// Created by: CKY / Contract Toubro-Larsen // Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Matra Datavision // Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS // // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library. // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty. // // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE // commercial license or contractual agreement. //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include #include #include IMPLEMENT_STANDARD_RTTIEXT(IGESGeom_BSplineCurve,IGESData_IGESEntity) IGESGeom_BSplineCurve::IGESGeom_BSplineCurve () { } void IGESGeom_BSplineCurve::Init (const Standard_Integer anIndex, const Standard_Integer aDegree, const Standard_Boolean aPlanar, const Standard_Boolean aClosed, const Standard_Boolean aPolynom, const Standard_Boolean aPeriodic, const Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal)& allKnots, const Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal)& allWeights, const Handle(TColgp_HArray1OfXYZ)& allPoles, const Standard_Real aUmin, const Standard_Real aUmax, const gp_XYZ& aNorm) { if (!allPoles.IsNull()) { if (allKnots->Lower() != -aDegree || allKnots->Upper() != anIndex + 1 || allPoles->Lower() != 0) { throw Standard_DimensionMismatch ("IGESGeom_BSplineCurve : Init"); } if (!allWeights.IsNull()) { if (allPoles->Length() != allWeights->Length() || allWeights->Upper() != anIndex || allWeights->Lower() != 0) { throw Standard_DimensionMismatch ("IGESGeom_BSplineCurve : Init"); } } } theIndex = anIndex; theDegree = aDegree; isPlanar = aPlanar; isClosed = aClosed; isPolynomial = aPolynom; isPeriodic = aPeriodic; theKnots = allKnots; theWeights = allWeights; thePoles = allPoles; theUmin = aUmin; theUmax = aUmax; theNorm = aNorm; InitTypeAndForm(126,FormNumber()); // FormNumber precises the shape 0-5 } void IGESGeom_BSplineCurve::SetFormNumber (const Standard_Integer form) { if (form < 0 || form > 5) throw Standard_OutOfRange("IGESGeom_BSplineCurve : SetFormNumber"); InitTypeAndForm(126,form); } Standard_Integer IGESGeom_BSplineCurve::UpperIndex () const { return theIndex; } Standard_Integer IGESGeom_BSplineCurve::Degree () const { return theDegree; } Standard_Boolean IGESGeom_BSplineCurve::IsPlanar () const { return isPlanar; } Standard_Boolean IGESGeom_BSplineCurve::IsClosed () const { return isClosed; } Standard_Boolean IGESGeom_BSplineCurve::IsPolynomial (const Standard_Boolean flag) const { if (flag || theWeights.IsNull()) return isPolynomial; Standard_Integer i, i1 = theWeights->Lower(), i2 = theWeights->Upper(); Standard_Real w0 = theWeights->Value(i1); for (i = i1+1; i <= i2; i ++) if (Abs (theWeights->Value(i) - w0) > 1.e-10) return Standard_False; return Standard_True; } Standard_Boolean IGESGeom_BSplineCurve::IsPeriodic () const { return isPeriodic; } Standard_Integer IGESGeom_BSplineCurve::NbKnots () const { return (theKnots.IsNull() ? 0 : theKnots->Length()); } Standard_Real IGESGeom_BSplineCurve::Knot (const Standard_Integer anIndex) const { return theKnots->Value(anIndex); } Standard_Integer IGESGeom_BSplineCurve::NbPoles () const { return (thePoles.IsNull() ? 0 : thePoles->Length()); } Standard_Real IGESGeom_BSplineCurve::Weight (const Standard_Integer anIndex) const { return theWeights->Value(anIndex); } gp_Pnt IGESGeom_BSplineCurve::Pole (const Standard_Integer anIndex) const { gp_XYZ tempXYZ = thePoles->Value(anIndex); gp_Pnt Pole(tempXYZ); return Pole; } gp_Pnt IGESGeom_BSplineCurve::TransformedPole (const Standard_Integer anIndex) const { gp_XYZ tempXYZ = thePoles->Value(anIndex); if (HasTransf()) Location().Transforms(tempXYZ); gp_Pnt Pole(tempXYZ); return Pole; } Standard_Real IGESGeom_BSplineCurve::UMin () const { return theUmin; } Standard_Real IGESGeom_BSplineCurve::UMax () const { return theUmax; } gp_XYZ IGESGeom_BSplineCurve::Normal () const { return theNorm; }