get_document(2); print "Retrieved non-existent document\n"; exit(1); } catch (Exception $e) { if ($e->getMessage() !== "DocNotFoundError: Docid 2 not found") { print "DocNotFoundError Exception string not as expected, got: '{$e->getMessage()}'\n"; exit(1); } } # Check QueryParser parsing error. try { $qp = new XapianQueryParser; $qp->set_stemmer(new XapianStem("en")); $qp->parse_query("test AND"); print "Successfully parsed bad query\n"; exit(1); } catch (Exception $e) { if ($e->getMessage() !== "QueryParserError: Syntax: AND ") { print "QueryParserError Exception string not as expected, got: '$e->getMessage()'\n"; exit(1); } } # Check that open_stub() is wrapped as expected. try { $db = Xapian::auto_open_stub("nosuchdir/nosuchdb"); print "Opened non-existent stub database\n"; exit(1); } catch (Exception $e) { if ($e->getMessage() !== "DatabaseNotFoundError: Couldn't open stub database file: nosuchdir/nosuchdb (No such file or directory)") { print "DatabaseOpeningError Exception string not as expected, got: '{$e->getMessage()}'\n"; exit(1); } } # Check that DB_BACKEND_STUB works as expected. try { $db = new XapianDatabase("nosuchdir/nosuchdb", Xapian::DB_BACKEND_STUB); print "Opened non-existent stub database\n"; exit(1); } catch (Exception $e) { if ($e->getMessage() !== "DatabaseNotFoundError: Couldn't open stub database file: nosuchdir/nosuchdb (No such file or directory)") { print "DatabaseNotFoundError Exception string not as expected, got: '{$e->getMessage()}'\n"; exit(1); } } # Check that open_stub() writable form is wrapped as expected. try { $db = Xapian::auto_open_stub("nosuchdir/nosuchdb", Xapian::DB_OPEN); print "Opened non-existent stub database\n"; exit(1); } catch (Exception $e) { if ($e->getMessage() !== "DatabaseNotFoundError: Couldn't open stub database file: nosuchdir/nosuchdb (No such file or directory)") { print "DatabaseOpeningError Exception string not as expected, got: '{$e->getMessage()}'\n"; exit(1); } } # Check that DB_BACKEND_STUB works as expected. try { $db = new XapianWritableDatabase("nosuchdir/nosuchdb", Xapian::DB_OPEN|Xapian::DB_BACKEND_STUB); print "Opened non-existent stub database\n"; exit(1); } catch (Exception $e) { if ($e->getMessage() !== "DatabaseNotFoundError: Couldn't open stub database file: nosuchdir/nosuchdb (No such file or directory)") { print "DatabaseNotFoundError Exception string not as expected, got: '{$e->getMessage()}'\n"; exit(1); } } # Regression test for bug#193, fixed in 1.0.3. $vrp = new XapianNumberValueRangeProcessor(0, '$', true); $a = '$10'; $b = '20'; $vrp->apply($a, $b); if (Xapian::sortable_unserialise($a) != 10) { print Xapian::sortable_unserialise($a)." != 10\n"; exit(1); } if (Xapian::sortable_unserialise($b) != 20) { print Xapian::sortable_unserialise($b)." != 20\n"; exit(1); } $stem = new XapianStem("english"); if ($stem->get_description() != "Xapian::Stem(english)") { print "Unexpected \$stem->get_description()\n"; exit(1); } $doc = new XapianDocument(); $doc->set_data("a\x00b"); if ($doc->get_data() === "a") { print "get_data+set_data truncates at a zero byte\n"; exit(1); } if ($doc->get_data() !== "a\x00b") { print "get_data+set_data doesn't transparently handle a zero byte\n"; exit(1); } $doc->set_data("is there anybody out there?"); $doc->add_term("XYzzy"); $doc->add_posting($stem->apply("is"), 1); $doc->add_posting($stem->apply("there"), 2); $doc->add_posting($stem->apply("anybody"), 3); $doc->add_posting($stem->apply("out"), 4); $doc->add_posting($stem->apply("there"), 5); // Check virtual function dispatch. if (substr($db->get_description(), 0, 17) !== "WritableDatabase(") { print "Unexpected \$db->get_description()\n"; exit(1); } $db->add_document($doc); if ($db->get_doccount() != 1) { print "Unexpected \$db->get_doccount()\n"; exit(1); } $terms = array("smoke", "test", "terms"); $query = new XapianQuery(XapianQuery::OP_OR, $terms); if ($query->get_description() != "Query((smoke OR test OR terms))") { print "Unexpected \$query->get_description()\n"; exit(1); } $query1 = new XapianQuery(XapianQuery::OP_PHRASE, array("smoke", "test", "tuple")); if ($query1->get_description() != "Query((smoke PHRASE 3 test PHRASE 3 tuple))") { print "Unexpected \$query1->get_description()\n"; exit(1); } $query1b = new XapianQuery(XapianQuery::OP_NEAR, array("smoke", "test", "tuple"), 4); if ($query1b->get_description() != "Query((smoke NEAR 4 test NEAR 4 tuple))") { print "Unexpected \$query1b->get_description()\n"; exit(1); } $query2 = new XapianQuery(XapianQuery::OP_XOR, array(new XapianQuery("smoke"), $query1, "string")); if ($query2->get_description() != "Query((smoke XOR (smoke PHRASE 3 test PHRASE 3 tuple) XOR string))") { print "Unexpected \$query2->get_description()\n"; exit(1); } $subqs = array("a", "b"); $query3 = new XapianQuery(XapianQuery::OP_OR, $subqs); if ($query3->get_description() != "Query((a OR b))") { print "Unexpected \$query3->get_description()\n"; exit(1); } $enq = new XapianEnquire($db); // This ought to be wrapped as a constant, but this tests how it has been // wrapped for some time in PHP bindings, which we need to maintain for // compatibility with existing user code. $enq->set_collapse_key(Xapian::BAD_VALUENO_get()); $enq->set_query(new XapianQuery(XapianQuery::OP_OR, "there", "is")); $mset = $enq->get_mset(0, 10); if ($mset->size() != 1) { print "Unexpected \$mset->size()\n"; exit(1); } $terms = join(" ", $enq->get_matching_terms($mset->get_hit(0))); if ($terms != "is there") { print "Unexpected matching terms: $terms\n"; exit(1); } # Feature test for MatchDecider $doc = new XapianDocument(); $doc->set_data("Two"); $doc->add_posting($stem->apply("out"), 1); $doc->add_posting($stem->apply("outside"), 1); $doc->add_posting($stem->apply("source"), 2); $doc->add_value(0, "yes"); $db->add_document($doc); class testmatchdecider extends XapianMatchDecider { function apply($doc) { return ($doc->get_value(0) == "yes"); } } $query = new XapianQuery($stem->apply("out")); $enquire = new XapianEnquire($db); $enquire->set_query($query); $mdecider = new testmatchdecider(); $mset = $enquire->get_mset(0, 10, null, $mdecider); if ($mset->size() != 1) { print "Unexpected number of documents returned by match decider (".$mset->size().")\n"; exit(1); } if ($mset->get_docid(0) != 2) { print "MatchDecider mset has wrong docid in\n"; exit(1); } class testexpanddecider extends XapianExpandDecider { function apply($term) { return ($term[0] !== 'a'); } } $enquire = new XapianEnquire($db); $rset = new XapianRSet(); $rset->add_document(1); $eset = $enquire->get_eset(10, $rset, XapianEnquire::USE_EXACT_TERMFREQ, 1.0, new testexpanddecider()); foreach ($eset->begin() as $t) { if ($t[0] === 'a') { print "XapianExpandDecider was not used\n"; exit(1); } } # Check min_wt argument to get_eset() works (new in 1.2.5). $eset = $enquire->get_eset(100, $rset, XapianEnquire::USE_EXACT_TERMFREQ); $min_wt = 0; foreach ($eset->begin() as $i => $dummy) { $min_wt = $i->get_weight(); } if ($min_wt >= 1.9) { print "ESet min weight too high for testcase\n"; exit(1); } $eset = $enquire->get_eset(100, $rset, XapianEnquire::USE_EXACT_TERMFREQ, 1.0, NULL, 1.9); $min_wt = 0; foreach ($eset->begin() as $i => $dummy) { $min_wt = $i->get_weight(); } if ($min_wt < 1.9) { print "ESet min_wt threshold not applied\n"; exit(1); } if (XapianQuery::OP_ELITE_SET != 10) { print "OP_ELITE_SET is XapianQuery::OP_ELITE_SET not 10\n"; exit(1); } # Regression test - overload resolution involving boolean types failed. $enq->set_sort_by_value(1, TRUE); # Regression test - fixed in $oqparser = new XapianQueryParser(); $oquery = $oqparser->parse_query("I like tea"); # Regression test for bug#192 - fixed in 1.0.3. $enq->set_cutoff(100); # Check DateRangeProcessor works. function add_rp_date(&$qp) { $rpdate = new XapianDateRangeProcessor(1, Xapian::RP_DATE_PREFER_MDY, 1960); $qp->add_rangeprocessor($rpdate); } $qp = new XapianQueryParser(); add_rp_date($qp); $query = $qp->parse_query('12/03/99..12/04/01'); if ($query->get_description() !== 'Query(VALUE_RANGE 1 19991203 20011204)') { print "XapianDateRangeProcessor didn't work - result was ".$query->get_description()."\n"; exit(1); } # Check DateValueRangeProcessor works. function add_vrp_date(&$qp) { $vrpdate = new XapianDateValueRangeProcessor(1, 1, 1960); $qp->add_valuerangeprocessor($vrpdate); } $qp = new XapianQueryParser(); add_vrp_date($qp); $query = $qp->parse_query('12/03/99..12/04/01'); if ($query->get_description() !== 'Query(VALUE_RANGE 1 19991203 20011204)') { print "XapianDateValueRangeProcessor didn't work - result was ".$query->get_description()."\n"; exit(1); } # Feature test for XapianFieldProcessor class testfieldprocessor extends XapianFieldProcessor { function apply($str) { if ($str === 'spam') throw new Exception('already spam'); return new XapianQuery("spam"); } } $tfp = new testfieldprocessor(); $qp->add_prefix('spam', $tfp); $query = $qp->parse_query('spam:ignored'); if ($query->get_description() !== 'Query(spam)') { print "testfieldprocessor didn't work - result was ".$query->get_description()."\n"; exit(1); } try { $query = $qp->parse_query('spam:spam'); print "testfieldprocessor exception not rethrown\n"; exit(1); } catch (Exception $e) { if ($e->getMessage() !== 'already spam') { print "Exception has wrong message\n"; exit(1); } } # Test setting and getting metadata if ($db->get_metadata('Foo') !== '') { print "Unexpected value for metadata associated with 'Foo' (expected ''): '".$db->get_metadata('Foo')."'\n"; exit(1); } $db->set_metadata('Foo', 'Foo'); if ($db->get_metadata('Foo') !== 'Foo') { print "Unexpected value for metadata associated with 'Foo' (expected 'Foo'): '".$db->get_metadata('Foo')."'\n"; exit(1); } # Test OP_SCALE_WEIGHT and corresponding constructor $query4 = new XapianQuery(XapianQuery::OP_SCALE_WEIGHT, new XapianQuery('foo'), 5.0); if ($query4->get_description() != "Query(5 * foo)") { print "Unexpected \$query4->get_description()\n"; exit(1); } # Test MultiValueKeyMaker. $doc = new XapianDocument(); $doc->add_term("foo"); $doc->add_value(0, "ABB"); $db2->add_document($doc); $doc->add_value(0, "ABC"); $db2->add_document($doc); $doc->add_value(0, "ABC\0"); $db2->add_document($doc); $doc->add_value(0, "ABCD"); $db2->add_document($doc); $doc->add_value(0, "ABC\xff"); $db2->add_document($doc); $enquire = new XapianEnquire($db2); $enquire->set_query(new XapianQuery("foo")); { $sorter = new XapianMultiValueKeyMaker(); $sorter->add_value(0); $enquire->set_sort_by_key($sorter, true); $mset = $enquire->get_mset(0, 10); mset_expect_order($mset, array(5, 4, 3, 2, 1)); } { $sorter = new XapianMultiValueKeyMaker(); $sorter->add_value(0, true); $enquire->set_sort_by_key($sorter, true); $mset = $enquire->get_mset(0, 10); mset_expect_order($mset, array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)); } { $sorter = new XapianMultiValueKeyMaker(); $sorter->add_value(0); $sorter->add_value(1); $enquire->set_sort_by_key($sorter, true); $mset = $enquire->get_mset(0, 10); mset_expect_order($mset, array(5, 4, 3, 2, 1)); } { $sorter = new XapianMultiValueKeyMaker(); $sorter->add_value(0, true); $sorter->add_value(1); $enquire->set_sort_by_key($sorter, true); $mset = $enquire->get_mset(0, 10); mset_expect_order($mset, array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)); } { $sorter = new XapianMultiValueKeyMaker(); $sorter->add_value(0); $sorter->add_value(1, true); $enquire->set_sort_by_key($sorter, true); $mset = $enquire->get_mset(0, 10); mset_expect_order($mset, array(5, 4, 3, 2, 1)); } { $sorter = new XapianMultiValueKeyMaker(); $sorter->add_value(0, true); $sorter->add_value(1, true); $enquire->set_sort_by_key($sorter, true); $mset = $enquire->get_mset(0, 10); mset_expect_order($mset, array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)); } # Feature test for ValueSetMatchDecider: { $md = new XapianValueSetMatchDecider(0, true); $md->add_value("ABC"); $doc = new XapianDocument(); $doc->add_value(0, "ABCD"); if ($md->apply($doc)) { print "Unexpected result from ValueSetMatchDecider->apply(); expected false\n"; exit(1); } $doc = new XapianDocument(); $doc->add_value(0, "ABC"); if (!$md->apply($doc)) { print "Unexpected result from ValueSetMatchDecider->apply(); expected true\n"; exit(1); } $mset = $enquire->get_mset(0, 10, 0, null, $md, null); mset_expect_order($mset, array(2)); $md = new XapianValueSetMatchDecider(0, false); $md->add_value("ABC"); $mset = $enquire->get_mset(0, 10, 0, null, $md, null); mset_expect_order($mset, array(1, 3, 4, 5)); } function mset_expect_order($mset, $a) { if ($mset->size() != sizeof($a)) { print "MSet has ".$mset->size()." entries, expected ".sizeof($a)."\n"; exit(1); } for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($a); ++$j) { $docid = $mset->get_hit($j)->get_docid(); if ($docid != $a[$j]) { print "Expected MSet[$j] to be $a[$j], got ".$docid()."\n"; exit(1); } } } # Feature tests for Query "term" constructor optional arguments: $query_wqf = new XapianQuery('wqf', 3); if ($query_wqf->get_description() != 'Query(wqf#3)') { print "Unexpected \$query_wqf->get_description():\n"; print $query_wqf->get_description() . "\n"; exit(1); } $query = new XapianQuery(XapianQuery::OP_VALUE_GE, 0, "100"); if ($query->get_description() != 'Query(VALUE_GE 0 100)') { print "Unexpected \$query->get_description():\n"; print $query->get_description() . "\n"; exit(1); } $query = XapianQuery::MatchAll(); if ($query->get_description() != 'Query()') { print "Unexpected \$query->get_description():\n"; print $query->get_description() . "\n"; exit(1); } $query = XapianQuery::MatchNothing(); if ($query->get_description() != 'Query()') { print "Unexpected \$query->get_description():\n"; print $query->get_description() . "\n"; exit(1); } # Test access to matchspy values: { $matchspy = new XapianValueCountMatchSpy(0); $enquire->add_matchspy($matchspy); $enquire->get_mset(0, 10); $values = array(); foreach ($matchspy->values_begin() as $k => $term) { $values[$term] = $k->get_termfreq(); } $expected = array( "ABB" => 1, "ABC" => 1, "ABC\0" => 1, "ABCD" => 1, "ABC\xff" => 1, ); if ($values != $expected) { print "Unexpected matchspy values():\n"; var_dump($values); var_dump($expected); print "\n"; exit(1); } } { class testspy extends XapianMatchSpy { public $matchspy_count = 0; function apply($doc, $wt) { if (substr($doc->get_value(0), 0, 3) == "ABC") ++$this->matchspy_count; } } $matchspy = new testspy(); $enquire->clear_matchspies(); $enquire->add_matchspy($matchspy); $enquire->get_mset(0, 10); if ($matchspy->matchspy_count != 4) { print "Unexpected matchspy count of {$matchspy->matchspy_count}\n"; exit(1); } } # Regression test for SWIG bug - it was generating "return $r;" in wrapper # functions which didn't set $r. $indexer = new XapianTermGenerator(); $doc = new XapianDocument(); $indexer->set_document($doc); $indexer->index_text("I ask nothing in return"); $indexer->index_text_without_positions("Tea time"); $indexer->index_text("Return in time"); $s = ''; foreach ($doc->termlist_begin() as $term) { $s .= $term . ' '; } if ($s !== 'ask i in nothing return tea time ') { print "PHP Iterator wrapping of TermIterator doesn't work ($s)\n"; exit(1); } $s = ''; foreach ($doc->termlist_begin() as $k => $term) { $s .= $term . ':' . $k->get_wdf() . ' '; } if ($s !== 'ask:1 i:1 in:2 nothing:1 return:2 tea:1 time:2 ') { print "PHP Iterator wrapping of TermIterator keys doesn't work ($s)\n"; exit(1); } # Test GeoSpatial API $coord = new XapianLatLongCoord(); $coord = new XapianLatLongCoord(-41.288889, 174.777222); define('COORD_SLOT', 2); $metric = new XapianGreatCircleMetric(); $range = 42.0; $centre = new XapianLatLongCoords($coord); $query = new XapianQuery(new XapianLatLongDistancePostingSource(COORD_SLOT, $centre, $metric, $range)); $db = new XapianWritableDatabase('', Xapian::DB_BACKEND_INMEMORY); $coords = new XapianLatLongCoords(); $coords->append(new XapianLatLongCoord(40.6048, -74.4427)); $doc = new XapianDocument(); $doc->add_term("coffee"); $doc->add_value(COORD_SLOT, $coords->serialise()); $db->add_document($doc); $centre = new XapianLatLongCoords(); $centre->append(new XapianLatLongCoord(40.6048, -74.4427)); $ps = new XapianLatLongDistancePostingSource(COORD_SLOT, $centre, $metric, $range); $q = new XapianQuery("coffee"); $q = new XapianQuery(XapianQuery::OP_AND, $q, new XapianQuery($ps)); $enq = new XapianEnquire($db); $enq->set_query($q); $mset = $enq->get_mset(0, 10); if ($mset->size() != 1) { print "Expected one result with XapianLatLongDistancePostingSource, got "; print $mset->size() . "\n"; exit(1); } $s = ''; foreach ($db->allterms_begin() as $k => $term) { $s .= "($term:{$k->get_termfreq()})"; } if ($s !== '(coffee:1)') { print "PHP Iterator iteration of allterms doesn't work ($s)\n"; exit(1); } # Test reference tracking and regression test for #659. $qp = new XapianQueryParser(); { $stop = new XapianSimpleStopper(); $stop->add('a'); $qp->set_stopper($stop); } $query = $qp->parse_query('a b'); if ($query->get_description() !== 'Query(b@2)') { print "XapianQueryParser::set_stopper() didn't work as expected - result was ".$query->get_description()."\n"; exit(1); } ?>