use strict; use warnings; # Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with # `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl' ######################### We start with some black magic to print on failure. # Change 1..1 below to 1..last_test_to_print . # (It may become useful if the test is moved to ./t subdirectory.) use DBI; use DBIx::Tree; use File::Spec; use File::Temp; use Test::More; our $compare; our $rc; our $loaded = 0; # ------------------------------------------------ sub display_tree { my(%param) = @_; my $item = $param{item}; $item =~ s/^\s+//; $item =~ s/\s+$//; $compare .= $item; } # End of display_tree. # ------------------------------------------------ $loaded = 1; ok($loaded == 1, 'Module loaded'); ############# create and populate the table we need. my($dir) = File::Temp -> newdir; my($file) = File::Spec -> catfile($dir, 'test.sqlite'); my(@opts) = ( $ENV{DBI_DSN} || "dbi:SQLite:dbname=$file", $ENV{DBI_USER} || '', $ENV{DBI_PASS} || '', ); my $dbh = DBI->connect(@opts, {RaiseError => 0, PrintError => 1, AutoCommit => 1}); ok(defined $dbh, "Connected to $opts[0]"); diag 'You may get a warning here: DBD::SQLite::db prepare failed: no such table: food. Just ignore it'; my($error) = open(my $fh, '<', 't/INSTALL.SQL'); ok($error, 'Opened t/INSTALL.SQL for reading!'); while(<$fh>) { chomp; # strip out NULL for mSQL if (/^create/i and $opts[0] =~ /msql/i) { s/null//gi; } my $sth = $dbh->prepare($_); # Skip failure to drop non-existent table. next if (! defined $sth); my $rc = $sth->execute; # ignore drop table. if (!$rc) { if (/^drop/i) { diag 'Ignoring failed DROP operation'; } else { diag "Failed drop statement: $DBI::errstr"; } } } close ($fh); ############# create an instance of the DBIx::Tree { # Test traverse(). my $tree = DBIx::Tree -> new ( connection => $dbh, table => 'food', method => sub { display_tree(@_) }, columns => ['id', 'food', 'parent_id'], start_id => '001', ); ok(ref $tree eq 'DBIx::Tree', 'Create object to read table'); ok($tree -> _do_query, 'Executed query'); $tree->traverse; ok($compare eq 'FoodBeans and NutsBeansBlack BeansKidney BeansBlack Kidney BeansRed Kidney BeansNutsPecansDairyBeveragesCoffee MilkSkim MilkWhole MilkCheesesCheddarGoudaMuensterStiltonSwiss', 'Called traverse()'); } { # Test match_data. my $tree = DBIx::Tree -> new ( connection => $dbh, table => 'food', method => sub { display_tree(@_) }, columns => ['id', 'food', 'parent_id'], start_id => '001', match_data => 'Dairy', ); $compare = ''; $tree->traverse; ok($compare eq 'Dairy', 'Another traverse()'); # Test traverse(). $compare = ''; $tree->traverse(start_id => '011', threshold => 2, match_data => '', limit => 2); ok($compare eq 'Coffee MilkSkim Milk', 'Test local variables in traverse()'); $compare = ''; $tree->traverse; ok($compare eq 'Dairy', 'Test default values in traverse()'); } { # Test 'sth' in new(). my $sth = $dbh->prepare('select id, food, parent_id from food order by food'); my $tree = DBIx::Tree -> new ( connection => $dbh, sth => $sth, method => sub { display_tree(@_) }, columns => ['id', 'food', 'parent_id'], start_id => '001', ); $compare = ''; $tree->traverse; ok($compare eq 'FoodBeans and NutsBeansBlack BeansKidney BeansBlack Kidney BeansRed Kidney BeansNutsPecansDairyBeveragesCoffee MilkSkim MilkWhole MilkCheesesCheddarGoudaMuensterStiltonSwiss', 'sth in new()'); } { # Test 'sql' in new(). my $sql = 'select id, food, parent_id from food order by food'; my $tree = DBIx::Tree -> new ( connection => $dbh, sql => $sql, method => sub { display_tree(@_) }, columns => ['id', 'food', 'parent_id'], start_id => '001', ); $compare = ''; $tree->traverse; ok($compare eq 'FoodBeans and NutsBeansBlack BeansKidney BeansBlack Kidney BeansRed Kidney BeansNutsPecansDairyBeveragesCoffee MilkSkim MilkWhole MilkCheesesCheddarGoudaMuensterStiltonSwiss', 'sql in new()'); # Test recursive option to traverse(). $compare = ''; $tree->traverse(recursive => 1); ok($compare eq 'FoodBeans and NutsBeansBlack BeansKidney BeansBlack Kidney BeansRed Kidney BeansNutsPecansDairyBeveragesCoffee MilkSkim MilkWhole MilkCheesesCheddarGoudaMuensterStiltonSwiss', 'recursive option to traverse()'); } $dbh->do(q{drop table food}); $dbh->disconnect; done_testing;