call mtr.add_suppression("Plugin mysqlx reported: .Failed at SSL configuration: .SSL context is not usable without certificate and private key.."); call mtr.add_suppression("Plugin mysqlx reported: .SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations failed."); # # Assert the user exist from the start # include/ [session_user should exist before X plugin install] # # Start X plugin and check all is OK # install plugin mysqlx soname ""; include/ [session_user should exist after X plugin install] # # Delete the user # DROP USER "mysql.session"@"localhost"; call mtr.add_suppression("Plugin mysqlx reported: '1.1: Unsuccessful login attempt: Unable to switch context to user mysql.session'"); call mtr.add_suppression("Plugin mysqlx reported: 'Unable to switch context to user mysql.session'"); # # Recreate the user with an upgrade and see that X plugin works # Run mysql_upgrade mysql.columns_priv OK mysql.db OK mysql.engine_cost OK mysql.event OK mysql.func OK mysql.general_log OK mysql.gtid_executed OK mysql.help_category OK mysql.help_keyword OK mysql.help_relation OK mysql.help_topic OK mysql.innodb_index_stats OK mysql.innodb_table_stats OK mysql.ndb_binlog_index OK mysql.plugin OK mysql.proc OK mysql.procs_priv OK mysql.proxies_priv OK mysql.server_cost OK mysql.servers OK mysql.slave_master_info OK mysql.slave_relay_log_info OK mysql.slave_worker_info OK mysql.slow_log OK mysql.tables_priv OK mysql.time_zone OK mysql.time_zone_leap_second OK mysql.time_zone_name OK mysql.time_zone_transition OK mysql.time_zone_transition_type OK mysql.user OK mtr.global_suppressions OK mtr.test_suppressions OK sys.sys_config OK include/ [session_user should exist after upgrade] RUN SELECT CURRENT_USER() CURRENT_USER() root@localhost 0 rows affected Mysqlx.Ok { msg: "bye!" } # # Uninstall plugin and verify that user is still there # UNINSTALL PLUGIN mysqlx; include/ [session_user should exist after install] # # Cleaning # install plugin mysqlx soname ""; call mtr.add_suppression("Unable to use user mysql.session context *.*"); call mtr.add_suppression("On plugin shutdown it was not possible to reset the server read mode settings. Try to reset it manually.");