--TEST-- MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite::update() with invalid options --FILE-- update(['x' => 1], ['y' => 1], ['multi' => true]); }, 'MongoDB\Driver\Exception\InvalidArgumentException'), "\n\n"; echo throws(function() use ($bulk) { $bulk->update(['x' => 1], ['y' => 1], ['collation' => 1]); }, 'MongoDB\Driver\Exception\InvalidArgumentException'), "\n\n"; echo throws(function() use ($bulk) { $bulk->update(['x' => 1], ['$set' => ['y' => 1]], ['collation' => 1]); }, 'MongoDB\Driver\Exception\InvalidArgumentException'), "\n\n"; echo throws(function() use ($bulk) { $bulk->update(['x' => 1], ['$set' => ['y' => 1]], ['arrayFilters' => 1]); }, 'MongoDB\Driver\Exception\InvalidArgumentException'), "\n\n"; echo throws(function() use ($bulk) { $bulk->update(['x' => 1], ['$set' => ['y' => 1]], ['arrayFilters' => ['foo' => 'bar']]); }, 'MongoDB\Driver\Exception\InvalidArgumentException'), "\n\n"; echo throws(function() use ($bulk) { $bulk->update(['x' => 1], ['$set' => ['y' => 1]], ['hint' => 1]); }, 'MongoDB\Driver\Exception\InvalidArgumentException'), "\n"; ?> ===DONE=== --EXPECTF-- OK: Got MongoDB\Driver\Exception\InvalidArgumentException Replacement document conflicts with true "multi" option OK: Got MongoDB\Driver\Exception\InvalidArgumentException Expected "collation" option to be array or object, int%S given OK: Got MongoDB\Driver\Exception\InvalidArgumentException Expected "collation" option to be array or object, int%S given OK: Got MongoDB\Driver\Exception\InvalidArgumentException Expected "arrayFilters" option to be array or object, int%S given OK: Got MongoDB\Driver\Exception\InvalidArgumentException "arrayFilters" option has invalid keys for a BSON array OK: Got MongoDB\Driver\Exception\InvalidArgumentException Expected "hint" option to be string, array, or object, int%S given ===DONE===