#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf8 -*- # $Id: rst2pdf.py 5560 2008-05-20 13:00:31Z milde $ # rst2pdf.py # ========== # :: """ A front end to the Docutils Publisher, producing PDF. Produces a latex file with the "latex" writer and converts it to PDF with the "rubber" building system for LaTeX documents. """ # ``rst2pdf.py`` is a PDF front-end for docutils that is compatible # with the ``rst2*.py`` front ends of the docutils_ suite. # It enables the generation of PDF documents from a reStructuredText source in # one step. # # It is implemented as a combination of docutils' ``rst2latex.py`` # by David Goodger and rubber_ by Emmanuel Beffara. # # Copyright: © 2008 Günter Milde # Licensed under the `Apache License, Version 2.0`_ # Provided WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND # # Changelog # --------- # # ===== ========== ======================================================= # 0.1 2008-05-20 first attempt # ===== ========== ======================================================= # # :: _version = 0.1 # Imports # ======= # :: #from pprint import pprint # for debugging import os # Docutils:: try: import locale locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') except: pass from docutils.core import default_usage, default_description, Publisher # Rubber (rubber is not installed in the PYTHONPATH):: import sys sys.path.append("/usr/share/rubber") try: import rubber.cmdline import rubber.cmd_pipe except ImportError: print("Cannot find the rubber modules, rubber not installed correctly.") sys.exit(1) # Generate the latex file # ======================= # # We need to replace the by a intermediate latex file path. # The most reliable way to get the value of is to # call the Publisher "by hand", and query its settings. # # Modeled on the publish_cmdline() function of docutils.core # # Default values:: reader = None reader_name = 'standalone' parser = None parser_name = 'restructuredtext' writer = None writer_name = 'pseudoxml' settings = None settings_spec = None settings_overrides = None config_section = None enable_exit_status = 1 argv = None usage = default_usage description = default_description # Argument values given to publish_cmdline() in rst2latex.py:: description = ('Generates PDF documents from standalone reStructuredText ' 'sources using the "latex" Writer and the "rubber" ' 'building system for LaTeX documents. ' + default_description) writer_name = 'latex' # Set up the publisher:: pub = Publisher(reader, parser, writer, settings=settings) pub.set_components(reader_name, parser_name, writer_name) # Parse the command line args # (Publisher.publish does this in a try statement):: pub.process_command_line(argv, usage, description, settings_spec, config_section, **(settings_overrides or {})) # pprint(pub.settings.__dict__) # Get source and destination path:: source = pub.settings._source destination = pub.settings._destination # print source, destination # Generate names for the temporary files and set ``destination`` to temporary # latex file: # # make_name() from rubber.cmd_pipe checks that no existing file is # overwritten. If we are going to support rubbers ``--inplace`` and ``--into`` # options, the chdir() must occure before this point to have the check in the # right directory. :: tmppath = rubber.cmd_pipe.make_name() texpath = tmppath + ".tex" pdfpath = tmppath + ".pdf" pub.settings._destination = texpath # Now do the rst -> latex conversion:: pub.publish(argv, usage, description, settings_spec, settings_overrides, config_section=config_section, enable_exit_status=enable_exit_status) # Generating the PDF document with rubber # ======================================= # # # rubber_ has no documentet API for programmatic use. We simualate a command # line call and pass command line arguments (see man: rubber-pipe) in an array:: rubber_argv = ["--pdf", # use pdflatex to produce PDF "--short", # Display LaTeX’s error messages one error per line. texpath ] # Get a TeX processing class instance and do the latex->pdf conversion:: tex_processor = rubber.cmdline.Main() tex_processor(rubber_argv) # Rename output to _destination or print to stdout:: if destination is None: with open(pdfpath) as pdffile: print(pdffile.read()) else: os.rename(pdfpath, destination) # Clean up (remove intermediate files) # # :: tex_processor(["--clean"] + rubber_argv) os.remove(texpath) # .. References # # .. _docutils: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/ # .. _rubber: http://www.pps.jussieu.fr/~beffara/soft/rubber/ # .. _Apache License, Version 2.0: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 #