package hiseq; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Random; import fileIO.ByteFile; import fileIO.FileFormat; import fileIO.ReadWrite; import fileIO.TextStreamWriter; import jgi.Dedupe; import kmer.AbstractKmerTable; import kmer.HashArray1D; import kmer.ScheduleMaker; import shared.Parse; import shared.Parser; import shared.PreParser; import shared.Shared; import shared.Timer; import shared.Tools; import shared.TrimRead; import stream.ConcurrentReadInputStream; import stream.ConcurrentReadOutputStream; import stream.FASTQ; import stream.FastaReadInputStream; import stream.Read; import structures.ListNum; /** * Analyzes a flow cell for low-quality areas. * Removes reads in the low-quality areas. * * @author Brian Bushnell * @date August 31, 2016 * */ public class AnalyzeFlowCell { /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------- Initialization ----------------*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Code entrance from the command line. * @param args Command line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args){ Timer t=new Timer(); AnalyzeFlowCell x=new AnalyzeFlowCell(args); x.process(t); //Close the print stream if it was redirected Shared.closeStream(x.outstream); } /** * Constructor. * @param args Command line arguments */ public AnalyzeFlowCell(String[] args){ {//Preparse block for help, config files, and outstream PreParser pp=new PreParser(args, getClass(), false); args=pp.args; outstream=pp.outstream; } //Set shared static variables ReadWrite.USE_PIGZ=ReadWrite.USE_UNPIGZ=true; ReadWrite.MAX_ZIP_THREADS=Shared.threads(); Parser parser=parse(args); if(gToN || discardG){MicroTile.TRACK_CYCLES=true;} {//Process parser fields Parser.processQuality(); maxReads=parser.maxReads; overwrite=parser.overwrite; append=parser.append; setInterleaved=parser.setInterleaved; in1=parser.in1; in2=parser.in2; qfin1=parser.qfin1; qfin2=parser.qfin2; out1=parser.out1; out2=parser.out2; qfout1=parser.qfout1; qfout2=parser.qfout2; extin=parser.extin; extout=parser.extout; trimq=parser.trimq; trimE=parser.trimE(); minlen=parser.minReadLength; trimLeft=parser.qtrimLeft; trimRight=parser.qtrimRight; } checkFiles(); //Create output FileFormat objects ffout1=FileFormat.testOutput(out1, FileFormat.FASTQ, extout, true, overwrite, append, false); ffout2=FileFormat.testOutput(out2, FileFormat.FASTQ, extout, true, overwrite, append, false); ffoutbad=FileFormat.testOutput(outbad, FileFormat.FASTQ, extout, true, overwrite, append, false); //Create input FileFormat objects ffin1=FileFormat.testInput(in1, FileFormat.FASTQ, extin, true, true); ffin2=FileFormat.testInput(in2, FileFormat.FASTQ, extin, true, true); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------- Initialization Helpers ----------------*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ private Parser parse(String[] args){ //Create a parser object Parser parser=new Parser(); parser.qtrimRight=trimRight; parser.trimq=trimq; parser.minReadLength=minlen; //Parse each argument for(int i=0; i1 ? split[1] : null; if(a.equals("verbose")){ verbose=Parse.parseBoolean(b); }else if(a.equals("seed")){ seed=Long.parseLong(b); }else if(a.equals("divisor") || a.equals("size")){ Tile.xSize=Tile.ySize=Integer.parseInt(b); }else if(a.equals("xdivisor") || a.equals("xsize")){ Tile.xSize=Integer.parseInt(b); }else if(a.equals("ydivisor") || a.equals("ysize")){ Tile.ySize=Integer.parseInt(b); }else if(a.equals("target")){ targetAverageReads=Integer.parseInt(b); }else if(a.equals("dump")){ dump=b; }else if(a.equals("indump") || a.equals("ind") || a.equals("dumpin")){ dumpIn=b; }else if(a.equals("pound")){ pound=Parse.parseBoolean(b); }else if(a.equals("loadkmers") || a.equals("usekmers")){ loadKmers=Parse.parseBoolean(b); }else if(a.equals("lqo") || a.equals("lowqualityonly")){ discardOnlyLowQuality=Parse.parseBoolean(b); }else if(a.equals("dl") || a.equals("discardlevel")){ discardLevel=Integer.parseInt(b); }else if(a.equals("outbad") || a.equals("outb") || a.equals("outtoss") || a.equals("outt") || a.equals("outunwanted") || a.equals("outu")){ outbad=b; } else if(a.equals("deviations") || a.equals("d")){ qDeviations=uDeviations=eDeviations=gDeviations=Float.parseFloat(b); }else if(a.equals("qdeviations") || a.equals("qd") || a.equals("dq")){ qDeviations=Float.parseFloat(b); }else if(a.equals("udeviations") || a.equals("ud") || a.equals("du")){ uDeviations=Float.parseFloat(b); }else if(a.equals("edeviations") || a.equals("ed") || a.equals("de")){ eDeviations=Float.parseFloat(b); }else if(a.equals("gdeviations") || a.equals("gd") || a.equals("dg")){ gDeviations=Float.parseFloat(b); } else if(a.equals("qfraction") || a.equals("qf")){ qualFraction=Float.parseFloat(b); }else if(a.equals("ufraction") || a.equals("uf")){ uniqueFraction=Float.parseFloat(b); }else if(a.equals("efraction") || a.equals("ef")){ errorFreeFraction=Float.parseFloat(b); }else if(a.equals("gfraction") || a.equals("gf")){ gFraction=Float.parseFloat(b); } else if(a.equals("qabsolute") || a.equals("qa")){ qualAbs=Float.parseFloat(b); }else if(a.equals("uabsolute") || a.equals("ua")){ uniqueAbs=Float.parseFloat(b); }else if(a.equals("eabsolute") || a.equals("ea")){ errorFreeAbs=Float.parseFloat(b); }else if(a.equals("gabsolute") || a.equals("ga")){ gAbs=Float.parseFloat(b); } else if(a.equals("gton")){ gToN=Parse.parseBoolean(b); }else if(a.equals("discardg")){ discardG=Parse.parseBoolean(b); } else if(a.equals("minpolyg")){ MicroTile.MIN_POLY_G=Integer.parseInt(b); }else if(a.equals("trackcycles")){ MicroTile.TRACK_CYCLES=Parse.parseBoolean(b); } else if(a.equals("parse_flag_goes_here")){ //Set a variable here }else if(parser.parse(arg, a, b)){//Parse standard flags in the parser //do nothing }else{ outstream.println("Unknown parameter "+args[i]); assert(false) : "Unknown parameter "+args[i]; // throw new RuntimeException("Unknown parameter "+args[i]); } } return parser; } private void checkFiles(){ doPoundReplacement(); adjustInterleaving(); checkFileExistence(); checkStatics(); } private void doPoundReplacement(){ //Do input file # replacement if(in1!=null && in2==null && in1.indexOf('#')>-1 && !new File(in1).exists()){ in2=in1.replace("#", "2"); in1=in1.replace("#", "1"); } //Do output file # replacement if(out1!=null && out2==null && out1.indexOf('#')>-1){ out2=out1.replace("#", "2"); out1=out1.replace("#", "1"); } //Ensure there is an input file if(in1==null){throw new RuntimeException("Error - at least one input file is required.");} //Ensure out2 is not set without out1 if(out1==null && out2!=null){throw new RuntimeException("Error - cannot define out2 without defining out1.");} } private void checkFileExistence(){ //Ensure output files can be written if(!Tools.testOutputFiles(overwrite, append, false, out1, out2, outbad, dump)){ outstream.println((out1==null)+", "+(out2==null)+", "+out1+", "+out2+", "+outbad); throw new RuntimeException("\n\noverwrite="+overwrite+"; Can't write to output files "+out1+", "+out2+", "+outbad+", "+dump+"\n"); } //Ensure input files can be read if(!Tools.testInputFiles(false, true, in1, in2)){ throw new RuntimeException("\nCan't read some input files.\n"); } //Ensure that no file was specified multiple times if(!Tools.testForDuplicateFiles(true, in1, in2, out1, out2, outbad, dump)){ throw new RuntimeException("\nSome file names were specified multiple times.\n"); } } private void adjustInterleaving(){ //Adjust interleaved detection based on the number of input files if(in2!=null){ if(FASTQ.FORCE_INTERLEAVED){outstream.println("Reset INTERLEAVED to false because paired input files were specified.");} FASTQ.FORCE_INTERLEAVED=FASTQ.TEST_INTERLEAVED=false; } //Adjust interleaved settings based on number of output files if(!setInterleaved){ assert(in1!=null && (out1!=null || out2==null)) : "\nin1="+in1+"\nin2="+in2+"\nout1="+out1+"\nout2="+out2+"\n"; if(in2!=null){ //If there are 2 input streams. FASTQ.FORCE_INTERLEAVED=FASTQ.TEST_INTERLEAVED=false; outstream.println("Set INTERLEAVED to "+FASTQ.FORCE_INTERLEAVED); }else{ //There is one input stream. if(out2!=null){ FASTQ.FORCE_INTERLEAVED=true; FASTQ.TEST_INTERLEAVED=false; outstream.println("Set INTERLEAVED to "+FASTQ.FORCE_INTERLEAVED); } } } } private static void checkStatics(){ //Adjust the number of threads for input file reading if(!ByteFile.FORCE_MODE_BF1 && !ByteFile.FORCE_MODE_BF2 && Shared.threads()>2){ ByteFile.FORCE_MODE_BF2=true; } assert(FastaReadInputStream.settingsOK()); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------- Outer Methods ----------------*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Create read streams and process all data */ public void process(Timer t){ //Reset counters readsProcessed=0; basesProcessed=0; if(dumpIn==null){ flowcell=new FlowCell(); if(loadKmers){loadKmers();} fillTiles(); keySets=null; }else{ flowcell=new FlowCell(dumpIn); if(flowcell.avgReads ln=cris.nextList(); //Grab the actual read list from the ListNum ArrayList reads=(ln!=null ? ln.list : null); //Check to ensure pairing is as expected if(reads!=null && !reads.isEmpty()){ Read r=reads.get(0); assert((ffin1==null || ffin1.samOrBam()) || (r.mate!=null)==cris.paired()); } //As long as there is a nonempty read list... while(ln!=null && reads!=null && reads.size()>0){//ln!=null prevents a compiler potential null access warning if(verbose){outstream.println("Fetched "+reads.size()+" reads.");} ArrayList keepList=new ArrayList(reads.size()); ArrayList tossList=new ArrayList(4); //Loop through each read in the list for(int idx=0; idx ln=cris.nextList(); //Grab the actual read list from the ListNum ArrayList reads=(ln!=null ? ln.list : null); //Check to ensure pairing is as expected if(reads!=null && !reads.isEmpty()){ Read r=reads.get(0); assert((ffin1==null || ffin1.samOrBam()) || (r.mate!=null)==cris.paired()); } //As long as there is a nonempty read list... while(ln!=null && reads!=null && reads.size()>0){//ln!=null prevents a compiler potential null access warning if(verbose){outstream.println("Fetched "+reads.size()+" reads.");} //Loop through each read in the list for(int idx=0; idx=k && randy.nextBoolean()){ final long kmer=toKmer(r1.bases, r1.quality, randy.nextInt(initialLength1-k2), k); if(kmer>=0){ AbstractKmerTable table=keySets[(int)(kmer%WAYS)]; table.increment(kmer, 1); } } if(initialLength2>=k && randy.nextBoolean()){ final long kmer=toKmer(r2.bases, r2.quality, randy.nextInt(initialLength2-k2), k); if(kmer>=0){ AbstractKmerTable table=keySets[(int)(kmer%WAYS)]; table.increment(kmer, 1); } } } //Notify the input stream that the list was used cris.returnList(ln); if(verbose){outstream.println("Returned a list.");} //Fetch a new list ln=cris.nextList(); reads=(ln!=null ? ln.list : null); } //Notify the input stream that the final list was used if(ln!=null){ cris.returnList(, ln.list==null || ln.list.isEmpty()); } } //Do anything necessary after processing } /** Iterate through the reads */ public void fillTilesInner(final ConcurrentReadInputStream cris){ Timer t2=new Timer(); outstream.print("Filling tiles: \t"); { //Grab the first ListNum of reads ListNum ln=cris.nextList(); //Grab the actual read list from the ListNum ArrayList reads=(ln!=null ? ln.list : null); //Check to ensure pairing is as expected if(reads!=null && !reads.isEmpty()){ Read r=reads.get(0); assert((ffin1==null || ffin1.samOrBam()) || (r.mate!=null)==cris.paired()); } //As long as there is a nonempty read list... while(ln!=null && reads!=null && reads.size()>0){//ln!=null prevents a compiler potential null access warning if(verbose){outstream.println("Fetched "+reads.size()+" reads.");} //Loop through each read in the list for(int idx=0; idx=k){ final long kmer=toKmer(r1.bases, r1.quality, randy.nextInt(initialLength1-k2), k); if(kmer>=0){ AbstractKmerTable table=keySets[(int)(kmer%WAYS)]; if(table.getValue(kmer)>0){mt.hits++;} else{mt.misses++;} }else{mt.misses++;} } if(initialLength1>=k){ final long kmer=toKmer(r1.bases, r1.quality, randy.nextInt(initialLength1-k2), k); if(kmer>=0){ AbstractKmerTable table=keySets[(int)(kmer%WAYS)]; if(table.getValue(kmer)>0){mt.hits++;} else{mt.misses++;} }else{mt.misses++;} } } mt.add(r1); mt.add(r2); } //Notify the input stream that the list was used cris.returnList(ln); if(verbose){outstream.println("Returned a list.");} //Fetch a new list ln=cris.nextList(); reads=(ln!=null ? ln.list : null); } //Notify the input stream that the final list was used if(ln!=null){ cris.returnList(, ln.list==null || ln.list.isEmpty()); } } t2.stop(); outstream.println(t2); ArrayList mtList=flowcell.calcStats(); if(flowcell.avgReads0){ TrimRead.trimFast(r1, trimLeft, trimRight, trimq, trimE, 0); if(r2!=null){TrimRead.trimFast(r2, trimLeft, trimRight, trimq, trimE, 0);} return r1.length()>=minlen && (r2==null || r2.length()>=minlen); }else{ return false; } } /** * Process a single read pair. * @param r1 Read 1 * @param r2 Read 2 (may be null) * @return True if the reads should be kept, false if they should be discarded. */ boolean processReadPair_inner(final Read r1, final Read r2){ MicroTile mt=flowcell.getMicroTile(; if(mt==null){ if(!warned){ outstream.println("\nWarning - a read was found with no corresponding MicroTile:\n"; warned=true; } return true; } if(mt.discard0){ double qual=r1.avgQualityByProbabilityDouble(true, len1); double prob=100*r1.probabilityErrorFree(true, len1); if(qual0){ double qual=r2.avgQualityByProbabilityDouble(true, len2); double prob=100*r2.probabilityErrorFree(true, len2); if(qualthresh){ return true; } } return false; } private int doGToN(Read r, MicroTile mt){ final byte[] bases=r.bases; final byte[] quals=r.quality; final float[] gArray=mt.tracker.cycleAverages[2]; final float thresh=(float)(avgG+Tools.max(gDeviations*stdG, avgG*gFraction, gAbs)); int changes=0; for(int i=0; ithresh){ bases[i]='N'; changes++; if(quals!=null){quals[i]=0;} } } return changes; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------- Helper Methods ----------------*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Generate a kmer from specified start location * @param bases * @param start * @param klen kmer length * @return kmer */ private static final long toKmer(final byte[] bases, byte[] quals, final int start, final int klen){ // if(minprob>0 && quals!=null){ // float prob=toProb(quals, start, klen); // if(prob mtList, double avgReads){ for(MicroTile mt : mtList){ mt.discard=0; } long readsToDiscard=0; cDiscards=qDiscards=eDiscards=uDiscards=mtDiscards=gDiscards=mtRetained=0; for(MicroTile mt : mtList){ double q=mt.averageQuality(); double e=mt.percentErrorFree(); double u=mt.uniquePercent(); double g=mt.maxG(); double dq=avgQuality-q; double de=avgErrorFree-e; double du=u-avgUnique; double dg=g-avgG; if(mt.readCount<10 && mt.readCount<0.02f*avgReads){ mt.discard++; cDiscards++; } if(dq>qDeviations*stdQuality && dq>avgQuality*qualFraction && dq>qualAbs){ mt.discard++; qDiscards++; } if(de>eDeviations*stdErrorFree && de>avgErrorFree*errorFreeFraction && de>errorFreeAbs){ mt.discard++; eDiscards++; } if(avgUnique>2 && avgUnique<98){ if(du>uDeviations*stdUnique && du>avgUnique*uniqueFraction && du>uniqueAbs){ mt.discard++; uDiscards++; } } //Or mode // if(dq>qDeviations*stdQuality || dq>avgQuality*qualFraction || dq>qualAbs){ // mt.discard++; // qDiscards++; // } // if(de>eDeviations*stdErrorFree || de>avgErrorFree*errorFreeFraction || de>errorFreeAbs){ // mt.discard++; // eDiscards++; // } // if(avgUnique>2 && avgUnique<98){ // if(du>uDeviations*stdUnique || du>avgUnique*uniqueFraction || du>uniqueAbs){ // mt.discard++; // uDiscards++; // } // } if((discardG || gToN) && (dg>gDeviations*stdG && dg>avgG*gFraction && dg>gAbs)){ mt.discard++; gDiscards++; } if(mt.discard>0){ mtDiscards++; readsToDiscard+=mt.readCount; } else{mtRetained++;} } outstream.println(); outstream.println("Flagged "+mtDiscards+" of "+(mtDiscards+mtRetained)+" micro-tiles, containing "+readsToDiscard+" reads:"); outstream.println(uDiscards+" exceeded uniqueness thresholds."); outstream.println(qDiscards+" exceeded quality thresholds."); outstream.println(eDiscards+" exceeded error-free probability thresholds."); outstream.println(gDiscards+" contained G spikes."); outstream.println(cDiscards+" had too few reads to calculate statistics."); outstream.println(); return readsToDiscard; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------- Fields ----------------*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Primary input file path */ private String in1=null; /** Secondary input file path */ private String in2=null; private String qfin1=null; private String qfin2=null; /** Primary output file path */ private String out1=null; /** Secondary output file path */ private String out2=null; /** Discard output file path */ private String outbad=null; private String qfout1=null; private String qfout2=null; /** Override input file extension */ private String extin=null; /** Override output file extension */ private String extout=null; private boolean pound=true; private String dump=null; private String dumpIn=null; /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Number of reads processed */ public long readsProcessed=0; /** Number of bases processed */ public long basesProcessed=0; /** Number of reads discarded */ public long readsDiscarded=0; /** Number of bases discarded */ public long basesDiscarded=0; protected long cDiscards=0; protected long uDiscards=0; protected long qDiscards=0; protected long eDiscards=0; protected long gDiscards=0; protected long mtDiscards=0; protected long mtRetained=0; protected long gsTransformedToN=0; /** Quit after processing this many input reads; -1 means no limit */ private long maxReads=-1; /** Whether interleaved was explicitly set. */ private boolean setInterleaved=false; /** Hold kmers. A kmer X such that X%WAYS=Y will be stored in keySets[Y] */ private AbstractKmerTable[] keySets; private int targetAverageReads=800; private float minprob=0; private static final int WAYS=31; private static final int k=31, k2=30; private long seed=-1; private final Random randy=Shared.threadLocalRandom(seed); private FlowCell flowcell; // private int[] avgQualityArray; // private int[] avgUniqueArray; private long minCountToUse=0; private float qDeviations=2f; private float uDeviations=1.5f; private float eDeviations=2f; private float gDeviations=2f; private float qualFraction=0.01f; private float uniqueFraction=0.01f; private float errorFreeFraction=0.01f; private float gFraction=0.1f; private float qualAbs=1f; private float uniqueAbs=1f; private float errorFreeAbs=1f; private float gAbs=0.05f; private double avgQuality; private double avgUnique; private double avgErrorFree; private double avgG; private double stdQuality; private double stdUnique; private double stdErrorFree; private double stdG; private boolean loadKmers=true; private boolean discardOnlyLowQuality=true; private int discardLevel=1; private boolean gToN=false; private boolean discardG=false; private int minlen=30; private float trimq=-1; private final float trimE; private boolean trimLeft=false; private boolean trimRight=true; private boolean warned=false; /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------- Final Fields ----------------*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Primary input file */ private final FileFormat ffin1; /** Secondary input file */ private final FileFormat ffin2; /** Primary output file */ private final FileFormat ffout1; /** Secondary output file */ private final FileFormat ffout2; /** Output for discarded reads */ private final FileFormat ffoutbad; /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------- Common Fields ----------------*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Number of reads output in the last run */ public static long lastReadsOut; /** Print status messages to this output stream */ private PrintStream outstream=System.err; /** Print verbose messages */ public static boolean verbose=false; /** True if an error was encountered */ public boolean errorState=false; /** Overwrite existing output files */ private boolean overwrite=false; /** Append to existing output files */ private boolean append=false; /** This flag has no effect on singlethreaded programs */ private final boolean ordered=false; }