REM This script installs R-devel from SVN trunk on Windows. REM REM This script assumes you have 'wget' on your path, as it REM is used to download. You can find a binary here: REM REM REM REM We use SVN to checkout R trunk from SVN. REM If you need a Windows SVN client, you can download SlikSVN here: REM REM REM REM Be sure to place the installed binary directory on your PATH. REM REM If you modify the configuration below, be sure to use REM a directory _within the %USERPROFILE%; ie, your user REM directory; otherwise you will almost certainly run into REM very bizarre permission issues on build. REM --------------------------------- REM - BEGIN CONFIGURATION VARIABLES - REM --------------------------------- REM Set to 32 for a 32bit build. REM TODO Build both in one go. SET "WIN=64" IF NOT DEFINED WGET ( where /q wget && ( SET "WGET=wget" ) || ( where /q wget && ( SET "WGET=wget64" ) ) ) IF NOT DEFINED SVN ( SET "SVN=svn" ) IF NOT DEFINED ROOT_DIR ( SET "ROOT_DIR=%USERPROFILE%\R-src" ) if NOT DEFINED RTOOLS_DIR ( SET "RTOOLS_DIR=C:\Rtools" ) IF NOT DEFINED RTOOLS_BIN_DIR ( SET "RTOOLS_BIN_DIR=C:\Rtools\bin" ) IF NOT DEFINED TMPDIR ( SET "TMPDIR=%USERPROFILE%\tmp" ) REM ------------------------------- REM - END CONFIGURATION VARIABLES - REM ------------------------------- REM Set some variables both for cleanup + download of REM required tools. SET "OLDDIR=%CD%" SET "CRAN=" SET "RTOOLS_VERSION=33" SET "R_HOME=%ROOT_DIR%\trunk" REM Ensure that some essential tools are on the PATH. where /Q %WGET% || ( ECHO wget [%WGET%] not found on PATH; exiting exit /b ) where /Q %SVN% || ( ECHO svn [%SVN%] not found on PATH; exiting exit /b ) REM Set the current directory. if not exist "%ROOT_DIR%" ( mkdir "%ROOT_DIR%" ) cd "%ROOT_DIR%" SET "OLDPATH=%PATH%" REM URI to RTools.exe SET "RTOOLS_URL=%CRAN%/bin/windows/Rtools/Rtools%RTOOLS_VERSION%.exe" REM URI to updated toolchains. REM TODO Remove this once Rtools stabilized. SET "TOOLCHAIN_BASE=" SET "TOOLCHAIN_32BIT=%TOOLCHAIN_BASE%/mingw32mingw32_gcc-4.9.2.toolchain.tar.gz" SET "TOOLCHAIN_64BIT=%TOOLCHAIN_BASE%/mingw32mingw64_gcc-4.9.2.toolchain.tar.gz" REM Download Rtools, and the updated toolchains. REM TODO: Downloading the upgraded toolchains will not be necessary REM once RTOOLS has been fully stabilized. wget -c %RTOOLS_URL% wget -c %TOOLCHAIN_32BIT% wget -c %TOOLCHAIN_64BIT% REM Install Rtools. SET "RTOOLS_INSTALLER=.\Rtools%RTOOLS_VERSION%.exe" "%RTOOLS_INSTALLER%" /VERYSILENT REM Put Rtools on the path. SET "PATH=%RTOOLS_BIN_DIR%;%PATH%" REM Overwrite the toolchain paths with our own. rmdir /S /Q %RTOOLS_DIR%\gcc492_32 rmdir /S /Q %RTOOLS_DIR%\gcc492_64 REM Untar the downloaded toolchains and move them. tar -zxvf mingw32mingw32_gcc-4.9.2.toolchain.tar.gz move mingw32 %RTOOLS_DIR%\gcc492_32 tar -zxvf mingw32mingw64_gcc-4.9.2.toolchain.tar.gz move mingw64 %RTOOLS_DIR%\gcc492_64 REM Download the R sources. Get the latest R-devel sources using SVN. svn checkout cd trunk REM Copy in the 'extras' for a 64bit build. This includes tcltk REM plus some other libraries. Note that the R64 directory should REM have been populated by the RTools installation. REM xcopy /E /Y C:\R %R_HOME%\trunk\ rmdir /S /Q %R_HOME%\Tcl xcopy /E /Y C:\R64 %R_HOME%\ REM Ensure the temporary directory exists. if not exist "%TMPDIR%" ( mkdir "%TMPDIR%" ) REM Create the binary directories that will eventually REM be populated ourselves, rather than letting the REM bundled cygwin toolkit do it. The RTools 'mkdir' REM apparently can build directories without read REM permissions, which will cause any attempt to link REM to DLLs within those folders to fail. rmdir /S /Q bin mkdir bin\i386 mkdir bin\x64 REM Move into the root directory for 'Windows' builds. cd src\gnuwin32 REM Since we're building from source, we need to get Recommended packages. make rsync-recommended REM Download external software -- libpng, libgsl, and so on. make rsync-extsoft REM Look at MkRules.dist and if settings need to be altered, copy it to REM MkRules.local and edit the settings there. if exist MkRules.local ( rm MkRules.local ) cp MkRules.dist MkRules.local REM Don't use MIKTEX. sed -i 's/^MIKTEX = TRUE//g' MkRules.local REM Ensure that the make rules are properly set -- need to REM point to 'extsoft'. sed -i 's/^# LOCAL_SOFT/LOCAL_SOFT/g' MkRules.local sed -i 's/^# EXT_LIBS/EXT_LIBS/g' MkRules.local REM Attempt to fix up permissions before the build. cacls %R_HOME% /T /E /G BUILTIN\Users:R > NUL cacls %TMPDIR% /T /E /G BUILTIN\Users:R > NUL REM Make it! REM For this part, we ensure only Rtools is on the PATH. This REM is important as if the wrong command line utilites are picked REM up things can fail for strange reason. In particular, we REM _must_ use the Rtools 'sort', _not_ the Windows 'sort', or REM else we will get strange errors from 'comm' when attempting REM to compare sorted files. Probably just placing Rtools first REM on the PATH is sufficient, but this is fine too. SET "PATH=C:\Rtools\bin" make distclean REM Now we should be able to build R + recommended packages. make WIN=%WIN% all recommended REM Clean up. SET "PATH=%OLDPATH%" cd %OLDDIR%