/***************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 1994, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is also distributed with certain software (including but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, as designated in a particular file or component or in included license documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional permission to link the program and your derivative works with the separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA *****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************//** @file include/btr0cur.ic The index tree cursor Created 10/16/1994 Heikki Tuuri *******************************************************/ #ifndef UNIV_HOTBACKUP #include "btr0btr.h" #ifdef UNIV_DEBUG # define LIMIT_OPTIMISTIC_INSERT_DEBUG(NREC, CODE)\ if (btr_cur_limit_optimistic_insert_debug > 1\ && (NREC) >= (ulint)btr_cur_limit_optimistic_insert_debug) {\ CODE;\ } #else # define LIMIT_OPTIMISTIC_INSERT_DEBUG(NREC, CODE) #endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */ #ifdef UNIV_DEBUG /*********************************************************//** Returns the page cursor component of a tree cursor. @return pointer to page cursor component */ UNIV_INLINE page_cur_t* btr_cur_get_page_cur( /*=================*/ const btr_cur_t* cursor) /*!< in: tree cursor */ { return(&((btr_cur_t*) cursor)->page_cur); } /*********************************************************//** Returns the buffer block on which the tree cursor is positioned. @return pointer to buffer block */ UNIV_INLINE buf_block_t* btr_cur_get_block( /*==============*/ const btr_cur_t* cursor) /*!< in: tree cursor */ { return(page_cur_get_block(btr_cur_get_page_cur(cursor))); } /*********************************************************//** Returns the record pointer of a tree cursor. @return pointer to record */ UNIV_INLINE rec_t* btr_cur_get_rec( /*============*/ const btr_cur_t* cursor) /*!< in: tree cursor */ { return(page_cur_get_rec(btr_cur_get_page_cur(cursor))); } #endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */ /*********************************************************//** Returns the compressed page on which the tree cursor is positioned. @return pointer to compressed page, or NULL if the page is not compressed */ UNIV_INLINE page_zip_des_t* btr_cur_get_page_zip( /*=================*/ btr_cur_t* cursor) /*!< in: tree cursor */ { return(buf_block_get_page_zip(btr_cur_get_block(cursor))); } /*********************************************************//** Returns the page of a tree cursor. @return pointer to page */ UNIV_INLINE page_t* btr_cur_get_page( /*=============*/ btr_cur_t* cursor) /*!< in: tree cursor */ { return(page_align(page_cur_get_rec(&(cursor->page_cur)))); } /*********************************************************//** Positions a tree cursor at a given record. */ UNIV_INLINE void btr_cur_position( /*=============*/ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index */ rec_t* rec, /*!< in: record in tree */ buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: buffer block of rec */ btr_cur_t* cursor) /*!< out: cursor */ { ut_ad(page_align(rec) == block->frame); page_cur_position(rec, block, btr_cur_get_page_cur(cursor)); cursor->index = index; } /*********************************************************************//** Checks if compressing an index page where a btr cursor is placed makes sense. @return TRUE if compression is recommended */ UNIV_INLINE ibool btr_cur_compress_recommendation( /*============================*/ btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in: btr cursor */ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */ { const page_t* page; ut_ad(mtr_is_block_fix( mtr, btr_cur_get_block(cursor), MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX, cursor->index->table)); page = btr_cur_get_page(cursor); LIMIT_OPTIMISTIC_INSERT_DEBUG(page_get_n_recs(page) * 2, return(FALSE)); if ((page_get_data_size(page) < BTR_CUR_PAGE_COMPRESS_LIMIT(cursor->index)) || ((btr_page_get_next(page, mtr) == FIL_NULL) && (btr_page_get_prev(page, mtr) == FIL_NULL))) { /* The page fillfactor has dropped below a predefined minimum value OR the level in the B-tree contains just one page: we recommend compression if this is not the root page. */ return(dict_index_get_page(cursor->index) != page_get_page_no(page)); } return(FALSE); } /*********************************************************************//** Checks if the record on which the cursor is placed can be deleted without making tree compression necessary (or, recommended). @return TRUE if can be deleted without recommended compression */ UNIV_INLINE ibool btr_cur_can_delete_without_compress( /*================================*/ btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in: btr cursor */ ulint rec_size,/*!< in: rec_get_size(btr_cur_get_rec(cursor))*/ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */ { page_t* page; ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, btr_cur_get_block(cursor), MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX)); page = btr_cur_get_page(cursor); if ((page_get_data_size(page) - rec_size < BTR_CUR_PAGE_COMPRESS_LIMIT(cursor->index)) || ((btr_page_get_next(page, mtr) == FIL_NULL) && (btr_page_get_prev(page, mtr) == FIL_NULL)) || (page_get_n_recs(page) < 2)) { /* The page fillfactor will drop below a predefined minimum value, OR the level in the B-tree contains just one page, OR the page will become empty: we recommend compression if this is not the root page. */ return(dict_index_get_page(cursor->index) == page_get_page_no(page)); } return(TRUE); } /*******************************************************************//** Determine if an operation on off-page columns is an update. @return TRUE if op != BTR_STORE_INSERT */ UNIV_INLINE ibool btr_blob_op_is_update( /*==================*/ enum blob_op op) /*!< in: operation */ { switch (op) { case BTR_STORE_INSERT: case BTR_STORE_INSERT_BULK: return(FALSE); case BTR_STORE_INSERT_UPDATE: case BTR_STORE_UPDATE: return(TRUE); } ut_ad(0); return(FALSE); } /******************************************************//** The following function is used to set the deleted bit of a record. */ UNIV_INLINE void btr_rec_set_deleted_flag( /*=====================*/ rec_t* rec, /*!< in/out: physical record */ page_zip_des_t* page_zip,/*!< in/out: compressed page (or NULL) */ ulint flag) /*!< in: nonzero if delete marked */ { if (page_rec_is_comp(rec)) { rec_set_deleted_flag_new(rec, page_zip, flag); } else { ut_ad(!page_zip); rec_set_deleted_flag_old(rec, flag); } } #endif /* !UNIV_HOTBACKUP */