+++ title = "`bool operator!=(const success_type &) const`" description = "Returns true if this outcome does not compare equal to the success type sugar. Constexpr and noexcept propagating." categories = ["comparisons"] weight = 850 +++ Returns true if this outcome is not successful or its value does not compares equal to the value in the success type sugar. Comparison is done using `operator!=` on `value_type` and `A`. If `A` is `void`, this call aliases {{% api "bool has_error() const noexcept" %}}. *Requires*: `operator!=` must be a valid expression between `value_type` and `A`, or `A` is `void`. If `value_type` is `void`, then so must be `A`. *Complexity*: Whatever the underlying `operator!=` has. Constexpr and noexcept of underlying operations is propagated. *Guarantees*: None.