!http://myitcrm.com/images/logo.png(MyITCRM)!:http://myitcrm.com h3. Requirements: - "MyITCRM Installation Requirements":http://wiki.myitcrm.com/MyIT_CRM_1_(PHP)/10_Installation/1_Requirements h1. What is MtyITCRM? "MyITCRM":http://myitcrm.com - Free and Opensource CRM Software. "MyITCRM":http://myitcrm.com is designed for the needs of the Service and Repairs Business Industry. "MyITCRM":http://myitcrm.com provides your business the tools to maintain and track your customers information and work orders, payments made, invoicing, employees and jobs. Whilst "MyITCRM":http://myitcrm.com was originally designed for the Computer Repairs Industry, it can easily be used for any type of repiars related business * Electrical Device Repairs and Servicing; * Small/Large Plant Maintenance and Servicing; * Motorcycles, Cars, Lawn Equipment Servicing and Repairs. We also strong community input via the "forum.":http://myitcrm.com/forum/ With new features and bugs being actively reported and resolved. It’s also a great way to get personal involvement from all our end users to help build on this software. Some of "MyITCRM's":http://myitcrm.com Features: * Customer details including Google maps directions ; * Work Order (Jobs/Tasks) Management ; * Work Order scheduling via calendar per employee ; * Billing and Invoicing ; * Accept payments via Credit Cards via either Paymate, Paypal , Cheques, Cash or Gift Certificates ; and much more! So now give the "demo":http://demo.myitcrm.com a try or download your free copy and start optimizing your business with this easy to use and feature packed CRM Program.