// hhhmm.C #include "hhhmm.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Class HMM ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Object constructor ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HMM::HMM(int maxseqdis, int maxres) : maxseqdis(maxseqdis), maxres(maxres) { sname = new char*[maxseqdis]; // names of stored sequences seq = new char*[maxseqdis]; // residues of stored sequences (first at pos 1!) Neff_M = new float[maxres]; // Neff_M[i] = diversity of subalignment of seqs that have residue in col i Neff_I = new float[maxres]; // Neff_I[i] = diversity of subalignment of seqs that have insert in col i Neff_D = new float[maxres]; // Neff_D[i] = diversity of subalignment of seqs that have delete in col i longname = new char[DESCLEN]; // Full name of first sequence of original alignment (NAME field) // Make Clang memory sanitizer happy, avoid copying uninitialized values in HMM::operator=() name[0] = file[0] = fam[0] = sfam[0] = fold[0] = cl[0] = '\0'; ss_dssp = new char[maxres]; // secondary structure determined by dssp 0:- 1:H 2:E 3:C 4:S 5:T 6:G 7:B sa_dssp = new char[maxres]; // solvent accessibility state determined by dssp 0:- 1:A (absolutely buried) 2:B 3:C 4:D 5:E (exposed) ss_pred = new char[maxres]; // predicted secondary structure 0:- 1:H 2:E 3:C ss_conf = new char[maxres]; // confidence value of prediction 0:- 1:0 ... 10:9 l = new int[maxres]; // l[i] = pos. of j'th match state in aligment f = new float*[maxres]; // f[i][a] = prob of finding amino acid a in column i WITHOUT pseudocounts g = new float*[maxres]; // f[i][a] = prob of finding amino acid a in column i WITH pseudocounts p = new float*[maxres]; // p[i][a] = prob of finding amino acid a in column i WITH OPTIMUM pseudocounts tr = new float*[maxres]; // log2 of transition probabilities M2M M2I M2D I2M I2I D2M D2D for (int i = 0; i < maxres; i++) f[i] = new float[NAA + 3]; for (int i = 0; i < maxres; i++) g[i] = new float[NAA]; for (int i = 0; i < maxres; i++) p[i] = (float*) mem_align(ALIGN_FLOAT, NAA * sizeof(float)); // align memory on 16B/32B boundaries for SSE2 / AVX for (int i = 0; i < maxres; i++) tr[i] = (float*) mem_align(ALIGN_FLOAT, NTRANS * sizeof(float)); L = 0; Neff_HMM = 0; n_display = n_seqs = N_in = N_filtered = 0; nss_dssp = nsa_dssp = nss_pred = nss_conf = nfirst = ncons = -1; lamda = 0.0; mu = 0.0; name[0] = longname[0] = fam[0] = '\0'; trans_lin = 0; // transition probs in log space dont_delete_seqs = false; has_pseudocounts = false; divided_by_local_bg_freqs = false; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Object destructor ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HMM::~HMM() { //Delete name and seq matrices if (!dont_delete_seqs) // don't delete sname and seq if flat copy to hit object has been made { for (int k = 0; k < n_seqs; k++) delete[] sname[k]; for (int k = 0; k < n_seqs; k++) delete[] seq[k]; } else // Delete all not shown sequences (lost otherwise) { if (n_seqs > n_display) { for (int k = n_display; k < n_seqs; k++) delete[] sname[k]; for (int k = n_display; k < n_seqs; k++) delete[] seq[k]; } } delete[] sname; delete[] seq; delete[] Neff_M; delete[] Neff_D; delete[] Neff_I; delete[] longname; delete[] ss_dssp; delete[] sa_dssp; delete[] ss_pred; delete[] ss_conf; delete[] l; for (int i = 0; i < maxres; i++) if (f[i]) delete[] f[i]; else break; for (int i = 0; i < maxres; i++) if (g[i]) delete[] g[i]; else break; for (int i = 0; i < maxres; i++) if (p[i]) free(p[i]); else break; for (int i = 0; i < maxres; i++) if (tr[i]) free(tr[i]); else break; delete[] f; delete[] g; delete[] p; delete[] tr; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Deep-copy constructor ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HMM& HMM::operator=(HMM& q) { if (!dont_delete_seqs) // don't delete sname and seq if flat copy to hit object has been made { for (int k = 0; k < n_seqs; k++) delete[] sname[k]; for (int k = 0; k < n_seqs; k++) delete[] seq[k]; } else // Delete all not shown sequences (lost otherwise) { if (n_seqs > n_display) { for (int k = n_display; k < n_seqs; k++) delete[] sname[k]; for (int k = n_display; k < n_seqs; k++) delete[] seq[k]; } } L = q.L; for (int i = 0; i <= L + 1; ++i) { for (int a = 0; a < NAA; ++a) { f[i][a] = q.f[i][a]; g[i][a] = q.g[i][a]; p[i][a] = q.p[i][a]; } for (int a = 0; a < NTRANS; ++a) tr[i][a] = q.tr[i][a]; ss_dssp[i] = q.ss_dssp[i]; sa_dssp[i] = q.sa_dssp[i]; ss_pred[i] = q.ss_pred[i]; ss_conf[i] = q.ss_conf[i]; l[i] = q.l[i]; } n_display = q.n_display; n_seqs = q.n_seqs; for (int k = 0; k < n_seqs; k++) { sname[k] = new char[strlen(q.sname[k]) + 1]; if (!sname[k]) MemoryError("array of names for sequences to display", __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__); strcpy(sname[k], q.sname[k]); } for (int k = 0; k < n_seqs; k++) { seq[k] = new char[strlen(q.seq[k]) + 1]; if (!seq[k]) MemoryError("array of names for sequences to display", __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__); strcpy(seq[k], q.seq[k]); } ncons = q.ncons; nfirst = q.nfirst; nss_dssp = q.nss_dssp; nsa_dssp = q.nsa_dssp; nss_pred = q.nss_pred; nss_conf = q.nss_conf; for (int i = 0; i <= L + 1; ++i) Neff_M[i] = q.Neff_M[i]; for (int i = 0; i <= L + 1; ++i) Neff_I[i] = q.Neff_I[i]; for (int i = 0; i <= L + 1; ++i) Neff_D[i] = q.Neff_D[i]; Neff_HMM = q.Neff_HMM; strcpy(longname, q.longname); strmcpy(name, q.name, NAMELEN - 1); strmcpy(file, q.file, NAMELEN - 1); strmcpy(fam, q.fam, NAMELEN - 1); strmcpy(sfam, q.sfam, IDLEN - 1); strmcpy(fold, q.fold, IDLEN - 1); strmcpy(cl, q.cl, IDLEN - 1); lamda = q.lamda; mu = q.mu; trans_lin = q.trans_lin; // transition probs in log space dont_delete_seqs = q.dont_delete_seqs; has_pseudocounts = q.has_pseudocounts; divided_by_local_bg_freqs = q.divided_by_local_bg_freqs; for (int a = 0; a < NAA; ++a) pav[a] = q.pav[a]; N_in = q.N_in; N_filtered = q.N_filtered; return (HMM&) (*this); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Read an HMM from an HHsearch .hhm file; return 0 at end of file ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int HMM::Read(FILE* dbf, const int maxcol, const int nseqdis, float* pb, char* path) { char line[LINELEN] = ""; // input line char str3[8] = "", str4[8] = ""; // first 3 and 4 letters of input line char* ptr; // pointer for string manipulation int i = 0; // index for match state (first=1) int a; // amino acid index int warn = 0; //Delete name and seq matrices if (!dont_delete_seqs) // Delete all sname and seq if no flat copy to hit object has been made { for (int k = 0; k < n_seqs; k++) delete[] sname[k]; for (int k = 0; k < n_seqs; k++) delete[] seq[k]; } else // Otherwise, delete only sequences not diplayed (lost otherwise) { if (n_seqs > n_display) { for (int k = n_display; k < n_seqs; k++) delete[] sname[k]; for (int k = n_display; k < n_seqs; k++) delete[] seq[k]; } } L = 0; Neff_HMM = 0; n_display = N_in = N_filtered = 0; nss_dssp = nsa_dssp = nss_pred = nss_conf = nfirst = ncons = -1; lamda = mu = 0.0; name[0] = longname[0] = fam[0] = '\0'; trans_lin = 0; // transition probs in log space has_pseudocounts = false; dont_delete_seqs = false; divided_by_local_bg_freqs = false; //If at the end of while-loop L is still 0 then we have reached end of db file while (fgetline(line, LINELEN - 1, dbf) && !(line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/')) { if (strscn(line) == NULL) continue; // skip lines that contain only white space substr(str3, line, 0, 2); // copy the first three characters into str3 substr(str4, line, 0, 3); // copy the first four characters into str4 if (!strncmp("HH", line, 2)) continue; if (!strcmp("NAME", str4)) { ptr = strscn(line + 4); //advance to first non-white-space character if (ptr) { strmcpy(longname, ptr, DESCLEN - 1); //copy full name to longname strmcpy(name, ptr, NAMELEN - 1); //copy longname to name... strcut(name); //...cut after first word... } else { strcpy(longname, "undefined"); strcpy(name, "undefined"); } HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << "Reading in HMM " << name << ":" << std::endl; } else if (!strcmp("FAM", str3)) { ptr = strscn(line + 3); //advance to first non-white-space character if (ptr) strmcpy(fam, ptr, IDLEN - 1); else strcpy(fam, ""); //copy family name to basename ScopID(cl, fold, sfam, fam); //get scop classification from basename (e.g. a. } else if (!strcmp("FILE", str4)) { if (path) strmcpy(file, path, NAMELEN - 1); else *file = '\0'; // copy path to file variable ptr = strscn(line + 4); //advance to first non-white-space character if (ptr) strncat(file, ptr, NAMELEN - 1 - strlen(file)); // append file name read from file to path else strcat(file, "*"); } else if (!strcmp("LENG", str4)) { ptr = line + 4; L = strint(ptr); //read next integer (number of match states) } else if (!strcmp("FILT", str4) || !strcmp("NSEQ", str4)) { ptr = line + 4; N_filtered = strint(ptr); //read next integer: number of sequences after filtering N_in = strint(ptr); //read next integer: number of sequences in alignment } else if (!strcmp("NEFF", str4) || !strcmp("NAA", str3)) sscanf(line + 6, "%f", &Neff_HMM); else if (!strcmp("EVD", str3)) { // char key[IDLEN]; sscanf(line + 6, "%f %f", &lamda, &mu); // sscanf(line+22,"%s",key); // lamda_hash.Add(key,lamda); // mu_hash.Add(key,mu); } else if (!strcmp("PCT", str3)) { has_pseudocounts = true; } else if (!strcmp("DESC", str4)) continue; else if (!strcmp("COM", str3)) continue; else if (!strcmp("DATE", str4)) continue; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Read template sequences that should get displayed in output alignments else if (!strcmp("SEQ", str3)) { //char cur_seq[par.maxcol]=""; //Sequence currently read in char* cur_seq = new char[maxcol]; //Sequence currently read in int k; // sequence index; start with -1; after reading name of n'th sequence-> k=n int h; // index for character in input line int l = 1; // index of character in sequence seq[k] int i = 1; // index of match states in ss_dssp[i] and ss_pred[i] sequence int n_seq = 0; // number of sequences to be displayed EXCLUDING ss sequences cur_seq[0] = '-'; // overwrite '\0' character at beginning to be able to do strcpy(*,cur_seq) k = -1; while (fgetline(line, LINELEN - 1, dbf) && line[0] != '#') { HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << "Read from file:" << line << std::endl; if (line[0] == '>') //line contains sequence name { if (k >= MAXSEQDIS - 1) //maximum number of allowable sequences exceeded { HH_LOG(WARNING) << "Warning in " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": " << __func__ << ":" << std::endl; HH_LOG(WARNING) << "\tnumber of sequences in " << file << " exceeds maximum allowed number of " << MAXSEQDIS << ". Skipping sequences.\n"; while (fgetline(line, LINELEN - 1, dbf) && line[0] != '#') ; break; } k++; if (!strncmp(line, ">ss_dssp", 8)) nss_dssp = k; else if (!strncmp(line, ">sa_dssp", 8)) nsa_dssp = k; else if (!strncmp(line, ">ss_pred", 8)) nss_pred = k; else if (!strncmp(line, ">ss_conf", 8)) nss_conf = k; else if (!strncmp(line, ">Cons-", 6) || !strncmp(line, ">Consensus", 10)) ncons = k; else { if (nfirst == -1) nfirst = k; // if (n_seq>=par.nseqdis) // {while (fgetline(line,LINELEN-1,dbf) && line[0]!='#'); k--; break;} n_seq++; } //If this is not the first sequence then store residues of previous sequence if (k > 0) { seq[k - 1] = new char[strlen(cur_seq) + 1]; if (!seq[k - 1]) MemoryError("array of sequences to display", __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__); strcpy(seq[k - 1], cur_seq); } // store sequence name strcut(line + 1); //find next white-space character and overwrite it with end-of-string character sname[k] = new char[strlen(line + 1) + 1]; //+1 for terminating '\0' if (!sname[k]) MemoryError("array of names for sequences to display", __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__); strcpy(sname[k], line + 1); //store sequence name in **name l = 1; i = 1; } else //line contains sequence residues { if (k == -1) { HH_LOG(WARNING) << "Ignoring following line while reading HMM" << name << ":\n\'" << line << "\'" << std::endl; continue; } h = 0; //counts characters in current line // Check whether all characters are correct; store into cur_seq if (k == nss_dssp) // lines with dssp secondary structure states (. - H E C S T G B) { while (h < LINELEN && line[h] > '\0' && l < maxcol - 1) { if (ss2i(line[h]) >= 0 && line[h] != '.') { char c = ss2ss(line[h]); cur_seq[l] = c; if (c != '.' && !(c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')) ss_dssp[i++] = ss2i(c); l++; } else if (ss2i(line[h]) == -2) { HH_LOG(WARNING) << std::endl << "Ignoring invalid symbol \'" << line[h] << "\' at pos. " << h << " in line '" << line << "' of HMM " << name << "\n"; } h++; } } if (k == nsa_dssp) // lines with dssp secondary solvent accessibility (- A B C D E) { while (h < LINELEN && line[h] > '\0' && l < maxcol - 1) { if (sa2i(line[h]) >= 0) { char c = line[h]; cur_seq[l] = c; if (c != '.' && !(c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')) sa_dssp[i++] = sa2i(c); l++; } else if (sa2i(line[h]) == -2) { HH_LOG(WARNING) << std::endl << "Ignoring invalid symbol \'" << line[h] << "\' at pos. " << h << " in line '" << line << "' of HMM " << name << "\n"; } h++; } } else if (k == nss_pred) // lines with predicted secondary structure (. - H E C) { while (h < LINELEN && line[h] > '\0' && l < maxcol - 1) { if (ss2i(line[h]) >= 0 && ss2i(line[h]) <= 3 && line[h] != '.') { char c = ss2ss(line[h]); cur_seq[l] = c; if (c != '.' && !(c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')) ss_pred[i++] = ss2i(c); l++; } else if (ss2i(line[h]) == -2) { HH_LOG(WARNING) << std::endl << "Ignoring invalid symbol \'" << line[h] << "\' at pos. " << h << " in line '" << line << "' of HMM " << name << "\n"; } h++; } } else if (k == nss_conf) // lines with confidence values should contain only 0-9, '-', or '.' { while (h < LINELEN && line[h] > '\0' && l < maxcol - 1) { if (line[h] == '-' || (line[h] >= '0' && line[h] <= '9')) { cur_seq[l] = line[h]; ss_conf[l] = cf2i(line[h]); l++; } else if (cf2i(line[h]) == -2) { HH_LOG(WARNING) << std::endl << "Ignoring invalid symbol \'" << line[h] << "\' at pos. " << h << " in line '" << line << "' of HMM " << name << "\n"; } h++; } } else // normal line containing residues { while (h < LINELEN && line[h] > '\0' && l < maxcol - 1) { // ignore '.' and white-space characters ' ', \t and \n (aa2i()==-1) if (aa2i(line[h]) >= 0 && line[h] != '.') { cur_seq[l] = line[h]; l++; } else if (aa2i(line[h]) == -2) { HH_LOG(WARNING) << std::endl << "Ignoring invalid symbol \'" << line[h] << "\' at pos. " << h << " in line '" << line << "' of HMM " << name << "\n"; } h++; } } cur_seq[l] = '\0'; //Ensure that cur_seq ends with a '\0' character } //end else if (n_seq <= nseqdis) n_display = k + 1; } //while(getline) //If this is not the first sequence some residues have already been read in if (k >= 0) { seq[k] = new char[strlen(cur_seq) + 1]; if (!seq[k]) MemoryError("array of sequences to display", __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__); strcpy(seq[k], cur_seq); } n_seqs = k + 1; // DEBUG if (Log::reporting_level() >= DEBUG1) { HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << "nss_dssp=" << nss_dssp << " nsa_dssp=" << nsa_dssp << " nss_pred=" << nss_pred << " nss_conf=" << nss_conf << " nfirst=" << nfirst << std::endl; for (k = 0; k < n_display; k++) { int j; HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << ">" << sname[k] << "(k=" << k << ")\n"; if (k == nss_dssp) { for (j = 1; j <= L; j++) HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << char(i2ss(ss_dssp[j])); } else if (k == nsa_dssp) { for (j = 1; j <= L; j++) HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << char(i2sa(sa_dssp[j])); } else if (k == nss_pred) { for (j = 1; j <= L; j++) HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << char(i2ss(ss_pred[j])); } else if (k == nss_conf) { for (j = 1; j <= L; j++) HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << int(ss_conf[j] - 1); } else { for (j = 1; j <= L; j++) HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << seq[k][j]; } HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << "\n"; } } delete[] cur_seq; } //end if("SEQ") ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Read average amino acid frequencies for HMM else if (!strcmp("FREQ", str4)) FormatError(file, __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, "File has obsolete format. Please use hhmake version > 1.1 to generate hhm files.\n"); else if (!strcmp("AVER", str4)) { } // AVER line scrapped else if (!strcmp("NULL", str4)) { ptr = line + 4; for (a = 0; a < 20 && ptr; ++a) //s2[a]: transform amino acids Sorted by alphabet -> internal numbers for amino acids pb[s2a[a]] = (float) fpow2(float(-strinta(ptr)) / HMMSCALE); if (!ptr) return Warning(dbf, line, name); if (Log::reporting_level() >= DEBUG1) { HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << "\nNULL "; for (a = 0; a < 20; ++a) HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << 100. * pb[s2a[a]] << " "; HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << std::endl; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Read transition probabilities from start state else if (!strcmp("HMM", str3)) { fgetline(line, LINELEN - 1, dbf); // Skip line with amino acid labels fgetline(line, LINELEN - 1, dbf); // Skip line with transition labels ptr = line; for (a = 0; a <= D2D && ptr; ++a) tr[0][a] = float(-strinta(ptr)) / HMMSCALE; //store transition probabilites as log2 values // strinta returns next integer in string and puts ptr to first char // after the integer. Returns -99999 if '*' is found. // ptr is set to 0 if no integer is found after ptr. Neff_M[0] = float(strinta(ptr)) / HMMSCALE; // Read eff. number of sequences with M->? transition Neff_I[0] = float(strinta(ptr)) / HMMSCALE; // Read eff. number of sequences with I->? transition Neff_D[0] = float(strinta(ptr)) / HMMSCALE; // Read eff. number of sequences with D->? transition if (!ptr) return Warning(dbf, line, name); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Read columns of HMM int next_i = 0; // index of next column while (fgetline(line, LINELEN - 2, dbf) && !(line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/') && line[0] != '#') { if (strscn(line) == NULL) continue; // skip lines that contain only white space // Read in AA probabilities ptr = line + 1; int prev_i = next_i; next_i = strint(ptr); ++i; if (next_i != prev_i + 1) if (++warn <= 5) { HH_LOG(WARNING) << "In HMM " << name << " state " << prev_i << " is followed by state " << next_i << "\n"; if (warn == 5) { HH_LOG(WARNING) << std::endl << "Further warnings while reading HMMs will be suppressed.\n"; } } if (i > L) { HH_LOG(WARNING) << std::endl << "In HMM " << name << " there are more columns than the stated length " << L << ". Skipping HMM\n"; return 2; } if (i > maxres - 2) { fgetline(line, LINELEN - 1, dbf); // Skip line continue; } for (a = 0; a < 20 && ptr; ++a) // f[i][s2a[a]] = (float)pow(2.,float(-strinta(ptr))/HMMSCALE); f[i][s2a[a]] = fpow2(float(-strinta(ptr)) / HMMSCALE); // speed-up ~5 s for 10000 SCOP domains //s2a[a]: transform amino acids Sorted by alphabet -> internal numbers for amino acids l[i] = strint(ptr); if (!ptr) return Warning(dbf, line, name); if (Log::reporting_level() >= DEBUG1) { HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << line; HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << i << " "; for (a = 0; a < 20; ++a) HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << 100 * f[i][s2a[a]] << " "; HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << l[i]; HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << std::endl; } // Read transition probabilities fgetline(line, LINELEN - 1, dbf); // Skip line with amino acid labels if (line[0] != ' ' && line[0] != '\t') return Warning(dbf, line, name); ptr = line; for (a = 0; a <= D2D && ptr; ++a) tr[i][a] = float(-strinta(ptr)) / HMMSCALE; //store transition prob's as log2-values Neff_M[i] = float(strinta(ptr)) / HMMSCALE; // Read eff. number of sequences with M->? transition if (Neff_M[i] == 0) { Neff_M[i] = 1; } Neff_I[i] = float(strinta(ptr)) / HMMSCALE; // Read eff. number of sequences with I->? transition Neff_D[i] = float(strinta(ptr)) / HMMSCALE; // Read eff. number of sequences with D->? transition if (!ptr) return Warning(dbf, line, name); if (Log::reporting_level() >= DEBUG1) { HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << " "; for (a = 0; a <= D2D; ++a) HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << 100 * fpow2(tr[i][a]) << " "; HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << Neff_M[i] << " " << Neff_I[i] << " " << Neff_D[i] << std::endl; } } if (line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/') break; } else HH_LOG(WARNING) << std::endl << "Ignoring line\n\'" << line << "\'\nin HMM " << name << "\n"; } //while(getline) if (L == 0) return 0; //End of db file -> stop reading in // Set coefficients of EVD (= 0.0 if not calibrated for these parameters) // lamda = lamda_hash.Show(par.Key()); // mu = mu_hash.Show(par.Key()); if (lamda) { HH_LOG(DEBUG) << "HMM " << name << " is already calibrated: lamda=" << lamda << ", mu=" << mu << std::endl; } if (i != L) { HH_LOG(WARNING) << "In HMM " << name << " there are only " << i << " columns while the stated length is " << L << "\n"; } if (i > maxres - 2) { i = maxres - 2; HH_LOG(WARNING) << "Maximum number " << maxres - 2 << " of residues exceeded while reading HMM " << name << "\n"; } if (!i) { HH_LOG(WARNING) << std::endl << "HMM " << name << " contains no match states. Check the alignment that gave rise to this HMM.\n"; } HH_LOG(DEBUG) << "Read in HMM " << name << " with " << L << " match states and effective number of sequences = " << Neff_HMM << "\n"; L = i; // Set emission probabilities of zero'th (begin) state and L+1st (end) state to background probabilities for (a = 0; a < 20; ++a) f[0][a] = f[L + 1][a] = pb[a]; Neff_M[L + 1] = 1.0f; Neff_I[L + 1] = Neff_D[L + 1] = 0.0f; return 1; //return status: ok } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Read an HMM from a HMMer .hmm file; return 0 at end of file ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int HMM::ReadHMMer(FILE* dbf, const char showcons, float* pb, char* filestr) { char line[LINELEN] = ""; // input line char desc[DESCLEN] = ""; // description of family char str4[5] = ""; // first 4 letters of input line char* ptr; // pointer for string manipulation int i = 0; // index for match state (first=1) int a; // amino acid index char dssp = 0; // 1 if a consensus SS has been found in the transition prob lines char annot = 0; // 1 if at least one annotation character in insert lines is ne '-' or ' ' int k = 0; // index for seq[k] static char ignore_hmmer_cal = 0; char* annotchr; // consensus amino acids in ASCII format, or, in HMMER format, the reference annotation character in insert line annotchr = new char[maxres]; // consensus amino acids in ASCII format, or, in HMMER format, the reference annotation character in insert line int warn = 0; L = 0; Neff_HMM = 0; n_seqs = n_display = N_in = N_filtered = 0; nss_dssp = nsa_dssp = nss_pred = nss_conf = nfirst = ncons = -1; lamda = mu = 0.0; trans_lin = 0; // transition probs in log space has_pseudocounts = true; // !! dont_delete_seqs = false; divided_by_local_bg_freqs = false; name[0] = longname[0] = desc[0] = fam[0] = '\0'; //If at the end of while-loop L is still 0 then we have reached end of db file // Do not delete name and seq vectors because their adresses are transferred to hitlist as part of a hit!! while (fgetline(line, LINELEN - 1, dbf) && !(line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/')) { if (strscn(line) == NULL) continue; // skip lines that contain only white space if (!strncmp("HMMER", line, 5)) continue; substr(str4, line, 0, 3); // copy the first four characters into str4 if (!strcmp("NAME", str4) && name[0] == '\0') { ptr = strscn(line + 4); // advance to first non-white-space character strmcpy(name, ptr, NAMELEN - 1); // copy full name to name strcut(name); // ...cut after first word... HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << "Reading in HMM " << name << ":" << std::endl; } else if (!strcmp("ACC ", str4)) { ptr = strscn(line + 4); // advance to first non-white-space character strmcpy(longname, ptr, DESCLEN - 1); // copy Accession id to longname... } else if (!strcmp("DESC", str4)) { ptr = strscn(line + 4); // advance to first non-white-space character if (ptr) { strmcpy(desc, ptr, DESCLEN - 1); // copy description to name... strcut(ptr); // ...cut after first word... } if (!ptr || ptr[1] != '.' || strchr(ptr + 3, '.') == NULL) strcpy(fam, ""); else strmcpy(fam, ptr, NAMELEN - 1); // could not find two '.' in name? } else if (!strcmp("LENG", str4)) { ptr = line + 4; L = strint(ptr); //read next integer (number of match states) } else if (!strcmp("ALPH", str4)) continue; else if (!strcmp("RF ", str4)) continue; else if (!strcmp("CS ", str4)) continue; else if (!strcmp("MAP ", str4)) continue; else if (!strcmp("COM ", str4)) continue; else if (!strcmp("NSEQ", str4)) { ptr = line + 4; N_in = N_filtered = strint(ptr); //read next integer: number of sequences after filtering } else if (!strcmp("DATE", str4)) continue; else if (!strncmp("CKSUM ", line, 5)) continue; else if (!strcmp("GA ", str4)) continue; else if (!strcmp("TC ", str4)) continue; else if (!strcmp("NC ", str4)) continue; else if (!strncmp("SADSS", line, 5)) { if (nsa_dssp < 0) { nsa_dssp = k++; seq[nsa_dssp] = new char[maxres + 2]; sname[nsa_dssp] = new char[15]; strcpy(seq[nsa_dssp], " "); strcpy(sname[nsa_dssp], "sa_dssp"); } ptr = strscn(line + 5); if (ptr) { strcut(ptr); if (strlen(seq[nsa_dssp]) + strlen(ptr) >= (unsigned) (maxres)) printf( "HMM %s has SADSS records with more than %i residues.\n", name, maxres); else strcat(seq[nsa_dssp], ptr); } } else if (!strncmp("SSPRD", line, 5)) { if (nss_pred < 0) { nss_pred = k++; seq[nss_pred] = new char[maxres + 2]; sname[nss_pred] = new char[15]; strcpy(seq[nss_pred], " "); strcpy(sname[nss_pred], "ss_pred"); } ptr = strscn(line + 5); if (ptr) { strcut(ptr); if (strlen(seq[nss_pred]) + strlen(ptr) >= (unsigned) (maxres)) printf( "HMM %s has SSPRD records with more than %i residues.\n", name, maxres); else strcat(seq[nss_pred], ptr); } } else if (!strncmp("SSCON", line, 5)) { if (nss_conf < 0) { nss_conf = k++; seq[nss_conf] = new char[maxres + 2]; sname[nss_conf] = new char[15]; strcpy(seq[nss_conf], " "); strcpy(sname[nss_conf], "ss_conf"); } ptr = strscn(line + 5); if (ptr) { strcut(ptr); if (strlen(seq[nss_conf]) + strlen(ptr) >= (unsigned) (maxres)) printf( "HMM %s has SSPRD records with more than %i residues.\n", name, maxres); else strcat(seq[nss_conf], ptr); } } else if (!strncmp("SSCIT", line, 5)) continue; else if (!strcmp("XT ", str4)) continue; else if (!strcmp("NULT", str4)) continue; else if (!strcmp("NULE", str4)) { ptr = line + 4; for (a = 0; a < 20 && ptr; ++a) //s2a[a]: transform amino acids Sorted by alphabet -> internal numbers for amino acids pb[s2a[a]] = (float) 0.05 * fpow2(float(strinta(ptr, -99999)) / HMMSCALE); if (!ptr) return Warning(dbf, line, name); if (Log::reporting_level() >= DEBUG1) { HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << "\nNULL "; for (a = 0; a < 20; ++a) HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << 100. * pb[s2a[a]] << " "; HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << std::endl; } } else if (!strcmp("EVD ", str4)) { char* ptr = line + 4; ptr = strscn(ptr); sscanf(ptr, "%f", &lamda); ptr = strscn(ptr); sscanf(ptr, "%f", &mu); if (lamda < 0) { if (ignore_hmmer_cal == 0) { HH_LOG(WARNING) << std::endl << "Some HMMs have been calibrated with HMMER's 'hmmcalibrate'. These calibrations will be ignored\n"; } ignore_hmmer_cal = 1; mu = lamda = 0.0; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Read transition probabilities from start state else if (!strncmp("HMM", line, 3)) { fgetline(line, LINELEN - 1, dbf); // Skip line with amino acid labels fgetline(line, LINELEN - 1, dbf); // Skip line with transition labels ptr = line; for (a = 0; a <= M2D && ptr; ++a) tr[0][a] = float(strinta(ptr, -99999)) / HMMSCALE; //store transition probabilites as log2 values // strinta returns next integer in string and puts ptr to first char // after the integer. Returns -99999 if '*' is found. // ptr is set to 0 if no integer is found after ptr. tr[0][I2M] = tr[0][D2M] = 0.0; tr[0][I2I] = tr[0][D2D] = -99999.0; if (!ptr) return Warning(dbf, line, name); if (Log::reporting_level() >= DEBUG1) { HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << " "; for (a = 0; a <= D2D && ptr; ++a) HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << 100 * fpow2(tr[i][a]) << " "; HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << std::endl; } // Prepare to store DSSP states (if there are none, delete afterwards) nss_dssp = k++; seq[nss_dssp] = new char[maxres + 2]; sname[nss_dssp] = new char[15]; strcpy(sname[nss_dssp], "ss_dssp"); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Read columns of HMM int next_i = 0; // index of next column while (fgetline(line, LINELEN - 1, dbf) && !(line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/') && line[0] != '#') { if (strscn(line) == NULL) continue; // skip lines that contain only white space // Read in AA probabilities ptr = line; int prev_i = next_i; next_i = strint(ptr); ++i; if (next_i != prev_i + 1) if (++warn < 5) { HH_LOG(WARNING) << std::endl << "In HMM " << name << " state " << prev_i << " is followed by state " << next_i << "\n"; if (warn == 5) { HH_LOG(WARNING) << std::endl << "Further warnings while reading HMMs will be suppressed.\n"; } } if (i > L) { HH_LOG(WARNING) << std::endl << "In HMM " << name << " there are more columns than the stated length " << L << ". Skipping columns.\n"; break; } if (i > L) { HH_LOG(WARNING) << std::endl << "In HMM " << name << " there are more columns than the stated length " << L << "\n"; } if (i >= maxres - 2) { fgetline(line, LINELEN - 1, dbf); // Skip two lines fgetline(line, LINELEN - 1, dbf); continue; } for (a = 0; a < 20 && ptr; ++a) f[i][s2a[a]] = (float) pb[s2a[a]] * fpow2(float(strinta(ptr, -99999)) / HMMSCALE); //s2a[a]: transform amino acids Sorted by alphabet -> internal numbers for amino acids if (!ptr) return Warning(dbf, line, name); if (Log::reporting_level() >= DEBUG1) { HH_LOG(WARNING) << i; for (a = 0; a < 20; ++a) HH_LOG(WARNING) << 100 * f[i][s2a[a]] << " "; HH_LOG(WARNING) << std::endl; } // Read insert emission line fgetline(line, LINELEN - 1, dbf); ptr = strscn(line); if (!ptr) return Warning(dbf, line, name); annotchr[i] = uprchr(*ptr); if (*ptr != '-' && *ptr != ' ' && *ptr != 'X' && *ptr != 'x') annot = 1; // Read annotation character and seven transition probabilities fgetline(line, LINELEN - 1, dbf); ptr = strscn(line); switch (*ptr) { case 'H': ss_dssp[i] = 1; seq[nss_dssp][i] = *ptr; dssp = 1; break; case 'E': ss_dssp[i] = 2; seq[nss_dssp][i] = *ptr; dssp = 1; break; case 'C': ss_dssp[i] = 3; seq[nss_dssp][i] = *ptr; dssp = 1; break; case 'S': ss_dssp[i] = 4; seq[nss_dssp][i] = *ptr; dssp = 1; break; case 'T': ss_dssp[i] = 5; seq[nss_dssp][i] = *ptr; dssp = 1; break; case 'G': ss_dssp[i] = 6; seq[nss_dssp][i] = *ptr; dssp = 1; break; case 'B': ss_dssp[i] = 7; seq[nss_dssp][i] = *ptr; dssp = 1; break; case 'I': dssp = 1; case '~': ss_dssp[i] = 3; seq[nss_dssp][i] = *ptr; break; case '-': // no SS available from any template case '.': // no clear consensus SS structure case 'X': // no clear consensus SS structure ss_dssp[i] = 0; seq[nss_dssp][i] = '-'; break; default: ss_dssp[i] = 0; seq[nss_dssp][i] = *ptr; break; } ptr += 2; for (a = 0; a <= D2D && ptr; ++a) tr[i][a] = float(strinta(ptr, -99999)) / HMMSCALE; //store transition prob's as log2-values if (!ptr) return Warning(dbf, line, name); if (Log::reporting_level() >= DEBUG1) { HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << " "; for (a = 0; a <= D2D; ++a) HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << 100 * fpow2(tr[i][a]) << " "; HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << std::endl; } } if (line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/') break; } } //while(getline) if (L == 0) return 0; //End of db file -> stop reading in // Set coefficients of EVD (= 0.0 if not calibrated for these parameters) // lamda = lamda_hash.Show(par.Key()); // mu = mu_hash.Show(par.Key()); if (lamda) { HH_LOG(DEBUG) << "HMM "<< name <<" is already calibrated: lamda="<< lamda<<", mu="<= maxres - 2) { i = maxres - 2; HH_LOG(WARNING) << std::endl << "Maximum number " << maxres - 2 << " of residues exceeded while reading HMM " << name << std::endl; } if (!i) { HH_LOG(WARNING) << std::endl << "HMM " << name << " contains no match states. Check the alignment that gave rise to this HMM." << std::endl; } L = i; if (strlen(longname) > 0) strcat(longname, " "); strncat(longname, name, DESCLEN - strlen(longname) - 1); // longname = ACC NAME DESC if (strlen(name) > 0) strcat(longname, " "); strncat(longname, desc, DESCLEN - strlen(longname) - 1); longname[DESCLEN - 1] = '\0'; ScopID(cl, fold, sfam, fam); // get scop classification from basename (e.g. a. RemoveExtension(file, filestr); // copy name of dbfile without extension into 'file' // Secondary structure if (!dssp) { // remove dssp sequence delete[] seq[nss_dssp]; // memory that had been allocated in case ss_dssp was given needs to be freed delete[] sname[nss_dssp]; // memory that had been allocated in case ss_dssp was given needs to be freed nss_dssp = -1; k--; } else { seq[nss_dssp][0] = '-'; seq[nss_dssp][L + 1] = '\0'; } if (nss_pred >= 0) { for (i = 1; i <= L; ++i) ss_pred[i] = ss2i(seq[nss_pred][i]); if (nss_conf >= 0) for (i = 1; i <= L; ++i) ss_conf[i] = cf2i(seq[nss_conf][i]); else for (i = 1; i <= L; ++i) ss_conf[i] = 5; } // Copy query (first sequence) and consensus residues? if (showcons) { sname[k] = new char[10]; strcpy(sname[k], "Consensus"); sname[k + 1] = new char[strlen(longname) + 1]; strcpy(sname[k + 1], longname); seq[k] = new char[L + 2]; seq[k][0] = ' '; seq[k][L + 1] = '\0'; seq[k + 1] = new char[L + 2]; seq[k + 1][0] = ' '; seq[k + 1][L + 1] = '\0'; for (i = 1; i <= L; ++i) { float pmax = 0.0; int amax = 0; for (a = 0; a < NAA; ++a) if (f[i][a] > pmax) { amax = a; pmax = f[i][a]; } if (pmax > 0.6) seq[k][i] = i2aa(amax); else if (pmax > 0.4) seq[k][i] = lwrchr(i2aa(amax)); else seq[k][i] = 'x'; seq[k + 1][i] = i2aa(amax); } ncons = k++; // nfirst is set later! } else { sname[k] = new char[strlen(longname) + 1]; strcpy(sname[k], longname); seq[k] = new char[L + 2]; seq[k][0] = ' '; seq[k][L + 1] = '\0'; } if (annot) // read in some annotation characters? { annotchr[0] = ' '; annotchr[L + 1] = '\0'; strcpy(seq[k], annotchr); // overwrite the consensus sequence with the annotation characters } else if (!showcons) // we have not yet calculated the consensus, but we need it now as query (first sequence) { for (i = 1; i <= L; ++i) { float pmax = 0.0; int amax = 0; for (a = 0; a < NAA; ++a) if (f[i][a] > pmax) { amax = a; pmax = f[i][a]; } seq[k][i] = i2aa(amax); } } // printf("%i query name=%s seq=%s\n",n,sname[n],seq[n]); nfirst = k++; n_display = k; n_seqs = k; // Calculate overall Neff_HMM Neff_HMM = 0; for (i = 1; i <= L; ++i) { float S = 0.0; for (a = 0; a < 20; ++a) if (f[i][a] > 1E-10) S -= f[i][a] * fast_log2(f[i][a]); Neff_HMM += (float) fpow2(S); } Neff_HMM /= L; for (i = 0; i <= L; ++i) Neff_M[i] = Neff_I[i] = Neff_D[i] = 10.0; // to add only little additional pseudocounts! Neff_M[L + 1] = 1.0f; Neff_I[L + 1] = Neff_D[L + 1] = 0.0f; HH_LOG(DEBUG) << "Read in HMM " << name << " with " << L << " match states and effective number of sequences = " << Neff_HMM << "\n"; // Set emission probabilities of zero'th (begin) state and L+1st (end) state to background probabilities for (a = 0; a < 20; ++a) f[0][a] = f[L + 1][a] = pb[a]; delete[] annotchr; return 1; //return status: ok } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Read an HMM from a HMMER3 .hmm file; return 0 at end of file ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int HMM::ReadHMMer3(FILE* dbf, const char showcons, float* pb, char* filestr) { char line[LINELEN] = ""; // input line char desc[DESCLEN] = ""; // description of family char str4[5] = ""; // first 4 letters of input line char* ptr; // pointer for string manipulation int i = 0; // index for match state (first=1) int a; // amino acid index char dssp = 0; // 1 if a consensus SS has been found in the transition prob lines char annot = 0; // 1 if at least one annotation character in insert lines is ne '-' or ' ' int k = 0; // index for seq[k] char* annotchr; // consensus amino acids in ASCII format, or, in HMMER format, the reference annotation character in insert line annotchr = new char[maxres]; // consensus amino acids in ASCII format, or, in HMMER format, the reference annotation character in insert line int warn = 0; L = 0; Neff_HMM = 0; n_seqs = n_display = N_in = N_filtered = 0; nss_dssp = nsa_dssp = nss_pred = nss_conf = nfirst = ncons = -1; lamda = mu = 0.0; trans_lin = 0; // transition probs in log space has_pseudocounts = true; // !! dont_delete_seqs = false; divided_by_local_bg_freqs = false; name[0] = longname[0] = desc[0] = fam[0] = '\0'; //If at the end of while-loop L is still 0 then we have reached end of db file // Do not delete name and seq vectors because their adresses are transferred to hitlist as part of a hit!! while (fgetline(line, LINELEN - 1, dbf) && !(line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/')) { if (strscn(line) == NULL) continue; // skip lines that contain only white space if (!strncmp("HMMER", line, 5)) continue; substr(str4, line, 0, 3); // copy the first four characters into str4 if (!strcmp("NAME", str4) && name[0] == '\0') { ptr = strscn(line + 4); // advance to first non-white-space character strmcpy(name, ptr, NAMELEN - 1); // copy full name to name strcut(name); // ...cut after first word... HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << "Reading in HMM " << name << ":\n"; } else if (!strcmp("ACC ", str4)) { ptr = strscn(line + 4); // advance to first non-white-space character strmcpy(longname, ptr, DESCLEN - 1); // copy Accession id to longname... } else if (!strcmp("DESC", str4)) { ptr = strscn(line + 4); // advance to first non-white-space character if (ptr) { strmcpy(desc, ptr, DESCLEN - 1); // copy description to name... desc[DESCLEN - 1] = '\0'; strcut(ptr); // ...cut after first word... } if (!ptr || ptr[1] != '.' || strchr(ptr + 3, '.') == NULL) strcpy(fam, ""); else strmcpy(fam, ptr, NAMELEN - 1); // could not find two '.' in name? } else if (!strcmp("LENG", str4)) { ptr = line + 4; L = strint(ptr); //read next integer (number of match states) } else if (!strcmp("ALPH", str4)) continue; else if (!strcmp("RF ", str4)) continue; else if (!strcmp("CS ", str4)) continue; else if (!strcmp("MAP ", str4)) continue; else if (!strcmp("COM ", str4)) continue; else if (!strcmp("NSEQ", str4)) { ptr = line + 4; N_in = N_filtered = strint(ptr); //read next integer: number of sequences after filtering } else if (!strcmp("DATE", str4)) continue; else if (!strncmp("CKSUM ", line, 5)) continue; else if (!strcmp("GA ", str4)) continue; else if (!strcmp("TC ", str4)) continue; else if (!strcmp("NC ", str4)) continue; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Still needed??? else if (!strncmp("SADSS", line, 5)) { if (nsa_dssp < 0) { nsa_dssp = k++; seq[nsa_dssp] = new char[maxres + 2]; sname[nsa_dssp] = new char[15]; strcpy(seq[nsa_dssp], " "); strcpy(sname[nsa_dssp], "sa_dssp"); } ptr = strscn(line + 5); if (ptr) { strcut(ptr); if (strlen(seq[nsa_dssp]) + strlen(ptr) >= (unsigned) (maxres)) printf( "HMM %s has SADSS records with more than %i residues.\n", name, maxres); else strcat(seq[nsa_dssp], ptr); } } else if (!strncmp("SSPRD", line, 5)) { if (nss_pred < 0) { nss_pred = k++; seq[nss_pred] = new char[maxres + 2]; sname[nss_pred] = new char[15]; strcpy(seq[nss_pred], " "); strcpy(sname[nss_pred], "ss_pred"); } ptr = strscn(line + 5); if (ptr) { strcut(ptr); if (strlen(seq[nss_pred]) + strlen(ptr) >= (unsigned) (maxres)) printf( "HMM %s has SSPRD records with more than %i residues.\n", name, maxres); else strcat(seq[nss_pred], ptr); } } else if (!strncmp("SSCON", line, 5)) { if (nss_conf < 0) { nss_conf = k++; seq[nss_conf] = new char[maxres + 2]; sname[nss_conf] = new char[15]; strcpy(seq[nss_conf], " "); strcpy(sname[nss_conf], "ss_conf"); } ptr = strscn(line + 5); if (ptr) { strcut(ptr); if (strlen(seq[nss_conf]) + strlen(ptr) >= (unsigned) (maxres)) printf( "HMM %s has SSPRD records with more than %i residues.\n", name, maxres); else strcat(seq[nss_conf], ptr); } } else if (!strncmp("SSCIT", line, 5)) continue; else if (!strcmp("XT ", str4)) continue; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (!strncmp("STATS LOCAL", line, 11)) continue; else if (!strcmp("EFFN", str4)) { ptr = line + 4; float effn = strflt(ptr); // Calculate Neff_HMM by using f(x) = ax^0.1 + bx^0.5 + cx + d (fitted with scop25 dataset) Neff_HMM = -1.403534 * pow(effn, 0.1) + 4.428118 * pow(effn, 0.5) - 0.2885410 * effn - 1.108568; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Read transition probabilities from start state else if (!strncmp("HMM", line, 3)) { fgetline(line, LINELEN - 1, dbf); // Skip line with amino acid labels fgetline(line, LINELEN - 1, dbf); // Skip line with transition labels ptr = strscn(line); if (!strncmp("COMPO", ptr, 5)) { ptr = ptr + 5; for (a = 0; a < 20 && ptr; ++a) //s2a[a]: transform amino acids Sorted by alphabet -> internal numbers for amino acids pb[s2a[a]] = (float) exp(-1.0 * strflta(ptr, 99999)); if (!ptr) return Warning(dbf, line, name); if (Log::reporting_level() >= DEBUG1) { HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << "\nNULL "; for (a = 0; a < 20; ++a) HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << 100. * pb[s2a[a]] << " "; HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << std::endl; } fgetline(line, LINELEN - 1, dbf); // Read next line } fgetline(line, LINELEN - 1, dbf); // Skip line with 0-states insert probabilities ptr = strscn(line); for (a = 0; a <= D2D && ptr; ++a) tr[0][a] = log2((float) exp(-1.0 * strflta(ptr, 99999))); //store transition probabilites as log2 values // strinta returns next integer in string and puts ptr to first char // after the integer. Returns -99999 if '*' is found. // ptr is set to 0 if no integer is found after ptr. if (!ptr) return Warning(dbf, line, name); if (Log::reporting_level() >= DEBUG1) { HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << " "; for (a = 0; a <= D2D && ptr; ++a) HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << 100 * fpow2(tr[i][a]) << " "; HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << std::endl; } // Prepare to store DSSP states (if there are none, delete afterwards) nss_dssp = k++; seq[nss_dssp] = new char[maxres + 2]; sname[nss_dssp] = new char[15]; strcpy(sname[nss_dssp], "ss_dssp"); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Read columns of HMM int next_i = 0; // index of next column while (fgetline(line, LINELEN - 1, dbf) && !(line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/') && line[0] != '#') { if (strscn(line) == NULL) continue; // skip lines that contain only white space // Read in AA probabilities ptr = line; int prev_i = next_i; next_i = strint(ptr); ++i; if (next_i != prev_i + 1) if (++warn < 5) { HH_LOG(WARNING) << "In HMM " << name << " state " << prev_i << " is followed by state " << next_i << "\n"; if (warn == 5) { HH_LOG(WARNING) << std::endl << "Further warnings while reading HMMs will be suppressed.\n"; } } if (i > L) { HH_LOG(WARNING) << std::endl << "In HMM " << name << " there are more columns than the stated length " << L << ". Skipping columns.\n"; break; } if (i > L) { HH_LOG(WARNING) << std::endl << "In HMM " << name << " there are more columns than the stated length " << L << "\n"; } if (i >= maxres - 2) { fgetline(line, LINELEN - 1, dbf); // Skip two lines fgetline(line, LINELEN - 1, dbf); continue; } for (a = 0; a < 20 && ptr; ++a) f[i][s2a[a]] = (float) exp(-1.0 * strflta(ptr, 99999)); //s2a[a]: transform amino acids Sorted by alphabet -> internal numbers for amino acids if (!ptr) return Warning(dbf, line, name); if (Log::reporting_level() >= DEBUG1) { HH_LOG(WARNING) << i << " "; for (a = 0; a < 20; ++a) HH_LOG(WARNING) << 100 * f[i][s2a[a]] << " "; HH_LOG(WARNING) << std::endl; } // Ignore MAP annotation ptr = strscn(ptr); //find next word ptr = strscn_ws(ptr); // ignore word // Read RF and CS annotation ptr = strscn(ptr); if (!ptr) return Warning(dbf, line, name); annotchr[i] = uprchr(*ptr); if (*ptr != '-' && *ptr != ' ' && *ptr != 'X' && *ptr != 'x') annot = 1; ptr = strscn(ptr); switch (*ptr) { case 'H': ss_dssp[i] = 1; seq[nss_dssp][i] = *ptr; dssp = 1; break; case 'E': ss_dssp[i] = 2; seq[nss_dssp][i] = *ptr; dssp = 1; break; case 'C': ss_dssp[i] = 3; seq[nss_dssp][i] = *ptr; dssp = 1; break; case 'S': ss_dssp[i] = 4; seq[nss_dssp][i] = *ptr; dssp = 1; break; case 'T': ss_dssp[i] = 5; seq[nss_dssp][i] = *ptr; dssp = 1; break; case 'G': ss_dssp[i] = 6; seq[nss_dssp][i] = *ptr; dssp = 1; break; case 'B': ss_dssp[i] = 7; seq[nss_dssp][i] = *ptr; dssp = 1; break; case 'I': dssp = 1; case '~': ss_dssp[i] = 3; seq[nss_dssp][i] = *ptr; break; case '-': // no SS available from any template case '.': // no clear consensus SS structure case 'X': // no clear consensus SS structure ss_dssp[i] = 0; seq[nss_dssp][i] = '-'; break; default: ss_dssp[i] = 0; seq[nss_dssp][i] = *ptr; break; } // Read insert emission line fgetline(line, LINELEN - 1, dbf); // Read seven transition probabilities fgetline(line, LINELEN - 1, dbf); ptr = line; for (a = 0; a <= D2D && ptr; ++a) tr[i][a] = log2((float) exp(-1.0 * strflta(ptr, 99999))); //store transition prob's as log2-values if (!ptr) return Warning(dbf, line, name); if (Log::reporting_level() >= DEBUG1) { HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << " "; for (a = 0; a <= D2D; ++a) HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << 100 * fpow2(tr[i][a]) << " "; HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << std::endl; } } if (line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/') break; } } //while(getline) if (L == 0) return 0; //End of db file -> stop reading in if (i != L) { HH_LOG(WARNING) << std::endl << "In HMM " << name << " there are only " << i << " columns while the stated length is " << L << "\n"; } if (i >= maxres - 2) { i = maxres - 2; HH_LOG(WARNING) << std::endl << "Maximum number " << maxres - 2 << " of residues exceeded while reading HMM " << name << "\n"; } if (!i) { HH_LOG(WARNING) << std::endl << "HMM " << name << " contains no match states. Check the alignment that gave rise to this HMM.\n"; } L = i; if (strlen(longname) > 0) strcat(longname, " "); strncat(longname, name, DESCLEN - strlen(longname) - 1); // longname = ACC NAME DESC if (strlen(name) > 0) strcat(longname, " "); strncat(longname, desc, DESCLEN - strlen(longname) - 1); longname[DESCLEN - 1] = '\0'; ScopID(cl, fold, sfam, fam); // get scop classification from basename (e.g. a. RemoveExtension(file, filestr); // copy name of dbfile without extension into 'file' // Secondary structure if (!dssp) { // remove dssp sequence delete[] seq[nss_dssp]; // memory that had been allocated in case ss_dssp was given needs to be freed delete[] sname[nss_dssp]; // memory that had been allocated in case ss_dssp was given needs to be freed nss_dssp = -1; k--; } else { seq[nss_dssp][0] = '-'; seq[nss_dssp][L + 1] = '\0'; } if (nss_pred >= 0) { for (i = 1; i <= L; ++i) ss_pred[i] = ss2i(seq[nss_pred][i]); if (nss_conf >= 0) for (i = 1; i <= L; ++i) ss_conf[i] = cf2i(seq[nss_conf][i]); else for (i = 1; i <= L; ++i) ss_conf[i] = 5; } // Copy query (first sequence) and consensus residues? if (showcons) { sname[k] = new char[10]; strcpy(sname[k], "Consensus"); sname[k + 1] = new char[strlen(longname) + 1]; strcpy(sname[k + 1], longname); seq[k] = new char[L + 2]; seq[k][0] = ' '; seq[k][L + 1] = '\0'; seq[k + 1] = new char[L + 2]; seq[k + 1][0] = ' '; seq[k + 1][L + 1] = '\0'; for (i = 1; i <= L; ++i) { float pmax = 0.0; int amax = 0; for (a = 0; a < NAA; ++a) if (f[i][a] > pmax) { amax = a; pmax = f[i][a]; } if (pmax > 0.6) seq[k][i] = i2aa(amax); else if (pmax > 0.4) seq[k][i] = lwrchr(i2aa(amax)); else seq[k][i] = 'x'; seq[k + 1][i] = i2aa(amax); } ncons = k++; // nfirst is set later! } else { sname[k] = new char[strlen(longname) + 1]; strcpy(sname[k], longname); seq[k] = new char[L + 2]; seq[k][0] = ' '; seq[k][L + 1] = '\0'; } if (annot) // read in some annotation characters? { annotchr[0] = ' '; annotchr[L + 1] = '\0'; strcpy(seq[k], annotchr); // overwrite the consensus sequence with the annotation characters } else if (!showcons) // we have not yet calculated the consensus, but we need it now as query (first sequence) { for (i = 1; i <= L; ++i) { float pmax = 0.0; int amax = 0; for (a = 0; a < NAA; ++a) if (f[i][a] > pmax) { amax = a; pmax = f[i][a]; } seq[k][i] = i2aa(amax); } } // printf("%i query name=%s seq=%s\n",n,sname[n],seq[n]); nfirst = k++; n_display = k; n_seqs = k; // If no effektive number of sequences is given, calculate Neff_HMM by given profile if (Neff_HMM == 0) { for (i = 1; i <= L; ++i) { float S = 0.0; for (a = 0; a < 20; ++a) if (f[i][a] > 1E-10) S -= f[i][a] * fast_log2(f[i][a]); Neff_HMM += (float) fpow2(S); } Neff_HMM /= L; } for (i = 0; i <= L; ++i) Neff_M[i] = Neff_I[i] = Neff_D[i] = 10.0; // to add only little additional pseudocounts! Neff_M[L + 1] = 1.0f; Neff_I[L + 1] = Neff_D[L + 1] = 0.0f; HH_LOG(DEBUG) << "Read in HMM " << name << " with " << L << " match states and effective number of sequences = " << Neff_HMM << "\n"; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set emission probabilities of zero'th (begin) state and L+1st (end) state to background probabilities for (a = 0; a < 20; ++a) f[0][a] = f[L + 1][a] = pb[a]; delete[] annotchr; return 1; //return status: ok } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Add transition pseudocounts to HMM (and calculate lin-space transition probs) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void HMM::AddTransitionPseudocounts(float gapd, float gape, float gapf, float gapg, float gaph, float gapi, float gapb, const float par_gapb) { int i; //position in alignment float sum; float pM2M, pM2I, pM2D, pI2I, pI2M, pD2D, pD2M; float p0, p1, p2; if (gapb <= 0) return; if (trans_lin == 1) { HH_LOG(ERROR) << "In " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": " << __func__ << ":" << std::endl; HH_LOG(WARNING) << "\tAdding transition pseudocounts to linear representation of " << name << " not allowed. Please report this error to the HHsearch developers.\n"; exit(6); } if (trans_lin == 2) { HH_LOG(ERROR) << "In " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": " << __func__ << ":" << std::endl; HH_LOG(ERROR) << "\tAdding transition pseudocounts twice in " << name << " not allowed. Please report this error to the HHsearch developers.\n"; exit(6); } trans_lin = 2; // Calculate pseudocount transition probabilities pM2D = pM2I = gapd * 0.0286; //a-priori probability for inserts and deletions pM2M = 1 - pM2D - pM2I; // gape=0 -> pI2I=0 gape=1 -> pI2I=0.75 gape=inf -> pI2I=1. pI2I = 1.0 * gape / (gape - 1 + 1.0 / 0.75); pI2M = 1 - pI2I; // gape=0 -> pD2D=0 gape=1 -> pD2D=0.75 gape=inf -> pD2D=1. pD2D = 1.0 * gape / (gape - 1 + 1.0 / 0.75); pD2M = 1 - pD2D; for (i = 0; i <= L; ++i) //for all columns in HMM { // Transitions from M state p0 = (Neff_M[i] - 1) * fpow2(tr[i][M2M]) + gapb * pM2M; p1 = (Neff_M[i] - 1) * fpow2(tr[i][M2D]) + gapb * pM2D; p2 = (Neff_M[i] - 1) * fpow2(tr[i][M2I]) + gapb * pM2I; if (i == 0) p1 = p2 = 0; //from M(0) no transition to D(1) and I(0) possible if (i == L) p1 = p2 = 0; //from M(L) no transition to D(L+1) and I(L+1) possible sum = p0 + p1 + p2 + FLT_MIN; tr[i][M2M] = fast_log2(p0 / sum); tr[i][M2D] = fast_log2(p1 / sum) * gapf; tr[i][M2I] = fast_log2(p2 / sum) * gapg; // Transitions from I state p0 = Neff_I[i] * fpow2(tr[i][I2M]) + gapb * pI2M; p1 = Neff_I[i] * fpow2(tr[i][I2I]) + gapb * pI2I; sum = p0 + p1 + FLT_MIN; tr[i][I2M] = fast_log2(p0 / sum); tr[i][I2I] = fast_log2(p1 / sum) * gapi; // Transitions from D state p0 = Neff_D[i] * fpow2(tr[i][D2M]) + gapb * pD2M; p1 = Neff_D[i] * fpow2(tr[i][D2D]) + gapb * pD2D; if (i == L) p1 = 0; //from D(L) no transition to D(L+1) possible sum = p0 + p1 + FLT_MIN; tr[i][D2M] = fast_log2(p0 / sum); tr[i][D2D] = fast_log2(p1 / sum) * gaph; } if (Log::reporting_level() >= DEBUG1) { HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << "\nPseudocount transition probabilities:\n"; HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << "pM2M=" << 100*pM2M <<"%, pM2I="<< 100 * pM2I <<"%, pM2D="<<100*pM2D<<"%, "; HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << "pI2M=" << 100*pI2M << "%, pI2I=" << 100*pI2I << "%, "; HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << "pD2M=" << 100*pD2M << "%, pD2D=" << 100*pD2D << "% "; HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << "tau = " << 100. * gapb / (Neff_HMM - 1 + gapb) << "%\n\n"; HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << "Listing transition probabilities WITH pseudocounts:\n"; HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << " i dssp pred sacc M->M M->I M->D I->M I->I D->M D->D\n"; //for all columns in HMM for (i = 1; i <= L; ++i) { HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << i << "\t" << i2ss(ss_dssp[i]) << "\t" << i2ss(ss_pred[i]) << "\t" << i2sa(sa_dssp[i]) << "\t" << fpow2(tr[i][M2M]) << "\t" << fpow2(tr[i][M2I]) << "\t" << fpow2(tr[i][M2D]) << "\t"; HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << fpow2(tr[i][I2M]) << "\t" << fpow2(tr[i][I2I]) << "\t"; HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << fpow2(tr[i][D2M]) << "\t" << fpow2(tr[i][D2D]) << "\t"; HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << ss_pred[i] << "\t" << ss_conf[i] << "\t" << ss_dssp[i] << std::endl; } HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << std::endl; HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << "nss_dssp=" << nss_dssp << " nss_pred=" << nss_pred << std::endl; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Generate an amino acid frequency matrix g[][] with full pseudocount admixture (tau=1) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void HMM::PreparePseudocounts(const float R[20][20]) { for (int i = 0; i <= L + 1; ++i) for (int a = 0; a < 20; ++a) g[i][a] = ScalarProd20(R[a], f[i]); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Add pseudocounts to profile p[] ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void HMM::AddContextSpecificPseudocounts(cs::Pseudocounts* pc, cs::Admix* admix) { if (has_pseudocounts || pc == NULL || admix == NULL) { for (int i = 1; i <= L; ++i) { for (int a = 0; a < 20; ++a) { p[i][a] = f[i][a]; } } } else { cs::CountProfile cp(L); fillCountProfile(&cp); cs::Profile profile = pc->AddTo(cp, *admix); for (int i = 1; i <= L; ++i) { for (int a = 0; a < 20; ++a) { p[i][a] = profile[i - 1][a]; } } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Fill CountProfile with actual aa-frequencies ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void HMM::fillCountProfile(cs::CountProfile *csProfile) { for (int i = 0; i < L; ++i) { csProfile->neff[i] = Neff_M[i + 1]; for (int a = 0; a < 20; ++a) csProfile->counts[i][a] = f[i + 1][a] * Neff_M[i + 1]; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Calculate amino acid background frequencies in HMM ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void HMM::CalculateAminoAcidBackground(const float* pb) { int a, i; // initialize vector of average aa freqs with pseudocounts for (a = 0; a < 20; ++a) pav[a] = pb[a] * 100.0f / Neff_HMM; // calculate averages for (i = 1; i <= L; ++i) for (a = 0; a < 20; ++a) pav[a] += p[i][a]; // Normalize vector of average aa frequencies pav[a] NormalizeTo1(pav, NAA); for (a = 0; a < 20; ++a) p[0][a] = p[L + 1][a] = pav[a]; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Add amino acid pseudocounts to HMM and calculate average protein aa probabilities pav[a] // Pseudocounts: p[i][a] = (1-tau)*f[i][a] + tau*g[i][a] ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void HMM::AddAminoAcidPseudocounts(char pcm, float pca, float pcb, float pcc) { int i; //position in HMM int a; //amino acid (0..19) float sum; float tau; //tau = pseudocount admixture if (has_pseudocounts) { pcm = 0; } // Calculate amino acid frequencies p[i][a] = (1-tau(i))*f[i][a] + tau(i)*g[i][a] switch (pcm) { case 0: //no pseudocounts whatsoever: tau=0 for (i = 1; i <= L; ++i) for (a = 0; a < 20; ++a) p[i][a] = f[i][a]; break; case 1: //constant pseudocounts (for optimization): tau = pca tau = pca; for (i = 1; i <= L; ++i) for (a = 0; a < 20; ++a) p[i][a] = (1. - tau) * f[i][a] + tau * g[i][a]; break; case 2: //divergence-dependent pseudocounts and rate matrix rescaling if (pcc == 1.0f) for (i = 1; i <= L; ++i) { tau = fmin(1.0, pca / (1. + Neff_M[i] / pcb)); for (a = 0; a < 20; ++a) p[i][a] = (1. - tau) * f[i][a] + tau * g[i][a]; } else for (i = 1; i <= L; ++i) { tau = fmin(1.0, pca / (1. + pow((Neff_M[i]) / pcb, pcc))); for (a = 0; a < 20; ++a) p[i][a] = (1. - tau) * f[i][a] + tau * g[i][a]; } break; case 3: // constant-diversity pseudocounts // Is this still used? => scrap? (JS) for (i = 1; i <= L; ++i) { float x = Neff_M[i] / pcb; pca = 0.793 + 0.048 * (pcb - 10.0); tau = fmax(0.0, pca * (1 - x + pcc * x * (1 - x))); for (a = 0; a < 20; ++a) p[i][a] = (1. - tau) * f[i][a] + tau * g[i][a]; } HH_LOG(DEBUG) << "Divergence before / after addition of amino acid pseudocounts: " << Neff_HMM << " / " << CalcNeff() << std::endl; break; } //end switch (pcm) //turn on pseudocount switch to indicate that HMM contains pseudocounts if (pcm != 0) has_pseudocounts = true; // DEBUGGING output if (Log::reporting_level() >= DEBUG) { switch (pcm) { case 0: HH_LOG(DEBUG) << "No pseudocounts added (-pcm 0)\n"; return; case 1: HH_LOG(DEBUG) << "Adding constant AA pseudocount admixture of " << pca << " to HMM " << name << "\n"; break; case 2: HH_LOG(DEBUG) << "Adding divergence-dependent AA pseudocounts (-pcm 2) with admixture of " << fmin(1.0, pca / (1. + Neff_HMM / pcb)) << " to HMM " << name << "\n"; break; } //end switch (pcm) if ( Log::reporting_level() >= DEBUG1) { HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << "Amino acid frequencies WITHOUT pseudocounts:\n A R N D C Q E G H I L K M F P S T W Y V" << std::endl; for (i=1; i<=L; ++i) { HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << i << ": " << f[i][0] * 100 << " " << f[i][1] * 100 << " " << f[i][2] * 100 << " " << f[i][3] * 100 << " " << f[i][4] * 100 << " " << f[i][5] * 100 << " " << f[i][6] * 100 << " " << f[i][7] * 100 << " " << f[i][8] * 100 << " " << f[i][9] * 100 << " " << f[i][10] * 100 << " " << f[i][11] * 100 << " " << f[i][12] * 100 << " " << f[i][13] * 100 << " " << f[i][14] * 100 << " " << f[i][15] * 100 << " " << f[i][16] * 100 << " " << f[i][17] * 100 << " " << f[i][18] * 100 << " " << f[i][19] * 100 << " sum=" << sum << std::endl; } HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << "Amino acid frequencies WITH pseudocounts:\n A R N D C Q E G H I L K M F P S T W Y V" << std::endl; for (i=1; i<=L; ++i) { HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << std::setprecision(1) << i << ": " << p[i][0] * 100 << " " << p[i][1] * 100 << " " << p[i][2] * 100 << " " << p[i][3] * 100 << " " << p[i][4] * 100 << " " << p[i][5] * 100 << " " << p[i][6] * 100 << " " << p[i][7] * 100 << " " << p[i][8] * 100 << " " << p[i][9] * 100 << " " << p[i][10] * 100 << " " << p[i][11] * 100 << " " << p[i][12] * 100 << " " << p[i][13] * 100 << " " << p[i][14] * 100 << " " << p[i][15] * 100 << " " << p[i][16] * 100 << " " << p[i][17] * 100 << " " << p[i][18] * 100 << " " << p[i][19] * 100 << " sum=" << sum << std::endl; } } } } int HMM::computeScoreSSMode( HMM *q, HMM *t){ int returnMode = HMM::NO_SS_INFORMATION; returnMode |= (q->nss_pred>=0 && t->nss_dssp>=0) ? HMM::PRED_DSSP : 0; returnMode |= (q->nss_dssp>=0 && t->nss_pred>=0) ? HMM::DSSP_PRED : 0; returnMode |= (q->nss_pred>=0 && t->nss_pred>=0) ? HMM::PRED_PRED : 0; return returnMode; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Divide aa probabilties by square root of locally averaged background frequencies // !!!!! ATTENTION!!!!!!! after this p is not the same as after adding pseudocounts !!! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void HMM::DivideBySqrtOfLocalBackgroundFreqs(const int D, const float* pb) // 2*D+1 is window size { if (divided_by_local_bg_freqs) { HH_LOG(WARNING) << "Already divided probs by local aa frequencies!" << std::endl; return; } divided_by_local_bg_freqs = 1; int i; // query and template match state indices int a; // amino acid index const float pc = 10.0; // amount of pseudocounts on local amino acid frequencies float fac = 1.0 / (2.0 * (float) D + 1.0 + pc); // 1 / window size float** pnul = new float*[L + 1]; // null model probabilities for (i = 0; i <= L; ++i) pnul[i] = new float[NAA]; for (a = 0; a < NAA; ++a) pnul[0][a] = pc * pb[a]; // HMM shorter than window length? => average over entire length L if (L <= 2 * D + 1) { for (i = 1; i <= L; ++i) for (a = 0; a < NAA; ++a) pnul[0][a] += p[i][a]; for (i = 1; i <= L; ++i) for (a = 0; a < NAA; ++a) pnul[i][a] = pnul[0][a]; fac = 1.0 / ((float) L + pc); } // HMM longer than window length? => average over window size 2*D+1 else { // Calculate local amino acid background frequencies in leftmost window (1,..,2*D+1) for (i = 1; i <= 2 * D + 1; ++i) for (a = 0; a < NAA; ++a) pnul[0][a] += p[i][a]; // Copy local amino acid background frequencies in leftmost window to positions 1,..,D+1 for (i = 1; i <= D + 1; ++i) for (a = 0; a < NAA; ++a) pnul[i][a] = pnul[0][a]; // Calculate local amino acid background frequencies in window of size 2*D+1 around each residue for (i = D + 2; i <= L - D; ++i) for (a = 0; a < NAA; ++a) pnul[i][a] = pnul[i - 1][a] + p[i + D][a] - p[i - 1 - D][a]; // Copy local amino acid background frequencies from pos. L-D to positions L-D+1,..,L for (i = L - D + 1; i <= L; ++i) for (a = 0; a < NAA; ++a) pnul[i][a] = pnul[L - D][a]; } // Divide amino acid probs by sqrt of local amino acid background frequencies for (i = 1; i <= L; ++i) for (a = 0; a < NAA; ++a) p[i][a] /= sqrt(fac * pnul[i][a]); if (Log::reporting_level() >= DEBUG1) { HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << "\nLocal amino acid background frequencies\n"; HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << " A R N D C Q E G H I L K M F P S T W Y V sum\n"; for (i = 1; i <= L; ++i) { HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << i << " "; float sum = 0.0; for (a = 0; a < 20; ++a) { HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << 100 * fac * pnul[i][a] << " "; sum += fac * pnul[i][a]; } HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << 100 * sum << std::endl; } } for (i = 0; i <= L; ++i) delete[] pnul[i]; delete[] pnul; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Factor Null model into HMM t // !!!!! ATTENTION!!!!!!! after this t->p is not the same as after adding pseudocounts !!! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void HMM::IncludeNullModelInHMM(HMM* q, HMM* t, int columnscore, const int half_window_size_local_aa_bg_freqs, const float* pb) { int i, j; //query and template match state indices int a; //amino acid index // Multiply template frequencies with amino acid weights = 1/background_freq(a) (for all but SOP scores) switch (columnscore) { default: case 0: // Null model with background prob. from database for (j = 0; j <= t->L + 1; ++j) for (a = 0; a < 20; ++a) t->p[j][a] /= pb[a]; break; case 1: // Null model with background prob. equal average from query and template float pnul[NAA]; // null model probabilities used in comparison (only set in template/db HMMs) for (a = 0; a < 20; ++a) pnul[a] = 0.5 * (q->pav[a] + t->pav[a]); for (j = 0; j <= t->L + 1; ++j) for (a = 0; a < 20; ++a) t->p[j][a] /= pnul[a]; break; case 2: // Null model with background prob. from template protein for (j = 0; j <= t->L + 1; ++j) for (a = 0; a < 20; ++a) t->p[j][a] /= t->pav[a]; break; case 3: // Null model with background prob. from query protein for (j = 0; j <= t->L + 1; ++j) for (a = 0; a < 20; ++a) t->p[j][a] /= q->pav[a]; break; case 5: // Null model with local background prob. from template and query protein // if (!q->divided_by_local_bg_freqs) q->DivideBySqrtOfLocalBackgroundFreqs(par.half_window_size_local_aa_bg_freqs); if (!q->divided_by_local_bg_freqs) InternalError("No local amino acid bias correction on query HMM!", __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__); if (!t->divided_by_local_bg_freqs) t->DivideBySqrtOfLocalBackgroundFreqs( half_window_size_local_aa_bg_freqs, pb); break; case 10: // Separated column scoring for Stochastic Backtracing (STILL USED??) for (i = 0; i <= q->L + 1; ++i) { float sum = 0.0; for (a = 0; a < 20; ++a) sum += pb[a] * q->p[i][a]; sum = 1.0 / sqrt(sum); for (a = 0; a < 20; ++a) q->p[i][a] *= sum; } for (j = 0; j <= t->L + 1; j++) { float sum = 0.0; for (a = 0; a < 20; ++a) sum += pb[a] * t->p[j][a]; sum = 1.0 / sqrt(sum); for (a = 0; a < 20; ++a) t->p[j][a] *= sum; } break; case 11: // log co-emission probability (no null model) for (a = 0; a < 20; ++a) pnul[a] = 0.05; break; } if (Log::reporting_level() >= DEBUG1) { HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << "\nAverage amino acid frequencies\n"; HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << " A R N D C Q E G H I L K M F P S T W Y V\n"; HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << "Q: "; for (a = 0; a < 20; ++a) HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << 100 * q->pav[a] << " "; HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << "\nT: "; for (a = 0; a < 20; ++a) HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << 100 * t->pav[a] << " "; HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << "\npb: "; for (a = 0; a < 20; ++a) HH_LOG(DEBUG1) << 100 * pb[a] << " "; } } void HMM::WriteToFile(char* outfile, const char append, const int max_seqid, const int coverage, const int qid, const int Ndiff, const float qsc, const int argc, const char** argv, const float* pb) { std::stringstream out; WriteToFile(out, max_seqid, coverage, qid, Ndiff, qsc, argc, argv, pb); if (strcmp(outfile, "stdout") == 0) { std::cout << out.str(); } else { std::fstream outf; if (append) outf.open(outfile, std::ios::out | std::ios::app); else outf.open(outfile, std::ios::out); if (!outf.good()) OpenFileError(outfile, __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__); outf << out.str(); outf.close(); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Write HMM to output file ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void HMM::WriteToFile(std::stringstream& out, const int max_seqid, const int coverage, const int qid, const int Ndiff, const float qsc, const int argc, const char** argv, const float* pb) { const int SEQLEN = 100; // number of residues per line for sequences to be displayed char line[LINELEN]; if (trans_lin == 1) InternalError( "tried to write HMM file with transition pseudocounts in linear representation", __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__); if (divided_by_local_bg_freqs) InternalError( "tried to write HMM file with amino acid probabilities divided by sqrt of local background frequencies\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__); // format specification out << "HHsearch 1.5" << std::endl; out << "NAME " << longname << std::endl; // name of first sequence out << "FAM " << fam << std::endl; // family name //TODO // char file_nopath[NAMELEN]; // RemoveExtension(file, outfile); // RemovePath(file_nopath, file); // fprintf(outf,"FILE %s\n",file_nopath); // base name of alignment file // Print command line out << "COM "; for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) if (strlen(argv[i]) <= 100) out << argv[i] << " "; else out << "<" << strlen(argv[i]) << " characters> "; out << std::endl; // print out date stamp time_t* tp = new time_t; *tp = time(NULL); out << "DATE " << ctime(tp); delete tp; // Print out some statistics of alignment out << "LENG " << L << " match states, " << l[L] << " columns in multiple alignment\n" << std::endl; out << "FILT " << N_filtered << " out of " << N_in << " sequences passed filter (-id " << max_seqid << " -cov " << coverage << " -qid " << qid << " -qsc " << qsc << " -diff " << Ndiff << ")" << std::endl; sprintf(line, "NEFF %-4.1f\n", Neff_HMM); out << line; if (has_pseudocounts) { out << "PCT true\n"; } // Print selected sequences from alignment (including secondary structure and confidence values, if known) out << "SEQ" << std::endl; for (int n = 0; n < n_display; n++) { out << ">" << sname[n] << std::endl; //first sequence character starts at 1; 0 not used. for (unsigned int j = 0; j < strlen(seq[n] + 1); j += SEQLEN) { sprintf(line, "%-.*s\n", SEQLEN, seq[n] + 1 + j); out << line; } } out << "#" << std::endl; // print null model background probabilities from substitution matrix out << "NULL "; for (int a = 0; a < 20; ++a) sout(out, -iround(fast_log2(pb[s2a[a]]) * HMMSCALE)); out << std::endl; // print table header line with amino acids out << "HMM "; for (int a = 0; a < 20; ++a) { out << i2aa(s2a[a]) << "\t"; } out << std::endl; // print table header line with state transitions out << " M->M\tM->I\tM->D\tI->M\tI->I\tD->M\tD->D\tNeff\tNeff_I\tNeff_D" << std::endl; // print out transition probabilities from begin state (virtual match state) out << " "; for (int a = 0; a <= D2D; ++a) sout(out, -iround(tr[0][a] * HMMSCALE)); sout(out, iround(Neff_M[0] * HMMSCALE)); sout(out, iround(Neff_I[0] * HMMSCALE)); sout(out, iround(Neff_D[0] * HMMSCALE)); out << std::endl; // Start loop for printing HMM columns int h = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= L; ++i) { while (islower(seq[nfirst][h]) && seq[nfirst][h]) h++; sprintf(line, "%1c %-4i ", seq[nfirst][h++], i); out << line; // Print emission probabilities for match state for (int a = 0; a < 20; ++a) { sout(out, -iround(fast_log2(p[i][s2a[a]]) * HMMSCALE)); } sprintf(line, "%-i", l[i]); out << line; out << std::endl; // Print transition probabilities out << " "; for (int a = 0; a <= D2D; ++a) { sout(out, -iround(tr[i][a] * HMMSCALE)); } sout(out, iround(Neff_M[i] * HMMSCALE)); sout(out, iround(Neff_I[i] * HMMSCALE)); sout(out, iround(Neff_D[i] * HMMSCALE)); out << std::endl << std::endl; } out << "//" << std::endl; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Transform log to lin transition probs ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void HMM::Log2LinTransitionProbs(float beta) { if (trans_lin == 1) return; trans_lin = 1; for (int i = 0; i <= L; ++i) { for (int a = 0; a < NTRANS; ++a) tr[i][a] = pow(2.0f,beta * tr[i][a]); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set query columns in His-tags etc to Null model distribution ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void HMM::NeutralizeTags(const float* pb) { char* qseq = seq[nfirst]; char* pt; int a, i; // Neutralize His tag if ((pt = strstr(qseq, "HHHHH"))) { int i0 = pt - qseq + 1; for (i = imax(i0 - 8, 1); i < i0; ++i) // neutralize leading 5 columns for (a = 0; a < NAA; ++a) p[i][a] = f[i][a] = pb[a]; for (; (*pt) == 'H'; ++i, ++pt) // neutralize His columns for (a = 0; a < NAA; ++a) p[i][a] = f[i][a] = pb[a]; int i1 = i; for (; i < imin(i1 + 8, L + 1); ++i) // neutralize trailing 5 columns for (a = 0; a < NAA; ++a) p[i][a] = f[i][a] = pb[a]; HH_LOG(INFO) << "Neutralized His-tag between positions " << imax(i0 - 8, 1) << " and " << i-1 << std::endl; } // Neutralize C-myc tag if ((pt = strstr(qseq, "EQKLISEEDL"))) { HH_LOG(INFO) << "Neutralized C-myc-tag at position " << int(pt - qseq) + 1 << std::endl; for (i = pt - qseq + 1; i <= pt - qseq + 10; ++i) for (a = 0; a < NAA; ++a) p[i][a] = f[i][a] = pb[a]; } // Neutralize FLAG tag if ((pt = strstr(qseq, "DYKDDDDK"))) { HH_LOG(INFO) << "Neutralized FLAG-tag at position " << int(pt - qseq) + 1; for (i = pt - qseq + 1; i <= pt - qseq + 8; ++i) for (a = 0; a < NAA; ++a) p[i][a] = f[i][a] = pb[a]; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Calculate effective number of sequences using profiles INCLUDING pseudocounts ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// float HMM::CalcNeff() { float Neff = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= L; ++i) for (int a = 0; a < 20; ++a) if (p[i][a] > 1E-10) Neff -= p[i][a] * fast_log2(p[i][a]); return fpow2(Neff / L); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Add secondary structure prediction to alignment (overwrite existing prediction) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void HMM::AddSSPrediction(char seq_pred[], char seq_conf[]) { unsigned int i; if ((int) strlen(seq_pred) != L + 1) { HH_LOG(WARNING) << "Could not add secondary struture prediction - unequal length!" << std::endl; return; } if (nss_pred >= 0 && nss_conf >= 0) { strcpy(seq[nss_pred], seq_pred); for (i = 0; i < strlen(seq_pred); i++) ss_pred[i] = ss2i(seq_pred[i]); strcpy(seq[nss_conf], seq_conf); for (i = 0; i < strlen(seq_conf); i++) ss_conf[i] = cf2i(seq_conf[i]); } else { // Shift existing sequences two positions down for (int k = imin(n_display - 1, MAXSEQDIS - 3); k >= 0; --k) { seq[k + 2] = seq[k]; sname[k + 2] = sname[k]; } if (nss_dssp >= 0) { nss_dssp += 2; } if (nsa_dssp >= 0) { nsa_dssp += 2; } if (ncons >= 0) { ncons += 2; } if (nfirst >= 0) { nfirst += 2; } nss_pred = 0; seq[nss_pred] = new char[L + 2]; strcpy(seq[nss_pred], seq_pred); for (i = 0; i < strlen(seq_pred); i++) ss_pred[i] = ss2i(seq_pred[i]); sname[nss_pred] = new char[50]; strcpy(sname[nss_pred], "ss_pred PSIPRED predicted secondary structure"); nss_conf = 1; seq[nss_conf] = new char[L + 2]; strcpy(seq[nss_conf], seq_conf); for (i = 0; i < strlen(seq_conf); i++) ss_conf[i] = cf2i(seq_conf[i]); sname[nss_conf] = new char[50]; strcpy(sname[nss_conf], "ss_conf PSIPRED confidence values"); n_display += 2; n_seqs += 2; } }