/* * Copyright Andrey Semashev 2007 - 2015. * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. * (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at * http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) */ /*! * \file attribute_value_set.cpp * \author Andrey Semashev * \date 19.04.2007 * * \brief This header is the Boost.Log library implementation, see the library documentation * at http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/release/libs/log/doc/html/index.html. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "alignment_gap_between.hpp" #include "attribute_set_impl.hpp" #include "stateless_allocator.hpp" #include namespace boost { BOOST_LOG_OPEN_NAMESPACE BOOST_FORCEINLINE attribute_value_set::node_base::node_base() : m_pPrev(NULL), m_pNext(NULL) { } BOOST_FORCEINLINE attribute_value_set::node::node(key_type const& key, mapped_type& data, bool dynamic) : node_base(), m_Value(key, mapped_type()), m_DynamicallyAllocated(dynamic) { m_Value.second.swap(data); } //! Container implementation struct attribute_value_set::implementation { public: typedef key_type::id_type id_type; private: typedef attribute_set::implementation attribute_set_impl_type; typedef boost::log::aux::stateless_allocator< char > stateless_allocator; //! Node base class traits for the intrusive list struct node_traits { typedef node_base node; typedef node* node_ptr; typedef node const* const_node_ptr; static node* get_next(const node* n) { return n->m_pNext; } static void set_next(node* n, node* next) { n->m_pNext = next; } static node* get_previous(const node* n) { return n->m_pPrev; } static void set_previous(node* n, node* prev) { n->m_pPrev = prev; } }; //! Contained node traits for the intrusive list typedef intrusive::derivation_value_traits< node, node_traits, intrusive::normal_link > value_traits; //! A container that provides iteration through elements of the container typedef intrusive::list< node, intrusive::value_traits< value_traits >, intrusive::constant_time_size< true > > node_list; //! A hash table bucket struct bucket { //! Points to the first element in the bucket node* first; //! Points to the last element in the bucket (not the one after the last!) node* last; bucket() : first(NULL), last(NULL) {} }; //! A list of buckets typedef boost::array< bucket, 1u << BOOST_LOG_HASH_TABLE_SIZE_LOG > buckets; //! Element disposer struct disposer { typedef void result_type; void operator() (node* p) const BOOST_NOEXCEPT { if (!p->m_DynamicallyAllocated) p->~node(); else delete p; } }; private: //! Pointer to the source-specific attributes attribute_set_impl_type* m_pSourceAttributes; //! Pointer to the thread-specific attributes attribute_set_impl_type* m_pThreadAttributes; //! Pointer to the global attributes attribute_set_impl_type* m_pGlobalAttributes; //! The container with elements node_list m_Nodes; //! The pointer to the end of the allocated elements within the storage node* m_pEnd; //! The pointer to the end of storage node* m_pEOS; //! Hash table buckets buckets m_Buckets; private: //! Constructor implementation( node* storage, node* eos, attribute_set_impl_type* source_attrs, attribute_set_impl_type* thread_attrs, attribute_set_impl_type* global_attrs ) : m_pSourceAttributes(source_attrs), m_pThreadAttributes(thread_attrs), m_pGlobalAttributes(global_attrs), m_pEnd(storage), m_pEOS(eos) { } //! Destructor ~implementation() { m_Nodes.clear_and_dispose(disposer()); } //! The function allocates memory and creates the object static implementation* create( size_type element_count, attribute_set_impl_type* source_attrs, attribute_set_impl_type* thread_attrs, attribute_set_impl_type* global_attrs) { // Calculate the buffer size const size_type header_size = sizeof(implementation) + aux::alignment_gap_between< implementation, node >::value; const size_type buffer_size = header_size + element_count * sizeof(node); implementation* p = reinterpret_cast< implementation* >(stateless_allocator().allocate(buffer_size)); node* const storage = reinterpret_cast< node* >(reinterpret_cast< char* >(p) + header_size); new (p) implementation(storage, storage + element_count, source_attrs, thread_attrs, global_attrs); return p; } public: //! The function allocates memory and creates the object static implementation* create( attribute_set const& source_attrs, attribute_set const& thread_attrs, attribute_set const& global_attrs, size_type reserve_count) { return create( source_attrs.m_pImpl->size() + thread_attrs.m_pImpl->size() + global_attrs.m_pImpl->size() + reserve_count, source_attrs.m_pImpl, thread_attrs.m_pImpl, global_attrs.m_pImpl); } //! The function allocates memory and creates the object static implementation* create( attribute_value_set const& source_attrs, attribute_set const& thread_attrs, attribute_set const& global_attrs, size_type reserve_count) { implementation* p = create( source_attrs.m_pImpl->size() + thread_attrs.m_pImpl->size() + global_attrs.m_pImpl->size() + reserve_count, NULL, thread_attrs.m_pImpl, global_attrs.m_pImpl); p->copy_nodes_from(source_attrs.m_pImpl); return p; } //! The function allocates memory and creates the object static implementation* create( BOOST_RV_REF(attribute_value_set) source_attrs, attribute_set const& thread_attrs, attribute_set const& global_attrs, size_type reserve_count) { implementation* p = source_attrs.m_pImpl; source_attrs.m_pImpl = NULL; p->m_pThreadAttributes = thread_attrs.m_pImpl; p->m_pGlobalAttributes = global_attrs.m_pImpl; return p; } //! The function allocates memory and creates the object static implementation* create(size_type reserve_count) { return create(reserve_count, NULL, NULL, NULL); } //! Creates a copy of the object static implementation* copy(implementation* that) { // Create new object implementation* p = create(that->size(), NULL, NULL, NULL); // Copy all elements p->copy_nodes_from(that); return p; } //! Destroys the object and releases the memory static void destroy(implementation* p) { const size_type buffer_size = reinterpret_cast< char* >(p->m_pEOS) - reinterpret_cast< char* >(p); p->~implementation(); stateless_allocator().deallocate(reinterpret_cast< stateless_allocator::pointer >(p), buffer_size); } //! Returns the pointer to the first element node_base* begin() { freeze(); return m_Nodes.begin().pointed_node(); } //! Returns the pointer after the last element node_base* end() { return m_Nodes.end().pointed_node(); } //! Returns the number of elements in the container size_type size() { freeze(); return m_Nodes.size(); } //! Looks for the element with an equivalent key node_base* find(key_type key) { // First try to find an acquired element bucket& b = get_bucket(key.id()); node* p = b.first; if (p) { // The bucket is not empty, search among the elements p = find_in_bucket(key, b); if (p->m_Value.first == key) return p; } // Element not found, try to acquire the value from attribute sets return freeze_node(key, b, p); } //! Freezes all elements of the container void freeze() { if (m_pSourceAttributes) { freeze_nodes_from(m_pSourceAttributes); m_pSourceAttributes = NULL; } if (m_pThreadAttributes) { freeze_nodes_from(m_pThreadAttributes); m_pThreadAttributes = NULL; } if (m_pGlobalAttributes) { freeze_nodes_from(m_pGlobalAttributes); m_pGlobalAttributes = NULL; } } //! Inserts an element std::pair< node*, bool > insert(key_type key, mapped_type const& mapped) { bucket& b = get_bucket(key.id()); node* p = find_in_bucket(key, b); if (!p || p->m_Value.first != key) { p = insert_node(key, b, p, mapped); return std::pair< node*, bool >(p, true); } else { return std::pair< node*, bool >(p, false); } } private: //! The function returns a bucket for the specified element bucket& get_bucket(id_type id) { return m_Buckets[id & (buckets::static_size - 1u)]; } //! Attempts to find an element with the specified key in the bucket node* find_in_bucket(key_type key, bucket const& b) { typedef node_list::node_traits node_traits; typedef node_list::value_traits value_traits; // All elements within the bucket are sorted to speedup the search. node* p = b.first; while (p != b.last && p->m_Value.first.id() < key.id()) { p = value_traits::to_value_ptr(node_traits::get_next(p)); } return p; } //! Acquires the attribute value from the attribute sets node_base* freeze_node(key_type key, bucket& b, node* where) { attribute_set::iterator it; if (m_pSourceAttributes) { it = m_pSourceAttributes->find(key); if (it != m_pSourceAttributes->end()) { // The attribute is found, acquiring the value return insert_node(key, b, where, it->second.get_value()); } } if (m_pThreadAttributes) { it = m_pThreadAttributes->find(key); if (it != m_pThreadAttributes->end()) { // The attribute is found, acquiring the value return insert_node(key, b, where, it->second.get_value()); } } if (m_pGlobalAttributes) { it = m_pGlobalAttributes->find(key); if (it != m_pGlobalAttributes->end()) { // The attribute is found, acquiring the value return insert_node(key, b, where, it->second.get_value()); } } // The attribute is not found return m_Nodes.end().pointed_node(); } //! The function inserts a node into the container node* insert_node(key_type key, bucket& b, node* where, mapped_type data) { node* p; if (m_pEnd != m_pEOS) { p = m_pEnd++; new (p) node(key, data, false); } else { p = new node(key, data, true); } node_list::iterator it; if (b.first == NULL) { // The bucket is empty b.first = b.last = p; it = m_Nodes.end(); } else if (where == b.last && key.id() > where->m_Value.first.id()) { // The new element should become the last element of the bucket it = m_Nodes.iterator_to(*where); ++it; b.last = p; } else if (where == b.first) { // The new element should become the first element of the bucket it = m_Nodes.iterator_to(*where); b.first = p; } else { // The new element should be within the bucket it = m_Nodes.iterator_to(*where); } m_Nodes.insert(it, *p); return p; } //! Acquires attribute values from the set of attributes void freeze_nodes_from(attribute_set_impl_type* attrs) { attribute_set::const_iterator it = attrs->begin(), end = attrs->end(); for (; it != end; ++it) { key_type key = it->first; bucket& b = get_bucket(key.id()); node* p = b.first; if (p) { p = find_in_bucket(key, b); if (p->m_Value.first == key) continue; // the element is already frozen } insert_node(key, b, p, it->second.get_value()); } } //! Copies nodes of the container void copy_nodes_from(implementation* from) { // Copy all elements node_list::iterator it = from->m_Nodes.begin(), end = from->m_Nodes.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) { node* n = m_pEnd++; mapped_type data = it->m_Value.second; new (n) node(it->m_Value.first, data, false); m_Nodes.push_back(*n); // Since nodes within buckets are ordered, we can simply append the node to the end of the bucket bucket& b = get_bucket(n->m_Value.first.id()); if (b.first == NULL) b.first = b.last = n; else b.last = n; } } }; //! The constructor creates an empty set BOOST_LOG_API attribute_value_set::attribute_value_set( size_type reserve_count ) : m_pImpl(implementation::create(reserve_count)) { } //! The constructor adopts three attribute sets to the set BOOST_LOG_API attribute_value_set::attribute_value_set( attribute_set const& source_attrs, attribute_set const& thread_attrs, attribute_set const& global_attrs, size_type reserve_count ) : m_pImpl(implementation::create(source_attrs, thread_attrs, global_attrs, reserve_count)) { } //! The constructor adopts three attribute sets to the set BOOST_LOG_API attribute_value_set::attribute_value_set( attribute_value_set const& source_attrs, attribute_set const& thread_attrs, attribute_set const& global_attrs, size_type reserve_count ) : m_pImpl(implementation::create(source_attrs, thread_attrs, global_attrs, reserve_count)) { } //! The constructor adopts three attribute sets to the set BOOST_LOG_API void attribute_value_set::construct( attribute_value_set& source_attrs, attribute_set const& thread_attrs, attribute_set const& global_attrs, size_type reserve_count ) { m_pImpl = implementation::create(boost::move(source_attrs), thread_attrs, global_attrs, reserve_count); } //! Copy constructor BOOST_LOG_API attribute_value_set::attribute_value_set(attribute_value_set const& that) { if (that.m_pImpl) m_pImpl = implementation::copy(that.m_pImpl); else m_pImpl = NULL; } //! Destructor BOOST_LOG_API attribute_value_set::~attribute_value_set() BOOST_NOEXCEPT { if (m_pImpl) { implementation::destroy(m_pImpl); m_pImpl = NULL; } } // Iterator generators BOOST_LOG_API attribute_value_set::const_iterator attribute_value_set::begin() const { return const_iterator(m_pImpl->begin(), const_cast< attribute_value_set* >(this)); } BOOST_LOG_API attribute_value_set::const_iterator attribute_value_set::end() const { return const_iterator(m_pImpl->end(), const_cast< attribute_value_set* >(this)); } //! The method returns number of elements in the container BOOST_LOG_API attribute_value_set::size_type attribute_value_set::size() const { return m_pImpl->size(); } //! Internal lookup implementation BOOST_LOG_API attribute_value_set::const_iterator attribute_value_set::find(key_type key) const { return const_iterator(m_pImpl->find(key), const_cast< attribute_value_set* >(this)); } //! The method acquires values of all adopted attributes. Users don't need to call it, since will always get an already frozen set. BOOST_LOG_API void attribute_value_set::freeze() { m_pImpl->freeze(); } //! Inserts an element into the set BOOST_LOG_API std::pair< attribute_value_set::const_iterator, bool > attribute_value_set::insert(key_type key, mapped_type const& mapped) { std::pair< node*, bool > res = m_pImpl->insert(key, mapped); return std::pair< const_iterator, bool >(const_iterator(res.first, this), res.second); } BOOST_LOG_CLOSE_NAMESPACE // namespace log } // namespace boost #include