use anyhow::anyhow; use cargo::core::{features, CliUnstable}; use cargo::{self, drop_print, drop_println, CliResult, Config}; use clap::{AppSettings, Arg, ArgMatches}; use itertools::Itertools; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fmt::Write; use super::commands; use super::list_commands; use crate::command_prelude::*; use cargo::core::features::HIDDEN; lazy_static::lazy_static! { // Maps from commonly known external commands (not builtin to cargo) to their // description, for the help page. Reserved for external subcommands that are // core within the rust ecosystem (esp ones that might become internal in the future). static ref KNOWN_EXTERNAL_COMMAND_DESCRIPTIONS: HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> = vec![ ("clippy", "Checks a package to catch common mistakes and improve your Rust code."), ("fmt", "Formats all bin and lib files of the current crate using rustfmt."), ].into_iter().collect(); } pub fn main(config: &mut Config) -> CliResult { // CAUTION: Be careful with using `config` until it is configured below. // In general, try to avoid loading config values unless necessary (like // the [alias] table). if commands::help::handle_embedded_help(config) { return Ok(()); } let args = match cli().get_matches_safe() { Ok(args) => args, Err(e) => { if e.kind == clap::ErrorKind::UnrecognizedSubcommand { // An unrecognized subcommand might be an external subcommand. let cmd = &[0].to_owned(); return super::execute_external_subcommand(config, cmd, &[cmd, "--help"]) .map_err(|_| e.into()); } else { return Err(e.into()); } } }; // Global args need to be extracted before expanding aliases because the // clap code for extracting a subcommand discards global options // (appearing before the subcommand). let (expanded_args, global_args) = expand_aliases(config, args, vec![])?; if expanded_args.value_of("unstable-features") == Some("help") { let options = CliUnstable::help(); let non_hidden_options: Vec<(String, String)> = options .iter() .filter(|(_, help_message)| *help_message != HIDDEN) .map(|(name, help)| (name.to_string(), help.to_string())) .collect(); let longest_option = non_hidden_options .iter() .map(|(option_name, _)| option_name.len()) .max() .unwrap_or(0); let help_lines: Vec = non_hidden_options .iter() .map(|(option_name, option_help_message)| { let option_name_kebab_case = option_name.replace("_", "-"); let padding = " ".repeat(longest_option - option_name.len()); // safe to substract format!( " -Z {}{} -- {}", option_name_kebab_case, padding, option_help_message ) }) .collect(); let joined = help_lines.join("\n"); drop_println!( config, " Available unstable (nightly-only) flags: {} Run with 'cargo -Z [FLAG] [SUBCOMMAND]'", joined ); if !config.nightly_features_allowed { drop_println!( config, "\nUnstable flags are only available on the nightly channel \ of Cargo, but this is the `{}` channel.\n\ {}", features::channel(), features::SEE_CHANNELS ); } drop_println!( config, "\nSee \ for more information about these flags." ); return Ok(()); } let is_verbose = expanded_args.occurrences_of("verbose") > 0; if expanded_args.is_present("version") { let version = get_version_string(is_verbose); drop_print!(config, "{}", version); return Ok(()); } if let Some(code) = expanded_args.value_of("explain") { let mut procss = config.load_global_rustc(None)?.process(); procss.arg("--explain").arg(code).exec()?; return Ok(()); } if expanded_args.is_present("list") { drop_println!(config, "Installed Commands:"); for (name, command) in list_commands(config) { let known_external_desc = KNOWN_EXTERNAL_COMMAND_DESCRIPTIONS.get(name.as_str()); match command { CommandInfo::BuiltIn { about } => { assert!( known_external_desc.is_none(), "KNOWN_EXTERNAL_COMMANDS shouldn't contain builtin \"{}\"", name ); let summary = about.unwrap_or_default(); let summary = summary.lines().next().unwrap_or(&summary); // display only the first line drop_println!(config, " {:<20} {}", name, summary); } CommandInfo::External { path } => { if let Some(desc) = known_external_desc { drop_println!(config, " {:<20} {}", name, desc); } else if is_verbose { drop_println!(config, " {:<20} {}", name, path.display()); } else { drop_println!(config, " {}", name); } } CommandInfo::Alias { target } => { drop_println!(config, " {:<20} {}", name, target.iter().join(" ")); } } } return Ok(()); } let (cmd, subcommand_args) = match expanded_args.subcommand() { (cmd, Some(args)) => (cmd, args), _ => { // No subcommand provided. cli().print_help()?; return Ok(()); } }; config_configure(config, &expanded_args, subcommand_args, global_args)?; super::init_git_transports(config); execute_subcommand(config, cmd, subcommand_args) } pub fn get_version_string(is_verbose: bool) -> String { let version = cargo::version(); let mut version_string = format!("cargo {}\n", version); if is_verbose { version_string.push_str(&format!( "release: {}.{}.{}\n", version.major, version.minor, version.patch )); if let Some(ref cfg) = version.cfg_info { if let Some(ref ci) = cfg.commit_info { version_string.push_str(&format!("commit-hash: {}\n", ci.commit_hash)); version_string.push_str(&format!("commit-date: {}\n", ci.commit_date)); } } writeln!(version_string, "host: {}", env!("RUST_HOST_TARGET")).unwrap(); add_libgit2(&mut version_string); add_curl(&mut version_string); add_ssl(&mut version_string); writeln!(version_string, "os: {}", os_info::get()).unwrap(); } version_string } fn add_libgit2(version_string: &mut String) { let git2_v = git2::Version::get(); let lib_v = git2_v.libgit2_version(); let vendored = if git2_v.vendored() { format!("vendored") } else { format!("system") }; writeln!( version_string, "libgit2: {}.{}.{} (sys:{} {})", lib_v.0, lib_v.1, lib_v.2, git2_v.crate_version(), vendored ) .unwrap(); } fn add_curl(version_string: &mut String) { let curl_v = curl::Version::get(); let vendored = if curl_v.vendored() { format!("vendored") } else { format!("system") }; writeln!( version_string, "libcurl: {} (sys:{} {} ssl:{})", curl_v.version(), curl_sys::rust_crate_version(), vendored, curl_v.ssl_version().unwrap_or("none") ) .unwrap(); } fn add_ssl(version_string: &mut String) { #[cfg(feature = "openssl")] { writeln!(version_string, "ssl: {}", openssl::version::version()).unwrap(); } #[cfg(not(feature = "openssl"))] { let _ = version_string; // Silence unused warning. } } fn expand_aliases( config: &mut Config, args: ArgMatches<'static>, mut already_expanded: Vec, ) -> Result<(ArgMatches<'static>, GlobalArgs), CliError> { if let (cmd, Some(args)) = args.subcommand() { match ( commands::builtin_exec(cmd), super::aliased_command(config, cmd)?, ) { (Some(_), Some(_)) => { // User alias conflicts with a built-in subcommand!( "user-defined alias `{}` is ignored, because it is shadowed by a built-in command", cmd, ))?; } (Some(_), None) => { // Command is built-in and is not conflicting with alias, but contains ignored values. if let Some(mut values) = args.values_of("") {!( "trailing arguments after built-in command `{}` are ignored: `{}`", cmd, values.join(" "), ))?; } } (None, None) => {} (_, Some(mut alias)) => { alias.extend( args.values_of("") .unwrap_or_default() .map(|s| s.to_string()), ); // new_args strips out everything before the subcommand, so // capture those global options now. // Note that an alias to an external command will not receive // these arguments. That may be confusing, but such is life. let global_args = GlobalArgs::new(args); let new_args = cli() .setting(AppSettings::NoBinaryName) .get_matches_from_safe(alias)?; let (new_cmd, _) = new_args.subcommand(); already_expanded.push(cmd.to_string()); if already_expanded.contains(&new_cmd.to_string()) { // Crash if the aliases are corecursive / unresolvable return Err(anyhow!( "alias {} has unresolvable recursive definition: {} -> {}", already_expanded[0], already_expanded.join(" -> "), new_cmd, ) .into()); } let (expanded_args, _) = expand_aliases(config, new_args, already_expanded)?; return Ok((expanded_args, global_args)); } } }; Ok((args, GlobalArgs::default())) } fn config_configure( config: &mut Config, args: &ArgMatches<'_>, subcommand_args: &ArgMatches<'_>, global_args: GlobalArgs, ) -> CliResult { let arg_target_dir = &subcommand_args.value_of_path("target-dir", config); let verbose = global_args.verbose + args.occurrences_of("verbose") as u32; // quiet is unusual because it is redefined in some subcommands in order // to provide custom help text. let quiet = args.is_present("quiet") || subcommand_args.is_present("quiet") || global_args.quiet; let global_color = global_args.color; // Extract so it can take reference. let color = args.value_of("color").or_else(|| global_color.as_deref()); let frozen = args.is_present("frozen") || global_args.frozen; let locked = args.is_present("locked") || global_args.locked; let offline = args.is_present("offline") || global_args.offline; let mut unstable_flags = global_args.unstable_flags; if let Some(values) = args.values_of("unstable-features") { unstable_flags.extend(|s| s.to_string())); } let mut config_args = global_args.config_args; if let Some(values) = args.values_of("config") { config_args.extend(|s| s.to_string())); } config.configure( verbose, quiet, color, frozen, locked, offline, arg_target_dir, &unstable_flags, &config_args, )?; Ok(()) } fn execute_subcommand( config: &mut Config, cmd: &str, subcommand_args: &ArgMatches<'_>, ) -> CliResult { if let Some(exec) = commands::builtin_exec(cmd) { return exec(config, subcommand_args); } let mut ext_args: Vec<&str> = vec![cmd]; ext_args.extend(subcommand_args.values_of("").unwrap_or_default()); super::execute_external_subcommand(config, cmd, &ext_args) } #[derive(Default)] struct GlobalArgs { verbose: u32, quiet: bool, color: Option, frozen: bool, locked: bool, offline: bool, unstable_flags: Vec, config_args: Vec, } impl GlobalArgs { fn new(args: &ArgMatches<'_>) -> GlobalArgs { GlobalArgs { verbose: args.occurrences_of("verbose") as u32, quiet: args.is_present("quiet"), color: args.value_of("color").map(|s| s.to_string()), frozen: args.is_present("frozen"), locked: args.is_present("locked"), offline: args.is_present("offline"), unstable_flags: args .values_of_lossy("unstable-features") .unwrap_or_default(), config_args: args .values_of("config") .unwrap_or_default() .map(|s| s.to_string()) .collect(), } } } fn cli() -> App { let is_rustup = std::env::var_os("RUSTUP_HOME").is_some(); let usage = if is_rustup { "cargo [+toolchain] [OPTIONS] [SUBCOMMAND]" } else { "cargo [OPTIONS] [SUBCOMMAND]" }; App::new("cargo") .settings(&[ AppSettings::UnifiedHelpMessage, AppSettings::DeriveDisplayOrder, AppSettings::VersionlessSubcommands, AppSettings::AllowExternalSubcommands, ]) .usage(usage) .template( "\ Rust's package manager USAGE: {usage} OPTIONS: {unified} Some common cargo commands are (see all commands with --list): build, b Compile the current package check, c Analyze the current package and report errors, but don't build object files clean Remove the target directory doc, d Build this package's and its dependencies' documentation new Create a new cargo package init Create a new cargo package in an existing directory run, r Run a binary or example of the local package test, t Run the tests bench Run the benchmarks update Update dependencies listed in Cargo.lock search Search registry for crates publish Package and upload this package to the registry install Install a Rust binary. Default location is $HOME/.cargo/bin uninstall Uninstall a Rust binary See 'cargo help ' for more information on a specific command.\n", ) .arg(opt("version", "Print version info and exit").short("V")) .arg(opt("list", "List installed commands")) .arg(opt("explain", "Run `rustc --explain CODE`").value_name("CODE")) .arg( opt( "verbose", "Use verbose output (-vv very verbose/ output)", ) .short("v") .multiple(true) .global(true), ) .arg(opt("quiet", "No output printed to stdout").short("q")) .arg( opt("color", "Coloring: auto, always, never") .value_name("WHEN") .global(true), ) .arg(opt("frozen", "Require Cargo.lock and cache are up to date").global(true)) .arg(opt("locked", "Require Cargo.lock is up to date").global(true)) .arg(opt("offline", "Run without accessing the network").global(true)) .arg( multi_opt( "config", "KEY=VALUE", "Override a configuration value (unstable)", ) .global(true), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("unstable-features") .help("Unstable (nightly-only) flags to Cargo, see 'cargo -Z help' for details") .short("Z") .value_name("FLAG") .multiple(true) .number_of_values(1) .global(true), ) .subcommands(commands::builtin()) }