package Bio::Graphics::Glyph::topoview; # Based on the fb_shmiggle glyph by Victor Strelets, # 2009-2010 Victor Strelets, # Sheldon McKay 2015 # "" the TopoView glyph was developed for fast # 3D-like demonstration of RNA-seq data consisting of multiple # individual subsets. The main purposes were to compact presentation # as much as possible (in one reasonably sized track) and # to allow easy visual detection of coordinated behavior # of the expression profiles of different subsets. # See for complete documentation use strict; use GD; use base 'Bio::Graphics::Glyph::generic'; use Text::ParseWords 'shellwords'; use Data::Dumper; use List::Util qw/min max shuffle/; use constant DEBUG => 0; use vars qw/$colors_selected $black $red $white $grey @colors %Indices $black $darkgrey $lightgrey $charcoal/; sub draw { my $self = shift; my $gd = shift; my ($left,$top,$partno,$total_parts) = @_; my $ft = $self->feature; $black = $gd->colorClosest(0,0,0); $lightgrey = $gd->colorClosest(225,225,225); $grey = $gd->colorClosest(200,200,200); $darkgrey = $gd->colorClosest(125,125,125); $charcoal = $gd->colorClosest(75,75,75); # User specified edge color or else charcoal gray (black is very harsh) if (my $edge_color = $self->option('edge color')) { my $col = $self->factory->translate_color($edge_color); $self->{fgcolor} = $col; } else { $self->{fgcolor} = $charcoal; } my($pnstart,$pnstop) = ($self->panel->start,$self->panel->end); # in seq coordinates my($xf1,$yf1,$xf2,$yf2) = $self->calculate_boundaries($left,$top); my $nseqpoints = $pnstop - $pnstart + 1; my $leftpad = $self->panel->pad_left; $ft->{datadir} ||= $self->option('datadir'); my $datadir = $ENV{SERVER_PATH} . $ft->{datadir}; my($start,$stop) = $self->panel->location2pixel(($ft->{start},$ft->{end})); my $ftscrstop = $stop + $leftpad; my $ftscrstart = $start + $leftpad; my $chromosome = $ft->{ref}; my $flipped = $self->{flip} ? 1 : 0; my($subsets,$subsetsnames,$signals) = $self->getData($ft,$datadir,$chromosome,$pnstart,$pnstop,$xf1,$xf2,$flipped,$gd); my $poly_pkg = $self->polygon_package; my @orderedsubsets = @{$subsets}; my $nsets = $#orderedsubsets+1; # x and y steps my $xstep = $self->option('x_step'); my $ystep = $self->option('y_step'); unless ($ystep) { $ystep = int(100/$nsets); $ystep = 7 if $ystep >= 7; # empiricaly found - to read lines of tiny fonts $ystep = 12 if $ystep > 12; # empirically found - to preserve topo feel when number of subsets is small } unless ($xstep) { $xstep = 4; } my($xw,$yw) = ( $nsets*$xstep, ($nsets-1)*$ystep ); my $polybg = $poly_pkg->new(); $polybg->addPt($xf1,$yf2-$yw); $polybg->addPt($xf2,$yf2-$yw); $polybg->addPt($xf2-$xw, $yf2); $polybg->addPt($xf1-$xw, $yf2); $gd->polygon($polybg,$lightgrey); # background for( my $xx = $xf1+2; $xx<$xf2; $xx+=6 ) { $gd->line($xx,$yf2-$yw,$xx-$xw,$yf2,$grey); } # grid-helper my $xshift = 0; my $yshift = $nsets * $ystep; my @screencoords = @{$signals->{screencoords}}; my $max_signal = 30; my $koeff = 4; if( my $max = $self->max_score ) { $max_signal = $max; $koeff = 80.0/$max_signal; } my $predictor_cutoff = int($max_signal*0.95); # empirically found my @prevx = (); my @prevy = (); my @prevvals = (); my $profilen = $self->{no_max} ? 1 : 0; my %SPEEDUP = (); my $scrx = 0; my $no_fill = defined $self->option('fill') && !$self->option('fill'); foreach my $subset ( @orderedsubsets ) { my ($color,$bgcolor,$edgecolor); if ( $self->{bgcolor} ) { $bgcolor = $self->{bgcolor}->{$subset}; } if ($profilen == 0) { ($color,$edgecolor) = ($darkgrey,$charcoal); } else { $color = $bgcolor; $edgecolor = $self->{fgcolor}; } $xshift -= $xstep; $yshift -= $ystep; my @values = @{$signals->{$subset}}; my($xold,$yold)= ($xf1+$xshift,$yf2-$yshift+1); my $xpos = 0; my $poly = $poly_pkg->new(); $poly->addPt($xold,$yold+1); my @allx = ($xold); my @ally = ($yold); my @allvals = (0); my $runx = $xf1 + $xshift; foreach my $val ( @values ) { $scrx += $leftpad; my $x = $screencoords[$xpos] + $xshift; my $visval; if( exists $SPEEDUP{$val} ) { $visval = $SPEEDUP{$val}; } else { $visval = int($val*$koeff); $SPEEDUP{$val}= $visval; } my $y = $yf2 - $yshift - $visval; push(@allx,$x); push(@ally,$y); push(@allvals,$visval); if( $xpos>0 ) { $poly->addPt($x,$y+1); } ($xold,$yold)= ($x,$y); $xpos++; } $poly->addPt($xf2+$xshift, $yf2-$yshift+1); unless ($profilen == 0 || $no_fill) { $gd->filledPolygon($poly,$color); } ($xold,$yold)= ($allx[0],$ally[0]); for( my $en =1; $en<=$#allx; $en++ ) { my $x = $allx[$en]; my $y = $ally[$en]; $gd->line($xold,$yold,$x,$y,$edgecolor); ($xold,$yold)= ($x,$y); } # add scale bar to left and mid-point if ($profilen == 1) { my($xmin,$yyy,$ymax) = ($allx[1]-1,$yf2-$yw,$ally[0]); my $xmid = int(($allx[-1] - $xmin)/2); $self->add_scale_bar([$xmin,$xmid],$yyy,$max_signal,$gd); $self->{_xmid} = $xmid; $self->{_ymin} = $ymax; } $self->{_key}->{$subsetsnames->{$subset}} = $color; $gd->string(GD::Font->Tiny,$xf2+$xshift+3, $yf2-$yshift-5,$subsetsnames->{$subset},$color); unless( $profilen ==0 ) { @prevx = @allx; @prevy = @ally; @prevvals = @allvals; } $profilen++; } my $hide_key = defined $self->option('show key') && !$self->option('show key'); $self->add_subset_key($gd,$subsets) unless $hide_key; $gd->flipVertical() if $self->option('flip vertical'); return; } sub add_scale_bar { my ($self,$xx,$y,$max_signal,$gd) = @_; return if $self->option('flip vertical'); for my $x (@$xx) { $gd->string(GD::Font->Tiny,$x-12, $y-3,'0',$black); $gd->line($x-2,$y,$x-2,$y-50,$black); $gd->line($x-4,$y-47,$x-2,$y-50,$black); $gd->line($x,$y-47,$x-2,$y-50,$black); $gd->line($x-4,$y-44,$x-2,$y-44,$black); $gd->string(GD::Font->Tiny,$x-18, $y-47,int($max_signal+0.5),$black); } } sub add_subset_key { my ($self,$gd,$subsets) = @_; my @subsets = grep {!/MAX/} @$subsets; return if $self->option('flip vertical'); my $first_x = $self->{_xmid}-250; my $first_y = 12; my $key_colors = $self->{_key}; my $font = GD::Font->MediumBold; my $width = $self->width; my $total_key_width = 18; my ($longest_string) = sort {$b <=> $a} map {$self->string_width($_,$font)} @subsets; my $count; my $x = $first_x; my $y = $first_y; my $cutoff = 100; if (@subsets > 8 && !(@subsets %2)) { $cutoff = @subsets/2 + 1; } elsif (@subsets > 8) { $cutoff = int(@subsets/2 + 0.5); } for my $subset (@subsets) { if (++$count == $cutoff) { $x = $first_x; $y = $first_y + 12; } my $color = $key_colors->{$subset}; my $edgecolor = $self->{fgcolor}; my $string_width = $self->string_width($subset,$font); $gd->rectangle($x,$y,$x+10,$y+10,$edgecolor); $gd->filledRectangle($x,$y,$x+10,$y+10,$color); $x += 14; $gd->string($font,$x,$y,$subset,$black); $x += $longest_string + 8; } } #-------------------------- sub getData { my $self = shift; my($ft,$datadir,$chromosome,$start,$stop,$scrstart,$scrstop,$flipped,$gd) = @_; my $global_max_signal = $self->option('max_score') || 0; my %Signals = (); $self->openDataFiles($datadir); my $subset_text = $self->option('subset order'); if ($subset_text) { my @words = shellwords($subset_text); # subset + color if (!(@words %2) && $words[1] =~ /^[0-9A-F]{6}$/ && $words[2] !~ /^[.0-9]+$/) { while (@words) { push @{$ft->{subsetsorder}}, [splice(@words,0,2)]; } } # subset + color + alpha elsif (!(@words %3) && $words[1] =~ /^[0-9A-F]{6}$/) { while (@words) { push @{$ft->{subsetsorder}}, [splice(@words,0,3)]; } } # no color specified? Random color for you. Good luck! else { for my $word (@words) { push @{$ft->{subsetsorder}}, [$word,$self->random_color()]; } } } my @subsets = (exists $ft->{'subsetsorder'}) ? @{$ft->{'subsetsorder'}} : sort split(/\t+/,$Indices{'subsets'}); my $user_max = $self->option('max_score'); # This bit of code reads in user-specified bgcolor, if provided if ( ref $subsets[0] eq 'ARRAY' ) { for (@subsets) { next unless ref $_ eq 'ARRAY'; my ($subset,$color,$alpha) = @$_; $alpha ||= $self->option('fill opacity') || 1.0; if ($alpha && $alpha > 1) { die "Alpha must be between zero and 1"; } # make it hex if it looks like hex if ((length $color == 6) && $color =~ /^[0-9A-F]+$/) { $color = '#'.$color; } my $bgcolor = $self->factory->transparent_color($alpha,$color); my $fgcolor = $self->translate_color($color); $self->{bgcolor}->{$subset} = $bgcolor; # We will re-use this array later $_ = $subset; } } shift(@subsets) if $subsets[0] eq 'MAX'; warn("subsets: @subsets\n") if DEBUG; my %SubsetsNames = (exists $ft->{'subsetsnames'}) ? %{$ft->{'subsetsnames'}} : map { $_, $_ } @subsets; $SubsetsNames{MAX}= 'MAX'; my $screenstep = ($scrstop-$scrstart+1) * 1.0 / ($stop-$start+1); my $donecoords = 0; my $local_max_signal = 0; foreach my $subset ( @subsets ) { my $nstrings = 0; # scan seq ranges offsets to see where to start reading my $key = $subset.':'.$chromosome; my $poskey = $key.':offsets'; my $ranges_pos = (exists $Indices{$poskey}) ? int($Indices{$poskey}) : -1; if( $ranges_pos == -1 ) { next; } # no such signal.. warn(" positioning for $poskey starts at $ranges_pos\n") if DEBUG; if( $start>=1000000 ) { my $bigstep = int($start/1000000.0); if( exists $Indices{$key.':offsets:'.$bigstep} ) { my $jumpval = $Indices{$key.':offsets:'.$bigstep}; warn(" jump in offset search to $jumpval\n") if DEBUG; $ranges_pos = int($jumpval); } } seek(DATF,$ranges_pos,0); my($offset,$offset1)= (0,0); my $lastseqloc = -999999999; my $useoffset = 0; while( (my $strs =) ) { $nstrings++ if DEBUG; if( DEBUG ) { chop($strs); warn(" positioning read for coord $start ($strs)\n"); } last unless $strs =~m/^(-?\d+)[ \t]+(\d+)/; my($seqloc,$fileoffset)= ($1,$2); if( DEBUG ) { chop($strs); warn(" positioning read for $poskey => $seqloc, $fileoffset ($strs)\n"); } $offset1 = $offset; $offset = $fileoffset; $lastseqloc = $seqloc; if( $seqloc > $start ) { $useoffset = int($offset1); last; } } warn(" will use offset $useoffset\n") if DEBUG; warn(" (scanned $nstrings offset strings)\n") if DEBUG; if( $useoffset ==0 ) { # data offset cannot be 0 - means didn't find where to read required data.. next; my @emptyvals = (); for( my $ii = $scrstart; $ii++ <= $scrstop; ) { push(@emptyvals,0); } $Signals{$subset}= \@emptyvals; } $nstrings = 0; # read signal profile seek(DATF,$useoffset,0); $lastseqloc = -999999999; my $lastsignal = 0; my($scrx,$scrxold)= ($scrstart,$scrstart-1); my $runmax = 0; my @values = (); my @xscreencoords = (); while( (my $str =) ) { $nstrings++ if DEBUG; unless( $str =~m/^(-?\d+)[ \t]+(\d+)/ ) { warn(" header read: $str") if DEBUG; last; # because no headers were indexed at the beginning of data packs } my($seqloc,$signal)= ($1,$2); my $real_signal = $signal; $signal = $user_max if $user_max && $signal > $user_max; $local_max_signal = $signal if $signal > $local_max_signal; warn(" signal read: $seqloc, $signal line: $str") if DEBUG; last if $lastseqloc > $seqloc; # just in case, as all sits merged in one file.. if( $seqloc>=$start ) { # current is the next one after the one we need to start from.. unless( $lastseqloc == -999999999 ) { # expand previous $lastseqloc = $start-2 if $lastseqloc<$start; # limit empty steps (they may start from -200000) while( $lastseqloc < $seqloc ) { # until another (one we just retrieved) wiggle reading last if $lastseqloc > $stop; # end of subset data next if $lastseqloc++ < $start; # we have actual new seq position in our required range my $scrpos = int($scrx); $runmax = $lastsignal if $runmax < $lastsignal; if( $scrpos != $scrxold ) { # we have actual new seq _and_ screen position push(@values,$runmax); push(@xscreencoords,$scrpos) unless $donecoords; #print STDERR Dumper \@xscreencoords unless $donecoords; $scrxold = $scrpos; $runmax = 0; } $scrx += $screenstep; # remember - it is not integer } } } ($lastseqloc,$lastsignal)= ($seqloc,$signal); last if $seqloc > $stop; # end of subset data } if( $lastseqloc < $stop ) { # if on the end of signal profile, but still in screen range # just assume that we are getting one more reading with signal == 0 my $signal = 0; while( $lastseqloc++ < $stop ) { my $scrpos = int($scrx); if( $scrpos != $scrxold ) { # we have actual new seq _and_ screen position push(@values,$signal); push(@xscreencoords,$scrpos) unless $donecoords; $scrxold = $scrpos; } $scrx += $screenstep; } } warn(" (scanned $nstrings signal strings)\n") if DEBUG; $nstrings = 0; if( $flipped ) { my @ch = reverse @values; @values = @ch; } warn(" ".$subset."=> ".@values." values @values\n") if DEBUG && $#values<1000; $Signals{$subset}= \@values; $Signals{screencoords}= \@xscreencoords unless $donecoords; $donecoords = 1; } # foreach my $subset ( @subsets ) { # scaling can be local, user-defined max or global max my $scale = $self->option('autoscale') || 'global'; if ($scale eq 'local' && !$user_max) { $self->max_score($local_max_signal); } else { $self->max_score($user_max || $Indices{max_signal}); } warn(" max_signal => ".$self->max_score." \n") if DEBUG; # prepare MAX profile - will be used as a base for exon/UTR prediction $self->{no_max} = defined $self->option('show max') && ! $self->option('show max'); unless ($self->{no_max}) { my @maxprofile = (); my @ruler = @{$Signals{screencoords}}; for( my $npos = 0; $npos<=$#ruler; $npos++ ) { my $maxval = 0; foreach my $subset ( @subsets ) { my $p = $Signals{$subset}; my $val = $p->[$npos]; $maxval = $val if $maxval < $val; } push(@maxprofile,$maxval); } $Signals{MAX}= \@maxprofile; warn(" MAX => ".@maxprofile." values @maxprofile\n") if DEBUG && $#maxprofile<1000; unshift(@subsets,'MAX'); } return(\@subsets,\%SubsetsNames, \%Signals); } #-------------------------- sub openDataFiles { my $self = shift; my $datadir = shift; $datadir.= '/' unless $datadir =~m|/$|; my $datafile = $datadir.''; open(DATF,$datafile) || die("cannot open $datafile\n"); use BerkeleyDB; # caller should already used proper 'use lib' command with path my $bdbfile = $datadir . 'index.bdbhash'; tie %Indices, "BerkeleyDB::Hash", -Filename => $bdbfile, -Flags => DB_RDONLY || warn("can't read BDBHash $bdbfile\n"); if( DEBUG ) { foreach my $kk ( sort keys %Indices ) { warn(" $kk => ".$Indices{$kk}."\n"); } } return; } sub min_score { # not implemented } sub max_score { my $self = shift; my $score = shift; $self->{max_score} ||= $score; return $self->{max_score}; } sub random_color { my $self = shift; my @nums = 0..9,'A'..'F'; my $color; for (0..5) { my @array = shuffle(@nums); my $char = shift @array; $color .= $char; } return $color; } 1;