package gojsonld import ( "math" "strconv" "strings" ) func toRDF(activeContext *Context, element interface{}) (*Dataset, error) { // 1) expanded, expandErr := Expand(element, activeContext.options) if !isNil(expandErr) { return nil, expandErr } // 2) nodeMap := make(map[string]interface{}, 0) var idGenerator = BlankNodeIdGenerator{} idGenerator.counter = 0 idGenerator.identifierMap = make(map[string]string, 0) defaultArg := "@default" err := generateNodeMap(expanded, nodeMap, &defaultArg, nil, nil, nil, &idGenerator) if !isNil(err) { return nil, err } // 3) dataset := NewDataset() // 4) keys := sortedKeys(nodeMap) for _, graphName := range keys { graph := nodeMap[graphName] // 4.1) if isRelativeIri(graphName) { continue } // 4.2) triples := make([]*Triple, 0) // 4.3) graphMap := graph.(map[string]interface{}) graphKeys := sortedKeys(graphMap) for _, id := range graphKeys { node := graphMap[id] // 4.3.1) if !isAbsoluteIri(id) { continue } nodeMapValue := node.(map[string]interface{}) keysNode := sortedKeys(nodeMapValue) for _, property := range keysNode { values := nodeMapValue[property] // if property == "@type" { property = RDF_TYPE // } else if isKeyword(property) { continue // } else if strings.HasPrefix(property, "_:") && !activeContext.options.ProduceGeneralizedRdf { continue // } else if isRelativeIri(property) { continue } // RDF subject var subject Term if strings.HasPrefix(id, "_:") { subject = NewBlankNode(id[2:]) } else { subject = NewResource(id) } // RDF predicate var predicate Term if strings.HasPrefix(property, "_:") { predicate = NewBlankNode(property[2:]) } else { predicate = NewResource(property) } valuesArray := values.([]interface{}) for _, item := range valuesArray { if isListObject(item) { list := item.(map[string]interface{})["@list"].([]interface{}) listHead, listTriples := listToRDF(list, &idGenerator) triples = append(triples, NewTriple(subject, predicate, listHead)) for _, triple := range listTriples { triples = append(triples, triple) } } else { object := objectToRDF(item) if !isNil(object) { triples = append(triples, NewTriple(subject, predicate, object)) } } } } } // 4.4 + 4.5) if strings.HasPrefix(graphName, "_:") { graphName = graphName[2:] } dataset.Graphs[graphName] = triples } return dataset, nil } func objectToRDF(item interface{}) Term { //TODO spec is wrong if itemString, isString := item.(string); isString { if strings.HasPrefix(itemString, "_:") { return NewBlankNode(itemString[2:]) } else { return NewResource(itemString) } } id, hasID := item.(map[string]interface{})["@id"] language, hasLanguage := item.(map[string]interface{})["@language"] // 1) if isNodeObject(item) && hasID && isRelativeIri(id.(string)) { return nil } // 2) if isNodeObject(item) { if strings.HasPrefix(id.(string), "_:") { idString := id.(string) return NewBlankNode(idString[2:]) } else { return NewResource(id.(string)) } } // 3) value := item.(map[string]interface{})["@value"] // 4) datatype, hasDatatype := item.(map[string]interface{})["@type"] if !hasDatatype { datatype = "" } valueBool, isBool := value.(bool) valueFloat, isFloat := value.(float64) valueInt, isInt := value.(int64) // 5) if isBool { if valueBool { value = "true" } else { value = "false" } if datatype == "" { datatype = XSD_BOOLEAN } // 6) } else if isFloat { var tmpDatatype string if valueFloat != math.Trunc(valueFloat) || datatype.(string) == XSD_DOUBLE { value = strconv.FormatFloat(valueFloat, 'E', -1, 64) value = convertFloatValue(value.(string)) tmpDatatype = XSD_DOUBLE } else { value = strconv.FormatFloat(valueFloat, 'f', 0, 64) tmpDatatype = XSD_INTEGER } if datatype == "" { datatype = tmpDatatype } // 7 } else if isInt || datatype.(string) == XSD_INTEGER { value = strconv.FormatInt(valueInt, 10) if datatype == "" { datatype = XSD_INTEGER } // 8) } else { if datatype == "" { if hasLanguage { //TODO fix spec //datatype = RDF_LANGSTRING datatype = XSD_STRING } else { datatype = XSD_STRING } } } datatypeTerm := NewResource(datatype.(string)) if hasLanguage { return NewLiteralWithLanguageAndDatatype(value.(string), language.(string), datatypeTerm.(Term)) } return NewLiteralWithDatatype(value.(string), datatypeTerm.(Term)) } func listToRDF(list []interface{}, idGenerator *BlankNodeIdGenerator) (Term, []*Triple) { listTriples := make([]*Triple, 0) // 1) if len(list) == 0 { return NewResource(RDF_NIL), listTriples } // 2) bnodes := make([]Term, 0) for i := 0; i < len(list); i++ { id := idGenerator.generateBlankNodeIdentifier(nil) bnodes = append(bnodes, NewBlankNode(id[2:])) } // 3) listTriples = make([]*Triple, 0) // 4) for i := 0; i < len(list); i++ { subject := bnodes[i] item := list[i] // 4.1) object := objectToRDF(item) // 4.2) if !isNil(object) { listTriples = append(listTriples, NewTriple(subject, NewResource(RDF_FIRST), object)) } // 4.3) var rest Term if i == len(list)-1 { rest = NewResource(RDF_NIL) } else { rest = bnodes[i+1] } listTriples = append(listTriples, NewTriple(subject, NewResource(RDF_REST), rest)) } // 5) return bnodes[0], listTriples } func fromRDF(dataset *Dataset, useNativeTypes bool, useRdfType bool) []interface{} { // 1) defaultGraph := make(map[string]interface{}, 0) // 2) graphMap := make(map[string]interface{}) graphMap["@default"] = defaultGraph //TODO possible draft error nodeUsagesMap := make(map[string]interface{}, 0) // 3) for name, graph := range dataset.Graphs { // 3.2) if _, hasGraph := graphMap[name]; !hasGraph { graphMap[name] = make(map[string]interface{}, 0) } // 3.3) _, hasName := defaultGraph[name] if name != "@default" && !hasName { tmpMap := make(map[string]interface{}, 0) tmpMap["@id"] = name defaultGraph[name] = tmpMap } // 3.4) nodeMap := graphMap[name].(map[string]interface{}) // 3.5) for _, triple := range graph { subject := triple.Subject.RawValue() predicate := triple.Predicate.RawValue() object := triple.Object.RawValue() // 3.5.1) if _, hasSubject := nodeMap[subject]; !hasSubject { tmpMap := make(map[string]interface{}, 0) tmpMap["@id"] = subject nodeMap[subject] = tmpMap } // 3.5.2) node := nodeMap[subject].(map[string]interface{}) // 3.5.3) _, hasObject := nodeMap[object] if (isBlankNodeIdentifier(object) || isIRI(object)) && !hasObject { tmpMap := make(map[string]interface{}, 0) tmpMap["@id"] = object nodeMap[object] = tmpMap } // 3.5.4) if predicate == RDF_TYPE && !useRdfType && (isBlankNodeIdentifier(object) || isIRI(object)) { mergeValue(node, "@type", object) continue } // 3.5.5) value := rdfToObject(triple.Object, useNativeTypes) // 3.5.6+7) mergeValue(node, predicate, value) // 3.5.8) if isIRI(object) || isBlankNodeIdentifier(object) { nodeObjectMap := nodeMap[object].(map[string]interface{}) tmpMap := make(map[string]interface{}, 0) tmpMap["node"] = node tmpMap["property"] = predicate tmpMap["value"] = value mergeValue(nodeObjectMap, "usages", tmpMap) nodeMap[object] = nodeObjectMap //TODO spec is wrong mergeValue(nodeUsagesMap, object, name+" "+node["@id"].(string)) } } } // 4) for name := range graphMap { graphObject := graphMap[name].(map[string]interface{}) // 4.1) if _, hasNil := graphObject[RDF_NIL]; !hasNil { continue } // 4.2) //Spec defines this variable's name as nil, but nil is a reserved //keyword in go so I named it as nilValue instead nilValue := graphObject[RDF_NIL].(map[string]interface{}) // 4.3) usages := nilValue["usages"].([]interface{}) for index := range usages { usage := usages[index].(map[string]interface{}) // 4.3.1) node := usage["node"].(map[string]interface{}) property := usage["property"].(string) head := usage["value"].(map[string]interface{}) // 4.3.2) list := make([]interface{}, 0) //TODO check type of listNodes listNodes := make([]interface{}, 0) // 4.3.3) for RDF_REST == property && isWellFormedListNode(node) && len(nodeUsagesMap[node["@id"].(string)].([]interface{})) == 1 { // list = append(list, node[RDF_FIRST].([]interface{})[0]) // listNodes = append(listNodes, node["@id"]) // nodeUsage := node["usages"].([]interface{})[0].(map[string]interface{}) // node = nodeUsage["node"].(map[string]interface{}) property = nodeUsage["property"].(string) head = nodeUsage["value"].(map[string]interface{}) // if !isBlankNodeIdentifier(node["@id"].(string)) { break } } // 4.3.4) if property == RDF_FIRST { // if RDF_NIL == node["@id"].(string) { continue } // headID := head["@id"].(string) // head = graphObject[headID].(map[string]interface{}) // head = head[RDF_REST].([]interface{})[0].(map[string]interface{}) // list = list[:(len(list) - 1)] listNodes = listNodes[:(len(listNodes) - 1)] } // 4.3.5) delete(head, "@id") // 4.3.6) for i, j := 0, len(list)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 { list[i], list[j] = list[j], list[i] } // 4.3.7) head["@list"] = list // 4.3.8) for _, nodeID := range listNodes { delete(graphObject, nodeID.(string)) } } } // 5) result := make([]interface{}, 0) // 6) keys := sortedKeys(defaultGraph) for _, subject := range keys { node := defaultGraph[subject].(map[string]interface{}) // 6.1) if _, hasSubject := graphMap[subject]; hasSubject { // 6.1.1) node["@graph"] = make([]interface{}, 0) // 6.1.2) keysGraph := sortedKeys(graphMap[subject].(map[string]interface{})) for _, s := range keysGraph { n := graphMap[subject].(map[string]interface{})[s] nMap := n.(map[string]interface{}) _, hasID := nMap["@id"] delete(nMap, "usages") if len(nMap) == 1 && hasID { continue } node["@graph"] = append(node["@graph"].([]interface{}), nMap) } } // 6.2) delete(node, "usages") if _, hasID := node["@id"]; !(len(node) == 1 && hasID) { result = append(result, node) } } // 7) return result } func isWellFormedListNode(node interface{}) bool { nodeMap := node.(map[string]interface{}) //TODO spec has no mention of @id for key := range nodeMap { if key != "@id" && key != "@type" && key != RDF_FIRST && key != RDF_REST && key != "usages" { return false } } if !isBlankNodeIdentifier(nodeMap["@id"].(string)) { return false } if usages, hasUsages := nodeMap["usages"]; hasUsages { usagesArray, isArray := usages.([]interface{}) if !(isArray && len(usagesArray) == 1) { return false } } else { return false } if first, hasKey := nodeMap[RDF_FIRST]; hasKey { firstArray, isArray := first.([]interface{}) if !(isArray && len(firstArray) == 1) { return false } } else { return false } if rest, hasKey := nodeMap[RDF_REST]; hasKey { restArray, isArray := rest.([]interface{}) if !(isArray && len(restArray) == 1) { return false } } else { return false } if typeValue, hasType := nodeMap["@type"]; hasType { typeArray, isArray := typeValue.([]interface{}) if !(isArray && len(typeArray) == 1 && RDF_LIST == typeArray[0]) { return false } } return true } func rdfToObject(value Term, useNativeTypes bool) map[string]interface{} { // 1) if isTermResource(value) || isTermBlankNode(value) { returnValue := make(map[string]interface{}, 0) returnValue["@id"] = value.RawValue() return returnValue } //2) valueLiteral := value.(*Literal) // 2.1) result := make(map[string]interface{}, 0) // 2.2) var convertedValue interface{} convertedValue = valueLiteral.Value // 2.3) var typeValue interface{} typeValue = nil // 2.4) if useNativeTypes { // 2.4.1) if valueLiteral.Datatype.RawValue() == XSD_STRING { //TODO java version is different and does not add //string to result in this case //does nothing // 2.4.2) } else if valueLiteral.Datatype.RawValue() == XSD_BOOLEAN { if convertedValue == "true" { convertedValue = true } else if convertedValue == "false" { convertedValue = false } // 2.4.3) } else if valueLiteral.Datatype.RawValue() == XSD_DOUBLE || valueLiteral.Datatype.RawValue() == XSD_INTEGER { floatValue, floatErr := strconv.ParseFloat(convertedValue.(string), 64) if isNil(floatErr) { convertedValue = floatValue } } else { typeValue = valueLiteral.Datatype.RawValue() } // 2.5) } else if valueLiteral.Language != "" { result["@language"] = valueLiteral.Language // 2.6) } else { if valueLiteral.Datatype.RawValue() != XSD_STRING { typeValue = valueLiteral.Datatype.RawValue() } } // 2.7) result["@value"] = convertedValue // 2.8) if !isNil(typeValue) { result["@type"] = typeValue } // 2.9) return result }