@(#)README 1.3 01/04/13 CDDB "classic" library for xmcd --------------------------------------------------------------------- This directory contains source files for libcddb, which is a partial implementation of the Gracenote CDDBČ API for UNIX. Internally this library uses the "classic" CDDB servers/protocol and therefore provides only a subset of the newer CDDBČ features. This is the default CDDB library included with the xmcd/cda source code distribution. For those OS and platforms that an official Gracenote CDDBČ library is available, a CDDBČ support kit can be downloaded from the official xmcd web site. See the docs_d/INSTALL and docs_d/CDDB files for details. For the official xmcd/cda pre-compiled binary distributions, the Gracenote CDDBČ library is used if it is available for your OS and platform. Otherwise, the xmcd/cda executables are statically linked with this library. Note that this library is compiled in archive (.a) form, while the official Gracenote CDDBČ library is likely to be a shared library (.so). This means that once an xmcd/cda executable is linked to use this library, it will not use the Gracenote CDDBČ shared library unless it is re-linked to dynamically use the latter. This library only implements a subset of the CDDBČ API, enough to support xmcd/cda, but not enough to be a general purpose substitute for Gracenote's CDDBČ library. This means that attempts at linking this library with other CDDBČ-enabled applications would probably fail. Since xmcd/cda's use of the CDDBČ API may change from version to version, this library is matched and supplied with each xmcd/cda release. The author of xmcd/cda provides support for this library. However, please contact Gracenote for all issues with their official CDDBČ library.