----------- [![License GPL 3][badge-license]]( [![MELPA](]( [![MELPA Stable](]( [![CircleCI](]( [![Discord](]( [![Slack](]( CIDER is the **C**lojure(Script) **I**nteractive **D**evelopment **E**nvironment that **R**ocks! CIDER extends Emacs with support for [interactive programming]( in Clojure. The features are centered around `cider-mode`, an Emacs minor-mode that complements [clojure-mode][]. While `clojure-mode` supports editing Clojure source files, `cider-mode` adds support for interacting with a running Clojure process for compilation, code completion, debugging, definition and documentation lookup, running tests and so on. ---------- [![OpenCollective](](#open-collective-backers) [![OpenCollective](](#open-collective-sponsors) [![Patreon](]( [![Paypal](]( Bozhidar (a.k.a. Bug, CIDER's primary author/maintainer) has spent countless hours working on CIDER and the [numerous related projects]( That's a lot of work and not all of it is fun! **Please consider [supporting financially CIDER's ongoing development](#funding).** ## Quickstart The instructions that follow are meant to get you from zero to a running CIDER REPL in under 5 minutes. See the [user manual]( for (way) more details. ### Installation The recommended way to install CIDER is via `package.el` - the built-in package manager in Emacs. CIDER is available on the two major `package.el` community maintained repos - [MELPA Stable]( and [MELPA]( Provided you've enabled one of them in your Emacs setup, you can install CIDER with the following command: M-x `package-install` RET `cider` RET ### Launch an nREPL server and client from Emacs Simply open in Emacs a file belonging to your `lein`, `tools.deps` or `boot` project (like `foo.clj`) and type M-x `cider-jack-in`. This will start an nREPL server with all the project dependencies loaded in and CIDER will automatically connect to it. Alternatively you can use C-u M-x `cider-jack-in` to specify the path to a Clojure project, without having to visit any file in it. **Tip:** In Clojure(Script) buffers the command `cider-jack-in` is bound to C-c C-x (C-)j. ### Connect to a running nREPL server You can go to your project's directory in a terminal and type there (assuming you're using Leiningen that is): ``` $ lein repl ``` Or with Boot: ``` $ boot repl -s wait ``` Alternatively you can start nREPL either manually or by the facilities provided by your project's build tool (`tools.deps`, Gradle, Maven, etc). After you get your nREPL server running go back to Emacs. Typing there M-x `cider-connect` will allow you to connect to the running nREPL server. **Tip:** In Clojure(Script) buffers the command `cider-connect` is bound to C-c C-x (C-)c (C-)j and the command `cider-connect-cljs` is bound to C-c C-x (C-)c (C-)s. ## Diving Deeper CIDER packs a ton of functionality and you really want to be familiar with it, so you can fully empower your workflow. The best way to get acquainted with all available features is to go over the entire [CIDER manual]( If you're into video lessons, you might also check out this [intro to CIDER demo]( as well. ## Get Help Start with CIDER's [discussions board]( If it doesn't get the job done consider some of the other available [support channels]( ## Changelog An extensive changelog is available [here]( ## Team ### The Core Team The direction of the project is being stewarded by the CIDER core team. This group of long-term contributors manage releases, evaluate pull-requests, and does a lot of the groundwork on major new features. * [Bozhidar Batsov]( (author & head maintainer) * [Vitalie Spinu]( * [Michael Griffiths]( * [Lars Andersen]( ### CIDER Alumni In addition, we'd like to extend a special thanks the following retired CIDER core team members. Lovingly known as The Alumni: * [Tim King]( (original author) * [Phil Hagelberg]( * [Hugo Duncan]( * [Steve Purcell]( * [Artur Malabarba]( * [Jeff Valk]( ## Release policy We’re following [SemVer]( You can read more on the subject [here]( ## Logo CIDER's logo was created by [@tapeinosyne]( You can find the logo in various formats [here]( The logo is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License]( ## Homepage CIDER's homepage is in the `gh-pages` branch of this repository and is deployed automatically when changes are made to it. It's just a single `index.html` file and a bit of Bootstrap 4. Contributions to it are very welcome! ## Funding While CIDER is free software and will always be, the project would benefit immensely from some funding. Raising a monthly budget of a couple of thousand dollars would make it possible to pay people to work on certain complex features, fund other development related stuff (e.g. hardware, conference trips) and so on. Raising a monthly budget of over $5000 would open the possibility of someone working full-time on the project which would speed up the pace of development significantly. We welcome both individual and corporate sponsors! We also offer a wide array of funding channels to account for your preferences (although currently [Open Collective]( is our preferred funding platform). If you're working in a company that's making significant use of CIDER we'd appreciate it if you suggest to your company to become a CIDER sponsor. You can support the development of CIDER, [clojure-mode][] and [inf-clojure][] via [Open Collective](, [GitHub Sponsors](, [Patreon]( and [PayPal]( ### Open Collective Backers ### Open Collective Sponsors Become a sponsor and get your logo on our README on Github with a link to your site. [[Become a sponsor](] ## License CIDER is distributed under the GNU General Public License, version 3. Copyright © 2012-2021 Bozhidar Batsov, Artur Malabarba, Tim King, Phil Hagelberg and [contributors]( [badge-license]: [nREPL]: [Sly]: [Geiser]: [clojure-mode]: [inf-clojure]: