S_just_sounds "'): {" S_add_sound_file_extension "}", "specialize open: {" S_open_hook "}, {" S_after_open_hook "}, etc", "start the file dialog: {" S_open_file_dialog "}", #if HAVE_SCHEME "specialize file list: {install-searcher} in snd-motif.scm", "keep dialog active after opening: {keep-file-dialog-open-upon-ok} in snd-motif.scm", #endif NULL}; void open_file_dialog_help(void) { #if USE_MOTIF snd_help_with_xrefs("Open File", "The file selection dialog is slightly different from the Motif default. If you single click \ in the directory list, that directory is immediately opened and displayed. Also there are \ two popup menus to set the \ current sort routine (right click over the file list), and jump to a higher level directory (right click \ in the directory list). \ The 'sound files only' button filters out all non-sound files from the files list (using the \ extension -- you can add to the list of sound file extensions via " S_add_sound_file_extension ". \ When a sound file is selected, information about it is posted under the lists, and a 'play' \ button is displayed. The name field has completion, of course, and also \ watches as you type a new name, reflecting that partial name by moving the file list to \ display possible matches.", WITH_WORD_WRAP, open_file_xrefs, NULL); #else snd_help_with_xrefs("Open File", "This dialog provides a clumsy way to open a file.", WITH_WORD_WRAP, open_file_xrefs, NULL); #endif } /* ---------------- Mix File ---------------- */ void mix_file_dialog_help(void) { snd_help_with_xrefs("Mix File", "The file will be mixed (added into the selected sound) at the cursor. If you click the 'Sound Files Only' button, \ only those files in the current directory that look vaguely like sound files will be displayed. For more control \ of the initial mix, use the View:Files dialog. To edit the mix, use the View:Mixes dialog.", WITH_WORD_WRAP, snd_xrefs("Mix"), snd_xref_urls("Mix")); } /* ---------------- Insert File ---------------- */ void insert_file_dialog_help(void) { snd_help_with_xrefs("Insert File", "The file will be inserted (pasted into the selected file) at the cursor. If you click the 'Sound Files Only' button, \ only those files in the current directory that look vaguely like sound files will be displayed. For more control \ of the insertion, use the View:Files dialog.", WITH_WORD_WRAP, snd_xrefs("Insert"), snd_xref_urls("Insert")); } /* ---------------- Find Dialog ---------------- */ void find_dialog_help(void) { #if HAVE_SCHEME #define find_example "(lambda (n) (> n .1))" #define zero_plus "zero+" #define closure_example " (define (zero+)\n (let ((lastn 0.0))\n (lambda (n)\n (let ((rtn (and (< lastn 0.0) (>= n 0.0) -1)))\n (set! lastn n)\n rtn)))" #endif #if HAVE_RUBY #define find_example "lambda do |y| y > 0.1 end" #define zero_plus "zero_plus" #define closure_example "def zero_plus\n lastn = 0.0\n lambda do |n|\n rtn = lastn < 0.0 and n >= 0.0 and -1\n lastn = n\n rtn\n end\nend" #endif #if HAVE_FORTH #define find_example "lambda: <{ y }> 0.1 y f< ;" #define zero_plus "zero+" #define closure_example ": zero+ ( -- prc; n self -- val )\n lambda-create 0.0 ( lastn ) , latestxt 1 make-proc\n does> { n self -- val }\n self @ ( lastn ) f0< n f0>= && -1 && { rtn }\n n self ! ( lastn = n )\n rtn\n;" #endif snd_help_with_xrefs("Search all sounds", #if HAVE_EXTENSION_LANGUAGE "This search travels through all the current channels in parallel until a match is found. The find \ expression is a function of one argument, the current sample value. It is evaluated on each sample, and should return " PROC_TRUE " when the \ search is satisfied. For example, \n\n " find_example "\n\nlooks for the next sample that is greater than .1. \ If you need to compare the current sample with a previous one, use a 'closure' as in " zero_plus " in \ examp." Xen_file_extension ": \n\n" closure_example "\n\nThere are several other \ search function examples in that file that search for peaks, clicks, or a particular pitch.", #else "This search mechanism is built on the extension language, which isn't available in this version of Snd.", #endif WITH_WORD_WRAP, snd_xrefs(I_FIND), snd_xref_urls(I_FIND)); } /* ---------------- Mix Dialog ---------------- */ void mix_dialog_help(void) { #if HAVE_EXTENSION_LANGUAGE #define mix_dialog_mix_help "The function " S_mix_dialog_mix " gives (or sets) the currently displayed mix's id. " #else #define mix_dialog_mix_help "" #endif snd_help_with_xrefs("Mixes", "This dialog provides various commonly-used controls on the currently \ chosen mix. At the top are the mix id, begin and end times, \ and a play button. " mix_dialog_mix_help "Beneath that are various sliders \ controlling the speed (sampling rate) and amplitude of the mix, \ and finally, an envelope editor for the mix. \ The current mix amp env is not actually changed until you click 'Apply Env'.\ The editor envelope is drawn in black with dots whereas the current \ mix amp env (if any) is drawn in blue.", WITH_WORD_WRAP, snd_xrefs("Mix"), snd_xref_urls("Mix")); } /* ---------------- New File ---------------- */ static const char *new_file_xrefs[5] = { "open a new sound: {" S_new_sound "}", "specialize making a new sound: {" S_new_sound_hook "}", "header type constants: {" S_mus_header_type_name "}", "sample type constants: {" S_mus_sample_type_name "}", NULL}; void new_file_dialog_help(void) { snd_help_with_xrefs("New File", #if HAVE_EXTENSION_LANGUAGE "This dialog sets the new file's output header type, sample type, srate, chans, and comment. \ The 'srate:' and 'channels:' labels are actually drop-down menus providing quick access to common choices. \ The default values for the fields can be set by clicking 'Reset'. These values \ are " S_default_output_chans ", " S_default_output_sample_type ", " S_default_output_srate ", and " S_default_output_header_type ". \ The notation \"(be)\" in the sample type lists stands for big endian; similarly, \"(le)\" is little endian.\ Click 'Ok' to open the new sound. The actual new file representing the new sound is not written \ until you save the new sound.", #else "This dialog sets the new file's output header type, sample type, srate, chans, and comment. \ The 'srate:' and 'channels:' labels are actually drop-down menus providing quick access to common choices. \ The default values for the fields can be set by clicking 'Reset'. Click 'Ok' to open the new sound. \ The actual new file representing the new sound is not written \ until you save the new sound.", #endif WITH_WORD_WRAP, new_file_xrefs, NULL); } /* ---------------- Edit Header ---------------- */ static const char *edit_header_xrefs[11] = { "change srate: {" S_src_channel "}", "convert data to a new sample type: {" S_save_sound_as "}", "interpret current data in new sample type: {" S_sample_type "}", "convert header to a new type: {" S_save_sound_as "}", "interpret current header differently: {" S_header_type "}", "extract or combine chans: {mono->stereo}", "change data location: {" S_data_location "}", "change number of samples: {framples}", "what are these sample types?", "what are these headers?", NULL }; static const char *edit_header_urls[11] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "extsnd.html#sampletype", "extsnd.html#headertype", NULL }; void edit_header_dialog_help(void) { snd_help_with_xrefs("Edit Header", "This dialog edits the header of a sound file; no change is made to the actual sound data. \ The notation \"(be)\" in the sample type lists stands for big endian; similarly, \"(le)\" is little endian.\ If you specify 'raw' as the type, any existing header is removed. This dialog is aimed at adding or removing an entire header, \ or editing the header comments; anything else is obviously dangerous.", WITH_WORD_WRAP, edit_header_xrefs, edit_header_urls); } /* ---------------- Print Dialog ---------------- */ static const char *print_xrefs[4] = { "default eps file name: {" S_eps_file "}", "eps overall size: {" S_eps_size "}", "eps margins: {" S_eps_bottom_margin "}, {" S_eps_left_margin "}", NULL}; void print_dialog_help(void) { snd_help_with_xrefs("File Print", #if HAVE_EXTENSION_LANGUAGE "Print causes the currently active graph(s) to be printed (via the lpr command) or saved as \ a Postscript file. In the latter case, the file name is set either by the dialog, or taken from the \ variable " S_eps_file " (normally \"snd.eps\"). The functions that refer to this dialog are:\n\ \n\ " S_print_dialog " (:optional managed print): start the print dialog\n\ " S_eps_file ": eps file name (\"snd.eps\")\n\ " S_eps_bottom_margin ": bottom margin (0.0)\n\ " S_eps_left_margin ": left margin (0.0)\n\ " S_eps_size ": overall eps size scaler (1.0)\n\ " S_graph_to_ps " (:optional file): write current graph to eps file\n\n\ For openGL graphics, use " S_gl_graph_to_ps ".\n", #else "Print causes the currently active display to be either printed (via the lpr command) or saved as \ an eps file. Currently the openGL graphics can't be printed by Snd, \ but you can use Gimp or some such program to get a screenshot, and print that.", #endif WITH_WORD_WRAP, print_xrefs, NULL); } /* ---------------- View Files ---------------- */ static const char *view_files_xrefs[5] = { "place sound in view files list: {" S_add_file_to_view_files_list "}", "place all sounds from a directory in view files list: {" S_add_directory_to_view_files_list "}", "specialize view files selection: {" S_view_files_select_hook "}", "the sort choice: {" S_view_files_sort "}", NULL}; void view_files_dialog_help(void) { snd_help_with_xrefs("File Browser", #if USE_MOTIF "The View:Files dialog provides a list of sounds and various things to do with them.\ The play button plays the file. \ Double click a file name, and that file is opened in Snd. You can also mix or insert the \ selected file with amplitude envelopes and so on. \ \n\n\ Files can be added to the list via the -p startup switch, and by the functions " S_add_file_to_view_files_list " \ and " S_add_directory_to_view_files_list ". \ \n\n\ The 'sort' label on the right activates a menu of sorting choices; 'name' sorts the \ files list alphabetically, 'date' sorts by date written, and 'size' sorts by the \ number of samples in the sound. The variable " S_view_files_sort " refers to this menu. \ The functions that refer to this dialog are: \n\ \n\ " S_view_files_dialog " (:optional managed): start this dialog\n\ " S_add_directory_to_view_files_list " (dir): add directory's files to list\n\ " S_add_file_to_view_files_list " (file): add file to list\n\ " S_view_files_files ": list of all files in dialog's file list\n\ " S_view_files_selected_files ": list of currently selected files\n\ " S_view_files_sort ": dialog's sort choice\n\ " S_view_files_amp ": dialog's amp slider value\n\ " S_view_files_amp_env ": dialog's amp env\n\ " S_view_files_speed ": dialog's speed value\n\ " S_view_files_speed_style ": dialog's speed style\n", #else "The View:Files dialog provides a list of files preloaded via the -p startup switch.", #endif WITH_WORD_WRAP, view_files_xrefs, NULL); } /* ---------------- help dialog special cases ---------------- */ static void copy_help(void) { snd_help_with_xrefs("Copy", "The copying functions are listed in the 'related topics' section. See also 'Save'", WITH_WORD_WRAP, snd_xrefs("Copy"), snd_xref_urls("Copy")); } static void cursor_help(void) { snd_help_with_xrefs("Cursor", "A big '+' marks the current sample. This is Snd's cursor, and the \ various cursor moving commands apply to it. See also 'Tracking cursor'", WITH_WORD_WRAP, snd_xrefs("Cursor"), snd_xref_urls("Cursor")); } static void tracking_cursor_help(void) { snd_help_with_xrefs("Tracking cursor", "If you want the cursor to follow along more-or-less in time while \ playing a sound, set " S_with_tracking_cursor " to " PROC_TRUE ". See also 'Cursor'", WITH_WORD_WRAP, snd_xrefs("Tracking cursor"), snd_xref_urls("Tracking cursor")); } static void smooth_help(void) { snd_help_with_xrefs("Smoothing", "Smoothing applies a sinusoidal curve to a portion of a sound to smooth \ out any clicks. See also 'Filter'", WITH_WORD_WRAP, snd_xrefs("Smooth"), snd_xref_urls("Smooth")); } static void maxamp_help(void) { snd_help_with_xrefs("Maxamp", "Maxamp refers to the maximum amplitude in a sound", WITH_WORD_WRAP, snd_xrefs("Maxamp"), snd_xref_urls("Maxamp")); } static void reverse_help(void) { snd_help_with_xrefs("Reverse", "There are various things that can be reversed. See the list below.", WITH_WORD_WRAP, snd_xrefs("Reverse"), snd_xref_urls("Reverse")); } static void random_numbers_help(void) { snd_help_with_xrefs("Random Numbers", "", WITH_WORD_WRAP, snd_xrefs("Random Numbers"), snd_xref_urls("Random Numbers")); } static const char *Wavogram_xrefs[] = { "wavogram picture", "{wavo-hop}", "{wavo-trace}", "time-graph-type: {graph-as-wavogram}", NULL}; static const char *Wavogram_urls[] = { "snd.html#wavogram", "extsnd.html#wavohop", "extsnd.html#wavotrace", "extsnd#timegraphtype", NULL}; static void wavogram_help(void) { snd_help_with_xrefs("Wavogram", "The 'wavogram' is a 3-D view of the time-domain data. If you set each trace length correctly, \ you can often get periods to line up vertically, making a pretty picture.", WITH_WORD_WRAP, Wavogram_xrefs, Wavogram_urls); } static void window_size_help(void) { snd_help_with_xrefs("Window Size", "", WITH_WORD_WRAP, snd_xrefs("Window Size"), snd_xref_urls("Window Size")); } #if HAVE_SCHEME #define S_Vct "Float-vector" #else #define S_Vct "Vct" #endif #include "snd-xref.c" #define NUM_TOPICS 36 static const char *topic_names[NUM_TOPICS] = { "Hook", S_Vct, "Sample reader", "Mark", "Mix", "Region", "Edit list", "Transform", "Error", "Color", "Font", "Graphic", "Widget", "Emacs", "CLM", "Instrument", "CM", "CMN", "Sndlib", "Motif", "Script", "Ruby", "s7", "LADSPA", "OpenGL", "Gdb", "Control panel", "X resources", "Invocation flags", "Initialization file", "Customization", "Window Size", "Color", "Random Number", "Wavogram", "Forth" }; static const char *topic_urls[NUM_TOPICS] = { "extsnd.html#sndhooks", "extsnd.html#Vcts", "extsnd.html#samplers", "extsnd.html#sndmarks", "extsnd.html#sndmixes", "extsnd.html#sndregions", "extsnd.html#editlists", "extsnd.html#sndtransforms", "extsnd.html#snderrors", "extsnd.html#colors", "extsnd.html#fonts", "extsnd.html#sndgraphics", "extsnd.html#sndwidgets", "grfsnd.html#emacssnd", "grfsnd.html#sndwithclm", "grfsnd.html#sndinstruments", "grfsnd.html#sndwithcm", "sndscm.html#musglyphs", "sndlib.html#introduction", "grfsnd.html#sndwithmotif", "grfsnd.html#sndwithnogui", "grfsnd.html#sndandruby", "grfsnd.html#sndands7", "grfsnd.html#sndandladspa", "grfsnd.html#sndandgl", "grfsnd.html#sndandgdb", "extsnd.html#customcontrols", "grfsnd.html#sndresources", "grfsnd.html#sndswitches", "grfsnd.html#sndinitfile", "extsnd.html#extsndcontents", "extsnd.html#movingwindows", "extsnd.html#colors", "sndscm.html#allrandomnumbers", "snd.html#wavogram", "grfsnd.html#sndandforth" }; static int min_strlen(const char *a, const char *b) { int lena, lenb; lena = strlen(a); lenb = strlen(b); if (lena < lenb) return(lena); return(lenb); } static const char *topic_url(const char *topic) { int i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_TOPICS; i++) if (STRNCMP(topic, topic_names[i], min_strlen(topic, topic_names[i])) == 0) return(topic_urls[i]); return(NULL); } #define NUM_XREFS 33 static const char *xrefs[NUM_XREFS] = { "Mark", "Mix", "Region", "Selection", "Cursor", "Tracking cursor", "Delete", "Envelope", "Filter", "Search", "Insert", "Maxamp", "Play", "Reverse", "Save", "Smooth", "Resample", "FFT", "Reverb", "Src", I_FIND, "Undo", "Redo", "Sync", "Control panel", "Header", "Key", "Copy", "Window Size", "Color", "Control", "Random Numbers", "Wavogram" }; static const char **xref_tables[NUM_XREFS] = { Marking_xrefs, Mixing_xrefs, Regions_xrefs, Selections_xrefs, Cursors_xrefs, Tracking_cursors_xrefs, Deletions_xrefs, Envelopes_xrefs, Filters_xrefs, Searching_xrefs, Insertions_xrefs, Maxamps_xrefs, Playing_xrefs, Reversing_xrefs, Saving_xrefs, Smoothing_xrefs, Resampling_xrefs, FFTs_xrefs, Reverb_xrefs, Resampling_xrefs, Searching_xrefs, Undo_and_Redo_xrefs, Undo_and_Redo_xrefs, sync_xrefs, control_xrefs, header_and_data_xrefs, key_xrefs, Copying_xrefs, Window_size_and_position_xrefs, Colors_xrefs, control_xrefs, Random_Numbers_xrefs, Wavogram_xrefs }; static const char **xref_url_tables[NUM_XREFS] = { Marking_urls, Mixing_urls, Regions_urls, Selections_urls, Cursors_urls, Tracking_cursors_urls, Deletions_urls, Envelopes_urls, Filters_urls, Searching_urls, Insertions_urls, Maxamps_urls, Playing_urls, Reversing_urls, Saving_urls, Smoothing_urls, Resampling_urls, FFTs_urls, Reverb_urls, Resampling_urls, Searching_urls, Undo_and_Redo_urls, Undo_and_Redo_urls, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Copying_urls, Window_size_and_position_urls, Colors_urls, NULL, Random_Numbers_urls, Wavogram_urls }; typedef void (*help_func)(void); /* if an entry is null here, the main help window will display "(no help found)" */ static help_func help_funcs[NUM_XREFS] = { &marks_help, &mix_help, ®ion_help, &selection_help, &cursor_help, &tracking_cursor_help, &delete_help, &env_help, &filter_help, &find_help, &insert_help, &maxamp_help, &play_help, &reverse_help, &save_help, &smooth_help, &resample_help, &fft_help, &reverb_help, &resample_help, &find_help, &undo_help, &undo_help, &sync_help, &controls_help, &sound_files_help, &key_help, ©_help, &window_size_help, &colors_help, &controls_help, &random_numbers_help, &wavogram_help }; static const char **snd_xrefs(const char *topic) { int i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_XREFS; i++) if (STRCMP(topic, xrefs[i]) == 0) return(xref_tables[i]); return(NULL); } static const char **snd_xref_urls(const char *topic) { int i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_XREFS; i++) if (STRCMP(topic, xrefs[i]) == 0) return(xref_url_tables[i]); return(NULL); } static int levenshtein(const char *s1, int l1, const char *s2, int l2) { /* taken with bug fixes from "The Ruby Way" by Hal Fulton, SAMS Pubs */ int i, j, val; int **distance; if (!s1) return(l2); if (!s2) return(l1); distance = (int **)calloc(l2 + 1, sizeof(int *)); for (i = 0; i <= l2; i++) distance[i] = (int *)calloc(l1 + 1, sizeof(int)); for (j = 0; j <= l1; j++) distance[0][j] = j; for (i = 0; i <= l2; i++) distance[i][0] = i; for (i = 1; i <= l2; i++) for (j = 1; j <= l1; j++) { int c1, c2, c3; c1 = distance[i][j - 1] + 1; c2 = distance[i - 1][j] + 1; c3 = distance[i - 1][j - 1] + ((s2[i - 1] == s1[j - 1]) ? 0 : 1); if (c1 > c2) c1 = c2; if (c1 > c3) c1 = c3; distance[i][j] = c1; } val = distance[l2][l1]; for (i = 0; i <= l2; i++) free(distance[i]); free(distance); return(val); } static int help_name_to_url(const char *name) { /* trying to be fancy here just causes trouble -- this is not a function that needs to be fast! */ int i; for (i = 0; i < HELP_NAMES_SIZE; i++) { int comp; #if HAVE_RUBY if (name[0] == '$') comp = STRCMP(help_names[i], (const char *)(name + 1)); else comp = STRCMP(help_names[i], name); #else comp = STRCMP(help_names[i], name); #endif if (comp == 0) return(i); } return(-1); } const char *snd_url(const char *name) { #if HAVE_EXTENSION_LANGUAGE /* (snd-url "save-sound-as") -> "extsnd.html#savesoundas" */ int i; i = help_name_to_url(name); if (i >= 0) return(help_urls[i]); #endif return(NULL); } static char *call_grep(const char *defstr, const char *name, const char *endstr, const char *path, char *tempfile) { int err; char *command; #ifndef __sun /* Gnu fgrep: -s switch to fgrep = "silent", I guess (--no-messages) [OSX uses Gnu fgrep] */ command = mus_format("grep -F -s \"%s%s%s\" %s/*." Xen_file_extension " --line-number > %s", defstr, name, endstr, path, tempfile); #else /* Sun fgrep: here -s means -q and --line-number prints an error message */ command = mus_format("grep -F \"%s%s%s\" %s/*." Xen_file_extension " > %s", defstr, name, endstr, path, tempfile); #endif err = system(command); free(command); if (err != -1) /* no error, so I guess tempfile exists, but might be empty */ return(file_to_string(tempfile)); /* NULL if nothing found */ return(NULL); } static char *snd_finder(const char *name, bool got_help) { /* desperation -- search *.scm/rb/fs then even *.html? for 'name' */ const char *url = NULL; char *fgrep = NULL, *tempfile = NULL, *command = NULL; bool is_defined; int a_def = 0, dir_len = 0, i; Xen dirs = Xen_empty_list; #if HAVE_SCHEME || (!HAVE_EXTENSION_LANGUAGE) #define NUM_DEFINES 7 #define TRAILER " " const char *defines[NUM_DEFINES] = {"(define (", "(define* (", "(define ", "(define+ (", "(defmacro ", "(defmacro* ", "(definstrument ("}; #endif #if HAVE_RUBY #define NUM_DEFINES 2 #define TRAILER "" const char *defines[NUM_DEFINES] = {"def ", "class "}; #endif #if HAVE_FORTH #define NUM_DEFINES 3 #define TRAILER "" const char *defines[NUM_DEFINES] = {": ", "instrument: ", "event: "}; #endif if ((!name) || (mus_strlen(name) == 0)) return(NULL); is_defined = Xen_is_defined(name); #if HAVE_SCHEME { s7_pointer help; fgrep = mus_format("(*autoload* '%s)", name); help = s7_eval_c_string(s7, fgrep); free(fgrep); fgrep = NULL; if (help != Xen_false) { command = mus_format("%s is defined in %s", name, s7_object_to_c_string(s7, help)); return(command); } } #endif url = snd_url(name); tempfile = snd_tempnam(); /* this will have a .snd extension */ dirs = Xen_load_path; dir_len = Xen_list_length(dirs); for (i = 0; (!fgrep) && (i < dir_len); i++) { if (Xen_is_string(Xen_list_ref(dirs, i))) /* *load-path* might have garbage */ { const char *path; path = Xen_string_to_C_string(Xen_list_ref(dirs, i)); if (!path) continue; for (a_def = 0; (!fgrep) && (a_def < NUM_DEFINES); a_def++) fgrep = call_grep(defines[a_def], name, TRAILER, path, tempfile); #if HAVE_SCHEME if (!fgrep) fgrep = call_grep("(define (", name, ")", path, tempfile); if (!fgrep) fgrep = call_grep("(define ", name, "\n", path, tempfile); #endif } } snd_remove(tempfile, IGNORE_CACHE); free(tempfile); if (url) { if (fgrep) command = mus_format("%s is %sdefined%s; it appears to be defined in:\n%sand documented at %s", name, (is_defined) ? "" : "not ", (is_defined && (!got_help)) ? ", but has no help string" : "", fgrep, url); else command = mus_format("%s is %sdefined%s; it is documented at %s", name, (is_defined) ? "" : "not ", (is_defined && (!got_help)) ? ", but has no help string" : "", url); } else { if (fgrep) command = mus_format("%s is %sdefined%s; it appears to be defined in:\n%s", name, (is_defined) ? "" : "not ", (is_defined && (!got_help)) ? ", but has no help string" : "", fgrep); else command = NULL; } if (fgrep) free(fgrep); /* don't free url! */ return(command); } bool snd_topic_help(const char *topic) { /* called only in snd-x|ghelp.c */ int i, topic_len; for (i = 0; i < NUM_XREFS; i++) if (STRCMP(topic, xrefs[i]) == 0) { if (help_funcs[i]) { (*help_funcs[i])(); return(true); } } topic_len = mus_strlen(topic); for (i = 0; i < NUM_XREFS; i++) { int xref_len, j, diff, min_len; const char *a, *b; xref_len = strlen(xrefs[i]); if (xref_len < topic_len) { diff = topic_len - xref_len; min_len = xref_len; a = topic; b = xrefs[i]; } else { diff = xref_len - topic_len; min_len = topic_len; a = xrefs[i]; b = topic; } for (j = 0; j < diff; j++) if (STRNCMP((char *)(a + j), b, min_len) == 0) { if (help_funcs[i]) { (*help_funcs[i])(); return(true); } } } /* try respelling topic */ { int min_diff = 1000, min_loc = 0, this_diff, topic_len; topic_len = mus_strlen(topic); for (i = 0; i < NUM_XREFS; i++) if (help_funcs[i]) { this_diff = levenshtein(topic, topic_len, xrefs[i], mus_strlen(xrefs[i])); if (this_diff < min_diff) { min_diff = this_diff; min_loc = i; } } if (min_diff < snd_int_log2(topic_len)) /* was topic_len / 2, but this gives too much leeway for substitutions */ { (*help_funcs[min_loc])(); return(true); } } /* go searching for it */ { char *str; str = snd_finder(topic, false); if (str) { snd_help(topic, str, WITH_WORD_WRAP); free(str); return(true); } } return(false); } static bool strings_might_match(const char *a, const char *b, int len) { int i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (a[i] != b[i]) return(false); #if HAVE_RUBY if (a[i] == '_') return(true); #endif #if HAVE_SCHEME || HAVE_FORTH if (a[i] == '-') return(true); #endif } return(true); } const char **help_name_to_xrefs(const char *name) { const char **xrefs = NULL; int i, xref_ctr = 0, xrefs_size = 0, name_len; #if (!HAVE_EXTENSION_LANGUAGE) return(NULL); #endif name_len = strlen(name); for (i = 0; i < HELP_NAMES_SIZE; i++) if (name[0] == help_names[i][0]) { int cur_len; cur_len = strlen(help_names[i]); if (strings_might_match(name, help_names[i], (name_len < cur_len) ? name_len : cur_len)) { if (xref_ctr >= (xrefs_size - 1)) /* need trailing NULL to mark end of table */ { xrefs_size += 8; if (xref_ctr == 0) xrefs = (const char **)calloc(xrefs_size, sizeof(char *)); else { int k; xrefs = (const char **)realloc(xrefs, xrefs_size * sizeof(char *)); for (k = xref_ctr; k < xrefs_size; k++) xrefs[k] = NULL; } } xrefs[xref_ctr++] = help_names[i]; } } return(xrefs); } char *word_wrap(const char *text, int widget_len) { char *new_text; int new_len, old_len, i, j, desired_len, line_start = 0; #if HAVE_RUBY bool move_paren = false; int in_paren = 0; #endif old_len = mus_strlen(text); new_len = old_len + 64; desired_len = (int)(widget_len * .8); new_text = (char *)calloc(new_len, sizeof(char)); for (i = 0, j = 0; i < old_len; i++) if (text[i] == '\n') { new_text[j++] = '\n'; line_start = j; } else { if ((text[i] == ' ') && (help_text_width(new_text, line_start, j) >= desired_len)) { new_text[j++] = '\n'; line_start = j; } else { #if (!HAVE_RUBY) new_text[j++] = text[i]; #else /* try to change the reported names to Ruby names */ if (text[i] == '-') { if ((i > 0) && (isalnum((int)(text[i - 1]))) && (i < old_len)) { if (isalnum((int)(text[i + 1]))) new_text[j++] = '_'; else { if (text[i + 1] == '>') { new_text[j++] = '2'; i++; } else new_text[j++] = text[i]; } } else new_text[j++] = text[i]; } else { if ((i < old_len) && (text[i] == '#')) { if (text[i + 1] == 'f') { new_text[j++] = 'f'; new_text[j++] = 'a'; new_text[j++] = 'l'; new_text[j++] = 's'; new_text[j++] = 'e'; i++; } else { if (text[i + 1] == 't') { new_text[j++] = 't'; new_text[j++] = 'r'; new_text[j++] = 'u'; new_text[j++] = 'e'; i++; } else new_text[j++] = text[i]; } } else { if ((i == 0) && (text[i] == '(')) { move_paren = true; } else { if ((move_paren) && (text[i] == ')')) { /* no args: use () */ new_text[j++] = '('; new_text[j++] = ')'; move_paren = false; in_paren = 0; } else { if ((move_paren) && (text[i] == ' ')) { new_text[j++] = '('; move_paren = false; in_paren = 1; } else { if (in_paren > 0) { if ((in_paren == 1) && (text[i] == ' ')) { new_text[j++] = ','; new_text[j++] = ' '; } else { if (text[i] == ')') in_paren--; else if (text[i] == '(') in_paren++; new_text[j++] = text[i]; } } else new_text[j++] = text[i]; }}}}} #endif } } return(new_text); } #define DOC_DIRECTORIES 6 static const char *doc_directories[DOC_DIRECTORIES] = { "/usr/share/doc/snd-" SND_VERSION, "/usr/share/doc/snd-" SND_MAJOR_VERSION, "/usr/local/share/doc/snd-" SND_VERSION, "/usr/local/share/doc/snd-" SND_MAJOR_VERSION, "/usr/doc/snd-" SND_MAJOR_VERSION, "/usr/share/docs/snd-" SND_VERSION }; static const char *doc_files[DOC_DIRECTORIES] = { "/usr/share/doc/snd-" SND_VERSION "/snd.html", "/usr/share/doc/snd-" SND_MAJOR_VERSION "/snd.html", "/usr/local/share/doc/snd-" SND_VERSION "/snd.html", "/usr/local/share/doc/snd-" SND_MAJOR_VERSION "/snd.html", "/usr/doc/snd-" SND_MAJOR_VERSION "/snd.html", "/usr/share/docs/snd-" SND_VERSION "/snd.html" }; static const char *html_directory(void) { int i; if (mus_file_probe("snd.html")) return(mus_getcwd()); if (html_dir(ss)) { bool happy; int len; char *hd; len = mus_strlen(html_dir(ss)) + 16; hd = (char *)calloc(len, sizeof(char)); snprintf(hd, len, "%s/snd.html", html_dir(ss)); happy = mus_file_probe(hd); free(hd); if (happy) return(html_dir(ss)); } #ifdef MUS_DEFAULT_DOC_DIR if (mus_file_probe(MUS_DEFAULT_DOC_DIR "/snd.html")) return(MUS_DEFAULT_DOC_DIR); #endif for (i = 0; i < DOC_DIRECTORIES; i++) if (mus_file_probe(doc_files[i])) return(doc_directories[i]); return(NULL); } void url_to_html_viewer(const char *url) { const char *dir_path; dir_path = html_directory(); if (dir_path) { char *program; program = html_program(ss); if (program) { char *path; int len, err; len = strlen(dir_path) + strlen(url) + 256; path = (char *)calloc(len, sizeof(char)); snprintf(path, len, "%s file:%s/%s &", program, dir_path, url); err = system(path); if (err == -1) fprintf(stderr, "can't start %s?", program); free(path); } } } void name_to_html_viewer(const char *red_text) { const char *url; url = snd_url(red_text); if (!url) url = topic_url(red_text); if (url) url_to_html_viewer(url); } static Xen output_comment_hook; char *output_comment(file_info *hdr) { Xen hook; hook = output_comment_hook; if (Xen_hook_has_list(hook)) { Xen result; result = C_string_to_Xen_string((hdr) ? hdr->comment : NULL); #if HAVE_SCHEME result = s7_call(s7, hook, s7_cons(s7, result, s7_nil(s7))); #else { Xen procs; procs = Xen_hook_list(hook); while (!Xen_is_null(procs)) { result = Xen_call_with_1_arg(Xen_car(procs), result, S_output_comment_hook); procs = Xen_cdr(procs); } } #endif if (Xen_is_string(result)) return(mus_strdup(Xen_string_to_C_string(result))); } return(mus_strdup((hdr) ? hdr->comment : NULL)); } static Xen help_hook; Xen g_snd_help_with_search(Xen text, int widget_wid, bool search) { /* snd-help but no search for misspelled name if search=false */ #if HAVE_SCHEME #define snd_help_example "(snd-help 'make-float-vector)" #define snd_help_arg_type "can be a string, symbol, or in some cases, the object itself" #endif #if HAVE_RUBY #define snd_help_example "snd_help(\"make_vct\")" #define snd_help_arg_type "can be a string or a symbol" #endif #if HAVE_FORTH #define snd_help_example "\"make-vct\" snd-help" #define snd_help_arg_type "is a string" #endif #define H_snd_help "(" S_snd_help " :optional (arg 'snd-help) (formatted " PROC_TRUE ")): return the documentation \ associated with its argument. " snd_help_example " for example, prints out a brief description of make-" S_vct ". \ The argument " snd_help_arg_type ". \ In the help descriptions, optional arguments are in parens with the default value (if any) as the second entry. \ A ':' as the start of the argument name marks a CLM-style optional keyword argument. If you load index." Xen_file_extension " \ the functions html and ? can be used in place of help to go to the HTML description, \ and the location of the associated C code will be displayed, if it can be found. \ If " S_help_hook " is not empty, it is invoked with the subject and the snd-help result \ and its value is returned." char *str = NULL, *subject = NULL; if (Xen_is_keyword(text)) return(C_string_to_Xen_string("keyword")); #if HAVE_RUBY if (Xen_is_string(text)) subject = Xen_string_to_C_string(text); else if ((Xen_is_symbol(text)) && (Xen_is_bound(text))) { text = XEN_SYMBOL_TO_STRING(text); subject = Xen_string_to_C_string(text); } else { char *temp; temp = xen_scheme_procedure_to_ruby(S_snd_help); text = C_string_to_Xen_string(temp); if (temp) free(temp); } str = Xen_object_to_C_string(Xen_documentation(text)); #endif #if HAVE_FORTH if (Xen_is_string(text)) /* "play" snd-help */ subject = Xen_string_to_C_string(text); else if (!Xen_is_bound(text)) /* snd-help play */ { subject = fth_parse_word(); text = C_string_to_Xen_string(subject); } if (!subject) { subject = S_snd_help; text = C_string_to_Xen_string(S_snd_help); } str = Xen_object_to_C_string(Xen_documentation(text)); #endif #if HAVE_SCHEME { Xen sym = Xen_false; if (Xen_is_string(text)) { subject = (char *)Xen_string_to_C_string(text); sym = s7_name_to_value(s7, subject); } else { if (Xen_is_symbol(text)) { subject = (char *)Xen_symbol_to_C_string(text); str = (char *)s7_help(s7, text); sym = s7_symbol_value(s7, text); } else { sym = text; } } if (!str) str = (char *)s7_help(s7, sym); if ((!str) || (mus_strlen(str) == 0)) { if (Xen_is_procedure(sym)) { str = (char *)s7_documentation(s7, sym); if (((!str) || (mus_strlen(str) == 0)) && (s7_funclet(s7, sym) != sym)) { s7_pointer e; e = s7_funclet(s7, sym); str = (char *)calloc(256, sizeof(char)); /* unavoidable memleak I guess -- we could use a backup statically allocated buffer here */ if (s7_is_null(s7, e)) snprintf(str, 256, "this function appears to come from eval or eval-string?"); else { s7_pointer x; /* (cdr (assoc '__func__ (let->list (funclet func)))) => (name file line) or name */ x = s7_assoc(s7, s7_make_symbol(s7, "__func__"), s7_let_to_list(s7, e)); if (s7_is_pair(x)) { x = s7_cdr(x); if (s7_is_pair(x)) { const char *url; subject = (char *)s7_symbol_name(s7_car(x)); url = snd_url(subject); if (url) snprintf(str, 256, "%s is defined at line %" print_mus_long " of %s, and documented at %s", subject, (int64_t)s7_integer(s7_car(s7_cdr(s7_cdr(x)))), s7_string(s7_car(s7_cdr(x))), url); else snprintf(str, 256, "%s is defined at line %" print_mus_long " of %s", subject, (int64_t)s7_integer(s7_car(s7_cdr(s7_cdr(x)))), s7_string(s7_car(s7_cdr(x)))); } } } } } else { str = (char *)s7_documentation(s7, s7_make_symbol(s7, subject)); } } } #endif if (search) { bool need_free = false; if ((!str) || (mus_strlen(str) == 0) || (strcmp(str, PROC_FALSE) == 0)) /* Ruby returns "false" here */ { if ((!subject) || (mus_strlen(subject) == 0)) return(Xen_false); str = snd_finder(subject, false); need_free = true; } if (str) { Xen help_text = Xen_false; /* so that we can free "str" */ char *new_str = NULL; if (subject) { Xen hook; hook = help_hook; if (Xen_hook_has_list(hook)) { Xen result, subj; result = C_string_to_Xen_string(str); subj = C_string_to_Xen_string(subject); #if HAVE_SCHEME result = s7_call(s7, hook, s7_cons(s7, subj, s7_cons(s7, result, s7_nil(s7)))); #else { Xen procs; procs = Xen_hook_list(hook); while (!Xen_is_null(procs)) { result = Xen_call_with_2_args(Xen_car(procs), subj, result, S_help_hook); procs = Xen_cdr(procs); } } #endif if (Xen_is_string(result)) new_str = mus_strdup(Xen_string_to_C_string(result)); else new_str = mus_strdup(str); } else new_str = mus_strdup(str); } else new_str = mus_strdup(str); if (need_free) { free(str); str = NULL; } if (widget_wid > 0) { str = word_wrap(new_str, widget_wid); if (new_str) free(new_str); } else str = new_str; help_text = C_string_to_Xen_string(str); if (str) free(str); return(help_text); } } if (str) return(C_string_to_Xen_string(str)); return(Xen_false); } Xen g_snd_help(Xen text, int widget_wid) { return(g_snd_help_with_search(text, widget_wid, true)); } static Xen g_listener_help(Xen arg, Xen formatted) { Xen_check_type(Xen_is_boolean_or_unbound(formatted), formatted, 2, S_snd_help, "a boolean"); if (Xen_is_false(formatted)) return(g_snd_help(arg, 0)); return(g_snd_help(arg, listener_width())); } void set_html_dir(char *new_dir) { if (html_dir(ss)) free(html_dir(ss)); set_html_dir_1(new_dir); } static Xen g_html_dir(void) { #define H_html_dir "(" S_html_dir "): location of Snd documentation" return(C_string_to_Xen_string(html_dir(ss))); } static Xen g_set_html_dir(Xen val) { Xen_check_type(Xen_is_string(val), val, 1, S_set S_html_dir, "a string"); set_html_dir(mus_strdup(Xen_string_to_C_string(val))); return(val); } static Xen g_html_program(void) { #define H_html_program "(" S_html_program "): name of documentation reader (mozilla, by default)" return(C_string_to_Xen_string(html_program(ss))); } static Xen g_set_html_program(Xen val) { Xen_check_type(Xen_is_string(val), val, 1, S_set S_html_program, "a string"); if (html_program(ss)) free(html_program(ss)); set_html_program(mus_strdup(Xen_string_to_C_string(val))); return(val); } static Xen g_snd_url(Xen name) { #define H_snd_url "(" S_snd_url " name): url corresponding to 'name'" /* given Snd entity ('open-sound) as symbol or string return associated url */ Xen_check_type(Xen_is_string(name) || Xen_is_symbol(name), name, 1, S_snd_url, "a string or symbol"); if (Xen_is_string(name)) return(C_string_to_Xen_string(snd_url(Xen_string_to_C_string(name)))); return(C_string_to_Xen_string(snd_url(Xen_symbol_to_C_string(name)))); } static Xen g_snd_urls(void) { #define H_snd_urls "(" S_snd_urls "): list of all snd names with the associated url (a list of lists)" Xen lst = Xen_empty_list; #if HAVE_EXTENSION_LANGUAGE int i; for (i = 0; i < HELP_NAMES_SIZE; i++) lst = Xen_cons(Xen_cons(C_string_to_Xen_string(help_names[i]), C_string_to_Xen_string(help_urls[i])), lst); #endif return(lst); } static const char **refs = NULL, **urls = NULL; static Xen g_help_dialog(Xen subject, Xen msg, Xen xrefs, Xen xurls) { #define H_help_dialog "(" S_help_dialog " subject message xrefs urls): start the Help window with subject and message" Xen_check_type(Xen_is_string(subject), subject, 1, S_help_dialog, "a string"); Xen_check_type(Xen_is_string(msg), msg, 2, S_help_dialog, "a string"); Xen_check_type(Xen_is_list(xrefs) || !Xen_is_bound(xrefs), xrefs, 3, S_help_dialog, "a list of related references"); Xen_check_type(Xen_is_list(xurls) || !Xen_is_bound(xurls), xurls, 4, S_help_dialog, "a list of urls"); if (refs) {free(refs); refs = NULL;} if (urls) {free(urls); urls = NULL;} if (Xen_is_list(xrefs)) { int i, len; len = Xen_list_length(xrefs); refs = (const char **)calloc(len + 1, sizeof(char *)); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) if (Xen_is_string(Xen_list_ref(xrefs, i))) refs[i] = Xen_string_to_C_string(Xen_list_ref(xrefs, i)); if (Xen_is_list(xurls)) { int ulen; ulen = Xen_list_length(xurls); if (ulen > len) ulen = len; urls = (const char **)calloc(ulen + 1, sizeof(char *)); for (i = 0; i < ulen; i++) if (Xen_is_string(Xen_list_ref(xurls, i))) urls[i] = Xen_string_to_C_string(Xen_list_ref(xurls, i)); } return(Xen_wrap_widget(snd_help_with_xrefs(Xen_string_to_C_string(subject), Xen_string_to_C_string(msg), WITH_WORD_WRAP, refs, urls))); } return(Xen_wrap_widget(snd_help(Xen_string_to_C_string(subject), Xen_string_to_C_string(msg), WITH_WORD_WRAP))); } Xen_wrap_2_optional_args(g_listener_help_w, g_listener_help) Xen_wrap_no_args(g_html_dir_w, g_html_dir) Xen_wrap_1_arg(g_set_html_dir_w, g_set_html_dir) Xen_wrap_no_args(g_html_program_w, g_html_program) Xen_wrap_1_arg(g_set_html_program_w, g_set_html_program) Xen_wrap_1_arg(g_snd_url_w, g_snd_url) Xen_wrap_no_args(g_snd_urls_w, g_snd_urls) Xen_wrap_4_optional_args(g_help_dialog_w, g_help_dialog) #if HAVE_SCHEME static s7_pointer acc_html_dir(s7_scheme *sc, s7_pointer args) {return(g_set_html_dir(s7_cadr(args)));} static s7_pointer acc_html_program(s7_scheme *sc, s7_pointer args) {return(g_set_html_program(s7_cadr(args)));} #endif void g_init_help(void) { #if HAVE_SCHEME s7_pointer p, s, pcl_s, pcl_t; p = s7_make_symbol(s7, "list?"); s = s7_make_symbol(s7, "string?"); pcl_s = s7_make_circular_signature(s7, 0, 1, s); pcl_t = s7_make_circular_signature(s7, 0, 1, s7_t(s7)); #endif Xen_define_typed_procedure(S_snd_help, g_listener_help_w, 0, 2, 0, H_snd_help, pcl_t); #if HAVE_SCHEME Xen_eval_C_string("(define s7-help help)"); /* override s7's help */ Xen_define_typed_procedure("help", g_listener_help_w, 0, 2, 0, H_snd_help, pcl_t); #endif Xen_define_typed_procedure(S_snd_url, g_snd_url_w, 1, 0, 0, H_snd_url, s7_make_signature(s7, 2, s, s7_make_signature(s7, 2, s, s7_make_symbol(s7, "symbol?")))); Xen_define_typed_procedure(S_snd_urls, g_snd_urls_w, 0, 0, 0, H_snd_urls, s7_make_signature(s7, 1, p)); Xen_define_typed_procedure(S_help_dialog, g_help_dialog_w, 2, 2, 0, H_help_dialog, s7_make_signature(s7, 5, p, s, s, p, p)); #define H_help_hook S_help_hook "(subject message): called from " S_snd_help ". If \ it returns a string, it replaces 'message' (the default help)" help_hook = Xen_define_hook(S_help_hook, "(make-hook 'subject 'message)", 2, H_help_hook); #if HAVE_SCHEME #define H_output_comment_hook S_output_comment_hook " (comment): called in Save-As dialog, passed current sound's comment, if any. \ If more than one hook function, each function gets the previous function's output as its input.\n\ (hook-push " S_output_comment_hook "\n\ (lambda (hook)\n\ (set! (hook 'result) (string-append (hook 'comment) \n\ \": written \"\n\ (strftime \"%a %d-%b-%Y %H:%M %Z\"\n\ (localtime (current-time)))))))" #endif #if HAVE_RUBY #define H_output_comment_hook S_output_comment_hook " (str): called in Save-As dialog, passed current sound's comment, if any. \ If more than one hook function, each function gets the previous function's output as its input.\n\ $output_comment_hook.add_hook!(\"comment\") do |str|\n\ str + \": written \" + Time.new.localtime.strftime(\"%a %d-%b-%y %H:%M %Z\")\n\ end" #endif #if HAVE_FORTH #define H_output_comment_hook S_output_comment_hook " (str): called in Save-As dialog, passed current sound's comment, if any. \ If more than one hook function, each function gets the previous function's output as its input.\n\ " S_output_comment_hook " lambda: <{ str }>\n\ \"%s: written %s\" '( str date ) format\n\ ; add-hook!" #endif output_comment_hook = Xen_define_hook(S_output_comment_hook, "(make-hook 'comment)", 1, H_output_comment_hook); Xen_define_typed_dilambda(S_html_dir, g_html_dir_w, H_html_dir, S_set S_html_dir, g_set_html_dir_w, 0, 0, 1, 0, pcl_s, pcl_s); Xen_define_typed_dilambda(S_html_program, g_html_program_w, H_html_program, S_set S_html_program, g_set_html_program_w, 0, 0, 1, 0, pcl_s, pcl_s); #if HAVE_SCHEME autoload_info(s7); /* snd-xref.c included above */ s7_set_setter(s7, ss->html_dir_symbol, s7_make_function(s7, "[acc-" S_html_dir "]", acc_html_dir, 2, 0, false, "accessor")); s7_set_setter(s7, ss->html_program_symbol, s7_make_function(s7, "[acc-" S_html_program "]", acc_html_program, 2, 0, false, "accessor")); s7_set_documentation(s7, ss->html_dir_symbol, "*html-dir*: location of Snd documentation"); s7_set_documentation(s7, ss->html_program_symbol, "*html-program*: name of documentation reader (firefox)"); #endif }