// Created on: 1995-02-08 // Created by: Jacques GOUSSARD // Copyright (c) 1995-1999 Matra Datavision // Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS // // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library. // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty. // // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE // commercial license or contractual agreement. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { class ProjectPointOnSurf { public: ProjectPointOnSurf() : myIsDone (Standard_False),myIndex(0) {} void Init(const Handle(Geom_Surface)& Surface, const Standard_Real Umin, const Standard_Real Usup, const Standard_Real Vmin, const Standard_Real Vsup); void Init (); void Perform(const gp_Pnt& P); Standard_Boolean IsDone () const { return myIsDone; } void LowerDistanceParameters(Standard_Real& U, Standard_Real& V ) const; Standard_Real LowerDistance() const; protected: Standard_Boolean myIsDone; Standard_Integer myIndex; Extrema_ExtPS myExtPS; GeomAdaptor_Surface myGeomAdaptor; }; //======================================================================= //function : Init //purpose : //======================================================================= void ProjectPointOnSurf::Init ( const Handle(Geom_Surface)& Surface, const Standard_Real Umin, const Standard_Real Usup, const Standard_Real Vmin, const Standard_Real Vsup ) { const Standard_Real Tolerance = Precision::PConfusion(); // myGeomAdaptor.Load(Surface, Umin,Usup,Vmin,Vsup); myExtPS.Initialize(myGeomAdaptor, Umin, Usup, Vmin, Vsup, Tolerance, Tolerance); myIsDone = Standard_False; } //======================================================================= //function : Init //purpose : //======================================================================= void ProjectPointOnSurf::Init () { myIsDone = myExtPS.IsDone() && (myExtPS.NbExt() > 0); if (myIsDone) { // evaluate the lower distance and its index; Standard_Real Dist2Min = myExtPS.SquareDistance(1); myIndex = 1; for (Standard_Integer i = 2; i <= myExtPS.NbExt(); i++) { const Standard_Real Dist2 = myExtPS.SquareDistance(i); if (Dist2 < Dist2Min) { Dist2Min = Dist2; myIndex = i; } } } } //======================================================================= //function : Perform //purpose : //======================================================================= void ProjectPointOnSurf::Perform(const gp_Pnt& P) { myExtPS.Perform(P); Init (); } //======================================================================= //function : LowerDistanceParameters //purpose : //======================================================================= void ProjectPointOnSurf::LowerDistanceParameters (Standard_Real& U, Standard_Real& V ) const { StdFail_NotDone_Raise_if(!myIsDone, "GeomInt_IntSS::ProjectPointOnSurf::LowerDistanceParameters"); (myExtPS.Point(myIndex)).Parameter(U,V); } //======================================================================= //function : LowerDistance //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Real ProjectPointOnSurf::LowerDistance() const { StdFail_NotDone_Raise_if(!myIsDone, "GeomInt_IntSS::ProjectPointOnSurf::LowerDistance"); return sqrt(myExtPS.SquareDistance(myIndex)); } } //======================================================================= //function : AdjustPeriodic //purpose : //======================================================================= static Standard_Real AdjustPeriodic(const Standard_Real theParameter, const Standard_Real parmin, const Standard_Real parmax, const Standard_Real thePeriod, Standard_Real& theOffset) { Standard_Real aresult = theParameter; theOffset = 0.; while(aresult < parmin) { aresult += thePeriod; theOffset += thePeriod; } while(aresult > parmax) { aresult -= thePeriod; theOffset -= thePeriod; } return aresult; } //======================================================================= //function : IsPointOnBoundary //purpose : //======================================================================= static Standard_Boolean IsPointOnBoundary(const Standard_Real theParameter, const Standard_Real theFirstBoundary, const Standard_Real theSecondBoundary, const Standard_Real theResolution, Standard_Boolean& IsOnFirstBoundary) { IsOnFirstBoundary = Standard_True; if(fabs(theParameter - theFirstBoundary) < theResolution) return Standard_True; if(fabs(theParameter - theSecondBoundary) < theResolution) { IsOnFirstBoundary = Standard_False; return Standard_True; } return Standard_False; } //======================================================================= //function : FindPoint //purpose : //======================================================================= static Standard_Boolean FindPoint(const gp_Pnt2d& theFirstPoint, const gp_Pnt2d& theLastPoint, const Standard_Real theUmin, const Standard_Real theUmax, const Standard_Real theVmin, const Standard_Real theVmax, gp_Pnt2d& theNewPoint) { gp_Vec2d aVec(theFirstPoint, theLastPoint); Standard_Integer i = 0, j = 0; for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) { gp_Vec2d anOtherVec; gp_Vec2d anOtherVecNormal; gp_Pnt2d aprojpoint = theLastPoint; if((i % 2) == 0) { anOtherVec.SetX(0.); anOtherVec.SetY(1.); anOtherVecNormal.SetX(1.); anOtherVecNormal.SetY(0.); if(i < 2) aprojpoint.SetX(theUmin); else aprojpoint.SetX(theUmax); } else { anOtherVec.SetX(1.); anOtherVec.SetY(0.); anOtherVecNormal.SetX(0.); anOtherVecNormal.SetY(1.); if(i < 2) aprojpoint.SetY(theVmin); else aprojpoint.SetY(theVmax); } gp_Vec2d anormvec = aVec; anormvec.Normalize(); Standard_Real adot1 = anormvec.Dot(anOtherVecNormal); if(fabs(adot1) < Precision::Angular()) continue; Standard_Real adist = 0.; if((i % 2) == 0) { adist = (i < 2) ? fabs(theLastPoint.X() - theUmin) : fabs(theLastPoint.X() - theUmax); } else { adist = (i < 2) ? fabs(theLastPoint.Y() - theVmin) : fabs(theLastPoint.Y() - theVmax); } Standard_Real anoffset = adist * anOtherVec.Dot(anormvec) / adot1; for(j = 0; j < 2; j++) { anoffset = (j == 0) ? anoffset : -anoffset; gp_Pnt2d acurpoint(aprojpoint.XY() + (anOtherVec.XY()*anoffset)); gp_Vec2d acurvec(theLastPoint, acurpoint); // Standard_Real aDotX, anAngleX, aPC; // aDotX=aVec.Dot(acurvec); anAngleX=aVec.Angle(acurvec); aPC=Precision::PConfusion(); // if(aDotX > 0. && fabs(anAngleX) < aPC) { // if((i % 2) == 0) { if((acurpoint.Y() >= theVmin) && (acurpoint.Y() <= theVmax)) { theNewPoint = acurpoint; return Standard_True; } } else { if((acurpoint.X() >= theUmin) && (acurpoint.X() <= theUmax)) { theNewPoint = acurpoint; return Standard_True; } } } } } return Standard_False; } //======================================================================= //function : NbVertex //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Integer GeomInt_LineTool::NbVertex(const Handle(IntPatch_Line)& L) { switch (L->ArcType()) { case IntPatch_Analytic: return Handle(IntPatch_ALine)::DownCast(L)->NbVertex(); case IntPatch_Restriction: return Handle(IntPatch_RLine)::DownCast(L)->NbVertex(); case IntPatch_Walking: return Handle(IntPatch_WLine)::DownCast(L)->NbVertex(); default: break; } return Handle(IntPatch_GLine)::DownCast(L)->NbVertex(); } //======================================================================= //function : Vertex //purpose : //======================================================================= const IntPatch_Point & GeomInt_LineTool::Vertex(const Handle(IntPatch_Line)& L, const Standard_Integer I) { switch (L->ArcType()) { case IntPatch_Analytic: return Handle(IntPatch_ALine)::DownCast(L)->Vertex(I); case IntPatch_Restriction: return Handle(IntPatch_RLine)::DownCast(L)->Vertex(I); case IntPatch_Walking: return Handle(IntPatch_WLine)::DownCast(L)->Vertex(I); default: break; } return Handle(IntPatch_GLine)::DownCast(L)->Vertex(I); } //======================================================================= //function : FirstParameter //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Real GeomInt_LineTool::FirstParameter (const Handle(IntPatch_Line)& L) { const IntPatch_IType typl = L->ArcType(); switch (typl) { case IntPatch_Analytic: { Handle(IntPatch_ALine) alin = Handle(IntPatch_ALine)::DownCast(L); if (alin->HasFirstPoint()) return alin->FirstPoint().ParameterOnLine(); Standard_Boolean included; Standard_Real firstp = alin->FirstParameter(included); if (!included) firstp += Epsilon(firstp); return firstp; } case IntPatch_Restriction: { Handle(IntPatch_RLine) rlin = Handle(IntPatch_RLine)::DownCast(L); return (rlin->HasFirstPoint()? rlin->FirstPoint().ParameterOnLine() : -Precision::Infinite()); // a voir selon le type de la ligne 2d } case IntPatch_Walking: { Handle(IntPatch_WLine) wlin = Handle(IntPatch_WLine)::DownCast(L); return (wlin->HasFirstPoint()? wlin->FirstPoint().ParameterOnLine() : 1.); } default: { Handle(IntPatch_GLine) glin = Handle(IntPatch_GLine)::DownCast(L); if (glin->HasFirstPoint()) return glin->FirstPoint().ParameterOnLine(); switch (typl) { case IntPatch_Lin: case IntPatch_Parabola: case IntPatch_Hyperbola: return -Precision::Infinite(); default: break; } } } return 0.0; } //======================================================================= //function : LastParameter //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Real GeomInt_LineTool::LastParameter (const Handle(IntPatch_Line)& L) { const IntPatch_IType typl = L->ArcType(); switch (typl) { case IntPatch_Analytic: { Handle(IntPatch_ALine) alin = Handle(IntPatch_ALine)::DownCast(L); if (alin->HasLastPoint()) return alin->LastPoint().ParameterOnLine(); Standard_Boolean included; Standard_Real lastp = alin->LastParameter(included); if (!included) lastp -=Epsilon(lastp); return lastp; } case IntPatch_Restriction: { Handle(IntPatch_RLine) rlin = Handle(IntPatch_RLine)::DownCast(L); return (rlin->HasLastPoint()? rlin->LastPoint().ParameterOnLine() : Precision::Infinite()); // a voir selon le type de la ligne 2d } case IntPatch_Walking: { Handle(IntPatch_WLine) wlin = Handle(IntPatch_WLine)::DownCast(L); return (wlin->HasLastPoint()? wlin->LastPoint().ParameterOnLine() : wlin->NbPnts()); } default: { Handle(IntPatch_GLine) glin = Handle(IntPatch_GLine)::DownCast(L); if (glin->HasLastPoint()) return glin->LastPoint().ParameterOnLine(); switch (typl) { case IntPatch_Lin: case IntPatch_Parabola: case IntPatch_Hyperbola: return Precision::Infinite(); case IntPatch_Circle: case IntPatch_Ellipse: return 2.*M_PI; default: break; } } } return 0.0; } //======================================================================= //function : DecompositionOfWLine //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean GeomInt_LineTool:: DecompositionOfWLine( const Handle(IntPatch_WLine)& theWLine, const Handle(GeomAdaptor_Surface)& theSurface1, const Handle(GeomAdaptor_Surface)& theSurface2, const Standard_Real aTolSum, const GeomInt_LineConstructor& theLConstructor, IntPatch_SequenceOfLine& theNewLines) { typedef NCollection_List ListOfInteger; //have to use std::vector, not NCollection_Vector in order to use copy constructor of //ListOfInteger which will be created with specific allocator instance typedef std::vector > ArrayOfListOfInteger; Standard_Boolean bIsPrevPointOnBoundary, bIsCurrentPointOnBoundary; Standard_Integer nblines, aNbPnts, aNbParts, pit, i, j, aNbListOfPointIndex; Standard_Real aTol, umin, umax, vmin, vmax; //an inc allocator, it will contain wasted space (upon list's Clear()) but it should //still be faster than the standard allocator, and wasted memory should not be //significant and will be limited by time span of this function; //this is a separate allocator from the anIncAlloc below what provides better data //locality in the latter (by avoiding wastes which will only be in anIdxAlloc) Handle(NCollection_IncAllocator) anIdxAlloc = new NCollection_IncAllocator(); ListOfInteger aListOfPointIndex (anIdxAlloc); //GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnSurf aPrj1, aPrj2; ProjectPointOnSurf aPrj1, aPrj2; Handle(Geom_Surface) aSurf1, aSurf2; // aNbParts=theLConstructor.NbParts(); aNbPnts=theWLine->NbPnts(); // if((!aNbPnts) || (!aNbParts)){ return Standard_False; } // Handle(NCollection_IncAllocator) anIncAlloc = new NCollection_IncAllocator(); NCollection_StdAllocator anAlloc (anIncAlloc); const ListOfInteger aDummy (anIncAlloc); //empty list to be copy constructed from ArrayOfListOfInteger anArrayOfLines (aNbPnts + 1, aDummy, anAlloc); NCollection_LocalArray anArrayOfLineTypeArr (aNbPnts + 1); Standard_Integer* anArrayOfLineType = anArrayOfLineTypeArr; // nblines = 0; aTol = Precision::Confusion(); // aSurf1 = theSurface1->Surface(); aSurf1->Bounds(umin, umax, vmin, vmax); aPrj1.Init(aSurf1, umin, umax, vmin, vmax); // aSurf2 = theSurface2->Surface(); aSurf2->Bounds(umin, umax, vmin, vmax); aPrj2.Init(aSurf2, umin, umax, vmin, vmax); // // bIsPrevPointOnBoundary=Standard_False; for(pit=1; pit<=aNbPnts; pit++) { const IntSurf_PntOn2S& aPoint = theWLine->Point(pit); bIsCurrentPointOnBoundary=Standard_False; // // whether aPoint is on boundary or not // for(i=0; i<2; i++) {// exploration Surface 1,2 Handle(GeomAdaptor_Surface) aGASurface = (!i) ? theSurface1 : theSurface2; aGASurface->Surface()->Bounds(umin, umax, vmin, vmax); // for(j=0; j<2; j++) {// exploration of coordinate U,V Standard_Boolean isperiodic; // isperiodic = (!j) ? aGASurface->IsUPeriodic() : aGASurface->IsVPeriodic(); if(!isperiodic) { continue; } // Standard_Real aResolution, aPeriod, alowerboundary, aupperboundary, U, V; Standard_Real aParameter, anoffset, anAdjustPar; Standard_Boolean bIsOnFirstBoundary, bIsPointOnBoundary; // aResolution = (!j) ? aGASurface->UResolution(aTol) : aGASurface->VResolution(aTol); aPeriod = (!j) ? aGASurface->UPeriod() : aGASurface->VPeriod(); alowerboundary = (!j) ? umin : vmin; aupperboundary = (!j) ? umax : vmax; U=0.;V=0.;//? // if(!i){ aPoint.ParametersOnS1(U, V); } else{ aPoint.ParametersOnS2(U, V); } // aParameter = (!j) ? U : V; anoffset=0.; anAdjustPar=AdjustPeriodic(aParameter, alowerboundary, aupperboundary, aPeriod, anoffset); // bIsOnFirstBoundary=Standard_True; // bIsPointOnBoundary= IsPointOnBoundary(anAdjustPar, alowerboundary, aupperboundary, aResolution, bIsOnFirstBoundary); if(bIsPointOnBoundary) { bIsCurrentPointOnBoundary = Standard_True; break; } }// for(j=0; j<2; j++) if(bIsCurrentPointOnBoundary){ break; } }// for(i=0; i<2; i++) // if((bIsCurrentPointOnBoundary != bIsPrevPointOnBoundary)) { if(!aListOfPointIndex.IsEmpty()) { nblines++; anArrayOfLines[nblines] = aListOfPointIndex; anArrayOfLineType[nblines] = bIsPrevPointOnBoundary; aListOfPointIndex.Clear(); } bIsPrevPointOnBoundary = bIsCurrentPointOnBoundary; } aListOfPointIndex.Append(pit); } // for(pit=1; pit<=aNbPnts; pit++) // aNbListOfPointIndex=aListOfPointIndex.Extent(); if(aNbListOfPointIndex) { nblines++; anArrayOfLines[nblines].Assign (aListOfPointIndex); anArrayOfLineType[nblines] = bIsPrevPointOnBoundary; aListOfPointIndex.Clear(); } // if(nblines <= 1){ return Standard_False; } // // Correct wlines.begin Standard_Integer aLineType; TColStd_Array1OfListOfInteger anArrayOfLineEnds(1, nblines); Handle(IntSurf_LineOn2S) aSeqOfPntOn2S = new IntSurf_LineOn2S (new NCollection_IncAllocator()); // for(i = 1; i <= nblines; i++) { aLineType=anArrayOfLineType[i]; if(aLineType) { continue; } // const ListOfInteger& aListOfIndex = anArrayOfLines[i]; if(aListOfIndex.Extent() < 2) { continue; } // TColStd_ListOfInteger aListOfFLIndex; Standard_Integer aneighbourindex, aLineTypeNeib; // for(j = 0; j < 2; j++) {// neighbour line choice aneighbourindex = (!j) ? (i-1) : (i+1); if((aneighbourindex < 1) || (aneighbourindex > nblines)){ continue; } // aLineTypeNeib=anArrayOfLineType[aneighbourindex]; if(!aLineTypeNeib){ continue; } // const ListOfInteger& aNeighbour = anArrayOfLines[aneighbourindex]; Standard_Integer anIndex = (!j) ? aNeighbour.Last() : aNeighbour.First(); const IntSurf_PntOn2S& aPoint = theWLine->Point(anIndex); // check if need use derivative.begin .end [absence] // IntSurf_PntOn2S aNewP = aPoint; Standard_Integer surfit, parit; // for(surfit = 0; surfit < 2; ++surfit) { Handle(GeomAdaptor_Surface) aGASurface = (!surfit) ? theSurface1 : theSurface2; umin = aGASurface->FirstUParameter(); umax = aGASurface->LastUParameter(); vmin = aGASurface->FirstVParameter(); vmax = aGASurface->LastVParameter(); Standard_Real U=0., V=0.; if(!surfit) { aNewP.ParametersOnS1(U, V); } else { aNewP.ParametersOnS2(U, V); } // Standard_Integer nbboundaries = 0; Standard_Integer bIsUBoundary = Standard_False; // use if nbboundaries == 1 Standard_Integer bIsFirstBoundary = Standard_False; // use if nbboundaries == 1 // for(parit = 0; parit < 2; parit++) { Standard_Boolean isperiodic = (!parit) ? aGASurface->IsUPeriodic() : aGASurface->IsVPeriodic(); Standard_Real aResolution = (!parit) ? aGASurface->UResolution(aTol) : aGASurface->VResolution(aTol); Standard_Real alowerboundary = (!parit) ? umin : vmin; Standard_Real aupperboundary = (!parit) ? umax : vmax; Standard_Real aParameter = (!parit) ? U : V; Standard_Boolean bIsOnFirstBoundary = Standard_True; if(!isperiodic) { if(IsPointOnBoundary(aParameter, alowerboundary, aupperboundary, aResolution, bIsOnFirstBoundary)) { bIsUBoundary = (!parit); bIsFirstBoundary = bIsOnFirstBoundary; nbboundaries++; } } else { Standard_Real aPeriod = (!parit) ? aGASurface->UPeriod() : aGASurface->VPeriod(); Standard_Real anoffset = 0.; Standard_Real anAdjustPar = AdjustPeriodic(aParameter, alowerboundary, aupperboundary, aPeriod, anoffset); if(IsPointOnBoundary(anAdjustPar, alowerboundary, aupperboundary, aResolution, bIsOnFirstBoundary)) { bIsUBoundary = (parit == 0); bIsFirstBoundary = bIsOnFirstBoundary; nbboundaries++; } } } // Standard_Boolean bComputeLineEnd = Standard_False; if(nbboundaries == 2) { bComputeLineEnd = Standard_True; } else if(nbboundaries == 1) { Standard_Boolean isperiodic = (bIsUBoundary) ? aGASurface->IsUPeriodic() : aGASurface->IsVPeriodic(); if(isperiodic) { Standard_Real alowerboundary = (bIsUBoundary) ? umin : vmin; Standard_Real aupperboundary = (bIsUBoundary) ? umax : vmax; Standard_Real aPeriod = (bIsUBoundary) ? aGASurface->UPeriod() : aGASurface->VPeriod(); Standard_Real aParameter = (bIsUBoundary) ? U : V; Standard_Real anoffset = 0.; Standard_Real anAdjustPar = AdjustPeriodic(aParameter, alowerboundary, aupperboundary, aPeriod, anoffset); Standard_Real adist = (bIsFirstBoundary) ? fabs(anAdjustPar - alowerboundary) : fabs(anAdjustPar - aupperboundary); Standard_Real anotherPar = (bIsFirstBoundary) ? (aupperboundary - adist) : (alowerboundary + adist); anotherPar += anoffset; Standard_Integer aneighbourpointindex = (j == 0) ? aListOfIndex.First() : aListOfIndex.Last(); const IntSurf_PntOn2S& aNeighbourPoint = theWLine->Point(aneighbourpointindex); Standard_Real nU1, nV1; if(surfit == 0) aNeighbourPoint.ParametersOnS1(nU1, nV1); else aNeighbourPoint.ParametersOnS2(nU1, nV1); Standard_Real adist1 = (bIsUBoundary) ? fabs(nU1 - U) : fabs(nV1 - V); Standard_Real adist2 = (bIsUBoundary) ? fabs(nU1 - anotherPar) : fabs(nV1 - anotherPar); bComputeLineEnd = Standard_True; Standard_Boolean bCheckAngle1 = Standard_False; Standard_Boolean bCheckAngle2 = Standard_False; gp_Vec2d aNewVec; Standard_Real anewU = (bIsUBoundary) ? anotherPar : U; Standard_Real anewV = (bIsUBoundary) ? V : anotherPar; // if(((adist1 - adist2) > Precision::PConfusion()) && (adist2 < (aPeriod / 4.))) { bCheckAngle1 = Standard_True; aNewVec = gp_Vec2d(gp_Pnt2d(nU1, nV1), gp_Pnt2d(anewU, anewV)); if(aNewVec.SquareMagnitude() < (gp::Resolution() * gp::Resolution())) { aNewP.SetValue((surfit == 0), anewU, anewV); bCheckAngle1 = Standard_False; } } else if(adist1 < (aPeriod / 4.)) { bCheckAngle2 = Standard_True; aNewVec = gp_Vec2d(gp_Pnt2d(nU1, nV1), gp_Pnt2d(U, V)); if(aNewVec.SquareMagnitude() < (gp::Resolution() * gp::Resolution())) { bCheckAngle2 = Standard_False; } } // if(bCheckAngle1 || bCheckAngle2) { // assume there are at least two points in line (see "if" above) Standard_Integer anindexother = aneighbourpointindex; while((anindexother <= aListOfIndex.Last()) && (anindexother >= aListOfIndex.First())) { anindexother = (j == 0) ? (anindexother + 1) : (anindexother - 1); const IntSurf_PntOn2S& aPrevNeighbourPoint = theWLine->Point(anindexother); Standard_Real nU2, nV2; if(surfit == 0) aPrevNeighbourPoint.ParametersOnS1(nU2, nV2); else aPrevNeighbourPoint.ParametersOnS2(nU2, nV2); gp_Vec2d aVecOld(gp_Pnt2d(nU2, nV2), gp_Pnt2d(nU1, nV1)); if(aVecOld.SquareMagnitude() <= (gp::Resolution() * gp::Resolution())) { continue; } else { Standard_Real anAngle = aNewVec.Angle(aVecOld); if((fabs(anAngle) < (M_PI * 0.25)) && (aNewVec.Dot(aVecOld) > 0.)) { if(bCheckAngle1) { Standard_Real U1, U2, V1, V2; IntSurf_PntOn2S atmppoint = aNewP; atmppoint.SetValue((surfit == 0), anewU, anewV); atmppoint.Parameters(U1, V1, U2, V2); gp_Pnt P1 = theSurface1->Value(U1, V1); gp_Pnt P2 = theSurface2->Value(U2, V2); gp_Pnt P0 = aPoint.Value(); if(P0.IsEqual(P1, aTol) && P0.IsEqual(P2, aTol) && P1.IsEqual(P2, aTol)) { bComputeLineEnd = Standard_False; aNewP.SetValue((surfit == 0), anewU, anewV); } } if(bCheckAngle2) { bComputeLineEnd = Standard_False; } } break; } } // end while(anindexother...) } } } // if(bComputeLineEnd) { Standard_Integer aneighbourpointindex1 = (j == 0) ? aListOfIndex.First() : aListOfIndex.Last(); const IntSurf_PntOn2S& aNeighbourPoint = theWLine->Point(aneighbourpointindex1); Standard_Real nU1, nV1; if(surfit == 0) aNeighbourPoint.ParametersOnS1(nU1, nV1); else aNeighbourPoint.ParametersOnS2(nU1, nV1); gp_Pnt2d ap1(nU1, nV1); gp_Pnt2d ap2(nU1, nV1); Standard_Integer aneighbourpointindex2 = aneighbourpointindex1; while((aneighbourpointindex2 <= aListOfIndex.Last()) && (aneighbourpointindex2 >= aListOfIndex.First())) { aneighbourpointindex2 = (j == 0) ? (aneighbourpointindex2 + 1) : (aneighbourpointindex2 - 1); const IntSurf_PntOn2S& aPrevNeighbourPoint = theWLine->Point(aneighbourpointindex2); Standard_Real nU2, nV2; if(surfit == 0) aPrevNeighbourPoint.ParametersOnS1(nU2, nV2); else aPrevNeighbourPoint.ParametersOnS2(nU2, nV2); ap2.SetX(nU2); ap2.SetY(nV2); if(ap1.SquareDistance(ap2) > (gp::Resolution() * gp::Resolution())) { break; } } gp_Pnt2d anewpoint; Standard_Boolean found = FindPoint(ap2, ap1, umin, umax, vmin, vmax, anewpoint); if(found) { // check point Standard_Real aCriteria =aTolSum;// BRep_Tool::Tolerance(theFace1) + BRep_Tool::Tolerance(theFace2); //GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnSurf& aProjector = (surfit == 0) ? aPrj2 : aPrj1; ProjectPointOnSurf& aProjector = (surfit == 0) ? aPrj2 : aPrj1; Handle(GeomAdaptor_Surface) aSurface = (surfit == 0) ? theSurface1 : theSurface2; gp_Pnt aP3d = aSurface->Value(anewpoint.X(), anewpoint.Y()); aProjector.Perform(aP3d); if(aProjector.IsDone()) { if(aProjector.LowerDistance() < aCriteria) { Standard_Real foundU = U, foundV = V; aProjector.LowerDistanceParameters(foundU, foundV); if(surfit == 0) aNewP.SetValue(aP3d, anewpoint.X(), anewpoint.Y(), foundU, foundV); else aNewP.SetValue(aP3d, foundU, foundV, anewpoint.X(), anewpoint.Y()); } } } } } aSeqOfPntOn2S->Add(aNewP); aListOfFLIndex.Append(aSeqOfPntOn2S->NbPoints()); } anArrayOfLineEnds.SetValue(i, aListOfFLIndex); } // Correct wlines.end // Split wlines.begin for(j = 1; j <= theLConstructor.NbParts(); j++) { Standard_Real fprm = 0., lprm = 0.; theLConstructor.Part(j, fprm, lprm); Standard_Integer ifprm = (Standard_Integer)fprm; Standard_Integer ilprm = (Standard_Integer)lprm; // Handle(IntSurf_LineOn2S) aLineOn2S = new IntSurf_LineOn2S(); // for(i = 1; i <= nblines; i++) { if(anArrayOfLineType[i] != 0) { continue; } const ListOfInteger& aListOfIndex = anArrayOfLines[i]; if(aListOfIndex.Extent() < 2) { continue; } const TColStd_ListOfInteger& aListOfFLIndex = anArrayOfLineEnds.Value(i); Standard_Boolean bhasfirstpoint = (aListOfFLIndex.Extent() == 2); Standard_Boolean bhaslastpoint = (aListOfFLIndex.Extent() == 2); if(!bhasfirstpoint && !aListOfFLIndex.IsEmpty()) { bhasfirstpoint = (i != 1); } if(!bhaslastpoint && !aListOfFLIndex.IsEmpty()) { bhaslastpoint = (i != nblines); } Standard_Boolean bIsFirstInside = ((ifprm >= aListOfIndex.First()) && (ifprm <= aListOfIndex.Last())); Standard_Boolean bIsLastInside = ((ilprm >= aListOfIndex.First()) && (ilprm <= aListOfIndex.Last())); if(!bIsFirstInside && !bIsLastInside) { if((ifprm < aListOfIndex.First()) && (ilprm > aListOfIndex.Last())) { // append whole line, and boundaries if necessary if(bhasfirstpoint) { const IntSurf_PntOn2S& aP = aSeqOfPntOn2S->Value(aListOfFLIndex.First()); aLineOn2S->Add(aP); } ListOfInteger::Iterator anIt(aListOfIndex); for(; anIt.More(); anIt.Next()) { const IntSurf_PntOn2S& aP = theWLine->Point(anIt.Value()); aLineOn2S->Add(aP); } if(bhaslastpoint) { const IntSurf_PntOn2S& aP = aSeqOfPntOn2S->Value(aListOfFLIndex.Last()); aLineOn2S->Add(aP); } // check end of split line (end is almost always) Standard_Integer aneighbour = i + 1; Standard_Boolean bIsEndOfLine = Standard_True; if(aneighbour <= nblines) { const ListOfInteger& aListOfNeighbourIndex = anArrayOfLines[aneighbour]; if((anArrayOfLineType[aneighbour] != 0) && (aListOfNeighbourIndex.IsEmpty())) { bIsEndOfLine = Standard_False; } } if(bIsEndOfLine) { if(aLineOn2S->NbPoints() > 1) { Handle(IntPatch_WLine) aNewWLine = new IntPatch_WLine(aLineOn2S, Standard_False); aNewWLine->SetCreatingWayInfo(theWLine->GetCreatingWay()); theNewLines.Append(aNewWLine); } aLineOn2S = new IntSurf_LineOn2S(); } } continue; } // end if(!bIsFirstInside && !bIsLastInside) if(bIsFirstInside && bIsLastInside) { // append inside points between ifprm and ilprm ListOfInteger::Iterator anIt(aListOfIndex); for(; anIt.More(); anIt.Next()) { if((anIt.Value() < ifprm) || (anIt.Value() > ilprm)) continue; const IntSurf_PntOn2S& aP = theWLine->Point(anIt.Value()); aLineOn2S->Add(aP); } } else { if(bIsFirstInside) { // append points from ifprm to last point + boundary point ListOfInteger::Iterator anIt(aListOfIndex); for(; anIt.More(); anIt.Next()) { if(anIt.Value() < ifprm) continue; const IntSurf_PntOn2S& aP = theWLine->Point(anIt.Value()); aLineOn2S->Add(aP); } if(bhaslastpoint) { const IntSurf_PntOn2S& aP = aSeqOfPntOn2S->Value(aListOfFLIndex.Last()); aLineOn2S->Add(aP); } // check end of split line (end is almost always) Standard_Integer aneighbour = i + 1; Standard_Boolean bIsEndOfLine = Standard_True; if(aneighbour <= nblines) { const ListOfInteger& aListOfNeighbourIndex = anArrayOfLines[aneighbour]; if((anArrayOfLineType[aneighbour] != 0) && (aListOfNeighbourIndex.IsEmpty())) { bIsEndOfLine = Standard_False; } } if(bIsEndOfLine) { if(aLineOn2S->NbPoints() > 1) { Handle(IntPatch_WLine) aNewWLine = new IntPatch_WLine(aLineOn2S, Standard_False); aNewWLine->SetCreatingWayInfo(theWLine->GetCreatingWay()); theNewLines.Append(aNewWLine); } aLineOn2S = new IntSurf_LineOn2S(); } } // end if(bIsFirstInside) if(bIsLastInside) { // append points from first boundary point to ilprm if(bhasfirstpoint) { const IntSurf_PntOn2S& aP = aSeqOfPntOn2S->Value(aListOfFLIndex.First()); aLineOn2S->Add(aP); } ListOfInteger::Iterator anIt(aListOfIndex); for(; anIt.More(); anIt.Next()) { if(anIt.Value() > ilprm) continue; const IntSurf_PntOn2S& aP = theWLine->Point(anIt.Value()); aLineOn2S->Add(aP); } } //end if(bIsLastInside) } } if(aLineOn2S->NbPoints() > 1) { Handle(IntPatch_WLine) aNewWLine = new IntPatch_WLine(aLineOn2S, Standard_False); aNewWLine->SetCreatingWayInfo(theWLine->GetCreatingWay()); theNewLines.Append(aNewWLine); } } // Split wlines.end // // cda002/I3 Standard_Real fprm, lprm; Standard_Integer ifprm, ilprm, aNbPoints, aIndex; // aNbParts=theLConstructor.NbParts(); // for(j = 1; j <= aNbParts; j++) { theLConstructor.Part(j, fprm, lprm); ifprm=(Standard_Integer)fprm; ilprm=(Standard_Integer)lprm; // if ((ilprm-ifprm)==1) { for(i = 1; i <= nblines; i++) { aLineType=anArrayOfLineType[i]; if(aLineType) { continue; } // const ListOfInteger& aListOfIndex = anArrayOfLines[i]; aNbPoints=aListOfIndex.Extent(); if(aNbPoints==1) { aIndex=aListOfIndex.First(); if (aIndex==ifprm || aIndex==ilprm) { Handle(IntSurf_LineOn2S) aLineOn2S = new IntSurf_LineOn2S(); const IntSurf_PntOn2S& aP1 = theWLine->Point(ifprm); const IntSurf_PntOn2S& aP2 = theWLine->Point(ilprm); aLineOn2S->Add(aP1); aLineOn2S->Add(aP2); Handle(IntPatch_WLine) aNewWLine = new IntPatch_WLine(aLineOn2S, Standard_False); aNewWLine->SetCreatingWayInfo(theWLine->GetCreatingWay()); theNewLines.Append(aNewWLine); } } } } } // return Standard_True; }