Start of 5.4 tests CREATE TABLE t1(f1 INT); connect con1,localhost,root,,test; connection con1; SET lc_messages=ru_RU; SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'lc_messages'; Variable_name Value lc_messages ru_RU CREATE TABLE t1(f1 INT); ERROR 42S01: \0422\0430\0431\043B\0438\0446\0430 't1' \0443\0436\0435 \0441\0443\0449\0435\0441\0442\0432\0443\0435\0442 SET NAMES utf8; CREATE TABLE t1(f1 INT); ERROR 42S01: Таблица 't1' уже существует connection default; SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'lc_messages'; Variable_name Value lc_messages en_US CREATE TABLE t1(f1 INT); ERROR 42S01: Table 't1' already exists SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE 'lc_messages'; Variable_name Value lc_messages en_US SET GLOBAL lc_messages=ru_RU; SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE 'lc_messages'; Variable_name Value lc_messages ru_RU SET GLOBAL lc_messages=en_US; disconnect con1; DROP TABLE t1; drop table `ק`; ERROR 42S02: Unknown table 'test.ק' connect con1,localhost,root,,test; connection con1; SET lc_messages=cs_CZ; SET NAMES UTF8; USE nonexistant; ERROR 42000: Neznámá databáze 'nonexistant' disconnect con1; connection default; # # Bug#12736295: Buffer overflow for variable converted_err # with non-latin1 server error message # connect con1,localhost,root,,test; SET lc_messages=ru_RU; SET NAMES latin1; SELECT '01234567890123456789012345678901234\'; ERROR 42000: \0423 \0432\0430\0441 \043E\0448\0438\0431\043A\0430 \0432 \0437\0430\043F\0440\043E\0441\0435. \0418\0437\0443\0447\0438\0442\0435 \0434\043E\043A\0443\043C\0435\043D\0442\0430\0446\0438\044E \043F\043E \0438\0441\043F\043E\043B\044C\0437\0443\0435\043C\043E\0439 \0432\0435\0440\0441\0438\0438 MariaDB \043D\0430 \043F\0440\0435\0434\043C\0435\0442 \043A\043E\0440\0440\0435\043A\0442\043D\043E\0433\043E \0441\0438\043D\0442\0430\043A\0441\0438\0441\0430 \043E\043A\043E\043B\043E ''0123456789012345678901234 disconnect con1; connection default; End of 5.5 tests