/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2003 Lucijan Busch Copyright (C) 2003-20198 Jarosław Staniek This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kexiproject.h" #include "kexiprojectdata.h" #include "kexipartmanager.h" #include "kexipartitem.h" #include "kexipartinfo.h" #include "kexipart.h" #include "KexiWindow.h" #include "KexiWindowData.h" #include "kexi.h" #include "kexiblobbuffer.h" #include "kexiguimsghandler.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //! @return a real plugin ID for @a pluginId and @a partMime //! for compatibility with Kexi 1.x static QString realPluginId(const QString &pluginId, const QString &partMime) { if (pluginId.startsWith(QLatin1String("http://"))) { // for compatibility with Kexi 1.x // part mime was used at the time return QLatin1String("org.kexi-project.") + QString(partMime).remove("kexi/"); } return pluginId; } class Q_DECL_HIDDEN KexiProject::Private { public: explicit Private(KexiProject *qq) : q(qq) , connection(0) , data(0) , tempPartItemID_Counter(-1) , sqlParser(0) , versionMajor(0) , versionMinor(0) , privateIDCounter(0) , itemsRetrieved(false) { } ~Private() { delete data; data = 0; delete sqlParser; foreach(KexiPart::ItemDict* dict, itemDicts) { qDeleteAll(*dict); dict->clear(); } qDeleteAll(itemDicts); qDeleteAll(unstoredItems); unstoredItems.clear(); } void savePluginId(const QString& pluginId, int typeId) { if (!typeIds.contains(pluginId) && !pluginIdsForTypeIds.contains(typeId)) { typeIds.insert(pluginId, typeId); pluginIdsForTypeIds.insert(typeId, pluginId); } //! @todo what to do with extra plugin IDs for the same type ID or extra type ID name for the plugin ID? } //! @return user name for the current project //! @todo the name is taken from connection but it also can be specified otherwise //! if the same connection data is shared by multiple users. This will be especially //! true for 3-tier architectures. QString userName() const { QString name = connection->data().userName(); return name.isNull() ? "" : name; } bool setNameOrCaption(KexiPart::Item* item, const QString* _newName, const QString* _newCaption) { q->clearResult(); if (data->userMode()) { return false; } KexiUtils::WaitCursor wait; QString newName; if (_newName) { newName = _newName->trimmed(); KDbMessageTitleSetter ts(q); if (newName.isEmpty()) { q->m_result = KDbResult(xi18n("Could not set empty name for this object.")); return false; } if (q->itemForPluginId(item->pluginId(), newName) != 0) { q->m_result = KDbResult( xi18nc("@info", "Could not use this name. Object %1 already exists.", newName)); return false; } } QString newCaption; if (_newCaption) { newCaption = _newCaption->trimmed(); } KDbMessageTitleSetter et(q, xi18nc("@info", "Could not rename object %1.", item->name())); if (!q->checkWritable()) return false; KexiPart::Part *part = q->findPartFor(*item); if (!part) return false; KDbTransactionGuard tg(connection); if (!tg.transaction().isActive()) { q->m_result = connection->result(); return false; } if (_newName) { if (!part->rename(item, newName)) { q->m_result = KDbResult(part->lastOperationStatus().description); q->m_result.setMessageTitle(part->lastOperationStatus().message); return false; } if (!connection->executeSql(KDbEscapedString("UPDATE kexi__objects SET o_name=%1 WHERE o_id=%2") .arg(connection->escapeString(newName)) .arg(connection->driver()->valueToSql(KDbField::Integer, item->identifier())))) { q->m_result = connection->result(); return false; } } if (_newCaption) { if (!connection->executeSql(KDbEscapedString("UPDATE kexi__objects SET o_caption=%1 WHERE o_id=%2") .arg(connection->escapeString(newCaption)) .arg(connection->driver()->valueToSql(KDbField::Integer, item->identifier())))) { q->m_result = connection->result(); return false; } } if (!tg.commit()) { q->m_result = connection->result(); return false; } QString oldName(item->name()); if (_newName) { item->setName(newName); emit q->itemRenamed(*item, oldName); } QString oldCaption(item->caption()); if (_newCaption) { item->setCaption(newCaption); emit q->itemCaptionChanged(*item, oldCaption); } return true; } KexiProject *q; //! @todo KEXI3 use equivalent of QPointer KDbConnection* connection; //! @todo KEXI3 use equivalent of QPointer or make KexiProjectData implicitly shared like KDbConnectionData KexiProjectData *data; QString error_title; KexiPart::MissingPartsList missingParts; QHash typeIds; QHash pluginIdsForTypeIds; //! a cache for item() method, indexed by plugin IDs QHash itemDicts; QSet unstoredItems; //! helper for getting unique //! temporary identifiers for unstored items int tempPartItemID_Counter; KDbParser* sqlParser; int versionMajor; int versionMinor; int privateIDCounter; //!< counter: ID for private "document" like Relations window bool itemsRetrieved; }; //--------------------------- KexiProject::KexiProject(const KexiProjectData& pdata, KDbMessageHandler* handler) : QObject(), KDbObject(), KDbResultable() , d(new Private(this)) { d->data = new KexiProjectData(pdata); setMessageHandler(handler); } KexiProject::KexiProject(const KexiProjectData& pdata, KDbMessageHandler* handler, KDbConnection* conn) : QObject(), KDbObject(), KDbResultable() , d(new Private(this)) { d->data = new KexiProjectData(pdata); setMessageHandler(handler); if (*d->data->connectionData() == d->connection->data()) d->connection = conn; else qWarning() << "passed connection's data (" << conn->data().toUserVisibleString() << ") is not compatible with project's conn. data (" << d->data->connectionData()->toUserVisibleString() << ")"; } KexiProject::~KexiProject() { closeConnection(); delete d; } KDbConnection *KexiProject::dbConnection() const { return d->connection; } KexiProjectData* KexiProject::data() const { return d->data; } int KexiProject::versionMajor() const { return d->versionMajor; } int KexiProject::versionMinor() const { return d->versionMinor; } tristate KexiProject::open(bool *incompatibleWithKexi) { Q_ASSERT(incompatibleWithKexi); KDbMessageGuard mg(this); return openInternal(incompatibleWithKexi); } tristate KexiProject::open() { KDbMessageGuard mg(this); return openInternal(0); } tristate KexiProject::openInternal(bool *incompatibleWithKexi) { if (!Kexi::partManager().infoList()) { m_result = Kexi::partManager().result(); return cancelled; } if (incompatibleWithKexi) *incompatibleWithKexi = false; //qDebug() << d->data->databaseName() << d->data->connectionData()->driverId(); KDbMessageTitleSetter et(this, xi18nc("@info", "Could not open project %1.", d->data->databaseName())); if (!d->data->connectionData()->databaseName().isEmpty()) { QFileInfo finfo(d->data->connectionData()->databaseName()); if (!finfo.exists()) { KMessageBox::sorry(0, xi18nc("@info", "Could not open project. " "The project file %1 does not exist.", QDir::toNativeSeparators(finfo.absoluteFilePath())), xi18nc("@title:window", "Could Not Open File")); return cancelled; } if (!d->data->isReadOnly() && !finfo.isWritable()) { if (KexiProject::askForOpeningNonWritableFileAsReadOnly(0, finfo)) { d->data->setReadOnly(true); } else { return cancelled; } } } if (!createConnection()) { qWarning() << "!createConnection()"; return false; } bool cancel = false; if (!d->connection->useDatabase(d->data->databaseName(), true, &cancel)) { m_result = d->connection->result(); if (cancel) { return cancelled; } qWarning() << "!d->connection->useDatabase() " << d->data->databaseName() << " " << d->data->connectionData()->driverId(); if (d->connection->result().code() == ERR_NO_DB_PROPERTY) { // //! @todo this is temporary workaround as we have no import driver for SQLite if (/*supported?*/ !d->data->connectionData()->driverId().contains("sqlite")) { // if (incompatibleWithKexi) *incompatibleWithKexi = true; } else { KDbMessageTitleSetter et(this, xi18nc("@info (don't add tags around %1, it's done already)", "Database project %1 does not " "appear to have been created using Kexi and cannot be opened. " "It is an SQLite file created using other tools.", KexiUtils::localizedStringToHtmlSubstring(d->data->infoString()))); m_result = d->connection->result(); } closeConnectionInternal(); return false; } m_result = d->connection->result(); closeConnectionInternal(); return false; } if (!initProject()) return false; return createInternalStructures(/*insideTransaction*/true); } tristate KexiProject::create(bool forceOverwrite) { KDbMessageGuard mg(this); KDbMessageTitleSetter et(this, xi18nc("@info", "Could not create project %1.", d->data->databaseName())); if (!createConnection()) return false; if (!checkWritable()) return false; if (d->connection->databaseExists(d->data->databaseName())) { if (!forceOverwrite) return cancelled; if (!d->connection->dropDatabase(d->data->databaseName())) { m_result = d->connection->result(); closeConnectionInternal(); return false; } //qDebug() << "--- DB '" << d->data->databaseName() << "' dropped ---"; } if (!d->connection->createDatabase(d->data->databaseName())) { m_result = d->connection->result(); closeConnectionInternal(); return false; } //qDebug() << "--- DB '" << d->data->databaseName() << "' created ---"; // and now: open if (!d->connection->useDatabase(d->data->databaseName())) { qWarning() << "--- DB '" << d->data->databaseName() << "' USE ERROR ---"; m_result = d->connection->result(); closeConnectionInternal(); return false; } //qDebug() << "--- DB '" << d->data->databaseName() << "' used ---"; // KDbTransaction trans = d->connection->beginTransaction(); if (trans.isNull()) return false; if (!createInternalStructures(/*!insideTransaction*/false)) return false; //add some metadata //! @todo put more props. todo - creator, created date, etc. (also to KexiProjectData) KDbProperties props = d->connection->databaseProperties(); if (!props.setValue("kexiproject_major_ver", d->versionMajor) || !props.setCaption("kexiproject_major_ver", xi18n("Project major version")) || !props.setValue("kexiproject_minor_ver", d->versionMinor) || !props.setCaption("kexiproject_minor_ver", xi18n("Project minor version")) || !props.setValue("project_caption", d->data->caption()) || !props.setCaption("project_caption", xi18n("Project caption")) || !props.setValue("project_desc", d->data->description()) || !props.setCaption("project_desc", xi18n("Project description"))) { m_result = props.result(); return false; } if (trans.isActive() && !d->connection->commitTransaction(trans)) return false; // if (!Kexi::partManager().infoList()) { m_result = Kexi::partManager().result(); return cancelled; } return initProject(); } bool KexiProject::createInternalStructures(bool insideTransaction) { KDbTransactionGuard tg; if (insideTransaction) { tg.setTransaction(d->connection->beginTransaction()); if (tg.transaction().isNull()) return false; } //Get information about kexiproject version. //kexiproject version is a version of data layer above kexidb layer. KDbProperties props = d->connection->databaseProperties(); bool ok; int storedMajorVersion = props.value("kexiproject_major_ver").toInt(&ok); if (!ok) storedMajorVersion = 0; int storedMinorVersion = props.value("kexiproject_minor_ver").toInt(&ok); if (!ok) storedMinorVersion = 1; const tristate containsKexi__blobsTable = d->connection->containsTable("kexi__blobs"); if (~containsKexi__blobsTable) { return false; } int dummy; bool contains_o_folder_id = false; if (true == containsKexi__blobsTable) { const tristate res = d->connection->querySingleNumber( KDbEscapedString("SELECT COUNT(o_folder_id) FROM kexi__blobs"), &dummy, 0, KDbConnection::QueryRecordOptions(KDbConnection::QueryRecordOption::Default) & ~KDbConnection::QueryRecordOptions(KDbConnection::QueryRecordOption::AddLimitTo1)); if (res == false) { m_result = d->connection->result(); } else if (res == true) { contains_o_folder_id = true; } } bool add_folder_id_column = false; //! @todo what about read-only db access? if (storedMajorVersion <= 0) { d->versionMajor = KEXIPROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR; d->versionMinor = KEXIPROJECT_VERSION_MINOR; //For compatibility for projects created before Kexi 1.0 beta 1: //1. no kexiproject_major_ver and kexiproject_minor_ver -> add them if (!d->connection->options()->isReadOnly()) { if (!props.setValue("kexiproject_major_ver", d->versionMajor) || !props.setCaption("kexiproject_major_ver", xi18n("Project major version")) || !props.setValue("kexiproject_minor_ver", d->versionMinor) || !props.setCaption("kexiproject_minor_ver", xi18n("Project minor version"))) { return false; } } if (true == containsKexi__blobsTable) { //! @todo what to do for readonly connections? Should we alter kexi__blobs in memory? if (!d->connection->options()->isReadOnly()) { if (!contains_o_folder_id) { add_folder_id_column = true; } } } } if (storedMajorVersion != d->versionMajor || storedMajorVersion != d->versionMinor) { //! @todo version differs: should we change something? d->versionMajor = storedMajorVersion; d->versionMinor = storedMinorVersion; } QScopedPointer t_blobs(new KDbInternalTableSchema("kexi__blobs")); t_blobs->addField(new KDbField("o_id", KDbField::Integer, KDbField::PrimaryKey | KDbField::AutoInc, KDbField::Unsigned)); t_blobs->addField(new KDbField("o_data", KDbField::BLOB)); t_blobs->addField(new KDbField("o_name", KDbField::Text)); t_blobs->addField(new KDbField("o_caption", KDbField::Text)); t_blobs->addField(new KDbField("o_mime", KDbField::Text, KDbField::NotNull)); t_blobs->addField(new KDbField("o_folder_id", KDbField::Integer, 0, KDbField::Unsigned) //references kexi__gallery_folders.f_id //If null, the BLOB only points to virtual "All" folder //WILL BE USED in Kexi >=2.0 ); //*** create global BLOB container, if not present if (true == containsKexi__blobsTable) { if (add_folder_id_column && !d->connection->options()->isReadOnly()) { // 2. "kexi__blobs" table contains no "o_folder_id" column -> add it // (by copying table to avoid data loss) QScopedPointer kexi__blobsCopy( new KDbInternalTableSchema(*t_blobs)); //won't be not needed - will be physically renamed to kexi_blobs kexi__blobsCopy->setName("kexi__blobs__copy"); if (!d->connection->createTable(kexi__blobsCopy.data(), KDbConnection::CreateTableOption::Default | KDbConnection::CreateTableOption::DropDestination)) { m_result = d->connection->result(); return false; } KDbInternalTableSchema *ts = kexi__blobsCopy.take(); // createTable() took ownerhip of kexi__blobsCopy // 2.1 copy data (insert 0's into o_folder_id column) if (!d->connection->executeSql(KDbEscapedString( "INSERT INTO kexi__blobs (o_data, o_name, o_caption, o_mime, o_folder_id) " "SELECT o_data, o_name, o_caption, o_mime, 0 FROM kexi__blobs")) // 2.2 remove the original kexi__blobs || !d->connection->executeSql( KDbEscapedString("DROP TABLE kexi__blobs")) // lowlevel // 2.3 rename the copy back into kexi__blobs || !d->connection->alterTableName( ts, "kexi__blobs", KDbConnection::AlterTableNameOptions(KDbConnection::AlterTableNameOption::Default) & ~KDbConnection::AlterTableNameOptions(KDbConnection::AlterTableNameOption::DropDestination))) { //(no need to drop the copy, ROLLBACK will drop it) m_result = d->connection->result(); return false; } } //! just insert this schema, proper table exists d->connection->createTable(t_blobs.take()); } else { if (!d->connection->options()->isReadOnly()) { if (!d->connection->createTable(t_blobs.data(), KDbConnection::CreateTableOption::Default | KDbConnection::CreateTableOption::DropDestination)) { m_result = d->connection->result(); return false; } (void)t_blobs.take(); // createTable() took ownerhip of t_blobs } } //Store default part information. //Information for other parts (forms, reports...) are created on demand in KexiWindow::storeNewData() const tristate containsKexi__partsTable = d->connection->containsTable("kexi__parts"); if (~containsKexi__partsTable) { return false; } QScopedPointer t_parts(new KDbInternalTableSchema("kexi__parts")); t_parts->addField( new KDbField("p_id", KDbField::Integer, KDbField::PrimaryKey | KDbField::AutoInc, KDbField::Unsigned) ); t_parts->addField(new KDbField("p_name", KDbField::Text)); t_parts->addField(new KDbField("p_mime", KDbField::Text)); t_parts->addField(new KDbField("p_url", KDbField::Text)); if (true == containsKexi__partsTable) { //! just insert this schema d->connection->createTable(t_parts.take()); } else { if (!d->connection->options()->isReadOnly()) { bool partsTableOk = d->connection->createTable(t_parts.data(), KDbConnection::CreateTableOption::Default | KDbConnection::CreateTableOption::DropDestination); if (!partsTableOk) { m_result = d->connection->result(); return false; } KDbInternalTableSchema *ts = t_parts.take(); // createTable() took ownerhip of t_parts QScopedPointer fl(ts->subList("p_id", "p_name", "p_mime", "p_url")); #define INSERT_RECORD(typeId, groupName, name) \ if (partsTableOk) { \ partsTableOk = d->connection->insertRecord(fl.data(), QVariant(int(KexiPart::typeId)), \ QVariant(groupName), \ QVariant("kexi/" name), QVariant("org.kexi-project." name)); \ if (partsTableOk) { \ d->savePluginId("org.kexi-project." name, int(KexiPart::typeId)); \ } \ } INSERT_RECORD(TableObjectType, "Tables", "table") INSERT_RECORD(QueryObjectType, "Queries", "query") INSERT_RECORD(FormObjectType, "Forms", "form") INSERT_RECORD(ReportObjectType, "Reports", "report") INSERT_RECORD(ScriptObjectType, "Scripts", "script") INSERT_RECORD(WebObjectType, "Web pages", "web") INSERT_RECORD(MacroObjectType, "Macros", "macro") #undef INSERT_RECORD if (!partsTableOk) { m_result = d->connection->result(); // note: kexi__parts object still exists because createTable() succeeded return false; } } } // User data storage const tristate containsKexi__userdataTable = d->connection->containsTable("kexi__userdata"); if (~containsKexi__userdataTable) { return false; } QScopedPointer t_userdata(new KDbInternalTableSchema("kexi__userdata")); t_userdata->addField(new KDbField("d_user", KDbField::Text, KDbField::NotNull)); t_userdata->addField(new KDbField("o_id", KDbField::Integer, KDbField::NotNull, KDbField::Unsigned)); t_userdata->addField(new KDbField("d_sub_id", KDbField::Text, KDbField::NotNull | KDbField::NotEmpty)); t_userdata->addField(new KDbField("d_data", KDbField::LongText)); if (true == containsKexi__userdataTable) { d->connection->createTable(t_userdata.take()); } else if (!d->connection->options()->isReadOnly()) { if (!d->connection->createTable(t_userdata.data(), KDbConnection::CreateTableOption::Default | KDbConnection::CreateTableOption::DropDestination)) { m_result = d->connection->result(); return false; } (void)t_userdata.take(); // createTable() took ownerhip of t_userdata } if (insideTransaction) { if (tg.transaction().isActive() && !tg.commit()) { m_result = d->connection->result(); return false; } } return true; } bool KexiProject::createConnection() { clearResult(); KDbMessageGuard mg(this); if (d->connection) { return true; } KDbMessageTitleSetter et(this); KDbDriver *driver = Kexi::driverManager().driver(d->data->connectionData()->driverId()); if (!driver) { m_result = Kexi::driverManager().result(); return false; } KDbConnectionOptions connectionOptions; if (d->data->isReadOnly()) { connectionOptions.setReadOnly(true); } d->connection = driver->createConnection(*d->data->connectionData(), connectionOptions); if (!d->connection) { m_result = driver->result(); qWarning() << "error create connection: " << m_result; return false; } if (!d->connection->connect()) { m_result = d->connection->result(); qWarning() << "error connecting: " << m_result; delete d->connection; //this will also clear connection for BLOB buffer d->connection = 0; return false; } //re-init BLOB buffer //! @todo won't work for subsequent connection KexiBLOBBuffer::setConnection(d->connection); return true; } bool KexiProject::closeConnectionInternal() { if (!m_result.isError()) { clearResult(); } if (!d->connection) { return true; } if (!d->connection->disconnect()) { if (!m_result.isError()) { m_result = d->connection->result(); } return false; } delete d->connection; //this will also clear connection for BLOB buffer d->connection = 0; return true; } bool KexiProject::closeConnection() { clearResult(); KDbMessageGuard mg(this); if (!d->connection) return true; if (!d->connection->disconnect()) { m_result = d->connection->result(); return false; } delete d->connection; //this will also clear connection for BLOB buffer d->connection = 0; return true; } bool KexiProject::initProject() { //qDebug() << "checking project parts..."; if (!checkProject()) { return false; } // !@todo put more props. todo - creator, created date, etc. (also to KexiProjectData) KDbProperties props = d->connection->databaseProperties(); QString str(props.value("project_caption").toString()); if (!str.isEmpty()) d->data->setCaption(str); str = props.value("project_desc").toString(); if (!str.isEmpty()) d->data->setDescription(str); return true; } bool KexiProject::isConnected() { if (d->connection && d->connection->isDatabaseUsed()) return true; return false; } KexiPart::ItemDict* KexiProject::items(KexiPart::Info *i) { clearResult(); KDbMessageGuard mg(this); if (!i || !isConnected()) return 0; //trying in cache... KexiPart::ItemDict *dict = d->itemDicts.value(i->id()); if (dict) return dict; if (d->itemsRetrieved) return 0; if (!retrieveItems()) return 0; return items(i); // try again } bool KexiProject::retrieveItems() { d->itemsRetrieved = true; KDbCursor *cursor = d->connection->executeQuery( KDbEscapedString("SELECT o_id, o_name, o_caption, o_type FROM kexi__objects ORDER BY o_type")); if (!cursor) { m_result = d->connection->result(); return 0; } int recentTypeId = -1000; QString pluginId; KexiPart::ItemDict *dict = 0; QSet tableNamesSet; for (cursor->moveFirst(); !cursor->eof(); cursor->moveNext()) { bool ok; const int typeId = cursor->value(3).toInt(&ok); if (!ok || typeId <= 0) { qInfo() << "object of unknown type id" << cursor->value(3) << "id=" << cursor->value(0) << "name=" << cursor->value(1); continue; } if (recentTypeId == typeId) { if (pluginId.isEmpty()) { // still the same unknown plugin ID continue; } } else { // a new type ID: create another plugin items dict if it's an ID for a known type recentTypeId = typeId; pluginId = pluginIdForTypeId(typeId); if (pluginId.isEmpty()) continue; dict = new KexiPart::ItemDict(); d->itemDicts.insert(pluginId, dict); if (typeId == KDb::TableObjectType) { // Starting to load table names: initialize. // This list since 3.2 does not contain names without physical tables so we can // catch these cases below. const QStringList tableNames(d->connection->tableNames(false /*public*/, &ok)); if (!ok) { m_result = KDbResult(ERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND, xi18n("Could not load list of tables.")); qDeleteAll(d->itemDicts); return false; } for (const QString &name : tableNames) { tableNamesSet.insert(name.toLower()); } } } const int ident = cursor->value(0).toInt(&ok); const QString objName(cursor->value(1).toString()); if (!ok || ident <= 0 || !KDb::isIdentifier(objName)) { continue; // invalid ID or invalid name } if (typeId == KDb::TableObjectType) { if (d->connection->isInternalTableSchema(objName)) { qInfo() << "table" << objName << "id=" << ident << "is internal, skipping"; continue; } if (!tableNamesSet.contains(objName.toLower())) { qInfo() << "table" << objName << "id=" << ident << "does not correspondent with physical table"; continue; } } KexiPart::Item *it = new KexiPart::Item(); it->setIdentifier(ident); it->setPluginId(pluginId); it->setName(objName); it->setCaption(cursor->value(2).toString()); dict->insert(it->identifier(), it); } d->connection->deleteCursor(cursor); return true; } int KexiProject::typeIdForPluginId(const QString &pluginId) const { return d->typeIds.value(pluginId, -1); } QString KexiProject::pluginIdForTypeId(int typeId) const { return d->pluginIdsForTypeIds.value(typeId); } //static KDbTableOrQuerySchema::Type KexiProject::pluginIdToTableOrQueryType( const QString &pluginId, bool *ok) { Q_ASSERT(ok); KDbTableOrQuerySchema::Type result; if (pluginId == QStringLiteral("org.kexi-project.table")) { result = KDbTableOrQuerySchema::Type::Table; *ok = true; } else if (pluginId == QStringLiteral("org.kexi-project.query")) { result = KDbTableOrQuerySchema::Type::Query; *ok = true; } else { result = KDbTableOrQuerySchema::Type::Table; *ok = false; } return result; } KexiPart::ItemDict* KexiProject::itemsForPluginId(const QString &pluginId) { KDbMessageGuard mg(this); KexiPart::Info *info = Kexi::partManager().infoForPluginId(pluginId); if (!info) { m_result = Kexi::partManager().result(); return 0; } return items(info); } void KexiProject::getSortedItems(KexiPart::ItemList* list, KexiPart::Info *i) { Q_ASSERT(list); list->clear(); KexiPart::ItemDict* dict = items(i); if (!dict) return; foreach(KexiPart::Item *item, *dict) { list->append(item); } } void KexiProject::getSortedItemsForPluginId(KexiPart::ItemList *list, const QString &pluginId) { Q_ASSERT(list); KexiPart::Info *info = Kexi::partManager().infoForPluginId(pluginId); if (!info) { m_result = Kexi::partManager().result(); return; } getSortedItems(list, info); } void KexiProject::addStoredItem(KexiPart::Info *info, KexiPart::Item *item) { if (!info || !item) return; KexiPart::ItemDict *dict = items(info); item->setNeverSaved(false); d->unstoredItems.remove(item); //no longer unstored // are we replacing previous item? KexiPart::Item *prevItem = dict->take(item->identifier()); if (prevItem) { emit itemRemoved(*prevItem); } dict->insert(item->identifier(), item); //let's update e.g. navigator emit newItemStored(item); } KexiPart::Item* KexiProject::itemForPluginId(const QString &pluginId, const QString &name) { KexiPart::ItemDict *dict = itemsForPluginId(pluginId); if (!dict) { qWarning() << "no part class=" << pluginId; return 0; } foreach(KexiPart::Item *item, *dict) { if (item->name() == name) return item; } return 0; } KexiPart::Item* KexiProject::item(KexiPart::Info *i, const QString &name) { KexiPart::ItemDict *dict = items(i); if (!dict) return 0; foreach(KexiPart::Item* item, *dict) { if (item->name() == name) return item; } return 0; } KexiPart::Item* KexiProject::item(int identifier) { foreach(KexiPart::ItemDict *dict, d->itemDicts) { KexiPart::Item *item = dict->value(identifier); if (item) return item; } return 0; } KexiPart::Part *KexiProject::findPartFor(const KexiPart::Item& item) { clearResult(); KDbMessageGuard mg(this); KDbMessageTitleSetter et(this); KexiPart::Part *part = Kexi::partManager().partForPluginId(item.pluginId()); if (!part) { qWarning() << "!part: " << item.pluginId(); m_result = Kexi::partManager().result(); } return part; } KexiWindow* KexiProject::openObject(QWidget* parent, KexiPart::Item *item, Kexi::ViewMode viewMode, QMap* staticObjectArgs) { clearResult(); KDbMessageGuard mg(this); if (viewMode != Kexi::DataViewMode && data()->userMode()) return 0; KDbMessageTitleSetter et(this); KexiPart::Part *part = findPartFor(*item); if (!part) return 0; KexiWindow *window = part->openInstance(parent, item, viewMode, staticObjectArgs); if (!window) { if (part->lastOperationStatus().error()) { m_result = KDbResult(xi18nc("@info", "Opening object %1 failed.\n%2 %3", item->name()) .arg(part->lastOperationStatus().message) .arg(part->lastOperationStatus().description) .replace("(I18N_ARGUMENT_MISSING)", " ")); // a hack until there's other solution } return 0; } return window; } KexiWindow* KexiProject::openObject(QWidget* parent, const QString &pluginId, const QString& name, Kexi::ViewMode viewMode) { KexiPart::Item *it = itemForPluginId(pluginId, name); return it ? openObject(parent, it, viewMode) : 0; } bool KexiProject::checkWritable() { if (!d->connection->options()->isReadOnly()) return true; m_result = KDbResult(xi18n("This project is opened as read only.")); return false; } bool KexiProject::removeObject(KexiPart::Item *item) { Q_ASSERT(item); clearResult(); if (data()->userMode()) return false; KDbMessageTitleSetter et(this); if (!checkWritable()) return false; KexiPart::Part *part = findPartFor(*item); if (!part) return false; if (!item->neverSaved() && !part->remove(item)) { //! @todo check for errors return false; } if (!item->neverSaved()) { KDbTransactionGuard tg(d->connection); if (!tg.transaction().isActive()) { m_result = d->connection->result(); return false; } if (!d->connection->removeObject(item->identifier())) { m_result = d->connection->result(); return false; } if (!removeUserDataBlock(item->identifier())) { m_result = KDbResult(ERR_DELETE_SERVER_ERROR, xi18n("Could not delete object's user data.")); return false; } if (!tg.commit()) { m_result = d->connection->result(); return false; } } emit itemRemoved(*item); //now: remove this item from cache if (part->info()) { KexiPart::ItemDict *dict = d->itemDicts.value(part->info()->pluginId()); if (!(dict && dict->remove(item->identifier()))) d->unstoredItems.remove(item);//remove temp. } return true; } bool KexiProject::renameObject(KexiPart::Item *item, const QString& newName) { KDbMessageGuard mg(this); return d->setNameOrCaption(item, &newName, 0); } bool KexiProject::setObjectCaption(KexiPart::Item *item, const QString& newCaption) { KDbMessageGuard mg(this); return d->setNameOrCaption(item, 0, &newCaption); } KexiPart::Item* KexiProject::createPartItem(KexiPart::Info *info, const QString& suggestedCaption) { clearResult(); KDbMessageGuard mg(this); if (data()->userMode()) return 0; KDbMessageTitleSetter et(this); KexiPart::Part *part = Kexi::partManager().part(info); if (!part) { m_result = Kexi::partManager().result(); return 0; } KexiPart::ItemDict *dict = items(info); if (!dict) { dict = new KexiPart::ItemDict(); d->itemDicts.insert(info->pluginId(), dict); } QSet storedItemNames; foreach(KexiPart::Item* item, *dict) { storedItemNames.insert(item->name()); } QSet unstoredItemNames; foreach(KexiPart::Item* item, d->unstoredItems) { unstoredItemNames.insert(item->name()); } //find new, unique default name for this item int n; QString new_name; QString base_name; if (suggestedCaption.isEmpty()) { n = 1; base_name = part->instanceName(); } else { n = 0; //means: try not to add 'n' base_name = KDb::stringToIdentifier(suggestedCaption).toLower(); } base_name = KDb::stringToIdentifier(base_name).toLower(); do { new_name = base_name; if (n >= 1) new_name += QString::number(n); if (storedItemNames.contains(new_name)) { n++; continue; //stored exists! } if (!unstoredItemNames.contains(new_name)) break; //unstored doesn't exist n++; } while (n < 1000/*sanity*/); if (n >= 1000) return 0; QString new_caption(suggestedCaption.isEmpty() ? part->info()->name() : suggestedCaption); if (n >= 1) new_caption += QString::number(n); KexiPart::Item *item = new KexiPart::Item(); item->setIdentifier(--d->tempPartItemID_Counter); //temporary item->setPluginId(info->pluginId()); item->setName(new_name); item->setCaption(new_caption); item->setNeverSaved(true); d->unstoredItems.insert(item); return item; } KexiPart::Item* KexiProject::createPartItem(KexiPart::Part *part, const QString& suggestedCaption) { Q_ASSERT(part); return createPartItem(part->info(), suggestedCaption); } void KexiProject::deleteUnstoredItem(KexiPart::Item *item) { if (!item) return; d->unstoredItems.remove(item); delete item; } KDbParser* KexiProject::sqlParser() { if (!d->sqlParser) { if (!d->connection) return 0; d->sqlParser = new KDbParser(d->connection); } return d->sqlParser; } const char warningNoUndo[] = I18N_NOOP2("warning", "Entire project's data and design will be deleted."); /*static*/ KexiProject* KexiProject::createBlankProject(bool *cancelled, const KexiProjectData& data, KDbMessageHandler* handler) { Q_ASSERT(cancelled); *cancelled = false; KexiProject *prj = new KexiProject(data, handler); tristate res = prj->create(false); if (~res) { //! @todo move to KexiMessageHandler if (KMessageBox::Yes != KMessageBox::warningYesNo(0, xi18nc("@info (don't add tags around %1, it's done already)", "The project %1 already exists." "Do you want to replace it with a new, blank one?" "%2", KexiUtils::localizedStringToHtmlSubstring(prj->data()->infoString()), xi18n(warningNoUndo)), QString(), KGuiItem(xi18nc("@action:button", "Replace")), KStandardGuiItem::cancel())) //! @todo add toUserVisibleString() for server-based prj { delete prj; *cancelled = true; return 0; } res = prj->create(true/*overwrite*/); } if (res != true) { delete prj; return 0; } //qDebug() << "new project created --- "; //! @todo Kexi::recentProjects().addProjectData( data ); return prj; } /*static*/ tristate KexiProject::dropProject(const KexiProjectData& data, KDbMessageHandler* handler, bool dontAsk) { if (!dontAsk && KMessageBox::Yes != KMessageBox::questionYesNo(0, xi18nc("@info", "Do you want to delete the project %1?" "%2", static_cast(&data)->name(), i18n(warningNoUndo)), QString(), KGuiItem(xi18nc("@action:button", "Delete Project"), koIconName("edit-delete")), KStandardGuiItem::no(), QString(), KMessageBox::Notify | KMessageBox::Dangerous)) { return cancelled; } KexiProject prj(data, handler); if (!prj.open()) return false; if (prj.dbConnection()->options()->isReadOnly()) { handler->showErrorMessage( KDbMessageHandler::Error, xi18n("Could not delete this project. Database connection for this project has been opened as read only.")); return false; } KDbMessageGuard mg(prj.dbConnection()->result(), handler); return prj.dbConnection()->dropDatabase(); } bool KexiProject::checkProject(const QString& singlePluginId) { clearResult(); //! @todo catch errors! if (!d->connection->isDatabaseUsed()) { m_result = d->connection->result(); return false; } const tristate containsKexi__partsTable = d->connection->containsTable("kexi__parts"); if (~containsKexi__partsTable) { return false; } if (true == containsKexi__partsTable) { // check if kexi__parts exists, if missing, createInternalStructures() will create it KDbEscapedString sql = KDbEscapedString("SELECT p_id, p_name, p_mime, p_url FROM kexi__parts ORDER BY p_id"); if (!singlePluginId.isEmpty()) { sql.append(KDbEscapedString(" WHERE p_url=%1").arg(d->connection->escapeString(singlePluginId))); } KDbCursor *cursor = d->connection->executeQuery(sql); if (!cursor) { m_result = d->connection->result(); return false; } bool saved = false; for (cursor->moveFirst(); !cursor->eof(); cursor->moveNext()) { const QString partMime(cursor->value(2).toString()); QString pluginId(cursor->value(3).toString()); pluginId = realPluginId(pluginId, partMime); if (pluginId == QLatin1String("uk.co.piggz.report")) { // compatibility pluginId = QLatin1String("org.kexi-project.report"); } KexiPart::Info *info = Kexi::partManager().infoForPluginId(pluginId); bool ok; const int typeId = cursor->value(0).toInt(&ok); if (!ok || typeId <= 0) { qWarning() << "Invalid type ID" << typeId << "; part with ID" << pluginId << "will not be used"; } if (info && ok && typeId > 0) { d->savePluginId(pluginId, typeId); saved = true; } else { KexiPart::MissingPart m; m.name = cursor->value(1).toString(); m.id = pluginId; d->missingParts.append(m); } } d->connection->deleteCursor(cursor); if (!saved && !singlePluginId.isEmpty()) { return false; // failure is single part class was not found } } return true; } int KexiProject::generatePrivateID() { return --d->privateIDCounter; } bool KexiProject::createIdForPart(const KexiPart::Info& info) { KDbMessageGuard mg(this); int typeId = typeIdForPluginId(info.pluginId()); if (typeId > 0) { return true; } // try again, perhaps the id is already created if (checkProject(info.pluginId())) { return true; } // Find first available custom part ID by taking the greatest // existing custom ID (if it exists) and adding 1. typeId = int(KexiPart::UserObjectType); tristate success = d->connection->querySingleNumber(KDbEscapedString("SELECT max(p_id) FROM kexi__parts"), &typeId); if (!success) { // Couldn't read part id's from the kexi__parts table m_result = d->connection->result(); return false; } else { // Got a maximum part ID, or there were no parts typeId = typeId + 1; typeId = qMax(typeId, (int)KexiPart::UserObjectType); } //this part's ID is not stored within kexi__parts: KDbTableSchema *ts = d->connection->tableSchema("kexi__parts"); if (!ts) { m_result = d->connection->result(); return false; } QScopedPointer fl(ts->subList("p_id", "p_name", "p_mime", "p_url")); //qDebug() << "fieldlist: " << (fl ? *fl : QString()); if (!fl) return false; //qDebug() << info.ptr()->untranslatedGenericName(); // QStringList sl = part()->info()->ptr()->propertyNames(); // for (QStringList::ConstIterator it=sl.constBegin();it!=sl.constEnd();++it) //qDebug() << *it << " " << part()->info()->ptr()->property(*it).toString(); if (!d->connection->insertRecord( fl.data(), QVariant(typeId), QVariant(info.untranslatedGroupName()), QVariant(QString::fromLatin1("kexi/") + info.typeName()/*ok?*/), QVariant(info.id() /*always ok?*/))) { m_result = d->connection->result(); return false; } //qDebug() << "insert success!"; d->savePluginId(info.id(), typeId); //qDebug() << "new id is: " << p_id; return true; } KexiPart::MissingPartsList KexiProject::missingParts() const { return d->missingParts; } static bool checkObjectId(const char* method, int objectID) { if (objectID <= 0) { qWarning() << method << ": Invalid objectID" << objectID; return false; } return true; } tristate KexiProject::loadUserDataBlock(int objectID, const QString& dataID, QString *dataString) { KDbMessageGuard mg(this); if (!checkObjectId("loadUserDataBlock", objectID)) { return false; } if (!d->connection->querySingleString( KDbEscapedString("SELECT d_data FROM kexi__userdata WHERE o_id=%1 AND ") .arg(d->connection->driver()->valueToSql(KDbField::Integer, objectID)) + KDb::sqlWhere(d->connection->driver(), KDbField::Text, "d_user", d->userName()) + " AND " + KDb::sqlWhere(d->connection->driver(), KDbField::Text, "d_sub_id", dataID), dataString)) { m_result = d->connection->result(); return false; } return true; } bool KexiProject::storeUserDataBlock(int objectID, const QString& dataID, const QString &dataString) { KDbMessageGuard mg(this); if (!checkObjectId("storeUserDataBlock", objectID)) { return false; } KDbEscapedString sql = KDbEscapedString("SELECT kexi__userdata.o_id FROM kexi__userdata WHERE o_id=%1").arg(objectID); KDbEscapedString sql_sub = KDb::sqlWhere(d->connection->driver(), KDbField::Text, "d_user", d->userName()) + " AND " + KDb::sqlWhere(d->connection->driver(), KDbField::Text, "d_sub_id", dataID); const tristate result = d->connection->resultExists(sql + " AND " + sql_sub); if (~result) { m_result = d->connection->result(); return false; } if (result == true) { if (!d->connection->executeSql( KDbEscapedString("UPDATE kexi__userdata SET d_data=" + d->connection->driver()->valueToSql(KDbField::LongText, dataString) + " WHERE o_id=" + QString::number(objectID) + " AND " + sql_sub))) { m_result = d->connection->result(); return false; } return true; } if (!d->connection->executeSql( KDbEscapedString("INSERT INTO kexi__userdata (d_user, o_id, d_sub_id, d_data) VALUES (") + d->connection->driver()->valueToSql(KDbField::Text, d->userName()) + ", " + QString::number(objectID) + ", " + d->connection->driver()->valueToSql(KDbField::Text, dataID) + ", " + d->connection->driver()->valueToSql(KDbField::LongText, dataString) + ")")) { m_result = d->connection->result(); return false; } return true; } bool KexiProject::copyUserDataBlock(int sourceObjectID, int destObjectID, const QString &dataID) { KDbMessageGuard mg(this); if (!checkObjectId("storeUserDataBlock(sourceObjectID)", sourceObjectID)) { return false; } if (!checkObjectId("storeUserDataBlock(destObjectID)", destObjectID)) { return false; } if (sourceObjectID == destObjectID) return true; if (!removeUserDataBlock(destObjectID, dataID)) // remove before copying return false; KDbEscapedString sql = KDbEscapedString("INSERT INTO kexi__userdata SELECT t.d_user, %2, t.d_sub_id, t.d_data " "FROM kexi__userdata AS t WHERE d_user=%1 AND o_id=%3") .arg(d->connection->escapeString(d->userName())) .arg(d->connection->driver()->valueToSql(KDbField::Integer, destObjectID)) .arg(d->connection->driver()->valueToSql(KDbField::Integer, sourceObjectID)); if (!dataID.isEmpty()) { sql += " AND " + KDb::sqlWhere(d->connection->driver(), KDbField::Text, "d_sub_id", dataID); } if (!d->connection->executeSql(sql)) { m_result = d->connection->result(); return false; } return true; } bool KexiProject::removeUserDataBlock(int objectID, const QString& dataID) { KDbMessageGuard mg(this); if (!checkObjectId("removeUserDataBlock", objectID)) { return false; } if (dataID.isEmpty()) { if (!KDb::deleteRecords(d->connection, "kexi__userdata", "o_id", KDbField::Integer, objectID, "d_user", KDbField::Text, d->userName())) { m_result = d->connection->result(); return false; } else if (!KDb::deleteRecords(d->connection, "kexi__userdata", "o_id", KDbField::Integer, objectID, "d_user", KDbField::Text, d->userName(), "d_sub_id", KDbField::Text, dataID)) { m_result = d->connection->result(); return false; } } return true; } // static bool KexiProject::askForOpeningNonWritableFileAsReadOnly(QWidget *parent, const QFileInfo &finfo) { KGuiItem openItem(KStandardGuiItem::open()); openItem.setText(xi18n("Open As Read Only")); return KMessageBox::Yes == KMessageBox::questionYesNo( parent, xi18nc("@info", "Could not open file %1 for reading and writing." "Do you want to open the file as read only?", QDir::toNativeSeparators(finfo.filePath())), xi18nc("@title:window", "Could Not Open File" ), openItem, KStandardGuiItem::cancel(), QString()); }