from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function from pony.orm.core import * from decimal import Decimal from datetime import date db = Database() class Faculty(db.Entity): _table_ = 'Faculties' number = PrimaryKey(int) name = Required(str, unique=True) departments = Set('Department') class Department(db.Entity): _table_ = 'Departments' number = PrimaryKey(int) name = Required(str, unique=True) faculty = Required(Faculty) teachers = Set('Teacher') majors = Set('Major') groups = Set('Group') class Group(db.Entity): _table_ = 'Groups' number = PrimaryKey(int) grad_year = Required(int) department = Required(Department, column='dep') lessons = Set('Lesson', columns=['day_of_week', 'meeting_time', 'classroom_number', 'building']) students = Set('Student') class Student(db.Entity): _table_ = 'Students' name = Required(str) scholarship = Required(Decimal, 10, 2, default=Decimal('0.0')) group = Required(Group) grades = Set('Grade') class Major(db.Entity): _table_ = 'Majors' name = PrimaryKey(str) department = Required(Department) courses = Set('Course') class Subject(db.Entity): _table_ = 'Subjects' name = PrimaryKey(str) courses = Set('Course') teachers = Set('Teacher') class Course(db.Entity): _table_ = 'Courses' major = Required(Major) subject = Required(Subject) semester = Required(int) composite_key(major, subject, semester) lect_hours = Required(int) pract_hours = Required(int) credit = Required(int) lessons = Set('Lesson') grades = Set('Grade') class Lesson(db.Entity): _table_ = 'Lessons' day_of_week = Required(int) meeting_time = Required(int) classroom = Required('Classroom') PrimaryKey(day_of_week, meeting_time, classroom) course = Required(Course) teacher = Required('Teacher') groups = Set(Group) class Grade(db.Entity): _table_ = 'Grades' student = Required(Student) course = Required(Course) PrimaryKey(student, course) teacher = Required('Teacher') date = Required(date) value = Required(str) class Teacher(db.Entity): _table_ = 'Teachers' name = Required(str) degree = Optional(str) department = Required(Department) subjects = Set(Subject) lessons = Set(Lesson) grades = Set(Grade) class Building(db.Entity): _table_ = 'Buildings' number = PrimaryKey(str) description = Optional(str) classrooms = Set('Classroom') class Classroom(db.Entity): _table_ = 'Classrooms' building = Required(Building) number = Required(str) PrimaryKey(building, number) description = Optional(str) lessons = Set(Lesson) db.bind('sqlite', 'university2.sqlite', create_db=True) #db.bind('mysql', host='localhost', user='pony', passwd='pony', db='university2') #db.bind('postgres', user='pony', password='pony', host='localhost', database='university2') #db.bind('oracle', 'university2/pony@localhost') db.generate_mapping(create_tables=True) sql_debug(True) def test_queries(): # very simple query select(s for s in Student)[:] # one condition select(s for s in Student if s.scholarship > 0)[:] # multiple conditions select(s for s in Student if s.scholarship > 0 and == 4142)[:] # no join here - attribute can be found in table Students select(s for s in Student if == 4142)[:] # automatic join of two tables because grad_year is stored in table Groups select(s for s in Student if == 2011)[:] # still two tables are joined select(s for s in Student if == 44)[:] # automatic join of tree tables select(s for s in Student if == 'Ancient Philosophy')[:] # manual join of tables will produce equivalent query select(s for s in Student for g in Group if == g and == 'Ancient Philosophy')[:] # join two tables by composite foreign key select(c for c in Classroom for l in Lesson if l.classroom == c and == 'Physics')[:] # Lessons will be joined with Buildings directly without Classrooms select(s for s in Subject for l in Lesson if s == l.course.subject and l.classroom.building.description == 'some description')[:] # just another example of join of many tables select(c for c in Course if c.major.department.faculty.number == 4)[:]