# Cargo C-ABI helpers [![LICENSE](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg)](LICENSE) [![Crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/cargo-c.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/cargo-c) [![Build Status](https://github.com/lu-zero/cargo-c/workflows/Rust/badge.svg)](https://github.com/lu-zero/cargo-c/actions?query=workflow:Rust) [![cargo-c chat](https://img.shields.io/badge/zulip-join_chat-brightgreen.svg)](https://rust-av.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/254255-cargo-c) [cargo](https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo) applet to build and install C-ABI compatible dynamic and static libraries. It produces and installs a correct [pkg-config](https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/pkg-config/) file, a static library and a dynamic library, and a C header to be used by any C (and C-compatible) software. ## Installation **cargo-c** may be installed from [crates.io](https://crates.io/crates/cargo-c). ``` sh cargo install cargo-c ``` You must have the **cargo** build [requirements](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo#compiling-from-source) satisfied in order to build **cargo-c**: * `git` * `pkg-config` (on Unix, used to figure out the host-provided headers/libraries) * `curl` (on Unix) * OpenSSL headers (only for Unix, this is the `libssl-dev` package on deb-based distributions) You may pass `--features=vendored-openssl` if you have problems building openssl-sys using the host-provided OpenSSL. ``` sh cargo install cargo-c --features=vendored-openssl ``` ## Usage ``` sh # build the library, create the .h header, create the .pc file $ cargo cbuild --destdir=${D} --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64 ``` ``` sh # build the library, create the .h header, create the .pc file, build and run the tests $ cargo ctest ``` ``` sh # build the library, create the .h header, create the .pc file and install all of it $ cargo cinstall --destdir=${D} --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64 ``` For a more in-depth explanation of how `cargo-c` works and how to use it for your crates, read [Building Crates so they Look Like C ABI Libraries][dev.to]. ### The TL;DR: - [Create][diff-1] a `capi.rs` with the C-API you want to expose and use ~~`#[cfg(cargo_c)]`~~`#[cfg(feature="capi")]` to hide it when you build a normal rust library. - [Make sure][diff-2] you have a lib target and if you are using a workspace the first member is the crate you want to export, that means that you might have [to add a "." member at the start of the list][diff-3]. - ~~Since Rust 1.38, also add "staticlib" to the "lib" `crate-type`.~~ Do not specify the `crate-type`, cargo-c will add the correct library target by itself. - You may use the feature `capi` to add C-API-specific optional dependencies. > **NOTE**: It must be always present in `Cargo.toml` - Remember to [add][diff-4] a [`cbindgen.toml`][cbindgen-toml] and fill it with at least the include guard and probably you want to set the language to C (it defaults to C++) - Once you are happy with the result update your documentation to tell the user to install `cargo-c` and do `cargo cinstall --prefix=/usr --destdir=/tmp/some-place` or something along those lines. [diff-1]: https://github.com/RustAudio/lewton/pull/50/commits/557cb4ce35beedf6d6bfaa481f29936094a71669 [diff-2]: https://github.com/RustAudio/lewton/pull/50/commits/e7ea8fff6423213d1892e86d51c0c499d8904dc1 [diff-3]: https://github.com/xiph/rav1e/pull/1381/commits/7d558125f42f4b503bcdcda5a82765da76a227e0#diff-80398c5faae3c069e4e6aa2ed11b28c0R94 [diff-4]: https://github.com/RustAudio/lewton/pull/51/files [cbindgen-toml]: https://github.com/eqrion/cbindgen/blob/master/docs.md#cbindgentoml ## Advanced You may override various aspects of `cargo-c` via settings in `Cargo.toml` under the `package.metadata.capi` key ```toml [package.metadata.capi] # Configures the minimum required cargo-c version. Trying to run with an # older version causes an error. min_version = "0.6.10" ``` ### Header Generation ```toml [package.metadata.capi.header] # Used as header file name. By default this is equal to the crate name. # The name can be with or without the header filename extension `.h` name = "new_name" # Install the header into a subdirectory with the name of the crate. This # is enabled by default, pass `false` or "" to disable it. subdirectory = "libfoo-2.0/foo" # Generate the header file with `cbindgen`, or copy a pre-generated header # from the `assets` subdirectory. By default a header is generated. generation = true # Can be use to disable header generation completely. # This can be used when generating dynamic modules instead of an actual library. enabled = true ``` ### `pkg-config` File Generation ```toml [package.metadata.capi.pkg_config] # Used as the package name in the pkg-config file and defaults to the crate name. name = "libfoo" # Used as the pkg-config file name and defaults to the crate name. filename = "libfoo-2.0" # Used as the package description in the pkg-config file and defaults to the crate description. description = "some description" # Used as the package version in the pkg-config file and defaults to the crate version. version = "1.2.3" # Used as the Requires field in the pkg-config file, if defined requires = "gstreamer-1.0, gstreamer-base-1.0" # Used as the Requires.private field in the pkg-config file, if defined requires_private = "gobject-2.0, glib-2.0 >= 2.56.0, gmodule-2.0" # Strip the include search path from the last n components, useful to support installing in a # subdirectory but then include with the path. By default it is 0. strip_include_path_components = 1 ``` ### Library Generation ```toml [package.metadata.capi.library] # Used as the library name and defaults to the crate name. This might get # prefixed with `lib` depending on the target platform. name = "new_name" # Used as library version and defaults to the crate version. How this is used # depends on the target platform. version = "1.2.3" # Used to install the library to a subdirectory of `libdir`. install_subdir = "gstreamer-1.0" # Used to disable versioning links when installing the dynamic library versioning = false # Add `-Cpanic=abort` to the RUSTFLAGS automatically, it may be useful in case # something might panic in the crates used by the library. rustflags = "-Cpanic=abort" ``` ### Custom data install ```toml [package.metadata.capi.install.data] # Used to install the data to a subdirectory of `datadir`. By default it is the same as `name` subdirectory = "foodata" # Copy the pre-generated data files found in {root_dir}/{from} to {datadir}/{to}/{matched subdirs} # If {from} is a single path instead of a glob, the destination is {datapath}/{to}. # datapath is {datadir}/{subdirectory} assets = [{from="pattern/with/or/without/**/*", to="destination"}] # Copy the pre-generated data files found in {OUT_DIR}/{from} to {includedir}/{to}/{matched subdirs} # If {from} is a single path instead of a glob, the destination is {datapath}/{to}. # datapath is {datadir}/{subdirectory} generated = [{from="pattern/with/or/without/**/*", to="destination"] [package.metadata.capi.install.include] # Copy the pre-generated includes found in {root_dir}/{from} to {includedir}/{to}/{matched subdirs} # If {from} is a single path instead of a glob, the destination is {includepath}/{to}. # includepath is {includedir}/{header.subdirectory} assets = [{from="pattern/with/or/without/**/*", to="destination"}] # Copy the pre-generated includes found in {OUT_DIR}/{from} to {includedir}/{to}/{matched subdirs} # If {from} is a single path instead of a glob, the destination is {includedpath}/{to}. # includepath is {includedir}/{header.subdirectory} generated = [{from="pattern/with/or/without/**/*", to="destination"] ``` ### Notes Do **not** pass `RUSTFLAGS` that are managed by cargo through other means, (e.g. the flags driven by `[profiles]` or the flags driven by `[target.<>]`), cargo-c effectively builds as if the *target* is always explicitly passed. ## Users - [gcode-rs](https://github.com/Michael-F-Bryan/gcode-rs) - [lewton](https://github.com/RustAudio/lewton) - [rav1e](https://github.com/xiph/rav1e) - [sled](https://github.com/spacejam/sled/tree/master/bindings/sled-native) - [pathfinder](https://github.com/servo/pathfinder#c) ## Status - [x] cli - [x] build command - [x] install command - [x] test command - [x] cargo applet support - [x] build targets - [x] pkg-config generation - [x] header generation (cbindgen integration) - [x] `staticlib` support - [x] `cdylib` support - [x] Generate version information in the header - [ ] Make it tunable - [x] Extra Cargo.toml keys - [x] Better status reporting [dev.to]: https://dev.to/luzero/building-crates-so-they-look-like-c-abi-libraries-1ibn [using]: https://dev.to/luzero/building-crates-so-they-look-like-c-abi-libraries-1ibn#using-cargoc ## Acknowledgements This software has been partially developed in the scope of the H2020 project SIFIS-Home with GA n. 952652.