/*============================================================================== * * PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE * National Center for Biotechnology Information * * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S. * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction. * * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S. * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S. * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular * purpose. * * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material. * * =========================================================================== */ #include "factory-reads.h" /* CGReads15_Make */ #include "factory-mappings.h" /* CGMappings15_Make */ #include "factory-evidence-intervals.h" /* CGEvidenceIntervals15_Make */ #include "factory-evidence-dnbs.h" /* CGEvidenceDnbs15_Make */ #include "factory-tag-lfr.h" /* CGTagLfr15_Make */ #include "file.h" /* CGFileType */ /* File format v1.7 Software v1.12 #FORMAT_VERSION 1.7 */ static const CGFileTypeFactory cg_ETypeXX_names[] = { { "READS", cg_eFileType_READS, CGReads15_Make }, { "MAPPINGS", cg_eFileType_MAPPINGS, CGMappings15_Make }, { "LIB-DNB", cg_eFileType_LIB_DNB, NULL }, { "LIB-MATE-GAPS", cg_eFileType_LIB_MATE_GAPS, NULL }, { "LIB-SEQDEP-GAPS", cg_eFileType_LIB_SEQDEP_GAPS, NULL }, { "REFMETRICS", cg_eFileType_REFMETRICS, NULL }, { "DBSNP-TO-CGI", cg_eFileType_DBSNP_TO_CGI, NULL }, { "GENE-ANNOTATION", cg_eFileType_GENE_ANNOTATION, NULL }, { "SUMMARY-REPORT", cg_eFileType_SUMMARY_REPORT, NULL }, { "VAR-ANNOTATION", cg_eFileType_VAR_ANNOTATION, NULL }, { "GENE-VAR-SUMMARY-REPORT", cg_eFileType_GENE_VAR_SUMMARY_REPORT, NULL }, { "EVIDENCE-CORRELATION", cg_eFileType_EVIDENCE_CORRELATION, NULL }, { "EVIDENCE-DNBS", cg_eFileType_EVIDENCE_DNBS, CGEvidenceDnbs15_Make }, { "EVIDENCE-INTERVALS", cg_eFileType_EVIDENCE_INTERVALS, CGEvidenceIntervals15_Make }, { "DEPTH-OF-COVERAGE", cg_eFileType_DEPTH_OF_COVERAGE, NULL }, { "INDEL-LENGTH-CODING", cg_eFileType_INDEL_LENGTH_CODING, NULL }, { "INDEL-LENGTH", cg_eFileType_INDEL_LENGTH, NULL }, { "SUBSTITUTION-LENGTH-CODING", cg_eFileType_SUBSTITUTION_LENGTH_CODING, NULL }, { "SUBSTITUTION-LENGTH", cg_eFileType_SUBSTITUTION_LENGTH, NULL }, { "CNV_SEGMENTS", cg_eFileType_CNV_SEGMENTS, NULL }, { "CNV-SEGMENTS", cg_eFileType_CNV_SEGMENTS, NULL }, { "TUMOR_CNV_SEGMENTS", cg_eFileType_TUMOR_CNV_SEGMENTS, NULL }, { "CNV_DETAILS_SCORES", cg_eFileType_CNV_DETAILS_SCORES, NULL }, { "CNV-DETAIL-SCORES", cg_eFileType_CNV_DETAILS_SCORES, NULL }, { "TUMOR_DETAILS_SCORES", cg_eFileType_TUMOR_DETAILS_SCORES, NULL }, { "JUNCTIONS", cg_eFileType_JUNCTIONS, NULL }, { "JUNCTION-DNBS", cg_eFileType_JUNCTION_DNBS, NULL }, { "VAR-OLPL" , cg_eFileType_VAR_OLPL, NULL }, { "MEI" , cg_eFileType_MEI , NULL }, { "COVERAGE-BY-GC" , cg_eFileType_COVERAGE_BY_GC , NULL }, { "COVERAGE-DISTRIBUTION", cg_eFileType_COVERAGE_DISTRIBUTION, NULL }, /* semi-documented: mentioned in "Data File Formats.File format v1.7.Software v1.12 */ { "COVERAGE-BY-GC-CODING", cg_eFileType_COVERAGE_BY_GC , NULL }, { "COVERAGE-DISTRIBUTION-CODING", cg_eFileType_COVERAGE_DISTRIBUTION, NULL }, /* undocumented */ { "VAR-OLPL", cg_eFileType_VAR_OLPL, NULL }, { "TAG_LFR", cg_eFileType_TAG_LFR, CGTagLfr15_Make }, }; rc_t CGFile17_Make(const CGFileType** self, const char* type, const CGLoaderFile* file) { return CGLoaderFileMakeCGFileType(file, type, cg_ETypeXX_names, sizeof cg_ETypeXX_names / sizeof cg_ETypeXX_names[0], self); }