.. **************************************************************************** pgRouting Manual Copyright(c) pgRouting Contributors This documentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ **************************************************************************** | * **Supported versions:** `Latest `__ (`3.2 `__) `3.1 `__ `3.0 `__ * **Unsupported versions:** `2.6 `__ `2.5 `__ `2.4 `__ `2.3 `__ `2.2 `__ `2.1 `__ `2.0 `__ Sample Data =============================================================================== The documentation provides very simple example queries based on a small sample network. To be able to execute the sample queries, run the following SQL commands to create a table with a small network data set. .. rubric:: Create table .. literalinclude:: ../../tools/testers/sampledata.sql :start-after: --EDGE TABLE CREATE start :end-before: --EDGE TABLE CREATE end .. rubric:: Insert data .. literalinclude:: ../../tools/testers/sampledata.sql :start-after: --EDGE TABLE ADD DATA start :end-before: --EDGE TABLE ADD DATA end .. rubric:: Updating geometry .. literalinclude:: ../../tools/testers/sampledata.sql :start-after: --EDGE TABLE update geometry start :end-before: --EDGE TABLE update geometry end .. rubric:: Topology - Before you test a routing function use this query to create a topology (fills the ``source`` and ``target`` columns). .. literalinclude:: ../../tools/testers/sampledata.sql :start-after: --EDGE TABLE TOPOLOGY start :end-before: --EDGE TABLE TOPOLOGY end .. rubric:: Combinations of start and end vertices - Used to test the combinations_sql signature in dijkstra-like functions. .. literalinclude:: ../../tools/testers/sampledata.sql :start-after: --COMBINATIONS CREATE start :end-before: --COMBINATIONS CREATE end .. rubric:: Points of interest - When points outside of the graph. - Used with the :doc:`withPoints-family` functions. .. literalinclude:: ../../tools/testers/sampledata.sql :start-after: --POINTS CREATE start :end-before: --POINTS CREATE end .. rubric:: Restrictions - Used with the :doc:`pgr_trsp` functions. .. literalinclude:: ../../tools/testers/sampledata.sql :start-after: --RESTRICTIONS CREATE start :end-before: --RESTRICTIONS CREATE end Images ---------------- * Red arrows correspond when ``cost`` > 0 in the edge table. * Blue arrows correspond when ``reverse_cost`` > 0 in the edge table. * Points are outside the graph. * Click on the graph to enlarge. .. _fig1: Network for queries marked as ``directed`` and ``cost`` and ``reverse_cost`` columns are used ...................................................................................................... When working with city networks, this is recommended for point of view of vehicles. .. figure:: /images/Fig1-originalData.png **Graph 1: Directed, with cost and reverse cost** .. _fig2: Network for queries marked as ``undirected`` and ``cost`` and ``reverse_cost`` columns are used ...................................................................................................... When working with city networks, this is recommended for point of view of pedestrians. .. figure:: /images/Fig6-undirected.png :scale: 50% **Graph 2: Undirected, with cost and reverse cost** .. _fig3: Network for queries marked as ``directed`` and only ``cost`` column is used ...................................................................................................... .. figure:: /images/Fig2-cost.png :scale: 20% **Graph 3: Directed, with cost** .. _fig4: Network for queries marked as ``undirected`` and only ``cost`` column is used ...................................................................................................... .. figure:: /images/Fig4-costUndirected.png :scale: 20% **Graph 4: Undirected, with cost** .. _pickdeliverdata: Pick & Deliver Data ............................................................................... .. literalinclude:: ../../tools/testers/vrppdtw_data.sql