// Copyright (c) <2012> // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person // obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation // files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, // including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, // merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of // the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES // OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT // HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, // WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE // OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // ********************* sockaddr and sockaddr_in ********************** // struct sockaddr { // unsigned short sa_family; // address family, AF_xxx // char sa_data[14]; // 14 bytes of protocol address // sa_family can be a variety of things, // but it'll be AF_INET for everything we do // in this document. sa_data contains a destination // address and port number for the socket. // This is rather unwieldy since you don't // want to tediously pack the address in // the sa_data by hand. // // To deal with struct sockaddr, programmers // created a parallel structure: // struct sockaddr_in ("in" for "Internet".) // struct sockaddr_in { // short int sin_family; // Address family // unsigned short int sin_port; // Port number // struct in_addr sin_addr; // Internet address // unsigned char sin_zero[8]; // Same size as struct sockaddr // ********************************************************************** #include #include #include "globdef.h" #if(OSNUM == OSNUM_WINDOWS) #include #include #define RECV_FLAG 0 typedef struct{ struct in_addr imr_multiaddr; /* IP multicast address of group */ struct in_addr imr_interface; /* local IP address of interface */ }IP_MREQ; WSADATA wsadata; #ifndef IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP #define IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP 12 #endif #define INVSOCK INVALID_SOCKET #define CLOSE_FD closesocket #endif #if(OSNUM == OSNUM_LINUX) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef MSG_WAITALL #define RECV_FLAG MSG_WAITALL #else #define RECV_FLAG 0 #endif #define IP_MREQ struct ip_mreq #define INVSOCK -1 #define CLOSE_FD close #endif #include "uidef.h" #include "fft1def.h" #include "fft2def.h" #include "vernr.h" #include "caldef.h" #include "screendef.h" #include "rusage.h" #include "thrdef.h" #include "keyboard_def.h" #include "seldef.h" #include "options.h" #include "sigdef.h" // ******************** addresses and ports *************************** // These defininitions should be in agreement with current rules. #define NET_MULTI_MINPORT 50000 #define NET_MULTI_MAXPORT 65000 #define CONNPORT 49812 // This is outside the range ..MINPORT to ..MAXPORT #define DEFAULT_MULTI_GROUP "" #define MULTI_GROUP_OFFSET 10 char netsend_rx_multi_group[20]=DEFAULT_MULTI_GROUP; char netrec_rx_multi_group[20]=DEFAULT_MULTI_GROUP; char par_netsend_filename[]={"par_netsend_ip"}; char par_netrec_filename[]={"par_netrec_ip"}; // *********************************************************************** // Line numbers for network parameters (for par_network) #define NNLINE 4 #define NN_BASE 1 #define NN_SENDAD 2 #define NN_RECAD 3 #define NN_OUT_ZERO 4 // Defines the port address offsets. #define NN_RAWOUT16 4 #define NN_RAWOUT18 5 #define NN_RAWOUT24 6 #define NN_FFT1OUT 7 #define NN_TIMF2OUT 8 #define NN_FFT2OUT 9 #define NN_BASEBOUT 10 #define NN_BASEBRAWOUT 11 #define NN_RX 12 struct sockaddr_in netsend_addr_rxraw16; struct sockaddr_in netsend_addr_rxraw18; struct sockaddr_in netsend_addr_rxraw24; struct sockaddr_in netsend_addr_rxfft1; struct sockaddr_in netsend_addr_rxtimf2; struct sockaddr_in netsend_addr_rxfft2; struct sockaddr_in netsend_addr_rxbaseb; struct sockaddr_in netsend_addr_rxbasebraw; struct sockaddr_in netrec_addr; struct sockaddr_in netmaster_addr; struct sockaddr_in slave_addr; #define NETHEADER_SIZE 6 #define FFT1_INFOSIZ 3 fd_set master_readfds; fd_set rx_input_fds; void net_read( void *buf, int bytes); void net_write(FD fd, void *buf, int size); ; int no_of_net_freq=0; int no_of_subslaves=0; double net_start_time; int net_write_errors; void chk_send(int fd, char *buf, int len, struct sockaddr *to, int tolen) { #if(OSNUM == OSNUM_WINDOWS) int ierr; #endif double dt1; char s[80]; int kk, net_written; float t1; net_written=sendto(fd, buf ,len, 0, to, tolen); if(net_written==len)return; // There was an error. // We do not expect short writes, but try to handle them anywaqy. // The "normal" error would be that the call would block. // Wait here for the time of maximum 2 blocks of our input data stream // to see if the situation improves. if(net_written == -1) { #if(OSNUM == OSNUM_WINDOWS) ierr=WSAGetLastError(); if(ierr != WSAEWOULDBLOCK)goto show_errors; #endif #if(OSNUM == OSNUM_LINUX) if(errno != EAGAIN)goto show_errors; #endif kk=0; } else { kk=net_written; } t1=0.5/snd[RXAD].interrupt_rate; dt1=current_time()-netstart_time-accumulated_netwait_time; while(dt1 > 0) { // sleep in time chunks that are at least half the time to fill // our A/D input buffer. // (It would be possible to actually monitor the buffer pointers, // but since there are several sound systems there would be // several routines to write.) lir_sleep(1000*t1); net_written=sendto(fd, &buf[kk] ,len-kk, 0, to, tolen); if(kill_all_flag)return; if(net_written == -1) { #if(OSNUM == OSNUM_WINDOWS) ierr=WSAGetLastError(); if(ierr != WSAEWOULDBLOCK)goto show_errors; #endif #if(OSNUM == OSNUM_LINUX) if(errno != EAGAIN)goto show_errors; #endif } else { kk+=net_written; } if(kk == len)return; dt1=current_time()-netstart_time-accumulated_netwait_time; } #if DUMPFILE == TRUE DEB" short write %d (%d)",kk, len); #endif return; show_errors:; net_write_errors++; sprintf(s,"NET_WRITE ERROR %d",net_write_errors); wg_error(s,WGERR_NETWR); #if DUMPFILE == TRUE // *********************************************** DEB"\nNetwork write error: "); #if(OSNUM == OSNUM_WINDOWS) DEB"sendto error code %d ",ierr); switch (ierr) { case WSAEINVAL: DEB"WSAEINVAL"); break; case WSAEINTR: DEB"WSAEINTR"); break; case WSAEINPROGRESS: DEB"WSAEINPROGRESS"); break; case WSAEFAULT: DEB"WSAEFAULT"); break; case WSAENETRESET: DEB"WSAENETRESET"); break; case WSAENOBUFS: DEB"WSAENOBUFS"); break; case WSAENOTCONN: DEB"WSAENOTCONN"); break; case WSAENOTSOCK: DEB"WSAENOTSOCK"); break; case WSAEOPNOTSUPP: DEB"WSAEOPNOTSUPP"); break; case WSAESHUTDOWN: DEB"WSAESHUTDOWN"); break; case WSAEWOULDBLOCK: DEB"WSAEWOULDBLOCK"); break; case WSAEMSGSIZE: DEB"WSAEMSGSIZE"); break; case WSAECONNABORTED: DEB"WSAECONNABORTED"); break; case WSAECONNRESET: DEB"WSAECONNRESET"); break; case WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL: DEB"WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL"); break; case WSAENETUNREACH: DEB"WSAENETUNREACH"); break; case WSAEHOSTUNREACH: DEB"WSAEHOSTUNREACH"); break; case WSAETIMEDOUT: DEB"WSAETIMEDOUT"); break; case WSANOTINITIALISED: DEB"WSANOTINITIALISED"); break; case WSAENETDOWN: DEB"WSAENETDOWN"); break; case WSAEACCES: DEB"WSAEACCES"); break; case WSAEAFNOSUPPORT: DEB"WSAEAFNOSUPPORT"); break; case WSAEDESTADDRREQ: DEB"WSAEDESTADDRREQ"); break; default: DEB"unknown"); } #endif #if(OSNUM == OSNUM_LINUX) switch (errno) { case ENETUNREACH: DEB"Network unreachable"); break; case EAGAIN: DEB"Operation would block"); break; case EINTR: DEB"Interrupted by a signal"); break; default: DEB" errno=%d",errno); } #endif #endif } void lir_send_raw16(void) { chk_send(netfd.send_rx_raw16,(char*)&net_rxdata_16,sizeof(NET_RX_STRUCT), (struct sockaddr *) &netsend_addr_rxraw16, sizeof(netsend_addr_rxraw16)); } void lir_send_raw18(void) { chk_send(netfd.send_rx_raw18,(char*)&net_rxdata_18,sizeof(NET_RX_STRUCT), (struct sockaddr *) &netsend_addr_rxraw18, sizeof(netsend_addr_rxraw18)); } void lir_send_raw24(void) { chk_send(netfd.send_rx_raw24,(char*)&net_rxdata_24,sizeof(NET_RX_STRUCT), (struct sockaddr *) &netsend_addr_rxraw24, sizeof(netsend_addr_rxraw24)); } void lir_send_fft1(void) { chk_send(netfd.send_rx_fft1,(char*)&net_rxdata_fft1,sizeof(NET_RX_STRUCT), (struct sockaddr *) &netsend_addr_rxfft1, sizeof(netsend_addr_rxfft1)); } void lir_send_timf2(void) { chk_send(netfd.send_rx_timf2,(char*)&net_rxdata_timf2,sizeof(NET_RX_STRUCT), (struct sockaddr *) &netsend_addr_rxtimf2, sizeof(netsend_addr_rxtimf2)); } void lir_send_fft2(void) { chk_send(netfd.send_rx_fft2,(char*)&net_rxdata_fft2,sizeof(NET_RX_STRUCT), (struct sockaddr *) &netsend_addr_rxfft2, sizeof(netsend_addr_rxfft2)); } void lir_send_baseb(void) { chk_send(netfd.send_rx_baseb,(char*)&net_rxdata_baseb,sizeof(NET_RX_STRUCT), (struct sockaddr *) &netsend_addr_rxbaseb, sizeof(netsend_addr_rxbaseb)); } void lir_send_basebraw(void) { chk_send(netfd.send_rx_basebraw,(char*)&net_rxdata_basebraw, sizeof(NET_RX_STRUCT), (struct sockaddr *) &netsend_addr_rxbasebraw, sizeof(netsend_addr_rxbasebraw)); } void close_network_sockets(void) { int i; FD *net_fds; if(ui.network_flag==0)return; net_fds=(FD*)(&netfd); for(i=0; i 2) { sprintf(s,"Network error %d",net_no_of_errors-2); wg_error(s,WGERR_RXIN); } } #define MAX_FREQLIST_TIME 3 #define NETFREQ_TOL 10000 void update_freqlist(void) { float t1; int i, j, k, m, xpos; int tmp_curx[MAX_FREQLIST]; // Data from netfreq_list will be distributed on the network. // When we run as a master, netslaves_selfreq[] contains // the frequencies reported to us by slaves. // A value of -1 means that no frequency is selected. // We may also have frequencies that belong to subslaves // in netfreq_list. // Start by removing old entries from both lists. t1=current_time()-net_start_time; i=0; while(i MAX_FREQLIST_TIME) { netslaves_selfreq[i]=-1; } i++; } i=0; j=MAX_FREQLIST-1; while(netfreq_list[i] >= 0) { if(t1-netfreq_time[i] > MAX_FREQLIST_TIME) { netfreq_list[i]=-1; if(j != MAX_FREQLIST-1)j=i; } i++; } if(j != MAX_FREQLIST-1) { k=j+1; while(k=0 ) { j=0; while(netfreq_list[j] >= 0) { if(abs(netfreq_list[j]-netslaves_selfreq[i]) < NETFREQ_TOL) { netfreq_list[j]=netslaves_selfreq[i]; netfreq_time[j]=netslaves_time[i]; goto updated; } j++; } if(j >= MAX_FREQLIST) { lirerr(1254); return; } netfreq_list[j]=netslaves_selfreq[i]; netfreq_time[j]=netslaves_time[i]; } updated:; i++; } k=0; m=0; // Compute cursor locations. while(netfreq_list[k] >= 0) { xpos=0.5+wg_first_xpixel+(0.001*netfreq_list[k]-wg_first_frequency) /wg_hz_per_pixel; if(xpos > wg_first_xpixel && xpos < wg_last_xpixel) { tmp_curx[m]=xpos; m++; } k++; } while(sc[SC_SHOW_FFT1]!=sd[SC_SHOW_FFT1]) { if(kill_all_flag || thread_command_flag[THREAD_LIR_SERVER] != THRFLAG_ACTIVE)return; lir_sleep(10000); } // Remove cursors no longer present. for(i=0; i= 0) { for(j=0; j= 0) { while(new_netfreq_curx[j] >= 0)j++; new_netfreq_curx[j]=tmp_curx[i]; j++; } } // Do not show slaves that listen to our own frequency. for(j=0; j= 0) { for(i=0; i= 0) { if(abs(netfreq_list[j]-ifr) < NETFREQ_TOL) { while(netfreq_list[j] >= 0) { netfreq_list[j]=netfreq_list[j+1]; j++; } if( (ui.network_flag&NET_RX_INPUT)!=0) { slave_msg.type=NETMSG_REMOVE_SUBSLAVE; slave_msg.frequency=ifr; net_write(netfd.master, &slave_msg, sizeof(slave_msg)); } return; } j++; } } void net_send_slaves_freq(void) { int intbuf[MAX_NETSLAVES]; int i, k; slave_msg.type=NETMSG_OWN_FREQ; if(mix1_selfreq[0] >= 0) { slave_msg.frequency=1000*mix1_selfreq[0]; } else { slave_msg.frequency=-1; } net_write(netfd.master, &slave_msg, sizeof(slave_msg)); if(kill_all_flag) return; k=0; for(i=0; i=0 ) { intbuf[k]=netslaves_selfreq[i]; k++; } } if(k>0) { slave_msg.type=NETMSG_SUBSLAVE_FREQ; slave_msg.frequency=k; net_write(netfd.master, &slave_msg, sizeof(slave_msg)); if(kill_all_flag) return; net_write(netfd.master, &intbuf, k*sizeof(int)); } } void lir_netread_rxin(void *buf) { NET_RX_STRUCT *msg; char s[80]; fd_set testfds; struct timeval timeout; int nbytes; msg=(NET_RX_STRUCT*)buf; while( !kill_all_flag ) { testfds=rx_input_fds; timeout.tv_sec=0; timeout.tv_usec=300000; if( select(FD_SETSIZE, &testfds, (fd_set *)0, (fd_set *)0, &timeout) > 0) { if(FD_ISSET(netfd.rec_rx,&testfds)) { nbytes=recv(netfd.rec_rx,buf,sizeof(NET_RX_STRUCT), RECV_FLAG); if(nbytes != sizeof(NET_RX_STRUCT)) { sprintf(s,"NET RX ERROR. Received %d Expected %d", nbytes,(int)sizeof(NET_RX_STRUCT)); lir_text(0,10,s); lir_text(0,11,"Incompatible Linrad version?"); } if(fg.passband_center != msg[0].passband_center || fg.passband_direction != msg[0].passband_direction || fft1_direction != fg.passband_direction) { fg.passband_center = msg[0].passband_center; fg.passband_direction = msg[0].passband_direction; fft1_direction=fg.passband_direction; } return; } } } } void thread_rx_fft1_netinput(void) { #if RUSAGE_OLD == TRUE int local_workload_counter; #endif int rxin_local_workload_reset; int i, k; int read_time; float *net_floatbuf; double read_start_time,total_reads; int timing_loop_counter,timing_loop_counter_max,initial_skip_flag; unsigned int netrd_fft1_ia; int netrd_fft1_ib; unsigned short int block_cnt; #if OSNUM == OSNUM_LINUX clear_thread_times(THREAD_RX_FFT1_NETINPUT); #endif #if RUSAGE_OLD == TRUE local_workload_counter=workload_counter; #endif while( all_threads_started != TRUE) { lir_sleep(30000); if(kill_all_flag) goto fft1net_rxin_error_exit; } net_floatbuf=(float*)&net_rxdata_fft1.buf[0]; netrd_fft1_ia=0; lir_netread_rxin(&net_rxdata_fft1); if(kill_all_flag) goto fft1net_rxin_error_exit; netrd_fft1_ib=0; block_cnt=net_rxdata_fft1.block_no; #include "timing_setup.c" timing_loop_counter_max=ui.rx_ad_speed*2*sizeof(float) /(NET_MULTICAST_PAYLOAD*(1-fft1_interleave_ratio)); if(timing_loop_counter_max == 0)timing_loop_counter_max=1; if( (ui.rx_input_mode&DWORD_INPUT) != 0)timing_loop_counter_max*=2; timing_loop_counter=timing_loop_counter_max; thread_status_flag[THREAD_RX_FFT1_NETINPUT]=THRFLAG_ACTIVE; while(thread_command_flag[THREAD_RX_FFT1_NETINPUT] == THRFLAG_ACTIVE) { readfft1:; #include "input_speed.c" #if RUSAGE_OLD == TRUE if(local_workload_counter != workload_counter) { local_workload_counter=workload_counter; make_thread_times(THREAD_RX_FFT1_NETINPUT); } #endif while(netrd_fft1_ia= fft1_block)goto new_transform; } netrd_fft1_ia=0; lir_netread_rxin(&net_rxdata_fft1); if(kill_all_flag) goto fft1net_rxin_error_exit; block_cnt++; k=net_rxdata_fft1.ptr/(int)(sizeof(float)); if( block_cnt != net_rxdata_fft1.block_no || netrd_fft1_ib!=k) { // The block number (or data pointer) is incorrect. Some data is lost!! net_input_error(); i=net_rxdata_fft1.block_no-block_cnt; i=(i+0x10000)&0xffff; i*=NET_MULTICAST_PAYLOAD/sizeof(float); i+=k-netrd_fft1_ib; if(i>0 && i<2*fft1_block) { // We have lost less than two transforms. // Fill in zeroes and update pointers. The user may not notice..... while(i>0) { i--; fft1_float[fft1_pa+netrd_fft1_ib ]=0; netrd_fft1_ib++; netrd_fft1_ia++; if(netrd_fft1_ia>=NET_MULTICAST_PAYLOAD/sizeof(float)) { netrd_fft1_ia=0; block_cnt++; } if(netrd_fft1_ib >= fft1_block) { netrd_fft1_ib=0; fft1_pa=(fft1_pa+fft1_block)&fft1_mask; fft1_na=fft1_pa/fft1_block; if(fft1_nm != fft1n_mask)fft1_nm++; lir_set_event(EVENT_TIMF1); } } } else { block_cnt=net_rxdata_fft1.block_no; netrd_fft1_ib=net_rxdata_fft1.ptr/sizeof(float); } } goto readfft1; new_transform:; netrd_fft1_ib=0; fft1_pa=(fft1_pa+fft1_block)&fft1_mask; fft1_na=fft1_pa/fft1_block; if(fft1_nm != fft1n_mask)fft1_nm++; lir_set_event(EVENT_TIMF1); if(kill_all_flag) goto fft1net_rxin_error_exit; read_time=ms_since_midnight(FALSE); if(abs(latest_listsend_time-read_time) > 1500) { latest_listsend_time=read_time; net_send_slaves_freq(); } } fft1net_rxin_error_exit:; CLOSE_FD(netfd.rec_rx); netfd.rec_rx=-1; thread_status_flag[THREAD_RX_FFT1_NETINPUT]=THRFLAG_RETURNED; while(thread_command_flag[THREAD_RX_FFT1_NETINPUT] != THRFLAG_NOT_ACTIVE) { lir_sleep(1000); } } void thread_rx_raw_netinput(void) { #if RUSAGE_OLD == TRUE int local_workload_counter; #endif int rxin_local_workload_reset; int use_float; int i; int netrd_ia; int netrd_ib; unsigned short int block_cnt; double read_start_time,total_reads; int timing_loop_counter,timing_loop_counter_max,initial_skip_flag; float *z; #if OSNUM == OSNUM_LINUX clear_thread_times(THREAD_RX_RAW_NETINPUT); #endif #if RUSAGE_OLD == TRUE local_workload_counter=workload_counter; #endif while( all_threads_started != TRUE) { lir_sleep(30000); if(kill_all_flag) goto rawnet_rxin_error_exit; } save_rw_bytes=(18*snd[RXAD].block_bytes)/32; use_float=FALSE; switch(ui.network_flag&NET_RX_INPUT) { case NET_RXIN_BASEB: case NET_RXIN_RAW16: lir_netread_rxin(&net_rxdata_16); netrd_ib=net_rxdata_16.ptr; netrd_ia=0; block_cnt=net_rxdata_16.block_no; break; case NET_RXIN_RAW18: lir_netread_rxin(&net_rxdata_18); netrd_ib=net_rxdata_18.ptr; netrd_ia=0; block_cnt=net_rxdata_18.block_no; break; case NET_RXIN_BASEBRAW: case NET_RXIN_RAW24: lir_netread_rxin(&net_rxdata_24); netrd_ib=net_rxdata_24.ptr; netrd_ia=0; block_cnt=net_rxdata_24.block_no; break; case NET_RXIN_TIMF2: lir_netread_rxin(&net_rxdata_16); netrd_ib=net_rxdata_16.ptr; netrd_ia=0; block_cnt=net_rxdata_16.block_no; if(net_rxdata_16.userx_no < 0)use_float=TRUE; break; default: lirerr(285613); goto rawnet_rxin_error_exit; } #include "timing_setup.c" timing_loop_counter_max=ui.rx_ad_speed*2*sizeof(float) /(NET_MULTICAST_PAYLOAD*(1-fft1_interleave_ratio)); if(timing_loop_counter_max == 0)timing_loop_counter_max=1; if( (ui.rx_input_mode&DWORD_INPUT) != 0)timing_loop_counter_max*=2; timing_loop_counter=timing_loop_counter_max; thread_status_flag[THREAD_RX_RAW_NETINPUT]=THRFLAG_ACTIVE; while(thread_command_flag[THREAD_RX_RAW_NETINPUT] == THRFLAG_ACTIVE && !kill_all_flag) { #include "input_speed.c" #if RUSAGE_OLD == TRUE if(local_workload_counter != workload_counter) { local_workload_counter=workload_counter; make_thread_times(THREAD_RX_RAW_NETINPUT); } #endif switch(ui.network_flag&NET_RX_INPUT) { case NET_RXIN_BASEB: case NET_RXIN_RAW16: read16:; while(netrd_ia= snd[RXAD].block_bytes)goto read16x; } netrd_ia=0; lir_netread_rxin(&net_rxdata_16); if(kill_all_flag) goto rawnet_rxin_error_exit; block_cnt++; if( block_cnt != net_rxdata_16.block_no || (int)netrd_ib!=net_rxdata_16.ptr) { // The block number (or data pointer) is incorrect. Some data is lost!! net_input_error(); i=net_rxdata_16.block_no-block_cnt; i=(i+0x10000)&0xffff; i*=NET_MULTICAST_PAYLOAD; i+=net_rxdata_16.ptr-netrd_ib; if(i>0 && i < 2*fft1_blockbytes) { // We have lost less than two transforms. // Fill in zeroes and update pointers. The user will not notice..... while( i>0) { i--; rxin_char[netrd_ib ]=0; rxin_char[netrd_ib+1]=0; netrd_ib+=2; netrd_ia+=2; if(netrd_ia>=NET_MULTICAST_PAYLOAD) { netrd_ia=0; block_cnt++; } if(netrd_ib >= snd[RXAD].block_bytes) { netrd_ib=0; finish_rx_read(); } } } else { block_cnt=net_rxdata_16.block_no; netrd_ib=net_rxdata_16.ptr; } } goto read16; read16x:; netrd_ib=0; break; case NET_RXIN_RAW18: read18:; while(netrd_ia= save_rw_bytes)goto new_blk_18; } netrd_ia=0; lir_netread_rxin(&net_rxdata_18); if(kill_all_flag) goto rawnet_rxin_error_exit; block_cnt++; if( block_cnt != net_rxdata_18.block_no || (int)netrd_ib!=net_rxdata_18.ptr) // The block number (or data pointer) is incorrect. Some data is lost!! { net_input_error(); i=net_rxdata_18.block_no-block_cnt; i=(i+0x10000)&0xffff; i*=NET_MULTICAST_PAYLOAD; i+=net_rxdata_18.ptr-netrd_ib; if(i>0 && i < 2*fft1_blockbytes*18/32) { // We have lost less than two transforms. // Fill in zeroes and update pointers. The user will not notice..... while( i > 0) { i--; rawsave_tmp[netrd_ib ]=0; rawsave_tmp[netrd_ib+1]=0; netrd_ib+=2; netrd_ia+=2; if(netrd_ia>=NET_MULTICAST_PAYLOAD) { netrd_ia=0; block_cnt++; } if(netrd_ib >= save_rw_bytes) { netrd_ib=0; expand_rawdat(); finish_rx_read(); } } } else { block_cnt=net_rxdata_18.block_no; netrd_ib=net_rxdata_18.ptr; } } goto read18; new_blk_18:; netrd_ib=0; expand_rawdat(); break; case NET_RXIN_BASEBRAW: case NET_RXIN_RAW24: read24:; while(netrd_ia= snd[RXAD].block_bytes)goto new_blk_24; } netrd_ia=0; lir_netread_rxin(&net_rxdata_24); if(kill_all_flag) goto rawnet_rxin_error_exit; block_cnt++; if( block_cnt != net_rxdata_24.block_no || (int)netrd_ib!=net_rxdata_24.ptr) { // The block number (or data pointer) is incorrect. Some data is lost!! net_input_error(); i=net_rxdata_24.block_no-block_cnt; i=(i+0x10000)&0xffff; i*=NET_MULTICAST_PAYLOAD; i+=net_rxdata_24.ptr-netrd_ib; if(i>0 && i < 2*fft1_blockbytes) { // We have lost less than two transforms. // Fill in zeroes and update pointers. The user will not notice..... while( i>0 ) { rxin_char[netrd_ib ]=0; rxin_char[netrd_ib+1]=0; rxin_char[netrd_ib+2]=0; rxin_char[netrd_ib+3]=0; netrd_ib+=4; netrd_ia+=3; if(netrd_ia>=NET_MULTICAST_PAYLOAD) { netrd_ia=0; block_cnt++; } if(netrd_ib >= snd[RXAD].block_bytes) { netrd_ib=0; finish_rx_read(); } } } else { block_cnt=net_rxdata_24.block_no; netrd_ib=net_rxdata_24.ptr; } } goto read24; new_blk_24:; netrd_ib=0; break; case NET_RXIN_TIMF2: if(use_float) { z=(float*)net_rxdata_16.buf; readfloat:; while(netrd_ia= snd[RXAD].block_bytes)goto readfloatx; } netrd_ia=0; lir_netread_rxin(&net_rxdata_16); if(kill_all_flag) goto rawnet_rxin_error_exit; block_cnt++; if( block_cnt != net_rxdata_16.block_no || (int)netrd_ib!=net_rxdata_16.ptr) { // The block number (or data pointer) is incorrect. Some data is lost!! net_input_error(); i=net_rxdata_16.block_no-block_cnt; i=(i+0x10000)&0xffff; i*=NET_MULTICAST_PAYLOAD; i+=net_rxdata_16.ptr-netrd_ib; if(i>0 && i < 2*fft1_blockbytes) { // We have lost less than two transforms. // Fill in zeroes and update pointers. The user will not notice..... while( i>0) { i--; rawsave_tmp[netrd_ib ]=0; rawsave_tmp[netrd_ib+1]=0; netrd_ib+=2; netrd_ia+=2; if(netrd_ia>=NET_MULTICAST_PAYLOAD) { netrd_ia=0; block_cnt++; } if(netrd_ib >= snd[RXAD].block_bytes) { netrd_ib=0; finish_rx_read(); } } } else { block_cnt=net_rxdata_16.block_no; netrd_ib=net_rxdata_16.ptr; } } goto readfloat; readfloatx:; netrd_ib=0; } else { goto read16; } break; } finish_rx_read(); } rawnet_rxin_error_exit:; CLOSE_FD(netfd.rec_rx); netfd.rec_rx=-1; thread_status_flag[THREAD_RX_RAW_NETINPUT]=THRFLAG_RETURNED; while(thread_command_flag[THREAD_RX_RAW_NETINPUT] != THRFLAG_NOT_ACTIVE) { lir_sleep(1000); } } void thread_lir_server(void) { #if RUSAGE_OLD == TRUE int local_workload_counter; #endif FILE *file; int i, j, k, kk, ifr, ie; char s[80]; float *tmpbuf; float t1; int intbuf[10+MAX_NETSLAVES]; struct timeval timeout; FD client_sockfd; fd_set testfds; int nread; FD fd; int client_len; struct sockaddr_in client_address; int netdat[FFT1_INFOSIZ]; int listupd_count; #if OSNUM == OSNUM_LINUX clear_thread_times(THREAD_LIR_SERVER); #endif #if RUSAGE_OLD == TRUE local_workload_counter=workload_counter; #endif net_start_time=current_time(); listupd_count=0; thread_status_flag[THREAD_LIR_SERVER]=THRFLAG_ACTIVE; while(!kill_all_flag && thread_command_flag[THREAD_LIR_SERVER] == THRFLAG_ACTIVE) { listupd_count++; if(listupd_count > 5) { listupd_count=0; update_freqlist(); } testfds=master_readfds; timeout.tv_sec=0; timeout.tv_usec=300000; ie=select(FD_SETSIZE, &testfds, (fd_set *)0, (fd_set *)0, &timeout); if(ie > 0) { #if RUSAGE_OLD == TRUE if(local_workload_counter != workload_counter) { local_workload_counter=workload_counter; make_thread_times(THREAD_LIR_SERVER); } #endif if(FD_ISSET(netfd.any_slave,&testfds)) { if(no_of_netslaves >= MAX_NETSLAVES) { lirerr(1270); goto netserver_error_exit; } client_len = sizeof(client_address); client_sockfd = accept(netfd.any_slave, (struct sockaddr *)&client_address, (void*)&client_len); FD_SET(client_sockfd, &master_readfds); netfd.slaves[no_of_netslaves]=client_sockfd; lir_fillbox(5*no_of_netslaves,0,3,3,10); no_of_netslaves++; } for(i = 0; i < no_of_netslaves; i++) { if(FD_ISSET(netfd.slaves[i],&testfds)) { fd=netfd.slaves[i]; { nread=recv(fd, (char*)&slave_msg, sizeof(slave_msg), MSG_PEEK); if(nread <= 0) { // A slave is disconnected. slave_cls:; if(netslaves_selfreq[i] >= 0) { remove_from_freqlist(netslaves_selfreq[i]); } j=i; while(j < no_of_netslaves-1) { netfd.slaves[j]=netfd.slaves[j+1]; netslaves_selfreq[j]=netslaves_selfreq[j+1]; netslaves_time[j]=netslaves_time[j+1]; j++; } no_of_netslaves--; lir_fillbox(5*no_of_netslaves,0,3,3,0); CLOSE_FD(fd); FD_CLR(fd, &master_readfds); update_freqlist(); listupd_count=0; } else { // Check that we get the setup information correctly // and exit if all seems ok. if(nread < (int)(sizeof(slave_msg))) { lirerr(886942); lir_sleep(10000); nread=recv(fd, (char*)&slave_msg, sizeof(slave_msg), MSG_PEEK); } if(nread == (int)(sizeof(slave_msg))) { recv(fd, (char*)&slave_msg, sizeof(slave_msg),0); switch (slave_msg.type) { case NETMSG_OWN_FREQ: for(i=0; i= 0) { remove_from_freqlist(netslaves_selfreq[i]); } netslaves_selfreq[i]=ifr; netslaves_time[i]=current_time()-net_start_time; } } update_freqlist(); listupd_count=0; break; case NETMSG_SUBSLAVE_FREQ: if(slave_msg.frequency <1) { lirerr(1256); goto netserver_error_exit; } if(slave_msg.frequency >MAX_NETSLAVES-1) { lirerr(1257); goto netserver_error_exit; } lir_sleep(30000); k=slave_msg.frequency; nread=recv(fd, (char*)&intbuf, k*sizeof(int), MSG_PEEK); if(nread == 0)goto slave_cls; if(nread == k*(int)(sizeof(int))) { recv(fd, (char*)&intbuf, k*sizeof(int),0); // Check if the frequency is already on the list. // And add it if it is missing. t1=current_time()-net_start_time; k--; while(k>=0) { i=0; while(netfreq_list[i] > 0) { if(abs(netfreq_list[i]-intbuf[k]) 0)i++; if(i >= MAX_FREQLIST) { lirerr(1254); goto netserver_error_exit; } nextk:; netfreq_list[i]=intbuf[k]; netfreq_time[i]=t1; k--; } update_freqlist(); listupd_count=0; } else { recv(fd, (char*)&intbuf, nread,0); } break; case NETMSG_REMOVE_SUBSLAVE: remove_from_freqlist(slave_msg.frequency); break; case NETMSG_MODE_REQUEST: intbuf[0]=ui.rx_ad_speed; intbuf[1]=ui.rx_ad_channels; intbuf[2]=ui.rx_rf_channels; intbuf[3]=ui.rx_input_mode; intbuf[4]=snd[RXAD].block_bytes; intbuf[5]=fft1_size; intbuf[6]=fft1_n; intbuf[7]=genparm[FIRST_FFT_SINPOW]; net_write(fd,intbuf,8*sizeof(int)); if(kill_all_flag)goto netserver_error_exit; break; case NETMSG_TIMF2MODE_REQUEST: intbuf[0]=ui.rx_ad_speed; intbuf[1]=2*ui.rx_rf_channels; intbuf[2]=ui.rx_rf_channels; intbuf[3]=IQ_DATA; if(swfloat)intbuf[3]+=DWORD_INPUT; if(ui.rx_rf_channels == 2)intbuf[3]+=TWO_CHANNELS; intbuf[4]=snd[RXAD].block_bytes; intbuf[5]=0; intbuf[6]=0; intbuf[7]=0; net_write(fd,intbuf,8*sizeof(int)); if(kill_all_flag)goto netserver_error_exit; break; case NETMSG_BASEBMODE_REQUEST: intbuf[0]=genparm[DA_OUTPUT_SPEED]; intbuf[1]=2*ui.rx_rf_channels; intbuf[2]=ui.rx_rf_channels; intbuf[3]=IQ_DATA; if(ui.rx_rf_channels == 2)intbuf[3]+=TWO_CHANNELS; intbuf[4]=basebnet_block_bytes; intbuf[5]=0; intbuf[6]=0; intbuf[7]=0; net_write(fd,intbuf,8*sizeof(int)); if(kill_all_flag)goto netserver_error_exit; break; case NETMSG_BASEBRAWMODE_REQUEST: intbuf[0]=basebraw_sampling_speed+0.5; intbuf[1]=basebraw_ad_channels; intbuf[2]=basebraw_rf_channels; intbuf[3]=basebraw_mode; if(basebraw_rf_channels == 2)intbuf[3]+=TWO_CHANNELS; intbuf[4]=basebrawnet_block_bytes; intbuf[5]=0; intbuf[6]=0; intbuf[7]=0; net_write(fd,intbuf,8*sizeof(int)); if(kill_all_flag)goto netserver_error_exit; break; case NETMSG_CAL_REQUEST: if( (fft1_calibrate_flag&CALAMP) == CALAMP && diskread_flag < 2) { make_filfunc_filename(s); file = fopen(s, "rb"); if(file == NULL) { lirerr(1062); goto netserver_error_exit; } // Send a flag so the client knows data will come. s[0]=TRUE; net_write(fd,s,sizeof(char)); if(kill_all_flag)goto netserver_error_exit; // Read 10 integers. Send only [7], a flag that will tell the client // whether the data is in the time or frequency domain and [0] and [1] // which is the size. i=fread(intbuf, sizeof(int),10,file); if(i != 10) { cal_error:; fclose(file); lirerr(1062); goto netserver_error_exit; } intbuf[2]=intbuf[7]; net_write(fd,intbuf,3*sizeof(int)); if(kill_all_flag)goto netserver_error_exit; if(intbuf[7] == 0) { k=intbuf[1]; } else { k=intbuf[7]; } kk=twice_rxchan*sizeof(float); tmpbuf=malloc(kk*k); if(tmpbuf == NULL) { lirerr(1290); goto netserver_error_exit; } i=fread(tmpbuf, kk, k, file); if(i != k)goto cal_error; lir_sched_yield(); net_write(fd, tmpbuf, kk*k); if(kill_all_flag)goto netserver_error_exit; lir_sched_yield(); i=fread(tmpbuf, sizeof(float),k, file); if(i != k)goto cal_error; lir_sched_yield(); net_write(fd, tmpbuf, sizeof(float)*k); if(kill_all_flag)goto netserver_error_exit; fclose(file); free(tmpbuf); lir_sched_yield(); } else { // Send a flag so the client knows there is no calibration function. s[0]=FALSE; net_write(fd,s,sizeof(char)); } break; case NETMSG_CALIQ_REQUEST: if( (fft1_calibrate_flag&CALIQ) == CALIQ && diskread_flag < 2) { make_iqcorr_filename(s); file = fopen(s, "rb"); if(file == NULL) { lirerr(1062); goto netserver_error_exit; } // Send a flag so the client knows data will come. s[0]=TRUE; net_write(fd,s,sizeof(char)); // Read 10 integers. Send only the first, the number of segments for // the calibration function. i=fread(intbuf, sizeof(int),10,file); if(i != 10)goto cal_error; net_write(fd,intbuf,sizeof(int)); kk=twice_rxchan*sizeof(float)*4*intbuf[0]; tmpbuf=malloc(kk); if(tmpbuf == NULL) { lirerr(1291); goto netserver_error_exit; } i=fread(tmpbuf, 1, kk, file); if(i != kk)goto cal_error; fclose(file); lir_sched_yield(); net_write(fd,tmpbuf, kk); lir_sched_yield(); } else { s[0]=FALSE; net_write(fd,s,sizeof(char)); } break; case NETMSG_FFT1INFO_REQUEST: netdat[0]=genparm[FIRST_FFT_SINPOW]; netdat[1]=genparm[FIRST_FFT_BANDWIDTH]; netdat[2]=genparm[FIRST_FFT_VERNR]; net_write(fd,netdat, FFT1_INFOSIZ*sizeof(int)); break; case NETMSG_SET_MASTER_FREQUENCY: t1=slave_msg.frequency; if(t1 < mix1_lowest_fq)t1=mix1_lowest_fq; if(t1 > mix1_highest_fq)t1=mix1_highest_fq; make_new_signal(0, t1); sc[SC_FREQ_READOUT]++; if(genparm[SECOND_FFT_ENABLE] != 0)sc[SC_HG_FQ_SCALE]++; if(genparm[AFC_ENABLE]==0)sc[SC_BG_FQ_SCALE]++; if(genparm[AFC_ENABLE]!=0)sc[SC_BG_FQ_SCALE]++; lir_set_event(EVENT_SCREEN); baseb_reset_counter++; break; default: DEB"ILLEGAL NET MESSAGE"); break; } } else { } } } } } } } netserver_error_exit:; for(i = 0; i < no_of_netslaves; i++) { fd=netfd.slaves[i]; { CLOSE_FD(fd); } } thread_status_flag[THREAD_LIR_SERVER]=THRFLAG_RETURNED; while(thread_command_flag[THREAD_LIR_SERVER] != THRFLAG_NOT_ACTIVE) { lir_sleep(1000); } } void read_netgroup(char *group, int group_offset, int verbose, char *filename) { FILE *netad; char sep; char s[80], ss[400]; int i, n, k; sprintf(group,"%s",DEFAULT_MULTI_GROUP); if(group_offset >=0) { sprintf(&group[MULTI_GROUP_OFFSET],"%d", group_offset); } else { netad=fopen(filename, "r"); if(netad==NULL) { sprintf(s,"%s.txt",filename); netad=fopen(s, "r"); if(netad == NULL)goto file_error; } k=fread(group,1,20,netad); fclose(netad); if(k < 7)goto file_error; i=0; n=0; while(i='0' && group[i] <= '9'))) { if(group[i] == '.') { n++; if(n > 3) { group[i]=0; i=18; } } i++; } if(i < 7)goto file_error; group[i]=0; } return; file_error:; if(verbose) { #if(OSNUM == OSNUM_LINUX) sep='/'; #endif #if(OSNUM == OSNUM_WINDOWS) sep='\\'; #endif clear_screen(); sprintf(s,"Could not read file %s%c%s",getcwd(ss,400),sep,filename); lir_text(10,10,s); sprintf(s,"Create %s with a text editor.",filename); lir_text(10,11,s); lir_text(10,12,"One line only. Format:"); sprintf(s,"Without the file Linrad will use %s",DEFAULT_MULTI_GROUP); lir_text(10,14,s); lir_text(20,16,press_any_key); await_keyboard(); clear_screen(); } } void net_addr_strings(int vrb) { read_netgroup(netsend_rx_multi_group, net.send_group, vrb, par_netsend_filename); read_netgroup(netrec_rx_multi_group, net.rec_group, vrb, par_netrec_filename); } int read_netpar(void) { int i, j, k; FILE *file; int *netparm; char *parinfo; netparm=(int*)&net; file = fopen(network_filename, "rb"); if (file == NULL) { net_default:; net.send_group=0; net.rec_group=0; net.port=NET_MULTI_MINPORT; net.send_raw=0; net.send_fft1=0; net.send_fft2=0; net.send_timf2=0; net.receive_raw=NET_RXIN_RAW16; net.receive_fft1=0; net.receive_baseb=0; net.receive_basebraw=0; net.receive_timf2=0; net.check=NET_VERNR; return FALSE; } else { parinfo=malloc(4096); if(parinfo == NULL) { fclose(file); lir_errcod=1078; return FALSE; } for(i=0; i<4096; i++) parinfo[i]=0; i=fread(parinfo,1,4095,file); fclose(file); file=NULL; if(i == 4095) { goto net_default; } k=0; for(i=0; i 15)goto net_default; if(net.rec_group < -1 || net.rec_group > 15)goto net_default; if(net.port < NET_MULTI_MINPORT || net.port > NET_MULTI_MAXPORT)goto net_default; if(net.send_raw < 0 || net.send_raw > (NET_RXOUT_RAW16|NET_RXOUT_RAW18|NET_RXOUT_RAW24))goto net_default; if(net.send_fft1 != 0 && net.send_fft1 != NET_RXOUT_FFT1)goto net_default; if(net.send_fft2 != 0 && net.send_fft2 != NET_RXOUT_FFT2)goto net_default; if(net.send_timf2 != 0 && net.send_timf2 != NET_RXOUT_TIMF2)goto net_default; if(net.receive_raw != 0 && net.receive_raw != NET_RXIN_RAW16 && net.receive_raw != NET_RXIN_RAW18 && net.receive_raw != NET_RXIN_RAW24 )goto net_default; if(net.receive_fft1 != 0 && net.receive_fft1 != NET_RXIN_FFT1)goto net_default; if(net.receive_baseb != 0 && net.receive_baseb != NET_RXIN_BASEB)goto net_default; if(net.receive_basebraw != 0 && net.receive_basebraw != NET_RXIN_BASEBRAW)goto net_default; if(net.receive_timf2 != 0 && net.receive_timf2 != NET_RXIN_TIMF2)goto net_default; i=0; if(net.receive_raw != 0)i++; if(net.receive_fft1 != 0)i++; if(net.receive_baseb != 0)i++; if(net.receive_basebraw != 0)i++; if(net.receive_timf2 != 0)i++; if(net.send_raw != 0 && (net.receive_raw+net.receive_fft1+net.receive_baseb+ net.receive_basebraw+net.receive_timf2) != 0)goto net_default; if(net.send_fft1 != 0 && net.receive_fft1 != 0)goto net_default; if(net.check != NET_VERNR)goto net_default; return TRUE; } void init_network(void) { fd_set fds, testfds; struct timeval timeout; int kk, mm, wtcnt; float *tmpbuf; int intbuf[10]; char s[80]; char *ss; IP_MREQ mreq; int i, j, k; int server_flag; unsigned char *ip; int nbytes; char msgx[sizeof(NET_RX_STRUCT)+2]; NET_RX_STRUCT *msg; int *net_fds; #if(OSNUM == OSNUM_LINUX) unsigned int addrlen; #endif #if(OSNUM == OSNUM_WINDOWS) int addrlen; unsigned long int on; on=1; #endif net_fds=(int*)(&netfd); for(i=0; i= 224 && (mreq.imr_multiaddr.s_addr&0xff) < 240) { mreq.imr_interface.s_addr=htonl(INADDR_ANY); if (setsockopt(netfd.rec_rx,IPPROTO_IP,IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, (char*)&mreq,sizeof(mreq)) < 0) { lirerr(1268); return; } } // Go into an endless loop waiting for multicast to be received // from another Linrad system. nbytes=0; i=0; test_keyboard(); FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(netfd.rec_rx, &fds); wtcnt=0; while(nbytes <= 0 && lir_inkey == 0) { if(kill_all_flag)return; testfds=fds; timeout.tv_sec=0; timeout.tv_usec=30000; if( select(FD_SETSIZE, &testfds, (fd_set *)0, (fd_set *)0, &timeout) > 0) { if(FD_ISSET(netfd.rec_rx,&testfds)) { memset(&netmaster_addr,0,sizeof(netmaster_addr)); addrlen=sizeof(netmaster_addr); nbytes=recvfrom(netfd.rec_rx,(char*)msg,sizeof(NET_RX_STRUCT)+1,0, (struct sockaddr *) &netmaster_addr, &addrlen); if(nbytes != sizeof(NET_RX_STRUCT)) { i++; sprintf(s,"NET RX ERROR %d received %d expected %d",i, nbytes,(int)sizeof(NET_RX_STRUCT)); lir_text(1,4,s); nbytes=0; } lir_sched_yield(); lir_refresh_screen(); } } else { wtcnt++; if(wtcnt > 999)wtcnt=0; sprintf(s,"%d ",wtcnt); lir_text(5,0,s); lir_refresh_screen(); lir_sleep(100000); test_keyboard(); } } if(lir_inkey != 0) { lir_inkey=0; lirerr(1269); return; } ip=(unsigned char*)&netmaster_addr.sin_addr.s_addr; sprintf(s,"received %s data from %d.%d.%d.%d", ss, ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3]); lir_text(1,4,s); lir_sched_yield(); lir_refresh_screen(); i=0; if ((netfd.master = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == INVSOCK) { lirerr(1249); return; } netmaster_addr.sin_family=AF_INET; netmaster_addr.sin_port=htons(CONNPORT); j = connect(netfd.master, (struct sockaddr *)&netmaster_addr, sizeof(netmaster_addr) ); lir_sleep(100000); while(j == -1 && lir_inkey == 0) { sprintf(s,"Trying to connect %d, errno=%d",i,errno); lir_text(1,5,s); lir_refresh_screen(); j = connect(netfd.master, (struct sockaddr *)&netmaster_addr, sizeof(netmaster_addr) ); test_keyboard(); if(kill_all_flag) return; i++; lir_sleep(100000); } if(lir_inkey != 0) { lir_inkey=0; lirerr(1269); return; } lir_sched_yield(); lir_refresh_screen(); clear_lines(5,5); lir_text(1,5,"Connect sucessful !!"); lir_text(1,6,"Waiting for mode info"); lir_refresh_screen(); if( (ui.network_flag&NET_RXIN_BASEB) !=0) { slave_msg.type=NETMSG_BASEBMODE_REQUEST; } else { if( (ui.network_flag&NET_RXIN_BASEBRAW) !=0) { slave_msg.type=NETMSG_BASEBRAWMODE_REQUEST; } else { if( (ui.network_flag&NET_RXIN_TIMF2) !=0) { slave_msg.type=NETMSG_TIMF2MODE_REQUEST; } else { slave_msg.type=NETMSG_MODE_REQUEST; } } } slave_msg.frequency=-1; net_write(netfd.master, &slave_msg, sizeof(slave_msg)); if(kill_all_flag)return; net_read(intbuf,8*sizeof(int)); if(kill_all_flag)return; ui.rx_ad_speed=intbuf[0]; ui.rx_ad_channels=intbuf[1]; ui.rx_rf_channels=intbuf[2]; ui.rx_input_mode=intbuf[3]; snd[RXAD].block_bytes=intbuf[4]; if( (ui.network_flag & NET_RXIN_FFT1) != 0) { fft1_size=intbuf[5]; fft1_n=intbuf[6]; } init_genparm(FALSE); if( (ui.network_flag & NET_RXIN_FFT1) != 0) { genparm[FIRST_FFT_SINPOW]=intbuf[7]; } if( (ui.rx_input_mode&DWORD_INPUT) != 0 && (ui.network_flag&NET_RXIN_RAW16) !=0 ) { ui.rx_input_mode&=DWORD_INPUT^0xffffffff; snd[RXAD].block_bytes/=2; } fg.passband_direction=0; fft1_direction=0; get_wideband_sizes(); if(kill_all_flag) return; get_buffers(1); if(kill_all_flag) return; mm=2*ui.rx_rf_channels; fft1_calibrate_flag=0; clear_screen(); if( (ui.network_flag & NET_RXIN_TIMF2) != 0) { s[0]=FALSE; } else { lir_text(1,6,"Waiting for filter calibration info"); lir_refresh_screen(); slave_msg.type=NETMSG_CAL_REQUEST; slave_msg.frequency=-1; net_write(netfd.master, &slave_msg, sizeof(slave_msg)); if(kill_all_flag)return; net_read(s,sizeof(char)); lir_refresh_screen(); } if(s[0] == TRUE) { // The master says there is a calibration function get it. net_read(intbuf,3*sizeof(int)); if(kill_all_flag)return; if(intbuf[2] == 0) { // The filtercorr function is saved in the frequency domain in // intbuf[1] points. // This format is used during the initialisation procedures and // it may be kept for normal operation in case the number of points // will not be reduced by saving in the time domain. tmpbuf=malloc(intbuf[1]*(mm+1)*sizeof(float)); if( tmpbuf == NULL ) { lirerr(1293); return; } net_read(tmpbuf, mm*sizeof(float)*intbuf[1]); if(kill_all_flag)return; net_read(&tmpbuf[mm*intbuf[1]], sizeof(float)*intbuf[1]); if(kill_all_flag)return; use_filtercorr_fd(intbuf[0], intbuf[1], tmpbuf, &tmpbuf[mm*intbuf[1]]); } else { // The correction function was stored in the time domain in intbuf[2] points // We have to reduce the number of points. tmpbuf=malloc(intbuf[2]*(mm+1)*sizeof(float)); if( tmpbuf == NULL ) { lirerr(1055); return; } net_read(tmpbuf, mm*sizeof(float)*intbuf[2]); if(kill_all_flag)return; net_read(&tmpbuf[mm*intbuf[2]], sizeof(float)*intbuf[2]); if(kill_all_flag)return; use_filtercorr_td(intbuf[2], tmpbuf, &tmpbuf[mm*intbuf[2]]); } } else { clear_fft1_filtercorr(); } if( (ui.network_flag & NET_RXIN_TIMF2) == 0) { lir_text(1,6,"Waiting for I/Q balance calibration info"); slave_msg.type=NETMSG_CALIQ_REQUEST; slave_msg.frequency=-1; net_write(netfd.master, &slave_msg, sizeof(slave_msg)); if(kill_all_flag)return; net_read(s,sizeof(char)); if(kill_all_flag)return; } if(s[0] == TRUE) { net_read(intbuf,sizeof(int)); if(kill_all_flag)return; bal_segments=intbuf[0]; kk=twice_rxchan*sizeof(float)*4*bal_segments; contracted_iq_foldcorr=malloc(kk); if(contracted_iq_foldcorr == NULL) { lirerr(1049); return; } net_read(contracted_iq_foldcorr, kk); if(kill_all_flag)return; use_iqcorr(); free(contracted_iq_foldcorr); } if( (ui.network_flag&(NET_RXIN_BASEB+NET_RXIN_BASEBRAW)) ==0) { fg.passband_center=msg[0].passband_center; fg.passband_direction=msg[0].passband_direction; freq_from_file=TRUE; } if( (ui.network_flag&NET_RXIN_TIMF2) != 0) { fg.passband_direction=-1; } fft1_direction=fg.passband_direction; FD_ZERO(&rx_input_fds); FD_SET(netfd.rec_rx, &rx_input_fds); clear_lines(0,8); lir_refresh_screen(); return; } // We do not use the network for input. // This means we run as a master. Prepare to listen for // slaves that want to connect to us. get_wideband_sizes(); if(kill_all_flag) return; get_buffers(1); if(kill_all_flag) return; } void sendraw_text( int mask, int bits, int offset) { char ss[80], s[80]; sprintf(s,"%2d: Send raw data in %d bit format ",offset, bits); if( (net.send_raw&mask) == 0) { strcat(s,"OFF"); } else { settextcolor(14); sprintf(ss,"ON (port=%d)",net.port+offset-NN_OUT_ZERO); strcat(s,ss); } lir_text(1,NNLINE+offset,s); settextcolor(7); } void sendfft_text( int flag, int no, int offset) { char ss[80], s[80]; sprintf(s,"%2d: Send FFT%d transforms ",offset, no); if( flag == FALSE) { strcat(s,"OFF"); } else { settextcolor(14); sprintf(ss,"ON (port=%d)",net.port+offset-NN_OUT_ZERO); strcat(s,ss); } lir_text(1,NNLINE+offset,s); settextcolor(7); } int get_ip_address(int *line, int idir) { char s[80]; char *nam; unsigned b1, b2, b3, b4; unsigned char c; char textbuf[80]; int length ; int input; int i, iw; char *dir[2]={"SEND","RECEIVE"}; FILE *file; sprintf(s,"Default multicast %s address range is",dir[idir]); lir_text(10,line[0],s); sprintf(s,"%s to",DEFAULT_MULTI_GROUP); lir_text(53,line[0],s); s[MULTI_GROUP_OFFSET]='1'; s[1+MULTI_GROUP_OFFSET]='5'; s[2+MULTI_GROUP_OFFSET]=0; lir_text(53+MULTI_GROUP_OFFSET+6,line[0],&s[0]); line[0]+=2; sprintf(s,"Enter 0 to 15 to select an IP address within the default range"); if(idir == 0) { lir_text(10,line[0],s); line[0]++; lir_text(10,line[0], "Or enter -1 to specify a different IP address (p.e."); i=74; } else { lir_text(10,line[0], "The receive address is not used if you send to this computer (unicast)"); line[0]+=2; lir_text(10,line[0],s); line[0]++; lir_text(10,line[0], "Or enter -1 to specify a different multicast IP address in the"); line[0]++; lir_text(10,line[0], "range to"); i=46; } input=lir_get_integer(i,line[0],2,-1,15); line[0]++; if(kill_all_flag) return 0; if (input == -1) { line[0]+=2; specify: lir_text(10,line[0],"Specify different IP address: "); length=lir_get_text(40, line[0], textbuf); if(kill_all_flag) return 0; // validate format of IP address if ((length < 7) || (length > 15)) goto format_error; if (strspn(textbuf, "0123456789.") < strlen(textbuf)) goto format_error; if (sscanf(textbuf, "%3u.%3u.%3u.%3u%c", &b1, &b2, &b3, &b4, &c) != 4) goto format_error; if ((b1 | b2 | b3 | b4) > 255) goto format_error; goto save; format_error:; lir_text(10,line[0]+1,"IP address format-error: Try again "); goto specify; save:; // save IP address in nam file if(idir == 0) nam=par_netsend_filename; else nam=par_netrec_filename; file = fopen(nam, "w"); iw=fwrite(textbuf,1,length,file); fclose(file); if(iw != length) { lirerr(125532); } } return input; } void set_network_flag(int old_flag) { int k; ui.network_flag=0; if( ui.rx_addev_no == NETWORK_DEVICE_CODE) { k=(net.receive_raw&(NET_RXIN_RAW16+NET_RXIN_RAW18+NET_RXIN_RAW24))+ (net.receive_fft1&NET_RXIN_FFT1)+ (net.receive_baseb&NET_RXIN_BASEB)+ (net.receive_basebraw&NET_RXIN_BASEBRAW)+ (net.receive_timf2&NET_RXIN_TIMF2); ui.network_flag|=k; } if( (old_flag&NET_RX_OUTPUT) != 0) { ui.network_flag&=NET_RX_INPUT; k=(net.send_raw&(NET_RXOUT_RAW16|NET_RXOUT_RAW18|NET_RXOUT_RAW24))+ (net.send_fft1&NET_RXOUT_FFT1)+ (net.send_fft2&NET_RXOUT_FFT2)+ (net.send_timf2&NET_RXOUT_TIMF2)+ (net.send_baseb&NET_RXOUT_BASEB)+ (net.send_basebraw&NET_RXOUT_BASEBRAW); ui.network_flag|=k; } } void verify_network(int setup) { char *msg; int old_network_flag; int i, line, quit_flag; char s[80]; char ss[20]; FILE *file; int *netparm; netparm=(int*)&net; if(ui.network_flag == 0)return; if(ui.use_extio != 0) { ui.network_flag&=NET_RX_OUTPUT; } old_network_flag=ui.network_flag; if(read_netpar()==FALSE) { if(!setup) { if( ui.rx_addev_no == NETWORK_DEVICE_CODE) { ui.rx_addev_no=DISABLED_DEVICE_CODE; ui.network_flag=0; return; } } } else { if(!setup) { set_network_flag(old_network_flag); if( ui.rx_addev_no == NETWORK_DEVICE_CODE) { if( (ui.network_flag&NET_RX_INPUT) == 0) { ui.rx_addev_no=DISABLED_DEVICE_CODE; } } else { ui.network_flag&=NET_RX_OUTPUT; } return; } } msg=""; do_setup:; quit_flag=FALSE; clear_screen(); settextcolor(15); lir_text(0,1,msg); settextcolor(7); net_addr_strings(TRUE); lir_text(3,3,"CURRENT NETWORK SETTINGS ARE:"); sprintf(s,"%2d: Base port = %d ", NN_BASE, net.port); lir_text(1,NN_BASE+NNLINE,s); sprintf(s,"%2d: SEND address = %s ",NN_SENDAD, netsend_rx_multi_group); lir_text(1,NN_SENDAD+NNLINE,s); sprintf(s,"%2d: RECEIVE address = %s ",NN_RECAD, netrec_rx_multi_group); lir_text(1,NN_RECAD+NNLINE,s); sendraw_text(NET_RXOUT_RAW16,16,NN_RAWOUT16); sendraw_text(NET_RXOUT_RAW18,18,NN_RAWOUT18); sendraw_text(NET_RXOUT_RAW24,24,NN_RAWOUT24); sendfft_text(net.send_fft1, 1, NN_FFT1OUT); sprintf(s,"%2d: Send timf2 (blanker output) ",NN_TIMF2OUT); if( net.send_timf2 == FALSE) { strcat(s,"OFF"); } else { settextcolor(14); sprintf(ss,"ON (port=%d)",net.port+NN_TIMF2OUT-NN_OUT_ZERO); strcat(s,ss); } lir_text(1,NNLINE+NN_TIMF2OUT,s); settextcolor(7); sprintf(s,"%2d: Send baseband (resampled,16 bit) ",NN_BASEBOUT); if( net.send_baseb == FALSE) { strcat(s,"OFF"); } else { settextcolor(14); sprintf(ss,"ON (port=%d)",net.port+NN_BASEBOUT-NN_OUT_ZERO); strcat(s,ss); } lir_text(1,NNLINE+NN_BASEBOUT,s); settextcolor(7); sprintf(s,"%2d: Send baseband raw (24 bit)",NN_BASEBRAWOUT); if( net.send_basebraw == FALSE) { strcat(s,"OFF"); } else { settextcolor(14); sprintf(ss,"ON (port=%d)",net.port+NN_BASEBRAWOUT-NN_OUT_ZERO); strcat(s,ss); } lir_text(1,NNLINE+NN_BASEBRAWOUT,s); settextcolor(7); sendfft_text(net.send_fft2, 2, NN_FFT2OUT); sprintf(s,"%2d: RX input from network ",NN_RX); if( net.receive_raw+net.receive_fft1+net.receive_baseb+ net.receive_basebraw+net.receive_timf2 == 0) { strcat(s,"OFF"); } else { if( ui.rx_addev_no != NETWORK_DEVICE_CODE || (ui.network_flag&NET_RX_INPUT) == 0) { strcat(s,"-- "); } else { strcat(s,"ON "); settextcolor(14); } if( net.receive_fft1 == NET_RXIN_FFT1) { strcat(s,"(FFT1 transforms)"); } else { if( net.receive_baseb == NET_RXIN_BASEB) { strcat(s,"(Baseband, resampled 16 bit)"); } else { if( net.receive_basebraw == NET_RXIN_BASEBRAW) { strcat(s,"(Baseband, raw, 24 bit)"); } else { if( net.receive_timf2 == NET_RXIN_TIMF2) { strcat(s,"(timf2)"); } else { strcat(s,"(Raw data, "); if( net.receive_raw == NET_RXIN_RAW16) { strcat(s,"16"); } else { if( net.receive_raw == NET_RXIN_RAW18) { strcat(s,"18"); } else { if( net.receive_raw == NET_RXIN_RAW24) { strcat(s,"24"); } else { lirerr(42962); return; } } } strcat(s," bit)"); } } } } } lir_text(1,NNLINE+NN_RX,s); settextcolor(7); line=1+NNLINE+NN_RX; lir_text(1,line,"F1: Help"); line+=2; lir_text(0,line,"On exit from this routine network transmit will be OFF."); line++; lir_text(0,line,"The screen shows what will become enabled when send"); line++; lir_text(0,line, "is enabled (with ""T"" on the main menu)"); line++; lir_text(0,line,remind_parsave); line+=2; lir_text(0,line, "Enter a line number to change, 0 to exit =>"); i=lir_get_integer(44,line,2,0,NN_RX); if(kill_all_flag) return; if(lir_inkey == F1_KEY || lir_inkey == '!') { help_message(315); goto do_setup; } line+=3; switch (i) { case NN_RX: lir_text(10,line,"Set receive format."); lir_text(10,line+2,"A=Raw 16 bit"); lir_text(10,line+3,"B=Raw 18 bit"); lir_text(10,line+4,"C=Raw 24 bit"); lir_text(10,line+5,"D=FFT1 transforms"); lir_text(10,line+6,"E=Baseband, resampled,16 bit"); lir_text(10,line+7,"F=Baseband, raw,24 bit"); lir_text(10,line+8,"G=timf2 (int16 or float32)"); lir_text(10,line+9,"Z=None"); get_r:; to_upper_await_keyboard(); if(kill_all_flag) return; net.receive_raw=0; net.receive_fft1=0; net.receive_baseb=0; net.receive_basebraw=0; net.receive_timf2=0; switch (lir_inkey) { case 'A': net.receive_raw=NET_RXIN_RAW16; break; case 'B': net.receive_raw=NET_RXIN_RAW18; break; case 'C': net.receive_raw=NET_RXIN_RAW24; break; case 'D': net.receive_fft1=NET_RXIN_FFT1; break; case 'E': net.receive_baseb=NET_RXIN_BASEB; break; case 'F': net.receive_basebraw=NET_RXIN_BASEBRAW; break; case 'G': net.receive_timf2=NET_RXIN_TIMF2; break; case 'Z': break; default: goto get_r; } if(net.receive_raw != 0)net.send_raw=0; if(net.receive_fft1 != 0) { net.send_raw=0; net.send_fft1=0; } break; case NN_BASE: sprintf(s,"Base port (%d to %d) =>",NET_MULTI_MINPORT, NET_MULTI_MAXPORT); lir_text(10,line,s); net.port=lir_get_integer(40,line,5,NET_MULTI_MINPORT,NET_MULTI_MAXPORT); net.port=(net.port/10)*10; break; case NN_SENDAD: net.send_group=get_ip_address(&line, 0); break; case NN_RECAD: lir_text(10,line,"New RECEIVE address (0 to 15) =>"); net.rec_group=get_ip_address(&line, 1); break; case NN_RAWOUT16: net.send_raw^=NET_RXOUT_RAW16; break; case NN_RAWOUT18: net.send_raw^=NET_RXOUT_RAW18; break; case NN_RAWOUT24: net.send_raw^=NET_RXOUT_RAW24; break; case NN_FFT1OUT: net.send_fft1^=NET_RXOUT_FFT1; break; case NN_TIMF2OUT: net.send_timf2^=NET_RXOUT_TIMF2; break; case NN_FFT2OUT: net.send_fft2^=NET_RXOUT_FFT2; break; case NN_BASEBOUT: net.send_baseb^=NET_RXOUT_BASEB; break; case NN_BASEBRAWOUT: net.send_basebraw^=NET_RXOUT_BASEBRAW; break; case 0: quit_flag=TRUE; break; } if(kill_all_flag)return; if(net.send_fft1 != 0)net.receive_fft1=0; if(net.send_raw != 0) { net.receive_raw=0; net.receive_fft1=0; } set_network_flag(old_network_flag); if( (old_network_flag&NET_RX_OUTPUT) != 0 && (ui.network_flag&NET_RX_OUTPUT) == 0) { msg="You have to enable at least one mode to start network transmit."; goto do_setup; } if( ui.rx_addev_no == NETWORK_DEVICE_CODE && (ui.network_flag&NET_RX_INPUT) == 0) { msg="Select what format to use for input"; goto do_setup; } if( (old_network_flag&NET_RX_INPUT) == 0) { ui.network_flag&=NET_RX_OUTPUT; } if( (old_network_flag&NET_RX_OUTPUT) == 0) { ui.network_flag&=NET_RX_INPUT; } if(!quit_flag) { msg=""; goto do_setup; } file = fopen(network_filename, "w"); if (file == NULL) { lirerr(1029); return; } for(i=0; i 0) { if(nread+rdbytes > bytes)nread=bytes-rdbytes; i=recv(netfd.master, buf+rdbytes, nread, 0); if(i==0) { lirerr(1273); return; } if(i==-1) { lirerr(1274); return; } rdbytes+=i; network_nread-=i; } else { if(prtwait==0) { sprintf(s,"WAITING FOR NETWORK %d ",netwait); lir_text(5,8,s); prtwait=-5; } prtwait++; netwait++; lir_sleep(10000); #if(OSNUM == OSNUM_LINUX) ioctl(netfd.master, FIONREAD, &network_nread); #endif #if(OSNUM == OSNUM_WINDOWS) network_nread=recv(netfd.master, buf+rdbytes, bytes-rdbytes, MSG_PEEK); #endif lir_refresh_screen(); test_keyboard(); if(kill_all_flag) return; if(lir_inkey != 0) { process_current_lir_inkey(); } if(kill_all_flag) return; } } } void net_write(FD fd, void *buf, int size) { struct timeval timeout; int i, j, ptr, remaining; fd_set fds, testfds; FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(fd, &fds); ptr=0; remaining=size; while(remaining > 0) { lir_sched_yield(); j=remaining; if(remaining > 1500) { j=1500; if(j>remaining/2)j=remaining/2; } testfds=fds; timeout.tv_sec=0; timeout.tv_usec=10000; if( select(FD_SETSIZE, (fd_set *)0, &testfds, (fd_set *)0, &timeout) > 0) { if(FD_ISSET(fd,&testfds)) { i=send(fd, buf+ptr, j,0); if(i>0) { remaining-=i; ptr+=i; } else { if(i==0) { lirerr(1264); } else { #if(OSNUM == OSNUM_WINDOWS) i=WSAGetLastError(); DEB"\nerror code=%d",i); #endif #if(OSNUM == OSNUM_LINUX) DEB"\nerrno=%d",errno); #endif lirerr(1101); } return; } } if(kill_all_flag) return; } } }