. /** * This upgrade moves attachments from the database to the disk * @package MantisBT * @copyright Copyright 2000 - 2002 Kenzaburo Ito - kenito@300baud.org * @copyright Copyright 2002 MantisBT Team - mantisbt-dev@lists.sourceforge.net * @link http://www.mantisbt.org */ require_once( dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . '/core.php' ); form_security_validate( 'move_attachments_project_select' ); access_ensure_global_level( config_get_global( 'admin_site_threshold' ) ); $f_file_type = gpc_get( 'type' ); $f_project_to_move = gpc_get( 'to_move', null ); /** * Moves attachments from the specified list of projects from disk to database * @param string $p_type Attachment type ('bug' or 'project') * @param array $p_projects List of projects to process * @return array summary of moves per project */ function move_attachments_to_db( $p_type, $p_projects ) { if( empty( $p_projects ) ) { return array(); } # Build the SQL query based on attachment type $t_file_table = '{' . $p_type . '_file}'; switch( $p_type ) { case 'project': $t_query = "SELECT f.* FROM {project_file} f WHERE content = '' AND f.project_id = " . db_param() . " ORDER BY f.filename"; break; case 'bug': $t_query = "SELECT f.* FROM {bug_file} f JOIN {bug} b ON b.id = f.bug_id WHERE content = '' AND b.project_id = " . db_param() . " ORDER BY f.bug_id, f.filename"; break; } # Process projects list foreach( $p_projects as $t_project ) { # Retrieve attachments for the project $t_result = db_query( $t_query, array( $t_project ) ); # Project upload path $t_upload_path = project_get_field( $t_project, 'file_path' ); if( is_blank( $t_upload_path ) ) { $t_upload_path = config_get_global( 'absolute_path_default_upload_folder' ); } if( is_blank( $t_upload_path ) || !file_exists( $t_upload_path ) || !is_dir( $t_upload_path ) ) { # Invalid path $t_failures = db_num_rows( $t_result ); $t_data = "ERROR: Upload path '$t_upload_path' does not exist or is not accessible"; } else { # Process attachments $t_failures = 0; $t_data = array(); while( $t_row = db_fetch_array( $t_result ) ) { # read file from disk $t_filename = $t_row['folder'] . $t_row['diskfile']; if ( !file_exists( $t_filename ) ) { $t_status = "Original File Not Found '$t_filename'"; $t_failures++; } else { $c_content = db_prepare_binary_string( fread( fopen( $t_filename, 'rb' ), $t_row['filesize'] ) ); # write file to db if( db_is_oracle() ) { db_update_blob( $t_file_table, 'content', $c_content, "id=" . (int)$t_row['id'] ); $t_query = "UPDATE $t_file_table SET folder='' WHERE id = " . db_param(); $t_result2 = db_query( $t_query, array( (int)$t_row['id'] ) ); } else { $t_update_query = "UPDATE $t_file_table SET folder = " . db_param() . ", content = " . db_param() . " WHERE id = " . db_param(); $t_result2 = db_query( $t_update_query, array( '', $c_content, (int)$t_row['id'] ) ); } if( !$t_result2 ) { $t_status = 'Database update failed'; $t_failures++; } else { $t_status = "'$t_filename' moved to database"; } } # Add the file and status to the list of processed attachments $t_file = array( 'id' => $t_row['id'], 'filename' => $t_row['filename'], 'status' => $t_status, ); if( $p_type == 'bug' ) { $t_file['bug_id'] = $t_row['bug_id']; } $t_data[] = $t_file; } } $t_moved[] = array( 'name' => project_get_name( $t_project ), 'path' => $t_upload_path, 'rows' => db_num_rows( $t_result ), 'failed' => $t_failures, 'data' => $t_data, ); } return $t_moved; } /** * Moves attachments from the specified list of projects from database to disk * @param string $p_type Attachment type ('bug' or 'project'). * @param array $p_projects List of projects to process. * @return array summary of moves per project */ function move_attachments_to_disk( $p_type, array $p_projects ) { if( empty( $p_projects ) ) { return array(); } # Build the SQL query based on attachment type switch( $p_type ) { case 'project': $t_query = 'SELECT f.* FROM {project_file} f WHERE content <> \'\' AND f.project_id = ' . db_param() . ' ORDER BY f.filename'; break; case 'bug': $t_query = 'SELECT f.* FROM {bug_file} f JOIN {bug} b ON b.id = f.bug_id WHERE content <> \'\' AND b.project_id = ' . db_param() . ' ORDER BY f.bug_id, f.filename'; break; } # Process projects list foreach( $p_projects as $t_project ) { # Retrieve attachments for the project $t_result = db_query( $t_query, array( $t_project ) ); # Project upload path $t_upload_path = project_get_upload_path( $t_project ); if( is_blank( $t_upload_path ) || !file_exists( $t_upload_path ) || !is_dir( $t_upload_path ) || !is_writable( $t_upload_path ) ) { # Invalid path $t_failures = db_num_rows( $t_result ); $t_data = 'ERROR: Upload path \'' . $t_upload_path . '\' does not exist or is not writeable'; } else { # Process attachments $t_failures = 0; $t_data = array(); while( $t_row = db_fetch_array( $t_result ) ) { $t_disk_filename = $t_upload_path . $t_row['diskfile']; if ( file_exists( $t_disk_filename ) ) { $t_status = 'Disk File Already Exists \'' . $t_disk_filename . '\''; $t_failures++; } else { # write file to disk if( file_put_contents( $t_disk_filename, $t_row['content'] ) ) { # successful, update database # @todo do we want to check the size of data transfer matches here? switch( $p_type ) { case 'project': $t_update_query = 'UPDATE {project_file} SET folder = ' . db_param() . ', content = \'\' WHERE id = ' . db_param(); break; case 'bug': $t_update_query = 'UPDATE {bug_file} SET folder = ' . db_param() . ', content = \'\' WHERE id = ' . db_param(); break; } $t_update_result = db_query( $t_update_query, array( $t_upload_path, $t_row['id'] ) ); if( !$t_update_result ) { $t_status = 'Database update failed'; $t_failures++; } else { $t_status = 'Moved to \'' . $t_disk_filename . '\''; } } else { $t_status = 'Copy to \'' . $t_disk_filename . '\' failed'; $t_failures++; } } # Add the file and status to the list of processed attachments $t_file = array( 'id' => $t_row['id'], 'filename' => $t_row['filename'], 'status' => $t_status, ); if( $p_type == 'bug' ) { $t_file['bug_id'] = $t_row['bug_id']; } $t_data[] = $t_file; } } $t_moved[] = array( 'name' => project_get_name( $t_project ), 'path' => $t_upload_path, 'rows' => db_num_rows( $t_result ), 'failed' => $t_failures, 'data' => $t_data, ); } return $t_moved; } form_security_purge( 'move_attachments_project_select' ); # Page header, menu layout_page_header( 'MantisBT Administration - Moving Attachments' ); layout_admin_page_begin(); ?>
'; echo '

Opps! Please select the project you want to move the attachment.

'; echo '
'; } else { $t_moved = array(); foreach( $f_project_to_move as $t_project_to_move ) { $t_array = explode( ':', $t_project_to_move ); if( isset( $t_array[1] ) ) { $t_project_id = $t_array[1]; switch( $t_array[0] ) { case 'disk': $t_moved[] = move_attachments_to_disk( $f_file_type, array( $t_project_id ) ); break; case 'db': $t_moved[] = move_attachments_to_db( $f_file_type, array( $t_project_id ) ); break; } } } # Display results if( empty( $t_moved ) ) { echo '
'; echo '

Nothing to do.

'; echo '
'; } else { foreach( $t_moved as $t_row ) { $t_row = $t_row[0]; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '

'; print_icon( 'fa-paperclip', 'ace-icon' ); printf( "Project '%s' : %d attachments %s", $t_row['name'], $t_row['rows'], ( 0 == $t_row['failed'] ? 'moved successfully' : 'to move, ' . $t_row['failed'] . ' failures') ); echo '

'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; if( is_array( $t_row['data'] ) ) { # Display details of moved attachments echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo '', $f_file_type == 'bug' ? '' : '', '', ''; echo ''; echo ''; foreach( $t_row['data'] as $t_data ) { echo ''; if( $f_file_type == 'bug' ) { printf( '', bug_format_id( $t_data['bug_id'] ) ); } printf( '', $t_data['id'], $t_data['filename'], $t_data['status'] ); } echo ''; echo '
Bug IDFile IDFilenameStatus
'; echo '
'; } else { # No data rows - display error message echo '
'; echo '

' . $t_row['data'] . '

'; echo '
'; } echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; } } } echo '
'; print_link_button( 'system_utils.php', 'Back to System Utilities' ); echo ''; layout_admin_page_end();