# Checks whether theCurve has a loop/bend # Use: CheckLoops curve CosMaxAngle [theNbPoints]} # theNbPoints sets the interval of discretization; # theCosMaxAngle sets the maximal rotation angle between two adjacent segments. This value must be equal to the cosine of this angle. help CheckLoops {curve CosMaxAngle theNbPoints } proc CheckLoops {theCurve {theCosMaxAngle 0.8} {theNbPoints 1000.0}} { upvar #0 $theCurve aCurve bounds aCurve U1 U2 set delta [dval (U2-U1)/$theNbPoints] cvalue aCurve [dval U1] xp yp zp dx1 dy1 dz1 for {set p [dval U1]} {$p <= [dval U2]} {set p [expr $p + $delta]} { cvalue aCurve $p xp yp zp dx2 dy2 dz2 #Check if the angle between the vectors {dx1 dy1 dz1} and {dx2 dy2 dz2} is less than 30deg. set nv1 [ dval dx1*dx1+dy1*dy1+dz1*dz1 ] set nv2 [ dval dx2*dx2+dy2*dy2+dz2*dz2 ] set dp [ dval dx1*dx2+dy2*dy2+dz1*dz2 ] if {$dp < [ expr $theCosMaxAngle * sqrt($nv1 * $nv2) ] } { puts "Error: The curve $theCurve is possible to have a bend at parameter $p. Please check carefully" } dset dx1 dx2 dset dy1 dy2 dset dz1 dz2 } } # General check of the result of geometrical intersection help CheckIntersectionResult { surf1 surf2 ListOfCurves NbPoints TolerS1 TolerS2 } proc CheckIntersectionResult {theSurf1 theSurf2 theListOfCurves theNbPoints theTolerS1 theTolerS2} { upvar #0 $theSurf1 s1 upvar #0 $theSurf2 s2 foreach a $theListOfCurves { puts "** Check of $a **" upvar #0 $a aCurve bounds aCurve U1 U2 if {[dval U2-U1] < 1.0e-9} { puts "Error: Wrong range of $a" } xdistcs aCurve s1 U1 U2 $theNbPoints $theTolerS1 xdistcs aCurve s2 U1 U2 $theNbPoints $theTolerS2 } } # Check whether given list contain overlapped curves help CheckOverlapIntCurves { theListOfCurves } proc CheckOverlapIntCurves { theListOfCurves {theTolerance 1.0e-7} } { set NbEdges [expr [llength $theListOfCurves] - 1 ] for { set i1 0 } { $i1 < $NbEdges } { incr i1 } { for { set i2 [expr $i1 + 1] } { $i2 <= $NbEdges } { incr i2 } { upvar #0 [ lindex $theListOfCurves $i1 ] aCurve1 upvar #0 [ lindex $theListOfCurves $i2 ] aCurve2 mkedge e1 aCurve1 mkedge e2 aCurve2 set coe [ checkoverlapedges e1 e2 $theTolerance ] if { [regexp "Edges are not overlapped" $coe] != 1 } { set cIdx1 [ expr $i1 + 1 ] set cIdx2 [ expr $i2 + 1 ] puts "Error: Curves $cIdx1 and $cIdx2 are overlapped" } } } }