16.11.2000 - released 0.9.4 - renamed gmixer to xgmixer cause of a name conflict with an other mixer program - changed order of argv parsing 22.08.1999 gtk+ version: - more entries in the exmaple rc file - added tooltips for the small buttons - close dialog on escape button and return button - introduced a [global] section in the config file - bugfix which hides all sliders when there is a config file but another mixer device is used as the config is for - adjust also the sliders if user reloads old settings - added label in the menubar to view the current values - popup dialog at mouse pointer for the change-label dialog 22.08.1999 - released 0.9.3 - changed title of toplevel (gtk+ version) 21.08.1999 - added setup.tcl gtk+ version: - added menu entries to switch on/off devices - added manual menu entry - added callback to change the labels 21.08.1999 - released 0.9.2 - added about.h - removed scff subdirectory and copied scf.c/h to the source directory - added first running gtk+ version (gmixer) - changed configure.in/configure - started a gui_gtk.c - renamed gui.c to gui_xaw.c - moved icons to icons/ 06.10.1998 - added mute toggle 30.09.1998 - add support for multiple record source selection 28.09.1998 - released 0.9 - changes in Imakefile - bug fix in show-menu() - added label for volume values - updated xmixer.man - bug fix in CbRec() - changed content of "about" and some bitmaps 28.09.1998 - released 0.8 - changed layout 04.10.1997 - changed menu widgets .. 02.10.1997 - changed "CbReload()" to use also the mapping informations - removed some xaw widgets and introduced some own widgets 29.09.1997 - released 0.7 - device labels can be changed via mouse - window manager can now close app windows - filled the menu option "File->Load Settings" with live 25.09.1997 - device labels can be changed via config file 14.09.1997 - release 0.6 - now unmaping devices will resize the program window 29.08.1997 - unofficial release 0.5 - added small bitmaps to the new map menu - added new menu for mapping/unmapping of the devices, thanks to Gerd Knorr (kraxel@goldbach.isdn.cs.tu-berlin.de) who send me a patch for this feature :) 11.08.1997 - unofficial release 0.4 - now for batch mode no x server connection is needed .. - added reload menu entry 10.08.1997 - added update function 28.07.1997 - changed the configuration file format 25.07.1997 - added application icon 21.07.1997 - renamed config file suffix to "scf" (Standard Configuration File Format) - minor cosmetic changes / fixes 21.07.1997 - released 0.3 - menu with "save" option - support for a cfg file - new command line switch "-n" which skippes the parsing of the cfg file - new command line switch "-d" to dump the settings to stdout and terminate 20.07.1997 - first public release (0.2)