/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOUSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have recieved a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not write to the Free Software * Foundation, inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 * USA */ package run.elements; import run.*; // FILE: c:/temp/krockpackage/Shell.java import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.*; /** * This is a Belytchko Tsai Lin element. It is based on material from various * sources such as: Explicit Algorithms for the Nonlinear Dynamics of Shells - * Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 42 (1984) 225-251 * Dyna Theoretical Manual Radioss Manual * * @author Jonas Forssell, Yuriy Mikhaylovskiy * * @see OtherClasses */ public class Shell_BT_4 extends Element { private static int DISABLED = 0; private static int BASIC = 1; private static int ADVANCED = 2; private static int EDGE = 3; private static int ADVANCED_EDGE = 4; private double area; private Jama.Matrix local_coordinate_system; private Jama.Matrix[] strain; private Jama.Matrix[] dstrain; private Jama.Matrix strainrate; private Jama.Matrix[] stress; private Jama.Matrix force; private Jama.Matrix hourglass_force; private Jama.Matrix moment; private Jama.Matrix hourglass_moment; private Jama.Matrix B; private Jama.Matrix p; private Jama.Matrix v; private Jama.Matrix a; private Jama.Matrix trash; private double dmx; private double dmy; private double dmxy; private double kappax; private double kappay; private double kappaxy; private double[] z; private double[] weight_factor; private int number_of_integration_points; private int Contact; private int printed_integration_point; private double thickness; private double factor; private double friction; private double original_thickness; private Material[] material; private double shear_factor; private boolean hourglass_control; private double membrane_hourglass_coeff; private double out_of_plane_hourglass_coeff; private double rotation_hourglass_coeff; private Jama.Matrix hourglass_vector; private Load load; private boolean NIP_is_set; private boolean PIP_is_set; private boolean Nodes_are_set; private boolean Material_is_set; private boolean T_is_set; private boolean Factor_is_set; private boolean Friction_is_set; private boolean Thinning_is_enabled; private Contact_Triangle internal_contact_element_1; private Contact_Triangle internal_contact_element_2; private Contact_Triangle internal_contact_element_3; private Contact_Triangle internal_contact_element_4; private Contact_Line internal_contact_line_element_1; private Contact_Line internal_contact_line_element_2; private Contact_Line internal_contact_line_element_3; private Contact_Line internal_contact_line_element_4; // Attributes // Associations // Operations /** * Insert the method's description here. Creation date: (2001-08-10 * 19:45:45) */ public Shell_BT_4() { super(); type = new String("SHELL_BT_4"); int i; p = new Jama.Matrix(12, 1); v = new Jama.Matrix(12, 1); a = new Jama.Matrix(12, 1); trash = new Jama.Matrix(12, 1); B = new Jama.Matrix(2, 4); node = new Node[4]; force = new Jama.Matrix(3, 1); hourglass_force = new Jama.Matrix(3, 1); moment = new Jama.Matrix(3, 1); hourglass_moment = new Jama.Matrix(3, 1); material = new Material[5]; strainrate = new Jama.Matrix(6, 1); local_coordinate_system = new Jama.Matrix(3, 3); // strain = new Jama.Matrix[5]; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { strain[i] = new Jama.Matrix(6, 1); } // dstrain = new Jama.Matrix[5]; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { dstrain[i] = new Jama.Matrix(6, 1); } // stress = new Jama.Matrix[5]; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { stress[i] = new Jama.Matrix(6, 1); } // z = new double[5]; weight_factor = new double[5]; // hourglass_vector = new Jama.Matrix(4, 1); // Set the default values // These will change if the user has defined them in the input file shear_factor = 1.0; hourglass_control = true; membrane_hourglass_coeff = 0.1; out_of_plane_hourglass_coeff = 0.1; rotation_hourglass_coeff = 0.1; Contact = BASIC; Thinning_is_enabled = true; number_of_integration_points = 5; } /** * Insert the method's description here. Creation date: (25/12/01 %T) */ public void assembleMassMatrix() throws IllegalArgumentException { Jama.Matrix inertia; inertia = new Jama.Matrix(3, 3); double I; double mass; // Update local coordinate system this.updateLocalCoordinateSystem(); // Determine the element Area // and set the internal node coordinate (if applicable) this.calculateLocalVariables(); // Distribute the mass contribution on the nodes mass = material[0].getDensity() * area * thickness; node[0].addMass(mass / 4); node[1].addMass(mass / 4); node[2].addMass(mass / 4); node[3].addMass(mass / 4); /* Now, calculate the inertia. [Ixx Iyx Izx] I = [Ixy Iyy Izy] [Ixz Iyz Izz] With the exact formula for intertia, the solution tends to diverge for large rotation rates. A way to stabalize the rotation is to let Izz = Iyy = Ixx , Ixy... = 0 and concider the rectangle as a square. This gives the following: */ I = (mass / 4) * ((area / 12) + ((thickness * thickness) / 12)); inertia.set(0, 0, I); inertia.set(1, 1, I); inertia.set(2, 2, I); inertia.set(1, 0, 0); inertia.set(2, 0, 0); inertia.set(0, 1, 0); inertia.set(0, 2, 0); inertia.set(2, 1, 0); inertia.set(1, 2, 0); // Now, add to the nodes node[0].addInertia(inertia); node[1].addInertia(inertia); node[2].addInertia(inertia); node[3].addInertia(inertia); // if ((Contact == BASIC) || (Contact == EDGE)) { internal_contact_element_1.assembleMassMatrix(); internal_contact_element_2.assembleMassMatrix(); } if ((Contact == ADVANCED) || (Contact == ADVANCED_EDGE)) { internal_contact_element_1.assembleMassMatrix(); internal_contact_element_2.assembleMassMatrix(); internal_contact_element_3.assembleMassMatrix(); internal_contact_element_4.assembleMassMatrix(); } if ((Contact == EDGE) || (Contact == ADVANCED_EDGE)) { if (internal_contact_line_element_1 != null) { internal_contact_line_element_1.assembleMassMatrix(); } if (internal_contact_line_element_2 != null) { internal_contact_line_element_2.assembleMassMatrix(); } if (internal_contact_line_element_3 != null) { internal_contact_line_element_3.assembleMassMatrix(); } if (internal_contact_line_element_4 != null) { internal_contact_line_element_4.assembleMassMatrix(); } } } /** * Insert the method's description here. Creation date: (25/12/01 %T) */ public void calculateContactForces() { if ((Contact == BASIC) || (Contact == EDGE)) { internal_contact_element_1.calculateContactForces(); internal_contact_element_2.calculateContactForces(); } if ((Contact == ADVANCED) || (Contact == ADVANCED_EDGE)) { internal_contact_element_1.calculateContactForces(); internal_contact_element_2.calculateContactForces(); internal_contact_element_3.calculateContactForces(); internal_contact_element_4.calculateContactForces(); // Distribute the load from the internal node onto the others node[0].addInternalForce(middle_node.getForce().times(0.25)); node[1].addInternalForce(middle_node.getForce().times(0.25)); node[2].addInternalForce(middle_node.getForce().times(0.25)); node[3].addInternalForce(middle_node.getForce().times(0.25)); // And reset it middle_node.clearNodalForces(); } if ((Contact == EDGE) || (Contact == ADVANCED_EDGE)) { if (internal_contact_line_element_1 != null) { internal_contact_line_element_1.calculateContactForces(); } if (internal_contact_line_element_2 != null) { internal_contact_line_element_2.calculateContactForces(); } if (internal_contact_line_element_3 != null) { internal_contact_line_element_3.calculateContactForces(); } if (internal_contact_line_element_4 != null) { internal_contact_line_element_4.calculateContactForces(); } } } /** * Insert the method's description here. Creation date: (25/12/01 %T) */ public void calculateExternalForces(double currtime) { int i; // Add the pressure force in local z-direction if there is a load object defined if (load != null) { force.set(0, 0, 0); force.set(1, 0, 0); force.set(2, 0, area * load.getPressure(currtime) * 0.25); // Transform to global directions force = local_coordinate_system.transpose().times(force); // Distribute on nodes (note this is external forces so no sign reversal) for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { node[i].addInternalForce(force); } } if ((Contact == BASIC) || (Contact == EDGE)) { internal_contact_element_1.calculateExternalForces(currtime); internal_contact_element_2.calculateExternalForces(currtime); } if ((Contact == ADVANCED) || (Contact == ADVANCED_EDGE)) { internal_contact_element_1.calculateExternalForces(currtime); internal_contact_element_2.calculateExternalForces(currtime); internal_contact_element_3.calculateExternalForces(currtime); internal_contact_element_4.calculateExternalForces(currtime); } if ((Contact == EDGE) || (Contact == ADVANCED_EDGE)) { if (internal_contact_line_element_1 != null) { internal_contact_line_element_1.calculateExternalForces( currtime ); } if (internal_contact_line_element_2 != null) { internal_contact_line_element_2.calculateExternalForces( currtime ); } if (internal_contact_line_element_3 != null) { internal_contact_line_element_3.calculateExternalForces( currtime ); } if (internal_contact_line_element_4 != null) { internal_contact_line_element_4.calculateExternalForces( currtime ); } } } /** * This method is redesigned for the shell element. It calculates the local * base vectors for the element. These vectors defines the local * coordinate system for the element on which all the stress, strain and * force calculations are based. * * The input are four points in space. They are used as follows: * 1. The first point is the base point. * 2. The local x-axis is defined from base point to the second point. * 3. The local z-axis is defined as the cross product of the diagonals 1-3, 2-4 * * * * * * * * 3. The local y-axis is defined from the base point to the third point 4. The cross * vector between the x-axis and the y axis, defines the normal to the * plane 5. A new adjusted x-axis is calculated. 6. Finally, the y-axis is * calculated as the cross product of the x-axis and z-axis. Now, all the * three axis are normal to each other and a correct coordinate system is * defined. The method will return a matrix with these vectors: x-vec * y-vec z-vec x y z Creation date: * (26/08/01 %T) Jonas Forssell */ public void calculateLocalBaseVectors( double x1, double y1, double z1, double x2, double y2, double z2, double x3, double y3, double z3, double x4, double y4, double z4, Jama.Matrix bvs ) { // 1&2. Define the local x-axis. bvs.set(0, 0, x2 - x1); bvs.set(0, 1, y2 - y1); bvs.set(0, 2, z2 - z1); // 3. Define the y-axis bvs.set(1, 0, x4 - x1); bvs.set(1, 1, y4 - y1); bvs.set(1, 2, z4 - z1); // 4. Calculate the z-axis (cross product of the diagonals) bvs.set(2,0,(y3-y1)*(z4-z2)-(z3-z1)*(y4-y2)); bvs.set(2,1,(z3-z1)*(x4-x2)-(z4-z2)*(x3-x1)); bvs.set(2,2,(x3-x1)*(y4-y2)-(y3-y1)*(x4-x2)); // and normalize //local_z_axis = local_z_axis.times(1.0/local_z_axis.length()); bvs.set( 1, 0, Math.sqrt( (bvs.get(2, 0) * bvs.get(2, 0)) + (bvs.get(2, 1) * bvs.get(2, 1)) + (bvs.get(2, 2) * bvs.get(2, 2)) ) ); bvs.set(2, 0, bvs.get(2, 0) / bvs.get(1, 0)); bvs.set(2, 1, bvs.get(2, 1) / bvs.get(1, 0)); bvs.set(2, 2, bvs.get(2, 2) / bvs.get(1, 0)); // 5. Adjust the x-axis (using the y-axis as a temporary variable) // local_y_axis = local_x_axis.times(local_z_axis.transpose()).times(local_z_axis); bvs.set( 1, 0, (bvs.get(0, 0) * bvs.get(2, 0) * bvs.get(2, 0)) + (bvs.get(0, 0) * bvs.get(2, 1) * bvs.get(2, 1)) + (bvs.get(0, 0) * bvs.get(2, 2) * bvs.get(2, 2)) ); bvs.set( 1, 1, (bvs.get(0, 1) * bvs.get(2, 0) * bvs.get(2, 0)) + (bvs.get(0, 1) * bvs.get(2, 1) * bvs.get(2, 1)) + (bvs.get(0, 1) * bvs.get(2, 2) * bvs.get(2, 2)) ); bvs.set( 1, 2, (bvs.get(0, 2) * bvs.get(2, 0) * bvs.get(2, 0)) + (bvs.get(0, 2) * bvs.get(2, 1) * bvs.get(2, 1)) + (bvs.get(0, 2) * bvs.get(2, 2) * bvs.get(2, 2)) ); // local_x_axis = local_y_axis.times(1.0/local_y_axis.length()); bvs.set( 0, 2, Math.sqrt( (bvs.get(1, 0) * bvs.get(1, 0)) + (bvs.get(1, 1) * bvs.get(1, 1)) + (bvs.get(1, 2) * bvs.get(1, 2)) ) ); bvs.set(0, 0, bvs.get(1, 0) / bvs.get(0, 2)); bvs.set(0, 1, bvs.get(1, 1) / bvs.get(0, 2)); bvs.set(0, 2, bvs.get(1, 2) / bvs.get(0, 2)); // 6. Adjust the y-axis // local_y_axis = local_z_axis.vectorProduct(local_x_axis); bvs.set( 1, 0, (bvs.get(2, 1) * bvs.get(0, 2)) - (bvs.get(2, 2) * bvs.get(0, 1)) ); bvs.set( 1, 1, (bvs.get(2, 2) * bvs.get(0, 0)) - (bvs.get(2, 0) * bvs.get(0, 2)) ); bvs.set( 1, 2, (bvs.get(2, 0) * bvs.get(0, 1)) - (bvs.get(2, 1) * bvs.get(0, 0)) ); } /** * This calculates and adds the element internal forces to the nodes. Note, * by definition, the internal forces are subtracted from the external * loads Thus, the "addition" is negative. Creation date: (2001-10-23 * 14.03.06) * */ public void calculateNodalForces(int integration_point, double timestep) { /* The nodal forces are computed as a function of the gauss integration of the stresses. This means a summary must be made for all integration points. This routine will be called once for every integration point so this routine only has to calculate the force contribution of a specific integration point and distribute it on the nodes. */ int i; double ki; double ko; double kr; Jama.Matrix transposed_coordinate_system; ki = 0.0; ko = 0.0; kr = 0.0; transposed_coordinate_system = local_coordinate_system.transpose(); // Check the area of the element if (integration_point == 0) { if (area <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Error in Shell_BT_4 element. Negative or zero area. " ); } } // Loop through the nodes for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // Calculate forces fx, fy , fz force.set( 0, 0, 0.5 * thickness * area * weight_factor[integration_point] * ((B.get(0, i ) * stress[integration_point].get(0, 0)) + (B.get(1, i) * stress[integration_point].get(3, 0))) ); force.set( 1, 0, 0.5 * thickness * area * weight_factor[integration_point] * ((B.get(1, i ) * stress[integration_point].get(1, 0)) + (B.get(0, i) * stress[integration_point].get(3, 0))) ); force.set( 2, 0, 0.5 * thickness * area * shear_factor * weight_factor[integration_point] * ((B.get(0, i ) * stress[integration_point].get(5, 0)) + (B.get(1, i) * stress[integration_point].get(4, 0))) ); /* Now, add the hourglass forces These are calculated according to a viscous model where the forces are related to the rate of displacement (node velocity). The formulation is based on work done by Kosloff and Frasier. */ if ((integration_point == 0) && (hourglass_control == true)) { if (i == 0) { ki = 0.25 * material[0].getDensity() * material[0].wavespeedTwoDimensional( 0.0, 0.0 ) * thickness * Math.sqrt( (membrane_hourglass_coeff * area) / 2 ); ko = 0.25 * material[0].getDensity() * material[0].wavespeedTwoDimensional( 0.0, 0.0 ) * thickness * thickness * Math.sqrt( out_of_plane_hourglass_coeff / 10 ); kr = 0.02 * material[0].getDensity() * material[0].wavespeedTwoDimensional( 0.0, 0.0 ) * thickness * thickness * area * Math.sqrt( rotation_hourglass_coeff / 2 ); } // In-plane mode (x and y directions) hourglass_force.set( 0, 0, ki * ((v.get(0, 0) - v.get(3, 0) + v.get(6, 0)) - v.get(9, 0)) * hourglass_vector.get(i, 0) ); hourglass_force.set( 1, 0, ki * ((v.get(1, 0) - v.get(4, 0) + v.get(7, 0)) - v.get(10, 0)) * hourglass_vector.get(i, 0) ); // Out-of-plane mode (z directions) hourglass_force.set( 2, 0, ko * ((v.get(2, 0) - v.get(5, 0) + v.get(8, 0)) - v.get(11, 0)) * hourglass_vector.get(i, 0) ); // .. and transform to global coordinate system hourglass_force = transposed_coordinate_system.times( hourglass_force ); // add to the node node[i].addHourglassForce(hourglass_force.times(-1.0)); } // .. and transform to global coordinate system force = transposed_coordinate_system.times(force); // Calculate moments mx, my, mz // For those who are studying this in detail and is wondering why the formula is 0.5*thickness and not 0.25*thickness*thickness, remember that z[integration_point] already includes 0.5*thickness moment.set( 0, 0, 0.5 * thickness * area * weight_factor[integration_point] * (((B.get(1, i ) * (-z[integration_point] * stress[integration_point].get( 1, 0 ))) + (B.get(0, i) * (-z[integration_point] * stress[integration_point].get( 3, 0 )))) - (0.25 * shear_factor * stress[integration_point].get(4, 0))) ); moment.set( 1, 0, 0.5 * thickness * area * weight_factor[integration_point] * ((-B.get(0, i ) * (-z[integration_point] * stress[integration_point].get( 0, 0 ))) - (B.get(1, i) * (-z[integration_point] * stress[integration_point].get( 3, 0 ))) + (0.25 * shear_factor * stress[integration_point].get(5, 0))) ); moment.set(2, 0, 0); // Hourglass if ((integration_point == 0) && (hourglass_control == true)) { hourglass_moment.set( 0, 0, kr * ((a.get(0, 0) - a.get(3, 0) + a.get(6, 0)) - a.get(9, 0)) * hourglass_vector.get(i, 0) ); hourglass_moment.set( 1, 0, kr * ((a.get(1, 0) - a.get(4, 0) + a.get(7, 0)) - a.get(10, 0)) * hourglass_vector.get(i, 0) ); hourglass_moment.set( 2, 0, kr * ((a.get(2, 0) - a.get(5, 0) + a.get(8, 0)) - a.get(11, 0)) * hourglass_vector.get(i, 0) ); // .. and transform to global coordinate system hourglass_moment = transposed_coordinate_system.times( hourglass_moment ); // add to the node. node[i].addHourglassMoment(hourglass_moment.times(-1.0)); } // .. and transform to global coordinate system moment = transposed_coordinate_system.times(moment); /* Now, add the force and moment loads to the node. Remember that internal forces are negative and external are positive. */ node[i].addInternalForce(force.times(-1.0)); node[i].addInternalMoment(moment.times(-1.0)); } } /** * v is an array of node velocities expressed in the local coordinate * system v = [u1 v1 w1 u2 v2 w2 u3 v3 w3 u4 v4 w4] p is an array of node * coordinates expessed in the local coordinate system p = [x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 * z2 x3 y3 z3 x4 y4 z4] a is an array of node rotation velocity expressed * in the local coordinate system a = [ax1 ay1 az1 ax2 ay2 az2 ax3 ay3 az3 * ax4 ay4 az4] B is a matrix of the shape function derivatives. Creation * date: (25/12/01 %T) Jonas Forssell * * @param tstep double */ public void calculateStrain(double tstep, int integration_point) { // Do this block only once for each timestep. Not for each integration point if (integration_point == 0) { this.updateLocalCoordinateSystem(); this.calculateLocalVariables(); // Correct the area if element is set to high accuracy if ((Contact == ADVANCED) || (Contact == ADVANCED_EDGE)) { area = internal_contact_element_1.getArea() + internal_contact_element_2.getArea() + internal_contact_element_3.getArea() + internal_contact_element_4.getArea(); } /* Now that we have the input in local coordinate system, it is time to calculate the strain rates. Start by creating the B matrix (the derivate of the shape functions) which will be used frequently in the rest of the calculations. */ B.set(0, 0, p.get(4, 0) - p.get(10, 0)); B.set(0, 1, p.get(7, 0) - p.get(1, 0)); B.set(0, 2, p.get(10, 0) - p.get(4, 0)); B.set(0, 3, p.get(1, 0) - p.get(7, 0)); B.set(1, 0, p.get(9, 0) - p.get(3, 0)); B.set(1, 1, p.get(0, 0) - p.get(6, 0)); B.set(1, 2, p.get(3, 0) - p.get(9, 0)); B.set(1, 3, p.get(6, 0) - p.get(0, 0)); B.timesEquals(1.0 / (2.0 * area)); /* Now, the strain rates can be determined. They are calculated in the middle of the shell and then transformed out through the thickness. Start by calculating the middle strain rates: */ dmx = (B.get(0, 0) * (v.get(0, 0) - v.get(6, 0))) + (B.get(0, 1) * (v.get(3, 0) - v.get(9, 0))); dmy = (B.get(1, 0) * (v.get(1, 0) - v.get(7, 0))) + (B.get(1, 1) * (v.get(4, 0) - v.get(10, 0))); dmxy = (B.get(1, 0) * (v.get(0, 0) - v.get(6, 0))) + (B.get(1, 1) * (v.get(3, 0) - v.get(9, 0))) + (B.get(0, 0) * (v.get(1, 0) - v.get(7, 0))) + (B.get(0, 1) * (v.get(4, 0) - v.get(10, 0))); // kappax = -((B.get(0, 0) * (a.get(1, 0) - a.get(7, 0))) + (B.get(0, 1) * (a.get(4, 0) - a.get(10, 0)))); kappay = (B.get(1, 0) * (a.get(0, 0) - a.get(6, 0))) + (B.get(1, 1) * (a.get(3, 0) - a.get(9, 0))); kappaxy = (-B.get(1, 0) * (a.get(1, 0) - a.get(7, 0))) - (B.get(1, 1) * (a.get(4, 0) - a.get(10, 0))) + (B.get(0, 0) * (a.get(0, 0) - a.get(6, 0))) + (B.get(0, 1) * (a.get(3, 0) - a.get(9, 0))); } // Now, compute the strainrate for this integration point. strainrate.set(0, 0, dmx - (z[integration_point] * kappax)); strainrate.set(1, 0, dmy - (z[integration_point] * kappay)); strainrate.set(3, 0, dmxy - (z[integration_point] * kappaxy)); // The bending strain rates // dyz strainrate.set( 4, 0, ((B.get(1, 0) * (v.get(2, 0) - v.get(8, 0))) + (B.get(1, 1) * (v.get(5, 0) - v.get(11, 0)))) - (0.25 * (a.get(0, 0) + a.get(3, 0) + a.get(6, 0) + a.get(9, 0))) ); // dxz strainrate.set( 5, 0, (B.get(0, 0) * (v.get(2, 0) - v.get(8, 0))) + (B.get(0, 1) * (v.get(5, 0) - v.get(11, 0))) + (0.25 * (a.get(1, 0) + a.get(4, 0) + a.get(7, 0) + a.get(10, 0))) ); // Knowing the strainrate, the strain increase for this integration point is easily computed. dstrain[integration_point] = strainrate.times(tstep); } /** * Insert the method's description here. Creation date: (25/12/01 %T) */ public void calculateStress(int integration_point, double timestep) { /* This calculates the stresses using the strain and strain increase. The result is put back into the stress matrix. The element contains one local material object for each integration point since some materials has a memory which must be maintaned. */ material[integration_point].calculateStressTwoDimensionalPlaneStress( strain[integration_point], dstrain[integration_point], stress[integration_point], timestep ); // Update the thickness for thickness reduction using the mid-most integration point. if ( Thinning_is_enabled && (integration_point == (number_of_integration_points / 2)) ) { thickness = (1 + strain[number_of_integration_points / 2].get(2, 0)) * original_thickness; } } /** * Insert the method's description here. Creation date: (25/12/01 %T) * * @param current_timestep double * * @return double */ public double checkTimestep(double current_timestep) { double critical_length; double timestep; // Find the longest edge on the element critical_length = Math.sqrt( ((node[1].getX_pos() - node[0].getX_pos()) * (node[1].getX_pos() - node[0].getX_pos())) + ((node[1].getY_pos() - node[0].getY_pos()) * (node[1].getY_pos() - node[0].getY_pos())) + ((node[1].getZ_pos() - node[0].getZ_pos()) * (node[1].getZ_pos() - node[0].getZ_pos())) ); critical_length = Math.max( critical_length, Math.sqrt( ((node[2].getX_pos() - node[1].getX_pos()) * (node[2].getX_pos() - node[1].getX_pos())) + ((node[2].getY_pos() - node[1].getY_pos()) * (node[2].getY_pos() - node[1].getY_pos())) + ((node[2].getZ_pos() - node[1].getZ_pos()) * (node[2].getZ_pos() - node[1].getZ_pos())) ) ); critical_length = Math.max( critical_length, Math.sqrt( ((node[3].getX_pos() - node[2].getX_pos()) * (node[3].getX_pos() - node[2].getX_pos())) + ((node[3].getY_pos() - node[2].getY_pos()) * (node[3].getY_pos() - node[2].getY_pos())) + ((node[3].getZ_pos() - node[2].getZ_pos()) * (node[3].getZ_pos() - node[2].getZ_pos())) ) ); critical_length = Math.max( critical_length, Math.sqrt( ((node[0].getX_pos() - node[3].getX_pos()) * (node[0].getX_pos() - node[3].getX_pos())) + ((node[0].getY_pos() - node[3].getY_pos()) * (node[0].getY_pos() - node[3].getY_pos())) + ((node[0].getZ_pos() - node[3].getZ_pos()) * (node[0].getZ_pos() - node[3].getZ_pos())) ) ); critical_length = area / critical_length; // Determine the timestep. timestep = critical_length / material[0].wavespeedTwoDimensional( 0.0, 0.0 ); // Now, return the smallest of the suggested and the calculated timestep. // The smallest element will decide the timestep for the whole simulation. return Math.min(0.96 * timestep, current_timestep); } /** * This element only has one integration point (gauss point) Creation date: * (26/12/01 %T) * * @return int */ public int getNumberOfIntegrationPoints() { return number_of_integration_points; } /** * Insert the method's description here. Creation date: (25/12/01 %T) * * @param arg1 java.lang.String * @param arg2 java.lang.String * @param arg3 java.lang.String * @param lineno int * @param nodelist java.util.Vector * @param materiallist java.util.Vector */ public void parse_Fembic( Token[] param, int lineno, RplVector nodelist, RplVector materiallist, RplVector loadlist, Hashtable nodetable ) throws java.text.ParseException { int j; int i = 0; int index; Load temp_load; Token[] contact_input; while (i < param.length) { // The nodes of the element are defined if ( param[i].getw().toUpperCase().equals("NODES") && param[i + 1].getw().toUpperCase().equals("=") ) { // Assume now that the nodes are delivered in param3, with the format // [nodenr,nodenr,nodenr,nodenr] if ( ! param[i + 2].getw().toUpperCase().startsWith("[") || ! param[i + 2].getw().toUpperCase().endsWith("]") ) { throw new java.text.ParseException( "Error, node number definition should be [nodenr1,nodenr2,nodenr3,nodenr4]", lineno ); } // Ok, now find the numbers try { for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { node[j] = super.findNode( super.getNodeNumber(j + 1, param[i + 2].getw()), nodetable ); } i += 3; Nodes_are_set = true; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new ParseException(e.getMessage(), lineno); } } else // The material of the element is defined if ( param[i].getw().toUpperCase().equals("MATERIAL") && param[i + 1].getw().toUpperCase().equals("=") ) { // Assume now that the material name is delivered in param3 try { // We want the handle to the material object. material[0] = super.findMaterial( param[i + 2].getw().toUpperCase(), materiallist ); i += 3; Material_is_set = true; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new java.text.ParseException( "Error in Shell_BT_4 element\n" + e.getMessage(), lineno ); } } else // The number of integration points of the element is defined if ( param[i].getw().toUpperCase().equals("NIP") && param[i + 1].getw().toUpperCase().equals("=") ) { // The value of the cross section area is in param3. Set this in the element number_of_integration_points = (int) param[i + 2].getn(); i += 3; NIP_is_set = true; } else // The number of the integration point to print results from if ( param[i].getw().toUpperCase().equals("PIP") && param[i + 1].getw().toUpperCase().equals("=") ) { // The value of the cross section area is in param3. Set this in the element printed_integration_point = (int) param[i + 2].getn() - 1; i += 3; PIP_is_set = true; } else // The thickness of the shell is defined if ( param[i].getw().toUpperCase().equals("T") && param[i + 1].getw().toUpperCase().equals("=") ) { // The value of the element thickness is in param3. Set this in the element thickness = param[i + 2].getn(); original_thickness = thickness; i += 3; T_is_set = true; } else // The friction of the shell is defined if ( param[i].getw().toUpperCase().equals("FRICTION") && param[i + 1].getw().toUpperCase().equals("=") ) { // The value of the element thickness is in param3. Set this in the element friction = param[i + 2].getn(); i += 3; Friction_is_set = true; } else // The shear factor of the shell is defined if ( param[i].getw().toUpperCase().equals("SHEAR_FACTOR") && param[i + 1].getw().toUpperCase().equals("=") ) { shear_factor = param[i + 2].getn(); i += 3; } else // Hourglass control of the shell element is defined // This can be either ON or OFF if ( param[i].getw().toUpperCase().equals("HOURGLASS") && param[i + 1].getw().toUpperCase().equals("=") ) { // Default is horglass control is ON. Anything other than OFF means default. if (param[i + 2].getw().toUpperCase().equals("OFF")) { hourglass_control = false; } i += 3; } else // The shell membrane hourglass coefficient if ( param[i].getw().toUpperCase().equals("MHC") && param[i + 1].getw().toUpperCase().equals("=") ) { membrane_hourglass_coeff = param[i + 2].getn(); i += 3; } else // The shell out of plane hourglass coefficient if ( param[i].getw().toUpperCase().equals("OOPHC") && param[i + 1].getw().toUpperCase().equals("=") ) { out_of_plane_hourglass_coeff = param[i + 2].getn(); i += 3; } else // The shell rotation hourglass coefficient if ( param[i].getw().toUpperCase().equals("RHC") && param[i + 1].getw().toUpperCase().equals("=") ) { rotation_hourglass_coeff = param[i + 2].getn(); i += 3; } else if ( param[i].getw().toUpperCase().equals("LOAD") && param[i + 2].is_a_word() ) { for (index = 0; index < loadlist.size(); index++) { temp_load = (Load) loadlist.elementAt(index); if ( temp_load.name.equals( param[i + 2].getw().toUpperCase() ) ) { load = temp_load; break; } } if (index == loadlist.size()) { throw new java.text.ParseException( "Load name specified does not exist", lineno ); } i += 3; } else // The factor for the internal contact element is defined if ( param[i].getw().toUpperCase().equals("FACTOR") && param[i + 1].getw().toUpperCase().equals("=") ) { // The value of the element thickness is in param3. Set this in the element factor = param[i + 2].getn(); i += 3; Factor_is_set = true; } else // The contact element of the shell is specified if ( param[i].getw().toUpperCase().equals("CONTACT") && param[i + 1].getw().toUpperCase().equals("=") ) { // The value of the element thickness is in param3. Set this in the element if (param[i + 2].getw().toUpperCase().equals("OFF")) { Contact = DISABLED; } else if (param[i + 2].getw().toUpperCase().equals("ADVANCED")) { Contact = ADVANCED; } else if (param[i + 2].getw().toUpperCase().equals("EDGE")) { Contact = EDGE; } else if ( param[i + 2].getw().toUpperCase().equals("ADVANCED_EDGE") ) { Contact = ADVANCED_EDGE; } else { throw new ParseException( "Unrecognized contact parameter", lineno ); } i += 3; } else // The thickness reduction feature of the shell is specified if ( param[i].getw().toUpperCase().equals("THINNING") && param[i + 1].getw().toUpperCase().equals("=") ) { // The value of the parameter is in param3. if (param[i + 2].getw().toUpperCase().equals("OFF")) { Thinning_is_enabled = false; } else { throw new ParseException( "Unrecognized thinning parameter", lineno ); } i += 3; } else { // Neither material or nodes are defined. Then the parameter is wrong. throw new java.text.ParseException( "Unknown Shell element parameter ", lineno ); } } // **** Time to parse and initialize the contact elements ***** // Make the input for the contact element 1 i = 6; if (Factor_is_set) { i += 3; } if (Friction_is_set) { i += 3; } contact_input = new Token[i]; // Make a local instance of a contact element to handle the contacts i = 6; if ((Contact == BASIC) || (Contact == EDGE)) { internal_contact_element_1 = new Contact_Triangle(); internal_contact_element_2 = new Contact_Triangle(); internal_contact_element_1.setNumber(-1); internal_contact_element_2.setNumber(-2); contact_input[0] = new Token(new String("nodes")); contact_input[1] = new Token(new String("=")); contact_input[2] = new Token( new String( "[" + node[0].getNumber() + "," + node[1].getNumber() + "," + node[2].getNumber() + "]" ) ); contact_input[3] = new Token(new String("t")); contact_input[4] = new Token(new String("=")); contact_input[5] = new Token(thickness); if (Factor_is_set) { contact_input[i] = new Token(new String("factor")); contact_input[i + 1] = new Token(new String("=")); contact_input[i + 2] = new Token(factor); i += 3; } if (Friction_is_set) { contact_input[i] = new Token(new String("friction")); contact_input[i + 1] = new Token(new String("=")); contact_input[i + 2] = new Token(friction); i += 3; } // Now, set the input for the contact element internal_contact_element_1.parse_Fembic( contact_input, lineno, nodelist, materiallist, loadlist, nodetable ); // Make the input for the contact element 2 contact_input[2] = new Token( new String( "[" + node[2].getNumber() + "," + node[3].getNumber() + "," + node[0].getNumber() + "]" ) ); // Now, set the input for the contact element also internal_contact_element_2.parse_Fembic( contact_input, lineno, nodelist, materiallist, loadlist, nodetable ); } if ((Contact == ADVANCED) || (Contact == ADVANCED_EDGE)) { internal_contact_element_1 = new Contact_Triangle(); internal_contact_element_2 = new Contact_Triangle(); internal_contact_element_3 = new Contact_Triangle(); internal_contact_element_4 = new Contact_Triangle(); internal_contact_element_1.setNumber(-1); internal_contact_element_2.setNumber(-2); internal_contact_element_3.setNumber(-3); internal_contact_element_4.setNumber(-4); // Set up a middle node to connect all contact triangles to // Note that it is an internal node which makes it special compared to a // standard node. // Use a negative number which is same as element number to make it unique middle_node = new InternalNode(); middle_node.setNumber(-number); middle_node.registerMasterElement(this); // Add the internal node to the nodelist so it becomes part of the main loop nodelist.add(middle_node); nodetable.put(new Integer(-number),middle_node); contact_input[0] = new Token(new String("nodes")); contact_input[1] = new Token(new String("=")); contact_input[2] = new Token( new String( "[" + node[0].getNumber() + "," + node[1].getNumber() + "," + middle_node.getNumber() + "]" ) ); contact_input[3] = new Token(new String("t")); contact_input[4] = new Token(new String("=")); contact_input[5] = new Token(thickness); if (Factor_is_set) { contact_input[i] = new Token(new String("factor")); contact_input[i + 1] = new Token(new String("=")); contact_input[i + 2] = new Token(factor); i += 3; } if (Friction_is_set) { contact_input[i] = new Token(new String("friction")); contact_input[i + 1] = new Token(new String("=")); contact_input[i + 2] = new Token(friction); i += 3; } // Now, set the input for the contact element internal_contact_element_1.parse_Fembic( contact_input, lineno, nodelist, materiallist, loadlist, nodetable ); // Make the input for the contact element 2 contact_input[2] = new Token( new String( "[" + node[1].getNumber() + "," + node[2].getNumber() + "," + middle_node.getNumber() + "]" ) ); internal_contact_element_2.parse_Fembic( contact_input, lineno, nodelist, materiallist, loadlist, nodetable ); // Make the input for the contact element 3 contact_input[2] = new Token( new String( "[" + node[2].getNumber() + "," + node[3].getNumber() + "," + middle_node.getNumber() + "]" ) ); internal_contact_element_3.parse_Fembic( contact_input, lineno, nodelist, materiallist, loadlist, nodetable ); // Make the input for the contact element 4 contact_input[2] = new Token( new String( "[" + node[3].getNumber() + "," + node[0].getNumber() + "," + middle_node.getNumber() + "]" ) ); internal_contact_element_4.parse_Fembic( contact_input, lineno, nodelist, materiallist, loadlist, nodetable ); } /* Make local instances of the edges contact elements to handle the contacts. * Note that some of the contact_inputs are assumed set in the previous block */ if ((Contact == EDGE) || (Contact == ADVANCED_EDGE)) { if (! node[0].hasContact_LineElementConnectedTo(node[1])) { internal_contact_line_element_1 = new Contact_Line(); internal_contact_line_element_1.setNumber(-1); contact_input[2] = new Token( new String( "[" + node[0].getNumber() + "," + node[1].getNumber() + "]" ) ); contact_input[3] = new Token(new String("D")); contact_input[4] = new Token(new String("=")); contact_input[5] = new Token(thickness); // Set the input internal_contact_line_element_1.parse_Fembic( contact_input, lineno, nodelist, materiallist, loadlist, nodetable ); } if (! node[1].hasContact_LineElementConnectedTo(node[2])) { internal_contact_line_element_2 = new Contact_Line(); internal_contact_line_element_2.setNumber(-2); contact_input[2] = new Token( new String( "[" + node[1].getNumber() + "," + node[2].getNumber() + "]" ) ); contact_input[3] = new Token(new String("D")); contact_input[4] = new Token(new String("=")); contact_input[5] = new Token(thickness); // Set the input internal_contact_line_element_2.parse_Fembic( contact_input, lineno, nodelist, materiallist, loadlist, nodetable ); } if (! node[2].hasContact_LineElementConnectedTo(node[3])) { internal_contact_line_element_3 = new Contact_Line(); internal_contact_line_element_3.setNumber(-3); contact_input[2] = new Token( new String( "[" + node[2].getNumber() + "," + node[3].getNumber() + "]" ) ); contact_input[3] = new Token(new String("D")); contact_input[4] = new Token(new String("=")); contact_input[5] = new Token(thickness); // Set the input internal_contact_line_element_3.parse_Fembic( contact_input, lineno, nodelist, materiallist, loadlist, nodetable ); } if (! node[3].hasContact_LineElementConnectedTo(node[0])) { internal_contact_line_element_4 = new Contact_Line(); internal_contact_line_element_4.setNumber(-4); contact_input[2] = new Token( new String( "[" + node[3].getNumber() + "," + node[0].getNumber() + "]" ) ); contact_input[3] = new Token(new String("D")); contact_input[4] = new Token(new String("=")); contact_input[5] = new Token(thickness); // Set the input internal_contact_line_element_4.parse_Fembic( contact_input, lineno, nodelist, materiallist, loadlist, nodetable ); } } } /** * Checks that all mandatory variables have been set */ public void checkIndata() throws IllegalArgumentException { // Check that all the required parameters have been parsed if (! Nodes_are_set) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "No nodes defined for Shell_BT_4 element nr" + number ); } if (! Material_is_set) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "No Material defined for Shell_BT_4 element nr" + number ); } if (! T_is_set) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "No Thickness (T) defined for Shell_BT_4 element nr" + number ); } if (PIP_is_set) { if (printed_integration_point >= number_of_integration_points) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Printed integration point larger than available points" ); } if (printed_integration_point < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Printed integration point less than 1"); } } // if ((Contact == BASIC) || (Contact == EDGE)) { internal_contact_element_1.checkIndata(); internal_contact_element_2.checkIndata(); } if ((Contact == ADVANCED) || (Contact == ADVANCED_EDGE)) { internal_contact_element_1.checkIndata(); internal_contact_element_2.checkIndata(); internal_contact_element_3.checkIndata(); internal_contact_element_4.checkIndata(); } if ((Contact == EDGE) || (Contact == ADVANCED_EDGE)) { if (internal_contact_line_element_1 != null) { internal_contact_line_element_1.checkIndata(); } if (internal_contact_line_element_2 != null) { internal_contact_line_element_2.checkIndata(); } if (internal_contact_line_element_3 != null) { internal_contact_line_element_3.checkIndata(); } if (internal_contact_line_element_4 != null) { internal_contact_line_element_4.checkIndata(); } } } /** * * The method checks destroyed element or not. * If the element is destroyed variable failed = true else failed = false. * */ public void checkIfFailed() { if ( ! material[0].failureStrainIsSet() && ! material[0].failureStressIsSet() ) { failed = false; return; } if (material[0].failureStressIsSet()) { //0.70710678118654752440084436210485 = Math.sqrt(2) / 2.0 double s = 0.7071f * Math.sqrt( Math.pow( stress[printed_integration_point].get(0, 0) - stress[printed_integration_point].get(1, 0), 2 ) + Math.pow( stress[printed_integration_point].get(1, 0) - stress[printed_integration_point].get(2, 0), 2 ) + Math.pow( stress[printed_integration_point].get(2, 0) - stress[printed_integration_point].get(0, 0), 2 ) + (6 * (Math.pow( stress[printed_integration_point].get(3, 0), 2 ) + Math.pow(stress[printed_integration_point].get(4, 0), 2) + Math.pow(stress[printed_integration_point].get(5, 0), 2))) ); if (s > material[0].getFailureStress()) { failed = true; return; } } if (material[0].failureStrainIsSet()) { //0.47140452079103168293389624140323 = Math.sqrt(2) / 3.0 double e = 0.4714f * Math.sqrt( Math.pow( strain[printed_integration_point].get(0, 0) - strain[printed_integration_point].get(1, 0), 2 ) + Math.pow( strain[printed_integration_point].get(1, 0) - strain[printed_integration_point].get(2, 0), 2 ) + Math.pow( strain[printed_integration_point].get(2, 0) - strain[printed_integration_point].get(0, 0), 2 ) + (1.5 * (Math.pow( strain[printed_integration_point].get(3, 0), 2 ) + Math.pow(strain[printed_integration_point].get(4, 0), 2) + Math.pow(strain[printed_integration_point].get(5, 0), 2))) ); if (e > material[0].getFailureStrain()) { failed = true; return; } } failed = false; } /** * This method is used to create the lines needed in the result file. The * method returns a string which is printed directly. However, due to the * fact that the line may be different depending on what is requested to * be printed and that the number of methods should be kept down, the * first parameter here is a control parameter. This parameter describes * what should be printed. The second parameter is a required input when * gauss point results are to be printed. Creation date: (09/12/01 %T) * * @param ctrl int * @param gpn int * * @return java.lang.String */ public String print_Gid(int ctrl, int gpn) { String out; int i; switch (ctrl) { case MESH_HEADER: /* Print the header for the mesh. * In this case, the type of element is Quadilateral and it uses 4 nodes */ out = new String( "MESH \"MeshType" + type + "\" Dimension 3 ElemType Quadrilateral Nnode 4\n" ); return out; case MESH: /* Print the element number and connected nodes */ out = new String( number + "\t" + node[0].getNumber() + "\t" + node[1].getNumber() + "\t" + node[2].getNumber() + "\t" + node[3].getNumber() + "\n" ); return out; case RESULT_HEADER: /* Print the header of the result file, for the block of Quadrilateral elements. * The element has one gauss point where the result is calculated. In fact, the element has up to five gauss points * but GID does not support gauss points through the thickness of a Quadrilateral right now. Therefore, we will pick the middle gausspoint to show the results. * The point is placed on the natural position 0,0 */ out = new String( "GaussPoints \"Type" + type + "\" ElemType Quadrilateral \"MeshType" + type + "\"\n" ); out += "Number Of Gauss Points: 1\n"; out += "Nodes Not Included\n"; // There are no gauss points in the nodes. out += "Natural Coordinates: Given\n"; // They are on the optimum gauss coordinates instead, which GID will know by default when this switch is set to internal. out += "0.0 0.0 \n"; out += "End GaussPoints\n"; return out; case RESULT_SUB_HEADER: /* Print the subheader for the resultfile to initate each block of data from this element type First parameter: Kind of results ( 1= scalar, 2=vector, 3=matrix, 4=2D plane deformation matrix, 5=Main stresser, 6=Euler angles (for local axes) Second param: Location of the data (1= on the nodes, 2= in the gauss points); Third param: Will there be a description on the results button in GID? (0= Make one up GID! 1= Yes, a description will be given) Fourth param: Specify the name of the gauss point set that will be used "name" */ out = new String(" 3 2 0 \"Type" + type + "\"\n"); return out; case RESULT_STRESS_LOCAL: /* Print the Gauss stresses for this element and the requested gauss point. */ if (gpn == 0) { out = new String(number + " "); // Element number must start the first gauss point results // The result is printed as [Sxx Syy Szz Sxy Syz Sxz] for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { out += (stress[printed_integration_point].get(i, 0) + "\t"); } out += "\n"; } else { out = new String(""); } return out; // Nothing more to print case RESULT_STRAIN_LOCAL: /* Print the Gauss strains for this element and the requested gauss point. */ if (gpn == 0) { out = new String(number + " "); // Element number must start the first gauss point results // The result is printed as [exx eyy ezz exy eyz exz] for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { out += (strain[printed_integration_point].get(i, 0) + "\t"); } out += "\n"; } else { out = new String(""); } return out; // Nothing more to print default: return new String(""); } } /** * This method is used to create the lines needed in the result file. The * method returns a string which is printed directly. However, due to the * fact that the line may be different depending on what is requested to * be printed and that the number of methods should be kept down, the * first parameter here is a control parameter. This parameter describes * what should be printed. The second parameter is a required input when * gauss point results are to be printed. Creation date: (09/12/01 %T) * * @param ctrl The control number to say if a header of result file is to * be printed. * @param gpn The gauss point number. * * @return java.lang.String */ public String print_Fembic(int ctrl, int gpn) { String out; switch (ctrl) { case Element.MESH: /* Print the element number and connected nodes */ out = new String( number + "\t nodes = [" + node[0].getNumber() + "," + node[1].getNumber() + "," + node[2].getNumber() + "," + node[3].getNumber() + "]\t" + "T = " + thickness + "\t" + "material = " + material[0].getName() + "\t" ); if (Factor_is_set) out += "factor = " + factor; if (Friction_is_set) out += "friction = " + friction; if (Contact == DISABLED) out += " contact = OFF"; if (Contact == EDGE) out += " contact = EDGE"; if (Contact == ADVANCED) out += " contact = ADVANCED"; if (Contact == ADVANCED_EDGE) out += " contact = ADVANCED_EDGE"; if (NIP_is_set) out += " nip = " + number_of_integration_points; if (PIP_is_set) out += " pip = " + printed_integration_point; if (shear_factor != 0) out += " shear_factor = " + shear_factor; if (hourglass_control) out += " hourglass = ON"; if ( membrane_hourglass_coeff != 0) out += " mhc = " + membrane_hourglass_coeff; if ( out_of_plane_hourglass_coeff != 0) out += " oophc = " + out_of_plane_hourglass_coeff; if ( rotation_hourglass_coeff != 0) out += " rhc = " + rotation_hourglass_coeff; if ( load != null) out += " load = " + load.getName(); if (!Thinning_is_enabled) out += " thinning = OFF"; out += "\n"; return out; default: return new String(""); } } /** * Insert the method's description here. Creation date: (25/12/01 %T) */ public void setInitialConditions() throws IllegalArgumentException { int i; /* Make a local copy of the material object and keep it inside the element. * The reason for this is twofold. * 1. The material law is now tied to the element and will remember the element properties and history * 2. Since the material is cloned now, after Initialize, all the parameters are defined in the material object and are * now automatically transferred to the local copy. * * Note that one copy of the materiallaw is required for each intergration point in the element. */ try { for (i = 0; i < number_of_integration_points; i++) { material[i] = (Material) material[0].copy(); } } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { System.err.println("Object cannot clone"); } // Now call any necessary initialisations in the law. for (i = 0; i < number_of_integration_points; i++) { material[i].setInitialConditions(); } // Set up the index and weights of the integration points for a gaussian integration if (number_of_integration_points == 1) { z[0] = 0 * (thickness / 2.0); weight_factor[0] = 2.0; } else if (number_of_integration_points == 2) { z[0] = 0.577350269189626 * (thickness / 2.0); weight_factor[0] = 1.0; z[1] = -0.577350269189626 * (thickness / 2.0); weight_factor[1] = 1.0; } else if (number_of_integration_points == 3) { z[0] = 0.774596669241483 * (thickness / 2.0); weight_factor[0] = 5.0 / 9.0; z[1] = 0 * (thickness / 2.0); weight_factor[1] = 8.0 / 9.0; z[2] = -0.774596669241483 * (thickness / 2.0); weight_factor[2] = 5.0 / 9.0; } else if (number_of_integration_points == 4) { z[0] = 0.861136311594053 * (thickness / 2.0); weight_factor[0] = 0.347854845137454; z[1] = 0.339981043584856 * (thickness / 2.0); weight_factor[1] = 0.652145154862546; z[2] = -0.339981043584856 * (thickness / 2.0); weight_factor[2] = 0.652145154862546; z[3] = -0.861136311594053 * (thickness / 2.0); weight_factor[1] = 0.347854845137454; } else if (number_of_integration_points == 5) { z[0] = 0.90618 * (thickness / 2.0); weight_factor[0] = 0.236927; z[1] = 0.538469 * (thickness / 2.0); weight_factor[1] = 0.478629; z[2] = 0 * (thickness / 2.0); weight_factor[2] = 0.568889; z[3] = -0.538469 * (thickness / 2.0); weight_factor[3] = 0.478629; z[4] = -0.90618 * (thickness / 2.0); weight_factor[4] = 0.236927; } // Define the hourglass vector hourglass_vector.set(0, 0, 1); hourglass_vector.set(1, 0, -1); hourglass_vector.set(2, 0, 1); hourglass_vector.set(3, 0, -1); // Set initial conditions on the contact elements if ((Contact == BASIC) || (Contact == EDGE)) { internal_contact_element_1.setInitialConditions(); internal_contact_element_2.setInitialConditions(); } if ((Contact == ADVANCED) || (Contact == ADVANCED_EDGE)) { internal_contact_element_1.setInitialConditions(); internal_contact_element_2.setInitialConditions(); internal_contact_element_3.setInitialConditions(); internal_contact_element_4.setInitialConditions(); } if ((Contact == EDGE) || (Contact == ADVANCED_EDGE)) { if (internal_contact_line_element_1 != null) { internal_contact_line_element_1.setInitialConditions(); } if (internal_contact_line_element_2 != null) { internal_contact_line_element_2.setInitialConditions(); } if (internal_contact_line_element_3 != null) { internal_contact_line_element_3.setInitialConditions(); } if (internal_contact_line_element_4 != null) { internal_contact_line_element_4.setInitialConditions(); } } // Print by default the middle integration point if nothing else specified if (! PIP_is_set) { printed_integration_point = number_of_integration_points / 2; } } /** * This method calculates the local coordinate system for the element. The * method returns a handle to the system and this matrix is then stored in * the local_coordinate_system for later use. The matrix can be used in * the transformation of displacements and forces between the local and * global coordinates. However, in this element, the transformation is * made automatically in the matrix algebra of calculating the element * strains (they are derived in global directions) The element is assumed * to have the following node numbering y 3 I 2 I * I________ x 0 1 */ public void updateLocalCoordinateSystem() { this.calculateLocalBaseVectors( node[0].getX_pos(), node[0].getY_pos(), node[0].getZ_pos(), node[1].getX_pos(), node[1].getY_pos(), node[1].getZ_pos(), node[2].getX_pos(), node[2].getY_pos(), node[2].getZ_pos(), node[3].getX_pos(), node[3].getY_pos(), node[3].getZ_pos(), local_coordinate_system ); if ((Contact == BASIC) || (Contact == EDGE)) { internal_contact_element_1.updateLocalCoordinateSystem(); internal_contact_element_2.updateLocalCoordinateSystem(); } if ((Contact == ADVANCED) || (Contact == ADVANCED_EDGE)) { internal_contact_element_1.updateLocalCoordinateSystem(); internal_contact_element_2.updateLocalCoordinateSystem(); internal_contact_element_3.updateLocalCoordinateSystem(); internal_contact_element_4.updateLocalCoordinateSystem(); } if ((Contact == EDGE) || (Contact == ADVANCED_EDGE)) { if (internal_contact_line_element_1 != null) { internal_contact_line_element_1.updateLocalCoordinateSystem(); } if (internal_contact_line_element_2 != null) { internal_contact_line_element_2.updateLocalCoordinateSystem(); } if (internal_contact_line_element_3 != null) { internal_contact_line_element_3.updateLocalCoordinateSystem(); } if (internal_contact_line_element_4 != null) { internal_contact_line_element_4.updateLocalCoordinateSystem(); } } } private void calculateLocalVariables() { // Update the p matrix trash.set(0, 0, node[0].getX_pos()); trash.set(1, 0, node[0].getY_pos()); trash.set(2, 0, node[0].getZ_pos()); trash.set(3, 0, node[1].getX_pos()); trash.set(4, 0, node[1].getY_pos()); trash.set(5, 0, node[1].getZ_pos()); trash.set(6, 0, node[2].getX_pos()); trash.set(7, 0, node[2].getY_pos()); trash.set(8, 0, node[2].getZ_pos()); trash.set(9, 0, node[3].getX_pos()); trash.set(10, 0, node[3].getY_pos()); trash.set(11, 0, node[3].getZ_pos()); // Transform into local coordinate system // p.setMatrix(0,2,0,0,local_coordinate_system.times(trash.getMatrix(0,2,0,0))); p.set( 0, 0, (local_coordinate_system.get(0, 0) * trash.get(0, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(0, 1) * trash.get(1, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(0, 2) * trash.get(2, 0)) ); p.set( 1, 0, (local_coordinate_system.get(1, 0) * trash.get(0, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(1, 1) * trash.get(1, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(1, 2) * trash.get(2, 0)) ); p.set( 2, 0, (local_coordinate_system.get(2, 0) * trash.get(0, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(2, 1) * trash.get(1, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(2, 2) * trash.get(2, 0)) ); // p.setMatrix(3,5,0,0,local_coordinate_system.times(trash.getMatrix(3,5,0,0))); p.set( 3, 0, (local_coordinate_system.get(0, 0) * trash.get(3, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(0, 1) * trash.get(4, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(0, 2) * trash.get(5, 0)) ); p.set( 4, 0, (local_coordinate_system.get(1, 0) * trash.get(3, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(1, 1) * trash.get(4, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(1, 2) * trash.get(5, 0)) ); p.set( 5, 0, (local_coordinate_system.get(2, 0) * trash.get(3, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(2, 1) * trash.get(4, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(2, 2) * trash.get(5, 0)) ); // p.setMatrix(6,8,0,0,local_coordinate_system.times(trash.getMatrix(6,8,0,0))); p.set( 6, 0, (local_coordinate_system.get(0, 0) * trash.get(6, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(0, 1) * trash.get(7, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(0, 2) * trash.get(8, 0)) ); p.set( 7, 0, (local_coordinate_system.get(1, 0) * trash.get(6, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(1, 1) * trash.get(7, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(1, 2) * trash.get(8, 0)) ); p.set( 8, 0, (local_coordinate_system.get(2, 0) * trash.get(6, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(2, 1) * trash.get(7, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(2, 2) * trash.get(8, 0)) ); // p.setMatrix(9,11,0,0,local_coordinate_system.times(trash.getMatrix(9,11,0,0))); p.set( 9, 0, (local_coordinate_system.get(0, 0) * trash.get(9, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(0, 1) * trash.get(10, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(0, 2) * trash.get(11, 0)) ); p.set( 10, 0, (local_coordinate_system.get(1, 0) * trash.get(9, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(1, 1) * trash.get(10, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(1, 2) * trash.get(11, 0)) ); p.set( 11, 0, (local_coordinate_system.get(2, 0) * trash.get(9, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(2, 1) * trash.get(10, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(2, 2) * trash.get(11, 0)) ); // Update the v matrix trash.set(0, 0, node[0].getX_vel()); trash.set(1, 0, node[0].getY_vel()); trash.set(2, 0, node[0].getZ_vel()); trash.set(3, 0, node[1].getX_vel()); trash.set(4, 0, node[1].getY_vel()); trash.set(5, 0, node[1].getZ_vel()); trash.set(6, 0, node[2].getX_vel()); trash.set(7, 0, node[2].getY_vel()); trash.set(8, 0, node[2].getZ_vel()); trash.set(9, 0, node[3].getX_vel()); trash.set(10, 0, node[3].getY_vel()); trash.set(11, 0, node[3].getZ_vel()); // And transform into local coordinate system // v.setMatrix(0,2,0,0,local_coordinate_system.times(trash.getMatrix(0,2,0,0))); v.set( 0, 0, (local_coordinate_system.get(0, 0) * trash.get(0, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(0, 1) * trash.get(1, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(0, 2) * trash.get(2, 0)) ); v.set( 1, 0, (local_coordinate_system.get(1, 0) * trash.get(0, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(1, 1) * trash.get(1, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(1, 2) * trash.get(2, 0)) ); v.set( 2, 0, (local_coordinate_system.get(2, 0) * trash.get(0, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(2, 1) * trash.get(1, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(2, 2) * trash.get(2, 0)) ); // v.setMatrix(3,5,0,0,local_coordinate_system.times(trash.getMatrix(3,5,0,0))); v.set( 3, 0, (local_coordinate_system.get(0, 0) * trash.get(3, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(0, 1) * trash.get(4, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(0, 2) * trash.get(5, 0)) ); v.set( 4, 0, (local_coordinate_system.get(1, 0) * trash.get(3, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(1, 1) * trash.get(4, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(1, 2) * trash.get(5, 0)) ); v.set( 5, 0, (local_coordinate_system.get(2, 0) * trash.get(3, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(2, 1) * trash.get(4, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(2, 2) * trash.get(5, 0)) ); // v.setMatrix(6,8,0,0,local_coordinate_system.times(trash.getMatrix(6,8,0,0))); v.set( 6, 0, (local_coordinate_system.get(0, 0) * trash.get(6, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(0, 1) * trash.get(7, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(0, 2) * trash.get(8, 0)) ); v.set( 7, 0, (local_coordinate_system.get(1, 0) * trash.get(6, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(1, 1) * trash.get(7, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(1, 2) * trash.get(8, 0)) ); v.set( 8, 0, (local_coordinate_system.get(2, 0) * trash.get(6, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(2, 1) * trash.get(7, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(2, 2) * trash.get(8, 0)) ); // v.setMatrix(9,11,0,0,local_coordinate_system.times(trash.getMatrix(9,11,0,0))); v.set( 9, 0, (local_coordinate_system.get(0, 0) * trash.get(9, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(0, 1) * trash.get(10, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(0, 2) * trash.get(11, 0)) ); v.set( 10, 0, (local_coordinate_system.get(1, 0) * trash.get(9, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(1, 1) * trash.get(10, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(1, 2) * trash.get(11, 0)) ); v.set( 11, 0, (local_coordinate_system.get(2, 0) * trash.get(9, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(2, 1) * trash.get(10, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(2, 2) * trash.get(11, 0)) ); // Calculate the rotational velocity array trash.set(0, 0, node[0].getX_rot_vel()); trash.set(1, 0, node[0].getY_rot_vel()); trash.set(2, 0, node[0].getZ_rot_vel()); trash.set(3, 0, node[1].getX_rot_vel()); trash.set(4, 0, node[1].getY_rot_vel()); trash.set(5, 0, node[1].getZ_rot_vel()); trash.set(6, 0, node[2].getX_rot_vel()); trash.set(7, 0, node[2].getY_rot_vel()); trash.set(8, 0, node[2].getZ_rot_vel()); trash.set(9, 0, node[3].getX_rot_vel()); trash.set(10, 0, node[3].getY_rot_vel()); trash.set(11, 0, node[3].getZ_rot_vel()); // And transform into local coordinate system // a.setMatrix(0,2,0,0,local_coordinate_system.times(trash.getMatrix(0,2,0,0))); a.set( 0, 0, (local_coordinate_system.get(0, 0) * trash.get(0, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(0, 1) * trash.get(1, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(0, 2) * trash.get(2, 0)) ); a.set( 1, 0, (local_coordinate_system.get(1, 0) * trash.get(0, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(1, 1) * trash.get(1, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(1, 2) * trash.get(2, 0)) ); a.set( 2, 0, (local_coordinate_system.get(2, 0) * trash.get(0, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(2, 1) * trash.get(1, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(2, 2) * trash.get(2, 0)) ); // a.setMatrix(3,5,0,0,local_coordinate_system.times(trash.getMatrix(3,5,0,0))); a.set( 3, 0, (local_coordinate_system.get(0, 0) * trash.get(3, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(0, 1) * trash.get(4, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(0, 2) * trash.get(5, 0)) ); a.set( 4, 0, (local_coordinate_system.get(1, 0) * trash.get(3, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(1, 1) * trash.get(4, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(1, 2) * trash.get(5, 0)) ); a.set( 5, 0, (local_coordinate_system.get(2, 0) * trash.get(3, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(2, 1) * trash.get(4, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(2, 2) * trash.get(5, 0)) ); // a.setMatrix(6,8,0,0,local_coordinate_system.times(trash.getMatrix(6,8,0,0))); a.set( 6, 0, (local_coordinate_system.get(0, 0) * trash.get(6, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(0, 1) * trash.get(7, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(0, 2) * trash.get(8, 0)) ); a.set( 7, 0, (local_coordinate_system.get(1, 0) * trash.get(6, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(1, 1) * trash.get(7, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(1, 2) * trash.get(8, 0)) ); a.set( 8, 0, (local_coordinate_system.get(2, 0) * trash.get(6, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(2, 1) * trash.get(7, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(2, 2) * trash.get(8, 0)) ); // a.setMatrix(9,11,0,0,local_coordinate_system.times(trash.getMatrix(9,11,0,0))); a.set( 9, 0, (local_coordinate_system.get(0, 0) * trash.get(9, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(0, 1) * trash.get(10, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(0, 2) * trash.get(11, 0)) ); a.set( 10, 0, (local_coordinate_system.get(1, 0) * trash.get(9, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(1, 1) * trash.get(10, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(1, 2) * trash.get(11, 0)) ); a.set( 11, 0, (local_coordinate_system.get(2, 0) * trash.get(9, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(2, 1) * trash.get(10, 0)) + (local_coordinate_system.get(2, 2) * trash.get(11, 0)) ); /* Calculate element area * Normal formula works for small distorsions: area = (1/2)*(X31*Y42 + X24*Y31) * Note that for large deformations, the area will become very small as the element * reaches self contact. The area is then corrected and recalculated in the * calculateStrain() method if the ADVANCED contact option is used. */ area = 0.5 * (((p.get(6, 0) - p.get(0, 0)) * (p.get(10, 0) - p.get(4, 0))) + ((p.get(3, 0) - p.get(9, 0)) * (p.get(7, 0) - p.get(1, 0)))); } /** * This method is called by any internal nodes that this element uses. * This is the case if advanced or advanced_edge contact options have been * used. The method is called by the internal node when the calculateNewPosition * is run for all the nodes in the main loop. */ public void setInternalNodePosition() { // Update the position of the local node if needed middle_node.setX_pos_orig( (node[0].getX_pos() + node[1].getX_pos() + node[2].getX_pos() + node[3].getX_pos()) / 4 ); middle_node.setY_pos_orig( (node[0].getY_pos() + node[1].getY_pos() + node[2].getY_pos() + node[3].getY_pos()) / 4 ); middle_node.setZ_pos_orig( (node[0].getZ_pos() + node[1].getZ_pos() + node[2].getZ_pos() + node[3].getZ_pos()) / 4 ); } public Node getInternalNode() { return middle_node; } /** * Is used to deactivate the element when fractured. */ public void deActivate() { super.deActivate(); if (internal_contact_element_1 != null) internal_contact_element_1.deActivate(); if (internal_contact_element_2 != null) internal_contact_element_2.deActivate(); if (internal_contact_element_3 != null) internal_contact_element_3.deActivate(); if (internal_contact_element_4 != null) internal_contact_element_4.deActivate(); if (internal_contact_line_element_1 != null) internal_contact_line_element_1.deActivate(); if (internal_contact_line_element_2 != null) internal_contact_line_element_2.deActivate(); if (internal_contact_line_element_3 != null) internal_contact_line_element_3.deActivate(); if (internal_contact_line_element_4 != null) internal_contact_line_element_4.deActivate(); if (middle_node != null) middle_node.deActivate(); } }