/** * Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0. */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Aws { namespace CloudFormation { namespace Model { /** */ class AWS_CLOUDFORMATION_API ListStackSetsRequest : public CloudFormationRequest { public: ListStackSetsRequest(); // Service request name is the Operation name which will send this request out, // each operation should has unique request name, so that we can get operation's name from this request. // Note: this is not true for response, multiple operations may have the same response name, // so we can not get operation's name from response. inline virtual const char* GetServiceRequestName() const override { return "ListStackSets"; } Aws::String SerializePayload() const override; protected: void DumpBodyToUrl(Aws::Http::URI& uri ) const override; public: /** *

If the previous paginated request didn't return all of the remaining results, * the response object's NextToken parameter value is set to a token. * To retrieve the next set of results, call ListStackSets again and * assign that token to the request object's NextToken parameter. If * there are no remaining results, the previous response object's * NextToken parameter is set to null.

*/ inline const Aws::String& GetNextToken() const{ return m_nextToken; } /** *

If the previous paginated request didn't return all of the remaining results, * the response object's NextToken parameter value is set to a token. * To retrieve the next set of results, call ListStackSets again and * assign that token to the request object's NextToken parameter. If * there are no remaining results, the previous response object's * NextToken parameter is set to null.

*/ inline bool NextTokenHasBeenSet() const { return m_nextTokenHasBeenSet; } /** *

If the previous paginated request didn't return all of the remaining results, * the response object's NextToken parameter value is set to a token. * To retrieve the next set of results, call ListStackSets again and * assign that token to the request object's NextToken parameter. If * there are no remaining results, the previous response object's * NextToken parameter is set to null.

*/ inline void SetNextToken(const Aws::String& value) { m_nextTokenHasBeenSet = true; m_nextToken = value; } /** *

If the previous paginated request didn't return all of the remaining results, * the response object's NextToken parameter value is set to a token. * To retrieve the next set of results, call ListStackSets again and * assign that token to the request object's NextToken parameter. If * there are no remaining results, the previous response object's * NextToken parameter is set to null.

*/ inline void SetNextToken(Aws::String&& value) { m_nextTokenHasBeenSet = true; m_nextToken = std::move(value); } /** *

If the previous paginated request didn't return all of the remaining results, * the response object's NextToken parameter value is set to a token. * To retrieve the next set of results, call ListStackSets again and * assign that token to the request object's NextToken parameter. If * there are no remaining results, the previous response object's * NextToken parameter is set to null.

*/ inline void SetNextToken(const char* value) { m_nextTokenHasBeenSet = true; m_nextToken.assign(value); } /** *

If the previous paginated request didn't return all of the remaining results, * the response object's NextToken parameter value is set to a token. * To retrieve the next set of results, call ListStackSets again and * assign that token to the request object's NextToken parameter. If * there are no remaining results, the previous response object's * NextToken parameter is set to null.

*/ inline ListStackSetsRequest& WithNextToken(const Aws::String& value) { SetNextToken(value); return *this;} /** *

If the previous paginated request didn't return all of the remaining results, * the response object's NextToken parameter value is set to a token. * To retrieve the next set of results, call ListStackSets again and * assign that token to the request object's NextToken parameter. If * there are no remaining results, the previous response object's * NextToken parameter is set to null.

*/ inline ListStackSetsRequest& WithNextToken(Aws::String&& value) { SetNextToken(std::move(value)); return *this;} /** *

If the previous paginated request didn't return all of the remaining results, * the response object's NextToken parameter value is set to a token. * To retrieve the next set of results, call ListStackSets again and * assign that token to the request object's NextToken parameter. If * there are no remaining results, the previous response object's * NextToken parameter is set to null.

*/ inline ListStackSetsRequest& WithNextToken(const char* value) { SetNextToken(value); return *this;} /** *

The maximum number of results to be returned with a single call. If the * number of available results exceeds this maximum, the response includes a * NextToken value that you can assign to the NextToken * request parameter to get the next set of results.

*/ inline int GetMaxResults() const{ return m_maxResults; } /** *

The maximum number of results to be returned with a single call. If the * number of available results exceeds this maximum, the response includes a * NextToken value that you can assign to the NextToken * request parameter to get the next set of results.

*/ inline bool MaxResultsHasBeenSet() const { return m_maxResultsHasBeenSet; } /** *

The maximum number of results to be returned with a single call. If the * number of available results exceeds this maximum, the response includes a * NextToken value that you can assign to the NextToken * request parameter to get the next set of results.

*/ inline void SetMaxResults(int value) { m_maxResultsHasBeenSet = true; m_maxResults = value; } /** *

The maximum number of results to be returned with a single call. If the * number of available results exceeds this maximum, the response includes a * NextToken value that you can assign to the NextToken * request parameter to get the next set of results.

*/ inline ListStackSetsRequest& WithMaxResults(int value) { SetMaxResults(value); return *this;} /** *

The status of the stack sets that you want to get summary information * about.

*/ inline const StackSetStatus& GetStatus() const{ return m_status; } /** *

The status of the stack sets that you want to get summary information * about.

*/ inline bool StatusHasBeenSet() const { return m_statusHasBeenSet; } /** *

The status of the stack sets that you want to get summary information * about.

*/ inline void SetStatus(const StackSetStatus& value) { m_statusHasBeenSet = true; m_status = value; } /** *

The status of the stack sets that you want to get summary information * about.

*/ inline void SetStatus(StackSetStatus&& value) { m_statusHasBeenSet = true; m_status = std::move(value); } /** *

The status of the stack sets that you want to get summary information * about.

*/ inline ListStackSetsRequest& WithStatus(const StackSetStatus& value) { SetStatus(value); return *this;} /** *

The status of the stack sets that you want to get summary information * about.

*/ inline ListStackSetsRequest& WithStatus(StackSetStatus&& value) { SetStatus(std::move(value)); return *this;} /** *

[Service-managed permissions] Specifies whether you are acting as an account * administrator in the management account or as a delegated administrator in a * member account.

By default, SELF is specified. Use * SELF for stack sets with self-managed permissions.

  • *

    If you are signed in to the management account, specify * SELF.

  • If you are signed in to a delegated * administrator account, specify DELEGATED_ADMIN.

    Your Amazon * Web Services account must be registered as a delegated administrator in the * management account. For more information, see Register * a delegated administrator in the CloudFormation User Guide.

  • *
*/ inline const CallAs& GetCallAs() const{ return m_callAs; } /** *

[Service-managed permissions] Specifies whether you are acting as an account * administrator in the management account or as a delegated administrator in a * member account.

By default, SELF is specified. Use * SELF for stack sets with self-managed permissions.

  • *

    If you are signed in to the management account, specify * SELF.

  • If you are signed in to a delegated * administrator account, specify DELEGATED_ADMIN.

    Your Amazon * Web Services account must be registered as a delegated administrator in the * management account. For more information, see Register * a delegated administrator in the CloudFormation User Guide.

  • *
*/ inline bool CallAsHasBeenSet() const { return m_callAsHasBeenSet; } /** *

[Service-managed permissions] Specifies whether you are acting as an account * administrator in the management account or as a delegated administrator in a * member account.

By default, SELF is specified. Use * SELF for stack sets with self-managed permissions.

  • *

    If you are signed in to the management account, specify * SELF.

  • If you are signed in to a delegated * administrator account, specify DELEGATED_ADMIN.

    Your Amazon * Web Services account must be registered as a delegated administrator in the * management account. For more information, see Register * a delegated administrator in the CloudFormation User Guide.

  • *
*/ inline void SetCallAs(const CallAs& value) { m_callAsHasBeenSet = true; m_callAs = value; } /** *

[Service-managed permissions] Specifies whether you are acting as an account * administrator in the management account or as a delegated administrator in a * member account.

By default, SELF is specified. Use * SELF for stack sets with self-managed permissions.

  • *

    If you are signed in to the management account, specify * SELF.

  • If you are signed in to a delegated * administrator account, specify DELEGATED_ADMIN.

    Your Amazon * Web Services account must be registered as a delegated administrator in the * management account. For more information, see Register * a delegated administrator in the CloudFormation User Guide.

  • *
*/ inline void SetCallAs(CallAs&& value) { m_callAsHasBeenSet = true; m_callAs = std::move(value); } /** *

[Service-managed permissions] Specifies whether you are acting as an account * administrator in the management account or as a delegated administrator in a * member account.

By default, SELF is specified. Use * SELF for stack sets with self-managed permissions.

  • *

    If you are signed in to the management account, specify * SELF.

  • If you are signed in to a delegated * administrator account, specify DELEGATED_ADMIN.

    Your Amazon * Web Services account must be registered as a delegated administrator in the * management account. For more information, see Register * a delegated administrator in the CloudFormation User Guide.

  • *
*/ inline ListStackSetsRequest& WithCallAs(const CallAs& value) { SetCallAs(value); return *this;} /** *

[Service-managed permissions] Specifies whether you are acting as an account * administrator in the management account or as a delegated administrator in a * member account.

By default, SELF is specified. Use * SELF for stack sets with self-managed permissions.

  • *

    If you are signed in to the management account, specify * SELF.

  • If you are signed in to a delegated * administrator account, specify DELEGATED_ADMIN.

    Your Amazon * Web Services account must be registered as a delegated administrator in the * management account. For more information, see Register * a delegated administrator in the CloudFormation User Guide.

  • *
*/ inline ListStackSetsRequest& WithCallAs(CallAs&& value) { SetCallAs(std::move(value)); return *this;} private: Aws::String m_nextToken; bool m_nextTokenHasBeenSet; int m_maxResults; bool m_maxResultsHasBeenSet; StackSetStatus m_status; bool m_statusHasBeenSet; CallAs m_callAs; bool m_callAsHasBeenSet; }; } // namespace Model } // namespace CloudFormation } // namespace Aws